Question is Instructing You To

Post on 29-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Question is Instructing You To

Question is instructing you to What should you do?

Discuss Give both the positive and negative points(prelution and conclusion are must)

Describe focus should be only on that particular subject matter(for ex: e-governance only)(prelution is must but conclusion is your optional)

Explainthe answer should be based on answering in detail Why, How, for what, of that subject of the, we have to give all the important points.(prelution and conclusion are must)

Distinguish answer should be based on How the suject of question differs from other things.(only prelution is must)

Differentiate there should be detailed comparison and distinguishing(as said above) the subject of question with others.(only prelution is must)

Examine the answer should consist of the how good, what disadvantages, what impact of the subject of question.

Enumerate first list out the all the relevant points, then explain one by one.(prelution and conclusion are must)

ReasonFind out what is the correct reason for the subject and explain one by one without side heading but highlighting the point with dots or numbers.(only prelution)

Analyse try to give your view with future impact and good and bad.(both prelution and conclusion are must)


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1. Sabya

August 24, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Mandate and structure of OPCWThe Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is an international organisation that was established in 1997 by the countries that joined the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)Mandate :- The OPCW is the enforcing branch of CWC charged with the implementation of the conventions — ‘iradication of Chemical weapons after ratification, prevention of further re-imergence of any chemical weapon, assisting members against chemical threats and fostering cooperation to promote safe research in Chemistry.’Structure :- The OPCW consists of the ‘Conference of the States Parties’ as principal organ of the Organisation and the ‘Executive Council’ designed primarily to determine questions of policy and resolve matters arising between the States Parties on technical issues or on interpretations of the Convention as well as the ‘Technical Secretariat’ charged with assisting the Conference of the States Parties and the Executive Council with the “verification measures” provided for in the Chemical Weapons Convention. Three subsidiary bodies are established to aid the three main organs of the OPCW in their work : the Scientific Advisory Board, the Advisory Body on Administrative and Financial Issues, and the Confidentiality Commission.


o Sabya

August 24, 2013 at 6:12 pm

Please provide a review everyone !@ INSIGHTS please provide a response Sir…Thank you



August 24, 2013 at 11:12 pm


All facts are right. But one line introduction and conclusion is good for 150 word answers. I asked this because of Syrian situation, may be a mention would have been good.


Arjun Punaji

November 15, 2013 at 9:29 pm

ya u r right. if we mention syrian tragedy we’ll get more marks.


o Daniel Craig

October 26, 2013 at 4:14 am

nicely written.. succinct and relevant information


2. Ram Sharma

August 24, 2013 at 6:15 pm

1. Comment on the performance of India recently as a non-permanent member in the UNSC

India was elected for the seventh time as the non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2011. Coming after a gap of 18 years, India’s election was seen as a step in the direction of reforming the Security Council. Its rise was also an appreciation of India’s arrival at the world stage. In that sense, India failed in getting any long-term commitment by the P5, however, there do remain certain notable contributions.

During its presidency, India highlighted the need for reforming the Security Council. As an example, almost 2/3rd of the agenda of UNSC and 3/4th of the time of the UNSC was spent on African countries. And, therefore, argued that permanent and non-permanent members should be expanded.

It criticised the western world for its highhandedness of conflict areas. India asked the developed world to ensure that dialogue remains the first step towards reconciliation and use of force was the last resort. However, India came under criticism for its inconsistency on the Syrian issue. It highlighted the willingness of the developed countries to supply arms and support to dislodge certain regimes, but remained non-committed to the UN Peacekeeping Force.

The presidency of India was in line with its stated position of maintaining independent foreign policy. The country did not align itself with any particular group within the P5. At the same time, India used the platform to articulate its foreign policy and legitimise its right for a permanent membership of a reformed UNSC.


o alok rai

September 20, 2013 at 1:23 am

@ ram sharma try this question as it is related to your this question..Examine India claim for a permanent seat in UN- security council…


3. Vicky...

August 24, 2013 at 6:23 pm

1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?Answer:There are various determinants of voting behaviour in India. Some of them have been traditional and some have emerged as the society has progressed. The traditional factors include religion, caste, class, gender etc. Whereas the modern factors are development, change, foreign policy inclusiveness, money, muscle-power.

The polity of India is a very unique one and parties often to grapple maximum seats create some factors which lead to changed voting behaviour. Some new promises are made in the manifestoes which claim to benefit the people. Factors like anti-incumbency also leads to voting against the ruling party. The charismatic personalities of some leader also attract huge votes due some of their qualities, like Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee etc .

Sometimes the voting behaviour get influenced by certain recent incidents, taken place or taking place in and around the nation. Other factors include social , economic ,

educational background of the voters also. Political consciousness is lacking in some, thus affecting the voting reasons.

The period before 1980’s was mostly mass based, clean polity. The sense of freedom attainment was still fresh and almost largely leaders had a vision, honesty and integrity. But since then features such as communalism, regionalism, casteism, mandalisation, criminalisation , corruption etc have creeped inside the system and hugely affected the voting behaviour.

But lately we have seen more radical development issues like inclusivity , human-based, mass-based, sustainability have come and political consciousness have enlarged significantly. Thus we can conclude that Indian polity is a multi-determinant system and different factors play at different places and time.


o Vicky...

August 24, 2013 at 6:24 pm

INSIGHTS please review. please check the intro and conclusion part .



August 24, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Your introduction is excellent. But the second paragraph is not in continuity with the introduction. You would have explained ‘traditional factors’ there which would have given continuity.

Rest of the answer is good. More point are needed. Also I don’t think it is a good idea to mention names of politicians in the answer.

Conclusion is also good. It is apt.



September 18, 2013 at 7:08 pm

dont use the word …thus we conclude boss…remaining good


o souvik banerjee

September 9, 2013 at 10:10 am

Very good.


o Sanjeev Kumar

October 16, 2013 at 5:47 pm

1. Education level play a huge role in modern voting behavior as uneducated people are less care about integrity/human value/democracy, as they are not aware about it.2. Lack of faith in governance lead to divert even educated crowd as they are less interested in voting thinks it’s a time waste activity3. Legislative policy: as NOTA option recently announced can affect voting behavioretc…


sailor SHRI !!

October 22, 2013 at 1:06 pm

dear sanjeev.i would like to disagree with you on your first point ,”uneducated are less care about integrity /human value /democracy.”uneducated and poor was the major force behind Indian national movement and they firmly hope and believe in democracy (mostly fooled by leaders) ,human values could be equally understood by uneducated peopleand

issues on national integrity are well explained to them by mediaalthough immediate economic gain (food ,shelter ,house.job etc) are more tempting for such people because of obvious reasons.

kindly acknowledge


4. Vicky...

August 24, 2013 at 6:42 pm

2)“The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.Answer :Although poverty itself is a curse whether it is in urban or rural areas. But it has been lately observed from various surveys and analysis that urban poor are more deplorable than their rural counterparts. This picture comes as contradiction to the general notion that urban area people have better quality of life than rural areas. However this does not follow in the case of poor.

The urban poor perform poorly ,on majority of the parameters studied ,as compared to rural poor. Whether it may be infant mortality, illiteracy , child marriage, healthcare etc or other factors like malnourishment , hunger, safe provision for delivery, defecation etc , condition of urban poor is worse than the latter . Even on the factors like declining sex ratio, poor access to water, child labour , high cases of anaemia in children and women etc , rural poor fare better than urban counterparts.

Although the facilities available in cities and towns are more and better than rural areas , still it has been seen that access to them is negligible for the poor. They continue to live on their subsistence level in the slums. Above all the prices and costs are more in cities for almost every commodity, thus urban poor even if getting more pay is not able to sustain itself. The quality of air, contaminated water of industries, drains etc feed these people leading to greater health hazards for them than in rural areas.

Thus it can be seen although urban poor are increasing consistently, but there condition is no better than the rural poor.


o Vicky...

August 24, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Guys please check



August 25, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Vicky rest of the answer is good. first two lines, in introduction are not coherent.


5. Manish

August 24, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Q) What are the main determinants of the voting behavior in India?A) Voting rights is among the main pillars of democracy. Understanding who participates and why is important to determine who has a voice in politics. In the diverse country like India Individuals/groups/Society/city/state/region might have different voting behavior which could be bucketed in following factors:-Representation of group/Interest: India represents diversity of religion, language, caste etc. which motivates citizens to have their representation in policy making to protect/develop their rights. Similarly economic differences among people necessitates the need of fair representation; thus influencing the voting behavior of citizens.- Civic and political involvement: The active involvements of people in civil society issues or political issues encourage citizens to vote. The active involvement could be both pro-government and anti-government, but it reflects the acceptance of democratic system.- Trust in government institution: By and large, if there is no trust in government institutions, citizens tend to avoid their participation. The case of Maoists affected area is clear evidence of that.-Tolerance level: Though it’s a resultant of above mention points but in extreme cases, level of tolerance determines the active or passive or disruptive voting behavior.-Other factors like education, gender, age, quota etc. are factors which further impact the degree of voting behavior.Thus, in a democracy like India, to ensure the smooth functioning and legitimacy of electoral process, it is essential to observe the voting behavior of India. The role of government and its institutions is critical to ensure inclusive involvement of citizens in electoral process.


o Manish

August 25, 2013 at 8:52 pm

@InsightsPlease review. Though after reading the answers of others I think I missed point of charismatic leadership. Also in the conclusion I missed ECI, code of conduct etc.



