Protein Debate -Berardi

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  • 7/31/2019 Protein Debate -Berardi


    The Protein Debate

    Berardi vs. Phillips

    by Dr. John M. Berardi

    About The Debate

    What you're about to read is a protein needs debate between John Berardi, Ph.D. of the

    University of Texas at Austin and Stuart Phillips, Ph.D. of McMaster University in Ontario.

    Be prepared; this isn't your typical Internet debate between two partially brain damaged 17year olds calling themselves biggunz252 and punkmass101. This is an intellectual argument

    between two established experts working in research labs on the very topic of the debate.

    This debate came about via a "journal club." In Ontario, theres a small community of

    scientists, coaches, and students who get together periodically (via email) for this club.

    What happens is that each month one member of the journal club sends out a bunch of

    articles for the others to read and later discuss. Ideas, debates, future research and

    coaching strategies are derived from these sessions.

    Recently, the journal club topic was protein needs and two articles were up for discussion.The first was a T-Nation article by John Berardi entitled The Protein Prejudice. The

    second was a scientific review article by Stuart Phillips entitled Protein Requirements

    and Supplementation in Strength Sports.

    After discussing these articles, the members of the journal club invited Drs. Berardi and

    Phillips to debate the issue. This debate is what weve published below. To get the most out

    of it, you may want to follow the links above and check out what started the whole fracas.

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    T NATION | Protein Debate http:/ / ine_ar ticle/sports_body_training_performance_nutr ition/the_protein...

    1 av 26 10 05 2012 02:11

  • 7/31/2019 Protein Debate -Berardi


    Dr. Phillipss Response to "The Protein Prejudice"

    I've read Dr. Berardi's paper and have found it generally sound, but lacking in sufficient

    evidence to truly be considered "truth" in some areas (not many to be honest); however,

    I'm pleased to hear that John is in-line with the general thesis that lifting weights reducesprotein "requirements."

    As far as "optimization," this is a far more difficult question and even John knows that this

    hasn't been answered satisfactorily, or at least not to a degree that would make me offer

    the advice that lifters should "eat more proteina lot more". While it's easy to say "eat

    more protein" and counsel athletes to do this, what you have to ask at this point is: What

    are the dividends of eating more protein over and above requirement? Likely few, but then

    since they'll never have tried doing anything else, do you get stronger, leaner etc. because

    of, or in spite of what you do?

    In a recent review (Nutrition 20: 689-695, 2004) I examined the evidence for whether

    resistance trained athletes "need" more protein. The answer is likely the opposite. On this

    John and I can agree. I also pointed out in the same review, after taking relevant nitrogen

    balance data and regressing it through zero nitrogen balance, that resistance trained

    athletes require more protein than sedentary individuals. The problem is that, by all

    standards, most milk, egg and meat-eating North American males eat way more protein

    than they need.

    T NATION | Protein Debate http:/ / ine_ar ticle/sports_body_training_performance_nutr ition/the_protein...

    2 av 26 10 05 2012 02:11A O | i b h / / i /f l i i l / b d i i f i i / h i

  • 7/31/2019 Protein Debate -Berardi


    Also, I take issue with Dr. Berardi's interpretation of the requirement (i.e., the RDA) being

    "eating just enough protein to prevent deficiency." In fact, the basis of the RDA is a muchlower protein intake than 0.8g protein/kg/d, but addition of safety margins means that

    97.5% of the population is covered. Thus, it may well be that your individual requirements

    are far less than the RDA, but you'd have to participate in a study to find out exactly where

    you are.

    The problem with all of this discussion about requirements and using nitrogen balance is

    the method is badly flawed. Hence, trying to talk about a requirement or even optimizing

    protein intake based on findings from nitrogen balance studies is like trying to

    circumnavigate the globe using a map before we knew the earth wasn't flatthe instrument

    is badly flawed so it'll lead you, ultimately, in the wrong direction.

    My feeling on the whole issue of protein consumption is that it appears to be beneficial to

    consume a higher than normal protein intake during a period of weight loss to prevent loss

    of lean body mass. Lifting weights will only augment this effect and will have the more

    potent effect in terms of allowing one to hang on to as much protein as possible during

    energy deficit. I know, the scientist finally agrees with the strategy tried and tested by

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    to "optimize" training, along with the flawed N balance approach, one could argue that

    athletes can simply consume more and more and more protein since it's impossible to

    define a true ceiling. I suppose to answer the question of optimization I'd define it thusly: a

    protein intake that allows maximal functioning of all synthetic processes that require amino

    acids and that prevents excessive oxidation of amino acids and production of urea.

    The closest any study has come to measuring something like this is a study by Tarnopolsky

    et al in 1992 (J. Appl. Physiol. 93(5): 1986, 1995) in which he showed that despite an

    estimated protein intake to maintain nitrogen balance being somewhere around 1.7 g

    protein/kg/d, but that the synthetic ofallbody proteins (including muscle) was maximal at a

    protein intake of 1.4 g protein/kg/d, with no further increase up to 2.4 g protein/kg/d!

    It did appear that the RDA for protein wasn't sufficient to maximize the synthetic rate of

    body proteins. Hence, faced with these data I'm not sure that one can argue that a protein

    intake of more than 1.4 g protein/kg/d is necessary or even beneficial for protein requiringprocess.

