Quick user guide to Sevio Mitsubishi Electric · a PC with an up-to-date web browser and GX Works2,...

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Transcript of Quick user guide to Sevio Mitsubishi Electric · a PC with an up-to-date web browser and GX Works2,...

Document ID: sv_mitsubishi_electric_en_v17_05


Quick user guide to Sevio – Mitsubishi Electric®

Document ID: sv_mitsubishi_electric_en_v17_05

https://sevio.it 2

© 2017 Sevio. All rights reserved.


Sevio is a Sevio S.r.l. trademark. Mitsubishi Electric®, GTD3,


are a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation


registered brand. Other product names and brands are registered brands or trademarks of their respective


Declaration of terms

In the interest of improving internal design and operational aspects, Sevio S.r.l. reserves the right to make

changes to the products described herein without any prior warning.

Sevio S.r.l. disclaimes any liability for the application of the products or circuit diagrams described herein.

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Industrial production demands in the era of globalization or delocalization are becoming increasingly more

complex. Within this context, creating a network of systems, processes and information is critical in order

to ensure success in a perpetually competitive environment and guarantee a continuous presence. Thus,

the possibility to remotely manage a production system becomes a keystone allowing reduced processing

times and costs, subsequently increasing and enhancing the performance of your business. Our objective

is to offer a system that complements existing computer technology, offering Clients simple, efficient and

secure control solutions.

The aims of the Sevio system are:

to offer Clients a private, affordable and continuously available network;

to relieve Clients of the need to perform complex configurations and subsequent maintenance;

to guarantee the highest standards of security;

to offer an efficient and timely system during all stages of a project's development.

The Sevio solution does not require the installation of any particular software or supplementary hardware.

Through the Sevio Portal, a Web application accessible from https://sevio.it/, parameters can be edited

remotely, system statuses can be viewed, and much more still.

So at this point, happy working!

Sevio S.r.l.

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The Sevio system has been designed to offer Clients a solution for the connection of multiple independent

and physically dislocated networks, transforming them into numerous Sevio networks. Each Client is the

owner of a Realm which is the set of all Sevio networks and Control Stations (PC, tablet, smartphone).

This document explains how to use the Sevio system combined with Mitsubishi Electric®



Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 5

1 Use of Sevio system ............................................................................................................................. 6

2 Sevio and Mitsubishi Electric® ............................................................................................................. 7

2.1 GX Works 2 with Ethernet PLC – Q Series ................................................................................... 8

In case of use PLC L or FX Series, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide . .......... 8

Preliminary configuration ............................................................................................................... 8

Remote access.............................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 GX Works 2 and PLC with serial port – FX3 Series................................................................... 10

In case of use PLC Q or L Series, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide ........... 10

Preliminary configuration ............................................................................................................. 10

Remote access............................................................................................................................ 11

2.3 GX Works 3 – iQ-F ...................................................................................................................... 12

In case of use PLC iQ-R, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide . ....................... 12

Preliminary configuration ............................................................................................................. 12

Remote access............................................................................................................................ 13

2.4 GT Designer 3 ............................................................................................................................. 14

3 Declaration of conformity and warranty ........................................................................................... 15

For Sevio system functions and characteristics refer to the Sevio User Guide.

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The fundamental requirements for use of the Sevio system with Mitsubishi Electric® products are:

the Sevio Router;

the Registration Sheet (supplied along with the Sevio Router);

a Mitsubishi Electric® PLC or HMI with Ethernet connectivity;

a PC with an up-to-date web browser and GX Works2, GXWorks3 e GTD3 installed;

an Internet access.

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1 Use of Sevio system

Each Sevio Router is distinguished by a specific Sevio network. In the example above, the Sevio network

of plant A is 10.254.12.x, while the Sevio network of plant B is 10.128.71.x.

To access the PLC of plant A from the Control Station, it’s sufficient to combine the first three bytes of the

specific Sevio network with the fourth byte of the PLC address:

Control Station

Plant A




Sevio Network


Plant B




Sevio Network


Sevio Network plant A…...….


PLC address plant A…...….

Remote PLC address plant A…...….

10 . 254 . 12 . x

10 . 254 . 12 . 30

192 . 168 . 1 . 30

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2 Sevio and Mitsubishi Electric®

The Sevio system allows Control Stations to communicate with all devices connected to the various Sevio


Another exclusive feature of the Sevio system is routing, or rather the possibility for communication

between devices connected to different Sevio networks, yet forming part of the same Realm.

