Proteome Analysis of Metabolically Engineered Escherichia ...mass spectrometry system used was the...

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JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY,0021-9193/01/$04.0010 DOI: 10.1128/JB.183.1.301–308.2001

Jan. 2001, p. 301–308 Vol. 183, No. 1

Copyright © 2001, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Proteome Analysis of Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coliProducing Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate)


Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering andBioProcess Engineering Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,

373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, Korea

Received 12 June 2000/Accepted 7 October 2000

Recombinant Escherichia coli strains harboring heterologous polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesisgenes were shown to accumulate unusually large amounts of PHA. In the present study, integrated cellularresponses of metabolically engineered E. coli to the accumulation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) in the earlystationary phase were analyzed at the protein level by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Out of 20 proteinsshowing altered expression levels with the accumulation of PHB, 13 proteins were identified with the aid ofmass spectrometry. Three heat shock proteins, GroEL, GroES, and DnaK, were significantly up-regulated inPHB-accumulating cells. Proteins which play essential roles in protein biosynthesis were unfavorably influ-enced by the accumulation of PHB. Cellular demand for the large amount of acetyl coenzyme A and NADPHfor the PHB biosynthesis resulted in the increased synthesis of two enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and oneenzyme of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. The expression of the yfiD gene encoding a 14.3-kDa protein, whichis known to be produced at low pH, was greatly induced with the accumulation of PHB. Therefore, it could beconcluded that the accumulation of PHB in E. coli acted as a stress on the cells, which reduced the cells’ abilityto synthesize proteins and induced the expression of various protective proteins.

Proteomics is a newly emerging research field which allowsthe analysis of when and under what conditions gene-encodedevents (e.g., protein translation) occur (3, 11, 24). Proteomeanalysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) hasbeen proposed elsewhere as a powerful tool for makinggenomics functional (3, 12, 21). One of the cornerstones formaking proteomics a powerful tool is the development of massspectrometry supported by the matrix-assisted safe ionizationof peptide fragments and delayed extraction for the purpose ofenhancing resolution power (22, 23). These extended capabil-ities of mass spectrometry, along with the ever-increasingamount of protein sequence data in various databases, aremaking protein identification and the characterization processa feasible task.

Poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) (PHB) is an intracellular carbonand energy storage material synthesized by numerous micro-organisms, usually when growth is impaired by the depletion ofa specific nutrient in the presence of excess carbon source (13,14, 33). PHB has been drawing much attention because of itscomplete biodegradability and the possibility of producing itfrom renewable resources (13, 14). In Ralstonia eutropha andAlcaligenes latus, PHB is synthesized from acetyl coenzyme A(CoA) in three sequential reaction steps catalyzed by b-keto-thiolase, acetoacetyl-CoA reductase, and PHB synthase (13,16, 30). The second reaction catalyzed by the reductase re-quires NADPH as a cofactor. A metabolically engineeredEscherichia coli strain constitutively expressing the heterolo-

gous PHB biosynthesis genes has been suggested elsewhere tobe a good candidate for PHB production due to fast growth, alarge amount of PHB accumulation, and the availability ofwell-established high-cell-density culture techniques (8, 13,18). Even though recombinant E. coli has been successfullyemployed for the high-level production of PHB (37), whetherthe overall cellular physiology is altered due to the expressionof heterologous PHB biosynthesis genes and the accumulationof PHB granules in the cytoplasm remains unclear.

In this study, we analyzed and compared the proteomes of ametabolically engineered E. coli strain under PHB-producingand non-PHB-producing conditions. Proteome expression pat-terns of recombinant E. coli were resolved on 2D gels, and thevariations in the relative expression levels of particular pro-teins were examined using a software-aided protein quantifi-cation tool.


Bacterial strain, plasmid, and growth condition. The E. coli strain used in thisstudy was XL1-Blue (supE44 hsdR17 recA1 gyrA96 thi relA1 lac F9 [proAB1 laclq

lacZDM15 Tn10(Tetr)]). Plasmid pJC4, which contains the A. latus PHB biosyn-thesis genes, has been described previously (8). The PHB biosynthesis genes areconstitutively expressed in E. coli (8). However, these enzymes cannot be de-tected on the 2D gel due to a low expression level (31). As a control plasmid,pJC4Dphb was constructed by deleting the PHB operon from pJC4. E. coliXL1-Blue, recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4), and recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb) were grown to early stationary phase in 250-ml flasks containing100 ml of Luria-Bertani (LB) medium or LB medium plus 20 g of glucose perliter in a shaking incubator at 200 rpm at 37°C. Ampicillin was added at aconcentration of 50 mg/liter when cultivating recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4) and recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb).

