Pueblo County 4-H May Newsletter

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Pueblo County 4-H May Newsletter

Transcript of Pueblo County 4-H May Newsletter

Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Pueblo County cooperating. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.

Colorado State University Extension—Pueblo County 701 Court Street, Suite C

Pueblo, CO 81003 (719) 583-6566

Fax (719) 583-6582 Email pueblo2@coop.ext.colostate.edu



►Fair Board Meeting .............................................................. 2 ►Fall Leader’s Forum ........................................................... 2 ►Report Forms Due ............................................................... 2 ►Display Boards Available .................................................... 2 ►Camp Counselor Meetings ................................................. 2 ►2011 Fair Books .................................................................. 2 ►4-H Camp ............................................................................ 2 ►State Project Updates ......................................................... 2 ►Using the 4-H Name and Clover ......................................... 3 ►Ford Truck Raffle ................................................................ 3 ►Nationa Conference Applications Due ................................ 4 ►Citizeship, Leadership Awards; National Congress ............ 4 ►Deadlines ............................................................................ 4 ►National Science Day .......................................................... 4 ►Congratulations Jay Brown ................................................. 4 ►e-Record Worshops ............................................................ 4 ►Consumer Science and General Project Books ................. 4 ►Leader Enrollment Reminder .............................................. 4

OPPORTUNITIES ►Scholarships Due June 3 .................................................... 5 ►Adventure Day Camp .......................................................... 5 ►State Conference ................................................................ 5 ►Camp Rocky ........................................................................ 5

HORSE ►Horse Council ...................................................................... 6 ►Horse Council Fundraiser ................................................... 6 ►Horse Record Judging ........................................................ 6 ►Horse Shows ....................................................................... 6 ►Horse Rater Trainings ......................................................... 6 ►Stall Policy ........................................................................... 7 ►2011 Horse Shows .............................................................. 7 ►Horse Judging ..................................................................... 7 ►Clarificaiton on e-Records ................................................... 7 ►e-Record Book Information ................................................. 7

DOG ►Test Policy .......................................................................... 8 ►Vaccinations and ID Sheets ................................................ 8 ►Dog Shows & Schedules .................................................... 8 ►e-Record Information ......................................................... 8 ►Sponsors Needed ............................................................... 8

LIVESTOCK ►Swine Ear Tagging/Notch Cards......................................... 9 ►PQA for State Fair and National Shows ............................. 9 ►Hands on MQA .................................................................... 9 ►2011 Livestock Test & MQA Policy ..................................... 9 ►Sheep and Goat Weigh In ................................................... 9 ►Don’t’ Forget Your COOL Forms ........................................ 9 ►Livestock Shows ............................................................... 10 ►Help with Rabbit project .................................................... 10 ►e-Record Clarification ........................................................ 10 ►Mandatory Showcase Sale Meeting ................................. 10 ►Wool Lead Contest ............................................................ 10 ►Congratulations Johanna Klein ......................................... 10

SHOOTING SPORTS ►Shooting Sports e-Record Graders Needed ..................... 11 ►Shooting Sport e-Records ................................................. 11 ►Congratulations Ryan Vargas ........................................... 11 ►Mandatory Shoot Dates .................................................... 11 ►Family Campout ................................................................ 11



May 2011

If you need any special accommodation(s) to participate in the events listed in this newsletter, please contact Colorado State University Extension at 719-583-6566. Your request must be submitted at least five business days in advance of the event.

Community Service Help Buy Dictionaries for 3rd Graders

Rotary #43 in Pueblo is a terrific 4-H partner. They have given Pueblo 4-H over $10,000 in the last few years to support programs! The organization also buys a dictionary for every 3rd grader in Pueblo County. Most of you have been recipients of the dictionaries! The group has requested our help with its Duck Stampede during the Wild Wild West Fest again this year. The event was a huge success last year. They need help selling (distributing) “Duck Adoption Papers” starting now. Ducks are adopted for $5 each. One duck adoption will provide one dictionary! 4-H does not have to collect any money – they have to provide the adoption papers to those willing to purchase them. Duck adopters must be at least 18 years old. People then mail the papers, with their money to Rotary #43. All adoption papers must be received by mail by Rotary 43 no later than Wednesday, May 18. 4-H gets $1 for each adoption sold. The county challenges each 4-H club and all county 4-H leadership councils to help get 100 ducks per council adopted. Parent/Leader Group, Youth Council, Horse Council, Shooing Sports Council and all 4-H Clubs are encouraged to join the fun challenge! The Duck Stampede is on the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk Sunday, May 22 at 2:00 p.m. Winning Duck owners receive: First Place gets $5,000, Second Place gets $3,000 and Third Place gets $2,000 Please consider joining the challenge! Contact Vanessa to get adoption papers! Winner need to be present to win. The 4-H Foundation will get $1 for each adoption sold. Last year, 4-H donated its share of the proceeds back to the dictionary program – over $900! The Duck Stampede is May 22 aat 2:00 p.m., on the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk – starting at the Victoria Street Bridge and ending at or around the Xcel Amphitheatre.



2011 Contest Day Thank you to all who participated in 2011 Contest Day! Congratulations – you are all amazing and talented! Thank you to the superintendents for the event: Laura Storm, Joan Jordan and Mary Smith. We appreciate your leadership.

Fair Board Meeting When: Wednesday, May 18 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: CSUE meeting room - 701 Court Street Please call the Extension Office if you would like to be on the agenda.

