Quality Assurance and Testing - Group 3

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  • 8/6/2019 Quality Assurance and Testing - Group 3


    Quality assurance andTesting

    Group 39th May 2011

    Andre Bruintjies

    Desir Minnaar

    Neil Jonkers

    Adolf Lamprecht

  • 8/6/2019 Quality Assurance and Testing - Group 3



    Quality and the History

    Software Quality Models

    Neils Topics

    Adolfs Topics

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  • 8/6/2019 Quality Assurance and Testing - Group 3


    What is Quality and Quality Assurance?


    The totality offeatures and characteristics of a product orservice thatbear on its ability to satisfy stated orimplied needs

    Computer Dictionary Online .(1995). Quality . Available: http://www.computer-dictionary-online.org/?q=quality [24 April 2011]

    The standard of something as measured against other things of asimilar kind; the degree of excellence of something

    Oxford dictionaries. (2011). Quality. Available: http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0678350#m_en_gb0678350 [24 April 2011]


    Aplanned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provideadequate confidence that the product optimally fulfils customersexpectations, i.e. that it is problem-free and will able to perform the task itwas designed for.

    Computer Dictionary Online .(1995). Quality Assurance . Available: http://www.computer-dictionary-online.org/?q=quality%20assurance .[24 April 2011]

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    The history of quality assurance

    History (Evolution) of Quality Control .(2009).

    Available: http://www.rajeshtimane.com/56/academics/history-of-quality-control.html . [24April 2011]


    Total Quality

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    Engineering Approaches evolved to IT.

    First definition of software engineering (Bauer)

    Set of principles seeking a solution to a common problem

    Systematic planning

    Hoares (1975) four characteristics of software engineering

    Wassermann (1996) eight characteristics of software engineering

    Yingxu Wang and Dilip Patel. (2000). Comparative Software Engineering. Available:http://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CCgQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fciteseerx.ist.psu.edu%2Fviewdoc%2Fdownload%3Fdoi%3D10.[24 April 2011]

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    Why is quality assurance required in IT.

    Conformance to specification

    Meeting customers needs

    Change (Industry)

    Increased confidence (customers will be kept interested)

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    Software development life cycle

    Planning Phase Analyze Phase Design Phase Test PhaseImplementation


    Satzinger, et. al. 2004. Systems Analysis & Design in a changing world. Thomson, United states of America.

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    Desire Minnaar

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    What is Quality .?

    IEEE [1990] defines quality as the degree to which a system,component or process meets specified requirements and customer(user) needs (expectations).

    conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance

    requirements, explicitly documented development standards, andimplicit characteristics that are expected of all professionallydeveloped software.

    Petrasch [1999] defines it as the existence ofcharacteristics of aproduct which can be assigned to requirements.

    [ISO, 1999] as the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear onits ability to satisfy stated and implied needs,

    2 Important key points:

    Conformance to specification

    Meeting customer needs:

    Nasib S. G. ,(2005), Factors affecting effective software quality management revisited., SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 30, 2 (March 2005), pp.1-4

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    McCalls Quality Model (1977)

    By Jim McCall, also known asGeneral Electrics Model of 1977

    Originates in the US military

    Bridges the gap between usersand developers

    3 major perspectives for definingand identifying quality of softwareproduct

    Product Revision

    Product Transition

    Product operations

    11 Quality Factors (To specify)

    23 Quality Criteria (To build)

    Metrics (To Control)

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models and Philosophies, viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature : An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science ,Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    McCalls Quality Model (1977)

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    Boehms Quality Model (1978) By Boehm to automatically and

    quantitatively evaluate the qualityof software

    Similar to McCall Quality Model:hierarchical quality model structure

    Consists of

    3 High-level characteristicsAddress the main questions of thesoftware buyer

    7 Intermediate-level

    Represent the qualities expected

    15 Lowest-level (primitive)

    Primitive characteristics providefoundation for defining qualitiesmetrics

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models and Philosophies,viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study,Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    ISO 9126

    Established 1991 by the International Organization forStandardization

    Software Product Evaluation: Quality characteristics & Guidelines forTheir Use-Standard

    Based on McCall and Boehm models

    Currentversion has 1 International Standard, 3 Technical Reports

    ISO IS 9126 -1:Quality Model [ISO,1991]

    ISO TR 9126-2: External Metrics [ISO,2003]

    ISO TR 9126-3: Internal Metrics [ISO,2003]

    ISO TR 9126-4:Quality in Use Metrics [ISO,2004]

