Prospectus August 2016 for web site

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Transcript of Prospectus August 2016 for web site

Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries

Dear Parents,

Thank you for showing an interest in Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries. We understand that choosing your child’s first school can be an exciting, but daunting experience. We hope that by looking through this brochure you will get a feel for our happy, thriving school community in which children are valued as individuals and encouraged to develop a love for learning. Seeing our school in action is the best way to help you decide if we are right for you and your child. We invite you to arrange a visit to have a look around the school and meet the staff and children.

We look forward to meeting you and your child in the near future.

Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries Team

About Our School ...

Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries is a Surrey Infant school, catering for children between the ages of 2 and 7 years. The school was built in 1967 and is a single storey building set in extensive grounds. We provide a warm, welcoming and stimulating environment for our children. The eight large classrooms, hall, library, and cooking room offer plenty of indoor space and each class base leads directly into our beautiful outdoor learning environment. The school is organised in the traditional pattern of year groups. In our Early Years Foundation Stage we offer provision from the age of two to five years. Our Squirrels Nursery (for 2 to 3 year olds) has some FEET funded places available. Children may have 15 hours of free Nursery provision within our Acorns Nursery (for 3 to 4 year olds). The children complete their Foundation Stage in one of our two Reception classes (for 4 to 5 year olds). In Key Stage One there are two Year One classes (5 and 6 year olds) and two Year Two classes (6 and 7 year olds). Each class is led by a Class Teacher. Our day begins at 9am and finishes at 3pm.

SMILE...... Our School Aims

Safe, happy and healthy All children are confident to take risks within a happy, secure, caring and challenging learning environment. We prepare our children for lifelong learning by building self esteem, nurturing emotions and developing empathy for others.

Make good choices All children understand that their actions have consequences for themselves and others. They develop their own values and have respect for each other.

Independent learners We strive to develop a passion for life-long learning for all children, enabling them to be creative, confident and self motivated in order that they may develop their own unique skills along the way.

Living together We ensure that each child develops a positive view of themselves and a respect for others, developing an awareness of other people within their local and global community.

Enquiring minds In all aspects of their life and learning, to be open to curiosity, philosophy and creativity in their thinking, initiative and problem solving.

Safeguarding Children We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Through the clear guidance and direction within our Child Protection Policy we ensure the welfare of our children, adhering to procedures and protocol. We strive to maintain a close working partnership with other agencies within our school community. We provide an environment in which children and young people feel safe, secure, valued, respected and confident. Parents and carers are welcome to read the Child Protection Policy on request.

Our Creative Curriculum

As an infant setting, we are providing some of the earliest experiences your child will have of school life and learning. Working with such young children we understand how important it is to make these experiences exciting and meaningful. Our curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum and is delivered through a range of interesting and creative activities linked to the subject areas. New skills, knowledge and concepts are taught through thematic topics which make learning exciting, real and relevant to all our lives. We recognise the importance of using first-hand, playful experiences which are designed to stimulate the children intellectually and develop good social, physical, moral and communication skills. Our school is placed within a rich and vibrant community and we take many opportunities to draw upon the people and places around us to enhance our learning experiences. Regular opportunities are planned throughout the year to explore out and about in our immediate locality and sometimes further afield. Links are forged with members of our local and global community who are invited to come and share aspects of their lives or work.

Citizenship We all play an important role in preparing children for their future lives. Through our Citizenship programme, children learn to become independent and caring individuals within their school community. Personal, Social and Emotional development underpins all aspects of school life and enables each child to grow in their understanding of their rights and responsibilities as young children whilst developing respect for themselves and others.

Inclusion Children are all different and for that reason they are all special. We aim to meet the needs of all children so that they may fully access the learning regardless of ability, needs, race or gender. Learning opportunities are carefully planned and differentiated to ensure the range of interests, needs and abilities of all children are met. Where additional needs are identified, we work closely with parents and other agencies to ensure that each child can progress in their learning and development.

Partnership with Parents

At Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries we aim to establish an open and understanding relationship between home and school to ensure that parents and carers feel fully involved in their child’s education and informed of their ongoing progress. Parents are warmly welcomed into school for many different purposes and we are always happy to meet with you at your request to discuss matters that may arise. We recognise the vital role that you have in your child’s learning and regularly offer workshops to demonstrate ways in which you can support your child at home. We aim to keep you as informed as possible about events in school through letters, notices and a variety of online communication. The school has a thriving PTA which plays a vital part in its life. The Committee and Parents organise social and fund raising events throughout the school year and offers a point of contact for all new members, all of whom are automatically members.

Our School Governors

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the school and delegates the day to day management of the school to the Headteacher. The Governors meet twice every term, once as a full governing body and then as committees who work with us to oversee: Learning and Resources, Personnel, Finance, Health and Safety and Welfare. The Governors’ term of office is for four years; Parent Governors are elected by the parents of the school. Parent Governors are a valuable, known contact for all our parents and their names and photographs are on the school notice board situated outside the school office.

Out of Hours Learning We are able to offer a range of activities outside the school day hours. A daily Breakfast Club is offered for parents who wish to deliver their children prior to the start of the day and after school a variety of clubs take place including: dance, gymnastics, football and fitness. These are clubs run by specialist teachers as well as outside providers.