Psc Ppt - Copy

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  • 8/2/2019 Psc Ppt - Copy


    Presentation On

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    GladiatorsPrepared for

    Presented By

    Dr.Shoaib Ahmed



    Abu Zandal Md. Karim

    Ashim Chandra Ghose

    Ashraful Islam Miah Md. Russell

    Pankaj Kanti Sarkar

    Badhan Banik

    Nabil Khan Sujoy

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    In Fond Memory of

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    What Is PSC(Public Service Commission)?

    A Public service commission is a government agency that isconstituted by legislature to regulate the employment andworking conditions of civil servants, oversee hiring andpromotions, and promote the values of the public service.

    Its role is roughly analogous to that of the humanresources department in corporations. Public servicecommissions are often independent from elected


    The jurisdiction against which the PSC operates differsfrom country to country.

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    The origin of the Public Service Commission in many jurisdictionswas the White Paper Colonial 197 issued in 1946, which set outmeasures which were proposed to improve the quality and efficiencyof the Colonial Service of the British Administration. The setting upof Public Service Commission was proposed in its paragraph 21(xi)which mentioned that

    Public Service Commissions should be established in the Colonies.Subject to the general overriding powers of the Secretary of State,

    the selection and appointment of candidates in the Colonies to postsin the local service will lie with the Governor of the Colony. It isdesirable that the Governor should be advised in these matters by aPublic Service Commission appointed by him and so composed as tocommand the confidence of the Service and the publicand that

    such Commissions should be established in the Colonies to advisethe Governor on the selection and appointment of candidates toposts in the local service, and should be so composed as tocommand the confidence of the Service and the public

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    History of PSC in Subcontinent

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    History of PSC in IndianSubcon Indianisation of the superior Civil Services became one of the majordemands of the political movement compelling the British Indian

    Government to consider setting up of a Public Service Commission forrecruitment to its services in the territory The first Public ServiceCommission was set up on October 1st, 1926. However, its limitedadvisory functions failed to satisfy the peoples aspirations and thecontinued stress on this aspect by the leaders of our freedom movementresulted in the setting up of the Federal Public Service

    Commission under the Government of India Act 1935. Under this Act,for the first time, provision was also made for the formation of PublicService Commissions at the provincial level.

    The Constituent Assembly, after independence, saw the need for givinga secure and autonomous status to Public Service Commissions both atFederal and Provincial levels for ensuring unbiased recruitment to Civil

    Services as also for protection of service interests. With thepromulgation of the new Constitution for independent India on 26thJanuary, 1950, the Federal Public Service Commission was accorded aconstitutional status as an autonomous entity and given the titleUnionPublic Service Commission

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    PSCs history of commencement in

    Bangladesh The Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) is a quasi judicial

    body established in 1972 under the Constitution of the People''sRepublic of Bangladesh. It works under the provisions of the Article 137- 141 of the Constitution of Bangladesh and certain other rules and

    regulations made by the government from time to time. The Chairmanand such other members as shall be prescribed constitute thecommission. There is also a full fledged Secretariat to assist theCommission. The Chief Justice of the country administers the oath forChairman and the members of the commission. The tenure of theChairman and members of the commission is 5 (five) years or 65 years

    of age whichever comes earlier. If the age permits the tenure can berenewed for one more term. The chairman and the members areappointed by the Hon''ble President of the Republic.

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    Organ gram of BPSC















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    A number or percentage, especiallyof people, constituting a required ortargeted minimum: a system ofquotas for

    Hiring minority applicants

    Merit (outside district quota Freedom fighters

    War affected women

    District quota

    Wards of freedom fighters



    District merit

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    Quota policy at PSC

    Argument of anti-


    HRM at PSC

    Constraints &Contradiction

    Current challenge

    SolutionOur opinion

    Abolition of quota


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    Arguments offered by anti-Quota

    Allocating quotas is a form of discrimination which is contrary to the right toequality.

    There is great confusion in the "pro-reservation camp". While they clamors for 55%quota for District quota , Wards of freedom fighters, Female , Tribal & others. Thisis implicit acceptance of the fact that there are multiple factors of exclusion anddiscrimination at work in society.

    The policy of reservation has never been subject to a widespread social or politicalaudit. Before extending reservation to more groups, the entire policy needs to beproperly examined

    In subcontinent zone:



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    MeritChildrenFreedom Fighter

    War affected women

    Indigenous People

    General People

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    Human resource management in Bangladesh Civil Service:constraints and contradictions.

    Human resources constitute the most important component ofmodern organizations.

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    Current challenges relating to the filling of posts

    Different remuneration levels tocompensate, for example, scarceskills;

    High levels of vacancies in somedepartments;

    Strong demand impacts on theability of the Public Service toactually recruit staff;

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    Solution regarding quota policy

    a number of solutions have beenidentified to position the Public Service

    Providing sufficient opportunity forgrowth and development;

    Strengthen the role of HR managersreposition the HR function in


    Talent search and management;

    Competency frameworks must bedeveloped for management;

    Cabinet has agreed that competencyassessments will become compulsory

    by 2008;

    Training centre to attract and retainstaff;

    Learnership and internshipprogrammes;

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    Should be changes of quota policy

    Quota system should be totallychanged for the improvement ofgovt. administration. This system isonly for

    tribal people (5%)


    freedom fighters ( 5%) because

    District quota & woman quota isnot appropriate in this time.