    Quality Model contains 2 parts

    1. Internal and External quality model :

    6 characteristics & 27 sub-characteristics

    2. Quality in use model 4 Quality in use characteristics

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science, Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    ISO 9126: Internal External Quality Model &Quality in Use Characteristics

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    ISO 9126: Quality in the Lifecycle [ISO, 2001]

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    ISO 9000 family of Standards Quality Management Process

    Resource Management Process

    Regulatory Research Process Market Research Process

    Product Design Process

    Purchasing Process

    Production Process

    Ser vice Provision Process

    Product Protection Process Customer NeedsAssessment Process

    Customer Communications Process

    Internal Communications Process

    Document Control Process

    Record Keeping Process

    Planning Process

    Training Process

    InternalAudit Process

    Management Review Process

    Monitoring and Measuring Process

    Non conformance Management Proces

    Continual Improvement Process

    A series of international standards dealing withquality systems that can be used for externalquality assurances purposes

    Established 1987

    Refers to 3 standards

    ISO 9000 : definitions & terminology

    ISO 9001 : requirements for certification

    ISO 9004 : guidelines for sustainedsuccess

    ISO 9001 consists 3 main parts:

    Framework, describes organization aspect of a

    quality system for software production

    Life cycle activities, defines required actions

    Supporting activities, describes the minimalrequirements to support production, supply maintenance

    of software

    The requirements specified are aimed primarily

    atachieving customer satisfaction

    bypreventing non-conformityat all stages

    from design through servicing

    Bazzana, G.; Andersen, O.; Jokela, T. (1993), ISO 9126 and ISO 9000: friends or foes?, Software Engineering Standards Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 , 30 Aug-3 Sep 1993, pp 79 - 88

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models and Philosophies, viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

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    8 Steps to implement ISO 9001 requirements

    Helio Yang, Y. (2001) "Software quality management and ISO 9000 implementation", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 101 Iss: 7, pp.329 - 338

    1. Establish Commitment ( 4-12 weeks)

    2. Define program structure ( 4 weeks)

    3. Establish foundation elements (24 weeks)

    4. Define development methodologies ( 32 weeks)

    5. Define major supporting elements

    6. Define remaining supporting elements

    7. PreliminaryAudit

    Audit (3 days)

    Correction ( up to 12 weeks)

    8. RegistrationAudit

    Audit (3 days)

    Correction ( up to 8 weeks)

    International Organization for standardisation, , ISO 9001 - Quality management systems Requirements,viewed 2 May 2011,http://www.iso.org/iso/survey2009.pdf

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    ISO Challenges

    The amount ofmoney, time and paperwork required for registration

    ISO 9001 promotes specification, control, and procedures ratherthan understanding and improvement

    The added cost to certify and then maintain certification may not bejustified if product end users do not require ISO 9000

    The standard is seen as especially prone to failure when a companyis interested in certification before quality. The standard is seenas especially prone to failure when a company is interested in

    certification before quality Another problem reported is the competition among the numerous

    certifying bodies, leading to a softer approach to the defects noticedin the operation of the Quality System of a firm.

    Barnes, F , 2000, Good Business Sense Is the Key to Confronting ISO 9000" , Review of Business, 22 March, p1-10, viewed : 03 May 2011,http://www.allbusiness.com/specialty-businesses/713376-1.htmlSeddon, J. ,(1997), "Ten arguments against ISO 9000", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 7 Iss: 4, pp.162 - 16

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    Other Software Quality Models & Frameworks

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models and Philosophies, viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and Comparative Study, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

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    Adolf Lamprecht

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    Types of testingManual testing

    According to Right Hand Technologies: Software testing isperformed to verify that the completed software packagefunctions according to the expectations defined by therequirements/ specifications. The overall objective to not to find everysoftware bug that exists, but to uncover situations that could

    negatively impact the customer, usability and/or maintainability.

    According to Myers "Software Testing is the process of executing aprogram or system with the intent of finding errors."

    Automated testing

    Definition (ApTest, the software testing specialists):

    Testing using software tools to execute tests without manualintervention. Can be applied in GUI, performance,API, etc. testing.

    The use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparisonof actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of testpreconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions.

    http://www.aptest.com/resources.html#app-func http:www.righthandtech.com/software-testing.php

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    When does manual testing make sense?

    High per-test or maintenance costs are an indicator that a test shouldbe done manually.

    The need for human judgment to assess the correctness of the resultor extensive, ongoing human intervention to keep the test running

    Installation, setup, operations, and maintenance like loading ofCDs etc.

    Configuration and compatibility.