    Also, at the recent Experimental Biology conference, data from Mike Rennies laboratory

    showed for the first time a dose response curve of muscle protein synthesis with oral dose

    of essential amino acids. They reported that oral dose of essential amino acids (EAA) at

    which muscle protein synthesis (i.e., the controlling and regulated variable determining

    muscle protein accretion) was only 10g a similar dose of EAA is present in 500ml of

    skim milk!

    Also, data from Mike Rennies lab (Bohe et al. J. Physiol. 532: 575-579, 2001) shows thatin the face of available amino acids that muscle protein synthesis is turned off after 1-2

    hours. Hence, it doesn't appear that amino acid supply a) has to be large, and b) isn't

    limiting for the process of synthesizing new muscle proteins.

    How about a simple calculation to hammer home my point? Lets say a hypothetical

    individual, Fred, weighs 90kg and in one year gains 10kg (22lb) of muscle. Not mass

    muscle. Thats a pretty impressive rate of gain and something most of us would be happy

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    really he's gained 2.5kg of muscle or protein (i.e., 2500g). That means he's gained: 2500g

    protein / 90kg / 365d or ~ 0.076 g protein/kg/d. Now, if we assume that the RDA is

    sufficient to cover all of Freds other protein needs, which is likely a large overestimate,

    then what Fred would be required to eat on a daily basis is:

    0.8 g protein/kg/d + 0.076 = 0.876 g protein/kg/d to gain 22lb of muscle

    Whoa, hold on you say, it takes six times as much protein consumption to lay down the

    equivalent amount of muscle (estimate from Mr. Colgan and the Colgan Institutea hotbed

    of muscle research). In truth, I'm never sure where this number comes from since literature

    from the animal science area indicates that to lay down protein at rates sufficient to

    support weight gain in a growing steerwho in 180 days will lay down 226kg of mass, of

    which 60% is proteinyou need only consume the mass gained x 2 in terms of protein

    content, but lets say its six. Okay, so now you need to consume:

    0.8 g protein/kg/d + 0.456 g protein/kg/d = 1.256 g protein/kg/d to gain 22lb of muscle

    Now, what if this person were smart and consumed some extra energy? Well, we know that

    this spares protein (Garza et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 29: 280-287, 1976). Also, we know that

    resistance exercise, consistent with its anabolic nature, is conservatory for muscle protein.

    Hence, resistance exercise, as John freely acknowledges, results in a reduction in protein

    requirements due to overall protein retention. This is particularly true in skeletal muscle

    when you havent eaten (Phillips et al. Am. J. Physiol. 273: E99-E107, 1997).

    Now, if all of this true, then my estimates above are even higher than they need to be. So

    protein requirements to "optimize" muscle mass gains aren't large, certainly no larger than

    what most lacto-ovo, meat-eating North American males consume on a habitual basisthis

    was my ultimate point in recent review.

    However, as for the benefits John maintains accompany consumption of protein, my

    response is below (Johns assertions in bold, my comments below):

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    actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. This means greater fat loss

    when dieting and less fat gain during overfeeding."

    True, and likely a benefit of eating more protein.

    John wrote: "Increased GlucagonProtein consumption increases plasma concentrations

    of the hormone glucagon. Glucagon is responsible for antagonizing the effects of insulin in

    adipose tissue, leading to greater fat mobilization. In addition, glucagon also decreases the

    amounts and activities of the enzymes responsible for making and storing fat in adipose

    and liver cells. Again, this leads to greater fat loss during dieting and less fat gain during


    Effect is negligible. Associated with protein ingestion is actually a pronounced insulin

    response unless the protein load is enormous. John knows this.

    John wrote: "Increased IGF-1 Protein and amino-acid supplementation has been shown

    to increase the IGF-1 response to both exercise and feeding. Since IGF-1 is an anabolic

    hormone that's related to muscle growth, another advantage associated with consuming

    more protein is more muscle growth when overfeeding and/or muscle sparing when dieting."

    What is the true significance of this? Even John would have a hard time finding data to

    support the thesis that greater circulating IGF-1 after exercise or feeding results in greater

    lean mass gains. (We have data showing that even with no change in IGF-1 you can get

    hypertrophy Journal of Applied Physiology, in review.) This is hyperbole at best!

    John wrote: "Reduction in Cardiovascular RiskSeveral studies have shown that

    increasing the percentage of protein in the diet (from 11% to 23%) while decreasing the

    percentage of carbohydrate (from 63% to 48%) lowers LDL cholesterol and triglyceride

    concentrations with concomitant increases in HDL cholesterol concentrations."

    True. Losing weight also reduces cardiovascular disease. Also, what about elevated

    homocysteine, an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, on high protein

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    colleagues has demonstrated that reducing the carbohydrate ratio from 3.5:1 to 1.4:1

    increases body fat loss, spares muscle mass, reduces triglyceride concentrations,

    improves satiety, and improves blood glucose management."

