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Ministry of Education Secondary Engagement Programme

September, 2020 Subject: Spanish (El Español) Week 4 Grade: Eight Topic: A la casa Sub-topic: Los quehaceres Objective: With the aid of handouts based on clothing, students will -Identify 8 of 10 household chores in English

- Correctly explain the importance of infinitive verbs -Correctly use Tener que and Hay que to complete a worksheet based on household chores

Concept: To express household chores in the target language


Los quehaceres domésticos - Household chores

Barrer el suelo/piso – to sweep the floor 1. Cargar / Vaciar el lavavajillas -to load / toun load the dishwasher 2. Lavar los platos – to wash the dishes 3. Hacer las camas- to make the beds 4. Cambiar las sábanas – to change the sheet 5. Lavar la ropa – to do laundry (wash the clothes) 6. Limpiar el polvo – to dust 7. Limpiar las ventanas – to clean the windows 8. Pasar la aspiradora – to vacuum 9. Sacar brillo – to polish 10. Planchar la ropa- to iron the clothes 11. Quitar la mesa – to clear the table 12. Poner la mesa – to set the table 13. Sacudir los muebles – to dust the furniture 14. Sacar la basura – to take out the trash 15. Fregar el suelo – to mop the floor 16. Cocinar – to cook 17. Lavar el coche – to wash the car 18. Dar de comer a las mascotas – to feed the pets 19. Pasear al perro – to walk the dog

Infinitive verbs

Spanish infinitive verbs have one of these three endings: ar, er, ir. Being infinitive means that the verb is not conjugated/ is not in any form. So, the English equivalent is when you express verbs with 'to' in front, such as 'to wash,' 'to sweep,' and 'to cook.’

Limpiar – to clean

Barrer - to sweep


Escribir – to write Tener que + infinitive is one way to express obligation or necessity. This expression can be translated as “someone has to do something.” Tener is conjugated according to the subject of the sentence.

Tener – to have Tener que – to have to

English Spanish

(I have to) cook. (Yotengo que) cocinar.

I have to sweep the Tengo que barrer el suelo.

You have to iron the clothes (Tú) Tienes que planchar la ropa (forsomeoneyouknow).

You have to wash the dishes (Usted) Tiene que lavar los platos (for someone you don't know well).

She/He has to work. Tiene que trabajar.

They (female/male) have to work. Tienen que trabajar.

We have to set the table. Tenemos que poner la mesa

Hay – there is/ there are Hay Que – One must/ One has to / It is necessary

Hay que is similar to “tener que”. This form is used when talking about a generalization, or an ideal.

In English, hay que would be similar to “one must” or “one has to” do something. It can also be used as the implied subject such as “it is necessary” to do something.

Hay que barrer el suelo – One must sweep the yard

Hay que poner la mesa – One has to set theday

Hay que dar de comer a las mascotas – It is necessary to feed the pets








State each household chore in English

1. Match each phrase to its English equivalent

____ planchar la ropa A. to sweep the floor

____ pasar la aspiradora B. to take out the garbage

____ barrer el piso C. to clear the table

____ limpiar la casa D. to wash the windows

____ regar las plantas E. to wash the dishes

____ hacer las camas F. to set the table

____ sacar la basura G. tomowthelawn

____ poner la mesa H. tovacuum

____ quitar la mesa I. to water the plants

____ cortar el césped J. to make the beds

____ lavar los platos K. to iron clothes

____ lavar las ventanas L. to clean the house


2. Write the correct verb: "hay," or a form of the verb "tener."

a) The embassy is a long way from here. It is necessary to take a taxi. La embajada está lejos. _____________que tomar un taxi.

b) I don't have a car. I have to take a taxi. No tengo carro._______________ que tomar un taxi.

c) To live, it is necessary to eat.

Para vivir, ___________ que comer.

d) Juan hasn't eaten anything for two days. Juan has to eat something. Juan no ha comido nada por dos días. Juan ____________ que comer algo.

e) The verbs are important. It is necessary to memorize them. Los verbos son importantes. __________ que aprenderlos de memoria.

f) There is a test on Monday. The students have to memorize the verbs. Hay un examen el lunes. Los alumnos ________________ que aprender de memoria los verbos.

g) To get a good grade, one must study. Para sacar una buena nota, _____________ que estudiar.

h) María has a test on Monday. She has to study. María tiene un examen el lunes. Ella _________________ que estudiar.

4. Translate the following sentences to Spanish using tener + que + infinitive or hay + que + infinitive.

1. He has to cook today.___________________________________________________________

2. She has to change the sheets. ______________________________________________________

3. One must take out the trash/ garbage. _______________________________________________

4. One must always (siempre) clean the house. ___________________________________________

5. They have to iron the clothes today (hoy). _____________________________________________

6. It is necessary to mop the floor. ____________________________________________________

8. I have to clear the table. __________________________________________________________

9. Who has to clean the house? ______________________________________________________


Answer sheet To make the bed – hacer la cama To iron the clothes -planchar la ropa To clean the bathtub – limpiar la bañera To sweep the floor -barrer el suelo To wash the dishes – lavar los platos To wash the clothes – lavar la ropa To clean the table – quitar la mesa To set the table – poner la mesa To wash the windows -lavar las ventanas To vacuum – pasar la aspiradora To take out the trash – sacar la basura To mow the lawn -cortar el césped To water the plants – regar las plantas


K planchar la ropa A. to sweep the floor

H pasar la aspiradora B. to take out the garbage

A barrer el piso C. to clear the table

L limpiar la casa D. to wash the windows

I regar las plantas E. to wash the dishes

J hacer las camas F. to set the table

B sacar la basura G. tomowthelawn

F poner la mesa H. tovacuum

C quitar la mesa I. to water the plants

G cortar el césped J. to make the beds

E lavar los platos K. to iron clothes

D lavar las ventanas L. to clean the house


a) Hay b) Tengo c) Hay d) Tiene e) Hay f) Tienen g) Hay h) Tiene



1. Hoy tiene que trabajar 2. (Ella) tiene que cambiar las sabanas 3. Hay que sacar la basura 4. Siempre hay que limpiar la casa 5. Hoy (ellos) tienen que planchar la ropa 6. Hay que fregar el suelo/piso 7. (Yo) tengo que quitar la mesa 8. ¿Quién tiene que limpiar la casa?