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This chapter was originally published in the Treatise on Geomorphology, the copy attached is provided by Elsevier for

2.8 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modelingof Broad Scales of MotionE Foufoula-Georgiou, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USAP Passalacqua, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA

r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2.8.1 Introduction 982.8.2 Mathematical Background 1002.8.3 Superdiffusion in Tracer Dispersal 1022.8.4 Nonlocal Theories of Sediment Transport on Hillslopes 1052.8.5 Nonlocal Landscape Evolution Models 1102.8.6 Future Directions 112Acknowledgments 114References 114

GlossaryAnomalous diffusion A term used to describe a diffusionprocess with a nonlinear relationship to time, in contrast toa typical diffusion process, in which the mean squareddisplacement of a particle is a linear function of time.Fokker–Planck equation Describes the time evolution ofthe probability density function of the velocity of a particle,and can be generalized to other observables as well. It isalso known as the Kolmogorov forward equation.Fractional calculus The study of an extension ofderivatives and integrals to noninteger orders.Geomorphic transport law A mathematicalstatement, physically motivated but not alwaysderivable from first principles, which expresses the

sediment flux or erosion caused by one or more processeson the landscape.Heavy-tail distributions Probability distributions thatpossess power law, as opposed to exponential type, decay inthe tails. Some statistical moments of these distributions,for example, variance or mean, might not mathematicallyexist or meaningfully be computed (due to nonconvergenceas the sample size increases) from a given set of data.Nonlocal transport laws Transport laws derived from aflux computation which considers properties of themedium in a neighborhood of the point of interest, that is,a convolution Fickian flux. Nonlocal transport laws capturethe broad scales of particle motion as expressed in heavy-tail distributions of waiting times and/or traveled distances.


Most geomorphic transport laws proposed to date are local in character, that is, they express material flux at a point (e.g.,sediment flux, tracer concentration, and so on) as a function of geomorphic quantities at that point only, such as, elevationgradient, bed shear stress, local entrainment rate, and so on. We present here recent research efforts that argue that nonlocalconstitutive laws, in which the flux at a point depends on the conditions in some larger neighborhood around this point inspace and/or in time, present a physically motivated alternative to linear and nonlinear diffusion due to their ability tonaturally incorporate the presence of heterogeneities known to exist in geomorphic systems. Moreover, this class of modelshas the potential to eliminate the scale dependence of local nonlinear constitutive laws, which typically require appropriateclosure terms. A particularly attractive subclass of these nonlocal constitutive laws involves fractional (noninteger)derivatives in space and/or in time and provides a rich class of models extensively studied in other fields of science. In thischapter, we present examples of nonlocal transport models in a variety of geomorphologic applications, including tracerdispersal in rivers, hillslope sediment transport, and landscape evolution modeling. Nonlocal transport theories is a newand rapidly evolving field of study in the earth sciences and is anticipated to bring new insight into the interpretation ofobservations and lead to the development of a broader class of models that can explain the stochastic and complexbehavior of geomorphic systems over a broad range of space–time scales.

Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Passalacqua, P., 2013. Nonlocal transport theories ingeomorphology: mathematical modeling of broad scales of motion. In:Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Baas, A.C.W. (Ed.), Treatise onGeomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 2, QuantitativeModeling of Geomorphology, pp. 98–116.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 2

Author's personal copy

2.8.1 Introduction

Decades of observations, physical experiments, and numericalsimulations in geomorphology have been performed with thegoal of understanding the dynamics giving rise to the observedpatterns and deriving transport laws able to reproduce thosepatterns. Problems, such as the spreading of particles down-stream of a source in a river, transport of material on hill-slopes, the formation of erosional and depositional systems,and contaminant transport in catchments, have been tradi-tionally modeled using simple linear diffusion models(Gilbert, 1909; Culling, 1960, 1963; Hirano, 1968). Lineardiffusion models, which assume a linear relation of flux tolocal gradient (Fick’s law), yield at the large time limit (steady-state) patterns that have a specific form. For example, in one-dimensional (1-D) hillslope sediment transport governed bylinear diffusion, the expected steady-state hillslope profile isparabolic and, in tracer dispersal governed by a linear dif-fusion equation, the concentration profile has a Gaussianshape (Einstein, 1908). Ample observations exist (e.g., seediscussion in the following sections) that display deviationfrom these predicted patterns, thus posing questions of gen-eralization and extension of the linear diffusion modelingframework. As will be discussed in the sequel, nonlinear localtransport models, in which the local flux depends nonlinearlyon the local gradient, have been presented in the literaturewith success in capturing the observed patterns. Recentlyhowever, a new school of thought has emerged in geo-morphology, which argues for the limitation of local transportlaws (linear or nonlinear) to explicitly handle the large rangeof scales of transport arising in natural systems and puts for-ward a new class of models based on the notion of nonlocalflux (referred to as nonlocal transport laws).

The notion of nonlocal flux, as for example, a hillslopesediment flux that depends not only on the local gradient butalso on gradients upstream of a point of interest, or a rate ofchange in tracer concentration at a point that depends onconditions far upstream, challenges the classical view ofwriting geomorphic transport laws in terms of local attributes.Nonlocality is an expression of the fact that heterogeneities ofall scales are present in the system and that the notion of a

characteristic length scale over which mass balance is to beperformed (or the notion of flux divergence converging as thevolume shrinks to zero) loses its meaning.

To understand this concept better, let us start with the well-known advection–dispersion equation (ADE). This formu-lation is based on the classical definition of divergence of avector field. The divergence is defined as the ratio of total fluxthrough a closed surface to the volume enclosed by the surfacewhen the volume shrinks to zero (e.g. Schey, 1992; Benson,1998):

r ! qs " limV-0





qs ! Z dS #1$

where qs is a vector field, V is an arbitrary volume enclosed bythe surface S, and Z is a unit normal vector. Implicit in eqn [1]is that the limit of the integral exists, that is, the vector qs existsand is smooth as V-0.

The classical notion of divergence maintains that as anarbitrary control volume shrinks, the ratio of total surface fluxto volume must converge to a single value. However, in manynatural systems, variability is known to exist down to verysmall scales, including abrupt changes and discontinuities. Forthis reason, a divergence associated with a finite volume anddefined as the first derivative of total flux to volume is morerelevant. In particular, in systems in which a considerableportion of the mass is contributed from far upstream (e.g., dueto a large variability in transport velocities, or due to collectivebehavior in particle movement), one notes that by increasingthe control volume the total surface flux increases nonlinearly(see Figure 1 left panel). Thus, the ratio of total flux to volumedoes not remain constant but varies with the size of the vol-ume. As a result, the classical diffusion equation is no longerself-contained with a close form solution at all scales.

To adopt the classical theory, the best approximation thatcan be done is to assume the total flux to volume as piece-wiseconstant within small ranges of scales (see Figure 1 rightpanel), allowing one to talk about an effective scale-dependentdispersion coefficient. Alternatively, one can consider massbalance over an infinite volume, or equivalently, consider anintegral or convolution Fickian flux (e.g. see Cushman, 1991,

Control volume size (!)


al s


ce fl


Control volume size (!)






t vol


Figure 1 Extended definition of divergence of particle flux when the system exhibits heterogeneity over many scales, as expressed in anonlinear total flux to volume relationship. Linear approximation of total flux to volume in local neighborhoods (dashed lines in left plot assuminglocal homogeneity) enables the adoption of classical divergence (constant flux per unit volume shown in the right plot) highlighting, however, theemergence of a scale dependence in the dispersivity coefficient. An extended definition of divergence can be achieved by adopting an integral orconvolution Fickian flux using fractional derivatives; see discussion in text. Adapted with permission from Benson, D.A., 1998. The fractionaladvection–dispersion equation: development and application. PhD dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 99

Author's personal copy

1997; Benson, 1998). It can be shown that, under the as-sumption of a convolution kernel that takes a power-lawdecay form, this flux can be concisely expressed in terms of afractional (noninteger) derivative (e.g. see Cushman andGinn, 2000; Schumer et al., 2009).

