Project: Strategic Coaching - What Works...

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Transcript of Project: Strategic Coaching - What Works...

MINDSET 2014 Set the Fire

Open Your Minds

O“If you start with the

mindset that you know

nothing, you will learn a lot

that nobody knew before.” – David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize Winner

MINDSET RESET In this first portion, we’ll identify your personal

negativity triggers, show you how those triggers

change the way you behave and then teach you how

to reverse those triggers into positive reinforcements.

That Little Voice

“You can be a victim of

cancer or a survivor of

cancer. It’s a mindset.”

– Dave Pelzer, Author

“A Child Called ‘It.’”

Steps to Reframing

O Acknowledge the negative thought.

O Recognize the emotional source of the

negative thought.

O Be truthful with your situation.

O Seek the positive.

O State the positive.

O Look for the benefit.

O Create and state the affirmation.

Reframing the Quote

“You can be a victim of cancer or a survivor of cancer. It’s a mindset.” – Dave Pelzer, Author “A Child Called ‘It.’”

O Acknowledge the negative thought.

O Recognize the emotional source of the negative thought.

O Be truthful with your situation.

O Seek the positive.

O State the positive.

O Look for the benefit.

O Create and restate the affirmation

Reframing the Quote

O Acknowledge the negative thought.

O A victim mentality is a negative mindset

O Recognize the emotional source of the negative thought.

O I have been diagnosed with cancer and I am afraid.

O Be truthful with your situation.

O Remission from cancer is possible if I fight.

O Seek the positive.

O I have an appointment to start chemo next week and I will beat this.

Reframing the Quote

O State the positive.

O The chemo will help me beat this cancer.

O Look for the benefit.

O Having cancer will make me a stronger

person. I am a survivor.

O Create and restate the affirmation

O I will beat cancer because I’m strong and I’m

a survivor.

Let’s Play – Reframe It!

O Today is not going my way.

O I don’t have enough time.

O No one will want to do this.

O I don’t have the budget.

O I am overwhelmed. There is too much to do.

What Are Your Challenges?

O Time

O Ideas

O Money

O Self-Esteem

O Personal Bandwidth

O Processes

O External Influence

Let’s Crush Some Challenges

O I don’t have enough time for this.

O I’m out of ideas.

O I don’t have the money.

O I don’t feel like I can do this.

O Too many people want my attention right now.

O I don’t have a way to do this.

O There are too many people standing in my way.

It’s All About Attitude

“Its sort of a mental attitude about

critical thinking and curiosity. It’s

about the mindset of looking at the

world in a playful and curious and

creative way.”

– Adam Savage, “Mythbusters”

Mindset vs Attitude

O Mindset: n. noun - A fixed mental attitude or

disposition that predetermines a person's responses

to and interpretations of situations. An inclination or

a habit.

O Attitude: n. noun - A position of the body or manner of

carrying oneself, stood in a graceful attitude. A state

of mind or a feeling; disposition, had a positive

attitude about work. An arrogant or hostile state of

mind or disposition.

Mindset vs Attitude

O Mindset is ALL MENTAL

O Attitude is shown ALL OVER

O They are cross-dependent, one

can have a positive or negative

result for the other.


O You can’t control others, but you can control

your mindset and attitude.

O Think about the exercise.

O What were you thinking?

O What was your partner doing?

O What was the “audience” doing?

O How did you maintain control?

O What happened when you lost control?


SETTING Dreams and goals are two different things and in this

portion, we’ll teach you the difference. Then, we’ll

show you a process you can use to not only meet but

exceed your goals.

Changing Your Game

“Changing the game

is a mindset.” – Robert Rodriguez, Director

Dreams vs Goals

O Dream

O n. 1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and

sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind

during certain stages of sleep. 2. A daydream; a

reverie. 3. A state of abstraction; a trance. 4. A

wild fancy or hope. 5. A condition or achievement

that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of

owning their own business. 6. One that is

exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or

beautiful: Our new car runs like a dream.

Dreams vs Goals

O Goal - n.noun

O The purpose toward which an endeavor is

directed; an objective.

O The finish line of a race.

O A specified structure or zone into or over which

players endeavor to advance a ball or puck.

O The score awarded for such an act.

O A noun or noun phrase referring to the place to

which something moves.

Big Hairy What?

O Dreams are often referred to as BHAGS.


Dream big. Set SMART goals to get there.

SMART Goal Setting

“To create something

exceptional, your mindset

must be focused on the

smallest detail.” – Giorgio Armani, Fashion Designer

Achievable Goals are SMART

O Specific

O Measurable

O Attainable

O Realistic

O Time-Bound

Make it SMART

O I want to gross $2,000 more this month.

O I need to be more organized.

O I want to make a difference in my


O I would like to lose 10 pounds in the next

two months.

O I need to be more social.

Set one SMART Goal

O Specific

O Measurable

O Attainable

O Realistic

O Time-Bound

Goals You Can Digest

O There are mini goals, mid goals and master


O Mini goals: Achievable in a few weeks

O Mid goals: Achievable in a few months

O Master goals: Achievable in a few months to


Negative Mantras Can Make SMART Goals LAME

O Lengthy

O Assumptive

O Malicious

O Expensive

Negative Mantras Can Make SMART Goals LAME

O Lengthy

O Mantra: It’s going to take me a really long time to

accomplish this.

O Solution: Focus on small successes to create big


O Assumptive

O Mantra: I know people are going to fight me on this.

O Solution: My success is mine alone. If I encounter

opposition, I will develop a work around.