    In the Layman study overweight women consumed either 68g protein/d (0.8 g/kg/d) and

    239g CHO/d (2.8g/kg/d) or 125g protein/d (1.45 g protein/kg/d) and 171g CHO/d (2 g

    CHO/kg/d). The higher protein group saw the effects outlined. However, what I might point

    out is that most, if not all, lacto-, ovo-, meat-consuming North American males are getting

    that amount of protein anyway.

    Hence, it would be foolhardy, based on these data, to conclude that eating more than this

    would have more benefit. Besides, if you're not losing weight but rather gaining weight,

    what's the effect of consuming extra protein? Do blood lipid levels go up? What about

    homocysteine? The Layman study does nothing to address these questions, which are

    very real possibilities.

    John wrote: "Increased Protein TurnoverAs I've discussed before in my article,

    'Precision Nutrition For 2002 And Beyond,' all tissues of the body, including muscle, go

    through a regular program of turnover. Since the balance between protein breakdown and

    protein synthesis governs muscle protein turnover, you need to increase your protein

    turnover rates in order to best improve your muscle quality. A high protein diet does just

    this. By increasing both protein synthesis and protein breakdown, a high protein diet helps

    you get rid of the old muscle more quickly and build up new, more functional muscle to take

    its place."

    This effect has never been shown in muscle. Forwhole bodyprotein turnover, a study by

    Tarnopolsky (Journal of Applied Physiology 73(5): 1986-1995, '92) shows that whole body

    protein turnover increases with increasing protein intake, but I suspect that this is due to

    more rapidly turning over tissues gut and liver and not muscle.

    In any event, it can't be stated as fact that higher protein intakes help "get rid of the old

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    John wrote: "Increased Nitrogen StatusEarlier I indicated that a positive nitrogen status

    means that more protein is entering the body than is leaving the body. High protein diets

    cause a strong positive protein status and when this increased protein availability is

    coupled with an exercise program that increases the body's anabolic efficiency, the growth

    process may be accelerated."

    I'm not sure what increased N status means, but I think it means increased nitrogen

    balancewhich is true, if you consume more protein you go into higher and higher nitrogen

    balance. Herein lies the greatest problem with the studies carried out by Lemon and

    Tarnopolsky: that is, reliance on nitrogen balance to determine protein needs.

    Take for example the data from Tarnopolsky et al (J.Appl.Physiol. 68(1): 187-193, 1988),

    which is constantly cited and even Lemon et al (J.Appl.Physiol. 73(2): 767-775, 1992),

    another citation classic. Look at the nitrogen balances that these subjects are in when

    consuming intakes of protein of 2.4-2.5 g protein/kg/d the mean in Tarnopolsky's '88paper is 14g of nitrogen/d and in Lemon's paper at 1.6-1.7 g/kg/d, the Nbal is 9g N/d.

    Now, if protein is 16% by mass nitrogen then 14g/d means that these subjects were gaining

    87.5g protein/dTarnopolsky '88. Or according to Lemon, 56.25 g protein/d. Hence, by

    these calculations, these subjects, if they kept consuming these protein intakes, should

    gain 365d x 87.5g/d = 31.9kg of protein (i.e., muscle, unless your gut, liver, or skin are

    growing, which seems unlikely) per year. I think we can all agree this isn't possible even

    with good lifting, good nutrition and even steroids.

    It's a little more reasonable in the Lemon study but still means the subjects would've gained365d x 56g/d = 20.4kg/year. Quite simply, nitrogen balance can't be used as a good

    method to understand protein requirements. This has been recognized for a while

    nowHegsted Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 21(5): 352-357, 1968.

    John wrote: "Increased Provision of Auxiliary Nutrients Although the benefits mentioned

    above have related specifically to protein and amino acids, it's important to recognize that

    we dont just eat protein and amino acids we eat food. Therefore, high protein diets often

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    to get most of your protein from food, rather than supplements alone."

    True enough. All are possibilities. In the final analysis, requirement or optimization, the

    argument is moot. Available evidence (Tarnopolsky Journal of Applied Physiology 73(5):

    1986-1995, '92) as well as hypothetical calculations aren't consistent with thetremendously elevated protein needs John says must exist. Optimization can't, using

    nitrogen balance, be defined since nitrogen balance consistently (and falsely) shows a

    positive Nbal with increasing protein intakes.

    Now dont get me wrong, I'm not saying to consume the RDA for protein and that wasnt

    my message in my reviewbut supplementation with protein (above and beyond a good

    diet) appears unnecessary. Timing may be marginally important, but this is a comparatively

    minor part of the equation. In the end, protein supply is rarely limiting!

    Accumulating evidence does suggest that during periods of weight loss, to prevent leanmass losses, higher protein intakes would help reduced protein loss how high hasnt

    been determined, however. I'm sticking to my concluding statement in my review, since I

    see no true evidence to support any other recommendation otherwise; namely, that

    12-15% of ones energy should come from protein.

