Purtone Hearing Centers Newsletter January 2011

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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http://www.ArizonaHears.com IN THIS ISSUE:A Happy New Year to You!;President’s Corner;A Funny Thing Happened – Funny Bone; PūrTone Announcements; Passionate About Hearing; A-Mazing Solution; January’s New Year Coupon; What’s Stopping You?; Looney Law; Now ‘Ear This;Fun Zone: A-Maze Yourself; Fun Fact

Transcript of Purtone Hearing Centers Newsletter January 2011

Well, we have the holidays behind us and another new year at our

doorstep, replete with New Year‟s Resolutions, and resolve that‟s already

fading for some with that last piece of holiday pie. We are looking forward

to this new year as a time to make friends with our newer patients, and

strengthen our friendships with those who have been coming to us for some

time, maybe even years. One of the ways we hope to achieve this is to

communicate our appreciation for you through our monthly newsletter.

For those who have been receiving SoundBites already, we hope you have

been enjoying the articles and highlights that we have shared with you.

Many of you have commented on the information you‟ve learned about

hearing from our articles, and many have said how much they look forward to

the stories, the looney laws, our „Funny Bone‟ column, and the puzzles, etc.,

found in our „Fun Zone‟ on the back page. For 2011, we will be making a few

simple changes to enhance the newsletter, but we will continue to make

SoundBites a quick and fun source of information about hearing and hearing

instruments that you can trust.

Over the decades of our lives, most of us have witnessed an amazing

slideshow of events on this giant screen called, “LIFE”. There are stories

that could be told by each of us: stories of joy and laughter, tears and

sorrow, intrigue and mystery, high adventure and romance. Each of you has a

story to tell, and if you had the chance to sit down with a screenwriter, he

or she would find “the story” in your life. There would be Romeo and Juliets;

war buddies with tales of both rescue and loss; coming-of-age stories that

would make us remember our youth; poignant narratives of family and

friendships, triumphs and failures. It‟s these anecdotes that help us get to

know each other and connect us to one another, as family and friends.

During 2011, our goal is to get to know each other better, so we can help

you hear the best you can. Knowing what‟s most important to you makes our

programming adjustments for you more effective. Because we are not just your hearing care provider, but your friends, too.

And friends not only share their histories, they make new memories

together. We sincerely mean it when we say, “You and your hearing are

important to us.” We look forward to sharing time and moments with you

this year that we can fondly recall together and reminisce about in years to


As we begin this new year together, we warmly wish each and every one

of you a happy, healthy and bountiful 2011!

IN THIS ISSUE * A Happy New Year to You!

* President’s Corner * A Funny Thing Happened – Funny Bone

* PūrTone Announcements * Passionate About Hearing

* A-Mazing Solution * January’s New Year Coupon

* What’s Stopping You? * Looney Law

* Now ‘Ear This *Fun Zone: A-Maze Yourself

* Fun Fact

Your Company Name Presents




Edward Maznio, President


As we begin this New Year, I’d

like to talk about making a serious commitment to wearing your hearing aids daily. Like any other muscle in our body, our brain is only as strong as the exercise it gets. For example, if you were to wear a leg cast for a few weeks, your leg muscles would become weak. If you were trapped in a pitch-black cave for a few months, you would lose your eyesight. Conversely, if you immersed yourself in a new language for several

months, your brain would learn and develop new understanding of that language. So it is with your hearing. When we begin wearing hearing aids, our brain begins to receive the needed nourishment and stimulation that it has been missing to accurately process sound(s) and distinguish language noises. Over time, as the ‘exercise’ continues, the brain is able to recapture its ability to understand various speech tones and cues.

We’ve even seen patients who have had dramatic results, improving their speech understanding from a mere 50% to an impressive 80%, in less than one year by their consistent use of hearing aids! If you want to

hear and understand speech better, especially when surrounding noise is present, wear your hearing aids daily. And, if you want to expedite your therapy, try listening to audio books on a daily basis. By listening to the speech and language sounds you’ve been missing, you will stimulate your brain to hear better. We know you will be happy with your results!




Client of the Month Congratulations to Harold G. of Glendale, our Client of the Month for December. As always, the Client of the Month receives a free lunch with two friends and PūrTone’s President and Founder, Edward Maznio, at Chili’s Restaurant & Grill.

Call me to find out how YOU can become a Client of the Month!


What is CLIENT OF THE MONTH ‘philematology’ ? Congratulations to Larry S. of Lake

Everyone who faxes, emails, or calls in Havasu City, our Client of the Month the correct answer by the last business for January. As always, the Client of day of January, 2011, will be entered Month receives a free lunch with two into a drawing for a Chili’s Restaurant friends and PūrTones President and

$25.00 Dining Certificate. Founder, Edward Maznio, at one of

The winner will be selected by random our many local restaurants.

drawing of participants. Watch for your Call me to find out how YOU name next month! can become a Client of the Month!


Among many others, here are some of the new clients who became members of our “PūrTone Family” this past month. I’d like to welcome you, and wish you all the best!

Ron F. from Lake Havasu City (referred by Larry S.)

Lowell R. from Yuma (referred by Joyce S.)

Tom T. from Goodyear (referred by Margaret S.)

Carol B. from Phoenix (referred by Sharon B.)

We love giving recognition to our new friends and our wonderful existing clients who are kind enough to refer friends, family and neighbors to us. Thank you so much for your kind support. We appreciate you.

“I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex,

if not more important than, those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune.

