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Qual tyi Mantra June, 2021A Newsletter of International Certification Services

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Qual tyi Mantra June, 2021A Newsletter of International Certification Services

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WELCOME SPEECH BY Dr Sundar Kataria Chairman & Managing Director, International Certification Services.

Today is one of our proudest moments.

At a time when the environment and our beloved planet –both are under severe threat from a raging monster called Covid….and at a time when we witnessed one cyclone after another on our coastline…at a time when we saw a spate of cloudbursts in Uttarakhand, our own Dev Bhoomi..

This Conclave titled “Earth on Fire” seems very well-timed and opportune.With folded hands I welcome you all on behalf of ICS, Sat-Gun-Sang and Paryavartan team.

Trees.. Rivers… Rocks…Oceans. Animals…Our ancient gurus and saints regarded the Earth as 'sacred space'. The Hindu, Jain, Vedic and Buddhist traditions established the principles of ecological harmony thousands of years ago.We chant Aum- , the sound of cosmic Harmony.We pray Peace and Harmony in Heaven; Peace and Harmony in the Sky Peace and Harmony on the Earth Peace and Harmony in the Waters; We pray for Everlasting Peace.

Unfortunately- peace, harmony and environmental protection have been the biggest casualties of industrial prosperity.

Man has moved far, far from leading a harmonious and healthy life on this planet.

Restraint and Responsibility in environmental matters is the most important need of today. It is the duty of every person to practice good environmental conduct.

The ravaging of our own Dev Bhoomi is just one example of how nature will react to our reckless disregard for environment.

We will continue to face violent storms, heat waves, flooding, and cyclones if we don’t change our attitudes.

For years earlier, our education system has not been able to build a foundation for an environment-friendly value system and a balanced lifestyle.

We have organized this Conclave titled PARYAVARTAN - EARTH ON FIRE- with the purpose of promoting appreciation of environment with new knowledge, perspectives and information.

In the end, I would like to humbly bring to your kind attention that in all its interactions with our twelve-thousand plus clients, in all our training interactions with Industry and Trade-Bodies, we at International Certification Services Ltd have stressed on the need for environmental and safety management systems in organizations. Implementation of international ISO 14001 and 45001 standards is just a beginning of your journey towards preservation of all forms of life.

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The world faces critical environmental challenges in the future and economic development along with regard for Mother Earth alone can save the planet from irreversible harm. The sooner we realize this, the better the chances of our future generations not facing the anger and fury of nature. We seek your blessings to keep ICS capable of doing our bit in this direction.

Thank you all delegates, sponsors, exhibitors, esteemed speakers and Guests of Honour for being part of this initiative. We are truly humbled by your noble gestures.

World Environment Day-2021-Virtual Conclave Shows Ways to Avert Apocalypse

During an excruciating week of June’21 when the second Covid wave was pummelling the nation and Uttarakhand had been ravaged again a few weeks earlier by yet another cloudburst, a group of concerned environmental protagonists saw this conclave as a well-timed positive distraction, a ray of hope, an opportunity to sound the alarm bell and an occasion to catch up with best environmental practices globally.

International Certification Services (ICS) Pvt. Ltd and Sundar Jessaram Kataria Foundation (SJKF)

had been drawing public attention to the imperative of environmental protection for over two decades in several ways- one of which was making a ritual of Environment Day that falls on June 5th every year. It was a tough call taken by CMD, ICS – Dr.Sundar Kataria- to keep the show going despite the several threats posed by the pandemic. Unfazed, he vowed to magnify the event this time- by proposing a national conclave spanning five days!! He would devote not one day, but a whole week to engage stakeholders in deliberations pertaining to environmental threats and solutions. Allies like Brahma Kumaris (the largest spiritual organization), Pacific University (Udaipur) and Udaipur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (UCCI) readily joined in solidarity demonstrating their commitment to the cause, reinforcing Dr Kataria’s drive.

Sh.Rajesh Maheshwari, CEO National Accreditation Board for Certifying Bodies (NABCB)- under the aegis of Quality Council of India (QCI) inaugurated the conclave after Dr.Sundar Kataria’s welcome note as the host. Placing India as the third largest country in CO2 emissions, Maheshwari alerted the thousand-plus audience on the adverse socio=economic impact of climate change while calling upon industries to act responsibly by adopting the ISO 14001 international standard for environment.

Sh.Komal Kothari, President- Udaipur Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UCCI) presented a case study on the Chamber’s project of arranging hazardous waste-disposal facilities to around 1300 industries of Rajasthan, an initiative, if emulated by other trade associations, could contain environmental damage in significant measure.

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Prof.Krishna Kant Dave, President

(Vice Chancellor) of Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University (PAHER University) Udaipur presented his interesting research that attempts to derive correlations between environmental performance of companies and their reputation, share-value and profitability. Alerting companies to follow govt regulation that mandated all listed companies to r e f l e c t t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t a l performance in their Annual reports, Prof Dave wowed the audience with images of his green campus dotted with trees and renewable energy sources.