    If youre an 80kg male whos lifting 6d/week (1-2h/d) then you likely require something like

    3800kcal/d, then that means that 12% = 114g protein or 1.4 g protein/kg/d, which

    incidentally has been shown in hard-training individuals to maximize the synthetic rates of

    all proteins in your body (Tarnopolsky Journal of Applied Physiology 73(5): 1986-1995,


    Dr. Berardis Response to Dr. Phillipss Comments:

    I appreciate you taking the time to construct an amazingly thorough and fair response to

    what can be, at times, a volatile debate. Your respectful demeanor is just what these types

    of exchanges need in order to stay on track and really make a meaningful contribution.

    | p _ _ p _ y_ g_p _ _p

    9 26 10 05 2012 02 11 T NATION | Protein Debate http:/ / ine_ar ticle/sports_body_training_performance_nutr ition/the_protein...

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    rational way.

    That said, lets roll up our sleeves and get down to the business at hand discussing

    protein intake. And, since its really difficult to discuss one macronutrient in isolation of the

    others, especially when our end is applied nutrition, we should probably touch on overalldietary strategy a bit also.

    To begin with, though, I need to bring up a side issue that should be clarified before moving

    on. The "Protein Prejudice" article that was referenced in your response was actually

    published back in March of 2003, nearly two years ago. Why make this point? Well, in the

    two years that have passed, certainly new data have emerged that warrant discussion

    (some of which you referenced in your letter, yet I wasn't privy to at the time that the article

    was written).

    This brings up a very important lesson for all of those reading this exchange. Many readingthis are very interested in the applied side of this field and may want to publish articles in

    print or electronic formats. Here's a caution directed at them: publish something on the

    Web today and regardless of how you feel about what you wrote ten years from now, youll

    have to live with it. Now, in this specific case, the "Protein Prejudice" article, I dont regret

    anything and I still stand behind my comments two years later.

    Okay, that digression aside, one more note with respect to the original article. This was

    published on a site targeted to lay readers without the scientific training we have and are

    more interested in, if you will, applied nutrition. As a result, the article wasn't intended to be

    an exhaustive review of the literature. Therefore, comparing one of your more recent

    literature reviews to one of my short, two year old, magazine articles isnt exactly an

    apples to apples comparison. So I'm glad were getting this chance to speak directly!

    Now, lets get down to your comments. It should come as no surprise to anyone whos read

    many of my articles that I'm in full agreement with nearlyeverything Dr. Phillips has

    commented on. Therefore, for the blood thirsty, you wont get your blood here. However, I

    | p _ _ p _ y_ g_p _ _p

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  • 7/31/2019 Protein Debate -Berardi


    Dr. Phillips wrote: "I have read Dr. Berardi's paper and have found it generally sound, but

    lacking in sufficient evidence to truly be considered 'truth' in some areas"

    I agree. In fact, much of my "lay" writing is more speculative than most scientists would feel

    comfortable with. If I were writing a literature review, certainly, there would be leaps that I

    simply couldnt and wouldnt take.

    But in this type of forum, where I'm writing to an "applied" crowd, I feel that I do have free

    rein to take the literature that's available and make a few speculative leaps at some things

    beyond what the literature tells us explicitly. In this sense, without the ability of science to

    demonstrate verisimilitude, my speculations are just that my best guesses based on

    what we do know in the literature andwhat I see in practice.

    Any scientist worth his or her own salt would agree that were barely scratching the surface

    of whats yet to be known, explored and discovered. Yet we still have to make decisions

    every day, based on incomplete evidence. And thats where much of my writing leads me.

    I look to the scientific literature but since, in parallel to my scientific training, I run a

    successful coaching/consulting practice one in which I attempt to rigorously control

    whats possible to be controlled in free living clients and document what I see I also look

    to the "clinical" results that I see every day. Finding this balance is difficult but thats my

    mission and the express mission of my company, Science Link.

    Our tag line is this: "However Beautiful the Strategy, You Should Occasionally Look at the

    Results." By striving to find the balance between research and results, applied and basic,

    clinical and laboratory, I know that I can find support for ideas that work and drive new

    ideas in the process. This is what I get excited about!

    Of course, its critical to be true to the rigorous data we've got:

    "Science is merely an extremely powerful method of windowing what's true from what feels

    good; without the error-correcting machinery of science we are lost to our subjectivity..."

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    "clinical" and "laboratory" observations is critical in making recommendations/decision for

    daily life (including nutrition and exercise research).

    Heck, this is why I wanted to open up this conversation. Dr. Phillips might be one of the

    smartest guys around in our field and his input on this question is invaluable. I think I'm apretty smart cookie too. What a cool chance to really break new ground, get a bunch of

    new ideas stimulated, and open up a running dialogue that blends clinical and laboratory.

    So even if my article isnt true in the scientifically verifiable sense of the word true, I'm just

    happy that it might stimulate enough discussion so that we can better get after the "truth."

    Dr. Phillips wrote: "Hence, trying to talk about a requirement or even optimizing protein

    intake based on finding from nitrogen balance studies is like trying to circumnavigate the

    globe using a map before we knew the earth wasn't flat the instrument is badly flawed so

    it'll lead you, ultimately, in the wrong direction."

    This is a fantastic analogy. I agree that the N balance studies are flawed, but unfortunately

    until you start publishing your more recent data, Dr. Phillips, they represent the bulk of

    whats out there and available for review (especially two years ago when I wrote the


    This area is poorly researched. Thats due to a lack of governmental funding for areas

    considered more recreational than of major public health concern. So think of us as miners

    with small head lamps in a dark cavern thats not been well explored. We can make

    guesses as to whats ahead of us in the cavern. These guesses are based on the smallamount of light we can see with and the small amount that were seeing.