This chapter reviews recent developments in nonlocaltransport laws in geomorphology, with the idea of introducingthe reader to this new area of research. In Section 2.8.2, a briefmathematical background on the notion of nonlocal flux andon fractional derivatives is given. In Section 2.8.3, recent workin the context of tracer dispersal in rivers, presenting evidencefor deviation of observations from the behavior predictedfrom classical approaches is discussed and the development ofa nonlocal theory able to explain the observed patterns ispresented. Section 2.8.4 summarizes recent developments onreformulating theories for sediment transport on hillslopes,whereas Section 2.8.5 discusses the potential of nonlocaltheories for landscape evolution modeling. Finally, Sec-tion 2.8.6 concludes with future research directions.

2.8.2 Mathematical Background

This section presents the basic mathematical background onthe concept of nonlocality and fractional derivatives thatprovides the foundation for the work presented in this chap-ter. The reader is referred to Miller and Ross (1993) for anhistorical survey of fractional calculus and for a detailed ex-position of fractional differential equations. A self-containedsurvey with emphasis on geomorphologic applications wasrecently presented in Schumer et al. (2009).

In many geomorphic transport systems, the ‘flux’ can beconsidered as composed of a collection of particles crossing agiven fixed surface in a given amount of time. These particlesmove downstream, for example, sediment on riverbeds, soilmass on hillslopes, or solutes and contaminants in surface andsubsurface flow; their transport is inevitably characterized bythe velocities of these traveling particles (or by the distancestraveled by the particles in a fixed amount of time) and by thewaiting times between particle jumps (i.e., time intervalsduring which the particles are at rest before they move again).The underlying assumptions of the local transport laws arethat the particle travel distances and the waiting times have athin-tailed distribution whose statistical moments exist andare convergent. As will be discussed in this section, relaxingany of these two assumptions will lead to the notion ofnonlocal formulation of flux. Let us first focus on the spacecomponent of this motion, that is, the distance traveled by aparticle in a given amount of time or, alternatively, the vel-ocities of particles, in the context of tracer transport in rivers.The sediment travel distance is a random variable which ischaracterized by a probability distribution. The concentrationof the tracers at any given spatial location and time, C(x, t), is asurrogate for the distribution of location of tracers in thestream. If the probability distribution of travel distances isthin-tailed (exponential, super-exponential (Gaussian) decay,etc.), that is, the distribution has existing mean and variance,the concentration of tracers spread around the mean locationof tracers according to s" (Dt)1/2, where D is the coefficient ofdispersion (which is a measure of the second statistical

moment of the travel distance distribution) and t is the time.This type of scaling is called Fickian or Boltzmann scaling andit implies a local activity, meaning that the particle concen-tration at a certain location is dependent only on its neigh-boring locations. In such a case, C(x, t) can be described by aclassical ADE.

Let us now consider the case where the particle travel dis-tances have a heavy-tailed distribution, that is, they are char-acterized by a power-law decay with an exponent % (a& 1)where 0oar2 is called the tail index. Two distinct cases arisehere, namely, when 0oao1 and 1oao2. In the former case,the particle travel distances do not have an existing first mo-ment (mean) and second moment (variance). However, in thelatter case, the particle travel distances have an existing mean,but a nonexisting theoretical second moment (variance). Inthe case of heavy-tailed travel distances, particles can travelanomalously large distances, albeit with a small (but finite)probability, resulting in a concentration spread around themean tracer location scaling as s% (Dt)1/a where 1oao2.From this scaling relationship, we can notice that the spreadgrows faster than normal diffusion and thus we call this pro-cess ’superdiffusion’. It is also worth noting that the case when0oao1 corresponds to the case which describes a motionwhich is faster than pure advection (a" 1) and is often re-ferred to as ’superadvection’. In such cases, the tracer concen-tration C(x, t) cannot be modeled using the classical ADE, butone has to move into the realms of generalized transport laws.These include the fractional ADEs with a noninteger orderderivative in space (see Benson, 1998; Cushman and Ginn,2000; Metzler and Klafter, 2000; Meerschaert et al., 1999;Schumer et al., 2009) and the related continuous time randomwalk (CTRW) models (see Bouchaud and Georges, 1990;Shlesinger et al., 1995; Pekalski and Sznajd-Weron, 1999;Berkowitz et al., 2002).

As discussed earlier, the transport is characterized not onlyby the particle travel distances but also by their waiting times.In many geomorphic systems, particles can be trapped orstored for long periods of time, for example, when particles areburied in the bed or when particles are stuck in ‘dead-zones’which do not participate in the active transport of the system.If the probability density function (pdf) of the waiting times isheavy-tailed with a tail index go1, i.e., the mean of the dis-tribution does not exist, then the spread of the particles scaleswith time as tg/2 with 0ogo1. In this case, the spread is slowerthan the one predicted by standard ADE and we call thisprocess ‘subdiffusion’. Similar to the case of superdiffusionwhere the concentration of tracers can be modeled usingspace-fractional derivatives, subdiffusion can be modeledusing time-fractional derivatives where the tail index matchesthe order of time-differentiation dgC

dtg . Note that both super-diffusion and subdiffusion imply that the flux at a given pointis not only dependent on the local condition (neighboringlocations and present time), but also on the space–time his-tory of the system. The behavior is thus nonlocal either inspace or time or both. Note that if both particle distances andwaiting times have heavy-tailed distributions, the dispersionscales with a rate proportional to tg/a. In practice, a particularvalue of the rate g/a estimated from observations, for example,from breakthrough curves of tracer dispersal, can arise from anonunique combination of values of a and g. In this case,

100 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

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additional physical or observational information is needed todifferentiate whether this anomalous dispersion has resultedfrom long particle distances, long waiting times, or both(Schumer et al., 2009).

The concept of nonlocality is connected with the use offractional derivatives, instead of classical derivatives, in thegoverning equation. In other words, fractional derivatives areone mathematical means to concisely embed nonlocality inthe governing ADE. Fractional derivatives have an interestinghistory that dates back to 1695 (correspondence betweenLeibniz, L’Hopital, and Bernoulli; Laplace, 1820, Fourier,1822; Lagrange, 1849; see discussion in Miller and Ross,1993). However, to the best of our knowledge, the first use offractional operators was made by Abel (1881) and the first textdevoted to fractional calculus appeared in 1974 (Oldham andSpanier, 1974). The reader is referred to Miller and Ross(1993) for a thorough exposition and to Sokolov et al. (2002),Metzler and Klafter (2004), and Klafter and Sokolov (2005)for popular expositions of the subject. A recent review isoffered by Schumer et al. (2009). Below, we define fractionalderivatives and describe how they are computed.

