Purpose. - The Michael J. Fox Foundation · 2018. 12. 14. · The Michael J. Fox Foundation is...

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Transcript of Purpose. - The Michael J. Fox Foundation · 2018. 12. 14. · The Michael J. Fox Foundation is...

  • Purpose.






  • The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today.

  • Contents

    A Note from Michael

    An Update from the CEO and the Co-Founder

    2015 in Pictures

    2015 Donor Listing

    Industry Partners

    Planned Giving

    Corporate and Matched Gifts


    Recurring Gifts

    Team Fox

    Tour de Fox

    2015 Financial Highlights


    Boards and Councils















    1 2015 Annual Report

  • A Note from Michael

    Dear Friend,

    When the Foundation launched, we promised to focus on the most urgent medical needs of people living with Parkinson’s. We also pledged to do so with tenacity and a commitment to maximize the impact of every gift.

    In 2015, your partnership — and that of patients, families, researchers and clinicians throughout the Parkinson’s community — helped us accelerate momentum in the field in new and invigorating ways.

    We still have much to do, but your friendship continues to move us toward a cure. Thank you for sharing our purpose and our progress.

    2 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • An Update from the CEO and the Co-Founder: Purpose, Partnership and Progress

    3 2015 Annual Report

    TODD SHERER, PhD Chief Executive Officer

    DEBORAH W. BROOKS Co-Founder and Executive Vice President

    Like the synapses and circuits that make up our neurological function, Parkinson’s research is a complex network. It relies on the interconnectivity, shared purpose and partnership of funders, academia, industry, clinicians and allied health care providers, and those living with Parkinson’s disease (PD).

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation sits at the nexus of these groups, working single-mindedly to accelerate progress toward a cure on behalf of the estimated five million individuals living with Parkinson’s worldwide. (continued...)

  • As this report details, 2015 was marked by a groundswell not only of therapeutic pipeline activity, but also of Parkinson’s community engagement. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our worldwide network of supporters, we funded $87.8 million in research programs last year — a single-year record for our organization. And our investments continue to bear fruit in the form of tremendous activity in the Parkinson’s therapeutic development pipeline of both symptomatic and potentially disease-modifying treatments.

    Today, no fewer than seven disease-modifying therapies (a treatment that could slow, stop or even reverse progression of Parkinson’s disease, something no current treatment has been proven to do) are advancing through clinical testing.

    Genetics remains the leading path to critical breakthroughs in this arena. In 2015, two Foundation-funded investigations targeting alpha-synuclein, the gene whose protein clumps in the brains of people with PD, moved into human trials. One of these already is planning for a Phase II study. (Read more on page 20.) Meanwhile, mutations of the gene known as LRRK2 — the most common known genetic cause of PD — remain the focus of intense research interest. We are cautiously optimistic that our partners working toward the first LRRK2 inhibitor drugs could initiate clinical trials as soon as 2017.

    On the symptomatic front, as many as four new therapies are positioned to come to market in the next two years, mostly rescue drugs to address disabling motor complications, including “off” periods. In 2015, two new treatments, Rytary and Duopa — novel reformulations of carbidopa/levodopa designed to reduce “off” periods — were approved by FDA and took their place on pharmacy shelves. And as this report went to print, we shared news of the U.S. regulatory approval of Nuplazid (pimavanserin), the first treatment for psychosis (hallucinations and delusions) in Parkinson’s.

    We join patients and families in celebrating these important wins. But we remain sober about the work still to be done, and we continue to look to the Parkinson’s community as vital partners in the continuing advancement of Parkinson’s therapeutic development as a whole.

    As more drugs enter late-stage testing, the need for validated, objective biomarkers intensifies. Biomarkers of Parkinson’s would

    make clinical trials more efficient, optimize the selection of patient populations for clinical testing, and clarify regulatory pathways to approval for breakthrough treatments. MJFF’s landmark Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), launched in 2010, has grown to become the field’s premier vehicle for biomarker development. Last year, the study expanded its genetic cohorts and extended longitudinal observation of the original cohort. PPMI has studied a total of nearly 1,000 individuals to date, and its unparalleled dataset has been accessed more than 500,000 times by researchers worldwide. Today, studies using PPMI biosamples are yielding never-before-possible insights into the natural history of PD. For example, in September 2015, leaders of the study’s genetics core published an analysis of PPMI data outlining five clear criteria that could for the first time allow researchers to screen for Parkinson’s risk and eventually even predict who will get PD.

    As evidenced in part by patients’ and families’ tremendous willingness to take part in PPMI, people with Parkinson’s have long been eager to engage in a true dialogue with scientists. In 2015, the Foundation launched Fox Insight, an online observational study and portal for patients to share their experiences and concerns directly with researchers, helping ensure that R&D priorities are reflective of the most pressing unmet medical needs of people with PD. Fox Insight aims to collect and analyze data from thousands of individuals on measurable features of Parkinson’s, such as slowness of movement, tremor and sleep quality, enabling researchers to assemble a better picture of the clinical progression of Parkinson’s and track its relationship to molecular changes. To date, more than 4,000 participants have enrolled; many more are needed. (Read more on page 46.)

    And because virtual research is most effective when it complements traditional “brick and mortar” studies, our Foundation continues to grow Fox Trial Finder, our online clinical trial matching tool. Last year, Fox Trial Finder crossed the 50,000-mark in registered volunteers, expanded scientifically to include studies focused on atypical parkinsonisms underrepresented in research, and enlarged its international footprint to include France. This brings the total number of countries worldwide in which it is matching volunteers and trials to 31.

    In addition to tools for research engagement, our Foundation hears every day from patients,

    4 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • loved ones and caregivers seeking community connection and high-quality educational offerings to better understand their disease. We are eager to continue working with the PD community to spread the word about opportunities to partner in the search for a cure.

    Our grassroots fundraising program, Team Fox, contributed more than $11 million to our research efforts through thousands of community-based events last year. And we connected with friends old and new through an expanding palette of online and in-person events. The Tour de Fox, a summer-long odyssey brought together more than 3,000 participants and supporters across the United States and Canada, and raised an astounding $2.5 million for research. (Read more on page 54.)

    Research roundtable discussions and day-long Partners in Parkinson’s symposia reached tens of thousands of patients and families, as did our Third Thursdays webinars, Ask the MD series and MJFF podcasts breaking down the latest news on drug development and living with Parkinson’s.

    In short, we left 2015 more optimistic and energized than ever by the achievements to date and the possibilities ahead. And we couldn’t do any of it without you. Thank you for helping realize our shared vision of a world without Parkinson’s disease.

    With gratitude,

    DEBORAH W. BROOKSCo-Founder and Executive Vice Chairman

    TODD SHERER, PhDChief Executive Officer

    5 2015 Annual Report

    Andy S. Grove1937 2016

    AS THE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATION PREPARED THIS REPORT, we joined the technology and business communities in mourning the passing of Andrew S. Grove in March 2016 at

    age 79.

    A visionary leader who was never satisfied with the status quo,

    Andy served for many years as president, CEO and chairman of

    the board for Intel Corporation. He was well-known for his love

    of challenging assumptions and for motivating others to reach

    goals often thought unattainable.

    Andy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease around the

    time of MJFF’s founding in 2000 and became an adviser who

    influenced the Foundation’s philosophy of accountability, failure

    analysis and willingness to change and adapt. We are grateful

    to Andy for his extraordinary contribution to our mission.

    Remembering a Revolutionary and a Friend

  • 2015 in Pictures

    FROM TOP (CAPTIONS LEFT TO RIGHT) (1) Board members Tracy Pollan, Lily Safra and Michael J. Fox at A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson’s; (2) Michael J. Fox with Anthony Scaramucci at the SALT Conference in Las Vegas; (3) Nike CEO Mark Parker (center) and his team join Debi Brooks and Michael J. Fox as he tries on the first pair of self-lacing Nike Mag shoes; (4) MJFF Patient Council member and Contributing Editor Dave Iverson moderates at a Partners in Parkinson’s panel; (5) David Letterman takes the stage at Funny Thing; (6) Julianna Margulies and Keith Lieberthal at Funny Thing; (7) Patient Council member Carl Bolch, Jr. (center) and RaceTrac CEO Allison Moran (center left) with Michael J. Fox, Debi Brooks and the Bolch family; (8) John Fogerty and Michael J. Fox perform at Funny Thing









    6 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • 18

    7 2015 Annual Report

    9 10


    14 15 16


    FROM TOP (CAPTIONS LEFT TO RIGHT) (9) Debi Brooks and Michael J. Fox with Board members Bonnie Strauss, Sonny Whelen, Holly Andersen, MD, George Prescott and Ed Kalikow at Breaking PARkinson’s; (10) Board member David Einhorn at Playing to Win; (11) Vera Alfieri Serrano, Norman Fixel, Michael J. Fox, Susan Fixel and Janet Davis; (12) Michael J. Fox and MJFF CEO Todd Sherer at a Pfizer panel discussion; (13) Board member Andy O’Brien at Breaking PARkinson’s; (14) Tom Strauss, Michael J. Fox, Board member Bonnie Strauss, Michael Bloomberg and Tracy Pollan celebrate MJFF’s research alliance with the Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia and Parkinson Foundation; (15) A Twitter exchange between President Barack Obama and Michael J. Fox on Back to the Future Day; (16) NFL tight end Tony Gonzalez with Board member Curtis Schenker; (17) Charles Lantz, Jane Comer and Michael J. Fox; (18) Michael J. Fox and Tour de Fox’s Sam Fox (no relation)






    The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s work is made possible by patients, families, friends, researchers, clinicians and companies who believe — as we do — that partnership is critical to driving research advances. This report lists significant gifts made in 2015, and each name is a testament to the strength of this dynamic community. Thank you for helping us move toward our shared vision of a world without Parkinson’s disease.

    Thanks to the generosity of more than 78,000 donors, 2015 was our biggest year to date.

    2015 Donor Listing


    8 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • $25M and AboveSergey Brin

    $2.5M– $24,999,999Andy Grove, The Grove Foundation*

    $1M– $2,499,999Anonymous (3)

    Connie and Steven Ballmer

    The Dickson Foundation

    Lauren and Lee Fixel

    Jane Comer and Charles Lantz

    Leslie and Colin Masson

    Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky

    The Edmond J. Safra Foundation*

    Bonnie and Tom Strauss/ The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia and Parkinson’s Foundation

    Sonny and Christine Whelen

    *Includes payments toward a multi-year gift

    $500K– $999,999 The Albert and Judy Glickman Family

    Great Investors’ Best Ideas Foundation/ Michele and Shad Rowe

    RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc.

    Signature Bank

    Karen Pritzker and Michael Vlock*

    $200K– $499,999Lauren and Mark Booth*

    The Creighton Family

    Cheryl and David Einhorn

    Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox

    Golub Capital*

    William and Margaret Fern Holmes Family Foundation

    Kinetics Foundation

    Marilyn Muir

    National Stem Cell Foundation

    Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute*

    Julie and Doug Ostrover

    Elena and Scott Shleifer

    Anne-Cecilie Engell Speyer and Rob Speyer

    Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.