Analytical procedures. Cell growth was monitored by measuring the absor-bance at 600 nm (optical density at 600 nm; DU Series 600 spectrophotometer;Beckman, Fullerton, Calif.). The PHB concentration was determined by mea-suring the concentration of 3-hydroxybutyric acid methyl ester, which was pre-pared by methanolysis of PHB, with a gas chromatograph (Donam Co., Seoul,Korea) equipped with a fused silica capillary column (Supelco SPB-5; 30 m by

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Metabolic and Biomolec-ular Engineering National Research Laboratory, Department ofChemical Engineering and BioProcess Engineering Research Center,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, Korea. Phone: 82-42-869-3930. Fax:82-42-869-3910. E-mail:


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0.32 mm in inside diameter; 0.25-mm film; Bellefonte, Pa.) using benzoic acid asan internal standard (6). The cell concentration, defined as dry cell weight perliter of culture broth, was determined as previously described (37). The PHBcontent (wt%) was defined as the percent ratio of PHB concentration to cellconcentration.

Glucose and acetic acid concentrations were measured with a high-perfor-mance liquid chromatograph (Hitachi chromatography system; Tokyo, Japan)equipped with an Aminex HPX-87H column (300 by 7.8 mm; Bio-Rad Labora-tories, Hercules, Calif.) and a refractive index detector (L-3300; Hitachi chro-matography system). The column was eluted isocratically with 5 mM H2SO4.

2-DE. The 2-DE was carried out using a Protean II xi 2-D cell (Bio-RadLaboratories) following the procedures described previously (10, 12) with slightmodifications as follows. Carrier ampholyte solutions having a 4:1 ratio (vol/vol)of Bio-lyte pH 5 to 7 to Bio-lyte pH 3 to 10 (Bio-Rad) were used for theformation of a pH gradient in an isoelectric focusing (IEF) tube gel. Culturebroth was centrifuged for 5 min at 3,500 3 g and 4°C. The pellet was washed fourtimes with TE solution (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA; pH 8.0) and wasresuspended in double-distilled water followed by four cycles of sonication (eachfor 10 s at 10% of maximum output; high-intensity ultrasonic liquid processors;Sonics & Material, Inc., Newtown, Conn.). Soluble protein was obtained by thecentrifugation of cell extract at 10,000 3 g and 4°C for 20 min. After the proteinquantification by the Bradford assay using bovine serum albumin as a standard(5), protein samples (300 mg) were dried down by vacuum centrifugation, sus-pended in IEF denaturation buffer [9 M urea, 0.5% CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamido-propyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate), 10 mM dithiothreitol, 0.2%(wt/vol) Bio-lyte pH 3 to 10, 0.001% (wt/vol) bromophenol blue; final volume,200 ml], and were carefully loaded into the IEF tube gel with a syringe. Then, theloaded tube gels were placed on sodium dodecyl sulfate–12% polyacrylamidegels prepared by a standard protocol (12). Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 (Bio-Rad) was used for protein staining (10). After overnight destaining in a solutioncomposed of 40% (vol/vol) methanol and 10% (vol/vol) acetic acid, gels werescanned using a GS710 calibrated imaging densitometer (Bio-Rad). Melanie IIsoftware (Bio-Rad) was used to automate the process of finding protein spotswithin the image and to quantify the density of the spots on a volume basis (i.e.,values were calculated from the integration of spot optical intensity over the spotarea). To check the reproducibility and to estimate standard deviations, proteinsamples taken from duplicate cultures were analyzed in duplicate 2-D gels.

