PVED CLS GMC Function Block User Manual · 2019-10-28 · Diag Bus —— —— This bus provides...

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Transcript of PVED CLS GMC Function Block User Manual · 2019-10-28 · Diag Bus —— —— This bus provides...

User Manual

PLUS+1® CompliantPVED_CLS_GMC Function Block


Revision history Table of revisions

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November 2018 First edition 0101

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

2 | © Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101

Before You Begin


PVED_CLS_GMC Function BlockInputs.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6Parameters.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6Outputs................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7Diagnostic Signals............................................................................................................................................................................ 7Status Logic........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7Fault Logic...........................................................................................................................................................................................7Configure Communication for the Function Block.............................................................................................................. 8

Configure Primary Communication for Function Block................................................................................................8Configure Redundant Communication for Function Block.........................................................................................8

Enabling Checkpoints.....................................................................................................................................................................8Identical Function Blocks Need Different Namespace Values to Successfully Compile....................................9Change Namespace Value....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Pre-Made Service Screen.............................................................................................................................................................10IEC 61508-3 Annex D Supplemental Information.............................................................................................................. 10

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block


© Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101 | 3

Before reading this manual, read and understand the safety manual of the entire library (Safety Manualand Programmer Guide - General, document number AQ00000254).

W Warning

Do not change parameters while the machine is driving. Before changing parameters bring the machineinto a safe state to prevent harm for the operator and bystanders.

W Warning

Fault detection and diagnostics must be tested with the final application which is assembled from thefunction blocks.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

Before You Begin

4 | © Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101

Abbreviations used in the PVED-CLS function block user manuals are described.

Abbreviation Meaning

AUX JOY Auxiliary Joystick

AUX STW Auxiliary Steering Wheel

CLS Closed Loop Safety

GMC Guidance System Command

GMS Guidance Machine Status

MMI Man Machine Interface

PVED CLS Proportional Valve Electronic Digital Closed Loop Safety

STAT MSG OP Status Message Operation

STAT MSG Status Message

Str Fdbk Steering Feedback

STW Steering Wheel

VSP Vehicle Speed

WAS Wheel Angle Sensor

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block


© Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101 | 5

This function block configures the PVED_CLS_GMC for use with the PVED-CLS.

The inputs of the function block are formatted to a form that the PVED-CLS expects. For moreinformation, refer to PVED-CLS communication protocol.


Enter the PVED_CLS_GMC function block for an overview of its signals.

To avoid compiler errors, use only the data types specified in this table.

Parameter Type Range Unit Description

Para Bus —— —— This bus contains configuration values. You can replace these values with signalsrouted from the application if desired.

Loop_Tm U16 0 to 65535 ms Processing time of one program loop.

CAN.Port Port —— —— Determines which CAN port to transmit data from. This variable can be found inthe CAN sub-bus if using the Main Template.

Enable BOOL T/F —— Digital (Boolean) input signal. Used to enable or disable CAN transmission for theblock.T: Function enabled.F: Function disabled.

Curve_Cmd S32 -803200 to803175


Curvature command.-803200: Max left.0: Straight.803175: Max right.

StrCmd_Stat U8 0 to 3 —— Steering command status.0: Not intended for steering.1: Intended for steering.2: Error.3: Not available.

Chkpt BOOL T/F —— Enables advanced checkpoints with namespace for each Diag signal.T: Include checkpoints when compiled.F: Do not include checkpoints when compiled.


Learn how the function block uses parameters to customize the function.

To avoid compiler errors, use only the data types specified in this table.

Parameter Type Range Unit Description

Src_Addr U8 0 to 253 —— Source address used by the message.Primary default: 28.Redundant default: 29.

Dest_Addr U8 0 to 253 —— Destination address used by the message.Default: 19

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

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Parameter Type Range Unit Description

Tx_Rate U16 2*Loop_Tm to65535

ms How often the message is sent.Default: 50

Curve_NA BOOL T/F —— Sets the GPS curvature signal to not available.T: Curvature not available.F: Curvature available.


Learn how the outputs of the function block work.

Parameter Type Range Unit Description

OR BOOL T/F —— CAN Tx OverRun flag.T: A new request to send a message is made before the last one is sent.F: No overrun condition.

Pend BOOL T/F —— CAN Tx Pending flag.T: The last message requested is waiting to be transmitted on the bus.F: No message is waiting to be sent.

Diag Bus —— —— This bus provides diagnostic values for troubleshooting. In addition, allinputs, parameters, and output signals are contained inside of the bus.

Status U16 0, 0x8008 —— This signal indicates if a parameter fault is declared. It is a bitwise code, somultiple items can be reported at a time. The following status codes areprovided:0x0000: No fault.0x8008: At least one parameter is out of range.

Fault U16 0, 0x8001,0x8002

—— This signal indicates if an input fault is declared. It is a bitwise code, somultiple items can be reported at a time. The following fault codes areprovided:0x0000: No fault.0x8001: An input value is too low.0x8002: An input value is too high.

Diagnostic Signals

Enter the Checkpoints page on the second level of the PVED_CLS_GMC function block to access thefunction block’s signals.

