Progressive Umbrella Project Grading Rubric - Web viewThere was no single “progressive type...

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Transcript of Progressive Umbrella Project Grading Rubric - Web viewThere was no single “progressive type...

Progressive Umbrella Project Grading Rubric

Introduction to the Spirit of Progressivism 1900-1920

In the quarter-century after the Civil War, politics appeared to give Americans a sense of stability and permanence that its economy lacked. With the rise of Imperialist action, America faced new challenges of a growing economy and uncontrolled industrialization. Both Democrats and Republicans were resistant to face the vexing questions about social and political equality among its citizens, resulting in another cost of Imperialism-racial and social discrimination in the Gilded Age.

It would be another quarter of century before a younger generation of progressives in both parties acknowledged the need to correct the ills and sickness within the American government and capitalist system. Moral reformers and prohibitionists, women, farmers, and industrial workers split from their traditional political loyalties to form splinter-parties of their own. Finally, the election of 1896, and the emergence of the Populist movement, broke the party discipline and loyalty that Gilded Age had counted on. This election freed the American political system to reveal that the average voter was more independent than the professional politicians had once assumed.

William Jennings Bryan had uncovered a quiet, but powerful, voice of Americans who were tired of corrupt politicians, exploitive industrialists, and a-moral philosophies. Even though his presidential campaign failed, it envisioned the triumph of the middle-class. With the stirring of these hopes came a second, more potent challenge to the old Gilded Age politicsthe challenge of Progressivism.

A variety of forces helped shape the Progressive Movement. There was no single progressive type among the leaders or the rank and file; there was no typical age, social status, economic background, religion, or education. The Progressives were drawn from the mainstream of native-born middle class Americans that were eager to apply their ideas for reforming society and politics. They could be found equally in both the reform wings of the Democratic and Republican parties.

With this great variety in Progressivism from the 1890s to the 1920s, it is useful to look at this unique situation not as a collected and uniform movement, but rather as a patchwork of the efforts of different interest groups that occasionally agreed on specific issues but were unable to combine as a whole behind a unified and coherent political party. In the spirit of the Americas Founders, whose commitment to the country they so admired, Progressive reformers thought of themselves as the architects and designers of a fair and stable social order based on the principles that had guided the Constitutional Fathers.

1. List at least two reasons why Progressivism emerged in America

2. What let the cat out of the bag in Americas political system? In other words, what event broke with conventional wisdom (traditional roles)?

3. Despite their differences, what was the common bond that Progressives shared?

Progressive Umbrella Activity

Name: ____________________________ Due Date: _________ Pd: ________

Group Members: ______________________________




In the spirit of the Progressive Age, you will help complete this project as part of a group. As a class, we will attempt to instill enthusiasm and cooperation with your fellow classmates giving an equal voice to all. As a part of a group, you will be encouraged to channel all of your skills to contribute to a successful project.

The Progressives entered into reform with the specific goals of allowing the government to be run by the people who represented the educational and social interests of society. You will be part of the solution. You are now those representatives.


Imagine yourself on a deserted highway stretching endlessly into a dark and stormy horizon. Large clouds of the Gilded Ages greed, corruption, and exploitation, billow towards you blocking out the golden sunshine of the American dream and opportunity. As the raindrops fall you can smell the stench of the polluted principles of the Gilded Age, burning the flesh of those without protection- the young in the fields, the old on the streets, everyone who is hungry, fatigued, and sick from their dreary existences. They are cold, shivering, and infected with what will surely bring them to their end.

But there is the knowledge for change. A few brave, noble, men and women realize they can raise an umbrella to shelter themselves. At first small, and fragile, innovators and fighters such as Robert LaFollette and Florence Kelly spread the word to those most vulnerable and later people with the vision and power, such as Theodore Roosevelt, brought larger and stronger umbrellas to the people. The skies remained dark and threatening, soaking others- blacks and immigrants-not so fortunate to have advocates for their suffering. Many shelters were held in place by the moral fortitude of intelligent individuals such as Woodrow Wilson. With all of the support and commitment of these beleaguered men and women, the Progressives were able to provide protection and relief to the common person. They signify a fundamental change that the government was to put the interests of the individual over that of any political, economic, or military importance.

Directions:To represent the spirit of the Progressive Age, you will work with other like-minded reformers to make a symbolic umbrella, reflecting the ideals and philosophy of a noble and wholesome cause.

In this you and your group will need to complete the following:

You will be given a number of Progressive reforms and people that need to be included in your umbrella. You must label and research information from your textbook, Internet, and library resources.

1. With these definitions you must write the following information in a concise and effective way:

Summarize what the law/person enacted in the Progressive Age

State the Years enacted/effective

Explain why it represented such a change in attitude/condition of the common man.

2. Design an umbrella signifying the Gilded Ages threat, the protection of Progressive reform, and the laws, institutions, and people who made America a more just and equal nation.

3. Attach your reforms to your groups umbrella.

4. Effectively decorate/symbolize issues faced and solutions proposed.

5. Present your umbrella and your reforms to the rest of the class (who will fill out an information packet to study for the next test). Every member must present, by memory a part of the umbrella.

Group cooperation will be a part of your overall grade.

Extra Credit will be awarded to each member of the group who best designs and represents Progressive reform and goals.

Be creative, be effective, and have fun!Good Luck!!!!


MUCKRAKERS: Nicknamed by TR, these journalists exposed social and economic evils- inspiring reform in society. Rejecting the principles of Yellow Journalism, these men and women often faced physical and character assassination by political bosses and industrial giants.

a. Lincoln Steffens Wrote Shame of the Cities a look into the slums of Philadelphia and the lack of humane conditions for the inhabitants.

b. Jacob Riis: Photographed the poor and children workers in his book How the Other Half Lives.

c. Ida Tarbell: Exposed the corrupt business practices of John D. Rockefeller and Standard oil - inspiring the government to challenge monopolies and trusts

NAACP: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples was founded by W.E.B. Dubois to fight against discrimination in society. It provides scholarships and grants to African-Americans for higher education, supports legal challenges to potential unconstitutional discrimination lawsuits, councils minorities to establish meaningful professional careers. Today it is still one of the most effective Civil Rights organization today

REFERENDUM (State level): This Progressive reform allows voters to vote directly upon a law or particular issue without going through the legislature or Congress. It allows the average person to ask to change a law in existence. This is another form of pure democracy!

HEPBURN ACT: This allowed the government through the I.C.C (Interstate Commerce Commission) to regulate railroads, oil pipelines, and bridges and ensure that, just and reasonable prices were being charged fairly to all customers. It made the big business pay as much for a ticket on a train as the common person.

This was a major step away from Laissez-Faire.

17th AMENDMENT (Direct election of Senators): This major Progressive reform allowed the citizens of the U.S. to directly elect their own senators, usually divided into local representative districts. This gave more power in common person!


ROBERT LAFOLETTE (Fighting Bob): Senator from Wisconsin who is seen as the father of the Progressive movement. Took on the professional politicians and fought for state reforms such as referendum, recall, and initiative. He is a legendary orator, often speaking for 10 hours at an appearance.

BOOKER T. WASHINGTON: African-American Leader who believed that blacks should be patient. The belief that work blue collar (labor oriented) jobs will establish fair economic status and then eventually require equality and more opportunity. He believed the people could slowly change discrimination from the bottom to the top. He founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to provide skill