Psychometric testingpvl

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Transcript of Psychometric testingpvl

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Psychometric testing

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Psychometrics• Psychometrics deals with the scientific

measurement of individual differences (personality and intelligence).

• It attempts to measure the psychological qualities of individuals and use that knowledge to make predictions about behaviour.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

What is a test ?• A test can be described as an objective,

systematic and standardised measure of a sample of behaviour.– Objective: every observer of an event

would produce an identical account of what took place.

– Systematic: a methodical and consistent approach to understanding an event.

– Standardised: observations of an event are made in a prescribed manner.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Test vs. assessment• A test is also different from an assessment:

– Assessment refers to the entire process of collating information about individuals and subsequently using it to make predictions

– Tests represent only one source of information within the assessment process

– E.g. spelling is one aspect of writing, and so to assess it we would use a spelling test, whereas to gauge up someone’s general writing ability we would have to assess the entire process (spelling, style, grammar, punctuation etc.).

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Types of psychometric tests• Two types of psychological tests are used by

personnel selection practitioners:– Tests of cognitive ability:

• Cognitive assessment tests attempt to measure an individual’s ability to process information from their environment

– Tests of personality measures:• Personality measures are more concerned with

people's dispositions to behave in certain ways in certain situations.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Different categories of psychometric tests

• There are three categories of psychometric tests in use by psychologists:– Normative tests: most psychometric tests; where

data exists about the range of scores expected from the population under consideration, e.g. IQ scores

– Criterion referenced tests: tests commonly used in education where a candidate has to meet some pre-arranged standard

– Idiographic tests: tests used in therapy to observe an individual’s progress over time.

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Cognitive testing• Intelligence tests are commonly used in two

main areas: occupational psychology and educational psychology.

• Cognitive ability tests fall into two categories in terms of administration of the test:– Individually administered tests – Group administered tests.

• Three different types of cognitive tests (collectively known as maximum performance tests):– Speed, power and knowledge tests.

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Personality testing• Personality tests are concerned with

attempting to measure people’s characteristics or traits.

• There are two forms of personality test:– Objective personality tests:

• Individuals are asked to rate their own actions or feelings in set situations

– Projective tests:• Individuals are asked to formulate an

unstructured response to some form of ambiguous stimuli, e.g. Rorschach ink-blot test (Rorschach, 1921).

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Applications of personality tests• Criminal psychologists might employ

questionnaires to measure impulsivity and its relation to crime.

• Health psychologists might measure people’s optimism in relation to their response to cancer diagnosis.

• Occupational psychologists often employ personality tests to predict job performance and job suitability, e.g. Furnham (1992) reported that workers with high ‘negative affect’ tend to be less productive and have less job satisfaction, etc.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Principles of psychometric tests• Three essential criteria for a good

psychometric test : – reliability, validity and standardisation.

• Test standardisation ensures that the conditions are as similar as possible for all individuals who are given the test.

• Standardisation also ensures that no matter who gives the test and scores it, the results should be the same.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Test reliability• A test must measure the same thing in the

same way every time someone takes it.• There are two types of test reliability:

– Internal consistency reliability – all the parts of your test questionnaire are reliable throughout

– Test–retest reliability – the test remains valid over time.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Test validity• There are four types of test validity:

– Face validity: does your test appear to measure what it purports to measure?

– Concurrent validity: does your test of honesty correlate with existing standardised tests of honesty?

– Predictive validity: do the results of your test predict future behaviour?

– Construct validity: if all our hypotheses about the test variable (construct) are supported then we have a high degree of construct validity.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Problems with psychometric tests• Social desirability: when faced with a psychometric test,

many people feel they are being judged and so alter their answers accordingly. This may happen for two reasons:– Self-deception – individuals are overly optimistic in

their perceptions of their own positive personality features and play down their perceived negative aspects

– Impression management – individuals try to appear ‘nice’ because they fear social disapproval.

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Mood and environmental influence• Mood does seem to play a part in how people

go about performing in tests, especially those concerning personality:– People in a good mood might answer the

questionnaire completely differently than they would if they were in a bad mood.

• Features of the environment (noise, heat, light) might also have an impact on our moods and our cognitive abilities:– High temperature has a significant negative

effect on vigilance, attention, memory and reaction time (Hancock, 1986).

• Part II

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Personality AssessmentPersonality Assessment

The Objective and Projective Measurement of Personality

• A psychometric test is a way of assessing a person’s ability or personality in a measured and structured way. There are 3 main types of tests:-

• ability,• personality

• Interest

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

• extraverted• psychic energy is directed

out of the person to the

world outside them • objective - outward

maintains a positive relation to the object.