August 25, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Introduction is not good. It is confusing actually (second line). Many points are there, but you should arrange them well (for eg. this point -’Similarly economic differences among people necessitates the need of fair representation; thus influencing the voting behavior of citizens.’ under ‘ representation of group/interest – should have been a whole different point)

Conclusion is good.


6. tushar

August 24, 2013 at 8:22 pm

1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

India is the largest functioning democracy in the world and every electoral process is largest in the world because of the sheer number. Elections are one of the crucial aspects this democracy. The voting behaviour in India has not been static and has shown variations across regions and across time.

During the first two general elections, voting behaviour was influenced by the charismatic leadership. Most of the leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar patel, etc. played important part in the national movemement and thus attracted huge support among masses.

Another factor affecting voting behavior is Caste and community. Indian society is highly plural and divided into multiple communities and sects. People often identify with the leaders of their group and this affects voting behavior.

With the rise of regional parties and emergence of regional aspirations, regionalism has also become one of the important factors during elections. This is well supported by the growth of strong regional parties in states like Andhra Pradesh, tamil nadu, Orissa etc.

In addition, sympathy with the certain leaders is also one of the important reasons affecting voting behaviour. The general elections of 1984 and 1991 were won by riding on the sympathy votes.

In addition, with the growing literacy and rising middle class, issues such asdevelopent, high inflation, misgovernance, corruption etc have become very important factors in determining the electoral results.

Thus the voting behavior in India has been dynamic and very complex. There are a mix of factors which operate and decide the voting behavior. Also, these factors are not uniform throughout the country, but vary accordingly.


o tushar

August 24, 2013 at 8:23 pm

Insights,Please review. (261 words)Thanks,tushar



August 24, 2013 at 10:54 pm

No comments. It is a good answer. Both introduction and conclusion are very good.



August 25, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Tushar, conclusion is very good.


o souvik banerjee

September 9, 2013 at 10:16 am

Very well written.


7. Shubhangi

August 24, 2013 at 8:36 pm

@ Insights and @all ……..Please help me out with this question.

“Give your views on whether RBI’s mandate should be confined to price stability or it needs to pursue other objectives as well?”


o ecebloggers

August 24, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Please find below some pertinent points from a recent speech by RBI guv Subba Rao which addressed your question

The Reserve Bank’s monetary policy aims at three objectives – price stability, growth and financial stability. To contend that the Reserve Bank is obsessed with inflation, oblivious to growth concerns, I think, is both inaccurate and unfair. The Reserve Bank is committed to inflation control, not because it does not care for growth, but because it does care for growth.

an environment of low and stable inflation is a necessary precondition for sustainable growth.

monetary policy is also about reducing hunger and malnutrition, putting children in school, creating jobs, building roads and bridges and increasing the productivity of our farms and firms


8. tushar

August 24, 2013 at 9:14 pm

2)“The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.

Poverty is one of the major social challenges facing the country. Though, it affects people living in rural areas and urban areas alike, the situation of poor in the urban areas is particularly bad. Several reasons are responsible for this.

Urban areas have in the recent years seen a lot of growth in terms of population and density. This has resulted in lack of adequate facilitieslike sanitation, water, drainage etc. These conditions affect the poor the most as they rely solely on the governments’ efforts and can’t afford private facilities.

Growth of large urban centres has seen a great increase in the prices of land and housing has become extremely expensive in these areas. Poor people who are unable to afford houses in a good locality are forced to live in slum areas. The slums like Dharavi in Mumbai and slums in outskirts of Delhi lack basic facilities and people are forced to live in confined places.

In addition, most of the slum dwellers are mostly migrant who come for better future and livelihood prospects. These people often don’t have the required documents for opening bank accounts, getting ration cards etc. and are most often excluded from the government entitlements.

Also, unlike the rural areas, the social welfare schemes in the areas of health, maternity welfare, employment are lesser in the urban areas and their penetration is low.

Of late the government has realized the plight of urban poor and started a lot of welfare schemes for them. Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP), Swarnajayanti Shehari Swarjogar yojana, Rajiv Awas Yojana etc are few steps in that direction.

(269 words)

Insights, please review.



August 24, 2013 at 11:06 pm

Again no comments. Answer is lucid and to the point with good introduction and conclusion.


o Nikku

August 25, 2013 at 7:12 pm

@Insights, I had a doubt regarding this question. Almost everybody has answered with a view that urban poor are worse off than rural poor. Since the question has the directive “Give your views”, can we take an opposite stand to the statement made in the question. Statistics seem to point that the poverty is worse off in rural areas (in terms of the human indexes), and it is the lack of opportunity in rural areas that is acting as a push factor for urban migration.



August 25, 2013 at 7:52 pm


That’s what most of us do – we take the given statement for granted. In such cases the directive word comes to the rescue.

To the question above you can give either views but must have solid evidence to substantiate your arguments.

Most of us have read or heard somewhere that the given statement above is mostly true.

I think you can not compare urban and rural poverty in terms of HDI which considers education, life expectancy and income levels as major criteria. In some cases, in these indicators urban poor will be ahead compared to rural poor, but when compared to their urban compatriots, their condition is pathetic.

May be you can give a balanced answer to this question. If you argue in favour of rural poor being very poor, this belies many other studies.

Please see the following links:,,contentMDK:20227679~menuPK:473804~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:341325,00.html


o souvik banerjee

September 9, 2013 at 10:30 am



o dp81

September 30, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Very nice, lucid and to the point answer…with perfect balance


9. Vijay Pateriya

August 24, 2013 at 9:37 pm

)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

In a Democratic System,individuals and parties contest in election to get the votes and represent the general Electorate in the sacred Parliament.These people and parties prepares manifestos containing demands and needs of the general public and party’s priority and ideology.People are expected to cast their vote after careful acknowledgement of these ideologies.Thus these should be the main determinants of voting behaviour.But practically many latent influences do function.

India is a multi-party,multi-level democracy where a billion plus electorate elects the representatives to various levels of political system,In last 66 years,15 Loksabha elections people have voted different parties to power not solely on the grouds of their socio-economic programmes,their developmental ideologies but different other forces have been used by these political parties to influence voters opinion.

Casteism,Regionalism,Linguism,Bribing,offering Favouratism,Communalism are the important needing mention where parties projects the cause of a particular caste,region,language,disadvantaged sections,offers cash and other luxuries to get the valued votes in its favour.Most often now parties are betting upon Criminals as they can also have a hard on impact upon voting pattern.

India’s vast diversity might be a factor to these causes,Election commission’s efforts has curbed many of these evil practices like booth capturing,providing illegal incentives to voters.Moral code of conduct has been an useful device but some other like casteism are there to stay considering India’s social structure.Efforts like awareness of voters,Voting campains could be considerable,media needs to play a bigger role.Also individual has a moral responsibility to himself maintain the dignity of election process.


o Vijay Pateriya

August 24, 2013 at 9:42 pm

insights and everybody please have a look at my answer do provide feedback



August 25, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Good answer. But one observation: You should not use the word ‘Thus’ in the introduction – ‘Thus these should be the main determinants of voting behaviour’ – it sounds like a conclusion. Also you have not mentioned many ‘determinants’ there to use the above mentioned sentence.

Also, your second paragraph sounds like another introduction. You would have given a single solid introduction by combining paragraph 1 and 2.


Vijay Pateriya

August 25, 2013 at 9:04 pm

Thank you i’ll try to you think i m getting improved or just holding on my weakness.please reply



August 25, 2013 at 9:32 pm

You have improved a lot. Content is great. Even few introductions were very good.


Vijay Pateriya

August 26, 2013 at 7:27 pm

thanks a lot……encouraging



August 26, 2013 at 8:45 am

good attempt. As rightly pointed out by insights, use of “thus” not recommended in initial para.

You missed most imp point….educational level of voter n candidate.

Follow simple law of KISS- keep it simple and short.



August 29, 2013 at 1:28 am

@ Shubhangi Are you from IIT-BHU, 2010 batch..


10. Evika

August 24, 2013 at 9:39 pm

1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?Voting behaviour is politically and psychologically driven. The term explains why and how do people decide their votes. The various factors driving voting behaviour in India can be grouped under socio-economic and political factors.An important socio-economic factor is education that enhances people’s normative commitment towards voting. It gives them a higher sense of civic duty and with more political resources at their disposal they can make informed choices.Wooing a particular caste has always been the principal agenda of many politicians in India. Recently the Allahabad HC placed a ban on caste-based rally in UP, particularly by BJP, Congress, BSP and SP.Religion plays as important a role as caste in influencing voting behaviour. BJP is notorious for perpetuating secularism and causing communal violence by raising issues like Ayodhya.Lingual controversies play a role in state level politics. The decision on separation of Telangana from AP by the Congress that is seen as election gimmick is a case in hand.There are other factors like Regionalism, ideological commitment, class interests and gender that play a major role.The political factors like campaigns, rallies, manifestos and freebies are emotional appeals to increase the support base. Unlike socio-economic factors, these instill positive emotions and raise hope about the candidate in the minds of the voters. These help the

political parties expand their vote-banks into rural areas where media fails to reach at times.The parties use populist slogans like ‘Bharat Nirman’ by the Congress, and ‘India Shinning’ by BJP to induce confidence among voters by giving a consolidated account of the past activities.Other factors are Charismatic personality of the candidate, his contacts and party loyalty of the people.So, voting behaviour in India is influenced by many factors. Different factors manifest themselves in different regions at different points of time.


