Quality Control BMCC

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Quality Control BMCC

  • 8/9/2019 Quality Control BMCC



  • 8/9/2019 Quality Control BMCC


    In the 1950s American industry was

    enjoying a boom. Whatever was made

    could be sold. Few industrialists heeded

    the work of this man called Deming andhis ideas about Total Quality . In Japan ,

    however , things were different . The

    Japanese economy was depressed .

    Goods stamped made in Japan were

    known for poor quality and high price.

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    Japanese industrialists were very receptiveto the ideas of Deming on TQM and set

    about implementing them. By the mid -

    1970s Japan was beginning to seriously

    undermine its American and other westerncompetitors. First in cars , then in the

    whole range of goods including videos, Hi-

    fi and computers. The rest is a history.

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    Quality Gurus

    Deming , Juran and Crosby are some

    of the world famous quality gurus . All of

    them have come out with their own

    ideas and concepts on quality . Their

    ideas and concepts are briefly given on

    the next slides.

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    Deming originated PDCA cycle . He came out

    with the new climate ( organizational culture )

    which primarily consists of joy in work,

    Innovation and cooperation.

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    Juran developed the ideaof Quality trilogy :Quality planning ,Quality improvementand Quality control. Heconcentrates not onlyon the end customer ,but identifies other external and internal

    customers. Accordingto him , Quality is

    Fitness of useImprovement



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    Crosby is known for hisconcepts of Do it rightfirst time and zerodefects . He defines

    quality as conformanceto requirements whichthe company itself hasestablished for its products based directlyon customer needs.Heemphasizes preventionmanagement in everyarea .

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    Quality Control focuses on the

    inspection what comes out of theprocess as a product..

    Quality Assurance focuses on what

    goes into the creation process as wellas on the process itself with the goal of

    improving the quality of output.

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    Quality begins with me

    There are three kinds of people -

    1. People who make things happen

    2. People who watch things happen and

    3. People who wonder what happened ?

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    Customer Satisfaction

    This is the key word in existing business

    especially after globalization.

    Competition in the market is fierce. Hence itbecomes absolutely essential to provide

    what customer wants.

    Determining the specifications is necessary.

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    Quality assurance covers all aspects from

    design, development, production,installation, servicing and documentation.

    Concept ofZero Defect product got

    introduced.This introduced the rule of Do it right the

    first time

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    Inspection of,

    Raw material.

    Process of production.

    Finished goods.

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    Three important aspects of Q.A.

    1. Reliability.

    2. Maintainability.

    3. Safety.

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    The approach is to have,

    Strong design.

    Good quality of raw material.

    Skilled / Trained manpower.

    Upgraded process.

    Working conditions.

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    Quality Management Principles

    1. Customer focused Organization

    2. Leadership

    3. Involvement of people

    4. Process orientation

    5. System approach to management

    6. Continuous Improvement7. Factual approach to decision making

    8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.