4-H Camp The camp counselors are planning a FUN, EXITING AND NEW ADVENTURE camp for YOU! All 4-H members 8-13 years of age are eligible to attend 4-H Camp. This year’s camp will be in Beulah at the Red Mountain Youth Camp from June 3-5th. Cost for the camp is $50.00. The camp will include fun and active science projects with the help of CSU STEM Specialist Ann Casey. We will also have an ice cream social, archery, hiking, team building games and of course the famous flour fight! Our theme for this year’s camp is – GET LOONEY AT 4-H CAMP! The camper groups will be named after famous Looney Toon characters. We must have a minimum of 40 campers to make this camp a go. The Nomads 4-H Club has issued a challenge. They challenge is each club put up $20.00 and the club with the most kids attending camp gets the pot of money. You can bring your money to the Extension Office or contact one of our camp counselors. Counselors for 2011 are Jennifer Johnston, Jay Brown, Danielle Hartman, Jami Craig, Michael McDermott, Clara McClure, Nick Johnston, Colton Cude, Kodie Sheppard and Tianna Mayo. We are also in need of female chaperones and people to help in the kitchen. Please contact Carol in the Extension Office if you would be interested in helping as a chaperone, cook, or kitchen helper. Private bedrooms are available for kitchen helpers and cooks. Female chaperones will stay in the cabins with the youth. Money and applications for 4-H Camp are due May 23 by 5:00 p.m. in the Extension Office.

Report Forms - Due August 15 Report Forms will be due in our office on later than August 15 at 5:00 p.m. If you are eligible for an Outstanding 4-H’er or Citizenship/Leadership Award, your report form will have to be updated by June 30 so the committee can review them before interviews during County Fair

Display Boards For Fair Projects Available In The Office

We have a supply of white display boards that meet the exhibit guidelines for size for County Fair. You may purchase them for $3 each.

Fall Leader’s Forum “Join the 4-H Revolution of Responsibility” is the theme for the 2011 Fall Leader’s Forum to be held October 1st in Glenwood Springs. What a beautiful time of year to travel to Glenwood! The Marriott Residence will be the host hotel and registration will be $25.00; $35.00 if late. Workshop information will be announced in future newsletters.

2011 Fair Books Fair Books will be mailed as soon as they are complete. Please save your fair book and refer to it often. It has all the project and exhibit requirements and rules for County Fair. The Fair Book will also be available on our web site. For county fair consumer science and general project exhibit requirements – please refer to the 4-H website http://www.colorado4h.org/events_opportunities/state_fair/index.php

The Pueblo County drop/add deadline was March 15, 2011. The following project information is provided to make sure if you are enrolled in these areas you realize there have been changes. Robotics will be a state project but the exhibit will be a contest. Best Photo Contest is open to any 4-H members. You no longer need to be enrolled in photography. Leathercraft has a new Unit 1 manual and new requirements. Photography-lightning photography has taken the place of Unit 4 Darkroom Model Rocketry has a new Unit 1 and 2 manual BUT the requirements did not change Quilting-has a new Unit 1 manual. Scrapbooking is a new project. If you have questions call the office at 583-6566

Camp Counselors Meetings The next Camp Counselor meetings are: May 16, 6:00 p.m. May 31, 6:00 p.m. CSU Extension meeting room.



Using the 4-H Name and Clover Did You Know…The 4-H Name & Emblem is a highly valued mark within our country’s history? As such, it was granted a very unique and special status; it is in a category similar to the Presidential Seal and the Olympic Emblem. This federal protection makes it a mark into and of itself with protection that supersedes the limited authorities of both a trademark and a copyright. As a result, responsibility and stewardship for the 4-H Name & Emblem were not given to the U.S. Patent Office but were given to a higher level of the federal government, a member of the Cabinet, the Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary has responsibility for the 4-H Name and Emblem, at the direct request of Congress. The “18 USC 707” is the statement in the United States Code that outlines the protection of the 4-H Name & Emblem. Today, the 4-H Clover is one of the best-known and most valued images symbolic of a century of 4-H achievement! The 4-H Name and Emblem are very important to us as an organization because they represent who we are. We encourage clubs and entities of 4-H to use the name and emblem – it’s great for marketing. If you are publishing the clover on posters, rule books, t-shirts, etc. please send us a copy of the design via fax or e-mail. The official 4-H Emblem is a clover with four leaves and an “H” on each leaf. The clover’s stem must point to the right as you look at the image. The 4-H Emblem is not a plain four-leaf clover. The 4-H Emblem should appear in specific colors and in its entirety. The 4-H Name & Emblem belongs to the 4-H Youth Development Program, under the authority of USDA and anyone wishing to use it must obtain permission to use it ahead of time. The preferred color of the clover is 100 percent PMS 347 green (a dark green). The clover can also be black, white or metallic gold. The 4-H Extension Agent and County Extension Director approve use of the emblem. We just check it to make sure it looks ok, then grant permission. For more specific information on the name and emblem usage and to download official graphics, check our county 4-H web site or http://www.national4-hheadquarters.gov

4-H Truck Tickets Truck Tickets are here! We will once again be selling the truck raffle tickets in 2011. Ford has donated a 2011 Ford F-150 XLT 4 X 4 Super Crew pickup truck to Colorado 4-H. But, there is more good news…..we have added more prizes:

1. Grand Prize – pickup truck 2. 2nd prize – gas grill 3. 3 & 4th prizes – each $750.00 in cash 4. 5th prize - $500.00 cash 5. Other smaller prizes.

