Publication plan

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Publication plan

Publication Plan


Positioning statement: For the Rocker in you

Frequency of Publication: Monthly

Price: £2.50

Distribution: Supermarkets, Newsagents and Music Shops.

Rationale: The approach of the magazine is to appeal to the lovers of rock music, keep them up to

date with their favourite artists/bands. A main part of the magazine is to interview various rock

artists/bands and find out about what they’re working on so the fans feel connected and in the


Style: The magazine style will be informal and with basic language so even people with Basic English

skills will still be able to understand the language. Adding to this, slang will be included which the

target audience will be able to understand. I will make the paragraphs short to keep the audience

interested and put key phrases in bold or italics.

Regular content:

Music Quiz

Gig Guide


Live Reviews

Artist News

Album News

This month’s essential song list



Feature articles:

Catherine Bunting- talks about how she coped with becoming famous living on the streets.

Following Muse on tour- And how they’re rocking the world.

Disturbed confess about their recent stalker experience-find out what really happened.

Steve Swaby going solo?-What about Refrain?

Gig Guide- Key tips for rocking.

Are Rammstein taking it too far? - Banned in France, USA and Germany.  We discover if they’re going

to tone it down.

Falling in Reverse- What are they doing now?

From the start with Greenday-follow their adventure.

Nickelback wants to help you- Follow his tips about making it in the industry.

Watching Blink 182 live- We discover their techniques to performing live.

Female Vampire Killers- talk about their fans, life and publicity.

Skindred- The diverse sound.

This month’s upcoming bands- find out who’s rocking our month.

You  Me at Six vs. All Time Low

Paramore vs. Black Moth

Black Veil Brides vs. Kiss

Live exclusive with Fallen Paradise- Review of the legendary Fallen Paradise live.

Paramore talks- Find out how they’re dealing with only 3 band members.

The Dead  Velvets- the truth about their upcoming album.

How to get priority passes- Our how-to for getting the best experience at every gig.

Iron Maiden- Find out their new sound.

How music changed their life; Rammstein, KISS and Foo Fighters.

At the O2- the O2 academy gives you advice for how to arrange you gigs.

Kasabian’s dangerous stunts- Find out their exclusive ideas for their new tour.

Lost Prophets- A live exclusive with our friends from Lost Prophets

Are Avenged Sevenfoldhiding something? - Rumours of them splitting up hit our screens.

House Style

Coverlines: Arial Blackand Arial

Headlines: Franklin gothic heavy 164pt

Standfirst: Arial 14pt

Features first paragraph: drop capitalFranklin gothic medium4 lines deep, no words in capital

Body text:Franklin gothic medium 11pt

Colour Scheme: Black, Red and Blue