    9 2015 Annual Report

  • $100K—$199,999Anonymous (2)

    Marie-Therese and Carle Baker

    Debbi and Paul Brainerd

    Virginia Clay

    Diana Davidow

    Anne-Marie and Patrick Demoucelle

    Shannon and Mark L. Hart III

    Anne and Jeff Keefer

    The Lauder Foundation – Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund

    The Samuel, Nadia, Sidney and Rachel Leah Fund

    The Leon Levine Foundation / Sandra and Leon Levine

    Carolyne and Edwin A. Levy

    The Malkin Family Foundation

    Milken Family Foundation

    Adam Mendelsohn

    Parkinson’s Unity Walk

    Dr. Anna Chapman and Ronald O. Perelman

    The Sacks Family Foundation

    Carolyn and Curtis Schenker*

    Shackleton Family*

    Silicon Valley Community Foundation

    Skybridge Capital, LLC

    Shane Smith

    Kerry and Chuck Tyler*

    Dr. Brent and Terry Weinberger Charitable Gift Fund

    $50K—$99,999Anonymous (2)

    The Adame Family

    MacKenzie and Jeff Bezos

    Connie and Felix Bhandari

    Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation

    Cantor Fitzgerald

    Barbara and Julian Cherubini

    Daisy Prince and Hugh Chisholm / Prince Charitable Trusts

    Joan and Ross Collard

    Luke Comer

    Consolidated Anti-Aging Foundation

    Norah and John Daly

    The Robert & Connie Delaney Foundation

    Virginia and William Dixon

    Fire Protection Products, Inc.

    Lucy and James Fox

    M. Arthur Gensler, Jr. and Associates

    Karen Finerman

    Susan and Kim Henry

    Armin and Esther Hirsch Foundation

    Holly Andersen, MD, and Douglas Hirsch

    The Hirschhorn Foundation

    Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation

    The Island Foundation

    Marilyn and George Kaufman

    Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation

    Light of Day Foundation Inc.

    Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz

    John and Linda MacDonald Foundation

    The Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Family Foundation Inc.*

    Katie Couric and John MolnerCarl MooreRichard C. MuglerNames Family FoundationRobin and Andy O’BrienParkinson’s PalsDonna and Michael RajkovicRawley FoundationLee RossPam and Jon ScarboroughFrancesco ScattoneSusie and Rick SchnallBarry SilvermanThe Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family

    FoundationIris and Michael SmithSoros Fund Charitable FoundationCarol SpierAlexandra Wentworth and

    George StephanopoulosCarl StieweDiane and Richard TemplerThe Wasily Family FoundationWells Fargo BankWilkins Parkinson’s Foundation

    $25K—$49,999Anonymous (3)A.J. Shea Construction, LLCAlexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.Zanab AlviCandace Young and Glenn BatchelderJennifer Kangas and Zachary BrezBridgemill FoundationShanna and Jon BrooksJoyce and Barry CohenThe Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen

    FoundationSimon and Eve Colin Foundation Inc.*Martha and John CoppolaFrances W. Corbett TrustKim and Phil CoxRachael Ray and John CusimanoDARCARS Toyota of Silver Spring Donny DeutschCecelia and Tad DicksonFairchild Martindale FoundationRichard H. FitzgeraldJohn and Mary Kaye Fort Family FundStephanie and Robert GoldsteinGreater Houston Foundation for Medical

    Research and EducationJulia and Joel GreenblattAmy and John Griff in FoundationThe Gurley Family FundSuzan and Rick HarringtonStephanie and Michael HaverlyGertrude E. Hill FoundationAnn and Skip IrvingThe Kalikow and Platt FamiliesSheldon and Audrey Katz FoundationJulia and Declan KellyPatricia and Samuel W. KinnairdRachel and Amar KuchinadThe Margaret and Daniel Loeb /

    Third Point FoundationMarsh and McLennan Companies /

    Peter Zaff ino

    Medidata SolutionsEdoardo William MorettiCatherine and John T. MorseThe Natter Family FoundationDick NicelyNicholas Family FoundationJennifer and Sean O’NealDavid O’ShaughnessyMeagan and Gerald OuderkirkChuck PachecoMarion Park Foundation /

    Carol and Steve ParkThe Polo Ralph Lauren FoundationMary PowerThe Billy Rose FoundationAllen RosenbergElana and Rafi RosmanCarolyn and Marc RowanJean and Robert SchrimmerJames Schwab Select Equity Group FoundationJennifer and Ralph SellsWilliam and Jacqueline Shaw Family

    Foundation Inc.Jill and Bill ShepherdTrish McEvoy and Dr. Ronald ShermanLaura and Andrew T. SlabinThelma and Howard SmithThe Smolin Family TrustMarty and Iris Walshin FoundationWagner Spray Tech CorporationElsa WatsonAmy and Fred WeissStephanie and Thomas WildeJerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation

    $10K—$24,999Anonymous (10)Sue A. Murphy Memorial FoundationAbbe Berman Foundation TrustKristen and Omar Abdel-HafezThe Kenneth A. Abrams Charitable

    FoundationDavid AckerDenise and Stephen AdamsJoy AdamsCarol and Robert AllisonAmerican Advertising FederationPeter and Irene Andrulis Charitable Lead

    Annuity TrustAnheuser-BuschRamin Arani Terry and Regina Armstrong Family

    Charitable FoundationArrell Family FoundationLamar Q. BallBank of America Charitable FoundationLynn and Dave Beall Barbara and Peter BenedekShira and Loren BergerBessemer TrustMarcia BeutlerRobert and Joan Blackman Family

    FoundationBloombergNorine Boisi Irina and Harry BrandlerDebi and Jeff Brooks

    Alexis BrownCathy and Martin Brown, Jr.BTIG, LLCSusan and Simon BudmanHeather BuhrWilliam O. Burnett Charitable

    FoundationFletcher CarterEllen Hooker and Joseph CassanoCharity Miles LLCCharleston Parkinson’s Support Group Dina and David CiagneClaudia and Marty ColeThe Dancing Skies FoundationNancy and Tom DavidsonGleeann and Dwight DavisVirginia de LimaJoseph DealJill and Jeffrey DegenBarbara and Robert DeinJosefina DiezMrs. Emily Chiu and Mr. Cuong DoMr. and Mrs. Edward DobbsClement DortieJudy DossThomas DoyleEva Andersson-Dubin, MD, and

    Glenn DubinNancy Dubuc Margaret and Bruce DuffDugan FoundationPedro Earp Joshua EasterlyThe Eccles Family FoundationPascale and Paul EdelmanCaryn and Craig EffronEl Camino HospitalMartin J. EliasRobert E. Enslein FoundationThe Ettleman Family FundJanet EvansMartha Struthers Farley and Donald C.

    Farley, Jr. Family FoundationSusan and Norman FixelJulianne Moore and Bart FreundlichChristen C. and Ben H. Garrett Family

    FoundationJeanie L. GilesSteven GoldbergThe Sol and Lillian Goldman FamilyGolf for Parkinson’sGreg GordonThe Grateful Foundation Inc.R. Scott and Luba GreederEllyn and Michael GreenspanJason HalpernSusan and Richard Hare Family

    FoundationStephanie HarmanJames T. HaynesHBOJune and Ron Hersh and FamilyJay Hoag Fredericka HunterHunter Properties Inc. Hurlbert Family FoundationICAP Services North America LLC

    10 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • Incapital LLCCarolyn and Ron JacksonRoger L. Jackson TrustColleen and Eugene Jacobus /

    Eugenia JacobusLisa and Ross JagarLisa and Lamar JohnsonRon JohnsonCorey JonesSonia and Paul T. JonesEleanor Frances Nelson JordanLaura Arrell and Erik JoyalDrs. Julie and Scott KalnizEdward H. Kaplan Revocable TrustMichael and Nicholas Kaplan /

    Fashion to Figure StoresRoddie KaplanDenise and Arthur KatsarosErik KayCynthia and Peter KelloggRita KernenThe John W. Hill and Knowl FoundationChris and John KocalLauren KoenigKramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLPSusan Krause Charitable Lead Annuity

    TrustBernard KravitzThe Kremer FoundationJoyce and Graydon LarrabeeCecilia Barajas and Mitchell LaskyLego SystemRichard LehrfeldErin and Justin D. LeponeLight of Day CanadaSuzanne and Craig LittThe Lobster HouseDeborah and Jim LongAmalia and Peter LucasGeorge LucasMr. and Mrs. Walter E. Lydick, Jr.Madigan Family FoundationJanet and Tim MaherManus Family FoundationNancy Peery Marriott Foundation, Inc.The V & L Marx FoundationPriscilla and George MatoukNoreene Storrie and Wesley G. McCainElizabeth and Chris McGrathMeacham Family Foundation, Inc.Mellam Family FoundationFrances and John MeloneThe Mill Foundation LTDLeo Miller Family FoundationMizuho USA Foundation Inc.Saad Mohseni James McNasby and Donny MossThe Donald R. Mullen Family

    Foundation, Inc.Mitsuaki Munegumi Judy and Bill Nadeau /

    Brewers Supply GroupNBCUniversal Media, LLCNancy and Bruce NewbergJohn NewlinDorothy and Richard NoparOak Creek Foundation

    Candace Walker and S.K. OkaOmnicom Media Group Inc.Mrs. Lynne Pace and General Peter Pace Kimberly Williams-Paisley and

    Brad PaisleyParkinson’s Cure Research Funding, Inc.Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton &

    Garrison LLPAmy and Brook PaynerKayla and Richard PechterArturo Peralta-RamosRose and Art PerrinAnna and William PhillipsEdward N. Robinson, Jr., MD, MPH, and

    Pamela M. Pittman, MDPocono Foxtrot for Parkinson’s Research Corky and Stephen PollanMrs. Jeanne F. Coleman and Mr.

    Lawrence F. PortnoyRabobank InternationalThe Raether 1985 Charitable TrustJohn RafalThe Raiff FoundationMichael Rapino Nancy RappRitzow Family FoundationKevin RobertsRoddenberry FoundationSharon and Daniel RoitmanBrett RosenbaumRoslyn High SchoolAliza and Joshua RosmanJames R. Ryan Family FoundationSalesforce.com FoundationMelissa Benzuly and Jonathan SchaffzinMark SeligerThe Honorable Felice K. SheaDganit and David ShefetPaula and Peter SherkShouler District Agency Sills Family FoundationSilver Lakes Golf & Conference CentreSilverman Holding Corp.The Slagle Family Charitable FundJamie SmithJean S. Smith Revocable TrustMichael SmithSoul to SoulLori and Kenneth SquireRichard StebbinsJennifer and John StreitMargaret P. Stevenson FoundationThe James M. and Margaret V. Stine

    Foundation, Inc.Catherine and Chris StroupChris T. SullivanSunbelt Beverage Co., LLCSuwyn Family Foundation Mildred E. Swanson FoundationNina and Michael SweeneySymphonys Unlimited Inc.SynTerra CorporationPamela and Joseph ThompsonLevino TittaferranteDennis ToppelThomas TournatTruist

    Christina TsichlisDonna E. UcciGail UllmanSusan and Donald UllmannUnited Talent AgencyUniversal City Studios LLCVinson & ElkinsRemer and Donald Waguespack Bernice WaldbaumMary and Frank WalshRoger WarinCarolyn and David WassermanPamela WeekesKim Harris and Scott WeinerGrace and Steve WeitzerMartin WellsSarah Wetherbee Charitable TrustDonald WilliamsTheresa and Kenneth WilliamsLink Wilson - Compulink Healthcare

    SolutionsJoan B. WiltonWorld Wide Technology FoundationRoslyn WrightJo Ann and Rick Young