11. kalyani

August 24, 2013 at 10:42 pm

The conditions of urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counter parts. Give your viewsWhen it comes to the matter of urban poor, majority of us has a misconception that the condition of urban poor are much better than their rural counter parts. But they are actually the worst neglected section in every society. Many of them were migrated from rural areas eyeing better job opportunities and living conditions. But urban cities are not yet prepared to accept such a large flock of migration. So, their life got ended in unhygeinic slums with highest density of population. Back in rural areas they were atleast privileged to pure drinking water and though majority of them didn’t have latrines, there vast lands were there for open defacation. But in urban slums they do lack pure drinking water and in a small area hundreds were defacating, which are the main reasons for communicable diseases. Then, even if they are getting some job, as living cost is too high, they cannot fetch out a decent living which they dreamt. Condition of children are also much worse. They are not getting enough education and child labour is more prevalent among urban children. Most of them prefer child labour to education to earn money and live in the whims and fancies, which are offered in the urban life. And even anti social elements are more palpable in urban children. So, in every strata of life urban poor are suffering more. Since they are labelled as ‘urban poor’ government aids are also meagre when compared to their rural counter parts. So it is the need of the hour from government’s side to improve the living condition of urban poor with more urban poor friendly policies and strategies.

What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?Unlike USA or Britain, India is a vast country with different languages, ethnicities and religion. Hence voting behaviour is also much different from other countries who follow parliamentary system of government. In India vote bank politics plays an important role. Religion, caste, race, charisma are cited some of the few. Though India is known as a secular state, during election and voting time, it seems like blood is thicker than water. In a particular area, where a particular religion is prevalent then people will choose that

candidate irrespective of that candidate’s other qualifications or ability to perform. So is the case with caste. Race is another factor. It is difficult for a Keralite to win a seat in Mizoram and vice versa. In the case of charisma, many film stars are entering into political field with this charisma. For Eg, a South India actor contesting in any South Indian constituency and winning the seat. Here people expects that like in films they will be a super hero or God Man in their constituency to wipe out their problems.Language, states and even districts also determines the voting behaviour. Then emotional sentiment for a particular party is another factor. Even if that particular party didn’t meet their expectations, people are not much bothered about that. Some sudden provocation or un expected events also affect the voting behaviour. Now with the spread of internet, socialnetworking sites also plays an important role.


o kalyani

August 24, 2013 at 11:48 pm

Insight, please review



August 25, 2013 at 8:57 pm


Both are good answers when it comes to content. But not so good when it comes to structure. Make introduction and conclusion visible by making them separate paragraphs.



August 25, 2013 at 11:32 pm

Hi Insights, thanks a lot for your valuable comment. Will try to rectify it. you r doing a great job. This answer writing and

evaluation will help a lot to understand that where we stand actually in our preparation process


o sapthagiri

September 1, 2013 at 12:23 pm

When it comes to the matter of urban poor, majority of us has a misconception that the condition of urban poor are much better than their rural counter parts. But they are actually the worst neglected section in every society.avoid intro like this.speak about social deplorability, psychological deplorability etc.try to write in paragraphs with side headings. good try.


o Sanjeev Kumar

October 19, 2013 at 1:53 am

First point is: How would you compare them ie urban poor is worse than rural, i mean what are the criteria on which you are comparing because socio-economic-political context is different so how can we compare?so i think you should mention the basis or your ans


12. Firefly

August 24, 2013 at 11:11 pm

1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

The diversity of India’s population ensures multiplicity of determinants working in tandem that influence voting behaviour. However, the weight of certain determinants like caste, religion, region and language far outweighs other determinants such as party ideology, election manifesto, charismatic personality of leader etc.

The vast majority of Indian population resides in villages. They are illiterate and poverty ridden and have a single source for basing their identity which is their religion or caste. Thus, mobilisation of people on caste lines during elections majorly affects their voting behaviour. Paul Brass and Rajni Kothari have substantiated this line of argument by stating that there has been “politicisation of caste” in Indian elections. Caste has rooted itself first as the sanskritisation tool and later to act as pressure groups in elections. Region and language have been the cause for mobilisation of people too as can be seen with AIADMK and DMK in Tamil Nadu, AGM in Assam and AKali dal in Punjab.

This is not to argue that other determinants do not influence the choice that the voters make. Election manifestos presented in rallies do count when a voter decides so does the proximity or connection he/ she feels with the leader and the ideology. Communication and especially social networking and the messages that they churn out bear heavily on the minds of young voters. Another factor that influences voting behaviour is how feudalism continues to operate in certain places. Their is proxy voting and the dominant classes do not allow the suppressed classes to exercise their democratic right to vote which influences the ultimate outcome of voting.

Unarguably a gamut of factors are in play but the major determinants continue to be caste, religion and language.



August 24, 2013 at 11:19 pm

This is a very good answer! Introduction is excellent and second paragraph is superb. I wonder why you didn’t answer all these days! Please continue to answer all the questions. You have grip on language and flow.



August 25, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Thank you This is very encouraging.


o ecebloggers

August 24, 2013 at 11:38 pm

good answer. But avoid bringing optional knowledge into GS like mention of Paul Brass, sanskritisation etc. You can directly introduce concept of politicisation of caste



August 25, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Thank you. I will bear that in mind for future.


13. vipul

August 24, 2013 at 11:26 pm

Mandate and structure of OPCWMandate:OPCW stands for organization for prohibition of chemical weapons. OPCW promotes and ensures the adherence to Chemical weapon convention whose main objective is to exclude completely the possibility of use of chemical weapon and promote peaceful use of chemistry. Declaration &destruction of existing weapons & non-proliferation are the fundamental tenets of Chemical weapon convention.

Structure of OPCWConference of state parties:It is the main organ of organisation consisting of all members of OPCW. COSP undertakes the responsibility of decision making body.Each member has one vote. COSP takes decision on matters or issues with in ambit of convention.on majority vote basis.Executive councilConsists of 41 members elected by COSP for a tenure of 2 years.Executive council’s main objective is to promote the effective implementation & compliance with the Convention.Technical Secretariat

Technical secretariat undertakes the verification measures as mentioned in the convention.It may carry out other functions as assigned by COSP or executive council.


14. Firefly

August 24, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Q2. Structure and mandate of OPCW

Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is an intergovernmental organisation located in The Hague, Netherlands that upholds the principles set out in Chemical Weapons Convention. It promotes adherence to the convention and verifies the same by on-site inspections. The Chemical weapons convention outlaws production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. The organisation has expressed its concern at allegations of use of chemical weapons in Damascus and has hoped for an intensive investigation. OPCW is currently a part of UN Investigation team at Syria.

It has an Executive Council that looks after the budget and co-ordinates with the General Body. The Technical Secretariat carries out the task set out by Executive Council. The members meet annually at Conference of State Parties. The countries are represented at the conference by a “permanent representative” who is generally also the ambassador to Netherlands. The conference decides on matters like guidelines, imposing penalties and future plans.


15. ekta

August 25, 2013 at 12:11 am

1. What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

Main determinants of voting behaviour determine the factors which can influence the psychology of a person to vote a certain person of a certain party in direct elections.

Due to the hegemony of certain parties, people do get driven by their popularity. Even a candidate with criminal record associated with a popular party can get elected.

India being deeply a caste based society, people feel ensured by voting a person from the same caste. It is said that “in India, you do not caste your vote, rather you vote your

caste.” Many parties include reservations in their manifesto to woo certain caste group. Thus, caste politics is a major feature and determinant of elections in india.

Success of policies, welfare schemes aimed especially at the poor and lower income group also influence their voting behaviour. For example, recently tabled National Food Security Bill is seen by many parties as a game changer in favour of the present government in the next general elections. It is also seen thatpeople from lower strata actively participate by casting votes as compared to upper strata.

India being a tolerant society and accomodating different religions is still to cope up with the mentality that only persons from same religion can ensure proper representation. So religion plays an important part in shaping voting behaviour.

In today’s technology driven world, reachout of political leaders through mass media, social networking sites also appeals to conscience of younger urban population.

The effect of these determinants vary with time and the nature of society. At the time of first general elections in India, providing Universal adult Sufferrage to such a large and mostly illiterate population was called as ‘one of the biggest gambles in the history of the world’. However, it is observed that people in India have voted in a very intelligent manner by punishing the ruling govt and voting the other whenever required.


o ekta

August 25, 2013 at 12:29 am

INSIGHTS,kindly review .thankyou.