Negative Mantras Can Make SMART Goals LAME

O Malicious O Mantra: I am going to have to step on some toes to

get this done.

O Solution: I need to find the right partners who will support my success.

O Expensive O Mantra: This is going to take a lot of money to do so I

might as well not start until I have the money.

O Solution: What steps can I take to get the money I need? What can I do right now that will move me in the right direction without spending as much?

Self-Sabotage is Real

O Lack of trust in yourself and others can result in self-sabotage.

O Other things that sabotage:

O Negative self-talk

O All or nothing attitude

O Overloading your schedule/over-committing

O Depriving yourself of food, sleep, self-care, socialization

O Procrastination

O Being afraid to accept opportunities

Committing to Your Mission

“I think anything is possible

if you have the mindset and

the will and desire to do it

and to put the time in.”

– Roger Clemmens, MLB Pitcher, Hall of

Fame 2014 Candidate


O You are accountable to yourself but accountability partners help.

O Possible accountability partners:

O Spouses/Significant Others

O Family

O Co-workers

O Fellow association members

O Your mastermind group

O Your coach

ACTION PLANNING Now its time to put those SMART goals to work.

Choose THREE goals and map them out SMART. Be

sure to include mini goals, mid goals, and master

goals. Be sure they all direct back to ONE Big, Hairy,

Audacious Goal


TECHNIQUES Affirmations, the Law of Attraction, Ways to De-stress for

Success, Visioning, Vision Boards and more, we take

your goals and dreams and put them in a

format where you can really put your energy behind


Manifestation Techniques

“For I dipped into the future, far as human eye could see, saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.”

– Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet

Tools You Can Use

O Affirmations

O Verbal

O Recorded

O Mirror Talk (Not just for Stuart Smalley anymore)

O Visualization

O Modeling

O Visioning (Mind-Only)

O Visioning (Vision Board, Videos)

Tools You Can Use

O Social Reinforcement

O Surrounding yourself with positive:

O Action

O Mindset

O Conversation

O Others Who Visualize

Positive Social Mindset

“The only pressures that I know I face are those of how to pay it forward. How can I continually make a positive impact on people’s lives, help others achieve their dreams, create their own Olympic mindsets, creating champions within themselves?”

– Apolo Ohno, Gold Medal Olympic Speed Skater

Toxicity Check

O Do they…

O Complain versus proactively solve issues?

O Blame you instead of looking inward?

O Overreact to setbacks?

O Present themselves negatively: sad affect, slumped, takes a lot of time and emotional strength to cheer up?

O Bombard you with negativity, pessimistic?

O Feed off your positivity/strength but drain you in doing so?

Reframing Toxicity in Business

O Some people don’t know they are toxic to your positive mindset. Try to…

O Seek solutions with them.

O Encourage them to view the full picture.

O Show them the work around to a set back.

O Explain that they are in a safe space where the world can lay outside.

O Show them how to reframe.

O Teach them what you know about mindset.

Social Reinforcement

O Who will you surround yourself with to assure

you have the social reinforcement you need to


O Who in your life is not currently serving as social

reinforcement for you?

O How can you turn those who are not currently

serving you into someone who can?

O At what point is someone too toxic?


O The only person you can control is you. However, the ripple effect of your example is great.

O Your mindset

O Your attitude

O Your dreams

O Your goals

O Your vision

The Law of Attraction

O When you set a clear intention and take

action to manifest, you are enacting the Law

of Attraction.

O The concept states that the universe gives

back what you put out there. Negative

begets negative. Positive begets positive.

O Manifestation doesn’t happen immediately.

Sustained reinforcement is the key to


Setting a Clear Intention

O An intention is a SMART goal condensed into

a single phrase.



O Visualization

O Modeling

O Studying someone successful and emulating behavior – seeing yourself in their place

O Visioning (Mind-Only)

O Imagining yourself doing/accomplishing something

O Visioning (Vision Board, Videos)

O A physical tool is used to manifest your intentions

Vision Board Basics

O Photos

O Phrases

O Limited Negative Space

O Focal Points

O Personal Photos

O Easy to Reference



Change Begins in Small Groups

“Silicon Valley is a

mindset, not a

location. – Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder of LinkedIn

To Recap

O Open Your Mind

O Reframe to Stop Negative Mantras

O Identify and Crush Your Challenges

O Set Your Mindset and Let Your Attitude Reflect It

O Source Your Locus of Control (the belief that you can control events that affect you)

O Set SMART Goals and Stay Accountable to Them to Realize Your Dreams

To Recap

O Be Mindful of Self-Sabotage and Stop It In Its Tracks

O Reaffirm and Visualize Daily

O Once You Achieve, Set Your Next Benchmark

O Do Not Put Your Dream and Action Plan on a Shelf—Stay Accountable and Succeed

O Work Together to Make Your Vision for DBA Come to Fruition

O Don’t Stop Now! Commit to Continuous Success in 2014.

What Else Can You Do?

O Order copies of the course material to

administer yourself to your team.

O Let us train your team for you (this workshop

or specific needs).

O Address specific needs through private


O Join the 90 Day Accountability Challenge

90 Day Accountability Challenge

O Build Out of Your 2014 Action Plan Even More with a Private Session (One Hour)

O 90 Days of Daily Email Reminders Filled with Inspiration to Keep You On Track

O Private Phone Coaching (One Session a Week)

O Email to get in on the next challenge session

Work With Us

Diane Hansen

Chief Inspiration Officer

775.391.5015 (Texts are ok, too)

Facebook: /whatworkscoaching

Twitter: @whatworkscoach