    $5K—$9,999Anonymous (13)Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad CoLisette AckerbergThe Ajemian FoundationLonnie and Muhammad AliAllstate / The Giving CampaignBeverly and Joel AltmanAmazonSmile FoundationAmerican EagleAmerica’s Charities Inc.Amicus Amico FoundationCarrie and Robert AndalmanNoam AronAnne Arrell McCutchen AshleyAspen InsuranceBabior FoundationLinda BaierlBryan BainAlice and Byrd BallLloyd Barbara Jessica and Shane BaronSusan Cahn and Mario BataliJudy and Joseph BaumgartenBay Counties Dump Truck AssociationAndrew Bechtel Conrad BergstromTom BernardsonCarol and David BienstockRichard Bisson Lewis BlackAlecia and Bill BlakeCharles J. and Brenda Block Family

    Philanthropic FundRosanna BogartBolour Associates, Inc.Karen BommaritoJames BoyleDonald BraggR. Rebelo and A. Bryant

    Suzanna BuchtaBurns Family FoundationLinda S. ByarsBarbara and Victor CalabaCalifornia Association of Community

    ManagersCapital OneCapitol MarketChris CaratanAnn Carlsen Stephanie and Wayne CaronTiara CastroCelebrity MachinesAndrea Okamura and Jeffrey ChambersCarolyn and Stephen ChaseChicago Irish BrotherhoodDev ChodryLarry ChristensenCiao Parkinson’s of MillbrookJean ClarkDr. Anne Armstrong-Coben and

    Harlan Coben Maya Davis and Christian CocksBarbara and Lawrence B. CohenBruce A. CohenLaurie CollinsContext Capital Partners LPCopeland Family Foundation Inc.Donald R. CoxC.R. Bard, Inc.Credit Suisse Americas FoundationSkip Cressman Cory Curtis DARCARS 355 Toyota Darling Fund of the Philadelphia

    FoundationJana DavidsonD. Wes DavisDeanfox Foundation, Inc.Daniel DeCoreDiane and Richard DeNardisElyssa and Mark DicksteinSarah DioguardiMary E. Dooner FoundationDesi DosSantosJeff DupuisSteven EarleCheryl and Blair EffronEdmond EgerDale and Marty EhrenreichMatt ElekThe Emerson Hermetic Motor DivisionThe Charles Engelhard FoundationLeslie and Ronald EzerskiMarcy and Art FalconeNicholas FinnGerald FiorettiFirman FundMark Foley Toi Lee FowlerLynn and Joel FrankAngela K. and James C. FritzMadelon and Roger FrossMary and Tim GalanteBev and Jack GallagherDanielle and David GanekBrandon Gardner

    11 2015 Annual Report

  • $5K—$9,999 (cont.)Genuardi Family Foundation

    Maribeth and David Genuardi

    Pat and Charles A. Genuardi

    Kirk Gibson Foundation

    Gibson Brands, Inc. Foundation

    Kenneth Giuriceo

    Seth Glickman

    Tia Miyamoto and Bryce Goeking

    Lynette and Ronald Goodrich

    Laurence Gottlieb

    James Grant

    Michael Greene

    Helene and Chris Hadfield

    Eric and Lynn Hagerbrant

    Virginia Hajeian

    William Hallman

    Gayle and Roger Halpin

    John Hammergren

    Charles and Nancy Harrison

    The Heithoff Family Foundation

    Henry Family

    Jane and Fred Herzner

    Jean and Rob Hess

    Creighton Hoffman

    Charles Hoidal

    Cathy and Graham Hollis

    Virginia and Terrance Holt

    Beverly and Richard Horowitz

    Mary C. Howell

    Mason Hughes

    Nancy and Robert Hunter

    The Huntington National Bank

    The Ironhill Foundation

    J. J. C. T. M. Foundation

    Amy and David Jaffe

    Susan Jennings

    Ellen Lynn and Judy Jentzen

    Jewish Communal Fund

    JKW Foundation

    Janet and David Johnson

    Judith and Nathaniel Jones

    Lars Jorgensen

    Warren B. Kanders Foundation

    Andrew Kaplan

    Carol G. Kaplan

    Thomas Kennedy

    Christy and Matt Keswick

    Debbie and Steve Kilian

    Terrie and Kenneth Kipp

    The Kitay Family Foundation

    Jerry Klein

    Robert Klein

    Abbe and Dan Klores

    Frank Komin

    Koons Toyota of Annapolis, Inc.

    Elizabeth and Ken Kopelman

    Yvette and Roger KotchCatherine Lamb Cris LamdinJames G. LammyLawhon Seed Company LLCThe H. Ward Lay Jr. FoundationKevin LayDr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. LeeKirsten and Jok LegalletCharles and Margaret Levin Family

    Foundation Inc.Mary and Darren LevineSue and Julian LifschizThe George Link Jr. Charitable TrustJoseph LinkPamela and Arnold LoebLupini ConstructionGwendolyn LydonStanley and Catherine Maas FoundationThomas Macken

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation has long partnered with critical stakeholders in the field to promote strategic collaboration among researchers, identify and overcome roadblocks and drive clinical trial participation. The companies listed here are partners in this unique approach, contributing more than $6 million to MJFF research initiatives in 2015.

    Industry Partners

    AbbVie, Inc.AbcamAcadia Pharmaceuticals Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Allstate BenefitsAmicus TherapiesApoPharma, Inc.AstraZenecaAvid RadiopharmaceuticalsBiogen, Inc.BioRep S.r.l.

    BiostorageBiotechnology Industry OrganizationBristol-Myers SquibbCongressMedCynapsus Therapeutics, Inc.GE HealthcareGenentechGlaxoSmithKlineInstitut de Recherche ServierLundbeck, Inc.MedImmune, LLCMedtronic, Inc.

    Merck & Co.

    Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC

    Pfizer Global Research and Development

    Piramal Imaging S.A.


    Senior Helpers

    SomaLogic, Inc.

    Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    UCB Pharma, Inc.

    Upsher-Smith Laboratories

    Voyager Therapeutics

    Learn more at michaeljfox.org/sponsors.

    12 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • 13 2015 Annual Report

    “Parkinson’s research is an ecosystem, and The Michael J. Fox Foundation is at its center. In the end, we all want to find a therapy for PD. To do that you need the best information — including about the targets and potential biomarkers. No one company or single academic lab can do that effectively.”

    Leveraging the Power of Everyone’s Data


    clear hurdles to a cure. Yet, data sharing and

    comparison among companies are atypical for

    research organizations.

    The Foundation’s uniquely solution-driven

    approach is welcomed by partners such as Darryle

    Schoepp, PhD, who serves as vice president and

    head of neuroscience research, discovery, pre-

    clinical and early development of Merck & Co.

    Merck is one of the Foundation’s longstanding

    collaborators, working with MJFF and other

    companies to support the Parkinson’s Progression

    Markers Initiative and to determine the relationship

    between LRRK2 and other proteins.

    A 25-year veteran of PD research, Dr. Schoepp first

    began investigating Parkinson’s and treatments

    to block the breakdown of dopamine in graduate

    school. When his mother was diagnosed with

    Parkinson’s nearly a decade ago, the critical

    need for a cure was driven home in a new way,

    strengthening his commitment to MJFF and its

    robust work bringing competitors together. The

    Foundation thanks Dr. Schoepp and our many

    industry partners for their collective support.

    —DARRYLE SCHOEPP, PhD Merck & Co.

  • $5K—$9,999 (cont.)Stephen MacLean

    Magnolia Operating, LLC

    Ellen and Michael Maguire

    Make it Possible Foundation – Lori and Lee Mikles

    Katherine Malkin

    The Mally Fund

    Emily Markham

    Marlins Foundation

    Marsh Racing, LLC

    Joan and Robert Matloff

    Michael Mattingly

    Andrew May

    J. Robb Mayo

    MBIA Foundation Inc.

    Cintra and Richard McArdle

    MCB Foundation for Parkinson’s

    Phyllis and Jim McDonald

    Vaughan McKee Family Trust

    Nancy McNamara and Lydia McMorrow

    Kenneth Mehlman

    Judith A. Melton

    Rita and Gregory Meltzer

    Helen Mendel

    Michael Michelson

    Linda Miller

    Michael Miller

    Phyllis W. Miller

    Daniel L. Milliken

    Cheryl and Philip Milstein

    Nanette and Todd Mirolla

    Timothy J. Moore

    Jennifer and John Mor

    Lewis Morris

    Kaushik Murali

    Joanna and Daniel Murray

    Muskin Family Foundation

    Mary and Warren Myer

    Kary and Gary Myers Fund

    MaryLouise Napier

    National Philanthropic Trust

    Bonnie M. Nelson

    Dee Dee and Ned Neuhaus

    The New York Community Trust

    Shelly and Warren Newman

    Maria and Stratton Nicolaides

    Joyce and William Niles

    Nomura Securities International, Inc.

    Nordby Construction Company

    NorthShore University Health System

    NWI Parkinson’s Inc.

    Nancy and Morris W. Off it

    Denise D. and Donald E. Paulus and Virginia Pacini

    Katharine and Bret Parker

    Parkinson Association of the Rockies

    Diane M. Pattee

    Rick Patterson

    Beverly and Stephen Pazuk

    Patrick Pelkey

    Douglas Peterson

    The Phase Foundation

    Ronald A. and Dorthy L. Pieringer

    Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

    Jane Pilant

    Lisa Pimentel Lloyd PineVirginia and James PittsJudith Belzer and Michael K. PollanMichael PopeJane and Bryce PotterJudith and George Prescott and FamilyMegan Sheetz and Trevor PricePY vs. PD FoundationAndrew Rachleff Ila and George RainwaterThe Mary Stewart Ramsey Family

    Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas

    Larry F. RandallAndrea RasoliBridget and Louis RayPatricia Jehle and James ReidyClaudia and Carlos RevillaFranci and Joseph RiceThe Louis A. Ritter FoundationR.J.W. FoundationN. Hayes RobbinsCarolyn RobinsonPietro RoccaThe Rogers FoundationThe Frances & David Rose FoundationCynthia and Peter RosenwaldEdward John and Patricia Rosenwald

    FoundationJim RothmanTheresa RowlandR.S. Quality Products Inc. / Monica and

    Robert SerfasCurtis RudbartJanice RudbartWilliam RudinGeorgina and Tom RussoJoshua RyderJulie and Gary SalomonThe San Francisco FoundationMara and Ricky SandlerSAPIO Production Hydrogen Oxygen SRLSchaner & Lubitz PLLC.Lorraine SchapiroMarjory and Jeffrey SharpElizabeth and Scott SchefrinRalph W. Tryon and Maida SchifterJennifer M. SchneckCaren and William SchneiderNancy and Ray SchoenkeDr. Darryle SchoeppSchrader Community Fund, a fund of

    The Indianapolis FoundationMeryl and Jeff SchwartzSuzanne and Andrew SchwartzThe Stephen Colbert Americone Dream

    Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of SC

    Gail and R. Dan Settle, Jr.Kim and Mark ShapiroDonna SheaKiefer ShenkElsa and Stanley SidelHolger Simon Alex SkoraDoenda and Donald SmithJoseph Smith

    Maureen and Glen SmithJohn SpackmanAdam SpiegelLizabeth SquicciariniSt. Clairsville-Richland City S. D.Cadi and Brian StephensonDavid SternCarol and Jim StormKathy StoutKate StrauchonDeWayne StreyleThe Stuart Family Foundation Inc.Kellie SumberacTara Smith Swibel and Brian Swibel Sycamore Creek, LLCRichard TauberLouise Laraway Teal FoundationJason TebuttCraig TedmonThird Horizon FoundationH. E. Thompson FoundationRamona and Charles ThompsonAdrian TiemannToole Charitable FoundationTorrington Area Parkinson’s