The Grunwald definition of the fractional derivative(Grunwald, 1867) is the noninteger variant of the nth finitedifference quotient approximation of the nth-order derivative


dxaf 'x(E 1






'%1(j f 'x% jh( #2$

with the fractional binomial coefficients given by


!" G'a& 1(

G'j& 1(G'a% j(#3$

The approximation in eqn [2] becomes exact as h-0. Figure 2shows a representation of the classical and the fractional de-rivatives, which highlights the nonlocal character of the latter.Note that the Grunwald weights decrease moving far awayfrom the point at which the derivative is computed.Figure 2(c) shows the power-law decay of the Grunwaldweights. Table 1 gives examples of fractional derivatives usingwell-known functions, such as a constant, exponential, andpower law.


Grunwald weights for various values of alpha

! = 0.2! = 0.6! = 0.9



d w


ts W




"C "!C

"x "x!





1 10n







Slope # $(! + 1)


Figure 2 Illustration of the concepts of classical (a) and fractional derivative (b) – notice that while the classical derivative is local, the fractionalderivative is nonlocal; (c) shows the power-law decay of the Grunwald weights. Reproduced from Schumer, R., Meerschaert, M.M., Baumer, B.,2009. Fractional advection–dispersion equations for modeling transport at the Earth surface. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, F00A07.doi:10.1029/2008JF001246, with permission from AGU.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 101

Author's personal copy

A concept intimately related to fractional derivatives is thatof ‘time subordination’. This concept, roughly speaking, refersto the replacement of standard or clock time with a dynam-ically changing transformed time. It allows for a nice physicalinterpretation of fractional derivatives recently presented inPodlubny (2008). We present this interpretation here to pro-vide further insight to the reader.

First, we note that fractional derivatives and fractional in-tegrals relate to each other, that is, a fractional derivative canbe seen as the integer-order derivative of a fractionally inte-grated function (Caputo definition of fractional derivative(Caputo 1967, 1969)):

0D1%at f 't( " d

dt 0Iat f 't(; t ) 0 #4$

We interpret here the fractional integral and then make anobvious extension to the fractional derivative. The left-sidedRiemann–Liouville fractional integral of a function f(t) isdefined as (Miller and Ross, 1993)

0Iat f 't( " 1


Z t

0f 't('t % t(a%1 dt; t ) 0 #5$

The above expression can be written as

0Iat f 't( " 1


Z t

0f 't( dgt't( #6$


gt't( "1

G'a( ta % 't % t(af g #7$

If we see t as clock time in eqn [5], gt(t) can be seen as a‘transformed timescale’ given by eqn [7]. In other words, eqn[7] can be seen as transforming a homogeneous time axis(expressed by t) to an inhomogeneous or dynamically chan-ging time axis (expressed by gt(t)). As a result, the fractionalintegral of eqn [5] over clock time t is equivalent to a standardintegral over a transformed time gt(t). We call the functiongt(t) a subordinator, which ‘‘stretches’’ time, that is, timepasses faster for a fast-moving particle, or slower for a particle

that is trapped. This development highlights the appealingphysical interpretation of fractional derivatives in terms ofartificially creating (by shrinking or expanding time) a ‘scaleseparation’ in, rendering thus the ordinary differential oper-ator (and the classical divergence) valid in this transformedtime domain. It is noted that the function gt(t) has an inter-esting scaling property, namely gkt(kt)" kagt(t). Notice that fora" 1, gt(t)" t/G(a& 1), that is, it is independent of t, re-trieving the standard integer-order integral of f(t). However,for aa1 (i.e. dynamically changing time axis), gt(t) dependsboth on t and t.

2.8.3 Superdiffusion in Tracer Dispersal

Quantifying the dispersal of tracers in gravel bed rivers notonly is important for accurately modeling pollutant transport,but also forms the foundation of probabilistic models forbedload transport computation. The process of tracer dispersalcan be seen as a stochastic process, recognizing the random-ness of motion of individual particles.

We start by introducing the 1-D Exner equation for sedi-ment balance (Tsujimoto, 1978; Parker et al., 2000; Garcia,2008):

1% lp! " qZ'x; t(

q t" Db'x; t( % Eb'x; t( #8$

where Z denotes the local mean bed elevation, t denotes time,x is the downstream coordinate, Db is the volume rate per unitarea of deposition of bedload particles onto the bed, Eb de-notes the volume rate per unit area of entrainment of bedparticles into bed load, and lp is the porosity of bed sediment.First, we assume that a particle, once entrained, undergoes astep of length r before redepositing. Then, assuming that thisstep length is a random variable with probability density fs(r)the deposition rate of tracers is given by

Db'x; t( "Z N

0Eb'x% r; t(fs'r( dr #9$

The above formulation takes into account the effect of sto-chasticity on step length, but not on resting time. Making nowthe assumption of an active layer of thickness La, grains withinit exchange directly with bedload grains, whereas grains belowthe active layer exchange only by bed aggradation and deg-radation. Thus, the equation of mass conservation of tracerscan be simplified as follows:

1% lp! "

fI'x; t(qZ'x; t(

q t& La

q fa'x; t(q t

# $

" DbT'x; t( % EbT'x; t( #10$

where fa(x,t) indicates the fraction of tracer particles in theactive layer at location x and time t, fI(x,t) is the fractionof tracer particles exchanged at the interface between theactive layer and the substrate, EbT is the volume entrainmentrate of tracers, and DbT is the corresponding depositionrate. EbT and DbT are given by the following expressions

Table 1 Examples of fractional calculus with a " 71=2

Semi-integral Function Semi-derivative

0D%1=2x f 'x( " d%1=2

dx%1=2 f 'x( f(x)0D

1=2x f 'x( " d1=2

dx1=2 f 'x(


pC, any const. C=










p %%%p



px 2



G'm&1(G'm&3=2( x

m&1=2 xm, m4% 1 G'm&1(G'm&1=2( x



p) exp(x) 1/


p& exp(x)erf(




p#ln'4x( % 2$ ln'x( ln(4x)/



Source: Adapted from Sokolov, I.M., Klafter, J., Blumen, A., 2002. Fractional kinetics.Physics Today 55, 48–54, with permission from AIP.

102 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

Author's personal copy

(Parker et al., 2000)

EbT'x; t( " Eb'x; t(fa'x; t( #11$

DbT'x; t( "Z N

0Eb'x% r; t(fa'x% r; t(fs'r( dr #12$

Under the assumption of bed elevation at equilibrium, La, Z,and fs(r) are constant in space and time and eqns [10]–[12]reduce to:

1% lp! " La


q fa'x; t(q t

"Z N

0fa'x% r; t(fs'r( dr % fa'x; t( #13$

It can be shown (Ganti et al., 2010) that in the case in whichfs(r) in eqn [9] is thin tailed, the above formulation leads atthe large time limit to the classical ADE:


q faq t

" %vq faq x

&Ddq 2faq x2


where v" m1 and 2Dd" m2 and m1 and m2 are the first- and thesecond-order moments of the step length distribution. In thecase of a pulse of tracers as initial condition at t" 0, we recoverthe Green’s function of the above equation, namely a Gauss-ian distribution of the tracer concentration at any given timet40, with variance directly related to t. In the case of a dis-tributed source of tracers in space and/or in time (as opposedto a pulse), the solution is given by the convolution of theGreen’s function with the source.