To use the routing feature, it is required to configure the Sevio Router as the default Gateway IP address

into all the network devices that communicate with each other.

Plant A


Sevio Network


Plant B



Sevio Network




IP Address..……

Subnet Mask…..


IP Address..……

Subnet Mask…..


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2.1 GX Works 2 with Ethernet PLC – Q Series

In case of use PLC L or FX Series, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide .

Preliminary configuration

The procedure below describes the preliminary configuration of devices that need to be accessible


A Sevio Router is sometimes installed in existing systems by personnel that is not qualified to modify the

software configuration. Using the Masquerade mode (see chapter Sevio Router Parameters in Sevio User

Guide) it is possible to access devices remotely omitting the procedure below.

NOTE: that enabling masquerade mode prevents the PLC/HMI device from originating connections to the Sevio Network.

Go to PLC Parameter and identify the IP address which in example is

Go to the Sevio Router parameters through the Sevio Portal and assign a /24 IP LAN address (see chapter Sevio Router Parameters in Sevio User Guide).

Type such address in Default Router IP address, Sevio Router LAN IP address assigned, as shown in the example

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Remote access

Go to PLC IP address, select Connection1, Ethernet Board and PLC Module.

Insert the remote IP address:

Then press OK button to confirm.

From this moment on, it is possible to perform all activities online.

Virtual IP:…………

Local PLC:……….

Remote PLC:…..….

10 . 255 . 254 . x

10 . 255 . 254 . 39

192 . 168 . 3 . 39

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2.2 GX Works 2 and PLC with serial port – FX3 Series

In case of use PLC Q or L Series, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide .

Preliminary configuration

Remote connection to devices with serial port, is via Ethernet-to-serial converters (optional), to be installed

directly on the Sevio Router LAN.

Configure local IP address of serial converter, set an IP address within Sevio Router LAN net and set which the gateway Sevio Router LAN IP address assigned.

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Remote access

Go to PLC setting select Connection1, Serial USB and PLC Module.

Proceed to serial configuration to access to PLC, like a common local connection.

From this moment on, it is possible to perform all activities online.

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2.3 GX Works 3 – iQ-F

In case of use PLC iQ-R, refer to the specific Mitsubishi Electric ®

user guide .

Preliminary configuration

The procedure below describes the preliminary configuration of devices that need to be accessible


A Sevio Router is sometimes installed in existing systems by personnel that is not qualified to modify the

software configuration. Using the Masquerade mode (see chapter Sevio Router Parameters in Sevio User

Guide) it is possible to access devices remotely omitting the procedure below.

NOTE: that enabling masquerade mode prevents the PLC/HMI device from originating connections to the

Sevio Network.

Go to PLC Parameter and identify the IP address which in example is

Accedere all’impostazione dell’indirizzo di rete dai parametri PLC, e individuare l’Indirizzo IP, nell’esempio

Go to the Sevio Router parameters through the Sevio Portal and assign a /24 IP LAN address (see chapter Sevio Router Parameters in Sevio User Guide).

Insert such address in Default Gateway, Sevio Router LAN IP address assigned, as shown in the example

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Remote access

Go to PLC IP address select, Online, Specify Connection Destination, Ethernet Board e PLC Module.

Type the remote PLC IP address:

Then press OK to confirm.

From this moment on, it is possible to perform all activities online.

Virtual IP:…………

Local PLC:……….

Remote PLC:…..….

10 . 255 . 254 . x

10 . 255 . 254 . 104

192 . 168 . 3 . 104

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2.4 GT Designer 3

Select Communication, Communication Configuration and insert the remote HMI IP address in GOT IP Address:

Than press OK to confirm.

From this moment on, it is possible to perform all activities online.

Virtual IP:…………

Local HMI:……….

Remote HMI:…..….

10 . 255 . 254 . x

10 . 255 . 254 . 18

192 . 168 . 3 . 18

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3 Declaration of conformity and warranty

Sevio S.r.l. declares that the Sevio Basic device is compliant with the essential requirements and all

relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

Sevio S.r.l. declares that the Sevio One device is compliant with the essential requirements and all

relevant provisions of Directive 2014/30/EU.

Extended Declarations of Conformity may be requested by contacting sales@sevio.it.

Every request for replacement under warranty must be sent before the expiry of the 2-year warranty and

must be transmitted together with the product that has allegedly presented an anomaly.


Sevio S.r.l.

Via Dei Caniana, 6/a – Bergamo (IT)

Tel. (+39) 035 0514333

Email customer assistance: support@sevio.it

Email sales department: sales@sevio.it