    So I remain open to the suggestion that one day someone will find a way to rip the roof off

    that cavern and I might feel very, very silly about my guesses when its exposed in its

    entirety. But I dont believe that I can be faulted for reporting on what I see, what I guess,

    and how I interpret both.

    12 av 26 10.05.2012 02:11

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    Now, although very interesting, these data arent a good justification for a lower protein

    requirement/optimization point. In fact, I distinctly remember bringing these data up at

    ACSM at a session Dr. Phillips was moderating. I believe the consensus was that it would

    be nearly impossible to duplicate (with the diet) the "steady rate" amino acid infusion

    program of this study. In essence, when you eat protein you get peaks and troughs and itsprobably the change in amino acid concentrations that stimulate the protein synthetic

    mechanisms, not a threshold.

    Now, Rennies more current data may suggest otherwise; I cant wait to read it in print. But

    as of our last conversation, it was Dr. Phillipss opinion that amino acid changes in the

    blood are what govern synthesis, not having an amino acid concentration above a certain

    threshold. This means that each time we eat more protein wed get a bump in PS. So I

    dont really see how this comment is relevant interesting, yes relevant, I'm not sure.

    Now, concerning what you wrote about "Fred," of course, these are all guesses but thepoint is well taken. However, just how meaningful are they? Probably about the same as

    suggesting that burning an extra 20kcal/day by gardening would lead to an increase in

    monthly caloric expenditure by 600kcal and in yearly expenditure by 6000kcal. This surely

    means the person would lose just short of two pounds per year from gardening for three

    minutes a day!

    Forgive the absurd example, but the point is that the body makes constant adjustments,

    adjustments designed at the maintenance of homeostasis in the face of such subtle

    perturbations. As a result, with all the "slop" room in the calculation above, its really hard to

    say what exact amount of "extra" protein is needed to pack on more muscle mass. I do getyour point that according to even very liberal assumptions, it doesnt seem like much, and

    perhaps athletes dont need much more protein for enhancedprotein accretion. But lets

    not forget the big picture here (below).

    Dr. Phillips wrote: "As far as optimization, this is a far more difficult question and even John

    knows that this hasn't been answered satisfactorily, or at least not to a degree that would

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    One man might define "optimal protein intake" as a protein intake that allows maximal

    functioning of all synthetic processes that require amino acids and that prevents excessive

    oxidation of amino acids and production of urea (Dr. Phillipss choice). And another might

    define "optimal protein intake" as the protein intake that, when combined with sport-specific

    physical training, produces ideal body size and composition for that particular sport (which Iwould choose when working with an athlete or writing an article with athletes as a target


    But regardless of the choice of the "optimal" definition, both are pretty damn hard to test

    and with the current literature there's very little evidence as to what is the optimal intake for

    either definition. Of course, there's some evidence, but as Dr. Phillips rightfully pointed out,

    its based on some old N balance data thats probably not valid anyway. So were back to

    square one. Not much evidence.

    So what do we do in these circumstances? Dr. Phillips gets back to the lab and beginsmeasuring this stuff with some cool measurement techniques hes got at his disposal. Me,

    since I dont have my own lab yet, I wait for Dr. Phillips to publish his work. But, in the

    meantime, I experiment with my athletes.

    1) Improvements in body composition

    Now, I concede that protein intakes above what the typical North American lacto-ovo, meat

    eating male gets are probably not going to pack on additional muscle mass directly from the

    additional amino acid load. However, as stated in the article, perhaps the other

    components of the protein foods are making an impact with respect to muscle mass.

    But even more importantly, muscle mass isn't the only endpoint I choose when measuring

    body composition. For most performance (aerobic or anaerobic) and physique athletes, the

    relationship between fat mass and lean mass is critical not just the absolute amount of

    muscle mass. Consider this: some of the athletes with the highest absolute amounts of

    lean mass on the earth are sumo wrestlers. Need I say more?

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    If I have an athlete that needs to continue to train hard and perform at a high level yetneeds to lose body mass/body fat to achieve the right body comp for his sport, would I alter

    his macronutrient recommendations or would I keep them the same as I would with an

    athlete who has no fat to lose? Its a toughie

    Of course, we dont want to put this athlete on a calorie restricted diet (or, at least, in a

    large calorie deficit) as that might compromise performance ability and/or recovery. So how

    do we get the fat off?

    Heres what Id do. My solution (and its worked time and time again) is to replace some

    carbohydrates from the diet with protein. The thermic effect of the protein may allow formore energy expenditure while still taking in a large amount of total energy and, importantly,

    micronutrients. Perhaps the balance of glucagon to insulin may alter nutrient partitioning.

    Or there might be something else at work (perhaps something on the

    neurochemical/neurohormonal level) that we dont even have enough evidence to

    speculate on.

    Now, let me give a specific example of how this manipulation might be carried out and what

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    1000kcal/day (via weighed food records with the staff nutritionist), but going from a 70%

    carbohydrate, 15% protein, 15% fat diet to a diet containing 40% carbohydrate, 30%

    protein, and 30% fat (based on food selections I recommended).

