PyDX Presentation about Python, GeoData and Maps

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Transcript of PyDX Presentation about Python, GeoData and Maps

Python, Geodata and Maps

PyDX Conference, Oct 11th 2015

Hannes Hapke @hanneshapke

Hello, my name is Hannes.

Why could this presentation be interesting to you?

Location data is key today!

What will you know in 30 min?

• Geospatial basics

• Geocode locations and other sources

• How to make geospatial queries

• How to serve geospatial data via APIs

Broad Field …

SRID, PostGIS, GDAL, tiles, Open Street Map, Spatial queries, Mapnik, Shapely, ogr2ogr, kml, GIS, Proj , TIGER, SpatiaLite, Mapbox, leaflet, raster, shapefiles, geometries, EPSG, WGS 84, layers, ArcGIS, bbox, distance loopup, datum, GEOS, geocode, WKT, WKB, GeoDjango, GPS, projections, tiles

Broad Field …

SRID, PostGIS, GDAL, tiles, Open Street Map, Spatial queries, Mapnik, Shapely, ogr2ogr , kml , GIS, Proj, TIGER, SpatiaLite, Mapbox, leaflet, raster, shapefiles, geometries, EPSG, WGS 84, layers, ArcGIS, bbox, distance loopup, datum, GEOS, geocode, WKT, WKB, GeoDjango, GPS, projections, tiles

Geospatial Basics

Just a very few …

Coordinate Systems



unprojected coordinate systems


Spatial Reference System Identifier






WGS-84 GCJ-02

Same, same, but different …

GIS Data

raster formatvector formatother formats

Storing Geospatial Data

SourcesSQLite: Postgres:

Postgres is a defacto standard

Source PostGIS:

Thanks to PostGIS

PostGIS, what?

Adds geospatial functionalityto Postgres

Source PostGIS:

Useful tools …


Source QGIS:


Source CartoDB:

Enough basics!

Let’s get started …

Wait, one last comment …

Consider the user’s privacy …

Sources for Geodata

Geocode Addresses

Geocoder• pip install geocoder

• Package by Denis Carriere

• Supports 20 geocoding services

• Multiple export data structures

• Command line interface

Code Example#!/usr/bin/python

import geocoder """Sample code to demonstrate geocoding"""

address = "70 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209" result = print ("Your address: %s" % address) print ("%s, %s" % (result.lng, print ("Location type: %s" % result.accuracy)

Geolocating IP Addresses

Code Example#!/usr/bin/python

import geocoder """Sample code to demonstrate the ip geocoder IP address obtained via"""

ip_address = "" result = geocoder.ip(ip_address) print ("Your ip address: %s" % ip_address) print ("Location address: %s" % result.address) print ("%s, %s" % (result.lng,

Images asgeodata sources

Code Example#!/usr/bin/python

from pyexif import pyexif """Sample code to demonstrate pyexif"""

file_name = “your_image.JPG" result = pyexif.Exif(file_name) print ("Your location: %s %s" %, result.lon)

GPS Latitude 44.100339 degrees GPS Longitude 121.772294 degrees GPS Altitude 3109.044444 m GPS Time Stamp 21:49:20.09 GPS Speed 0.26 GPS Img Direction Ref True North GPS Img Direction 233.1646707 GPS Dest Bearing Ref True North GPS Dest Bearing 233.1646707 GPS Date Stamp 2015:08:15


What are Shapefiles?


Obtain Shapefiles# Install the gis stack (geos, proj4, postgres, postgis, gdal) $ brew install postgis gdal

# Clone the Portland Atlas $ git clone

$ cd portland-atlas/ $ make shp/neighborhoods.shp

# Check structure $ ogrinfo -al -geom=OFF shp/neighborhoods.shp # Check projection $ ogrinfo -so shp/neighborhoods.shp -sql "SELECT * FROM neighborhoods"

Generate Model from Shapefile$ python ogrinspect \ sample_geodjango/data/neighborhoods.shp \ PortlandNeighborhood --srid=4326 --mapping

# This is an auto-generated Django model module created by ogrinspect. from django.contrib.gis.db import models

class PortlandNeighborhood(models.Model): objectid = models.FloatField() name = models.CharField(max_length=50) shape_leng = models.FloatField()

… geom = models.PolygonField(srid=4326) objects = models.GeoManager() # Auto-generated `LayerMapping` dictionary for PortlandNeighborhood model portlandneighborhood_mapping = { 'objectid' : 'OBJECTID', 'name' : 'NAME', 'shape_leng' : 'SHAPE_LENG', … 'geom' : 'POLYGON', }

Load Shapefile into your DBimport os from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping from .models import Neighborhood

neighboorhood_mapping = { 'name': 'NAME', 'poly': 'POLYGON', }

neighboorhood_shp = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data', 'neighborhoods.shp'))

def run(verbose=True): lm = LayerMapping( Neighborhood, neighboorhood_shp, neighboorhood_mapping, transform=False, encoding='iso-8859-1'), verbose=verbose)

Now, what to do with the data?