    Support GroupJason TrachewskyKarin and Kenneth TravisTriad Tool Co.Lisen TroutmanUeberroth Family FoundationUTA FoundationGreene Van Arsdale FoundationMichael Van HornJennifer and Brian Van KlompenbergWolfram VedderDavid M. WahStacey and Reid WalkerWarner Bros. EntertainmentSandi WaschWashington West International

    Film FestivalWaterstoneAmber WatsonLaurie and Steven WeinerThe Weismann FoundationAndrew Wells Nina W. Werblow Charitable TrustWest Springfield Running, LLCKaily Smith Westbrook and

    Adam WestbrookPatricia Wexler, MDBill and Sara WilkinsJ.R. and M.J. Wilson FoundationPeter WunschRuth Zinar

    $2,500—$4,999Anonymous (6)Carol AdamsADP Foundation Inc.Richard AielloMary Doherty and Thomas AllenDewey AlleyKathleen and Larry AlongiThomas AmaralAmerican Legion Riders Chapter 148

    Anchin Block & Anchin LLPKate and Ryan AndrewApgar-Black Foundation / Randolph

    Apgar and Allen BlackAllan and Lyndsey Arendsee Family

    FoundationJames ArnoldMichael AshfieldSpencer BaimThe Baldwin Group Inc.Leslie and Buck BalkindBarbara BankeAngela and Tony BarrettCraig BarrettSusan and Dale BarrettBarry Family Charitable FundStanley BarryMary F. BeckCarolyn and Don BergerLee BergerSharon and Mitchell W. Berger Adar BerghoffWayne BilottiMarc Blackson Duff BlairMarsha and Stephen BlankDr. and Mrs. Louis W. BloedeRoberta Bondi Deborah and Girome BonoRichard Booth Douglas A. BorckCaroline F. BradyMiriam and Steven BramRosanne and Michael BreenMargaret and John BrewerEugenia and Michael BrinRichard and Sharon Brown FoundationEric BurgerBurke & Herbert BankDr. and Mrs. Thomas BurkhardEugenia and George BuryloWilliam CahnDonald CantwayIan T. CarnathanJock CasasusLinda and Bernard Chalf inMatthew and Debra ChaninJohn ChareckyDebbyLou Charitable FundCharity Golf InternationalJoel CitronStacy and Richard ClarkBruce CohenLarry CohenTracey and Adam CollinsBarbara and Frank ColucciJohn Hoffee and Mr. Larry CondonBarbara and Jim ConenConnecticut Parkinson’s Working GroupHeather and Chris CookCorium International Inc.Elizabeth CorleyChristopher CrawfordJudy and Allan CurranDonald CurrenAlice CutlerDawn and Edward D’Alelio

    14 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • 15 2015 Annual Report

    Dalton Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

    Miriam and Peter DanekerJanet Davis Letrice and Travis DavisDeer Pass Golf Club, Inc.Margaret and Michael DeesDelivery Agent, Inc.Patrick DellRon Delsener Laura and Brian DeutchEllen and Darryn DiekenPamela and Robert Dif ilippoThe Dolan Family FoundationRichard DorfmanDoyle Family Foundation Inc.Geraldine Drew Andrew DunnMarsha and Anthony DurniakEastern Baseball LeagueCarole and David EbnerNancy and William EdmundsJames EganEthel EisenbergBrian EishemerAnne EldridgeJudy EpsteinKim and Libbe EricksonSusan and Timothy ErnstMary Ellen EsgroEventbriteMadeleine FarragherStephan E. FaySusan Feinstein Pilar Rubio FernandezStephen FerraraDebbie and Richard FifeJoyce and Robert FieldsteelElinor FillionLaurine and David FilloLynne Fina First Clearing, LLCKeith FisherFitch Fund for Medicine of Communities

    Foundation of TexasDebby and Lou FlancbaumMichelle S. Bright and Edward M. FluhrNelle and John FortenberryDorothy and Jon FoxKarmen and Greg FoxBruce and Kipp FreemanBernard and Leslie FriedmanDavid GaulCheryl and Richard GelberJoseph GeorgeMatthew GersonLance GidelAnne and Chad GiffordMyrna and Mike GinsbergGlobal ImpactGod’s Country ChurchSamuel GogolakBarbara and Howard GoldenfarbLori GoldsteinAmanda and Brian GombaStephanie GoslingErica and Kenneth Grau

    Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.Donald and Maureen Green FoundationVicky GregorcykSharon Griff inElizabeth and Michael GrossElizabeth GroverJeannette and Douglas GrundstromSusan GurneyAustin HahnDorothy HalperinEmily HalpernMichael HandelAnn and Tom HannaHenry HansmanEllen and Samuel HarrisonHartford Marathon Foundation Inc.Elisabeth and Kenneth HartungHarvard Community GiftsBrittany and Noah HawleyAndrea and Ron HeinWilliam HeinSusan and William HellerHercules CorporationHighland Capital ManagementKaren and Craig HillKaren and Brian HolcombBetty and Randolph HolderAnne and Jack HollowaySamuel and Hannah Holzman TrustWilliam E. and Audrine C. Honey

    Foundation, Inc.Judith and Michael HooffstetterChristopher HughesFrances HuntIllinois Tool Works FoundationIndependent Stave Company IQ FormulationsGail and Roland Jacobus Jeanne and Rich JacobsonPiper Jaffray Jewish Federation of Metropolitan

    ChicagoMark JeziorJohn Marshall BankHarry JohnsonJean and Eric JohnsonLindsay and Todd JohnsonShawn JoshiKahn Foundation Sandra KaminStacey KapadiaJohn KarpowichHoward KaskelMichelle KavoosiRalph and Lisa KeipertJerry KellerAlfred F. Kelly Jr. Jerry and Joyce KennedyAdam KestenbaumCharlotte and Tiff KinionJanet KinneyThe Kenneth and Laurie Kissell

    Charitable FoundationKit Kat ClubAmy and David KleinPaula KnottMichael A. Kolodny

    Jennifer KonnerMary and John KrebsElizabeth and Lawrence KrulikRuth M. Finglass and Kevin KubachMichael Kuentz Gary Lanier Robyn and Marc LeachPhillip E. LedinLefkovitz FoundationJudith and Michael LeschWallace R. and Bernice E. Leslie

    Memorial FundBety LevinsonDella and Jeffrey LevyLiberty High School LOC #565Michael LichnerMary Beth LichtnegerJeff LiebensteinJohn LindsayErin LinesJohn T. LoftusZander Lurie Michael and Louise Lynch Charitable

    Foundation Inc.Amy and Brian MaasJane and Marvin MaasMaison MiscavageDarcy and Mark MaloneBetty and Eric MannesKatalin MannheimRichard ManzMary Ann and Charles MargiottiSophie MarshChristopher MarshallElizabeth MartinSoania and Arun MathurJames MaulucciNora and Ed McAniffPamela and Robert McCabeChad and Nicole McDanielBruce McDowellMcKuin Frankel Whitehead LLPMichael B. McMahanMary and Joe MeadenJeroen MedemaDiana MeehanMeltzer Lippe Goldstein & Breitstone

    LLPMembers GiveTricia and Leroy MeyerMeyer Manufacturing Corp.Frank MiceliMiddlesex HospitalJohn MillerStanley Miller / The Litwin Foundation

    Inc.Richard E. MinistriThe Minneapolis FoundationTimothy MitchellSusan Monica-Mollohan Monique Pean Fine Jewelry LLCMontana Parkinson’s Foundation Inc.Carolin MoranSusan and Mark MoskowitzMoyer’s Landscaping Services LLCLars MunsonNancy K. Murray

    Thomas C. Muse

    N T Auto Body Inc.

    Suzanne Naegle

    Tracy and Larry Nagler

    Michael Naumann

    William Naylon

    Neighborhood Theatre Group LLC

    Joel Nelson

    Marjorie Nelson

    Ninkasi, LLC

    North American Road Racing Assoc. LLC

    The Nosler Family Trust

    Michael O’Connor

    Sarah and Thomas O’Connor

    Tommy Oei

    Pam and Mark Okada

    Joanne Okuda

    Once Upon a Time Foundation

    Ourisman Chantilly Imports, Inc.

    Panthera Edge Foundation

    Doris and Thomas Parry

    Rakhi Patel

    Kemp Peterson

    Plantation Golf

    Sylvia L. Polen

    Sarah and Buck Poropatich

    Stephen Poulin

    Jane H. Pratt

    The William L. Price Charitable Foundation

    Dean ProvostPub at CumberlandJan and Frank PuglieseSreekanth RaviRaymond James Global AccountRedwood Credit UnionLeon ReimerBryan ReinholtJennifer Saul and Stephen RichWilliam L. Richter Family FoundationThe Philip W. Riskin Charitable

    FoundationAlan RitchsonRebecca and Bryan RobertsSusan and Robert RobertsJohn Robinson Sandy and Mark RobinsonMark RobsonB.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation TrustNelson RolongPolly and William RosenFred RosenbergGeorgina and Alan RothenbergJoyce and Elliot RothsteinLaurie RozetMary RudolphLeah and Robert RukeyserAlan RushfeldtDiane and David RussellDiana and James RutherfordThomas J. SabourinDipali and Rajesh SahasrabuddheAbby and Steve SakwaAjay SalhotraDavid SamsonAnna and Craig SavageRandy SavoieO. Saydjari

  • 16 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

    Patrick WallaceJeff WarePhyllis J. WarrickJP WartmanSheila and Edward WeidenfeldMel WeissLinda and Patrick WelchMary and Rick WhitingCarmel M. WhitmanFay and Lyle WigginsPatrick Willcutts William H. Cilker Family FoundationJo-Anne WilliamsLynn WilmasLynn WilsonRichard L. WilsonBruce WisnickiJoel S. WojnilowerPenny and Daniel WolfCarla and Leonard WoodJeremiah WoodWSFS BankMarilyn and Joseph YospeMichelle and James YoungYoung Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP

    $1K—$2,499Anonymous (33)51 Fifth Avenue Owners CorpABV Cocktail BarJane AbbottAndrew AbernathyTsan Abrahamson Carolyn AbramsScott Ackerman ACT II Thrift Shop Inc.David AdamsFrancis AdamsAdMedia PartnersAdobeSandip AgarwalaAhlf Family FoundationKaren AhrensBrenda and Robert AikenAJ Welding, LLCKristin and Andrew AkinsKaysie Uniacke and Murat AkgunRob AlanAndrew Albarelle Barbara and John AldenCarlos Alejandro PhotographyAlba AlemanSamuel AlexanderBrian AllenDaniel AllenJack AllenMary and Edward AllenAllied Beverage Group, LLCAllstate Restoration Corp.The Donald C. and Norma (Klug-French)

    Allyn FundAlouette Old Orchard Beach Oceanfront

    Resort Inc.Elizabeth AltmanManuel AlvaradoJefferson AmackerJesse Amaral Amblin’ Films, Inc.Mary Ellen and James AmbroseDr. Jay Ambrosini

    $2,500—$4,999 (cont.)Harry and Lila SchiffmanLisa Rotmil and Alex SchmelzerRichard SchmichTara and Bill SchmitzLewis SchottDavid SchumacherIra S. SchwartzScopia CapitalVera and Julio SerranoAnshu and Vinit SethiJames A. ShafferPatrick ShawAlethea ShepardsonJay ShraunerSusan ShulerThe Sidewater Family Foundation Inc.Joyce SieferingClaudia SillsKim and Al SilverbergChris Simpson Josh SimpsonLinda and Bob SimsSmith & AssociatesAmy and Howard SmithSusan and James E. SmithSobel Family FoundationLena SorrentinoKathryn and Jeff SpeedScott SpellCraig Spengeman The SpencersLinda and Gregg SpielbergClaudia and Michael SpiesChristopher SpurlockSquare Egg Entertainment Inc.Dan StarkLloyd StarkMary Stevens Lisa Weisglass and Wayne StillsAnnette StockhausenJason StoutPatricia and Thomas StrachotaEsperanza C. StuartSusan and Darwin StuartMarcia and Lon TabatchnickDavid TeppermanDiane and Kurt ThomasKathy and Jim ThornburgRoy TiarksAlan TiceChristy TinnesLizzie and Jonathan Tisch Foundation,