We would like to discuss now whether or not eqn [14] isalways able to reproduce the patterns observed in river trans-port. What the classical ADE implies is that tracers spreaddownstream with a constant diffusivity. There are cases,though, in which particles undergo very fast velocities andunusually long retardation due to trapping and the resultingtransport patterns are not characterized anymore by thestandard ADE, as local diffusivities vary greatly and are notwell described by an average value or by a single, effective,diffusivity parameter. Evidence is given, for example, by thedata of the tracer experiment performed by Sayre and Hubbell(1965). This experiment involved the release of radioactivetracers (sand plated with iridium-192) in the North LoupRiver in Nebraska and monitoring the fate of this radioactivematerial (via gamma ray count rate) during a period of13 days over a 548.8-m stretch of the river downstream of therelease point. The data showed that a high fraction of tracerswas in the downstream tail of the distribution, the detectedtracer mass was decreasing over the course of the experiment,and there was enhanced particle retention near the source (seeFigure 3).

Obviously, such an activity cannot be explained by theclassical ADE, and Sayre and Hubbell (1965) attempted amodified model that improved upon the earlier predictionswithout, however, being able to reproduce all aspects of thedata. Recently, new models based on fractional ADEs havebeen proposed with the potential of better capturing theobserved patterns. These models are explained later.

Distance downstream (m)

2 75













96.2 h 117.7 h

216.5 h

287.4 h





n (g






n (g






00 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500


170.1 h

241.6 h

Distance downstream (ft)


Figure 3 Sayre and Hubbell (1965) experimental data. The panels show the time evolution of the tracer plume. Data are shown from traversesalong the right side of the channel on 10 different days. The black dotted lines indicate the estimated concentration from the experiment, whereasthe solid and dashed black lines indicate the predicted concentration through a classical advection–dispersion model, and under two differentrescaling formulations. Concentrations represent the tracer mass divided by channel width and mixing depth. As it can be seen, the classicaladvection–dispersion equation (ADE) does not explain the observed concentration patterns. Adapted from Bradley, D.N., Tucker, G.E., Benson, D.A.,2010. Fractional dispersion in a sand bed river. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A09. doi:10.1029/2009JF001268, with permissionfrom AGU.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 103

Author's personal copy

Ganti et al. (2010) reformulated the probabilistic Exnerequation by considering that the probability distribution ofparticle displacement has a heavy tail, that is, very long dis-placements are often possible albeit with small probability.In this case, the step-length distribution is given by

fs'r(EC ar%a%1 #15$

where r40, C is a positive constant, and 1oao2 is thepower–law index. Ganti et al. (2010) derived the long-timelimit, continuum constitutive equation in this case andshowed that it takes the form of a fractional ADE:


q faq t

" %vq faq x

&Ddq afaq xa


including, as a special case, the standard ADE when the tails ofthe particle displacement probability distribution can be ap-proximated by exponential-type decay. They argued that theheavy-tail probability distribution of particle step lengths caneasily arise in nature from the convolution of an exponentialprobability distribution of displacements, conditional on aspecific particle size, with a broad probability distribution ofparticle sizes (see also Hill et al. (2010) for evidence of such aheavy-tailed distribution).

Figure 4 shows the long-time asymptotic solutions of theanomalous ADE for three different values of a, namely a" 1.1,1.5, and 2, where the last value corresponds to normal ADE(Gaussian distribution of tracer concentration). Note that theparameter a, being related to the heaviness of the tail of theprobability distribution of particle step lengths, indicates howfar downstream the particle will disperse from the initial lo-cation. As can been seen in Figure 4, after 500 days, onlyB5% of the tracers are recovered at 550 m downstream of therelease point according to the classical ADE model, whereasB8% and B18% are recovered according to the fractional

ADE with a" 1.5 and a" 1.1, respectively (superdiffusivebehavior).

Bradley et al. (2010) proposed a fractional advection–dispersion model and a two-phase transport formulation tomodel tracer dispersal in rivers and explained both the leadingtail and the enhanced retention near the source, documentedin the observations of Sayre and Hubbell. Writing the frac-tional ADE in the simplest form

qCq t

" %vqCq x

&Dq aC

q xa#17$

the random walk solution proposed by Bradley et al. (2010) isa particle-tracking model that includes five parameters: themean mobile velocity um, the dispersion coefficient D, themean tm of the exponential distribution of the particle flighttime, the mean tim of the exponential distribution of theparticle resting time, and the tail index a. The results obtainedby Bradley et al. (2010) after an empirical fitting of the fiveparameters showed a better agreement of the theoreticalprediction to the experimental observations than with theclassical advection–dispersion formulation, but slightly over-predicted the peak concentration (see Figure 5). By assuminga mobile/immobile model (MIM) along the lines of thatproposed by Harvey and Gorelick (2000), Bradley et al. (2010)obtained a constraint on the time parameters tm and tim andthe means to scale the model prediction to an absolute con-centration in order to account for the enhanced retention nearthe source and the decrease in the detected mass observedduring the course of the experiment. The concentration pro-files obtained with this model (see Figure 6) show an im-pressive agreement with the Sayre and Hubbell experimentaldata, indicating that, although a simple fractional ADE canreproduce the heavy leading edge of a tracer plume, the dis-tinction between detectable (mobile) and undetectable (im-mobile) particles is needed to reproduce the observed decreasein detected mass.


! = 2

! = 1.5

Streamwise distance

! = 1.1



of tr


s in











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 4 Long-time asymptotic solutions of the fractional advection–dispersion equation (ADE). Results are shown for three values of a (1.1,1.5, and 2). Note that the parameter a controls how far the particles will disperse downstream of the source. After 500 days, only B5% of thetracers are recovered at 550-m downstream of the release point, according to the classical ADE model, whereas B8% and B18% are recoveredaccording to the fractional ADE with a" 1.5 and a" 1.1, respectively. Reproduced from Ganti, V., Meerschaert, M.M., Foufoula-Georgiou, E.,Viparelli, E., Parker, G., 2010. Normal and anomalous diffusion of gravel tracer particles in rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A12.doi:10.1029/2008JF001222, with permission from AGU.

104 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

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2.8.4 Nonlocal Theories of Sediment Transport onHillslopes

Starting from the qualitative observations of Davis (1892),several landscape evolution models have represented 1-D

hillslope transport by linear diffusion:

qs'x( " %Krh'x( #18$

where qs(x) is the sediment flux [L3/L/T] at location x, Kis the diffusivity coefficient [L2/T] and h is the elevation. By

Distance downstream (m)




n (g






n (g



96.2 h101
















100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103



117.7 h

216.5 h

287.4 h

170.1 h

241.6 h

Distance downstream (ft)

Figure 6 Comparison between the concentration profiles of the particle-tracking model (mobile phase plotted in gray) and the ones obtainedwith the fractional mobile/immobile formulation (dashed lines). Adapted from Bradley, D.N., Tucker, G.E., Benson, D.A., 2010. Fractionaldispersion in a sand bed river. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A09. doi:10.1029/2009JF001268, with permission from AGU.