Peptide mass fingerprinting. Samples for the matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization–time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis were pre-pared as described previously (28) with some modifications described below.Trypsin digestion was carried out overnight at 37°C in a stationary incubator. Arelatively high concentration of trypsin (25 ng/ml; sequencing grade; BoehringerMannheim Co., Mannheim, Germany) was used to enhance trypsin autolysis.Two standard peaks of 805.417 (m/z) and 2,163.056 (m/z) were generated fromthis trypsin autolytic reaction. Other peptide fragment peaks, which are usuallyplaced between these two standard peaks, were calibrated using the values ofthese two peaks. In-gel-digested peptide fragments were extracted from gelpieces by the addition of 100 ml of 60% (vol/vol) acetonitrile and 0.1% (vol/vol)trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) solution, followed by vortexing for 1 h. After thetransfer of supernatant solution into a new Eppendorf tube, the acetonitrile-TFAsolution was added for the final extraction of remaining peptide fragments. Afterthese two supernatant solutions were combined, solute materials including pep-tide fragments were dried down by vacuum centrifugation. To eliminate impu-rities, such as salt molecules, gel particles, and traces of Coomassie brilliant blue,the samples were passed through the ZipTip column (Millipore Co., Bedford,Mass.) in which C18 resin is fixed at the end of the tip. a-Cyano-4-hydroxycin-namic acid, saturated in a solution composed of 50% (vol/vol) acetonitrile and

0.1% (vol/vol) TFA, was used as a matrix for MALDI-TOF. This matrix wasincorporated with contaminant-free peptide fragments, placed on the sampleplate, and crystallized with the peptide sample by air drying. The MALDI-TOFmass spectrometry system used was the Voyager Biospectrometry system (Per-Septive Biosystems, Inc., Framingham, Mass.). Laser intensity for the ionizationof samples was optimized between 2,400 and 2,600. The accelerating voltage forthe flight of ionized particles was 21,000 V, and the delayed extraction time was150 ns.

The ProteinProspector server ( was used for the identification of protein spots by querying the trypsin-digested peptide fragment data. To maintain the highest certainty of proteinidentification, mass tolerance was set within 50 ppm. The reference databaseused for the identification of target proteins was SWISS-PROT (


Cell growth and PHB accumulation. Flask cultures of re-combinant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4) were grown in LB mediumor LB medium containing 20 g of glucose per liter. Recombi-nant E. coli XL1-Blue(pJC4) could efficiently produce PHB inthe latter, while it did not in the former (8). Flask cultures ofE. coli XL1-Blue without the plasmid and of recombinant E.coli XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb) were also made as controls. Table 1shows the cell and soluble protein concentrations at the time ofharvesting (early stationary phase) for proteome analysis. ThePHB concentration and PHB content obtained for XL1-Blue(pJC4) in LB medium plus 20 g of glucose per liter at thetime of proteome analysis were 0.89 g/liter and 68%, respec-tively. For both wild-type and recombinant strains, the aceticacid concentrations at the time of harvesting were 0 and 2g/liter when grown in LB medium and LB medium plus 20 g ofglucose per liter, respectively.

Proteome analysis. Proteome expression profiles of XL1-Blue and XL1-Blue(pJC4) grown in two media (LB mediumand LB medium plus 20 g of glucose per liter) are shown in Fig.1. To compare the relative expression levels of cellular pro-teins, the similar amounts of proteins were loaded on 2D gels.Cellular proteins possessing pIs between 4.7 and 6.2 could benicely separated in our 2D gels. The overall profiles of synthe-sized proteins within this range were quite reproducible anddistinctive enough to be compared and matched even by nakedeyes.

Completely destained gels were scanned, and 20 proteinsshowing altered expression levels under four different condi-tions were selected for a further identification process. Excisedprotein spots were subjected to MALDI-TOF mass spectrom-etry; a list of proteins identified by peptide mass fingerprintingis shown in Table 2. Out of 20 spots, 13 protein spots were

TABLE 1. Comparison of cell and extracted soluble protein concentrations at the time of harvesting for proteome analysis

Strain Growth medium Cell concn(g [DCW]b/liter)

Extracted solubleprotein concna


XL1-Blue LB 1.43 6 0.070 0.623 6 0.010LB plus 20 g of glucose per liter 1.15 6 0.124 0.443 6 0.030

XL1-Blue(pJC4) LB 1.08 6 0.018 0.483 6 0.001LB plus 20 g of glucose per liter 1.31 6 0.035 0.353 6 0.015

XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb) LB 1.07 6 0.025 0.473 6 0.022LB plus 20 g of glucose per liter 1.12 6 0.051 0.457 6 0.043

a Soluble proteins were extracted by sonication, and the amounts of proteins were determined by the Bradford assay as described in Materials and Methods.b DCW, dry cell weight.