    Inc.Frances B. and William S. Todman

    FoundationPatrick TraversSandra and Edward TuckerFrancine and Tim TurkBob TuttleDavid UngarNancy and Chris UnrathDavid L. Van BruntPatsy and Arch Van MeterShane VictorinoAlexanderina VighSalvatore VittoriaDenise F. McCleary and Paul von BehrenClaire Sutherland and Bob WadeCarol and Gerald Wahlenmayer

    Beatriz and Marco AmendolaAmerican BankAmerican Epress CompanyAmerican Gas AssociationAmeriFirst Financial, Inc.Brenda AmesAram AmpagoumianGreg AndersonGretchen AndersonKim and Andy AndersonMary AndersonRobert and June Anderson Fund for Art

    and EducationRichard Andres Angela Anglum The Goldie Anna Charitable TrustAntenna Group Donna and Arthur AppelApplied Engineering Management

    CorporationArizona Fall LeagueAnn ArkThe Arnold FoundationMauren and Jeffrey Aronson Thomas Arrieta Ascension Health MinistryEleanor AscherAshcroft Inc. Bob AtchinsonSonja Atherton The Scott and Nancy Atherton

    FoundationAuburn Opelika Parkinsons Disease

    Support GroupCarl AustinCarl Austin Jr.Jeff and Sissy Austin, Jr.Christopher AvalloneAwa-Puhi ConsultingJennifer AyersThe Ellen M. and Lawrence B. Family

    FoundationRose Chris Babcok Ryoko BachellerElizabeth G. Bacot-AignerRita BadiaRobert BaerThe Arnold F. Baggins Foundation, Inc.Patricia BaileyBaird Foundation, Inc.Calvin BakerDonald BakerMarianna BakerMorris BakerBob Baldwin Nanette and John BallbachDeborah Baloff Kristen and James BandyFrancine and Delfo BianchiniThe Bank of HollandSusan BanksJohn M. and Susan F. BankstonNick Barbieri Kathleen and Scott BarightRichard BarkerJoanna Barlow Joyce Barney Sheri Barronian Anne BartlettKevin Bartlett

    Yvonne Barton William Barulich Vikram BaskaranMickey BassBassett Family Charitable TrustSusan BattlesChristopher Batty Bauerle AutomotiveThe Baumann Family FoundationThe Baupost GroupRichard Beal Barbara and Roger BearJohn M. BeardMike BeausangAri Becher Sheila and William BeckemanCaryn Seidman Becker Christian Becker Richard BeckmanDon C. BedellLynne BegierHenry Beinstein Dr. Holley A. BelchBelchfire CorporationChristine Belgrad Jules Belkin Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman LLPDenise and Ed BellThe Edward F. & Barbara A. Bell Family

    FoundationLinda and Brooks BellSusan and Harvey Benjamin Daniel BensonAlan Berger Zachary BergerCatherine and James BergesDeborah and Paul BergrenWilliam Berkman Marshall S. BerlandLinda Bermingham Andrea and Mark BernierEvelyn and William BernsteinAndrea BerryDouglas BerryMarion BerryNancy BertholetDavid H. Bescherer Family Charitable

    FundLisa BeschererKim and Jim BetzJill Panetta and Leo BianchiJoe Bianchi Francine and Delfo BianchiniVicky and Donald BickelJill BikoffThe Bionetics Corporation Charitable

    TrustBryan Binder Karen and Victor BinsaccaGino BirbigliaChris Birch David Bird Charlotte Birnbaum Frank Bishop Jonathan BissSarah and Alan BittingerAndy BivonaBL Restaurant Operations, LLC

  • 17 2015 Annual Report

    Donald Black

    William Blackburn

    Ellen Blackstone

    Cheryl Blank

    Betty and Ray Blanset

    David R. Blanset

    Blistex Inc.

    Elaine J. Block

    William Blue

    Bluecross Blueshield of Kansas City

    Vicki Blumenfeld

    Theodore Blumenthal

    Jim Blumling

    B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Inc.

    Joyce and James Boardman

    Cynthia and Clive Bode

    The Bojcik Family

    Alice and Nelson Bolen

    Paul Bollwinkel

    Michael Bonnet

    Thijs Boon

    Daniel W. Boone IV

    Michael J. Borgerding

    Joseph Borruso

    Ann Boston-Reamey

    Boston College Full Time MBA Class of 2015

    Patricia and Conrad Boterweg

    Francoise Bourdonnec

    John Bowden

    Brian Bower

    Alice and William Bowie

    Margaret F. and Mike Bowler

    Jeffery Boyarsky

    Linda and Norm Boyer

    David Boyle

    Monica and Edmund Bradford

    Leslie Seier and Kyle Bradstreet

    Annette Bragalone

    Allison and Christophe Bragard

    David S. Brammer

    Brenda and Robert Brantley

    Gregg Brase

    Melissa Braunstein


    Sharon and James Bready

    Denise Breeden

    Barbara Kelly Breitsameter

    Jill and Stephen Breitstone

    Nancy and Greg Bremer

    Nancy Brenden

    Brennan Medical Corporation

    Lynn Brennan

    David Breslin

    Marylane Brett

    Diane and Eric Brewner

    Bridgewater Associates Inc.

    Brief Media

    Michelle and Larry Briggs

    Bright Funds Foundation

    Cathy and Eric Brinsfield

    Leila Kamal and Andrew Brockway

    Tara Broderick

    Brodeur & Company CPA., PC

    Fay-Ann and Jonathan Brodie

    Ellen and Peter Brody

    Lynn and Dan Brody

    Matthew Bronfman

    Jerry Brophy

    Nancy and Howard Brown

    Nicole and Austin Brown

    Nina Brown

    Stephen Brown

    Diana Browner

    Brucker Family Fund

    Sandra and Peter Bruhn

    Beverly Brun

    Caroline and Luke Bryan

    James Kevin Bryant

    BU Youth Musical Theater Workshop

    Buchanan Crossroads, LLC

    Lauren Buchholz

    Gladys Bucklew

    Connie Buckley

    Marjorie and Mark Budd

    Margaret and Phillip Burcham

    Bruce Burg

    Janice and Louie Burgarello

    Jacob Burghart

    Kathleen Burke

    Laura Kang and Paul Burkhead

    Michelle A. BurnsPaul BurnsDaniel BurrisDavid Burton Lou BushinskyJohn Bushman Ray ButterworthJudy Byrne Charitable Giving FundNora ByrneKristi CacomanolisCaryn and Craig CaffarelliThe Harman Cain Family FoundationFred N. Calenda Memorial Gifting FundBrent CallinicosBarbara C. and Roger L. CalvertJoseph Camhi Foundation, Inc.Silvio Camplani

    Angela B. CampoLouis J. Capano Jr. III Family FoundationVincent Capece

    Matthew Capeci

    Ann and Jeff CaplanLinda and Jeffrey CarbienerSteve Carbonneau

    Terry Carlton

    Charlotte Carnes

    Carol Hagan Studios

    Catherine Caron Marilyn and David Carp

    Carroll Carpenter

    Clayton D. CarpenterRobert Carroll

    James Carruthers

    Cheryl and Steven Carver

    William Cary

    Rita and Richard CaseYuki Kimura and Leo Casey

    Roger Casey

    Irma CaskeyAndrea Casper

    Ted Cassman

    Catch the Cure

    Lucyanne Cavallo

    Jane Caveny-Brown

    Cengage Learning

    Center State Bank

    Victoria Cerami

    Paola Cerruti

    Mercedes Cesar

    Wayne Chaplin

    Irving Chase

    The Chatlos Foundation, Inc.

    Albert Checcio

    Sarah and Roland Chen

    Dean Chenoy

    Jeremy Cheung

    Barbara and Ronald Chidsey

    The Chicago Community Foundation

    Jim Childress

    Ming Chiu

    Albert Choi

    Christian Living Communities

    Judy Chu and Matthew Jacobson

    Vicki Chung

    Kirk A. Churukian, M.D. Inc.

    Maria Cilenti

    Chandra Cirulnick

    Bonnie Clancy

    Deborah Clark

    Kimberly Clark

    Cynthia Clegg

    The Clifford Family Foundation

    Coastal Gourmet, Inc.

    Dennis Coates

    Ashley and William Cocke

    Louise and Thomas Coffey

    Gene Cofield

    Will Cofnuk

    Robert Cohan

    Bernard Cohen

    Howard Cohen

    Karen and Kenneth Cohen

    Maurice Cohen

    Nancy and Myron Cohn

    Garret E. Cole

    The Cole Charitable Foundation

    Anthony Collins

    The Columbus Foundation

    Combined Jewish Philanthropies

    Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley

    Community Foundation of New Jersey

    Communities Foundation of Texas

    Comprehensive Health Management Inc.

    Craig and Debbie Condon

    Robert Conkling

    Elaine Conner

    Anne and Dennis Connolly

    Amanda Connor

    Deborah Conrad

    Karen and Brian Conway

    Kevin Conway

    Brandon Cook

    Michael Cookson

    Doral and Roger Cooper

    Kim Martens Cooper

    Todd and Kathy Copeland

    Stephanie Corcoran

    Agnes Corigliano

    Brian Cormier

    Jason Coronado

    Carole Yaley Corso

    Joseph Corso

    Cortopassi Family Foundation

    Linda and Michael Costa

    Dorothy and Scott Cotoia

    Ann Cough

    Coyote Ugly Saloon Denver LLC

    John Cox

    Jeffrey Craft

    Coni Craig

    Jacqueline Craig

    Lisa and Bradford Crandell

    Kimberly and Gary Creem

    Harriet Croman

    Nancy Cross

    Deborah Cullen

    Josephine Culmone

    Darrin Cummings

    Andrew Cuomo

    Bartholomew Cuomo

    Eric Curran

    Judi CurryMargaret Cushing CustomInk Campaigns Rolf and Sue DahlDaiwa Asset ManagementErin DalyDan Newlin & PartnersBrenda DanielKen DanielsPhyllis DanilowJohn D’ArcyKyle D’ArcyChristine and James Dart Namrata Das Kirstyn DavidsonLaura and William DavidsonYonina Davidson Gregory Davies

    Daniell Davis

    Flobelle DavisMartha DavisMary and Mark Davis Foundation

    Robert Davis

    Shelley and Laurence C. Davis IIIThe Arthur Vining Davis Foundations

    James E. Dawson

    Arjun DayDayton Foundation Depositroy Inc.

    Michael L. De Jong

    Elisabete de Sousa

    Glen de Vries

    Carol and Mac DeaconAllen DeBevoise

    Decathalon Sports Club, Inc.

    Raymond DeegDiane Deemer

    The Deerf ield Foundation Inc.

    Gail Deery

    Suzanne C. Defrancis

    Todd DelahoussayePatricia DeLong

  • We thank the following individuals and families who have contributed planned gifts and bequests to The Michael J. Fox Foundation as part of our Legacy Circle.

    Planned gifts provide a long-term funding source to plan around or leverage immediately that complements our speedy deployment of funds and helps accelerate Parkinson’s treatments through the pipeline.