August 25, 2013 at 2:42 pm

nice try. simple ,almost touched every point needed, but still some in depth points are missing like constitutional literacy related points, regionalisation of poltics,.But it was quite good that you wrote in points,easy to read.good



August 25, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Thankyou karav for the review.Yes, regionalisation of politics is a good point, don’t know constitutional literacy in depth as a determinant of voting bahaviour.


16. Kirthi

August 25, 2013 at 12:19 am

I have been facing the same problem as firefly. Lost confidence because of lack of knowledge on questions given and tendency to compare answers. Will attempt answers from now on


o Maaduri

August 25, 2013 at 12:50 am


I am also facing the same problem. But trying to answer one question daily. join the club



August 25, 2013 at 1:00 am

Thanks a lot for the motivation.


o Anjali

August 25, 2013 at 4:10 pm

You were, writing nicely, I am nowhere if compared to others English, structure and flow in answer, but I attempt one question to learn evryday. 3 months less time and more to do. Keep your morale high.



August 25, 2013 at 8:03 pm

Thank you anjali, I realized it is improvement over oneself that matters and not how well one does in comparison to others. Thanks a lot Anjali I owe a lot to insights and people here who motivate and push us to write


17. TR

August 25, 2013 at 12:39 am

 1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?Solution:

The voting behaviour in a democracy refers to the study of various factors and their effects on creating or changing the outlook of general public with regard to their choice of the candidates in the elections. India , having the virtue of being one of the most heterogeneous regions in the world a is certain to have a plethora of the factors which affect the mind-set of voters in tandem.

The most important factors for selecting the candidate are based on socio-economic status and the level of education of the voters. And for India, as these factors are indirectly influenced by the caste, the caste itself acts as a pivot factor for influencing voting behaviour. The poor,uneducated and ppl having low level of political awareness would often choose the candidate which belong to a specific caste disregarding other credentials

of the candidate e.g. party’s ideological postion, past record and the achievements of the party and the candidate.

The next big factor is the performance of the party in the past, the development work done in the region concerned and promises made by the party in the manifesto. Also general perception about the party in the State determines chances of success of the same at the center and vice a versa.

Often the ideological position of family,teachers and peers has a big impression on a persons choice of the candidate.

Recently, there is a rising trend of selecting celebrities related to film,cricket and other fields to advertise for one’s party or even giving them tickets for the constituency. This again is very important factor for changing the mindset of people.

In brief, there are numerous factors which modify voting behaviour and a number of these factors work in tandem to modify the final result, and also the importance of these factors for each society,region and state vary with time. Thus it is very complex to determine their conclusive effect on the people’s outlook.


o TR

August 25, 2013 at 12:40 am

Insights, please review and if possible, provide a rating out of 0-10.




August 25, 2013 at 11:32 am

Good answer. Introduction and conclusion is good. 322 words.

6 out of 10.


18. Kirthi

August 25, 2013 at 12:58 am

Determinants of voting behavior in India?

Voting pattern in india depends on interplay of number of factors both local and national. For the first past the post mode of representative elections in India, the voter turn out ratio of around 60-70 percent is comparable to other mature democracies. The inspiring factor is that poorer sections of population has highest voter turnout demonstrates their confidence in democracy, in spite of the sufferingsthey face.

Voters are exploited by various identities existing in India, its feudal faction ridden past, hierarchies in society etc. Voting pattern depended generally on local exploitation of factors like caste ideologies, religion based identify, tribal identities etc. However post mandal period and introduction of reservation for OBCs in educational and government services, voting pattern is considerably influenced by promises of inclusion of caste in OBCs.

Voting pattern during 1970s for Indira Gandhi govt. shows considerable support for pro poor policies like nationalization of banks, abolition of pricy policies, Garibi hatao promises etc. Post emergency historic voting for Janata party cross cutting all other local ideologies shows that civil liberties, democracy and freedom of press etc are not just preoccupations of middle or upper classes.

However, recently, at the constituency level there is dominant anti incumbency factor because of lack of good governance, basic necessities of life to live a human existence etc.

Voting pattern had changed according to times and depends on dominant issues among perceived governance, identity factors, ideologies, perceived benefits etc.



August 25, 2013 at 11:27 am

Good answer. Some points are missing but approach is very good.



August 25, 2013 at 11:54 am

Thanks a lot for the review insights.


o Anjali

August 25, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Good answer Kirthi.


19. Abhishek Kumar

August 25, 2013 at 1:08 am

“What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?”

Voting as a right to its every citizen has been provided in the article 326 of constitution which acts as important constituent of a democratic country. It directly associates public opinion in the political decision making of the country. The study of the factors which influence the voting pattern is called as voting behavior. It is difficult to find out any particular factor for voting behavior which can be used by political parties to win the trust of its people.Cast has been one of the pertinent determining factors in pointing out voter’s behavior. Currently it is playing important role in state politics with parties with their caste agenda gaining sympathies people of their cast by pointing neglect and ignorance on their development.Religion is also playing important role in both state and national politics. Rather than integrating, it is becoming the very reason for dividing the society for the bias towards particular religion. Language as a factor is not active in state politics but in national politics it manifests in the form of Hindi and non-Hindi belts.Regionalism since independence had been a popular determinant of voter’s attitude with parties popularizing underdevelopment, poverty, unemployment in their region and demanding separate states on the basis of better administration. This factor can be seen in the demands of Telengana, Gorkhaland, Vidarbha etc.Political parties with no current achievement sometimes try to reiterate the achievements

gained in the past and by commemorating the decisions of their earlier charismatic leaders they try to arouse the sentiments of voters towards them.Catchy slogans like ‘Roti Kapada Aur Makaan’, ‘Garibi Hatao’ mixed with strong political commitments helped in awakening the hope of development in the masses which turned out to be major factors in political victory. Sometimes immediate cause also determines the public opinion like the decision of Emergency by Congress in 1970’s had cost them 1978 election to Janata Party.Apart from above election manifestos, economic condition, political consciousness are also turning out to be major factor in making out voter’s decision in current scenario. All the above factor work in tandem at any particular time and it is also not definite that which factor play major role at any specific time.

I will be thankful if anyone comments…………



August 25, 2013 at 11:22 am

Good answer. Most of the points are there. But you have used 368 words instead of 250.



August 26, 2013 at 1:22 am

while its too much to ask but its equally needed that i lacks in writing skills as my counterparts are showing here,even i thinks i am not up to that level in terms of flow and maintaining words.Morever ,this time upsc had deducted the answer sheet ,So playing with words makes sense as examiner will have answer + question in same no bluffing could be adhered .so would you suggest us some more intensive points to bridge this gap in such short spam time.while i had read your comments on writing skills but that too small ,so please sir work for us with more planned strategy ,MOrever i will try my best from write more answer and get indulge with my counterparts to boost my skill level ,still sir have a bird eye view over this also.thank youyou are doing immense hard work without telling your identity …keep it up sir…!!


o Anjali

August 25, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Abhishek, don’t use, it is difficult to find out, political parties do use various means to influence voters. Rest is good.


20. Avik

August 25, 2013 at 9:08 am

2)“The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.

Poverty in rural and urban India is one of the major problems. In spite of Govt.’s initiative the problem has remained more or less same. In rural India problems faced by poor are different in kind than urban poor in some aspects. But the reason behind their deplorable condition is same i.e financial incapability.

In India from past itself, the trend of migration remained from rural to urban area mainly for job opportunity. In rural India people are solely dependent on agriculture which is fully dependent on uncertainty of monsoon. The problem remains more pathetic because most of the rural poor are landless and work as a wage labour in others land. On the other hand urban areas require mainly skill workforce but work of wage labor also more or less available. So it is found agriculture labour or farmer are committing suicide more than wage labourer of urban area.

Rural poor also face the ill-treatment of higher class in the form of untouchable but in urban area caste system is rarely visible.In case of natural calamities, Govt.’s help hardly or lately reaches to urban poor because of their distant from authority and absence of social media. Whereas in urban areas, it readily attracts the attention of people and govt.

But the story is not favorable in all aspects of urban poor. In urban areas hardly any space is left for poor. So they need to take shelter in congested, unhygienic slum or under the flyover or under the open sky whether it is summer or winter or rainy season.

Slums rarely get attraction of govt. or any political party because most of them are migrated and do not figure in voter list. As they are not having ration card, hardly get the

facility of PDS or other govt.’s scheme. So they are in most of the cases deprived of basic amenities.

Urban poor also bears the heat of high prices of food articles and other basic amenities in comparison to their rural counterpart. Like rural poor faces the tyranny of urban elite, urban poor comes under the tyranny of local gundas and need to give hafta.

Urban and rural poor both are struggling with poverty. It is hard to compare who is in who is in worst condition. Because all the problems faced by them are spatial in nature and dependent on time to time. So rural poor in West Bengal may be in better condition than their counter part in urban areas of Kolkata or Mumbai and rural poor of A.P are in worst condition in comparison to their counterpart in Delhi or Mumbai.


o Avik

August 25, 2013 at 9:15 am

Insights and other friends please comment on my answer and may I go agaist the statement of question specially when direction of question “coment or evaluate or give your views.”



August 25, 2013 at 11:18 am


The word limit is 250. Not 450.