Generate KML files with Python

How to create kml data structures?

• Keyhole Markup Languange (KML)

• XML based

• Developed by Google for Google Earth

• Package SimpleKML

Code Example""" Example code which will generate a kml file of Portland's neighborhoods

Execute this script with the runscript command of the Django extensions $ python runscript simplekml_example -v3 """

import simplekml from project.models import Neighborhood

def run(): kml = simplekml.Kml() neighborhoods = Neighborhood.objects.all()

for neighborhood in neighborhoods: # this is just bare example # normally use neighborhood.poly.kml to the kml data kml.newpolygon(, outerboundaryis=list( neighborhood.poly.boundary.coords[0]), innerboundaryis=list( neighborhood.poly.boundary.coords[0]) )"portland_neighborhoods.kml")

Google Earth

Generate Static Maps

Motionless• pip install motionless

• Package by Ryan Cox

• Supports street, satellite, and terrain maps

• Based on Google Static Map API

• Watch out for the rate limit

Code Example#!/usr/bin/python """Sample code to demonstrate motionless"""

import requests from StringIO import StringIO from PIL import Image from slugify import slugify from motionless import DecoratedMap, AddressMarker

address = "70 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209" # generate static map object dmap = DecoratedMap(maptype='satellite', zoom=18) dmap.add_marker(AddressMarker(address))

# download the static image response = requests.get(dmap.generate_url()) if response.status_code == 200: image ='.'.join([slugify(address), 'png'])) else: print ("Download error with status code %s", response.status_code)

Code Example

But what about database queries?



• Created by Justin Bronn

• Part of the Django core

• Supports various spatial databases and libraries

• Let’s you define geospatial attributes in your models

GeoDjango• PointField

• LineStringField

• PolygonField

• MultiPointField

• MultiLineStringField

• MultiPolygonField

GeoDjango Queries

GeoDjangoSpatial Lookups

bbcontains, bboverlaps, contained, contains, contains_properly, coveredby, covers, crosses, disjoint, equals, exact, same_as, intersects, overlaps, relate, touches, within, left, right, overlaps_left, overlaps_right, o v e r l a p s _ a b o v e , o v e r l a p s _ b e l o w, strictly_above, strictly_below

GeoDjangoDistance Lookups

• distance_lt

• distance_lte

• distance_gt

• distance_gte

• dwithin

GeoDjango Example

GeoDjango - Example• Simple GeoModel

• Demonstrate the GeoDjango Admin

• How to save Points

• How to search for Points within a Polygon

• Leaflet Maps

GeoDjango - Example

GeoDjango - Modelclass CallLocation(TimeStampedModel):

address = models.CharField( max_length=255) …

location = models.PointField() objects = models.GeoManager()

def save(self, *args, **kwargs): try: # get the geocoding results result = # correct the address spelling self.address = result.address.encode('utf-8') self.location = fromstr( 'POINT(%s %s)' % (result.lng,, srid=4326) except (AttributeError, Exception): print "Oops! Couldn't geocode address because of %s" \ % sys.exc_info()[0]

super(CallLocation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

GeoDjango - Viewclass CallLocationCreateView(CreateView):

model = CallLocation form = CallLocationForm success_url = reverse_lazy('home') fields = ['address', 'call_type', 'comment']

def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): context = super( CallLocationCreateView, self ).get_context_data(**kwargs)

context['neighborhoods'] = Neighborhood.objects.all() context['pk'] = int(self.kwargs.get('pk', -1)) if context['pk'] > 0: neighborhood = get_object_or_404(Neighborhood, pk=context['pk']) context['object_list'] = CallLocation.objects.filter( location__within=neighborhood.poly) else: context['object_list'] = CallLocation.objects.all() return context

GeoDjango - Adminfrom django.contrib.gis import admin from .models import CallLocation, CallType, Neighborhood

class GeoLocationAdmin(admin.OSMGeoAdmin): default_zoom = 11 list_display = ( 'call_type', 'address', 'modified',)

class NeighboorhoodAdmin(admin.OSMGeoAdmin): default_zoom = 11 list_display = ('name',), GeoLocationAdmin), NeighboorhoodAdmin)