    Basically BCS exam. Should to befree from quota system.

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    The roles of the Public Service Commission are:

    To conduct tests and examinations for the selection ofsuitable persons for appointment to the service of theRepublic.

    To recommend for promotions from Class-III to Class-II& I, Class II to Class I gazette positions.

    To give opinion in the disciplinary cases drawn againstthe Govt. Servants in those major punishments areproposed.

    To give opinion in the matters affecting the terms andconditions of service of the Govt. Servants if referred tothe PSC.

    To regularize the services of the Govt. Servants this isrequired under certain rules.

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    To recommend in framing the recruitment rules for various Govt.Departments.

    To conduct Senior Scale Promotion Examination for BCS Cadre officials.

    To conduct Departmental Examinations for both Cadre and non-cadreofficials.

    Promote section 141 values & principles in public service.

    Investigate, monitor & evaluate organization, administration & personnelpractices of public service.

    Propose measures to ensure effective & efficient performance withinpublic service

    Give directions aimed at ensuring that personnel procedures relating torecruitment, transfers, promotions & dismissals comply with section 141values & principles.

    Report on its activities & performance of its functions and provideevaluation of compliance with section 141 values & principles.

    Perform additional functions prescribed by an Act of Parliament or Anyother functions as may be prescribed by the law from time to time.

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    The quota system is implemented without


    Outcome of the quota policy has never been

    made public by PSC or ME.

    Official documents, gazette notifications do not

    have data regarding quota of the BCS cadres.

    Discrimination against religious minorities has

    happened in the BCS examinations.

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    Quota Policy being practiced by


    Following are the Quotas being Practiced by


    Merit (outside district quota)

    Freedom fighters District quota

    Wards of freedom fighters



    District merit

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    RecruitmentPolicy 1972 1976 1985 tilldateMerit (outside

    district quota

    20 40 45

    Freedom fighters 30 30

    War affected


    10 10

    District quota 40 20

    Wards of freedom



    Female 10

    Tribal 05

    District merit 10

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    Reflective of Ignorant and incompetent Civil

    Service Jurisprudence

    Susceptible to biasness and inefficiency Instead of dissolving discrimination it

    promotes discrimination in a subtle manner

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    Reviews & Recommendations Different types of Quota are dominaqting the Recruitment


    After independence of Bangladesh till 1976 only20 percentof civil officers were recruited on merit.

    In 1976 recruitment on merit increased from 20 to 40 percent In 1985 merit became 45percent which is still going on.

    In other words, from 1985 till to date for 24 years there has

    been no change in merit policy for civil service recruitment. Itmay be mentioned that in the case of Class 111 and 1Vemployees, there is no national merit policy and they arerecruited district-wise. The main argument for not prescribingmerit in the case of Class 111 & 1V employees is that their jobsare unskilled and it is very difficult to measure the merits of

    candidates for such jobs.

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    Quota in no way can supersede the universal principle ofmerit for ensuring equal employment opportunities for allcitizens without any discrimination. So quota of 80-55

    percent as practiced in Bangladesh with different executiveorders/rules is against the spirit of constitution. Since afterliberation in 1971 till date majority posts of the civil serviceshave reserved for the people of preferred groups underquota. Moreover, quota has always been implementedwithout transparency. It is surprising that that theappointments under quota have never made public either

    by PSC or by MOE in official document/gazette. The PSCannual reports do not provide adequate information on theappointments under quota.

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    Due to quota policy relatively poor caliber officials get entry into thecivil service and long term bad impact of quota system is evident in thecivil service of Bangladesh.

    Quota Policy For Tribal people should be reinstated except for the caseof Chakjmas.

    The 30 percent quota for the wards of freedom fighters has no legal legto stand on unless the beneficiaries proved to be disadvantageous

    Since female applicants are enjoying undeterred entrance intoacademic and professional sphere without any bar under zero femalequota policy, female applicants can also enjoy equally unequivocal andundivided privilege without the existence of female quota policy

    For the least developed districts, quota is not a proper solution; rathergovernment should take measures to improve the schools and colleges sothat the students of these districts come out with capability to compete

    with the students from developed districts.

    In short quota system has created a negative impression among thepeople because merit is not given due importance in recruiting officers,and thus causes deterioration of the quality of services delivered bythem. If quota is unavoidable, it may continue in recruitment to Class 11officers and in no way in the case BCS recruitment.

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    The existing quota system for freedomfighters and district are no longer consideredlogical and should be abolished.

    At least 75% of places should be on purelymerit basis, while the remaining may bedistributed for affirmative action on the basisof gender, ethnic and religious identity.

    Other quota systems should be abolished on apreferential basis

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