You have used more words unnecessarily to explain a single point. You should directly hit the point. Try to tell more in few words.

In questions where the directive is ‘comment’ or ‘give your views’ you can give your opinion but you should argue with evidences. If the same is prefixed with ‘critically’, you have to give a balanced opinion.

Evaluate is different where you have to assess the value of something. It usually asked where you have to assess performance of something or validity of some statement.


21. Sahil Garg

August 25, 2013 at 12:10 pm

1)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?AnsVoting behavior is one of the most important pillars of credible democratic system. It determines the future leadership who will command the politico-admin structure and enact policies for socio-economic developments of a nation. As India is a multi ethno-cultural, religious and lingual country, various factors are at work that defines the voter’s conscience.Firstly, India has a prevalent caste system that affects the consciousness of the voter. It has been misused, abused and overused by political parties to garner votes. Secondly, religious divide also change the voting proportions and has the capacity to break or make a government. Thirdly regional issues are fast gaining strength after the advent of globalization. The issues based on divisive politics, socio- economic development disparities have taken a toll in the parochial and state elections which led to mobilization of vast number of voters in favour of regional parties leading to formation of coalition governments. Other factors like educational level of voters, ideology of the political parties and charisma of leadership, cronyism has also affected the pattern of voting system.There is also a disjunction between rural and urban voting. The last mile penetration of internet and social networking sites in urban spaces and innovative, assertive media helped in increased political culture of the voters which led to increased paid news in mainstream media and newspapers.Hence, India as a diverse country has a diversified voting pattern based on multifarious interest and needs leading to mitigation of polarization of power in political structure.


o Sahil Garg

August 25, 2013 at 12:13 pm

please review both of my answers


Sahil Garg

August 25, 2013 at 12:16 pm

in the last line , it would be diversified voting pattern instead of political system..please change it. Thank You



August 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Sahil, introduction is excellent.



August 25, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Important points like announcement of freebies by political parties, contents of manifestos, anti-incumbency, performance of governments, influence of local leadership, etc.

Media influence is a very good point.

Point on rural-urban voting disjunction is not clear. It starts with mentioning the influence of social media and end up talking about paid news.

Both introduction and conclusion are very good.


Sahil Garg

August 26, 2013 at 8:08 am

Thank you insights for providing more points. i think social media importance and its relation with paid news can also alter the voting bahaviour but in urban areas as there is more literacy there. I think, i did not write in lucid language

and was not able to convey my idea. Thank you insight for pointing out.


Sahil Garg

August 25, 2013 at 9:40 pm

@insight : sir , review please


22. Sahil Garg

August 25, 2013 at 12:11 pm

2) “The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.AnsThe advent of globalization and corresponding growth has created prosperity in certain pockets leading to great migration of countryside people for better opportunities. This led to growth of urban slums, pavement dwellers and petty unskilled and marginalized sections suffering from lack of basic amenities. The urban poor are becoming more and more vulnerable to due various reasons and employment in degrading and menial jobs.The non availability of basic amenities like house dwellings, drinking water, proper waste disposal and sewage system, lack of sanitation facilities have led to a pathetic situation for urban poor as there are large spaces of free land in rural areas. Further they are always at risk of being evicted by the municipal corporations and public works departments due to trespassing over government property and lack of awareness of their rights. While is case of rural areas, Panchayats are the governing units with grass root level participation of the people.Low health indicators of urban poor due to environmental problems and pollution with high population density in slums areas have led to increase in contagious diseases. This is also leading to high out of pockets expenses due to higher cost of treatment thus eroding their savings base. Other conditions that defines urban poor are that their areas the fast becoming the hotspots of hunger and under nutrition; high cost of living in the urban areas, employment in manual scavenging jobs etcThe government has introduced various measures like Rajiv Awaas Yojna, JNNURM and health and insurance cards for urban poor for better delivery of services and basic amenities and is also considering implementation of food security but still a lot needs to be done to achieve an all inclusive society.


23. Shweta

August 25, 2013 at 5:26 pm

What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

In a democracy as diverse as India, economically, socially, culturally and politically, various factors, major and minor, work in tandem to influence the voting patterns and behaviour of voters during elections. While factors like caste, religion and language are the major influences, others as language, party ideology, legacy of influential leaders/parties also play their role.

Caste-based and religion-based politics have made a firm grip on Indian democracy with parties like BSP, BJP etc having wide base among people of particular caste and religion resp. Language has played a major role in mobilising people ever since independence, more so in the southern part of the country. With parties like Shiv Sena, Akali Dal coming to the political stage, regionalism has taken roots among Indian democracy. Parties like CPI(M) have found a solid ground in states of West Bengal, Kerala based on their ideological commitments. As was most evident during the Nehru years of Congress, often the charisma of a particular leader has led to people rallying behind that particular party.

Economic factors like state of development, inflation, unemployment, election freebies and promises made in election manifestos do have, but mainly a short-term impact on voter preferences in India. Because of their greater penetration in urban areas, literacy, technology, mass media, social networking and internet reflect the variability in Rural v/s urban voter patterns.

Though a plethora of factors are at work currently to affect the voting behaviour in India, but with structural reforms underway, and growing spread of literacy and technology, it is expected that Indian electorate will rise above the parochial considerations and make more informed choices in future.


24. Shweta

August 25, 2013 at 6:12 pm

2)“The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.

Painting a grim picture of India’s otherwise lavish urbanscape are the urban slums hoarded with unskilled and marginalised sections who make their living as domestic workers, petty street vendors, construction workers etc. Living in closely packed dwellings around uncongenial settings these people lack access to basic amenities, sanitation, water and electricity supply. The over-crowded and shady habitations are usually breeding grounds for vector-borne diseases, asthma etc.

Rural inhabitants who migrate to urban areas in search of better employment, education and housing avenues often face identity crisis in cities and are therefore, excluded from the social security net and various government entitlements and subsidies. Having to face a much higher cost of living in cities, these people end up being prey to hunger, malnutrition, poverty and diseases. The pavement dwellers, women and children in particular, often fall victims to drug-abuse, trafficking, alcoholism etc.

With majority of government welfare schemes (MNREGA, SJGSY, MDM schemes, NRHM, PRIs) targeted at improving conditions of rural livelihood, urban poor face lack of access to these basic resources and amenities which their rural counterparts enjoy, as has been pointed in a UNICEF study.

Of late, the government has realised the tragedy of this vast section of population which constitutes a large chunk of the unorganised workforce in cities and come up with schemes targeted specifically at the urban poor like BSUP, JNNURM, RAY, RSBY etc. It now needs to be seen if these welfare programmes acheive the desired benefits for the urban poor as have been reaped by the rural populace via rural-centric shemes.



August 25, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Both are very good answers. Welcome back.



August 27, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Thankyou insights.Trying to overcome my apprehensions about writing “good answers” and would definitely try to be more regular with writing practice. But this exercise is really helpful and “confidence-building” indeed.



August 28, 2013 at 1:15 am

Oh !! you have written best answers here. I have wished that you would write every day here. that adds value to the efforts we put in here.

Honestly, you have got very good skill at writing answers – conveying lot with few words.

Thanks and I am glad this has helped u Looking forward to read more from you.



September 1, 2013 at 5:47 pm

This was surely a morale-booster.Pinned it up to my desktop so i would be motivated to write everyday! .Thank you so much.



September 1, 2013 at 11:17 pm

You are welcome Shweta


25. Kirthi

August 25, 2013 at 8:29 pm

What do you understand by the term ‘Rule of Law’? How does the constitution of India seeks to establish it

The rule of law concept as propounded by AV DICEY, has three main elements – no man can be punished expect for breach of law, equality before law i.e. every man subject to ordinary law and tried in ordinary courts of land and primacy of rights of individual. The first and second elements have been incorporated in indian constitution.

Rule of law has been realized by having a written and rigid constitution, doctrine of supremacy of constitution, independent judiciary, art 32 where in judicial review being a fundamental right,art 14 ensuring equality before law and rule of law forming a part of basic structure of constitution. However, exercise of arbitrary power by the state has been possible by complexity of laws, subordinate legislation, slow moving criminal judicial system, archaic laws and vague provisions like hurting religious sentiments etc. the recent arrests of two girls in Mumbai,, writer in UP for posting content in Facebook on vague grounds is a case in point. Some provisions in AFSPA subjecting armed forces personnel to martial courts even for allegations of sexual violence etc. tend to dilute the spirit of rule of law.

Moreover , tendency to nullify the judicial pronouncements rather than review like recent judgement on tax Vodafone case, CIC order, golaknath, privy purses and nationalization of banks cases by constitutional amendments, 39 and 41 constitutional amendments placing governor, president , VP, PM free from civil and criminal proceeding lifetime etc. are excess committed on the part of legislature.

Rule of law being part of basic structure of constitution is given its due place and cannot be altered by amendment of constitution, however there is a need for spirit of rule of law to be realized.


o Kirthi

August 25, 2013 at 8:31 pm

Insights,I am little confused, can Art 13 which express judicial review and art 32 be included by their contribution to rule of law?



August 25, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Yes Articles 13, 32 and 226 should be mentioned in this answer. The question is not about ‘contribution to rule of law’.