Mr.G.R.Srinivasan, an Outstanding-

Scientist designate and former Vice-Chairman-Atomic Energy Regulatory B o a r d ( A E R B ) - c o m p a r e d t h e environmental impact of various energy sources suggesting that nuclear energy continues to be one of the cleanest energy sources and must be exploited to its full potential for meeting our growing demand. On the same note, yet another presenter f rom Nuc lear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)- Umed Yadav- assured the audience that Indian nuclear reactors have the best performance and safety record in the Energy Industry. Adoption of safety in design, construction and operation – the defence in depth approach- has made India’s nuclear reactors v iable, sustainable and safe generators of electricity.

Shri Gurangadas Prabhuji - Spiritual Motivational Leader ISKON demonstrated the iconic Govardhan Eco-village housing the Govardhan School of Sustainability (GSOS). This ecovillage is an eco-community situated 90 kms from Mumbai and now a centre for eco-tourism drawing enthusiasts from all over the country and abroad.

The final day, of the conclave=June 10- featured B.K.Shivani who linked environmental damage with consumerism and over-consumption beyond one’s needs. We consume more when we are agitated and emotionally damaged. Her prescription for environmental protection was simple- Bad thoughts create bad emotions and the agitated mind resorts to illogical means, seeking happiness from sources outside the self-whereas the truth is that it is one’s own inner state that is responsible for all happiness or sadness the person feels By following a simple daily regimen of meditation and mindfulness in the morning, the mind can be trained to respond in more creative and life-enhancing ways.

The valedictory note was delivered by Sh.G.R.Srinivasan who prescribed a practical mix of renewable and nuclear energy sources to control the power industry’s carbon foot-print.

Sumeet Kataria, Country Head of ICS delivered the vote of thanks. Aptly titled “Earth on

Fire,” this conclave (June 7-10) drew applause from over 700 audience each day from diverse sectors of Industry, academia and spiritual organizations. 24 technical papers were presented on themes of regulatory requirements, best practices, engineering controls, new- project clearances, measuring environmental performance, and spiritual perspective. International Certification Services is the first Indian Conformity Assessment Body accredited by national (NABCB) and international (JAS-ANZ , EIAC) providing value- added certification and inspection services to Government, public and private organizations. It has audited and certified over 8000 organizations for conformity with international standards of quality, safety and environment.

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“A calm-mind can save the planet from extinction by pollution”B.K.Shivani’s scientific reasoning stuns Industry champions

For the 1100-plus engineers, scientists, industry heads and entrepreneurs at the conclave, it was an option that did not appear in any of their environmental management plans. When it comes to controlling pollution, the expert speakers were suggesting usual methods such as reuse, recycle, minimize, monitor and control. As they looked forward to her solutions, Sister Shivani stunned them with her simple recipe for mitigating pollution. Her narrative revolved around the following aphorisms: Control your emotions and your mental health. Create and radiate positive vibrations and the world will be a much cleaner place to live. Viewers hooked to this virtual conclave wondered how the carbon footprint of industry could be reined merely by controlling individual emotions.

Speaking on the concluding day of a national conclave-PARYAVARTAN-Earth on Fire- to commemorate World Environment Week on 11th June, Brahmakumari Shivani pointed at the habit of unbridled consumption in this era. The root-cause of land, air and water pollution is our unsated desire to buy things we want, but strictly, do not need. When people are internally agitated, they attempt to seek temporary happiness from external sources- indulging in wasteful buying, assuming that this will calm their turmoil. When the negative emotions like anger, hatred, and jealousy dominate inside, one finds outlet in binge-eating, binge-buying and going overboard hoarding materials and goods irrationally. The notional happiness one feels this way is ephemeral and the mind recoils to its initial state of agitation rather swiftly.

International Certification Services Ltd, India’s leading certifying body has been commemorating World Environment Day since the last two decades. The mission of this celebration is to invite attention and foster dedication to the cause of a sustainable planet. Undaunted by the hurdles posed by the current pandemic, the CMD of ICS, Dr.Sundar Kataria resolved to go virtual and organize a 5-days’ national event from June 7-11, 2021. His dedication went viral drawing support from industry, academia and retired scientists and technocrats from the Atomic Energy Department. Shivani’s suggestions impressed even these outstanding scientific minds that were impelled to think beyond conventional solutions for protecting the environment.

When asked about how one can actually rein the tendency towards over-consumption, Didi Shivani had a simple strategy. It all starts with one’s thoughts. Bad thoughts create bad emotions and the agitated mind resorts to illogical means, seeking happiness from sources outside the self-whereas the truth is that it is one’s own inner state that is responsible for all happiness or sadness the person feels By following a simple daily regimen of meditation and mindfulness in the morning, the mind can be trained to respond in more creative and life-enhancing ways. So, for keeping the external environment of the planet clean, we must start by calming our inner environment. People must make it a daily ritual of elevating their minds every morning by keeping away from gadgets, news and negative conversations. Problems of the day will appear small when our thoughts are of high quality. Consumptive and buying patterns will change, giving the planet a relief, she affirmed.