    Food selection and timing improved, of course, with my recommendations so thats anothervariable. But, in the end, the major change was an increase in kcal and an increase in

    protein at the expense of carbs. (Again, I concede there could be other factors at work,

    error in dietary reporting, etc., but these errors would also be present in any chronic

    training/nutrition study and therefore shouldn't create a knee-jerk dismissal mentality. These

    data are interesting and need to be considered!)

    To a similar end, I also have examples of athletes maintaining body mass (while losing fat

    mass and gaining lean mass) after an increase in protein intake at the expense of some

    carbohydrate. Importantly, this isnt a low carb diet. These are alterations that simply

    reduce carb intake percentages from the 60s and 70s to the 40s and 50s while oftenincreasing energy intake.

    So my point is that for most athletes, body composition improvement is often the goal

    not absolute muscle mass. And from what Ive seen, increased protein intakes (with the

    appropriate dietary shifts) are much more effective at achieving the alterations most

    athletes need less fat plus preserved muscle, or less fat plus more muscle while still

    training hard and recovering appropriately.

    Perhaps the best paper demonstrating the potential for an effect here is the Forslund paper

    (Effect of protein intake and physical activity on 24-h pattern and rate of macronutrientutilization. Am J Physiol. 1999 May;276(5 Pt 1):E964-76.) They showed increased protein

    intakes (at the expense of carbohydrate) lead to a negative fat balance and a positive

    protein and carbohydrate balance vs. "normal" protein intakes.

    Surely this gives some indication that an increased protein intake at the expense of

    carbohydrate can lead, at least, to acute shifts in macronutrient balance, the cumulative

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    Now, like "optimal," the word "recovery" can be a nebulous term. So let me clarify. Using

    both subjective and objective markers of recovery (POMS, resting heart rate, heart rate

    variability, quality of sleep indices, and daily performance), Ive found that my athletes can

    train with more density when the typical sports nutrition recommendations of 60-70%

    carbohydrate, 15% protein, and 25-35% fat are altered in favor of an increased percent

    protein intake and reduced percent carb intake as mentioned above (as long as rapid

    post-exercise carbohydrate replenishment strategies are utilized in order to ensure quick

    resynthesis of muscle glycogen during the most "glucose tolerant" part of the day


    Of course, I often see large changes in body mass/composition with these shifts so

    perhaps its not necessarily the protein increase or dietary shift thats creating the effect

    but the simple loss of "nonfunctional baggage" as I call it (i.e. body fat). Again, interesting

    reports none the less.

    Now, a clarification has to be made in response to Dr. Phillipss comment "but then since

    they will never have tried doing anything else, do you get stronger, leaner etc. because of,

    or in spite of what you do."

    While some coaches may fall victim to this, with each athlete I attempt rigorous reporting

    and outcome-based experimentation. I don't put all athletes on the similar diet; instead I

    use the first month or two as a trial period to see which strategies/changes produce the

    best results and then I do more of what has seemed to work.

    With that said, these two benefits are the basis of my recommendation for "more protein

    a lot more." But lets remove the "a lot" ambiguity and put some numbers on it. After all, an

    80kg athlete eating 4000 kcal/day and taking in 30% of those calories from protein would

    be getting about 300g protein/day (3.75g/kg), and this is a lot more than 0.8 or even


    Interestingly, even at your recommendation of 15%, a 65kg Tour de France cyclist,

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    But mathematics aside, my point remains firm myself and many of those I teach through

    my seminars and writing report very similar effects with this type of dietary shift. I have

    some guesses as to why these things occur but I have no firm scientific support on all of

    these benefits.

    However, its important to note that there arent any firm scientific objections either! And

    this is critical. If I'm doing things that fly in the face of scientific evidence, I'm willing to

    reappraise and throw out the chaff. However, in the absence of both scientific approval and

    rejection, theres no cause to suggest that my methods are wrong simply that they might

    not be completely scientifically verified or even verif iable as of yet.

    Would I love the support, yes. It would silence some of the critics (although theyll still yap

    away; some people just want to criticize). However, I dont really need it. The best test of

    my consulting efforts is this success with clients and repeat business.

    Dr. Phillips wrote: "Hence, it doesn't appear that amino acid supply a) has to be large and

    b) isn't limiting for the process of synthesizing new muscle proteins."

    Agreed, but again, I'm not merely interested in the synthesis of new muscle proteins alone.

    Its the balance between fat mass and lean mass I'm most concerned with. And heres a

    major problem with the lower protein recommendations. When you have an athlete

    overfeeding to gain mass or simply eating a lot of total dietary energy to support energy

    expenditure, the current recommendation is to shove carbs down their throats! At

    4500kcal/day and 65% carbohydrate, were talking over 730g carbohydrate per day. Now,

    while carbohydrate energy does impact athletic performance and does spare protein, could

    there be too much of a good thing?

