Question 4 & 5.

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Transcript of Question 4 & 5.

Question 4:

Who would be the audience

for your media product?

The audience I have aimed my

media product at are


My target audience for my

title sequence is for teenagers

between the ages of 15 and 20.

This has slightly changed since

my planning and research

because of the ideas and

cinematography used in my

title sequence.

In the previous slide I mentioned that my target audience

had slightly changed, this is because I feel that after watching

the title sequence, the age gap has narrowed from 15 – 24 to 15

– 20 or possibly even 19. I also mentioned in my blog post about

the target audience only being females, I think that this has

now broadened and males will also watch this film as much

females. I have changed this decision because my title

sequence is similar to the TV series Skins which has both make

and female audiences.

Here is a description of our

target audience; what they

get up to and what they like.You are always up to date with the

latest fashion on the

high street and checking trends in

magazines like More and

copying trends from other teens

around you.

You love to know all the

gossip that is going on with

the hottest celebs.

Always know the latest

films, music and gossip.

Always up to date on the

latest fashion brands and

like to hang out with your


You love going to parties but

always make time to do your

work and study.

Checking what your friends

are up to using social

networking sites on your

mobile or laptop.


Psychographics' relates to my

audience’s personality, interests

and lifestyle and how they think

about themselves. I think that my

target audience are achievers, they

set goals and try to reach them

usually something that will give

them an adrenalin rush. Succeeders,

people who dream of where or

what they want to be and reach it.

And finally radicals, people who

Question 5;

How did you

attract/address your

audience?I attracted my audience by

doing some research into

what they liked.

I used Facebook to ask our target

audience for their opinions on our

title sequence. I chose to use

Facebook as it is a site that our

target audience would use. These are the questions that we asked our target


1. Would you want to watch the rest of the film?

2. Did you personally like the title sequence?

3. What sort of genre do you think this film fits into?

4. Do you feel like you want to get to know more about any of the characters?

5. Do you think that the characters were realistic?

6. Any overall comments about the film and what you liked and didn’t like about it?