This is a great 4-H club fundraiser – your club gets $2.00 for every $5.00 ticket sold. This is a great rate of return. The county ticket sales will end August 16, 2011 with the drawing done during at the Colorado State Fair on September 5, 2011. Please start talking to your clubs NOW about this fundraising opportunity. Last year, $880.00 was distributed to local councils, 4-H clubs and the Pueblo County 4-H Foundation. This is a great way to raise money for your club. They may be checked out at the Pueblo County Extension Office. For more information, contact Carol in the office.


NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY: 4-H National Youth Science Day will take place

October 5, 2011. On this day, hundreds of thousands of young people across the United States and the world will simultaneously become scientists for a day as they connect important scientific lessons to civic engagement. 4-H youth are a living, breathing, culture-changing movement for doing the right thing, breaking through obstacles and pushing the country forward to successfully face the challenges of the future. Participation in 4-H National Youth Science Day is meant to help spark an early passion for science, engineering and math and to encourage young people to consider these paths of study and future careers. To learn more about 4-H National Youth Science Day, how you can participate locally or to download program materials, go to www.4-H.org/NYSD

Citizenship Award, Leadership Award, National 4-H Congress

Pueblo County has developed one application for youth National Congress, Citizenship and Leadership Awards. This application form is due in the Extension Office on May 20. Leadership and Citizenship Awards are based on outstanding leadership or citizenship experiences you have had in the 4-H program as well as outside of 4-H, in school and youth, community, or religious organizations. If you have youth in your club or if you wish to self-nominate yourself, these application forms are available in the Extension Office. The 4-H Congress Trip is a leadership development congress held in Atlanta, Georgia over the Thanksgiving weekend each year. Members must 14 years old as of 12/31/10. Members may attend only once. Youth who have attended this event have reported meeting many new 4-H members from all parts of the country, learning about community service projects on a large scale and generally have had a great time! Applications are available in the Extension Office and are due May 20.


E-Record Workshops Plan to attend an e-record workshop given by Connie Cecil, State 4-H Office Specialist in charge of projects and curriculum! Members, parents and leaders – please plan to attend either or both sessions held at the Pueblo County Conference Room on Santa Fe. This will be the time to ask questions and learn before kids are up against the deadline of turning books in. May 17 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. General and Consumer Science E-Records May 17 – 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Livestock, Horse and Small Animal E-Records

Consumer Science and General Project Books The Consumer Science and General Project Books judging (with the EXCEPTION OF SHOOTING SPORTS BOOKS) will not be turned in to our office prior to fair; but will be turned in with your project when you have your interview. Leaders will still need to review records and sign them before fair. Shooting Sports e-records are due in the Extension Office by June 13 and will be judged by a panel of leaders from various clubs that week. NO LATE BOOKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines… The Office and Fair Board will strictly enforce all deadlines. Remember, meeting deadlines is a valuable life skill. Our office will make it a priority to get information out in a timely manner, so that you have time to meet the deadlines. Occasionally, if we’ve gotten information late or after the newsletter has gone out for the month, deadlines will be shorter.

Congratulations Jay Brown Jay Brown was elected District 7 President during District Retreat. He will now serve as a State 4-H Officer. Jay was also South Central District President – in charge of planning and conducting a very successful District Retreat in Buena Vista. Congratulations!

Important Leader Enrollment Reminder This is a reminder that 4-H leaders must submit an enrollment form each year to be considered a leader. If you have not done so this year, please fill out an enrollment form which enables you to be covered for liability and get credit for the year of leadership.

National 4-H Conference Applications Due May 20 National 4-H Conference is an annual event planned and conducted by The National 4-H Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the conference is to solicit input from a diverse cross-section of the U.S.D.A. Extension System to strengthen and expand the 4-H Youth Development program at local, state, and national levels. This event brings together youth, volunteer leaders, state, and county Extension staff from across the U.S., its territories, and the Canadian Provinces. National 4-H Conference is usually held at the end of March or the first week in April. Members must be between 15 and 18 years of age as of December 31 of the previous year to participate. The trip is funded one-third by Colorado 4-H and two-thirds by Pueblo County 4-H . Each county may nominate two delegates. Nominees fill out submit an application form by May 20. Applications are available in the office or on the state 4-H website http://www.colorado4h.org/events_opportunities/nat_conf/index.shtml



Pueblo County Scholarships Due June 2! Youth may apply for a number of 4-H Scholarships including the Optimist Club, KELO, Anthony Ingo Memorial, Friends of the Fair, Violet Hyberger, Kiwanis, Farmers Marketeers and the Dickerson/Pueblo County Stockmen’s Association Scholarships. See the Scholarship information page in the April 4-H Newsletter or the website for full details. Applications are available on our website or in our office and completed applications are due no later than June 2 no later than 5 p.m. Interviews are mandatory for high school seniors and are scheduled for the evening of June 16. Last year – over $15,000 was given in scholarships!