    If you have made estate plans that include the Foundation, contact Shirley Nagar at 212 509 0995, ext. 240 or plannedgiving@michaeljfox.org. Learn more at michaeljfox.org/plannedgiving.

    Planned Giving

    Nancy and Joseph Adams

    Arthur and Carol Anderson Charitable Remainder Trust

    Mildred Ashen

    Fern L. Azuz

    Reuben Baesler

    Paul Stephen Bodocsi Revocable Trust

    Bowman Estate Funds

    James L. Campbell Trust

    Billie R Carlisle Trust

    Chady Living Trust

    Frederick C. Colton

    Gerald A. and Martine V. Conway Charitable Gift Annuity

    Carol Spier and Richard Cullen

    Henry Czerwiec

    Dambly Family Living Trust

    Rozanne O. Deutsch Trust

    Janice L. and Robert W. Dowd Trust

    Estate of Joan Barnes

    Estate of Ellieve Marie Basista

    Estate of Jerome Benjamin

    Estate of Dorothy Rae Bien

    Estate of Kim Adren Brackett

    Estate of Irene Louise Caccamo

    Estate of Billie R. Carlisle

    Estate of Alfonso R. Cavaliere

    Estate of Elizabeth T. Clougher

    Estate of Chase M. Conover

    Estate of Lynn D. Ebert

    Estate of Margaret Edgecomb

    Estate of Dorothy Mae Edwards

    Estate of Jack L. Fennie

    Estate of Charles D. Fjeld

    Estate of Sol Goldman

    Estate of David Edward Gordon

    Estate of Libby Claire Greenberg

    Estate of Elfriede Grevendick

    Estate of Iva Pauline Hancock

    Estate of Pollyanna Herrell

    Estate of Bernadine J. Hetler

    Estate of Jack F. Holmes

    Estate of Errol Jacobs

    Estate of James H. Keil

    The Estate of Diane L. Keller

    Estate of Jack Kellogg

    The Estate of Donald J. Knoedel

    Estate of Raymond J. Kouba

    Estate of Keith Kravitz

    Estate of Louis Krieger

    Estate of Cynthia Koger

    Estate of Jane F. LaFortezzo

    The Estate of Claire B. Laird

    Estate of Max Levine

    Estate of Louanne Lewis

    Estate of Joan P. Llewellyn

    Estate of Dorothy Lynch

    18 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • Estate of Peter J. Mina

    Estate of Geraldine Joan Monaco

    Estate of Anne Montana Trust

    Estate of May Moore

    Estate of Martin Nash

    The Estate of Frank Neubauer

    The Estate of James C. Nipper

    Estate of Frances Paulsen

    Estate of Arlin G. Piper

    Estate of David “Dan” Orin Plummer

    Estate of Henry A. Pope, Jr.

    Estate of Melvin Rauch

    Estate of Arthur Rickel

    Estate of John W. Rodgers

    Estate of Orvil Roetman

    Estate of Mildred Rolstad

    Estate of Jack Roth

    Estate of E. Ann Rowley

    Estate of Edward Saunders

    Estate of Earl Jackson Savely, Jr.

    Estate of Mary Margaret Shumaker

    Estate of Shirley Stein

    Estate of James L. Strother

    Estate of Melissa Ann Tucker

    Estate of Bernard Wasserman

    Estate of Pauline and Russell Woodcroft

    The Estate of Anna L. Woods

    Estate of Lucy Yamoah

    The Robert I. Fendrich Family Trust

    Mike Ferguson

    The Anne-Marie Garcia Decedent’s Trust

    Thomas J. Gearing

    The Shirley and Dennis Gillespie Charitable Gift Annuity

    The Revocable Trust of Harvey B. Goddard

    Velma E. Harness Trust

    Florence H. Hybl Trust

    Patricia Jehle and James Reidy

    Esther Kassab Revocable Trust

    Carolyn J. Keefe Estate

    Pat Kinnaird

    Kiser-Sorum Contingency Fund

    Koger Living Trust

    The Alvin Krause Estate

    Rodney W. Leininger Trust

    Louie Family Trust

    William H. Martin Trust

    The Hedy M. Hillmer McAndrew Living Trust

    Janet McCrory

    The Shirley Michel Charitable Lead Trust

    Marion Miller Revocable Trust

    Eleanor M. Miller Trust

    Eleanor Francis Nelson Jordan

    The Nancy J. Novick Trust

    Betty Jo Pattyson

    June Powell

    Michele Rae and Dan Swinehart

    Donald Reich Revocable Trust

    The Albert J. Robertson and Nadene L. Robertson Family Trust

    Barbara B. Simon Family Trust

    The Glenn B. Sinclair Law Corporation

    Dorothy Strauss

    Robert W. Swartz Charitable Remainder Unitrust

    Stacey Tamulinas

    Ms. Keely Thayer

    The John D. Turkel Revocable Trust

    Arleigh Jean Watkins Living Trust

    Arlene J. Watrous Revocable Trust

    Margaret Yacuone

    Lynne Zieler Irrevocable Trust

    ERROL JACOBS WAS A BROTHER, UNCLE AND FRIEND who passed away in December 2014 at age 77. A high school

    teacher for nearly 40 years, he was remembered by his loved

    ones, colleagues and students as a witty storyteller and a keen

    explorer who loved art, music, vigorous political debate and

    traveling the globe. Errol lived with Parkinson’s for more than

    a decade before his passing, and arranged for The Michael J.

    Fox Foundation to become a beneficiary of his estate.

    A committed philanthropist, Errol believed that a search for knowledge and

    understanding in many fields was vital to culture and human progress. MJFF is

    grateful to Errol, his family and his caregiver for sharing his legacy with us and for

    their dedication to accelerating a cure for Parkinson’s.

    A Legacy of Intellect and Generosity

    Errol Jacobs1937 2014

    ABOVEA teacher, Errol Jacobs often connected with children on his travels

    19 2015 Annual Report

  • 20 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s ultimate goal is the development of a treatment to slow, stop or reverse disease progression. Currently, no such treatment exists, but it is the only definition of success we recognize.

    Today, seven potential disease-modifying therapies have progressed to clinical (human) trials. MJFF has lent support to all as part of our high-risk, high-impact approach:

    Accelerating toward a Cure


    SYNUCLEIN, the protein that forms clumps in the

    brains of people with Parkinson’s. In 2015, two

    companies entered clinical testing: one therapy

    seeks to bind to alpha-synuclein, preventing its

    accumulation, and the second introduces antibodies

    (the body’s natural disease fighters) against the

    protein. Two additional companies are planning

    Phase II trials of other antibody approaches. MJFF is

    working closely with each through financial support

    and/or collaboration on clinical trial design.



    III trial of inosine, a precursor to the antioxidant

    urate. Studies have shown that people with higher

    levels of urate have lower risk for Parkinson’s or

    slower rate of progression. The MJFF-funded Phase

    II study showed that inosine is safe, tolerable and

    does raise urate levels in people with early-stage PD.


    channel blocker currently prescribed to treat high

    blood pressure — is progressing. MJFF funded pre-

    clinical work and the Phase II study. In early 2016,

    researchers shared a record pace of recruitment for

    the NIH-funded Phase III trial, with more than 300

    volunteers enrolled last year.


    nicotine patches based on strong data indicating a

    reduced risk of PD in smokers. The study seeks to

    determine possible biological connections between

    nicotine and Parkinson’s.

  • 21 2015 Annual Report

    $1K—$2,499 (cont.)William Delong

    Jill and Lawrence Deluise

    Susan Den Herder

    Lowell Denning

    David Dennis


    Daniel DePaoli

    John Deputato

    Starlight Derby

    Jayesh Desai

    George R. and Janet E. Desko Charitable Foundation

    Roberta and Reed Deupree

    Timothy Devanney

    DeWitt Stern Group Planning Services, LLC

    Jerry Diamondstein

    Patricio Diaz

    Dic-Wisco Farms Inc

    Jo Di Cecco

    Catherine and Horace Dickens

    Diane and Douglas Dickey

    Will Dickson

    Dickson Bowling Co., LLC

    Adele Hoffmeyer and Richard J. Diemer, Jr.

    Barbara and Thomas Diemer

    Matthew Diestler

    Ben Dietz

    William R. Dillof

    Sandra Disney

    Michael Dixon

    Patricia and Michael Dobosenski

    Mary and Chris Doerr

    Jacob Doft

    Richard Donato

    Suzanne Donohoe

    Sherri and Edward Donovan

    Doolittle & Harrington Healthcare

    Deborah Doran

    Thomas Dougherty

    Steve J. Downs

    larry Doyle

    Allison Dozier

    Scott Drawe

    Will Drew

    William Drewry

    Michael Drews

    David Driscoll

    Michael Droege

    Edward Droho

    Duane Morris LLP

    Amy DuBreuil

    Michelle DuEst

    Joy Nikkel and Thomas Dumyahn

    Patrick Dunleavy

    Diane Durban

    Michael Durrwachter

    Cleofas Dvorak

    Dwelle Family Foundation

    Mary and Michael Dykema

    E.S.T. TRUST

    East Pub Inc.

    Eastern MA Adventure Boot Camp


    Margaret A. Eckenroad

    Hans Eckert

    Eddie Bauer LLC

    Hollis Eddins

    Ryan Edmonds

    Educational Testing Service

    Aalok Shah and Donna Edwards

    Ann Edwards

    Naomi and Gary Edwards

    Mike Effron

    Shelley and Michael Egger

    Neil Eisenband

    Randall Eliason

    Angela and Henry Elkins

    Barbara and Earle Ellefsen

    Nancy and Robert Elliott

    Kimberly Elmore

    Adam Elster

    Encana Cares (USA) Foundation

    Lisa and Christopher Engel

    Kate Engelbrecht

    Bonnie S. Englebardt Family Charitable Trust

    Philip Erdoes

    Kurt Erickson

    Laurie and Charles Ermer

    Andrew Ertman

    Ralph Eschenbach

    Eugene Esne, Jr.

    Mimi and Nate Espe

    Esprit Du Vin LLC

    The Esteban and Elie Families

    Joshua M. Eubank

    Clifford Evans

    Laura and Ned Evans

    Mary and James Evans

    Frank Evarone

    Linda and Terry Eward

    Carole Fabris-Mackie

    Joyce Fahy-Laundre

    Brenda Fairbanks

    Family Management Corporation

    Adam Farina

    Judy and Randy Farless

    Fasnacht Family Foundation

    Noelle and Burt Faure

    James Fay

    Amy and Eric Federman

    Robert Feeney

    Jeanne and Peter Fellowes

    Carl Ferenbach

    FHC Inc.