    Error handling and recovery


    Documentation and help


    Black, R., (2002), Investing in Software Testing: Manual orAutomated? White Paper

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    Wild cards (auto & manual testing)

    Functional testing can either be done manually or auto

    Use cases (user scenarios)

    User interface

    Date and time handling

    Higher per-test case costs and needs for human skills, judgment, andinteraction lean towards manual testing. If you need to repeat testsmany times or reduce the cycle time for test execution, lean towardsautomated testing

    Black, R., (2002), Investing in Software Testing: Manual orAutomated? White Paper

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    Automated testing

    According to Fewster & Graham (2000) Automated Testing is not aseasy as buying a popular test execution tool, recording the manual testsand playing them back whenever you want to.

    Fewster, M., (1999), Software Test Automation. Addison-Wesley, 1999

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    When does auto testing make sense?

    According to Edith et.al (2010) they have between 50000 and 100000test cases at Ericsson per release with a time limit for testing.

    Regression and confirmation testing

    Monkey (or random). Load, volume, and capacity

    Performance and reliability

    Structural, especiallyAPI-based unit, component, integration

    Edith, S., (2010), Towards fully automated test management for large complex systems, 2010 3rd International Conference on Software Testing,Verification and Validation, IEEE Computer societyBlack, R., (2002), Investing in Software Testing: Manual orAutomated? White Paper

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    Reasons why test automation fails

    QA people are not programmers smart tests Not enough time and resources allocated for development of

    tests inadequate planning

    Tests are fragile


    ests are too complicated and too interdependent Expensive and cost of maintenance too high


    Lack of usefulness

    Learning curve too steep

    Poor choices of which parts to automate

    Lack of training

    http://agilesoftwaretesting.com/?p=56 and http://productdevelop.blogspot.com/2010/07/some-reasons-why-test-automation.html

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    Types of auto testing tools

    Source testing tools (24) Functional testing tools (32)

    Performance testing tools (15)

    Java testing tools (27)

    Embedded testing tools (7)

    Database testing tools (13)

    Web testing tools (109)

    Bug tracking tools (66)

    Test management tools (9)

    Communication testing tools (109)

    Other (+- 25) thus in total > 300


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    Choosing the right tool according to Fewster(1999)

    The tool selection project

    The tool selection team

    Investigate which commercial tools are suitable for you- this order isv

    ery important Start by evaluating your requirements

    Identify your constraints

    Build or buy?

    Identify what is available on the market

    Evaluate the shortlisted candidate tools

    Make the decision

    Fewster, M., (1999), Software Test Automation. Addison-Wesley, 1999

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    Major testing tools

    Tool Vendor

    Loadrunner Mercury / HP

    Winnrunner 10 Mercury / HP

    Quick Test Professional (QTP) Mercury / HPSilk Test / Silk Performer etc Borland formerly Segue (www.borland.com)

    QARun 4.9 Compuware (http://www.compuware.com/qarun.htm)

    QAWizard Pro 2011 Seapine Software (www.seapine.com/qawizard.html)

    Visual Test Rational Software (developed by MS)

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    Lessons learned according to Dustin (1999)

    The various tools used throughout the development lifecycle didnot easily integrate

    Duplicate information was kept in multiple repositories

    The automated testing tool drove the testing effort.

    Everyone on the testing team was trying to automate scripts. Elaborate test scripts were developed, duplicating the

    development effort.

    Automated test script creation was cumbersome.

    Training was too late in the process, so test engineers lackedtool knowledge.

    Testers resisted the tool

    There were expectations of early payback

    Dustin, E., (1999), Software Testing & Quality Engineering, Lessons in Test automation, Sept/Oct 1999 (Vol. 1, issue 5).

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    Case studies by Dr Dieter Kreuer et.al.(1999)

    Ericsson and the cellular network provider Mannesmann Mobilfunk

    Both companies seek to improve testing efficiency by means of testautomation

    Main focus was on load testing Test platform created by Ericssons and enhanced by Mannesmann

    High reuse rate of test cases make auto testing even more attractive

    Kreuer, D. (1999) Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing ofTelecom Networks: A Case Study with CustomerParticipation , 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'99)pp. 216-224

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    Forecasted development of Mannesmann CSS TAcc effort

    Kreuer, D. (1999) Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing ofTelecom Networks: A Case Study with CustomerParticipation , 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'99)pp. 216-224.

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    Why is it still so difficult to get quality right inIT?