CAMP ROCKY – Outdoor Environmental Adventure for Youth

Camp Rocky is an outdoor educational opportunity for youth ages 14-19 who are looking for an outdoors adventure. Camp Rocky, sponsored by the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts July 10-16 in a mountain setting above Colorado Springs near Divide at the foot of Pikes Peak. The camp provides a great opportunity for teens who enjoy the outdoors and are interested in learning more about Colorado’s natural resources. The program is entering its 49th year! Camp Rocky staff members are professionals in their respective resource fields. Participants choose one of the following resource fields for their area of focus: Forest Management, Soil and Water Conservation, Rangeland Science, Fish and Wildlife Management. Additional activities include instruction in GPS, volleyball, games, hiking, archery and trap shooting, with an evening campfire, a Camp Rocky Challenge and a dance. Registration is due by June 25. The cost is $300, all inclusive (meals, lodging, tours, equipment, supplies are all included.) Scholarships are available through local conservation districts statewide. For an application and to inquire about scholarships contact Colorado Association of Conservation Districts, phone (719) 686-0020 or e-mail cacd@cacd.us or see the website at www.coloradoacd.org/camprocky

Adventure Day Camp Volunteers Still Needed

If you haven’t already volunteered to work with non 4-H youth between 6 to 11 years old at this fun-filled day camp, please con-tact Pam at 583-6566. A great way to earn community service time required by the high schools! Who: 4-H members and adult leaders When: August 3, 4, 5 Where: State Fairgrounds (first two days) third day location is at City Park Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (each day)

State 4-H Conference State 4-H Conference is an exciting opportunity for youth and adults to visit the CSU campus and meet people from all over the state. State 4-H Conference will be held June 21-24. Participants representing Pueblo County in the Speech Contest were selected through the county contest. The 4-H Senators and Leader Delegates will be involved at the state meeting. Other youth may apply and attend workshops. Requirements: You must be 14 years of age as of 12/31/2010 You must turn in an application, health forms and payment

by May 24, 2011 Applications are available at the CSU Extension. The 4-H Foundation and Youth Council will donate $1,500 to be divided among participants. Registration is approximately $225 per person which includes: registration, three nights lodging, opening and closing banquets.



Mark This Date On Your Calendar – SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011

Moneymaker For Horse Council Mark July 31 on your calendar and plan on spending the day earning money for the Pueblo County 4-H Horse Council. Last year the Horse Council earned a large amount of money earned in a short amount of time. Little Britches has offered to let us do it again this year. They stated that we did a great job so we need to do the same this year. For those who are not familiar with this project, Robert Lay, a past 4-H parent, and a board member with Little Britches Rodeo offered to pay youth and parents to help clean the horse stalls at the Colorado State Fair after the Little Britches Rodeo. This has allowed us to provide better awards for Spring, Summer, and County Fair Horse Shows. We are also planning a pizza party after the cleanup. MARK JULY 31 ON YOUR CALENDAR – WE NEED EVERYONE’S HELP!!!!!

Round Robin Judging for Horse Records in 2011 The 4-H Horse Record Books for 2011 will be judged with a “round robin type judging” process. This is the same as last year. This is an opportunity for you to be an active part of the horse project in Pueblo County. If you would like to be part of this process, please contact Carol in the CSU Extension Office. This is a great way to learn what to look for and how to correctly fill out the horse e-records.

Horse Council Horse Council is Monday, June 6 with the spring show test starting at 5:30 p.m. in the 4-H Dining Hall at the Colorado State Fairgrounds. A short business meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. and then those who did not take the test from 5:30 to 6:30 will be allowed to test after the meeting. Safety check offs MUST be done before spring show and the proper paperwork turned in to Carol in the Extension Office. Entry forms for Spring Show are also due at this meeting. Classes can be dropped, but not added after this date. County Fair entries are do that day — but WILL NOT be accepted at the Horse Council meeting. They MUST be in the CSU Extension office by 5:00 p.m.

Horse Shows Douglas County 4-H Horse Show Buckle Series - May 7 and June 11 – Ourdoor arena and June 26 – Indoor arena. Governed by State 4-H rules – helmets for gymkhana events. Entry forms available in the Pueblo Extension Office or from www.douglascountyextension.org →click on 4-H/Youth button→click on “horses” tab in center column. ADCO 4-H Summer Series – May 7, June 19, July 16th. Adams County Fairgrounds 4-H Arena in Brighton (rain date July 23). Questions – www.adcosummerseries.com or contact Julie Kloberdanz at 720-685-9093 or kloberdanz2@what-wire.com Applications available in the Pueblo Extension Office. North Park Jackpot Show – Saturday, June 18th – Wattenberg Community Center in Walden. Entry available in Pueblo Extension Office or contact debbie.alpe@colostate.edu

Horse Rater Trainings Looking for a way to help your child in the 4-H horse project and learn what the levels program is all about? Attend one of the 4-H Horse Rater Trainings that are being held this year and not only become a certified levels rater, but educate yourself about what is expected in each level of the Western, English and Ranch Horse Divisions in the Colorado 4-H Program. Pueblo held their clinic in April with 18 attending. Congratulations to Pueblo County parents/leaders who attended: Tom Sheppard, Theresa Martinez, and Jake Brunick. Thanks to Diana Quintana for taking the leadership role in this rater training and making sure everyone have a successful and informational experience. More raters are needed in Pueblo County. The State 4-H Equine Committee has purged all names of those who have not taken recertification in being a Horse Level’s Rater; therefore we only have the above mentioned persons who can do rater training for Level 2 and above. Leaders can still do Level 1 ratings. There will be the following clinics available in the near future: Douglas, May 8 English & Ranch - Instructors: Lori Kelly & Pete Giers El Paso, May 15 Western - Instructor: Lori Kelly Registration forms are available in the Pueblo Extension Office.