    Getting 730g carbohydrate in the typical 4-5 meals an athlete might eat/drink means huge

    carbohydrate loads that, with subsequent huge releases of insulin, could lead to reductions

    in fat mobilization and oxidation throughout much of the day especially if this chronic

    high insulin dump leads to neutralization of the improved insulin sensitivity most athletes

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    Certainly not more than the associated insulin response accompanying a huge

    carbohydrate load. At least with the protein load, some counter-regulatory glucagon is

    released. So my question to you is this: If you had to overfeed an athlete (or simply have

    an athlete ingest a very large daily energy intake) in an attempt to maximize the lean mass

    to fat mass ratio and you had to choose a macronutrient to "overeat," what would it be andwhy?

    (Keeping in mind "overeat" might not be well defined in this context another way of

    saying it might be "choose a macronutrient to eat more of.") This question assumes that

    theyre getting adequate daily energy intake. That's a big assumption for most recreational

    athletes and some elite athletes, but not much of one for the athletes I work with directly.

    As for your remarks about higher protein consumption being beneficial during weight loss, I

    agree 100%. During periods of weight loss, theres no question or really any reason for

    equivocation the research is c lear.

    Dr. Phillips wrote: "Also, what about elevated homocysteine, an independent risk factor for

    cardiovascular disease, on high protein diets?"

    Is this a legitimate concern or simply a secondary or tertiary debate point? Admittedly, I'm

    not an expert on homocysteine and heart disease so forgive any ignorant comments. I'm

    assuming that the speculation here is that high dietary methionine would lead to higher

    serum homocysteine concentrations as a result of methionines demethylation via the

    methyltetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme pathway?

    If so, recent literature shows that a) dietary methionine increases homocysteine to a

    lesser extent than free methionine and b) the dietary cysteine and serine attenuate any

    increases in homocysteine as a result of methionine intake. (Verhoef Dietary serine and

    cystine attenuate the homocysteine-raising effect of dietary methionine: a randomized

    crossover trial in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Sep;80(3):674-9.)

    Furthermore, if this is the onlypotentially serious health consequence of a higher protein

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    offer other benefits) as discussed in: Treatment of coronary heart disease with folic acid:

    Is there a future? Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2004 Jul;287(1):H1-7. Review.

    Heres the conclusion from that paper:

    The view that a raised plasma tHcy level is causal in the development of vascular disease

    is an attractive hypothesis if only because folic acid offers an easy, inexpensive, and

    generally safe means of lowering it. This review challenges the hypothesis that tHcy is

    causal and raises the possibility that an increased tHcy is an epiphenomenon.

    Moreover, there's evidence that the beneficial vascular effects with folic acid are only

    achieved in pharmacological doses. Low-dose folic acid will reduce plasma tHcy, but a high

    dose may be required to produce the beneficial effects on vascular function, which occur

    before and apparently independently of homocysteine lowering.

    The current clinical trials are on the whole, designed to test the homocysteine hypothesis

    of vascular disease using relatively low doses of folic acid. While these trials willundoubtedly show that folic acid lowers tHcy effectively, it's unlikely that the expected

    reduction in cardiovascular events will be seen. However, it's important therefore not to

    discount treatment with folic acid if these trials are negative, because it's possible that

    high-dose folic acid may have a beneficial effect on outcome via mechanisms independent

    of homocysteine lowering. Elucidation of these mechanisms is important in the drive to

    develop effective treatments for prevention of CHD.

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    moot. Available evidence as well as hypothetical calculations aren't consistent with the

    tremendously elevated protein needs John says must exist."

    Yes and no. For protein status or positive protein "balance" perhaps. But isnt focusing

    on this one outcome variable a bit too isolationist for you as an inquisitive individual? After

    all, isn't there so much more to nutrition than focusing on one physiological outcome

    protein turnover? Aren't athletes (even just physique athletes) after something much more

    than just an improvement in protein synthesis?

    As mentioned earlier, athletes are after the balance between lean mass and fat mass.

    They're after optimal biochemical conditions for performance. And they're after recovery of

    every system, from muscular to neural to immune. In my estimation, focusing on the protein

    status response to protein intake alone is committing an error, perhaps the same error

    many sports nutrition people are making with their chronic focus on high carb diets.

    Think about it, high carb diets evolved to be the recommendation for athletes because of

    the original studies showing that high carb diets lead to high muscle glycogen. And high

    muscle glycogen seemed to correlate with good performance (in endurance events, no

    less). So the sports nutrition community has based its entire recommendations on one

    thing muscle glycogen. What about all the other stuff that supports training, immune

    function, etc .?

    Now, with this as an analogy, are we doing the same thing if we stick to the argument that

    since aminos aren't limiting one potential body comp outcome protein turnover that

    we can ignore protein from there on out?

    From this perspective, I'm not quite sure either of us can jump to any conclusions with firm

    protein intake recommendations for athletes until we answer a few important questions,

    such as:

    1) Could altered intakes of protein impact immune function?

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    3) Could they impact the neurochemical/neurotransmitter balance in the body?

    4) Could they impact hormones that lead to body comp changes?

    5) Could they lead to alterations in physiological set points for cellular function?

    6) Could they alter CNS function?

    7) Could they offer other nutrients that support body comp changes?