During these times when there is pressure from all fronts on industries to control their pollutants, improve their environmental performance on all fronts, this direct linkage of emotions with pollution levels on our planet was demonstrated by Sister B.K.Shivani with solid scientific reasoning.

Speakers at the conclave were drawn from Quality Council of India (QCI), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Pacific University (Udaipur), Udaipur Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UCCI) and Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL). Over 20 technical papers were presented followed by a panel-discussion at the end of each day. The event was given a huge Thums Up by audiencesfrom all over the country.

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So, the next time, as you peel off the unending wrappings of a processed-food item ordered from a food-joint near you, have one final look at the plastic, card-board and foils you are throwing into the dustbin. Rewind to the thoughts that prompted you to place this order and if you bought it just to feel good after a bad day with the Boss, remember Shivani’s words of wisdom. You added one notch to the planet’s pollution. With a bit of mind-control, you could have avoided it.

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By Anand Pal Singh

By Rhea Chhabria

By Pranjali Palkar

By Kanhaiya By Bhumika Kataria

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Dharati ki hai yahi pukar lagao vriksh karo shringar

- By Ravi Gupta


-By Rhea Chhabria

ParyavaranJo aapne paya

Kya use behtar banaya

- By Simran Kataria

By Anand Pal Singh

- By Manish Puranik

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Leo sign people will get new opportunities or professional options in the workplace. Salaried folks are likely to remain in a dilemma over something. The month will bring solid gains and several achievements for business people. All of you will make a good income this month. You may earn money by using the magic of your speech and words.

Aries sign people will receive a large amount of money this month. The sources of income are set to increase in number greatly. You shall make good profit if you make investments in the share market. Situations will remain normal in the workplace.

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Tauras sign people are likely to make gains in the workplace. Salaried folks may be given a new responsibility in the workplace which might lead to conflicts and difference of opinion with your colleagues. You will earn money on account of your previously done assignments and newly started assignments too.

TAURUS (April 19 – May 20)

GEMINI (May 20 – June 21)

Gemini sign people will have to face some work-related problems but things will turn favourable later. You will succeed in your endeavors on account of your speech and conduct. You will maintain harmony and congruity with your colleagues and receive appreciation from your senior officers.

Cancer sign people will face a few problems during the beginning of the month. You will have to run around a lot in the workplace to be able to do your work. Situations will start turning favourable once the middle of the month is crossed. The month will bring financial gains. Salaried folks are likely to make some solid gains. The sources of income may increase significantly

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

LEO (July 22 – August 22)

Horoscope Prediction For The Month Of JULY 2021

The month shall bring excellent gains in the workplace. Some of you are likely to start new projects. This will be an exceptionally gainful month for business people. All of you are likely to experience some worldly pleasures and comforts. The smooth inflow of money will help you overcome your financial crisis.

Virgo sign people are likely to make several achievements in the workplace. If you appear in an interview, you are likely to succeed. There will be chances of a promotion and a raise in the existing job. Business people will have to work hard this month. This is an excellent month for those who work in the government sector.

VIRGO (August 22 – September 22)

Libra sign people will access several new opportunities to make gains. You will enjoy favourable conditions in the workplace. It will be best for you to maintain harmony and congruity with your seniors and colleagues in the workplace. Your anger is likely to remain uncontrollable this month. Your financial standing will acquire further strength. Salaried folks will be given new responsibilities in the workplace.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 23)

Scorpio sign people will make monetary gains and strengthen their financial standing in a big way. If you invest your money, you shall make an unusually high profit. You are likely to get promoted to a higher post in the workplace. Business people will also secure success in their endeavors if they work a little extra. You will pay a lot of attention to enhancing luxury in your life.

Scorpio (October23-November22)

Capricorn (December21-January21)

Capricorn sign people will make professional gains at the beginning of the month. You will remain active in the workplace with all your confidence and abilities. You may have to put in hard work once the middle of the month is over and alongside will develop a few problems.

Aquarius sign people will enjoy the strength of a positive stroke of luck. Your pending tasks are likely to get completed on the work front. There will be some confusing and dilemmatic situations in the workplace. You will do better if you maintain harmony with your senior officers. Your money-related issues will get resolved and new sources of income will appear on the scene.

Aquarius (January21-February18)

Pisces (February19-March20)

Sagittarius (November22-December21)Sagittarius sign people will secure success in their endeavours as soon as the first week gets over. You will get relief from work-related clutter and chaos. Your influence will rise manifolds in the workplace.

Stress Buster Zone

Sad Reality of Today's worldPlease Plant Trees

Help us to Plant Trees

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International Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.

This Edition Compiled and Presented by ICS Corporate Office Team

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