Clarification on Horse E-Records Youth MUST receive a minimum of 70% on their 2011 horse e-Records to be eligible to show the horse project at the 2012 Pueblo County Fair. If the youth doesn’t show the project at the 2011 county fair, and did not drop the project by the add/drop date of March 15 and intends to show the project at the 2012 county fair, the youth is still responsible for completing a record book to avoid a score of 0%.

Stall Policy Stall Policy The Stall Policy for the Spring, Summer and County Fair will be as follows: • $15.00 per stall (this applies to full or part time use at

shows) • If you do not clean your stall, an additional $10.00 will be

due • Club leaders will be checking stalls after the shows and

reported to superintendents and the office • Shavings must be purchased through the vendor at the

Colorado State Fairgrounds. • Tack stalls are no charge • Cleaning of stalls includes raking and piling outside the stall

where a bobcat can scoop it up and dispose of it. If we continue to do a good job at cleaning stalls, our fee will remain at $15.00; otherwise the fairgrounds can charge us up to $25.00 per stall. Let’s all work together and save some $$$$.

Thank You! Thank you all of the leaders, parents, and youth who helped with the two safety clinics and the showmanship horsemanship and trail clinics. Your time and talent are always appreciated! Working together we can make our horse program the best in the State!!!

E-Record Book Information Horse Records DO NOT need to be pre-graded by the 4-H leader, but we will need leader verification that the record book is up-to-date and correct on June 6. A sticker will be provided for leaders to place on the record book showing verification that the 4-H leader has deemed the book acceptable. LEADERS MUST REVIEW RECORDS BEFORE CALLING IN BOOKS! After County Fair, all horse books should be completed with all year end information and then judged by the “round robin” grading process for awards for Achievement Night. These records will be due in the CSUE office no later than September 7 by 5 p.m.

REMINDER – Horse registrations and lease agreements are due in the CSUE Office by 5:00 p.m. May 16. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS OR LEASE AGREEMENTS WILL BE TAKEN. Please register any horse that you think you might use at the Pueblo County Fair. Registrations are available in our office or on line in your horse record book.

2011 HORSE SHOW DATES Spring Horse Show

May 13, 14 & 15 Summer Horse Show

June 10, 11,& 12 County Fair

July 9, 10, & 11

Horse Judging Pueblo County sponsored a Horse Judging Contest on April 23 at the Colorado State Fairgrounds. Many thanks go out to all who volunteered to bring horses to the event and helped with the event in any way. A special thanks goes to the Jameson Family who put the whole event together. We had four counties repre-sented and all seemed to have a great time.



E-Record Book Information Dog Records DO NOT need to be pre-graded by the 4-H leader, but we will need leader verification that the record book is up-to-date and correct on June 6. A sticker will be provided for leaders to place on the record book showing verification that the 4-H leader has deemed the book acceptable. LEADERS MUST REVIEW RECORDS BEFORE CALLING IN BOOKS! After County Fair, all dog books should be completed with all year end information and then turned in to be judges by an outside judge for awards for achievement night. These records will be due in the CSUE office no later than September 7 by 5 p.m.

2011 Dog Test Policy 1. If you had a test score of 80% or better on your 2010 dog test and are not 11 or 14 4-H age this year, you DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE TEST . 2. If this is your first year in the dog project, you must take the test. You must pass with a 60% or better. Anyone with a learning disability should provide us with a letter from your school Special Education Teacher. Contact the office individually and the appropriate arrangements will be made to take the test. 3. If you score at least an 80%, you will not have to take the test until you move up to the next age group (8-10 Junior, 11-13 Intermediate, 14-18 Senior). 4. The test will be over the 4-H manual (Level I for Juniors, Level II for Intermediate and Level III for Seniors, class instruction & showmanship book.) 5. Two opportunities will be provided for testing.

• May 12 — 6:30 p.m. — Dining Hall & 4-H Auditorium—State Fairgrounds-after MANDATORY Showcase sale Meeting.

• June 20 — 6:30 p.m. — Dining Hall & 4-H Auditorium—State Fairgrounds — (Test follows MQA training)

A list of those who have tested out with an 80% is available at the Extension Office.

Dog Vaccinations & State Identification Sheet There has been some talk about shots for dogs enrolled in the 4-H dog project. We have been warned by many veterinarians in our area that rabies might be a huge problem this year. Cases of rabid skunks and some dogs have been confirmed in Southern Colorado. Therefore, we will require all dogs entered in the Pueblo County 4-H Dog Project to be current on their rabies vaccinations. A State 4-H Identification Sheet is new this year. Members are required to get this sheet in to the Extension Office by June 1. It is available on our website or email Carol and she will email you a copy. Besides rabies, it is recommended that all dogs be up to date on all shots that their veterinarian recommends and what is required by Colorado law (Rabies).