Distance downstream (m)

Distance downstream (ft)

96.2 h

170.1 h

241.6 h




n (g






n (g



216.5 h

287.4 h

117.7 h101
















100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103



Figure 5 Comparison of the concentration profiles obtained with the fractional advection–dispersion model (gray circles) and the experimentalobservations of Sayre and Hubbell (black dots) and their classical advection–dispersion model (black line). Adapted from Bradley, D.N., Tucker,G.E., Benson, D.A., 2010. Fractional dispersion in a sand bed river. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A09. doi:10.1029/2009JF001268,with permission from AGU.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 105

Author's personal copy

substituting eqn [18] into the continuity (Exner) equation:

rrqhq t

" rrU % rsr ! qs #19$

where rs and rr are the bulk densities of sediment and rockand U is the rock uplift, we obtain the linear diffusionequation:

qhq t

" U & Kr2h #20$

where the bulk densities of sediment and rock have been as-sumed to be the same and chemical erosion has been ignored.According to this model, the flux is proportional to the localslope in a linear fashion (Gilbert, 1909; Culling, 1960;Hirano, 1968), resulting in equilibrium profiles of constantcurvature:


dx2" %U


As in the case of tracer dispersal analyzed in the previoussection, observed hillslope equilibrium profiles show devi-ation from those expected under the linear diffusion model.For example, soil-mantled hillslopes exhibit nonconstantcurvatures and slopes are typically convex near the divide andincreasingly planar downslope. Such variability is clearly notcaptured by the linear diffusion model.

Attempts to reproduce the observed hillslope profiles haveled to the development of nonlinear formulations of hillslopetransport, in which the sediment flux is proportional to thelocal slope in a nonlinear fashion (Kirkby, 1984, 1985;Anderson and Humphrey, 1989; Anderson, 1994; Howard,1994a, 1994b, 1997; Roering et al., 1999). One such formu-lation is

qs'x( "Krh

1% rhj j=Sc' (2#22$

where K is the diffusivity and Sc is a critical hillslope gradient(e.g., Roering et al. (1999)), both calibrated parameters. Fig-ure 7 shows the comparison of the activity predicted by linear(thick line) and nonlinear (thin line) diffusion versus theexperimental data (gray points) obtained from a hillslope inthe Oregon Coast Range. As can be seen, the nonlineartransport law does a better job in reproducing the observedbehavior than linear diffusion.

As we have seen, both the linear and nonlinear diffusionformulations are local in character, that is, the sediment flux isproportional to the local slope in a linear or nonlinear fash-ion. The nonlinear transport laws were introduced to be ableto explain the deviation of equilibrium hillslope profiles fromparabolic (expected from a pure diffusive transport or linearflux law) and also the observed nonlinearity of sediment fluxto local gradients (see later discussion). However, what non-linear models cannot take into account is the fact that het-erogeneities in sediment-producing mechanisms upslope ofthe point of interest can result in a wide range of event-baseddownslope transport distances not captured by any localmodel.

Figure 8 illustrates some of the possible processes con-tributing to sediment transport on a hillslope, such as gophermounds, tree throws, and wood blockage. Because a widevariety of length scales, corresponding to these processes, areinvolved, the number of particles arriving at a certain locationdownslope is affected by the upslope region.

To be able to take into account the heterogeneity ofsediment producing processes and the corresponding lengthscales of transport, Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) proposeda nonlocal flux-slope formulation. According to this






















$0.060 10 20 30 40



t, dz




n, z



Horizontal distance (m)



re, d

3 z/d

x2 (m


Oregon coast range

Linear model (eqn I)

Nonlinear model (eqn II)

Figure 7 Comparison of the behavior predicted by linear (thick line)and nonlinear (thin line) plotted versus the experimental observationsobtained in the Oregon Coast Range (gray dots) for (a) elevation, (b)gradient, and (c) curvature along a profile. The model predictedhillslopes are calculated assuming constant erosion. For the linearand nonlinear diffusion simulations, K" 0.003 m2 yr–1, rr/rs" 2.0,and Sc" 1.2. Reproduced from Roering, J.J., Kirchner, J.W., Dietrich,W.E., 1999. Evidence for nonlinear, diffusive, sediment transport onhillslopes and implications for landscape morphology. WaterResources Research 35(3), 853–870, with permission from AGU.

106 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

Author's personal copy

formulation, the sediment flux at a point is given by theweighted average of the upslope topographic attributes:

q*s 'x( " %K*Z x

0g'l(rh'x% l( dl #23$

where q*s'x( is sediment flux [L3/L/T], K! is the diffusivity co-efficient, h is the elevation, and g(l) is a kernel through whicha weighted average of local gradients upslope of the point ofinterest is performed. The form of this kernel dictates, togetherwith the continuity eqn [19], the final form of the hillslopeprofile evolution equation. In the case in which g(l) decays asa power law with the lag l, then eqn [23] can be written interms of a fractional derivative (Cushman and Ginn, 2000):

q*s 'x( " %K*ra%1h'x( #24$

where the order of differentiation a varies between 1 and 2.Substituting the above expression for sediment flux into thecontinuity eqn [19], we obtain the governing equation forhillslope transport proposed by Foufoula-Georgiou et al.(2010), given by a fractional diffusion equation:

qhq t

" U & K*rah #25$

Note that the order of differentiation a dictates the degree ofnonlocality. For example, for the case a" 2, we recover thecase of linear diffusion and thus local dependence on slope.For 1oao2, the transport is faster than linear diffusion and,as seen earlier, it is called ‘superdiffusion’.

The hillslope profile at dynamic equilibrium is given by thesolution to the following equation


dxa" % U

K* #26$

By assigning the boundary conditions

h'0( " Htop " U

G'1& a(K* La




" 0 #27$

Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) solved eqn [26] numericallyand obtained the steady-state equilibrium hillslope profile,which is shown in Figure 9(a) for the case of the degree ofnonlocality a" 1.5. Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) obtainedalso the analytical solution of eqn [26] as

h'x( " Htop %U

G'1& a(K* xa #28$

where h is the horizontal distance from the ridgetop, and Htop

is the elevation of the ridgetop (the reader is referred to theoriginal publication for subtle details on the boundary con-ditions for the numerical and analytical solutions). As can beseen from Figure 9(a), the hillslope profile is parabolic nearthe ridgetop and becomes a power-law downslope with anexponent equal to the nonlocality parameter (consistent withthe analytical solution; see Figure 9(b)). Note that the steady-state solution to the fractional governing equation predicts apower-law behavior for both the local gradient and curvaturewith downslope distance; thus, despite being a linear equa-tion, it does not predict constant curvature as linear diffusiondoes, but a power-law decay with exponent dictated by thenonlocality parameter a.

To test the proposed fractional hillslope transport law,Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) analyzed the behavior of threestudy sites. Note that, because of the 1-D character of theexpression proposed, its applicability is limited to those casesin which transport can be assumed only along a specific

N (


Distance (x)

N (


Distance (x)


BedrockN(x) = Number of particles from distance x

Figure 8 A wide variety of processes contribute to sediment transport on hillslopes: gopher mounds, tree throws, and wood blockage. Thus,the activity at a certain location downstream is affected by the processes acting in the upslope region. Reproduced from Foufoula-Georgiou, E.,Stark, C., 2010. Introduction to special section on stochastic transport and emergent scaling on earth’s surface: rethinking geomorphic transport– stochastic theories, broad scales of motion and non-locality. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface 115, F00A01., and Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Ganti, V., Dietrich, W.E., 2010. A nonlocal theory of sediment transport on hillslopes. Journalof Geophysical Research 115, F00A16. doi:10.1029/2009JF001280.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 107

Author's personal copy

profile, that is, profiles in which absence of significant plan-form curvature has been reported. The three study sites iden-tified and analyzed are the Oregon Coast Range (see, e.g.,Roering et al., 1999), the Shenandoah River area in Virginia(see Hack and Goodlett, 1960), and the grassland east of SanFrancisco, CA (McKean et al., 1993). Foufoula-Georgiou et al.(2010) report that all the three locations show nonintegerexponents between 1 and 2 of the log–log plots of verticaldrop from the ridgetop versus downslope distance, thusshowing nonlocal behavior and the applicability of the pro-posed fractional transport law.