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FIG. 1. Proteome expression profiles of E. coli XL1-Blue grown in LB medium (A), E. coli XL1-Blue grown in LB medium plus 20 g of glucoseper liter (B), recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue harboring pJC4 grown in LB medium (C), and recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue harboring pJC4 grownin LB medium plus 20 g of glucose per liter (D). The horizontal axes represent the isoelectric points, and the vertical axes represent the molecularmasses in kilodaltons.


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identified exactly by database search. Out of five possible can-didates listed by database search, the first ranked protein withthe molecular weight search (MOWSE) score (22) greater than1.03e13 was assigned to be the protein spot of interest. Theamount of protein in each spot was determined by Melanie IIsoftware (Bio-Rad) (Fig. 2). In order to examine the physio-logical roles of these proteins, they were categorized (Table 2)according to their functions in the cell (26).

When the proteomes of XL1-Blue and XL1-Blue(pJC4)grown in LB medium were compared, it could be seen that thepresence of pJC4 did not significantly alter the proteome ex-cept for RbsB, the expression level of which was twice as highin plasmid-free XL1-Blue. When the proteomes of XL1-Bluegrown in LB medium and those of XL1-Blue grown in LBmedium plus 20 g of glucose per liter were compared, heatshock proteins including GroEL, GroES, and DnaK weredown-regulated in the presence of glucose. On the other hand,Dps, a DNA protection protein, was up-regulated in the pres-ence of glucose. More changes included the significant down-regulation of EF-Tu and the disappearance of Kba and RbsBspots in the presence of 20 g of glucose per liter. Reducedsynthesis of EF-Tu suggests that the protein synthesis capacityof E. coli cells is much reduced in the presence of 20 g ofglucose per liter, which is a relatively high concentration for E.coli. In addition, when the proteomes of XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb)grown in LB medium and those of XL1-Blue grown in LBmedium plus 20 g of glucose per liter were compared, it wasfound that the presence of this backbone plasmid without thePHB biosynthesis genes did not significantly alter the pro-teome except for Dps, the expression level of which was three-fold higher in the presence of glucose (data not shown).

One of the most distinguishable variations upon the accu-

mulation of PHB was the significantly increased synthesis ofheat shock proteins GroEL, GroES, and DnaK. Out of threeidentified enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, Fba and TpiAshowed up-regulated synthesis in PHB-producing cells, whilethe synthesis of GpmA was down-regulated. One identifiedenzyme of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, Eda, showed up-regulated synthesis with the PHB accumulation. The synthesislevel of the 14.3-kDa protein in the suppressor ribosomal mu-tant B-uracil nucleic acid glycosylase (SRMB-UNG) intergenicregion encoded by yfiD was significantly up-regulated with thePHB accumulation. These changes are truly due to the accu-mulation of PHB because the proteomes of XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb) did not show these alterations.


Recombinant E. coli harboring a plasmid containing theheterologous PHB biosynthesis genes was found to be able toaccumulate a large amount of PHB (8, 13, 18, 37). It wasexpected that this metabolically engineered E. coli strain wouldundergo physiological changes upon the accumulation of PHB,which is not a normal metabolite of E. coli. We attempted toexamine these physiological changes by analyzing the pro-teomes of recombinant E. coli XL1-Blue under two differentculture conditions: PHB-producing and non-PHB-producingconditions. The proteomes of XL1-Blue without the plasmidand XL1-Blue harboring backbone plasmid were also analyzedfor comparison.

Glucose effect. EF-Tu is one of the most abundant cytosolicproteins and plays a crucial role in protein biosynthesis. It wasreported previously that EF-Tu interacts with various cellularmacromolecules such as tRNAs charged with amino acids;

TABLE 2. Categorized functions of identified proteins showing different expression levels under PHB-producing versusnon-PHB-producing conditions

Spotno. Category Gene Proteina pl/mol massb

Cell process1 Chaperoning dnaK DnaK, chaperone for Hsp70 4.81/69.62 Chaperoning groEL GroEL, chaperone for Hsp60 4.85/57.311 Chaperoning groES GroES, chaperone for Hsp10 5.15/10.46 Transport-binding rbsB RbsB, D-ribose periplasmic binding protein 6.85/30.9

