Q4 Evaluation

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Q4 Evaluation

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience is ideally males from any social class, over the age of 15 years. This is because there would be possible scenes

of explicit body wounds, violence and sexual reference, which may not be suitable for anyone younger than 15 years.

Another reason is why we picked males as our target audience because looking at the Pearl and Dean website,

we learnt that most Crime/Mystery films are mostly viewed by males.

• To meet the Crime/Mystery genre expectations, we included props such as the cards – suggests gambling, scamming by having an magician ploy or there could some secret message in the cards, the news report on TV – protagonist cautiously being up to date with latest news revolving crime.

• We made sure the character has some form of device to communicate with his other allies, so we added two iPhones – one (white colour) at home, other (black colour) with him, the white iPhone was put in the protagonist’s desk drawer, along with additional props (grinder – suggests he takes drugs, scissors – a weapon, symbol of danger, calculator – personal evil plans or hacking reasons involving numbers and the cards).

• Also, we placed a very old map (made to look old intentionally) to suggest how the map is ancient; passed down to generations and very significant as it displays the protagonist’s targeted places to take over, which is Greenwich, The Shard and London Eye.

• Also, the clock and the watch was filmed to symbolise that time is ticking away, and to illustrate the next scene about to come, which is him going upstairs.

• Another prop we included was the computer, keyboard and the hacking screen was edited in. This meets to our chosen genre expectation as the hacking screen is a example of committing illegal crime.

• For make-up and costume, I used face paint to paint a huge scar to illustrate how the protagonist had a past involving violence due to committing illegal crime. The scar would give the viewers an impression immediately that the film is Crime/Mystery related.

• The tattoo has the numerical initials of the Shard – 74723, which is also the name of our title, which raises importance to the Shard as this will be the protagonist's main takeover.