An important empirical observation that has motivated thedevelopment of local nonlinear hillslope transport models isthe nonlinear dependence of sediment flux on local gradient.This dependence is clearly seen in Figure 10, which shows thevariability of the sediment flux as a function of local gradientcomputed by Roering et al. (1999) for the Oregon CoastRange hillslope profiles within the small MR1 basin. An im-portant additional observation from this figure is the naturalvariability of computed sediment flux for a given value of local

gradient (i.e., vertical spread in Figure 10). In order to capturethis variability, the calibration of the local nonlinear modelof eqn [22] results in two sets of parameters as shown inFigure 10: K ranging from 0.0015 to 0.0045 m2 yr–1 and thecritical slope Sc ranging from 1.0 to 1.4. This parametervariability is significant within such a small basin, castingconcerns about the physical interpretation of those par-ameters. An interesting question posed by Foufoula-Georgiouet al. (2010) was as to whether the linear nonlocal modelof eqn [24] is able to reproduce the observed nonlineardependence of sediment flux on the local gradient and whe-ther it can do so with a more narrow range of parametervalues. The sediment flux shown in Figure 11 as a function oflocal gradient demonstrates that indeed this is the case,making the linear nonlocal model an attractive alternative tothe typical nonlinear transport models. Besides, as demon-strated in Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010), by a simple Taylorseries expansion, the nonlinear transport model of eqn [22]results in a linear diffusive term and a nonlinear quadraticterm on the local gradient. As such, it essentially emulatessuperdiffusion by behaving as linear diffusion at low gradi-ents, while accelerating diffusion (the nonlinear term dom-inates) in the presence of higher slopes. This behavior isconcisely captured by the linear nonlocal transport model butfor different physical reasons, that is, reflecting the upstreamcontribution to local sediment production due to naturalheterogeneities, rather than a strict nonlinear dependence atthe point of interest only, no matter what the upstream con-ditions are.

Having introduced the concept of nonlocality, the conceptof an ‘upstream influence length’ arises naturally. In particular,one could ask how far upslope the computation of the localsediment flux has to go, such that all the relevant processesinfluencing the sediment flux at a certain location are in-cluded. Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) defined the influencelength La as the distance upslope from a certain location atwhich the contribution to the local sediment flux from be-yond that distance drops to o10%. Note that this value wasarbitrarily chosen and will essentially depend on the charac-teristics of the landscape in analysis. The plot of La for severalvalues of the degree of nonlocality a essentially shows whatone would expect: the more nonlocal the nature of transport is(smaller values of a), the larger the value of La, meaning, thefarther area upslope contributes to the computation of thelocal sediment flux.

The nonlocality in hillslope transport has also been re-cently tackled by Tucker and Bradley (2010), who proposed adiscrete particle-based model instead of the continuum ap-proach of Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010). Tucker and Bradley(2010) pointed out that the locality assumption is appropriateonly when there is a clear gap between microscales associatedwith the motion of particles and macroscales associated withthe system as a whole. In particular, they were interested incapturing the transition from local to nonlocal transportthrough the development of a particle-based hillslope evo-lution model. In their formulation, the hillslope is representedby a pile of two-dimensional particles that experience quasi-random motions. The scheme of the model is the following:after selecting at random a particle and a direction ateach iteration, the particle is assigned a certain probability






n (m



00 5 10 15 20 25



Slope % 2.0

Slope % 1.5

Downslope distance (m)

Downslope distance (m)


l fro

m th

e rid


p (m




10$1 100 101 102




Figure 9 (a) Steady-state hillslope equilibrium profile obtained bythe numerical solution of eqn [26] for the degree of nonlocalitya" 1.5, and (b) log–log plot of the vertical drop from the ridgetopversus downslope distance. The hillslope profile is parabolic near theridgetop and later shows a power-law behavior with exponent a.Reproduced from Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Stark, C., 2010. Introductionto special section on stochastic transport and emergent scaling onearth’s surface: rethinking geomorphic transport – stochastictheories, broad scales of motion and non-locality. Journal ofGeophysical Research – Earth Surface 115, F00A01., and Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Ganti, V.,Dietrich, W.E., 2010. A nonlocal theory of sediment transport onhillslopes. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A16.doi:10.1029/2009JF001280.

108 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

Author's personal copy

of displacement in each direction, depending on localmicrotopography. Iterations are performed until the particlerests or exits the system. A schematic representation of themodel is shown in Figure 12.

Tucker and Bradley (2010) employed several boundaryconditions to be able to analyze the transition from local tononlocal behavior in different settings: base-level lowering,scarp degradation, and cinder cone. In the case of base-level


K = 0.0045; Sc = 1.0






0.0000.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

K = 0.0015; Sc = 1.4



t flu

x (m

3 m

$2 y


Figure 10 Variability of the sediment flux as a function of local gradient, computed on the Oregon Coast Range (MR1 basin hillslope). Note thenonlinear dependence of sediment flux on local gradient and the wide range of model parameters values that has to be employed for thenonlinear transport law to be able to capture the natural variability. Reproduced from Roering, J.J., Kirchner, J.W., Dietrich, W.E., 1999. Evidencefor nonlinear, diffusive, sediment transport on hillslopes and implications for landscape morphology. Water Resources Research 35(3), 853–870,with permission from AGU.









00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Local gradient

K = 0.00195, Sc = 1.4

K = 0.00275, Sc = 1.25



t flu

x (m

3 m

!2 y


0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

" 10!3

Figure 11 Sediment flux computed on several generated hillslope profiles, emulating the natural variability around the hillslope profile ofRoering et al. (1999), and plotted as function of local gradient. Note that with a single set of parameters K" 0.0007 ma yr%1 and a" 1.5, thevariability observed in real hillslope profiles is captured. The broken lines show the fitted nonlinear model of eqn [22] needed to envelope thisvariability. Reproduced from Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Stark, C., 2010. Introduction to special section on stochastic transport and emergent scalingon earth’s surface: rethinking geomorphic transport – stochastic theories, broad scales of motion and non-locality. Journal of GeophysicalResearch – Earth Surface 115, F00A01., and Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Ganti, V., Dietrich, W.E., 2010.A nonlocal theory of sediment transport on hillslopes. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, F00A16. doi:10.1029/2009JF001280, withpermission from AGU.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 109

Author's personal copy

lowering, what Tucker and Bradley observed through the ap-plication of their particle-based model is that the behavior ofthe system at steady state (and thus whether of local or non-local character) essentially depends on the length of the do-main of interaction of the particles and the velocity at whichthe system is evolved. In the case in which both length andvelocity are small, the probability distribution function ofdisplacement is thin tailed, namely an exponential distri-bution. This is translated into steady-state parabolic hillslopeprofiles and thus in the applicability of local linear diffusion.However, in the case in which the length and velocities arelarge, the probability distribution of displacement is broadand truncated at the system half length. This is translated intoa nonlocal behavior, and, thus, the inapplicability of lineardiffusion as the local gradient is less and less representative forthe computation of the sediment flux at a point as the slopeincreases. Note that this dependence of local sediment flux onupslope length is a key ingredient of the fractional diffusionformulation proposed by Foufoula-Georgiou et al. (2010) anddescribed earlier.