The questions ask you how our constitution ‘seeks to establish’ rule of law, so, above articles does the same by giving courts and citizens the means of Judicial Review and Constitutional Remedies (in case of infringement of fundamental rights) respectively.

Article 32 is the very soul of our constitution as said by Dr. Ambedkar.

Article 14, which is at the heart of rule of law doctrine, is secure because of articles 13, 32 and 226.



August 25, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Got it. Thanks a lot:)



August 25, 2013 at 9:34 pm

Small doubt, have I diverted from what is asked in the question and further complicate the matter? What are the things that shouldn’t be mentioned



August 25, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Yes you have diverted. Penultimate paragraph and few sentences before talk about how Indian state is breaching ‘rule of law’. Instead you should have talked about how constitution seeks to establish it by stressing on articles 13, 14, 32, and few SC cases upholding the rule of law.

In the second paragraph, first line you have said rigid constitution’. Actually our constitution is ‘more flexible than rigid’.



August 25, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Thank you. Should talk about how sanctity of art 14 is maintained. Yes , even I was not happy while mentioning rigidity aspect. Thanks a lot.


26. Maaduri

August 26, 2013 at 11:48 am

Hi Insights,

Along with best answer, if there is a mention of two or three good sources for each question that would be an added advantage.



August 26, 2013 at 11:49 am

Ya sure I will try to do that. Thank you


27. Pingback: Insights Daily Answer Writing Challenge – Day – 37 | INSIGHTS

28. Amol

August 28, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Please Comment I am writing answer first time.Bring out some positive and negative social consequences of Green revolution. How has Green revolution changed the rural social structure?

With growing population after independence policy maker faced problem of hunger or food insufficiency. First and third five year plans specially focused on increase in food production.During 70s Indian agricuultural industry introduced with green revolution. It brought high yielding species and chemical fertilizers which has raised food production in same natural resaurces.Increase in ffod production help to reduuce problem of hunger and malnutrition. In patrierchial society of India most vulnerable part generally reagrded as women, since this raise in production solved the problem of women domestic exploitation. As farmers could get surplus produce which they started to sell in market. By selling farmers got direct money and so could afford to teach their children. These also enable them to approach technology and media trough TV sets.As surplus produce help to improve allied business of agriculture like rearing of cattle which have provide domestic employment. This surplus have promote food processing industry which have provided employment to vast section. This brought improvement in percapita income.Demarkation of society on te basis of religion, cast, gender also get fainted due rising literacy.Use of high yielding species in some cases had low nutritional value which resulted in health rpoblems in society. In some cases large quantity of water required resulted in salination of land which edangered future generation right to have their needs.High cost of seeds and technologies were proved to be unaffordable to small farmers. which ultimately result in widening of economical rift between society.Green development caused some negative impact on social and environmental front yet it has shown substantial change in socio-economic condition of people, and provided platform to prove constitutional values like equality and justice.


29. Amol

August 28, 2013 at 3:06 pm

Dear Insight,First of all thank you for your support, I refer your blog dailly. I found it so useful. Actually I have been working as an Engineer and as well studing for UPSC fom last one and half year. I think after much reading it is really difficult to write answer on this stage. What strategy should we adopt to include ourselve in real flow? How can we improve?


30. Amol

August 28, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Please comment my answer.


31. vipul

August 28, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Which parts of India have been identified as Drought-prone? Mention the norms for such identificationDrought is a region of rainfall deficiency. In India, at sub-divisional level, Drought is defined as condition where deficiency of rainfall is 25 % or more than long term average of rainfall of a particular sub-division. Drought prone area is the region where probability of occurrence of drought year is more than 20 %.If the probability of occurrence is more than 40 %,such are classified as chronically drought prone area.Nearly 16 % of India’s geographical area falls under drought prone area. Majority of this area falls under arid-semi arid region, sub humid region. Regions of Gujarat & Rajasthan, western U.P., western M.P. are drought prone where the annual rain fall is less than 75 cm.Rain shadow zone situated east of Western Ghats is also drought prone area. It consists of South Telangana, Rayalaseema region of A.P, Interior regions of Karnataka & parts of Tamil nadu. Apart from this Drought prone areas are also found in patches spread across the country. Western Gujarat & Rajasthan region falls under category of chronically desert prone areas. Such areas are characterized by lowest rainfall and major variability in rainfall.


32. Sahil Garg

August 30, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Q. Comment on the EIA process for nuclear facilities in India with an example. (200 words)AnsEIA is done to gauge and mitigate the impact of project on environmental, social, health and aesthetic needs of the area. The concept gains importance as India has been fast embracing nuclear plants for its starving economy.EIA is provided under EPA 1986. It envisages wide consultation with various stakeholder, risk assessment and geological factors, impact of nuclear leakage and ecological sustainability, plant feasibility, people displacement and independent enquiry etc. EIA is used to mitigate adverse effect of radiation leakage on the health of people and environment. After that special zones are demarcated according to risk and proximity of the project.After post Fukushima, there has been growing suspicion about the safety of nuclear plants and impact seepage of nuclear waste in the soil and water sites. Also, there have been doubts about the objectivity, neutrality of EIA teams. In the case of Kundakulam NPP, opposition has been shown on the grounds of conflict of interest between the reports of AERC under DAE and its mandate as regulator of atomic energy. Also concerns of the people and environmentalists are not included. Moreover, the report does not mention where the nuclear waste will be stored and what will be the protection in case nuclear disaster.Therefore, it has been contended that the process of EIA is not inclusive and doesnot take into consideration the grievances of people and objective scrutiny by a third party


33. amala

September 2, 2013 at 6:41 pm

please tell how to answer this questions already prepared persons can give good answer r know something about that question by looking to question i am not getting any idea .


34. neeraj

September 2, 2013 at 9:19 pm

“Communalism does not reflect any social truth: what it declares to be the social reality is not the social reality; what it declares to be the causes of social discontent are not the causes; and what it declares to be the solutions of the social malady are not the solutions

– in fact it is itself a social malady.” Critically examine the characteristics of communalism in the Indian context in the light of the given statement

In Indian context, communalism means a system of community based on religion. Communalism has deep roots and can be traced as far as the Indian freedom struggle. The Morley Minto reform introduced communal representation in India which led to partition. Even after independence the communal riots have been regularly taking place, the last major one taking place in Gujrat in 2002.

Most of the demography of religious concerns will find that their descendents were of Hindu origin. A large chunk of muslim population, almost all of the christian, sikh, jain and buddhism population have hindu ancestors. Also, most of them share common language, customs and practices. They freely attend religious, matrimonial and other ceremonies of friends of other religion. So, socially they are close and donot have ill feeling toward other religion.

It has also been argued that the ideological difference between the religions are vast. It is true that different religion have different gods and different ways of worship but its also true that every religion preaches the same basic principles like unity of God, peace loving nature, to avoid hatred and ill will towards others,to help poor and needy,to respect elders and women and to sacrifice for motherland. So, the causes of discontent are mostly politically driven to perpetuate the vote bank and not the ideological differences per se.

Independence of India brought about division of the country which was assumed to be panacea for the minorities. But we have seen that though Pakistan being a Islamic state is considered a failed State. Shia-Sunni riots are a common place and to divert the attention of people from the issues in country, Kashmir card is often played. Even the christians in Britain are divided in protestants, orthodox and Roman catholic. It is clear that some issues will often raise their heads even if its a homogeneous society. In India these issues are politically driven for vote bank. The issues have to be sorted out amicably.

The constitution of India has many safeguards for the minority community and being a secular state we must show respect towards other religion and not let politicans and other sectarian forces divide us for their petty gains.

“…Can you show me an example in history where the state has tolerated violent defiance of authority for a single day? But here you know that the Government is puzzled and perplexed.” Comment on the statement

This is a statement given by Gandhiji to justify his non violent means of protest. This statement contains the pith of the rulers on the ruled. This was given in backdrop of Indian freedom struggle in early 1940s,when Indian freedom struggle movement was at its peak and when any voice against British rulers was severely dealt with. Lathi charge on peaceful protest was the norm and our forefathers took to hunger strike and peaceful non-cooperation movements. The strategy of Gandhiji worked wonders.

We know that most of the successful European revolutions like the French Revolution, the American Revolution or the Bolshevik revolution were violent in nature. And their success story has inspired many of the revolutionaries of Indian freedom struggle. But in a destitute country which was economically weak and marred by frequent occurrence of famine, it would have been foolish to spend resources on buying foreign made weapons and put extra burden on the existing meager resources.

When the ruler is powerful and the ruled are weak and armless, the ruled are oppressed, a revolutionary uprising would have brought unexpected suppression from the mighty British army. It is evident from indiscriminate firing in Jalliawalah Bagh and execution of several of our revolutionary leaders like Bhagat singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and others .

To counter the mighty oppressor, we needed to take a stance which was morally right. Non-violence was one such tool to bring the mighty rulers to their knees. It worked by not giving the oppressor any chance to oppress the weak as any suppression of peaceful protest would have brought international shame and pressure on the govt.