The page contains checkpoints on input, parameter, and output signals. Other topics in this bookdescribe input, parameter, and output signals.

Status Logic

This topic describes how status logic is indicated for the function block.

The status code indicates whether the parameters used in the function are within their valid range.

Condition Hex Binary Cause Response Correction

Invalid setup. 0x8008* 1000 At least one parameter is outof range.

Message transmission isdisabled.

Correct the out of rangeparameters.

* Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 indicates a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.

Fault Logic

Fault logic can indicate problems, causes of problems, and solutions.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

© Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101 | 7

Condition Hex* Binary Cause Response Correction

Input value is too low. 0x8001 0001 An input is too low. Message transmission isdisabled.

Correct the out of rangeinputs.

Input value is toohigh.

0x8002 0010 An input is too high. Message transmission isdisabled.

Correct the out of rangeinputs.

* Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 indicates a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.

Configure Communication for the Function Block

The following sequence demonstrates how to setup the function block for primary or redundantcommunication.

Note that you must route the Src_Addr parameter out from the Parameters page.

Configure Primary Communication for Function Block

For primary communication, set the parameter Src_Addr to 28.

Configure Redundant Communication for Function Block

For redundant communication, set the parameter Src_Addr to 29.

Enabling Checkpoints

Chkpt enables the checkpoints for each Diag Bus Signal.

It is pre-connected to a constant True.

Set Chkpt to False if you do not want to use the checkpoints or if you need to free up some memory. Beaware that Fault and Status signals disappear from the service screen by setting to False.

W Warning

The programmer must implement sufficient fault management and is responsible to reach the safe stateaccording to the safety concept for the application.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

8 | © Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101

Identical Function Blocks Need Different Namespace Values to Successfully Compile

If you use the same function block more than once in an application, you must change each functionblock’s namespace value to avoid compiler errors.

All function blocks contain Advanced Checkpoint with Namespace components that enable the PLUS+1®

Service Tool to read block input and output values.

Some function blocks contain non-volatile memory components that store function block operatingparameters.

Both these components use memory names (“aliases”) to allocate memory. Identical memory namescause compiler errors.

The namespace value adds a unique prefix to each component name to avoid errors. Keep eachnamespace value short to save controller memory.

Change Namespace Value

To successfully compile your application, change the namespace value for function blocks that are usedmore than once in an application.

1. In the PLUS+1® GUIDE menu bar, click the Query/Change button.

2. Click on the function block whose namespace you want to set to a unique value.

The Edit Page window opens.

3. In the Edit Page window, enter a meaningful Namespace value.• Namespace values are case-sensitive.

• To save controller memory, use a short namespace value.

4. Press Enter.

5. Repeat these steps to enter unique namespace values for other identical function blocks.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

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Pre-Made Service Screen

This screen gives an overview of the PVED_CLS_GMC function block.

Output Type Description

Curvature Cmd 1/km Curvature command.-803200: Maximum left.0: Straight.803175: Maximum right.

SteerCmd Stat —— Steering command status.0: Not intended for steering.1: Intended for steering.2: Error.3: Not available.

Enabled —— Digital (Boolean) input signal. Used to enable or disable CAN transmission for the block.

Curve_NA —— Digital (Boolean) parameter signal. Sets the GPS curvature signal to Not Available

Source Address —— Source address used by the message.

Dest Address —— Destination address used by the message.

Tx Rate ms How often the message is sent.

Status —— This signal indicates if a parameter fault is declared. It’s a bitwise code, so multiple items can be reported at a time.The following status codes are provided:0x0000: No fault.0x8008: At least one parameter is out of range.

Fault —— This signal indicates if an input fault is declared. It’s a bitwise code, so multiple items can be reported at a time.The following fault codes are provided:0x0000: No fault.0x8001: An input value is too low.0x8002: An input value is too high.

IEC 61508-3 Annex D Supplemental Information

The following table provides IEC 61508-3 Annex D supplemental information.

Label Description

Software Name PVED_CLS_GMC

Software Version 1.00

Release Status Released.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

10 | © Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000257en-000101

Label Description

Required Knowledge Requirements to the user:1. The programmer must fully read and understand all parts of the Safety Manual

before attempting to use the software product.2. The programmer must have well-founded knowledge about using PLUS+1® tools.3. The programmer must fully read and understand all parts of the PVED-CLS User

Manual before attempting to use the software product.

Revision History Version 1.00.First release.

Known Issues Not applicable.

Backward Compatibility ——

Market Requirements NotMet


Change Request Direct any change request to your Danfoss sales representative.

Support Direct any request to the PLUS+1® help desk:plus1helpdesk@danfoss.com

OS The software is not hardware specific.

Tool Requirements PLUS+1® GUIDE version 9.1 or later certified version.PLUS+1® Service Tool version 9.1 or later certified version.

Security Not applicable.

Design Level • All software development has been done using SIL2 processes.• The hardware library is not SIL2 certified.• Danfoss provides required documentation to certifying bodies on customer request.

Certification Not certified.

User ManualPLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

PVED_CLS_GMC Function Block

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