The second boundary condition of scarp degradationshowed again a transition between an initially local behaviorto a nonlocal behavior as the scarp widens, concluding with adiffusive-type behavior again as the gradient continues toshrink. Thus, Tucker and Bradley (2010) showed that a systemcan present both local and nonlocal behaviors, transitioningbetween the former and the latter as it evolves. The authors,thus, point out the need of developing geomorphic transportlaws able to capture both local and nonlocal behavior at dif-ferent spatial and temporal instances of the system evolution.

Another interesting point raised by Tucker and Bradley(2010) is the fact that, even within nonlocality, certain pro-cesses can be classified as strongly nonlocal, whereas others

may be only weakly nonlocal. For example, even if fractionalderivatives represent a powerful tool for modeling nonlocaltransport, their applicability may be limited in cases in whichparticles move near the ground. In this case, as particle dis-placement is inevitably dependent on topography, the as-sumption of displacement statistics stationary in space andtime, which is one of the basic assumptions behind the frac-tional approach, may fail. Through the concept of ‘potentialtransport path’, Tucker and Bradley (2010) also made a pre-liminary exploration of a continuum model that combines theparticle-based approach and an analytical-continuum-typegeomorphic transport law. The full development of this typeof model is the domain of future research.

2.8.5 Nonlocal Landscape Evolution Models

Starting with the work of Culling (1960) regarding lineardiffusion, several models have been proposed for landscapeevolution with the idea of reproducing certain properties ofnatural landscapes. Following the distinction between mod-eling approaches proposed by Dietrich et al. (2003), modelscan be focused on making short-term predictions for specificfeatures, for example, river grain size, or river bed depth (de-tailed realism); on large-scale predictions tested only on theappearance of the outcome, as knowledge of finer scalemechanisms is lacking due to computational restrictions(apparent realism); on reproducing statistical properties of thesystem emerging at steady state (statistical realism); and finallyon explaining quantitative relationships, parametrizing mod-els in terms of field measurements and observations (essentialrealism). All the approaches mentioned above have played animportant role in understanding how landscapes are formed.

Pick random location i and direction d

Hop in direction d with probability p

Re-evaluate p

Until grain comes to rest or exits


p = 1

Uplift every T iterations

p = 7/8

p = 1/8

p = 0

Figure 12 Schematic representation of the particle-based model proposed by Tucker and Bradley (2010). Reproduced from Tucker, G.E.,Bradley, D.N., 2010. Trouble with diffusion: reassessing hillslope erosion laws with a particle-based model. Journal of Geophysical Research 115,F00A10. doi:10.1029/2009JF001264, with permission from AGU.

110 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

Author's personal copy

Most of the models require an assumption of a transport lawand boundary conditions, and, then the solution of the con-servation of mass over an initially random field until steadystate is reached.

As mentioned earlier, when classical transport laws areimplemented using local gradients and curvatures computedfrom digital elevation models (DEMs) of varying resolutions,the resulting sediment flux is expected to differ depending onthe resolution (scale) of the DEM. This is because the largerthe scale of the DEM, the ‘smoother’ is the topography per-ceived and thus the less the local magnitude and the system-wide variance of gradients and curvatures. Obviously, thisscale dependence is not a desirable property of a model andposes the problem of parametrizing it in a way that does notrequire much calibration or tuning.

Passalacqua et al. (2006), by using a simplified model oferosion, showed the dependence of the model on the pixelresolution and developed a self-tuning subgrid-scale para-meterization able to absorb the scale dependency. The land-scape evolution model used involves a nonlinear dependenceon the topographic gradient (Sornette and Zhang, 1993;Somfai and Sander, 1997; Banavar et al., 2001):

qhq t

" U % a ! q ! rhj j2 #29$

where h is the elevation, U is the uplift, a is the erosion co-efficient, and q the water flux. Following the work developedin large eddy simulation of turbulent flows (e.g. Germanoet al., 1991; Porte-Agel et al., 2000), Passalacqua et al.(2006) proposed a scale-dependent dynamic subgrid-scale

parameterization, which can be shown to take the form of apower-law dependence on scale of the elevation gradients inthe neighborhood of the point of interest. The subgrid-scaleparameterization derived by Passalacqua et al. (2006) capit-alizes on the assumption of self-similarity in topographyelevation and ‘borrows’ the topography pixels surrounding aparticular pixel to derive the local erosion coefficient. This is away of introducing nonlocal information as one goes to alarger scale (larger vicinity around the point of interest) toincorporate information about the elevation gradient fieldaround the point of interest.

We have seen that in all the cases presented in the previoussections, the nonlocal behavior was thought of arising fromthe heterogeneity of the contributing processes. In the contextof landscape evolution modeling, the question is what type ofheterogeneity mainly controls the landscape evolution be-havior and how might a nonlocal behavior in this evolutionarise. Passalacqua (2009) argued that this heterogeneity isbrought about in this system by the wide variability of waterflows contributing to erosion, as they are known to possessextreme fluctuations commonly manifested in heavy-taileddistributions of daily flows, maximum annual floods, or peakstreamflow hydrographs (e.g. Gupta and Waymire, 1990;Dodov and Foufoula-Georgiou, 2004).

Passalacqua (2009) proposed to capture this variability byintroducing a mathematical operation called ‘subordination’(Bochner, 1949; Feller, 1971; Bertoin, 1996; Sato, 1999). Thisallows the mapping of the wide variability of landscape-shaping discharges to an equivalent wide variability oftimes over which landscapes could be eroded under the in-fluence of a uniform unit discharge using the notion of


Homogeneous time axis tVariable Q (t )

Q (t ) f (Q )


Deformed time axis t = g (t ) Homogeneous Q (t )

f (t)


PDF of Q! t = const.

PDF of tQ (t ) = qc



Q5Q3~ Q$!



~t $!


t1 t3 t4 t5 t10

Figure 13 A highly variable streamflow applied over a homogeneous timescale is mapped into a uniform streamflow applied over a deformedtimescale. The switch between ‘real time’ and ‘operational time’ is performed through the subordination operation.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 111

Author's personal copy

‘operational time’. This concept is illustrated schematicallyin Figure 13. The subordination operation consists in chan-ging the ‘real time’ to ‘operational time’ and allows themapping of a highly variable streamflow applied over ahomogeneous time axis to a uniform streamflow applied overa deformed time axis.

Based on the earlier discussion, the linear nonlocal land-scape evolution model proposed by Passalacqua (2009) isformulated as a fractional diffusion equation:

qhq t

" U % c ! qcq ah

q xa#30$

where 1oao2 is the order of differentiation. Note that thefractional diffusion process is a nonlocal operation along theflow paths, which explicitly acknowledges the fact that up-stream geomorphic quantities have an effect on the erosionrate at any given location in the landscape.