Statewide Dog Show Dates Following are the dog show dates:

showmanship a try ($5.00 fee). Concessions available. Registration form available in Pueblo Extension Office. Douglas County Dog Show—Castle Rock – May 14 – Pre registration is recommended. Entry fee will be $5.00; $1.00 for each

additional dog. Entry forms are available in the Pueblo Extension Office or contact Mary Parenti at 303-210-6890 or email excalibur981@msn.com

Douglas County Dog Show—Castle Rock – July 16 – Pre registration is recommended. Entry fee will be $5.00; $1.00 for each additional dog. Entry forms are available in the Pueblo Extension Office or contact Mary Parenti at 303-210-6890 or email excalibur981@msn.com

Pueblo County Dog Shows—Colorado State Fairgrounds – May 21 and June 18. Entry fee $5.00 per dog. Concessions available. Mighty Dogs will host the May 21show, Pups and Hounds will host the June 18 show. These two shows are open shows. A third show will be held in Pueblo County on August 6th at Craver Middle School in Rye hosted by Greenhorn Kickers 4-H Club and will be a closed show to Pueblo County 4-H dog project members only.

Adams County—Sunday, June 26—entry fee $10.00 per dog. Adams County Fairgrounds in Brighton – 7:30 am registration with show starting at 9:00 am. Contact Lori Torgerson at 303-868-8378 for more information or entry forms are available in the Pueblo Extension Office. Falcon Ranchers Annual 4-H Dog show—Sunday, May 15. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m., show begins at 10:00 a.m.. Cost $3.00 per 4-H member. Located at the El Paso County Fairgrounds in Calhan. Contact Kelly at 719-332-9267 for information. Mesa County 4-H Four On The Floor Dog Show—Saturday and Sunday June 18 and 19 at Veterans Park at the Mesa County Fairgrounds in Grand Junction. $8.00 per entry. Obedience, Rally, and Showmanship judging both days. Contact Lori Gideon at 970-778-1511 or email appleheadnara@hotmail.com

Sponsors Needed The Pueblo County 4-H Dog Program is looking for possible sponsorship of awards for youth for the 2011 Pueblo County Fair and the 2011 Colorado State Fair Dog Trials. If you know of an individual or business that would like to sponsor some of these awards, please get in touch with Erin Sneed, Donna Darnell, Gail Kingrey, or Carol Kuhns. A state approved request letter is available for your use in contacting donors. Call Carol in the Extension Office for copies of this letter. We have received a donation in the amount of $500.00 from the Plum Creek Kennel Club in Castle Rock.



2011 Livestock Test Policy & Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) Policy

1. Test are broken down in three age categories (8-10 junior; 11-13 intermediate; and 14-above senior). When moving up in age group you must take the appropriate ate-level test. 2. If you had a test score of 80% or better on your 2010 Livestock test and you have not changed age, groups, you DO NOT HAVE TOT AKE THE TEST FOR THAT SPECIES unless you wish to be considered for the Supreme Livestock Exhibitor Award at the need of the 4-H year. The highest test score is used, regardless of species. 3. A passing score for each specie show is 60% or better. Anyone with a learning disability should provide us with a letter form your school Special Education teacher, prior to testing. Contact the office individually and the appropriate arrangements swill be made to take the test. 4. The test will cover the 4-H manual (level 1 for Juniors, level 2 for intermediate, level 3 for seniors. 5. Two opportunities for testing will be provided: May 12 – following mandatory Showcase Sale Meeting at 6:30 p.m. – Dining Hall and 4-H Auditorium at State Fairgrounds June 20 – 6:30 p.m. – Dining Hall and 4-H Auditorium at State Fairgrounds 6. A list of those who have tested out with an 80% is available at the Extension Office.

Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) Policy Youth must take the Meat Quality Assurance training once as a junior and once as a senior (age group division for MQA 8-13 junior, 14-above senior). ATTENTION: If you are showing SWINE at the Pueblo County Far, then you must take the MQA training it yearly. Two opportunities will be provided to take the MQA Training: May 7 (following weigh in from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the CSU building at the State Fairgrounds) – NEW HANDS ON TRAINING WITH EDUCATIONAL STATIONS June 20 (prior to livestock testing) - 4-H Auditorium No MQA will be provided at the May 12 Mandatory Meeting/

Testing Session

Pork Quality Assurance for STATE FAIR AND NATIONAL SHOWS

If you plan to show swine at the State Fair or a national show, you will need to take the Pork Quality Assurance training. Three sessions will be offered: • May 7: MQA Hands On Training Qualifies • June 8: 6:30 p.m., CSU Extension Office • June 20: 6:30 p.m., 4-H Auditorium, Fairgrounds. MQA Slide

Presentation Qualifies.

Hands on MQA Program – May 7 after Weigh-In Please plan to join us this year for a new teaching format for the Meat Quality Assurance Program. It’s a series of learn -by- doing stations that will take approximately an hour to complete. Parents and leaders are strongly encouraged to attend. Plan to attend. It will be set up from 9 a.m. to noon at the CSU Building at the State Fairgrounds. This program will qualify youth for PQA+, needed to show swine at state and national shows. There will only be two opportunities to take MQA – the other will be offered June 20 prior to livestock testing in the 4-H Auditorium. See article on Livestock Test Policy and Meat Quality Assurance Policy. A test will be given when you complete the hands-on stations – but it’s not difficult and you will have opportunity to test again immediately if you didn’t pass it. Please plan to weigh your animals in and learn from the new MQA program!

Swine Ear Tagging & Ear Notch Cards Swine Ear Notch Cards may be brought to the CSUE Office prior to May 7 or they may be brought to the Sheep & Goat weigh-in on May 7. Superintendents will accept only correct ear notches. Help with swine ear notching— 4-H members can pick up swine ear notch cards and ear tags in the CSU Cooperative Extension Office before purchasing swine. Take the ear notch card with you when you purchase your swine. Ask the seller to help you interpret the ear notch on the swine you are purchasing. The process for swine ear notch cards and tags: ► Tag the swine when you read the ear notches. ► Have the Extension Office make a copy of your cards when you turn them in on or before May 7, 2011. The office has diagrams on how to read swine ear notches. NO LATE EAR NOTCH CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO LATE EAR TAGS WILL BE GIVEN OUT.