Though towards the end, Gandhiji let loose the countrymen after his do or die speech, still the independence was to a great extent a result of the non violent movment which would have otherwise petered out if violent means were used from the start. So, this statement is justified and shows the path for our future generation to follow the path of non violence.


35. subhash

September 3, 2013 at 11:08 pm

Q)What are the main determinants of voting behavior in India?

Since india was struggled for long under colonial rule with much exploitation in all means including education which force them to live as same even after independence for the generations who seen both when compared to the newer generations who are newly born after independence who were enjoyed some basic rights, minimum education and social awareness by the communities.

the people are increasingly maturing with the passing generations in one way or the other by taking the previous experience as granted in electing a candidate across india except some parts who are still under some feudal, muscle, and anti social groups who are taking care of the people by hook or truth in providing basic amenities apart from government.

and the first- past – the post system which compels the leaders to maintain certain number people in their capacity on the ground of caste, religion or community to win the

electoral race by taking the innocence or lack of awareness of vast section of society into confidence. which escalating the caste , communal based politics in india.

I don’t think lack of education is only a ground to blame on people bcz even most of the so called educated , upper strata of society is voting on caste, religious grounds instead of looking for a candidate with rational mind .

all together, the first past the post system, lack of education and awareness about the political structure which most of indian’s din’t aware even now bcz of failure of promoting by the education system.

hence we can’t generalize the determinants of the voting behavior since it is very dynamic in such a large diversity country which varies with time, place and conditions . by and large voting behavior is linked with caste, community and religion though india is secular in nature.

INSIGHTS plz review my answer and give me feed back ASAP bcz this is my first one in practice and in urs as well….am waiting for ur response

thank you


36. NAWIN(naveen)

September 3, 2013 at 11:44 pm

2)“The conditions of the urban poor are more deplorable than that of their rural counterparts”. Give your views.Answer :poverty is the main reason for so many problems and also eradication of poverty is the solution for so many problem, which is doesn’t left urban poor and rural poor where india is having 20 crore people below poverty level. recent studies shows that problem poverty in urban poor is more compare to village poor where poor people from village migrate to urban for lively hood but they will experience worst conditions as compared to former..

Reasons to migration of people to cities is to get lively hood, as in case of villages marginal farmers are account 80% where they hold less than 4 acre of land, so their full day toiling in fields are not sufficient for their lively in wake of their aspiration and colour full world depicted by our electronic medium and filmy world will attract young generation.As the move into urban life their problems start arising,has the migrants will get the job as construction labourers and their salary are lesser,and they force leave in slums due they cant afford other than that.

Both parents force to work has one person cant afford for their needs,and in case of their home, sorry room where 5 to 6 member leave their. every activity is performed their only sleeping,procreation,washing,eating,bathing, and without proper ventilation and sanitation health hazardous will arise.

Has children start growing they will start attracted by another world called cosmopolitan world and their aspiration start multiplying and they will start enter into crime world, to fulfill their needs, and these are the people who entered into underworld,ex-DAWOOD once he was a black ticket seller.

but in case of village it is different where family can leave without food for one day in their home by eating in their neighbours home.but in case of city it different if we dint have salt we need to buy from shop. children’s will under control and fear of their elderly villagers so they cant switch into bad world.

so finally govt need to tackle this by providing residential facilities . labour ministry need to tackle it down as most of migrants are labourers and in case of tackle migration we need to adopt the policies of china. govt working in this context well providing food security bill,mgnrega,and still so many schemes. new concept called kalam village where every village will have same facilities as cities having like internet,electricity,sanitation,irrigation,drinking water.,


o NAWIN(naveen)

September 5, 2013 at 8:21 pm

PLZ can anyone review my ans.. i think our insights is busy…


37. NAWIN(naveen)

September 3, 2013 at 11:48 pm


please review me this is my first effort. i dont know how to write what is introduction or what is ending but i tried after seeing my friends efforts in this website,,, others also welcome



September 7, 2013 at 10:29 pm


I really loved your answer. You have depicted very practical problems in an interesting way. All points are very good and insightful.

But you should work hard on language. It gets better with lot of practice. Do answer writing practice regularly. It will help you a lot.

Secondly, you have used 399 words. I understand it is difficult for you to covey message in short sentences at this time. But don’t worry. You will get better. Just don’t give up. Keep practicing.

Some spelling mistakes: It is Livelihood. And it is PURA concept, you have said Kalam village, but still marks will be given as you are successful in conveying the message.

Avoid mentioning Dawood or any politicians name in the answer.

Keep it up Nawin. Try to answer more questions regularly.



September 8, 2013 at 12:37 am

thank u sir/// i will


38. Kirthi

September 7, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Recent India – Bhutan relations (150 Words)

The geographical location of Bhutan has tied its destinies with India and traditionally shared good relations and its location is of immense geo political significance for India.

Bhutan is dependent on India economically and is recipient of development aid and subsided diesel, kerosene etc. and as trade transit. Bhutan is evolving from the monarchy to parliamentary democracy and had two elections so far. India though has welcomed the democratic processes in the country, the controversy of India in canceling the subsidy of oil on the eve of second round of elections to favor the Tobgay, present PM, who has called for stronger indo- Bhutan relations shows the insecurity of india in dealing with Bhutan and some calls for greater Bhutan china cooperation from its democratizing polity.

According to the revised 2007 treaty of friendship the Bhutan has more liberty in its foreign affairs and as country is democratizing, there are calls for better relations with china economically and settlement of boundary dispute.

India cannot afford to spoil the good will shared with the Bhutan and should show more sensitivity to concerns obvious to a land locked tiny nation and unilaterally grant significant concessions in power cooperations etc. and make it a partner in India’s growth story.



September 7, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Good introduction, good points and good conclusion.


39. Kirthi

September 7, 2013 at 3:06 pm

How does the Parliament control the financial system in India?

Parliament in theory is in control of the executives finances and demands accountability and transparency from the government in the form of budgetary and post budgetary control.Public Money cannot be appropriated and taxes cannot be imposed without the approval of parliament. Parliament has to approve the finance bill and later supplementary,excess,additional demands for grants etc. according to the constitution.

After the ‘ annual financial statement ‘presented in parliament, the demand for grants are referred to respective departmentally Related standing committees and later are discussed and voted upon.Parliament can pass cut motions – policy cut disapproving the policy, economy cut disapproved the amount of expenditure and token cuts.CAG audits the revenue and expenditure accounts of central and state govt. departments, PSUs and submits report to the parliament that is considered by the parliamentary affairs committee that points out the impropriety, loss, corruptions etc. from the action of the executive. Estimates committee examines the estimates and can suggest alternative policies to improve efficient and economy, suggest improvement in economies.

However over the last ten years,85 percent of demands are guillotined and in 2012, 92percent guillotined. No cut motions in reality can be passed as the government enjoys majority. Most of the recommendations of PAC are followed by administration. The estimates and PAC are in nature off post- Mortem report and all demands are never estimated, and PAC reports take considerable time to act upon.

Parliamentary control over public finances is the ultimate instrument of accountability and is an essential element of good governance.Steps like more powers to committee and accepting the recommendations of PAC etc. be taken to maintain the sanctity of control.



September 7, 2013 at 11:15 pm

Good analysis. Third paragraph is a very good point.



September 8, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Thank you sir source : prslegislature blog



September 9, 2013 at 11:22 am

It is a good blog with lot of insights.


40. Naveen

September 8, 2013 at 11:15 pm

)What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?

India is a multilingual, multireligious and multiethnic nation having democratic polity with universal adult franchise. We embrace the word ‘Unity in diversity’ for India’s charecter. But there is no unity in diversity in voting pattern.Iliteracy, loyalty to narrow kinship and cast groups instead of wider community, vested political interest and other inherent conflicting charecters infuenced voting patterns in Indian political history.

Voting pattern can be roughly divided into 3 phases in India’s post independence period.1947-19671967-19911991- Present

Period from 1947-1967- India saw matured decision making by voters who prefered national, seular party at the centre of reactionary communal and narrow regional parties at that time.

During the second phase regionalism strenthened, with declined voting share of national party and corresponding increase in share of regional parties. Westbengal and kerala and Tamil nadu succeed in establishing theier respective non congress governments.

During the last phase, pseudo secularism, cast politics, communal politics, deeply took root in democracy which was hither to vacillating in the periphery.All along its history since Independence, Indian voters gave importance to credibility of political party rather than the contestants.Due political illiteracy, voting pattern is significantly influence by money, liquor, attractive but impractical election manifestos, and personaly cult of national leaders.But, these are the general views, there are honourable exception who voted for genuine candidates.It is certain that approach of indian voters, their behaviour, allegience should be changed to fulfill nations aspirations.


o Naveen

September 8, 2013 at 11:18 pm

Hey guys, Please give inputs



September 9, 2013 at 9:29 am

Good answer. Good analysis too.


o deepika

September 14, 2013 at 12:29 am

good can add improved communication, rise of modern middle class and economic aspirations in 3rd phase etc; plus factors in all phases- social prejudice, political sycophancy etc.