After performing numerical simulations, Passalacqua(2009) compared the resulting steady-state landscapes of thenonlocal evolution model (eqn [30]) with a" 1.5 to the onesobtained from the nonlinear model (eqn [29]) and to realtopographic data from the Oregon Coast Range. The steady-state landscapes are compared in terms of appearance,slope–area relationships, and cumulative area distribution.As can be seen from Figure 14, the patterns arising from thenonlocal linear fractional diffusion model and the nonlinearmodel are very similar, indicating that nonlinearity is not anecessary ingredient for the formation of fluvial patterns, asusually stated (e.g. Birnir et al., 2001). Furthermore, Passa-lacqua (2009) reported that the log–log plot of the cumulativearea distribution shows exponents in agreement with the onesfound by other authors (Inaoka and Takayasu, 1993; Rinaldoet al., 1996; Sinclair and Ball, 1996; Banavar et al., 2001;Somfai and Sander, 1997) in all the three cases (results notshown here). Although the nonlinear model is theoreticallybound to predict a 0.5 exponent of the slope–area relation-ship, the nonlocal formulation can accommodate a range ofexponent values o0.5, showing the potential of the fractionaldiffusion formulation in capturing the broader range of valuesof the slope–area relationship exponent observed in nature. Itis noted that, although Passalacqua (2009) argued that thefractional diffusion formulation has the potential of absorbingthe scale-dependent behavior observed in nonlinear transportlaws, full demonstration of this assertion is the subject ofcurrent research, as more simulations are needed to be able tounderstand the effect of the nonlocality parameter a on theresulting steady-state landscapes.

2.8.6 Future Directions

In this chapter, we have presented a summary of recent de-velopments in revisiting the classical geomorphic transportlaws via the concept of nonlocality. This concept argues thatthe time and length scales of motion in natural geomorphicsystems (from particle transport in a single stream, to sedi-ment transport on hillslopes, and to landscape evolution) varywidely and cannot always be captured by flux computations,which depend on local properties of the system only in space

and/or time. Rather, the upstream conditions and/or previoustime state of the system are directly contributing to the localflux at the point of interest in space and time. One way ofunderstanding this nonlocality is by realizing that the prob-ability distributions of particle travel distances (or randomtransport velocities), as well as times of inactivity (e.g., times atwhich the particles are immobile) are generally heavy tailed,that is, they possess a power-law decay, as opposed to an ex-ponential-type decay. In those cases, there is no clear separ-ation between the scales of motion and the scale of the systemitself and no local (linear or nonlinear) transport model canappropriately capture the system dynamics. Instead, formu-lations are needed that incorporate this heavy-tail stochasticvariability in the system.

One such formulation is via the use of fractional deriva-tives, that is, via extending the classical ADE to a fractionalADE (fADE). For example, changing the second derivative inthe diffusion equation to a fractional derivative of the ordero2 yields a model of superdiffusion (particles spread fasterthan classical diffusion predicts), although changing the first-order time derivative to a fractional derivative of order o1yields a subdiffusive behavior. The noninteger order of dif-ferentiation relates to the power-law tail parameter of thedistributions of particle jump lengths and waiting times be-tween jumps, respectively.

This review has concentrated on three specific problems:tracer transport in rivers, hillslope sediment transport, andlandscape evolution modeling. It is pointed out that a recentcollection of papers in the Journal of Geophysical Research – ES(see the introductory paper by Foufoula-Georgiou and Stark,2010) includes other applications of nonlocal transport the-ories in geomorphology, including erosional–depositionalsystems (Voller and Paola, 2010), subsurface transport onhillslopes (Harman et al., 2010), landslide-driven erosion(Stark and Guzzetti, 2009), interpretation of sedimentary de-posits (Schumer and Jerolmack, 2009), bedload transport(Hill et al., 2010), and bed deformation in sand-bed rivers(McElroy and Mohrig, 2009). Other applications of nonlocaltransport theories include a coupled formulation of sedimentbuffering-bedrock channel evolution (Stark et al., 2009) andan extended nonlocal formalism of the Fokker–Planck equa-tions (Furbish et al., 2009; see also Furbish and Haff, 2010).

The development of the new concept of nonlocality inapproaching transport in geomorphic and near-surfacehydrologic systems opens new avenues of research, but alsodictates new observational requirements to be able to differ-entiate cause and effect in choosing nonlocal versus localtheories for a particular system. As seen via the example ofhillslope transport presented in this chapter, a similar non-linear dependence of sediment flux to local gradient can ariseequally well from a local nonlinear flux model or from anonlocal linear model. Which one is to be chosen in a par-ticular case? Also, it was seen that the presence of both longwaiting times and large jump lengths cannot be resolved fromthe steady-state system behavior, as nonunique combinationsof these two processes can result in the same single exponentfor the system. This emphasizes the need to monitor in moredetail the system behavior (not only its steady state) in orderto adopt the proper equation, which characterized the systemevolution.

112 Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion

Author's personal copy

In this chapter, we alluded to some open problems thathave emerged from the concept of nonlocal transport. First,nonlocal transport models have the potential to eliminate thescale-dependent sediment flux resulting from local linear ornonlinear models. More rigorous research is needed on thisproblem. Second, the notion of time subordination, that is, atime which is dynamically evolving, offers the potential to

approach problems of transport in which large variability offlows over a long period of time can be equivalently modeledvia a coarsened representation where the wide magnitude offlows is folded into an equivalent wide distribution of oper-ational times of a constant flow. This is mathematicallyequivalent (Baeumer et al., 2009) to a fractional transport overflow paths, thus opening the door to nonlocal landscape






























2500 50 100 150 200 250

250 200 150 100 50 0X


Figure 14 Steady-state fields obtained using the nonlinear formulation (a) and the nonlocal formulation (b). The patterns created are verysimilar, indicating that nonlinearity is not a necessary ingredient in the formation of fluvial patterns. Adapted with permission from Passalacqua,P., 2009. On the geometric and statistical signature of landscape forming processes. PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,USA.

Nonlocal Transport Theories in Geomorphology: Mathematical Modeling of Broad Scales of Motion 113

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evolution models, which may offer computational advantages,for example, avoid singularities which require very fine-gridcomputation. All these are issues for future research en-visioned to occupy the geomorphologic research communityover the next decade, especially as more and more high-resolution topographic data become available (Passalacquaet al., 2010), and new observational capabilities allow theaccurate dating of surfaces (e.g., radionuclides), thus pro-viding a closer monitoring of surface evolution.


This research was supported by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics (NCED), a Science and Technology Centerfunded by NSF under agreement EAR-0120914 and by theMathematics in Geosciences NSF grants EAR-0824084 andEAR-0835789. The authors would like to acknowledge thediscussions during the Stochastic Transport and EmergingScaling on Earth’s Surface (STRESS) working group meetings(Lake Tahoe, 2007 and 2009) co-sponsored by NCED and theWater Cycle Dynamics in a Changing Environment hydrologicsynthesis project (University of Illinois, funded under agree-ment EAR-0636043). We also would like to thank Vamsi Gantifor helpful discussions throughout this work.


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Biographical Sketch

Efi Foufoula-Georgiou received a diploma in civil engineering from the National Technical University of Athens,Greece and an MS and PhD (1985) in environmental engineering from the University of Florida. She is aUniversity of Minnesota McKnight Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and the JosephT. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering. She serves as the Director of the NSF Science andTechnology Center ‘National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics’ (NCED). Her areas of research are hydrology andgeomorphology, with special interest on scaling theories, multiscale dynamics and space–time modeling ofprecipitation and landforms.

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Paola Passalacqua received a BS and MS in environmental engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, and anMS and PhD (2009) in civil engineering (water resources) from the University of Minnesota. She is an assistantprofessor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas atAustin. Her areas of research are hydrology and geomorphology, with special interest on channel extraction fromhigh-resolution topography, geomorphic transport laws, landscape evolution modeling, and dynamics of trans-port in river and deltaic systems.

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