Sheep and Goat Weigh In – May 7 The mandatory weigh in for market sheep and goats is Saturday, May 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Fairgrounds in the Sheep and Swine Barn. All market goats and sheep must be weighed in and tagged this evening. We will also tag and photograph sheep and goats for state fair at that time. This year, COOL forms will be due at weigh-in. If you need a blank COOL form, you can get one from the office. PLEASE USE GAT 4 — Livestock Gate off Mesa Avennue. There are a lot of events happening on the fairgrounds.

Don’t forget your COOL Forms When purchasing your market livestock – don’t forget to take the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL Form) with you to have the seller sign. Forms are due before or at the time of weigh in.



Clarification on Livestock E-Records Youth MUST receive a minimum of 70% on their 2011 livestock e-Records to be eligible to show those livestock projects at the 2012 Pueblo County Fair. If the youth doesn’t show the projects at the 2011 county fair, and did not drop the project by the add/drop date of March 15 and intends to show the project at the 2012 county fair, the youth is still responsible for completing a record book to avoid a score of 0%.

Help With Your Rabbit Project If you are interested in learning about rabbits, Pueblo County is very fortunate to have Walter and Shirley Sloan available to help you with your rabbit project. Contact Walter and Shirley at 564-5004.

Livestock Shows: Kit Carson County Prospect Show – June 4 – Kit Carson County Fairgrounds, Burlington. Goats, beef, sheep and swine classes. For more information call 719-346-5571 ext 302 or 719-349-2500. Colby Holeyfield Memorial Jackpot – June 25 – Rio Blanco County Fairgrounds - Beef, sheep, goat and swine classes. Contact Todd Morris 878-4360 or 970-623-2447 Steer-Aid Clinic and Jackpot show - two day beef clinic for youth. May 21 & 22 – Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds in Rocky Ford. Pre-registration to 719-384-4463 or wwfeed@centurytel.net North Park Jackpot Show – Sunday, June 19 – Wattenberg Community Center in Walden. Entry available in Pueblo Extension Office or contact debbie.alpe@colostate.edu

Mandatory Showcase Sale Meeting – May 12

All 4-H members planning to sell at the 2011 Showcase Sale during County Fair must attend the following meeting: When: May 12 6:30 p.m. Where: 4-H Auditorium – Fairgrounds Agenda: Election of Officers and Species Representatives Contact Assignments will be made and Intent to Purchase

Forms are due to the office by July 1 If a youth cannot attend this meeting, he/she must submit a written excuse note/letter to CSUE. The excuse may be e-mailed, mailed, hand delivered or faxed and it must be received by May 11 at 5:00 p.m. Forms may be faxed to 583-6582, but please call to confirm the fax was received. If a youth does not attend and no excuse is received, $75 will be deducted from the youth’s premium check.

Dog, Horse and Livestock Records (including rabbit and poultry) DO NOT need to be pre-graded by the 4-H leader, but we will need leader verification that the record book is up-to-date and correct on June 6. A sticker will be provided for leaders to place on the record book showing verification that the 4-H leader has deemed the book acceptable. LEADERS MUST REVIEW RECORDS BEFORE CALLING IN BOOKS! After County Fair, all horse and livestock books should be completed with all year end information and then judged by the “round robin” grading process for awards for Achievement Night. These records will be due in the CSUE office no later than September 7 by 5 p.m.

Wool Lead Contest Friday, July 8 is the last day to sign up for the 2011 Pueblo County Fair Wool Lead Contest. The Wool Lead is open to any 2011 4-H/FFA Pueblo County Fair exhibitor. The goal of the contest is to promote the use of wool and fiber in clothing and accessories by showing its beauty, versatility and source. We encourage anyone who wants to try something new or showcase their clothing project to other 4-H families and the community to enter. You do not have to have or own a sheep, fiber goat or llama to participate. Your garment may be homemade or purchased. Please see the fair book for further guidelines. New this year an Adult Class-challenge your Mom or Dad to show. Come on and try something new!! Please contact Erin Barker with any questions 251-0355.

Congratulations Johanna Klein Congratulations to Johanna Klein! She has been awarded a doeling from the 2011 Craig Thalhamer Memorial Dairy Goat Chain. Previous winners were Savannah Gonzales (2009) and Deidrick Evel (2010).



Mandatory Shoots Youth must shoot in one mandatory shoot, for each discipline you are enrolled in, to shoot at the Pueblo County Fair*. Mandatory Qualifying Shoots: Air rifle/pistol: May 14, June 18 registration for shotgun is at 7:30 a.m., shooting begins at 8:00 a.m. at the State Fairgrounds in the CSU Building. Shotgun: May 11, June 8 – shooting begins at 4:00 p.m. Archery, .22 rifle, muzzleloader, centerfire rifle: May 21, June 11. registration for is at 7:30 a.m., shooting begins at 8:00 a.m.; except registration for Muzzleloading and centerfire is about 9:00 a.m. and youth will shoot as soon as .22 is done. ***Seniors may request exception in any discipline they have competed in the two previous, consecutive county shoots. To be excused, youth must submit a letter to the SS Council stating which disciplines they are asking to be excused from. Additionally, the letter must include a signed statement from a certified Pueblo County Shooting Sports Instructor in each discipline being requested stating that he/she has observed the youth practice this year and certifies they are qualified in the disciplines being requested. The letter must be submitted to SS Council through the Extension Office by June 1

SS E-Record Grading Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to help grade Shooting Sports E-Records on June 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Extension Office. Please call the office or email Ron Brown to volunteer. This is a great learning opportunity as well as a good way to grade books before County Fair. You do not have to be a Shooting Sports Leader to help grade record books. An orientation will be given before the grading process begins. Shooting Sports e-records are due in the extension office by June 13 no later than 5:00 p.m.