• an extravert attitude is motivated from the outside and is directed by external, objective factors and relationships" (Hyde)

• introverted• the person's psychic energy

is internally directed

• subjective - inward ".

• attitude to the object is an abstracting one.... he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object...." (Jung)

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• The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

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• The 16 types are typically referred to by an abbreviation of four letters—the initial letters of each of their four type preferences (except in the case of intuition, which uses the abbreviation N to distinguish it from Introversion). For instance:

• ESTJ: extraversion (E), sensing (S), thinking (T), judgment (J)

• INFP: introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), perception (P)

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO)

• It is a theory of interpersonal relations,• introduced by William Schutz in 1958. • This theory mainly explains the interpersonal underworld of a

small group.• The Theory is based on the belief that when people get

together in a group, there are three main interpersonal needs they are looking to obtain –

• affection/openness, control and inclusion. • Schutz developed a measuring instrument that contains six

scales of nine-item questions that he called FIRO-B.

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education


• FIRO-B is a powerful tool that assesses how personal needs affect your behavior towards others.

• It examines the way you interact with others and the way you wish them to interact with you.

• Can be used in any situation that requires inter personal behavior measurement.

• Team building, employee development and management development

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

The three needs in FIRO

• Inclusion: Determines the extent of contact and prominence that the individual seeks and wishes from others.

• Control: Determines the extent of power or dominance that a person seeks from others.

• Affection: Determines the extent of closeness that a person seeks and wishes from others

© Simon Moore Complete Psychology published by Hodder Education

Development of Personality Testing

• Initial attempts to measure personality first emerged at the turn of the 20th century.

- Theory-driven, not empirically derived, psychometric properties (e.g., reliability, validity) were not established

• World War I ushered along the evolution of personality tests

- importance of predicting adjustment of new recruits to the military based on single dimensions of personality and behavior

• Within two decades following WWI, tests evolved to measure multiple dimensions of personality

Development of Personality Testing

• Two measurement methodologies

- Projective tests

1. theory-driven

2. Designed to probe deeper dimensions of personality

Objective Personality Measures

• Objective measures utilize highly structured response formats

• Consist of unambiguous stimulus items- Forced choice (e.g., true/false)- Likert scale ratings

• Result in a quantitative score that can be compared with normative score data

Objective Personality Measures

• The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (mmpi)

1. The original MMPI inventory was published in 1953 by Starke Hathaway and J.C. McKinley

2. Designed to assess and diagnose mental disorders in University of Minnesota Hospitals - became one of the most widely distributed and used measure of psychopathology.


3. Scale development: items for each scale were chosen based on ability to statistically discriminate between clinical subgroups & control groups

4. Efforts to revise the inventory spanned a decade or so; were structured to address psychometric & practical flaws (e.g., need for improved normative sample, need to update items deemed inappropriate/outdated given contemporary culture, need to devise a version uniquely suited to assessing adolescent population)


5. In 1989 development of the MMPI-2 was completed (Bucher et al.) incorporating an updated 2,600-person stratified normative sample

6. This was shortly followed by the production of the MMPI-A measure for adolescents


7. Contains 10 scales yielding complex profile analyses that integrate the following clinical dimension of pathology and personality: Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria, Psychopathic Deviate, Masculinity-Femininity, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, Schizophrenia, Hypomania, and Social Introversion• Scaled scores yield 2 or 3-point code type descriptors that

provide information regarding symptoms/behaviors, personality characteristics, and predictions/dispositions for the above-mentioned profiles

• Contains built-in lie scales to assess response patterns that pose a threat to internal validity (e.g., defensive responding, exaggerated responding, random responding)


8. Allows for a variety of administration and scoring methods (e.g., computerized administration, abbreviated forms, computer scoring, mail-in scoring)

9. Amenable to the development and use of coding indices that allow for specialized interpretation of clusters of selected scales (e.g., Goldberg Index, Megargee Classification System for Criminal Offenders, The Welsh Code, the Harris-Lingoes Content Interpretation Approach)

1. I love/loved my mother.2. I like to wear brown shoes.3. Everything tastes the same.4. I often feel as if there is a tight band around my head.5. I like to read mechanics magazines.6. Rules should be followed “to the letter of the law.”7. I would certainly enjoy beating criminals at

their own game.

THE ICE CREAM TESTbased on the mmpi…What is your favorite flavor of ice cream from this list of

possible flavors?

1. Mint chip2. Vanilla3. Butter pecan4. Coffee5. Rocky Road6. Strawberry

Face validity – items make sense, given what the test measures.

The MMPI and ice cream test have low face validity because the items areempirically derived, not rationally derived.

