Protecting coastal landscapes 3a

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Protecting coastal landscapes 3a

Protecting Coastal Landscapes

By:Marcos, Miguel, Eva, and Alberto

Protecting coastal landscapes

We have to protect our landscapes because we contaminate a lot getting the earth dirty and we

have to call the firefighters.

Beaches, cliffs, rock pools and the sea are home to many different plants and animals. It is very important to respect

them when we visit the coast.

What we can do to protect coasts.

• Don´t drop litter on the beach or throw into the sea. It can harm animals.

• Put it in the bin.

• Don´t pick wild plant. They may not grow back.

What we can do to protect coasts.

• Don´t climb the cliffs. You may disturb an animal´s home. They are also very dangerous places.

What we can do to protect coasts.

• Don´t take dogs onto the beach if it is prohibited. They can disturb an animal´s habitat.

What we can do to protect coasts.

The end