Energy metabolism4 Glycolysis fba Fba, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II 5.52/39.27 Glycolysis gpmA GpmA, phosphoglycerate mutase 5.85/28.58 Glycolysis tpiA TpiA, triosephosphate isomerase 5.64/27.09 Entner-Doudoroff pathway eda Eda, 2-oxo-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase

(2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase)5.57/22.3

Central intermediary metabolism5 General kba Kba, D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase 5.98/31.1

Macromolecular metabolism3 Protein translation and modification tufA EF-Tu, protein chain elongation factor 5.3/43.3

Other10 Adaptation dps Dps, DNA protection protein during starvation 5.72/18.713 Broad regulatory functions relB RelB, negative regulator of translation 4.81/9.112 Unknown function yfiD YfiD, 14.3-kDa hypothetical protein 5.09/14.3

a Proteins were identified by the peptide fingerprinting method. The ProteinProspector server was used for the identification of proteins, and SWISS-PROT was usedas a reference database.

b Molecular masses are shown in kilodaltons.


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another type of protein chain elongation factor, EF-Ts; andribosomes to make the translational process proceed properly(35). According to Fig. 1 and 2, it can be seen that the expres-sion level of EF-Tu decreased significantly in cells grown in thepresence of glucose. Since cellular protein synthesis is reduced,more catabolic intermediates seem to be available for PHBbiosynthesis under this condition. This was supported by thefinding that a large amount of PHB was accumulated onlywhen glucose was present in the medium (17, 18). The synthe-sis of Dps was twofold greater in the presence of glucose. Dpshas been shown previously to be expressed when cells produceacetic acid (27, 36). This is in agreement with our finding that2 g of acetic acid per liter was produced only in the presence ofglucose.

PHB accumulation effect. In general, heat shock proteins aresynthesized in order to protect cells from external stresses suchas sudden increase of temperature, UV irradiation, virus in-fection, organic solvents, and others. Expression of heterolo-gous genes can also trigger heat shock response (9). Based onour experimental observation of increased expression of threeheat shock proteins (GroEL, GroES, and DnaK) in PHB-producing cells, PHB accumulation in recombinant E. coli canbe considered as a stress on the cells inducing heat shockresponse. Furthermore, the takeover of the cytosolic space byPHB granules would disturb the normal intracellular architec-ture such as chromosome attachment and consequently would

result in heat shock response. Bacteria naturally accumulatingPHB synthesize phasin protein, which covers the surface ofPHB granules. E. coli does not naturally produce PHB andtherefore does not have the phasin gene (39). Therefore, thehydrophobic PHB granules are in direct contact with intracel-lular biomolecules including DNA, RNA, and proteins. Obvi-ously, this will become a major stress on the cells for severalpossible reasons including denaturation of proteins on thesurface of PHB granules. This unfavorable condition gener-ated by PHB accumulation along with the reduced synthesis ofEF-Tu seems to have resulted in the further reduction ofprotein synthesis.

The PHB biosynthesis pathway competes for acetyl-CoAwith three other metabolic pathways (Fig. 3) (16, 17). Con-sumption of acetyl-CoA for the synthesis of PHB results in thereduced availability of acetyl-CoA for other metabolic path-ways: tricarboxylic acid cycle, acetate formation pathway, andfatty acids synthetic pathway. Considering that 10 out of 20amino acids are synthesized from the intermediary metabolitesof the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Fig. 3), the reduced synthesis ofamino acids may result in impaired synthesis of proteins. Thisis obviously linked to the reduced synthesis of EF-Tu, resultingin overall reduction of cellular protein content under PHB-accumulating conditions (Table 1).

The synthesis of Fba and TpiA was up-regulated in PHB-

FIG. 2. Quantification of identified protein spots showing altered expression level from Fig. 1. Spot intensities were measured and normalizedas described in Materials and Methods. Error bars represent the standard deviations. Vol% is the percentage of relative values calculated fromthe integration of spot intensity over the spot area. For the symbol key, top to bottom corresponds to left to right for each group of bars.