For it means the loss of the most vital stimulus – the sound of the voice that brings

language, sets the thoughts astir and keeps us in the intellectual company of man.”

- Helen Kel ler

Hearing loss affects a person in ways some never consider: the loss of dignity, of self-expression,

of community relationships. Regardless of the cause, as one’s hearing fades and communication becomes a struggle, a person

begins to lose touch with people. Others are forced to “interpret” or have to repeat often, causing important relationships to

become strained. Through no fault of their own, the hard of hearing person becomes less involved and their world narrows as

they feel the embarrassment and disappointment of misunderstanding conversations. Desire to stay involved with family,

friends, recreation, faith-based events, entertainment, and community service fades away. We want to help – and we can!

Funny Bone “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” Proverbs 17:22

A Funny Thing

Happened on the Way

to Better Hearing…

Some years back, a friend told me an example of how he had suffered embarrassment from hearing loss at a very young age. One day Neel came home from school very upset and announced that he would “not go back to that school again!” When his mother questioned him, he told her, “Because my teacher called me a ‘scurvy elephant’!” Fuming, his mother confronted the teacher at school the next day and demanded to know why she would call her son names. The teacher, startled and confused by the accusation, denied that she had called Neel an offensive name. Reviewing the previous day’s events, the teacher finally remembered that she had called Neel “a disturbing element”, for disrupting the class, NOT a “scurvy elephant”. Today, the best in hearing instruments are available to both young and old. As we can see from Neel’s story, hearing loss affects people of all ages. Don’t be a “scurvy elephant”.

Call us today and let us help YOU!


Let’s talk about this a minute. Most of you are already wearing our hearing systems and taking advantage of our programs for hearing aid check-ups. By doing so, your hearing instruments

are kept in the best working order. Many of you also make sure to have an annual hearing test,

knowing this helps us to discover if there have been any significant changes in your hearing.

And, if there have been changes, we can usually reprogram your hearing system to accommodate

those differences. All of this works together to give you the best hearing results you can get.

On the other hand, some of you who are reading this have had your hearing tested, but have delayed ordering

hearing aids for some reason. Some of you have had your hearing aids for a long time but have postponed having

your hearing system checked on a regular basis. We’d like to encourage you to get on a regular visit program with us.

Hearing is a delicate, sensitively balanced system of the body. You may recall that in recent past issues, we

reviewed the anatomy of the ear. Thousands of tiny hair cells (this is overly-simplified) send different sound signals to

the brain so it can differentiate and combine those signals to make word sense out the language sounds you hear.

The reason I mention this, is because small changes in your hearing can cause a big shift in how well you understand

speech. In conjunction with that, small programming changes that we are able to make to your hearing instruments

can have a huge impact on how well you hear and understand speech.

If you have delayed getting hearing aids for any reason, please call us today to review what options you may

have to correct your hearing loss. Hearing systems improve all the time! The cost, sophistication, and size of hearing

instruments are all factors that we can help you balance in order to get you started and onto the road to better hearing.

This is one of the most important issues you can address early-on this year! Not only is it important to start

wearing hearing instruments to help you hear now, it’s important because wearing hearing instruments today will

maintain your ability to discriminate speech (understand words) more clearly in the future (barring other complications).

Let’s face it, it’s the right thing to do – for you and your loved ones. Wearing a hearing system that’s been properly

programmed to fit your unique hearing issues can definitely improve your quality of life.

The side benefit to the whole program is the relief you’ll

have when the nagging stops from your spouse, friends

and other family members! If you are currently

wearing hearing aids, have your hearing – and

your hearing instruments – checked regularly.

If you suspect, or know, that you have hearing loss

but don’t presently wear hearing aids, now is a good

time to make the decision to hear better. Start your

new year out right. Call us today for an appointment to

review the many options of hearing correction possible.

We can help make this year one of your best ever!




Hearing loss definitely can have genetic roots, and it was very

fortunate for “Aleck” to not have been born impaired, or later become

hard of hearing. But with compassion on those who could not hear

and understand speech, “A.G. Bell”, as he called himself, devoted his

life to finding ways to help the hearing impaired communicate more

easily. Although he is best-known for inventing the telephone, the

genius of that electronic instrument was really a by-product of Aleck’s

hard work and perseverance to create a piece of equipment whereby

the hard of hearing could read spoken words, much like the scrolling

caption telephones of today. It is obvious A. G. Bell was “a man

before his time” and leads one to wonder if he had not passed away in

1922, would he have discovered the wonder of the cell phone long

before its public introduction by Dr. Martin Cooper in April, 1973?

Interestingly enough, Alexander refused to have a telephone installed

in his study. As a scientist and inventor, he considered it to be “an

intrusion on his real work”.

The next time you use a telephone, thank hearing loss.

Answers can be found inside on page 3.



Alexander Graham Bell. Say his

name to anyone and they instantly know

you are talking about the inventor of the

telephone. Mr. Bell’s entire life was surrounded by and

devoted to those who were hard of hearing or deaf. He taught deaf

students and was married to a deaf woman; his own mother was deaf.

So, his original goal was to transform spoken words into electronic

signals in order to make them visible to deaf people. When he

realized this technology could also be used to transmit speech over

long distances, the telephone was born.


Corporate Office

20350 N. Cave Creek Rd., Ste. 130 Phoenix, Arizona 85024 602-971-3900 or 888-614-HEAR E-Mail: HealthyHearing@PurToneUSA.com Web: www.PurToneUSA.com