41. deepika

September 13, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Q) Determinants of voting behavior in India.Voting behaviour refers to the behaviour of individual,groups or society in general, in the sense of – How do they chose for whom they vote; whether and why or why not they vote; what influences them regarding voting as a process and act in whole election cycle.India being multi-diverse, world’s largest democracy, quenched in past of colonization ,freedom struggle, partition, and now aspirations of young,vibrant 21st century Indians, is witness to equally diverse and dynamic voting behavior.Voting behavior is basically determined by the maturity and awareness level of masses clubbed with their short and long term expectations and leverages available in electoral

process- all of which vary across regions, social groups and time. These determinants can be broadly categorized as:a) social :Influence of caste, religion, class, ethnicity,language is still dominant on average Indian voter’s mind. Political parties and issues along communal, linguistic and casteist line are proof of such determinants. These usually get predominance in discussions of political groups over developmental issues as they easily appeal to common man’s emotional psyche.b) Economic :Economic aspirations and corresponding services in terms of promises, policies and programmes ,targeted subsidies and social security schemes etc. play an important role too.Inflation,economic growth,jobs,etc. all effect daily lives of people and in turn their voting behavior.c) Educational:Literacy level of masses is mostly directly proportional to their democratic literacy. Although India’s literacy level(75%) is low globally, but democratic literacy is high owing to past masses’ freedom struggle and present active civil society,media etc Yet blots of educational backwardness and poverty are still visible in form of pre-election distribution liquor, money,freebies and mobilisation of masses on communal lines etc.d) Regional :Regional inequality, distributional injustice and neglect in form of demand for separate state, regional autonomy etc. coming up as electoral promises, and rise of regional parties in national politics, naxalism and insurgency- all are evident of such determinants of voting behavior.e) Technological: Development in media, internet ,mobility etc increases exposure and awareness of voters and hence has influenced their behavior.f) Dynamic factors: increasing crime rates, economic crisis, corruption scams, foreign policy miscalculations, border disputes, mass agitations etc. too factor in a big section of voter’s behavior.g) Unfortunately muscle and money power have become engraved in propaganda policy of almost every political party, which directly or indirectly do alter a common voters behavior in India.As an aspiring world democratic power, hopefully India will do well to promote more informed,balanced and pro- development voting behavior.



September 13, 2013 at 10:24 pm

Very good answer. But crossed word limit by large margin. (418 words). It is very important to stick to word limit.



September 14, 2013 at 12:15 am

thanks insights! ..i am working on being succinct, i will be thankful if u could review my language and writing style, points to improve.


42. Kirthi

September 14, 2013 at 9:07 pm

“The nationalist leadership failed to some extent in raising the political consciousness of Muslims to the higher plane of secular political consciousness.” Critically comment. (250 Words)

The contribution of moderates in economic critique of colonialism has not been substantiated with a clear understanding and critique of deliberate policy of communalism driven by colonialists.

The nationalists though had supported Muslims in their rising political consciousness post 1910 by supporting them in their khilafat cause which is essentially religious in nature, post world war – 2, they failed to use the opportunity to raise to a secular political consciousness. It is evident from the failing to explain the root cause of various conflicts between Hindus and Muslims stemming from economic or class basis where hindus mostly formed the land lord or middle class and Muslims mostly peasants and lower class and exploitation mainly is class conflict and not on religious ideals. This is due to deliberate favoring Hindus in administration post 1857 revolt by British where in they got exposed to western education and its ideals of humanism, secularism etc.

Though Gandhi through his constructive programs tried to emphasize hindu Muslim unity, failed to substantiate it with complete understanding and root cause of communalism in India. It has been complicated by a tinge of communal Hinduism – dipping in Ganga, using hindu festivals for propaganda etc. by extremists. They further failed to explain on the basis of elections of 1937, that people as such aren’t communalized and that india has Rich composite history of hindu Muslim unity pre 1857 and any conflicts are only to favor the narrow interests of people.

Failing to evolve a thorough critique of communalism in indian context by the leadership, though they sympathized with the sufferings of Muslims, they were unable to attack the very roots of communalism and unable to check the rising tide of communalism later.


o alok rai

September 20, 2013 at 1:55 am

@ kirthi overall good answer .you can also include some more point just like lack of representation of Muslims in Interim Gov., drafting committee of constitution ,etc. one thing more aap ko nahi lagta ki aap ki language thode se complicated hai matlab If u use more easy words the answer can be more effective . humae answers ke through ye nahi show karna hai ki humari English kitni aachi hai unhae bas ye janna hai ki Can we explain the basic concept in easy manner ? although it’s totally my opinion and it can be wrong but mujhe lagta hai ki agar aap easy way mae apni baat logo ko samjha pa rahe hai to is better administration nahi ho shakta…


43. Kirthi

September 14, 2013 at 9:10 pm

Narrow interests of the rulers*


44. Tushar

September 18, 2013 at 8:50 pm

What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in India?Ans–Indian founding fathers opted for Democracy based on elected representation by universal adult franchise(Art 326). Voting and its behavior are integral process of functioning democracy in India.Voting behavior in India has always been changing with contemporary demands from socio-political-economic-cultural domain.Disenchantment with ruling government,religion-caste factors,regionalism and cultural factors are major

drivers of voting behavior.a) Religion and caste- Diversity and Complexities in socio-religious sphere gives rise to voting behavior hovering around particular caste or religion.Though Indian preamble talks about “Secularism” as an objective of democratic setup,use of religion and caste is rampant.b) Nature of governance and ideology of political party-This is an emerging determinant which is considered beneficial for strengthening of democracy.But it requires citizens with proper literacy in general and somewhat political literacy.c) Leadership of political parties and propaganda – Charismatic personality are always benefited by inclination of common people which occasionally leads to voting in their favor.d) Regionalism-With the rise of regional political parties,change in voting behavior is largely evident.By focusing on issues related to region ,parties are getting success to get vote.These are broad determinants for voting behavior in,such a diverse country,India.Voting is the most important mean to participate in democracy.In India voting behavior has been dynamic.But for ideal democracy it should be based on type of governance and political ideology rather than region,religion,caste,money-muscle nexus.For this, qualitative education and awareness among people are important besides strengthening constitutional and statutory institutions like Election commission.


o Tushar

September 18, 2013 at 8:52 pm

@INSIGHTSPlease review my answer


45. alok rai

September 20, 2013 at 1:41 am

Q- To what extent 74 CAA created a ‘federation within a federation’ in India.74 Constitution Amendment Act gives a constitutional status to Local Urban Government in India, in order to establish a well defined procedure of Local Governance.This CAA direct states to establish a Institution of local governance in urban areas at district level. The basic aim behind establishment of these urban bodies is to ensure development at grass root level by decentralization of authority, responsibility and power. This CAA changes the face of administration in India. Now a 3- tier system works towards the

welfare of common masses i.e central state and local ,in which local authority plays a most vital role in overall development of all spheres of society. As these institutions are grass root institution it is easy for them to interact with the common masses .This CAA also gives a significant amount of power to these local government which enable them to perform their job in a ethical manner without ant unreasonable interference of higher authority. This CAA also establish line of authority which act as a safeguard of their sovereignty and it is quite clear that because of 74 CAA only India witnessed a new kind of administrative and social reform which led to transformation of our Representative Democracy into Participative Democracy

Insights please review it Guys please give your valuable suggestions …..


46. pk

September 27, 2013 at 5:43 pm

insight sir,please suggest strategy for gs4


47. ashok

October 1, 2013 at 12:58 pm

ya got links for paper V . Its very good. Sir, can you compile some case studies,both historical and contemporary, which we can use contextually to substantiate our answers? I want to know if we can use some stories and anecdotes from our indian scriptures also while answering the questions framed around issues of present day administration…like can we quote things from Mahabharata for example dilemma of Dhritrastra due to his family attachment,, Bhisham’s devotion to duties when he takes side with government in war etc..? similarly there are many stories from panchtantra or stories of kings in our oral tradition like that of Raja Bhoj.. would that carry weight or the examiner will laugh haha



October 1, 2013 at 7:08 pm

I think you should not use examples form Ramayana , mahabharata or any religious scriptures.

May be you can use from Panchatantra, but only if the story genuinely suits the context.

Or you can quote a philosopher, or an example of exemplary action of a leader.

Examiner might laugh and reduce your scores too. It is better to be on safer side.


48. dryadav

October 2, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Hello.As there’s hardly anytime left for the mains and I’ve already started getting the jitters.There’s so much to do and such less time. Can you please tell me how should I go about my preparation in these two months.Thanku


49. soaringskies

October 4, 2013 at 2:08 pm

“Next day, a best answer chosen from the answers written by aspirants will be posted below the questions within the same post.”^ Sir, I am not able to find best chosen answer that are posted next day for archives question! can you help me to locate them?



October 4, 2013 at 2:25 pm

They are not posted unfortunately as I could not isolate one good answer as there were many extremely good answers. But there is a plan to create a pdf of good answers. Within 15 days it will be done.


50. pravalika

October 4, 2013 at 11:19 pm

sir i am not able to find the links for daily answer writing challenge on august month . sir please provide the references.



October 5, 2013 at 7:30 am

all are here:


51. pj

November 13, 2013 at 12:24 am

These mains ans challenge will be there after mains 2013 ????