Shooting Sports E-Records Reminder – e-records must score an 85% or higher for the youth to be eligible to shoot in the county fair shoot. If a book does not score an 85% when books are graded, youth will be given one week to update the book and turn it back in to be re-graded. Shooting Sports e-records are due in the extension office by June 13 no later than 5:00 p.m.

Thank You NRA! The 4-H Foundation received a grant for $5800 to purchase a trailer for Shooting Sports Council to store its equipment. The trailer will be housed at the Pueblo Trap and Skeet Club. THANK YOU NRA for your support of the 4-H Shooting Sports Program!

Congratulations to Ryan Vargas Ryan Vargas qualified and was selected for the Colorado archery team that will compete at the National Shooting Sports Team in 2011 National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational. Congratulations!



This is a special page in the 4-H Clover Power Newsletter. It is designed to be a simple resource to put important dates and brief information at your fingertips—in a hurry. Details of deadlines, events, etc, will be inside the newsletter. All dates are subject to change and more dates will be added as locations/times are confirmed.

MAY 5 – Shooting Sports Council 7 -- Practice Horse Show 7 -- Sheep/Goat Weigh In 7-- MQA Hands-on training 12 -- Mandatory Showcase Sale Meeting 12 -- Dog/Livestock Test (no MQA) 13, 14, 15 – Spring Horse Show 16 – Camp Counselor Meeting 17 – E-Record Training 18 – Fair Board 21 – Pueblo County Dog Show 23 -- Camp applications due 31 – Camp Counselor Meeting JUNE 3, 4, 5 – 4-H Camp 4 -- Rabbit Workshop 6 – Horse Council – Summer Show Test 7 – Washington Focus Meeting

JUNE (Con’t) 11, 12 – Summer Horse Show 15 – Fair Board 16 -- Judge Shooting Sports Records 16 – Scholarship Interviews 18 – Pueblo County Dog Show 20 – Livestock/Dog Tests & MQA 21-24 – State 4-H Conference 28 – Livestock Superintendent Meeting JULY 5 – Horse Council - County Fair Test 5 – Washington Focus Meeting 6 – Fair Board—tentative 7 – Shooting Sports Council 8-16 – PUEBLO COUNTY FAIR 27 – Follow up Fair Superintendent’s Meeting 31 – Horse Council Cleanup – Little Britches

AUGUST 3-5 – Adventure Day Camp 6 – Pueblo County Dog Show – Colorado City 17 – Check in Exhibits – Colorado State Fair 17 – Fair Board 26-Sept 5 – COLORADO STATE FAIR SEPTEMBER 1 – Shooting Sports Council 6 -- Pick Up Exhibits, Colorado State Fair 6 – Washington Focus Meeting 7 – Leader Group Officer Meeting 8 – Livestock Council 21 – Fair Board OCTOBER 4 – Washington Focus Meeting 5 – Youth Council 5 – 4-H Parent/Leader Group 11 – Horse Council

OCTOBER (con’t) 12 – Showcase Sale Fall Meeting 19 – Fair Board 21 – 4-H Achievement Night NOVEMBER 1 – Washington Focus Meeting 3 – Shooting Sports Council 8 – Horse Council 10 – Livestock Council 16 – Fair Board DECEMBER 3, 4 – Bells of Christmas Craft Show 6 – Washington Focus Meeting 21 – Fair Board


4-H DEADLINES May 20 -- Congress/Leadership/National Conference applications due May 24 – State 4-H Conference Applications due June 2 -- Scholarship Applications Due August 15 – Report Forms Due October 3 – Financial Reports, Completion Reports and Club By-Laws Due

May 7 – Weigh In Goats and Sheep May 7 – Swine Nominations Due May 7 -- COOL Forms Sheep, Goat, Swine Due May 7 -- MQA Hands-On Training May 11 – Shotgun Mandatory Shoot May 14 – Air Rifle/Pistol Mandatory Shoot May 16 – Horse Registrations and Lease Agreements Due May 21 – Archery, .22 Rifle, Muzzleloader, Centerfire Rifle Mandatory Shoot June 1 -- Dog ID forms due June 6 – County Fair Entries Due June 6 – E-Record Book Scores called in to CSU Extension by

leader (livestock, horse and dog books) June 8 – Shotgun Mandatory Shoot June 11 – Archery, .22 Rifle, Muzzleloader, Centerfire Rifle Mandatory Shoot June 13 -- Shooting Sport E-Records Due June 18 – Air Rifle/Pistol Mandatory Shoot July 5 – Horse Test County Fair July 8-16 – Pueblo County Fair August 15 – Showcase Sale thank you notes due September 7 – Horse, Dog, Livestock Record Books Due