Properties of Stars...Mass of Stars Use binary star systems - two stars that orbit around each other...

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Transcript of Properties of Stars...Mass of Stars Use binary star systems - two stars that orbit around each other...

Properties of Stars

Distances Parallax (“Triangulation”):

- observe object from two separate points - use orbit of the Earth (1 AU)

- measure angular “shift” of object - angle depends on distance to object

more distant objects = smaller parallax angle

p *

p *

Measuring distances to stars:

Other examples of parallax:,

Distance (d): - if parallax angle measured in arcsec (“)

d = 1/p

d = distance in parsecs

New Unit of Distance: Parsec

1 pc = the distance when angle is exactly 1”

( = 3.26 light years or 206265 AU’s)

Practical limit: 0.01” from ground telescopes 0.001” from space (Hipparcos)

Baseline (1 AU) Parallax Angle (p)

Distance (d)

Luminosity and Brightness

Luminosity (L): - total energy output of an object

Brightness (b): - amount of energy received by observer

- depends on luminosity and distance

Magnitude Scale to describe brightness - developed by Hipparchus (190 – 120 B.C)

Brightest stars = 1st Magnitude ½ as bright stars = 2nd Magnitude

Faintest stars = 6th Magnitude

BUT, Scale is backwards Brighter stars smaller magnitude Fainter stars larger magnitude

Response of human eye What we see as twice (2 times) as bright

100 Watt 250 Watt

= 2.512 times as much energy!

Apparent Magnitude (m) - measure of how bright object appears

- depends on luminosity and distance

“Oooh! Bright stars !! “

Absolute Magnitude (M) - how bright star would appear IF the

distance to star is exactly 10 parsecs - depends only on luminosity

Relation between M, m, and distance

m – M = 5 log d - 5 Brightness (m) Distance (d)

Luminosity (M)

This one’s not so bright.

This one is REALLY bright!!

10 pc

Spectral Classification

Classification of stars into spectral types

Spectral Types: determined by temperature

O, B, A, F, G, K, M hottest coolest

“Oh, Be A Fine Girl/Guy Kiss Me!”

Subdivisions of Spectral Types: 0 - 9

…, F8, F9, G0, G1, G2, … , G8, G9, K0, K1, … hotter > > > > > > > cooler Our Sun: Surface Temperature: 5778 K (= 5500oC or 9940oF)

Spectral Type: G2 Spectral Lines Spectral Type


Diameters of Stars - cannot be determined directly

from observations

But, can be found from luminosity, temperature. Temp amount of E per square meter (flux) Lum. total energy output from entire surface

Energy from each m2

X number of m2

= Total Energy output

L = ( 4 R2 ) X ( T4 ) Stefan - Boltzmann Law where:

R = radius of star (size), = Stef-Boltz Constant

Temperature Size (Radius)


Properties of Stars - Examples

(1) Two stars with the same temperature, different diameters.

A. 5000 K B. 5000 K Which has the higher luminosity? (2) Two stars with the same diameter, different temperatures.

A. 5000 K B. 10000 K Which has the higher luminosity? (3) Two stars with the same luminosity, different temperatures.

A. B. 5000 K 10000 K

Which star is larger?

Stefan – Boltzmann Law with money

(1) Two sheets (stars) with the same denomination (temperature), different size (diameters).

A. B. 1 dollar bills 1 dollar bills

Which has the higher total value $ (luminosity)? (2) Two sheets (stars) with the same size (diameter), different denominations (temperatures).

A. B. 1 dollar bills 20 dollar bills

Which has the higher total value $ (luminosity)? (3) Two sheets (stars) with the same total value $ (luminosity), different denomination (temperatures).

A. B.

1 dollar bills 20 dollar bills

Which sheet (star) has a larger size (diameter)?

The Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram

Henry N. Russell, Ejnar Hertzsprung -made a simple plot of stars -M vs. Spectral Type -to see if properties are related

RESULTS: The H-R Diagram “most important correlation between stellar properties discovered to date” (Mihalas & Binney, Galactic Astronomy)

High L Luminosity or M Low L High T Low T Temperature or Spectral Type or Color

In general: (90% of all stars) Hotter stars are more luminous Main Sequence

But, some stars are cool & very luminous some stars are hot with low luminosity

Groups on the HR diagram:

- Main Sequence - Red Giants - White Dwarfs - Supergiants

Luminosity Class - separate groups on HR diagram

Luminosity Class Type of Star I Supergiant II Bright Giant III Red Giant IV Subgiant V Main Sequence

Mass of Stars

Use binary star systems - two stars that orbit around each other

Finding mass of stars: - depends on orbital properties

- size of orbit, time to complete orbit (period) - depends on center of mass (balance point)

Two equal mass stars:

Center of mass – exactly in the middle

Two unequal mass stars:

Center of mass – closer to more massive star

Example: Total Mass: 6 M

Based on CM: if M1 = M2 What are M1, M2 ?

Based on CM: if M1 = 2M2 What are M1, M2 ?

Size of Orbit

+ Period of orbit MASS


Center of Mass

Mass – Luminosity Relation - developed by studying binary stars - can be applied to all Main Sequence stars

- but not to other stars

L related to (mass)3

Stellar Models

based on: Hydrostatic Equilibrium Thermal Equilibrium Heat Transport

Russell - Vogt Theorem: - all the properties of a star are uniquely

determined by:


Chemical Composition

Difference between stars along the main sequence: Difference in Mass

Difference between main sequence and other groups:

Difference in Composition