    Beverly Field-Fielding

    Fifth Avenue of LI Realty Associates

    Michele and Drew Figdor

    Peter and Scott Findlay

    Rebecca Finger

    Loretta and Robert Fink

    Lisa Finn

    Sheryl Paul Finn and Daev Finn

    Fino Family Foundation

    Margaret Fiola


    Eric Fish

    Cheryl Fisher

    Henry Fisher

    John Fisher

    Judy and Arnie Fishman

    Fitts Family Foundation

    Peggy and Dick Fitzgerald

    Michael Fitzgerald

    Priscilla Fjorden

    Annie Flaig

    Karla and Mark Flannagan

    Alan and Esther Fleder Foundation

    David Fletcher

    Florida Tire Supply

    Joel Florin

    Kirby and Glenn Floyd

    Thomas Follett

    Mary Folts

    Elizabeth and John Foraker

    Christine and Austin Forman

    James Formisano

    Geraldine Foster

    David Fox

    Jovan and Theodore Franchetti III

    Veronica Franchino

    Rachel Francis

    Ann and Alan Frank

    Maris and Arnold Frank

    David Frankel

    Ruth Frankfurt

    Matt Franklin

    Deanne and Robert Frarck

    Ted Frecka

    Ryan Freedman

    Brad Freeman

    Seth Freilich

    Carole Freitas

    Thomas Freston

    Tracy Freudendahl

    Mark Frey

    Gloria and Ronald Friedman

    Richard Friedman Family Foundation

    Suzanne and Albert Friedman

    Emilie Friesen

    David Fruchey

    Sarah Fujita

    Peggy Furth

    Mindy GablerWalter Gaceta Jill and Peter GagliardoWilliam GaineTina and Bob GaleJane and Robert GallagherPatrick Gallaher Marcia GallinaNoah GallupGloria Galperin Rafael GarciaDean GardnerBarbara and David GarlockJason GarmiseKathleen B. and Kenneth L. GarrettJudy GarrisonTalia Gart

    Anthony Gattuso Robert GaulKristina Gavello

    Julie and Daniel Gaver

    Charles Gebben Dr. Charles F. GehlbachJoshua Geleris

    Robert Geller

    Sheila and Paul Gendron

    Charles Gengler

    The Geo Group FoundationGeorge Penniman Architects

    Marilyn Gerber

    Agathy and James GerkisJennifer Barry and David German

    Michael Germano

    Linda and Robert Gersh

    Erika and Vernon Gerth

    Centerchem, Inc. Mary Gherty

    Dr. Eric Gibbs

    GIL T. Taimana Sole PropGill Foundation

    Byron Gill

  • 22 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

    $1K—$2,499 (cont.)Kay Gill

    Deborah and Donald Gill

    Dane Gillette

    Cara and Jon Gilman

    Asi Ginio

    The Glad to Be Here Foundation

    Dr. Andrew Glantz

    John Glaz and Bernice Roginski Glaz Family Foundation

    Glenview Capital Management

    Mara and Mel Gober

    Raphael Golberstein

    Barry Goldbaum

    Diana Goldberg

    Jeffrey Goldberg

    Ken Goldberg

    Goldfarb & Fleece LLP

    Dana Golding

    David Goldman

    Leonard J. Goldner

    Mitchell and Lenore Goldstein

    Richard Goldstein

    Alan Goodale

    Brian Goodman

    Meg and Bennett Goodman

    Alec Gores

    Dorothy Gorham

    Penny and James Gorman

    Patricia Gorsky

    Barbara Willis Gould

    The Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation

    Stephen Graessle

    James Graham

    Mitchell Grandstaff

    Grandstand Sports & Memorabilia Inc

    Jill and Richard Granoff

    E. Raymond Grant

    Glenn Graves

    Jennifer Graves

    Carl and Karin Gravina

    Cindy and Jerry Gray

    Michael Grealish

    Green Diamond LLC

    Kathleen and Ted Greenberg

    Andrea Greene

    Mrs. Ida Greenfield

    Sharon Gregorcyk

    Gresco Utility Supply, Inc.

    Richard Griff in

    Robert Grillo

    Ralph Grishman

    Elizabeth A. Grizzetti

    Emily and Peter Gross

    Maria Gonzalez and Eugene Gross

    Gruber Law Offices LLC

    Bonnie and Terry Gruppen

    Barry Gslgut

    GTJ Reit Inc.

    Yvonne Kellar-Guenther

    Mary Gullixson

    David Guss

    Stephen Gutleber

    H. Foundation Inc.

    Craig Haas

    Stephen Haberkorn

    Laura Hackett

    Robin Bergen and Janine Hackett

    The Hackett Family Charitable Fund

    Bill Hackney

    Stefan Haeckel

    Elizabeth and George Hainsworth

    Curtis Haley

    Rodney N. Hamilton

    Barri Hammer

    Jason Hammerman

    J.H.H. Hammerstein

    Steve Hanchuk

    Kim Handler

    Christopher Hanf

    John Hanley

    Joanne Hannafin

    Hansen Family Foundation

    Geoffrey Hardaway

    William Hardcastle

    Gerard Harper

    Jen and Jon Harris

    John Harris

    Lynne and John Harris

    Mary Ann Harris

    Chris Harrison

    Elaine and Bob HarrisonVirginia Harrison Adele and Mark Hart, Jr.Hailey Hartford Patti and Rich HartleyMark HartmanJohn HartmannAmbrosia Harwood Robert B. HaserotKathleen HastingsMegan HaugenNancy HausmanMichelle HausslerJune Haverly Mark Haverly HAVI Global Solutions LLC Jane Hawes Margaret and Leonard Hawn

    Ken Haydis

    Jo Anne HayeSharra and Gary HaynesMartina and Peter Hayward

    Fred Hazan

    Linda Elizabeth Hazen Endowment FundLynn and Roger Headrick

    Sarah and John Hebda

    Hebron Presbyterian ChurchRobin Preble and Daniel Hedlund

    Gina Keenan-Heepke and Daniel Heepke

    Dr. Marsha Heinke

    Jean-Marie and John Heins

    Lisa HeinzMadalyn and Lewis Helfstein

    Sanford Heller

    Thomas S. Hembrough Anne Hemmert

    Brian Henderson

    Barbara Henry

    Ilze and Walter Henry

    Marjorie and James HeraldW. M. Hereford

    Philip Herr

    Jon Herrick

    Julie and Everette Herring

    Judy and Mark Herrmann

    Pamela and Herbert Hertner

    The Hesse Family

    Solgard Hessler

    Dr. Jo Hewell

    The Annette Heyman Foundation Inc

    Laurel and Randall Hickok

    Elaine Hicks

    Mary Hunter Hieronimus

    Richard Higgins

    Highfields Capital Management LP

    Anders Hildebrand

    Donald Hillman

    Linda and Mike Hinkle

    Robert Hinkle

    Robert Hinrichs

    Laura Hirschmann

    Nancy and Ben Hirst

    Warren Hirst

    Kathryn Hobart

    Susan and Tom Hoffman

    Anne and Colin Holbrook

    Joseph Holden

    Laurie and Greg Holden

    Dr. Cato Holler

    Terry and Oliver Holler

    The Lawrence T. and Dorothy A. Holmes Foundation

    Robert W. Holmes

    The Holt Family

    Jill and Michael Holzer

    Lisa Homampour

    Kristina Homer

    Noriko Honda

    Phyllis and Peter Honig

    Marion and Jon Hookstratten

    Hoop Crew LLC

    Steven Hoover

    Matthew Hopkins

    Kara and Jonathan Horgan

    Gregory Horne

    Stephen Horne

    Jennifer Koen and Mark Horowitz

    Stuart Hosansky

    Margaret Hosel

    Host Committee, Inc.

    Kenneth House

    Patricia Houser

    Karen and James Hovey

    John Howard

    Trisha Howell

    Wilson Hsieh

    Harriet Hubbard

    Molly and Carl Hubbard

    Leane and Gerald Huchital

    Claudine Hughes

    The Huisking Foundation

    Laura and James Hulburd

    Peter Hull

    Raymond Hull

    George Hulme


    Derris and John Humphrey

    Erin and Tim HuntDianne and Charles HunterHuntington National BankHurst FoundationJill and Stuart HurwitzIBM CorporationIllinois Shotokan Booster ClubBonnie and Dudley InceLisa Indovino Sharyl and Roy InlowIntegrated Home LLCInvestacorp IncJeff Ippoliti Ubong Ituen David IversonAlice IvyCraig IwamotoLinda and Todd JablonskyCynthia Jackson Julia Jackson Katherine Jackson Lynn and Douglas JacksonSteve and Nancy JacksonKathleen and Justin JacobsCraig Jacobson Stephen JacquesEve JaffeJaguar Club of FloridaLori and David JamesTodd JamesRobin and Patrick JaransonMarilyn JedinakSheryl and Tony JedlinskiMarilyn JenkinsMaryanne and Jack JerrettRoshan JessaniJewish Foundation of Greater New Haven

    Inc.John L. McHugh Foundation, Inc.Cathy and Mark JohnsonCharles JohnsonJames JohnsonJohnson Family Foundation, Inc.Larry JohnsonPamela Best JohnsonRobert Johnson Suzanne and Thad JohnsonDJ and William JohnsonAnne Johnston Andrew JonesCatherine JonesGabriel JonesJennifer Jones Ken JonesLisa Jones Melinda and Paul JonesRalph JonesRaymond JonesTimothy JonesWilliam Jones Syamala JonnalagaddaEric JordanSteven JordeningAnthony Joseph Dr. Rudolph and Mildred Joseph

    FoundationSheryl and Bob Josephson

  • 23 2015 Annual Report

    Josflo Corp.

    Joyful Blessings Foundation

    J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation

    JTP Trucking

    Kerrie Juras

    The K Foundation

    Bonnie Barnett and Robert Kagan

    Rose and Burton Kahn Family Foundation

    Kenneth Kahn

    Alan Kalell

    Amy and Dan Kamensky

    Judy and Marvin Kamensky

    Lawrence Kaminsky

    Orapin Kanchanagom

    Michael Kandalaft

    David Kanter

    Debbie Kaplan

    Lenore Kaplan

    Nicholas Kaplan

    Ralph Kaplan

    Michael Karsch

    Mary Karson

    Matthew Kasman

    Laura Katayama

    Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center

    Yvette Katz

    Beth and Brett Kaufman

    Merrill Kaufmann

    Linda and Ilan Kaufthal

    Beth Kawasaki

    KC Running Company

    Meg and Bryan Keen

    Carolyn and John Keller

    Katrina and Pat Kelley

    Kellwood Company

    Dennis Kelly

    Michael Louis Kelly

    Timothy Kelly

    Marie Kelsey

    Kirk Kemp

    Stanley Kemp

    Scott Kenkelen

    Billy Kennedy

    Robert Kern

    Irene and James Kerr

    Elizabeth Kerrigan

    Eugene Kessler

    Sivana Kessler

    Mary Beth and Richard Ketchum

    Kimbell Art Foundation

    Kimberlite Group LLC

    Becca and Craig S. Kinard

    Dana and Richard Kind

    Alan Kintisch

    Ronald Kisner

    Marilee Kistler

    Jane Kiviat

    Vicky and Edward Klaas

    Jason Klamm

    Audrey and Leonard Kleiman

    Anthony Klein

    Bonnie and Bradford Klein

    Denise Klein

    John Klein

    Jason Kliewer

    Michael KlonskyMarjorie and Russell KnauerJames KnaurKen Knevel Emily Knobloch Darrell KnutieAndrew and Seda KnyshPamela KobuschKoch Family Foundation, Inc.Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & CoLutz KohlerMargaret Kohn Michael Kopper Paul KormanSharon KornhausConnie KosterJessica KostnerFrank Koughan Jr.Frank Koughan Sr.Demos Kouvaris Lauren and David KovarDouglas KovatchPamela Kowalski Keith KrehbielJulie and Jim KressJon and Lori KriensChristina and Barry KringsteinAbilash KrishnanLisa and Clyde KroghSherry and Henry KrostichDr. and Mrs. Bernard M. KrugerKevin M. KruszenskiJoseph Kuhn, Contrail Aviation Support

    Inc.Steve KuhnPatricia KukesShel KupperPhilip KurzeChris Kustanbauter Barbara Jean and Paul KuzniarDana and Richard LachapelleEseng Lai Charles LaMantiaJudy and Joseph LamastraStephen LamayRichard and Susan Lampen Fund at the

    Miami FoundationMichelle LandisEugene W. and Gloria Landy Family

    FoundationRichard Lane Eugene M. Lang FoundationMary Lou and Bill LangeDiane and Jerome LaphamFrank LarewI.J. Mary LaRosa Memorial Foundation,

    Inc.Christine Lattanzio Oliver Laubscher Janice and Fredric LaughlinLaura and Gary LauderLaurel Conqueror Association Inc.