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accumulating cells compared with non-PHB-accumulatingcells. As shown in Fig. 3, these two enzymes catalyze the for-mation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, the first three-carbonmetabolite of glycolysis. It has been reported previously that96% of triose phosphate exists as dihydroxyacetone phosphateat equilibrium (34). When glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is usedby subsequent reactions, dihydroxyacetone phosphate is con-verted to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate accordingly. It is there-fore possible to conclude that the purpose of the increasedexpression of TpiA resulting in the enhanced rate of conver-

sion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phos-phate is to provide a three-carbon metabolite, which is even-tually used up for PHB synthesis. The Eda catalyzes the finalreaction of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway to supplement glyc-eraldehyde-3-phosphate and pyruvate (Fig. 3) in a coordinatedway with the above two enzymes of the glycolysis pathway toincrease the amount of acetyl-CoA. It is likely that metabolicdemand for the large amount of acetyl-CoA and NADPHresults in this elevated expression profile in the PHB-produc-ing cells. Conversely, the reason why XL1-Blue(pJC4) cultured

FIG. 3. Central metabolic pathways of recombinant E. coli producing PHB. Several competing metabolic pathways leading to the synthesis ofPHB, acetate, citrate, and fatty acids from acetyl-CoA are shown. Four identified enzymes, Fba, TpiA, GpmA, and Eda, and the reaction stepsthat they catalyze are shown in boldface. The reaction pathways leading to the synthesis of PHB along with the enzymes involved are also shownin boldface.


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in LB medium did not accumulate PHB may be the shortage ofacetyl-CoA and NADPH for PHB accumulation.

One of the most intriguing results was that the yfiD geneproduct was detected at a high level only in the PHB-producingcells. It was first thought that there were two different proteins(two spots at spot 12). However, the results of the databasesearch showed that these two spots represent the same protein.Most proteins in E. coli are present in a single charged form.Some proteins, however, are present in multiple charged iso-forms. For example, several outer membrane proteins of E.coli were shown to be resolved into at least two charged iso-forms (20). Unfortunately, we have been unable to conclusivelyestablish the nature of this charge variation, although we haveobserved some deamidated peptides that may contribute toprotein heterogeneity. Although the biological function of this14.3-kDa protein in the SRMB-UNG intergenic region (127amino acids) remains unclear, this protein has been reportedto be a homologue of pyruvate formate lyase. The YfiD wasreported previously to be expressed under acidic conditions(4). The pHs of the culture media at the time of proteomeanalysis were 4.86, 4.77, and 4.74 for XL1-Blue, XL1-Blue(pJC4Dphb), and XL1-Blue(pJC4), respectively, whenthey were grown in LB medium plus 20 g of glucose per liter.Normally, E. coli maintains the cytoplasmic pH about 1 to 1.5U higher than the external pH of acidic to neutral range (9).Recombinant E. coli cells accumulating a large amount of PHBwere shown previously to become fragile with altered cell en-velope structures (17). Therefore, it seems that these PHB-accumulating cells may not be able to achieve cellular ho-meostasis, and their cytoplasm becomes acidic. This is mostlikely why the yfiD gene was expressed only under PHB-accu-mulating conditions.

Since PHB accumulation acts as a stress on the cells, afermentation strategy should be developed so that cells do notsynthesize PHB too early during the cultivation. This strategywas already successfully practiced for the high-level productionof PHB (16). The findings that the expression levels of severalenzymes in the glycolytic pathway were adjusted to providemore acetyl-CoA and NADPH are also of great importance toconsider during metabolic pathway engineering of cells forenhanced PHB production. Metabolic flux analysis can becomplementary to this approach.

It should be noted that the identification of protein spots inthe 2D gel is currently a limiting step in proteomic research.For example, we failed to assign functions for 7 out of 20 spotsafter MALDI-TOF analysis. Even though we were able toanalyze only 13 proteins that showed different expression pat-terns on the 2D gel, a number of physiological changes causedby PHB accumulation could be explained. As the number ofidentifiable protein spots increases, we will be able to under-stand global physiological changes under various environmen-tal conditions, and this valuble information will be utilizedtoward strain improvement and the construction of variousdatabases regarding metabolism.


We thank Jong Shin Yu at the Korea Basic Science Institute for hisgenerous help in the MALDI-TOF analysis.

This work was supported by the National Research Laboratory pro-gram of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology and by theFirst Young Scientist’s Award to S. Y. Lee by the President of Korea.


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