Question 6

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 6

Adobe Photoshop is a professional programme which I used for creating my magazine product. It worked fast and efficiently and enabled me to create a high quality magazine.

I learnt how to export images and convert them to JPEG’s when using them in Photoshop

I learnt how to edit my images to make them look professional and of a high standard, I learnt how to use the adjustment tools, changing the contrast or exposure of my images, to make them look more professional and appealing.

Adobe Photoshop CS4

In Design is professional software which was useful for creating my Double Page spread, and presenting my magazine in a professional format.

I learnt how to organize the pages of my magazine and present them on different pages in a professional way.

I learnt how to use the different gradient and fill tools to create an effective and appealing background.

I found out how to place images in to InDesign to be able to use them for my double page spread.


BlogSpot was a useful

way for me to organize and produce my work. It has enabled me to show my progression throughout the project in a clear way, whilst presenting it in a professional way.

I learnt how to re-arrange my blogspot posts and edit them in order to present my work and progression in a clear way.

I learnt how to embed prezi’s, PowerPoint, and videos from YouTube by editing the HTML tab.

> is a professional and useful website as it was straight forward and presented my work in an interesting and creative way I learnt how to import and edit photos on prezi’s, so that I could import print screens

of my work to evaluate and analyze it. This also taught me how to move text around and change the font/edit the text.

I learnt how to add paths, and edit paths in order to be able to present my slides in chronological order.

After learning and doing all of this, and finishing my Prezi’s I could link it to my blog by embedding it in a post to be able to present it as part of my project.

Prezi was a useful way of converting some of my work to be able to embed it to my blog. I was able to present my work in programmes such as PowerPoint, and was able to convert them to a slide share application, for them to be compatible with my blog.

I learnt how to quickly create an account to then able me to upload and convert files.

I found slideshare relatively easy to use, and found it was similar to YouTube. This made it easier for me to convert my files and made it an easy way for me to present my work in my blog.


YouTube> I worked with YouTube to be able to present video footage which I used within my work. I have used YouTube to present work within my prelim task when creating a short film, and also when evaluating my final product by using a windows movie maker file, and uploading it to YouTube to enable to embed it into my blog. I learnt how to upload videos quickly, and

convert them to the right format so that I could easily embed them in to my blog.

I learnt how to share my video's and edit the information about it.

I found it useful working with YouTube, I learnt more about videos and learnt about what formats they should be in, which enabled them to be compatible for uploading.

Overall, I found all of the software products which I used to be very useful when creating my product. There was a variety of different technologies which enabled me to create and present my work within my blog. They made my blog look creative and appealing whilst clearly showing my progression through each post, and finally presenting my final product.

I needed to learn how to use each software thoroughly, which helped me to create a professional product. Whilst creating my product I learnt how to use each software and programme quickly, being able to use most of the tools thoroughly, which contributed to an overall professional looking product which I feel I can be proud of.

Lastly, The final technology which I learnt to use through the creation of my product was how to use an Apple Mac. I learnt a lot about this piece of technology, as it was the main thing I used to create my product. Before joining media I had never used an Apple Mac before, and during the process of creating my product I have learnt how to thoroughly use the Mac, and how to use each software on it. I would definitely use a Mac if I was to do this project again as it was quick and easily compatible with the software I used, and helped me to create a good final product.