    8) Might individual differences govern the responses to each of the seven aforementioned


    Until these questions are answered, each of our conclusions about whats best for

    athletes, from a dietary perspective, are based only on a very small glimpse of what might

    be going on when we alter macronutrient intakes. So I guess this is where we reach the


    Dr. Phillips wrote: "I'm sticking to my concluding statement in my review, since I see no true

    evidence to support any other recommendation otherwise; namely, that 12-15% of ones

    energy should come from protein."

    I agree that the literature has little to offer in the way of comprehensive dietary suggestions

    for athletes seeking to find their best competitive body composition, immune function, CNS

    balance, etc. However, sometimes we have to operate in the void where literature is

    lacking. To operate within that void, Ive done some pretty cool, albeit loosely controlled

    experiments on small sample sizes to come up with my own conclusions. And in this realm,

    I'm sticking to my recommendations more protein.

    Of course, this statement "more protein" is a gross oversimplification. Caveats include,

    macros cant be viewed in a vacuum; "more protein" must be matched by appropriate shifts

    in dietary carbohydrate and fat, and these suggestions may have behavioral implications in

    free living humans that cant be controlled.

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    volume of books. And so on. So youve gotta stop somewhere, leaving stuff out along the

    way, based on your judgment.)

    One more caveat, Dr. Phillips. I'm sure that we can agree to disagree, but lets do so

    officially at ACSM where, regardless of its low protein content (usually 0.3 0.5%), youd

    better let me buy you a beer! Thanks for the discussion and the forum to share these types

    of ideas.

    One More Response from Dr. Phillips:

    I do have to admit that there's a metabolic advantage to consumption of higher than normal

    protein: provision of muscle building blocks, BCAA, establishes good hormonal

    environment, better macronutrient mix for lean/fat mass gain, and Layman's work shows

    improved loss profile, too.

    I suppose what it comes down to is where exactly this point is: 1g/kg/d, 1.5g/kg/d, 2g/kg/d,

    more? Surely at some point, the protein simply can't be shoved into the system and is

    oxidized and the N is turned into urea. Since N (i.e., ammonia) is toxic to most species then

    our enzymatic machinery would be elevated to deal with the excess protein/N.

    Hence, once you've started eating "high" protein you'd better continue doing it, because

    suddenly downshifting to lower protein would result in degradation of that protein higher

    peaks of protein synthesis maybe, but lower valleys when not eating or when consuming

    lower than your body is set up to process (this is theoretical but does have some

    experimental support).

    Eventual consequences of high protein Homosyteine (not likely too big of a deal), kidney

    (no), bone loss (no, in fact the opposite is likely true), association with fat (maybe, if

    protein is purely from animal sources), expense (it's all relative, but potentially yes, if highly

    purified supplemental forms are consumed). Anything else, I don't think so.

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    chat with Don Layman last week in Houston where he and I were giving talks to the

    International Livestock Congress (beef protein). He presented some terrific data and

    agreed that likely 1.4-1.5g/kg/d is a good intake when you're losing weight (in women). Men

    are likely similar. As for gaining weight, your points are well taken and many I can't argue

    with since no good data exist to support either.

    If there's one area I think you and I (and Dr. Ivy also at University of Texas) can agree on,

    it's that immediate post-exercise nutrition has a very large impact on gains we're just

    about to submit some very solid data on this issue. This isn't to say that later on isn't

    important, but the immediate 1-2 hours after exercise is important, particularly for

    resistance training athletes.

    One More Reply from Dr. Berardi

    I agree with your comments above on protein. Therefore, in the end, it appears that the

    only real negative to eating a lot of protein is the fact that you'd need to keep intake high

    always (unless you know when you'll want it low and ramp down slowly).

    I've had to do this with my athletes for sure, especially athletes like cross country skiers

    who travel out to a glacier to train and live for a few weeks. Altitude, sleeping in tents,

    skiing all day, not much in the way of nutritional volume... gotta find some anti-catabolic

    strategies for them.

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    So really it just becomes a preference thing. However, all else being equal, with all the

    extra metabolic processing needed for protein, you do drive up energy expenditure without

    much risk, something that many athletes could benefit from (body comp wise).

    Whats Next?

    After completing the debate, Drs. Berardi and Phillips shook hands and walked back to their

    neutral corners content with a great discussion. In fact, rumor has it theyre even

    considering collaborating on a few research projects to get at the heart of some of these

    protein questions. See what can come of a healthy discussion!

    About the Debaters

    Dr. John M. Berardi is one of the world's foremost experts in the field of human

    performance and nutrition. In addition to being a prolific author, Dr. Berardi is also a

    sought-after speaker and a consultant to Olympic, professional and elite athletes, as well

    as executives and recreational weightlifters serious about achieving optimal results. For

    more information about John, his team and the services he offers, visit

    Dr. Stuart M. Phillips graduated with a B.Sc. in Biochemistry, from McMaster University in

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    Branch with Dr. Robert Wolfe. Currently, his research program is fuelled by grants from The

    Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering research Council, The Canadian Institutes for

    Health Research, A Premiers Research Excellence Award, a CIHR Career Scientist

    Award, and, more recently, the US National Dairy Council. As well, he has a very

    enthusiastic and hard-working group of graduate students! To read more about Dr. Phillips,check out his faculty web site at:


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