Public Speaking at Park University 1 Public Speaking Foundations Content based on Lucas’ The Art...

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Transcript of Public Speaking at Park University 1 Public Speaking Foundations Content based on Lucas’ The Art...

Public Speaking at Park University1

Public Speaking Foundations

Content based on Lucas’ The Art of Public Speaking.The visuals are available for purchase at

Public Speaking at Park University2

Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation

 Organizing thoughts logically Tailoring the message to the audience Telling a story for maximum impact Adapting to listener feedback

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Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation

Public speaking is more highly structured

Public speaking requires more formal language

Public speaking requires a different method of delivery

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JFK Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press 5 min

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Model of The Speech Communication Process, which contains the following: Speaker (You) Message (Impromptu or planned speech) Channel (sound, sight, smell, touch, taste) Listener (Audience, also you) Feedback (Nonverbal responses, question

and answer period) Interference (Distractions that are internal or

external) Situation (Context, occasion)

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Frame of reference is everything in communication!

How does the sum of a person’s

knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes affect the role of speaker or listener?

Why do we need to remember that everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener’s frame of reference?

Can two people can have exactly the same frame of reference?

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Public Speaking Concepts

Feedback The messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener

to a speaker. Interference Anything that impedes the communication of a

message. Situation The time and place in which speech communication

occurs. Stage Fright Anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of

an audience.

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What are guidelines to ensure ethical speaking? Make sure your goals are ethically sound Be fully prepared for each speech Be honest in what you say Avoid name-calling and other forms of

abusive language Put ethical principles into practiceDo you think one side is right and one is

wrong? Based on your experience, do you disagree with the information in your textbook or other course materials? What is the rationale for your position?

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Nervousness Is Normal

Your body is responding by producing extra adrenaline, a hormone released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress. 

Positive Nervousness Controlled nervousness that

helps energize a speaker for her or his presentation.

Visualization Mental imaging in which a

speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation.

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5-minute Talk or WriteHow can you reducing speech anxiety? Acquire speaking experience Prepare, prepare, prepare Think positively Use the power of visualization Know that most nervousness is not

visible Don’t expect perfection

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Critical Thinking

Focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and opinion.

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Why are these concepts important in public speaking?

Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s own group

or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.

Ethics The branch of philosophy that deals

with issues of right and wrong in human affairs.

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5 Minute Talk or Write: Ethical Decisions

How can you weigh a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines?

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Unethical: Name-Calling

The use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individuals or groups.

Speech at the White House Correspondent's Dinner (2006) p1

8 min  

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Plagiarism is presenting another person’s language or ideas as one’s own.

Cite all sources quoted. Cite all sources paraphrased. Family Guy Steals From Simpsons

( Part 1 of 2 ) 4 min -

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Unethical Public Speaking

Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own.

Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one’s own.

Failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.

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Plagiarism and the Internet Cite sources when

using Internet materials

Take careful research notes

Use high quality sources, such as those from the government or educational institution

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Guidelines for Ethical Listening

Be courteous and attentive Avoid prejudging the speaker Maintain the free and open expression

of ideas

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Why Practice Public Speaking? To learn to manage your nervousness. To improve your skills. To broaden your experiences. To improve your ability to think on your

feet. To increase your flexibility and

adaptation to the audience. Research says public speaking practice

of all kinds WORKS!

Public Speaking at Park University21

Radio Speech 

Write a statement in which you strongly believe. Pretend you are calling in to a radio talk show and make your statement. Either the teacher or a student can role-play the talk show announcer.

Make sure you have a clear voice to convey your message.