Question 4

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Question 4

We used iMovie on the Apple Mac to edit our videos. We used this as it has a lot of features which means that I can edit it properly and professionally.

We used the split clip feature to easily cut the clip in approximate places.

I then used the clip trimmer tool to cut it down to exactly where I wanted it to be, instead of approximations.

I used the inspector tool to change the video colour and lighting adjustments. This enabled me to get accurate transitions between scenes and keep the time of day the same throughout.

I also used the inspector tool to adjust the audio so it used ‘Ducking’ where there was speech and music clashing. This took the volume of the music down to 15% so that you could hear the speech clearly.

I used the transitions tool to make it look more professional and dramatic by having a fade to black after every major scene. This also helps the audience see clearly where the different storylines are ending and when they interconnect.

I also used iTunes in the making of my video. The track I used was in my library so using iMovie I imported it into my project. This gave meaning to my trailer and helped to tell the story of what was happening.