    Smoller Scholarship FundBonnie Englebardt LautenbergLavoie FoundationErik Lavoie Judy and Geordie Lawry

    Monica and Larry LaytonAlan Lazare Matthew Le Nevez Lynn LeBlanc Dennis Leddy Jennifer and Carter LeeLindsay and Scottie LeeLeffler Consulting, LLCLegal Media Inc.Evan LeibnerCindy and Richard Leibovitch Mike LeinStephen LemayBarbara and Herbert LembckeCynthia Leonard Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Leone Jr.Penny LeongRonald LermanB.E. LeSage Sandra LescoMichael LesniakNathan Leventhal Allan LevinIlissa Levine Michael Levine Martha Blackwell and Peter LevineKenneth LevinradRonald LevinsonCheri Levitan Lara LevitanJim Levy Jack LewiThe Andrew and Marina Lewin Family

    FoundationMary LewisMeryl LewisJohn Lewison Lewitz, Balosie, Wollack, Rayner, Giroux

    CPAsAlan LiebermanKelly and Steve LilleyFred W. LimbachGlenda LinJenny LinLinden ResearchLinn County Anesthesiologists, PCThe Jack R. Linsky FoundationSari and Brian LipschultzWilliam LipschultzDerek LisinskiCraig Littlef ieldStephen Littlef ield Emily M. LittletonRobert LivingstonLloyd Bedford Cox Inc.Christina and Peter LofgrenAli and Dan LondonAllison London Robin LondonAngela and David LongDr. Edward and Suzanne LongMichael LongakerLooking Forward LLCVincent Loozen Sarah LordDeborah and Antone LottLoughborough Student Union

    Miyoko and Roger Love

    Elaine Lowenthal

    Loyal Order of Moose

    Guillermo Loyola

    LRES Corporation

    Richard Lubin

    Lucas Group Championship for Charity

    Jean and James Lucey

    Michelle Luethy

    Diana Lum

    Charlie H. Lydecker

    Isabell Lydecker

    Michael Lydon

    Joella and John Lykouretzos

    Sharon Lyle

    Jane Lynn

    Dawn Lyon

    Judy and Ronald Lyons

    Nancy Lyons

    Andrew Lytle

    Linda Lyttle

    The M&T Charitable Foundation

    Jack MacAllister Memorial Fund

    Susan and James Macanliss

    Ruth MacCartney

    Miriam MacdonaldJonathan MackinMacquarie Group FoundationGlenice Magee Christopher MagoonAmina MahamadiVicki MaitreDiksha and Divesh MakanCatherine and Thomas MalarkeyElizabeth A. MalonePatrick MaloyMary and Robert MandellCatherine MandiCarol and John ManganDavid Mannheim Bernhart MannilaSallie and Mike Manning

    Robert Manning Diane and Nicholas MarangellaCarl Marbach

    Tamara Marble

    Milford Marchant E.S. Marcuse Margaret Campos Revocable Trust

    Anthony Mariani

    Brenda Marjaniemi

    Cindy Mark

    Rachel MarkRudy Markmiller

    Lizzy Markus

    Linda MarloweTheresa Marran

    Margaret and Robert Marshall

    Mary Ann Marshall

    Nikki Marshall

    Demond Martin Holly and Andrew Martin

    Laura and Kevin Martin

    Michael MartinGail Martineau

    Guy Martino

  • The Michael J. Fox Foundation acknowledges the following companies for matching or organizing employee gifts totaling nearly $1.5 million in 2015.

    Corporate and Matched Gifts





    Adobe Systems


    AEM Corporation

    Aeroject Rocketdyne


    Agilent Technologies


    Alaska Airlines

    Alexion Pharmaceuticals

    Alliance Data


    Alliant Energy

    Allianz Global Investors


    Ally Bank


    American Express

    American Giving Charitable Fund

    Ameriprise Financial


    Amica Mutual Insurance Co.

    Annie E. Casey Foundation



    Apple Inc.

    Applied Materials


    Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

    Associated Benefit Planners, Ltd.

    Assurant Health


    ATCO Gas



    BAE Systems

    Ball Corporation

    Bank of America

    Bank of the West


    The Baupost Group


    Becton Dickinson

    Berkshire Partners LLC

    Best Buy

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation



    The Blackstone Group


    BNY Mellon



    Booz Allen Hamilton


    Bristol-Myers Squibb


    CA Technologies

    Cambia Health Foundation

    The Capital Group

    Capital One

    Cardinal Health

    Caring for the Community

    The Carlyle Group



    Cengage Learning

    Cenovus Energy

    Centraide of Greater Montreal


    Charles Schwab

    Chemtura Corporation


    The Chubb Corporation




    Citizens Bank

    Learn how your gift to research efforts could be doubled or tripled at michaeljfox.org/employermatch.

    24 The Michael J. Fox Foundation

  • 25 2015 Annual Report

    —MATTHEW LYDON Vice President, Microsoft Corporation

    “One of the most difficult things I’ve ever done professionally was to tell my team at Microsoft that I have Parkinson’s. I shouldn’t have been surprised by their reaction — a giant embrace, followed by countless offers to get involved.”

    MICROSOFT EXECUTIVE MATT LYDON’S PD DIAGNOSIS has inspired employee-led fundraisers and in-kind consulting to support

    MJFF’s mission of speeding research. Microsoft

    employees work with MJFF staff to analyze our

    website and technical infrastructure to improve

    performance and speed. The Foundation is

    grateful to Microsoft, its employees and the

    many companies who support our mission

    through donations, pro-bono services and

    matched gifts.

    A Diagnosis Galvanizes a Corporate Community

  • 26 The Michael J. Fox Foundation


    Clark Construction

    Clif Bar & Company

    The Clorox Company

    CNA Enterprises, Inc.


    Combined Charitable Campaign

    Combined Charities Campaign

    Combined Federal Campaign

    Combined Fund Drive

    Combined Municipal Campaign

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign

    The Community Foundation

    Community Shares


    Constellation Brands

    CSAA Insurance Group




    Deutsche Bank



    The Dominion Foundation



    Dropbox Inc

    Dun & Bradstreet

    DWS, Inc.


    EA Electronic Arts

    Eastern Bank


    Edison International




    Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


    EOG Resources






    Fidelity Investments


    Fortis Business Media, LLC

    Fortress Investment Group

    Freddie Mac

    Freescale Semiconductor

    Gannett Company

    Gap Inc.


    Gen Re


    General Atlantic LLC

    General Electric

    General Mills


    Getty Images


    Golden Rule Insurance

    Goldman Sachs

    Goodrich Corporation


    Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

    The Graham Holdings Company


    Great-West Life




    Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund

    Harvard University



    Hearst Corporation

    Hillshire Brands

    The Home Depot






    Independent Charities of America


    ITW Illinois Tool Works

    Jeffries LLC

    JK Group Inc.


    John Hancock

    Johnson & Johnson

    JPMorgan Chase

    Juniper Networks

    Kaiser Permanente

    Keurig Green Mountain



    King Street Capital Management

    KLA-Tencor Foundation


    Kraft Foundation

    Lending Club


    Levi Strauss & Co


    Liberty Mutual


    Linn Energy

    Local Independent Charities of America

    Lockheed Martin

    Lone Pine Capital LLC

    Lord, Abbett & Co, LLC

    LPL Financial



    MacArthur Foundation

    Macy’s Inc.

    Magnetar Capital

    Markel Corporation

    Massachusetts Bankers Association



    McGraw-Hill Education


    McKinsey & Company

    Mead Johnson Nutrition



    Meredith Corporation

    MFS Investment Management

    MGM Resorts


    MidAmerican Energy

    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group


    Mondelez International



    Morgan Stanley

    Morrison & Foerster


    National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation

    National Instruments

    Nationwide Insurance

    Natixis Global Asset Management

    Neiman Marcus


    News Corporation

    NIKE, Inc.

    Northrop Grumman



    Omni Development Company, Inc.

    O-Ongo, Inc.



    Pacific LIfe

    Pall Corporation

    Paramount Pictures





    Piedmont Natural Gas

    Pitney Bowes


    PNC Bank

    Portland Cement Association

    Portland General Electric


    Progressive Insurance

    Prospect Hill Foundation Inc

    Prudential Financial


    Public Employee Charitable Campaign



    Quest Diagnostics





    RES Americas

    Riot Games

    The RMR Group

    Robert W. Baird & Co

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    Roche Diagnostics



    Samsung Electronics


    Santa Barbara Foundation

    SAP SE

    Schneider Electric


    Shell Oil Company


    Silicon Valley Community Foundation

    Smithfield Foods

    Soros Fund Management


    Springleaf Financial Services

    Starr Companies

    State Employee Combined Appeal

    State Employees Charitable Campaign

    State Employees Combined Appeal

    State Employees Federated Appeal

    State Street

    SunTrust Banks




    T. Rowe Price

    Tableau Software






    Thomson Reuters

    Thrivent Financial


    TIFF Advisory Services

    Time Inc.

    Time Warner Inc.


    Toys “R” Us

    The Travelers Companies



    Turner Broadcasting System

    Tyco Electronics

    U.S. Bank



    Union Bank

    Union Pacific

    United Airlines

    United Technologies


    United Way Agencies (88)


    Varian Medical Systems




    W.K. Kellogg Foundation

    The Walt Disney Company

    Waters Corporation

    Wayne Homes

    Wells Fargo

    Williams Companies

    Workday, Inc.


    Xcel Energy




  • 27 2015 Annual Report

    $1K—$2,499 (cont.)Lynne and John MartyMarval Inc. and Dunkin’ DonutsDiane and Richard MasonAlison MassMarcia S. MasseeRon MastinFrank Matagrano Fern MatlinJohn Paul Matthews Susan MatthewsSuzanne MatthewsDavid Maxwell-Jolly May Foundation TrustKevin Mayer The Michael and Sally Mayer Family

    FoundationTodd MaymanJoseph MayoJoseph MazzoneKenneth McAshan Daniel McCall Barbara and Todd McCallisterMcCleary Family FoundationSusan McCollum Jeffrey McConnellDocie and Larry McCormickAnne and James L. McCoyMs. Rosanne McGraw and

    Mr. William McCoyLanie and Jack McCueDavid McCuneStephen McDermidMalcolm McDonald Tara and David McDonaldJulie McDowellMaria and John McEvoy Vic McFillanJames McGee Helen M. McGinnFrancis McGovernMichael McGuireLisa and J. Burke McHughThomas McInerneyMCJ Properties, LPTimothy McKayThomas McKelveyLinda and Chris McKenneyMindy Hepner and Jacqueline McKeonColleen and Kevin McKeownMichael Mclaughlin Debra McLean Faye McLeod Bonny McLoudArla McMillanAbby McMullen Betty McNultyMrs. Judy MeadorAlfred Means North Miami Cleaners, Inc. Christopher Medina Mr. Christopher L. Medina and

    Dr. Karla A. MedinaRaj MehtaSteven Meier Nina and Bill MeierdingElizabeth and Josh Meikrantz

    H. Meisel

    Linda and Christopher Mellen

    Judith Scheuer and Joseph Mellicker