Quick and Easy Home Remedies For a Glowing Skin

Post on 07-May-2015

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Home remedies for glowing skin is the best way to replenish what the skin loses every day. Let’s look at some the home remedies for glowing skin. Read more: http://urbanwired.com/health/11-home-remedies-for-glowing-skin/

Transcript of Quick and Easy Home Remedies For a Glowing Skin


1: Honey and Rose Water

Preparation and application: Mix the honey and get a smooth consistency with rose water. For 15-20 minutes, leave it on the skin and wash off with cold water.

2: Turmeric and Gram Flour

Preparation and application: Mix cup of gram flour A pinch of turmeric Two teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the paste to the skin. Leave it and dry it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water to close enlarged pores.

3: Aloe vera Gel

Preparation and Application: Apply Aloe vera gel to the skin before bedtime. Wash off the gel with cold water next morning.

4: Sandalwood

Preparation and Application: Sandalwood powder and rose water mix it to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

5. Camphor and Camphor oil

Preparation and Application: Dissolve a piece of camphor in water and use this solution to treat the affected areas of the skin. Regular application will ensure that skin is healthy and infection-free. Rub camphor oil on the affected areas of the skin and feel the impact.

6. Neem Paste

Preparation and Application: Mix the neem power and rose water for a neem pack to make a paste. The paste should be allowed to dry before washing off with chilled water.

7. Papaya Paste

Preparation and Application: Rub the Papaya peel on face for 5 minutes Wash off with cold water to delay wrinkles. A paste of mashed papaya with milk helps remove blemishes and makes the skin tone even. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Coconut Oil and Baking soda mix

Preparation and Application: Make a thick paste of baking soda and coconut oil and use it to scrub your skin gently. Use your fingertips to rub the paste in slow, circular motions. Wash off with a mild cleanser.

Vitamin E rich Foods

Foods rich in vitamin E such as avocados, almonds, fortified oils, broccoli, spinach, and tofu should be incorporated in your daily regime. There are several tasty, yet easy to make recipes using these ingredients that you and your family will love to savor at meal times.

Fruits and Vegetables

Applying face masks is not the only way to get glowing skin. Eating fruits and vegetables provide necessary vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are essential for a healthy skin. It is your answer on how to get glowing skin at home.

Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent detoxifying agent. Sipping 2-3 cups of green tea a day is healthy for your skin. Applying green tea bags beneath the eyes aids in treating dark circles.

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