    Testers are ill equipped

    Ever more complex software solutions

    Testers have to cover as many aspects as possible

    Minimum criteria that testers use to judge the readiness of testedsoftware

    Any code specific fix can

    (a) fix only the problem that was reported

    (b) fail to fix the problem

    (c) fix the problem but break something that was previouslyworking,

    (d) fail to fix the problem and break somethingelse

    Whittaker, J.A., What Is Software Testing? And Why Is It So Hard? IEEE Software, January/February 2000, pp. 70-79

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    Barnes, F , 2000, Good Business Sense Is the Key to Confronting ISO 9000" , Review of Business, 22 March, p1-10, viewed : 03 May 2011, http://www.allbusiness.com/specialty-businesses/713376-1.html

    Bazzana, G.; Andersen, O.; Jokela, T. (1993), ISO 9126 and ISO 9000: friends or foes?, Software EngineeringStandards Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 , 30 Aug-3 Sep 1993, pp 79 88

    Black, R., (2002), Investing in Software Testing: Manual orAutomated? White Paper

    Clifford S, (2005), So many standards to follow, so little payoff,Inc. Magazine, 1 May,p.1 viewed 03 May 2011http://www.inc.com/magazine/20050501/management.html

    Dustin, E., (1999), Software Testing & Quality Engineering, Lessons in Test automation, Sept/Oct 1999 (Vol. 1, issue5).

    Edith, S., (2010), Towards fully automated test management for large complex systems, 2010 3rd InternationalConference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, IEEE Computer society

    Fewster, M., (1999), Software Test Automation. Addison-Wesley, 1999

    Helio Yang, Y. (2001) "Software quality management and ISO 9000 implementation", Industrial Management & DataSystems, Vol. 101 Iss: 7, pp.329 - 338





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    International Organization for standardisation, , ISO 9001 - Quality management systems Requirements,viewed 2 may 2011,http://www.iso.org/iso/survey2009.pdf

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models andPhilosophies, viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

    Naik, S., Tripathy ,P.,(2008), Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice , John Wiley &Sons, INC., Hoboken, New Jersey

    Nasib S. G. ,(2005), Factors affecting effective software quality management revisited., SIGSOFT Softw.Eng. Notes 30, 2 (March 2005), pp.1-4

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical andComparative Study , Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

    Seddon, J. ,(1997), "Ten arguments against ISO 9000", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 7 Iss: 4, pp.162 - 16

    Kreuer, D. (1999) Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing ofTelecom Networks: A Case

    Study with Customer Participation, 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software

    Engineering (ASE'99)pp. 216-224.

    Myers, G.J., The Art of Software Testing, Second Edition (2004), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken,New Jersey

    Whittaker, J.A., What Is Software Testing? And Why Is It So Hard? IEEE Software, January/February 2000,pp. 70-79

  • 8/6/2019 Quality Assurance and Testing - Group 3



    Barnes, F , 2000, Good Business Sense Is the Key to Confronting ISO 9000" , Review of Business, 22 March, p1-10, viewed : 03 May 2011, http://www.allbusiness.com/specialty-businesses/713376-1.html

    Bazzana, G.; Andersen, O.; Jokela, T. (1993), ISO 9126 and ISO 9000: friends or foes?, Software EngineeringStandards Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 , 30 Aug-3 Sep 1993, pp 79 88

    Clifford S, (2005), So many standards to follow, so little payoff,Inc. Magazine, 1 May,p.1 viewed 03 May 2011http://www.inc.com/magazine/20050501/management.html

    Helio Yang, Y. (2001) "Software quality management and ISO 9000 implementation", Industrial Management & Data

    Systems, Vol. 101 Iss: 7, pp.329 - 338

    International Organization for standardisation, , ISO 9001 - Quality management systems Requirements, viewed 2may 2011,http://www.iso.org/iso/survey2009.pdf

    Milicic , D. 2005 , Software Quality Attributes and Trade-Offs, Chapter 1 - Software Quality Models andPhilosophies, viewed 25 April 2100,http://www.bth.se/tek/besq.nsf/(WebFiles)/5A52350A52726F51C12570A8004CB613/$FILE/Software_quality_attributes.pdf

    Naik, S., Tripathy ,P.,(2008), Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice , John Wiley & Sons,

    INC., Hoboken, New Jersey

    Nasib S. G. ,(2005), Factors affecting effective software quality management revisited., SIGSOFT Softw. Eng.Notes 30, 2 (March 2005), pp.1-4

    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish, PhD ,(2001), Quality Models in Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical and ComparativeStudy, Journal ofAmerican Science , Vol 6 Iss. 3, pp. 166-175

    Seddon, J. ,(1997), "Ten arguments against ISO 9000", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 7 Iss: 4, pp.162 - 16