Empirically derived - subgroups of people are given a test, only the items that differentiate the groups are retained for the final version.Rationally derived – items with face validity are chosen by the authors of the test.

Objective Personality Measures

• Sixteen Personality Factors Test1. Raymond Cattell (1949, 1982)2. Unique development: Cattell and colleagues surveyed all

English language words descriptive of personality 3. Followed up with factor analyses, yielding 16 first-order

factors of personality and four second-order factors4. Multiple forms, can be used as a component of the Clinical

Analysis Questionnaire to simultaneously assess personality and pathology

5. 187 items rated on a 3-point Likert scale6. Psychometric properties: large, stratified normative sample,

excellent reliability (internal consistency) and validity (construct)

Objective Personality Measures

Also the NEO-PI Based on five factor model

Lew goldberg’s BIG FIVE adjective checklists -Based on the whorfian hypothesis: that the values of any society

are determined by its lexicon. the most important constructs in our society are those that have the highest numbers of words to describe them.

- native american languages - 60 different words for green- over 1000 shades of red tile in the back of the vatican stained

glass/mosaic school! the most important personality aspects are encoded into the


Objective Personality Measures• California Psychological Inventory (1987)

1. 462 true/false items grouped into 20 scales

2. Target population: adolescents and adults

3. Scores are used to interpret an examinee’s position within a three-dimensional construct of personality (interpersonal orientation, normative perspective, and level of realization)

4. Very little psychometric data exists to validate this measure, but recent factor analyses suggest that the 20 scales of the CPI map onto four major personality dimensions (i.e. extraversion, control, flexibility, and consensuality)

Projective Measures of Personality• Utilize ambiguous, unstructured or semi-structured

stimuli (e.g., inkblots) to allow the examinee to project covert personality characteristics into responses on test items

• Overall, little to no psychometric data have been established on projective measures- Despite a lack of empirical support, these measures have

provided the impetus for more in-depth theoretical and applied research in the area of personality

- Can provide important qualitative information and outcomes to be used in clinical practice with individual clients

Projective Measures of Personality

• Rorschach Inkblot Test1. Developed by Hermann Rorschach, 1921

2. Consists of 5 black and white symmetrical inkblots, 2 red and grey inkblots, and 3 multicolored inkblots

3. Examinees are presented each card and asked to express and describe everything they see in the images they are shown

4. Responses are coded and compared with diagnostic patterns (e.g., emotionality, movement, anxiety, etc.) for clinical subgroups

Projective Measures of Personality

• Rorschach Inkblot Test (continued)5. Psychometric properties: attempts have been

made to improve the psychometric properties of this measure• Holtzman technique: Utilizes 45 inkblots,

demonstrates moderate inter-scorer reliability and predictive validity

• Exner scoring system: Standardized scoring and interpretive system, has increased the promise of improved reliability and validity

Rorschach Test

Projective Measures of Personality

• Thematic Apperception Test- Developed by Henry Murray, 1943- Examinees are presented a series of picture

cards (usually depicting human action and/or interaction) and are asked to tell a brief story about each card

- Responses are coded along dimensions measuring constructs such as needs, emotions, conflicts, attitudes, etc.

- Psychometric properties: little to no data exist supporting the reliability or validity of this measure

Thematic Apperception Test

Projective Measures of Personality (show example)

• Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank- Developed by Julian Rotter et al., 1947 and 1950- Derived from the work of Ebbinghaus that had been

completed in the early 20th century- Originally designed for use in the military, later adapted for

use with college students and adults- Unique application: unlike the Rorschach and TAT, this

quasi-empirical measure was intended only to screen for emotional maladjustment

- Semi-structured measure of 40 items (sentence stems) that can be administered individually or in a group setting

- Yields a total score that captures emotional adjustment and the content of individual responses for more subjective clinical interpretation

Projective Measures of Personality (show example)

• Draw-A-Person Test1. Karen Machover, 1949

2. Examinees are asked to draw two figures, which are thought to represent projections of the examinee’s impulses, desires, anxieties, etc.• The first task requires the examinee to draw a figure• The second task requires the examinee to draw a figure of

the opposite sex

3. The examiner records key aspects of each drawing (e.g., order of body parts drawn, prominence or absence of features, expression, etc.)

4. Psychometric properties: newer scoring procedures have established preliminary data on reliability, but little to no empirical evidence exists to validate this measure

Psychometrics of Assessment• Stratified, representative normative/norming samples• Reliability: Consistency of assessement results

- internal consistency of test items- Split-half- Test-retest reliability- Alternate forms

• Validity: Ability to appropriately draw conclusions or generalize from results

- Construct validity- Content validity- Concurrent validity- Predictive validity- Discriminative validity