GeoDjango - Admin

GeoDjango - Template <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() {

var map = new L.Map( "terrain", { center: new L.LatLng(45.524221, -122.670749), zoom: 16 } ); …

var markers = []; var bbox = [];

{% for call in object_list %} markers.push( L.marker( [ {{ call.location.coords.1 }}, {{ call.location.coords.0 }} ] ).addTo(map)); bbox.push( [ {{ call.location.coords.1 }}, {{ call.location.coords.0 }} ] ); {% endfor %}

map.fitBounds(bbox); }; … </script>

GeoDjango - Example

Django REST Framework

REST+GIS - Example

• Create an API endpoint

• Set up a GeoSerializer

• AngularJS ng-map

• something very practical …

REST+GIS - Example

What needs to change in your API code?

REST+GIS - Model

Nothing needs to change

REST+GIS - Serializer

from .models import CallLocation from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework_gis import serializers as gis_serializer

class CallSerializer(gis_serializer.GeoModelSerializer):

call_type = serializers.StringRelatedField()

class Meta: model = CallLocation fields = ('status_id', 'address', 'location', 'call_type', 'timestamp') geo_field = 'point'

pip install djangorestframework-gis

REST+GIS - Serializer { "status_id": "650065994463838208", "address": "2200 NE 36th Ave, Portland, OR 97212, USA", "location": "SRID=4326;POINT (-122.6259952999999996 45.5384747000000019)", "call_type": "PROPERTY LOST, FOUND, RECOVERED ", "timestamp": "2015-10-02T21:53:05Z" }

{ "status_id": "650864005439840258", "address": "8900 SW 30th Ave, Portland, OR 97219, USA", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -122.7077201, 45.4608926 ] }, "call_type": "THEFT - COLD ", "timestamp": "2015-10-05T02:44:06Z" }

Without the djangorestframework-gis

With the djangorestframework-gis


# Django Packages # 3rd party from rest_framework import viewsets # project packages from .models import CallLocation from .serializers import CallSerializer

class CallLocationViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited. """ serializer_class = CallSerializer

No magic here.

REST+GIS - Front end$scope.getMarkers = function () { $scope.state.markers = []; Call.query().$promise.then(function(data) { data.forEach(function(call){ $scope.state.markers.push(( [call.location.coordinates[1], call.location.coordinates[0]])) }); }, function(errResponse) { console.log('REST error'); }); }; ... <div class="container-fluid"> <map zoom="10" center="[45.5200, -122.6819]" on-center-changed="getMarkers()"> <marker ng-repeat="p in state.markers" position="{{ p }}"></marker> </map> </div>

AngularJS with ngmap

How to limit theAPI requests?

Limit requests by theusing bounding box

# from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework_gis.filters import InBBOXFilter

class CallLocationViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited. """ serializer_class = CallSerializer # bbox defines which column is used to select the objects returned # to the frontend bbox_filter_field = 'location' # filter settings filter_backends = (InBBOXFilter, ) # the overlapping allows polygons to be partially be part of the bbox bbox_filter_include_overlapping = True # not needed for PointFields

pip install django-filters

Limit requests by the using bounding box

// Change AngularJS call

_getPolygonStr = function (map){ var bounds = []; bounds[0] = map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lng(); // min lon bounds[1] = map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat(); // min lat bounds[2] = map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lng(); // max lon bounds[3] = map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat(); // max lat return bounds.join(","); };


if ($ { bounds = _getPolygonStr($; };


Call.query({in_bbox: bounds}).$promise.then(function(data) { data.forEach(function(call){ … }); }


Recap• SRID, Projections

• How to get geodata (geocoding)

• How to store it

• How to query it

• How to create an API endpoint

Useful Resources

Useful Resources

• Python Geospatial DevelopmentErik Westra, O’Reilly

Useful Resources• GeoDjango Tutorial

• Python & GeoData PyCon 2014 (thanks to @pdxmele):

• GeoDjango DjangoCon 2014 (thanks to @aleck_landgraf)

• Creating maps with D3.js (thanks to @oceankidbilly)

Useful Resources

• Fake Addresses (thanks to @alphydan):

• Portland Atlas (thanks to @Caged)

• Boston GIS Group

Big thanks to

@alphydan @aleck_landgraf @srikanth_chikoo@patrickbeeson

Thank you.

