Progress on dps

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Progress on dps

Progress on DPS

• This is how I started my draft of my double page spread.

• I used the four page system on adobe InDesign to get the double page layout and then started with my slanted box that I had in my layout.

• I then inserted my main band picture which I cut out on Photoshop.

• I chose on where you could see instruments because again, I had planned to do this in my drawn layouts.

• Here I am adding in an idea of where things will go so that I can block out where everything will go.

• I added to the text as it looked a little bit bare and in my feedback, I was told that the text I had was good but perhaps not detailed enough for the main story of the magazine.


• I had worked on Adobe InDesign for my DPS which I found hard to navigate in a lot of ways but useful in others e.g. for writing in columns.

• I moved all of my features to a Photoshop file and re-did my double page spread.

• I copied the article, red section and title from my other document but decided to change the picture because the quality wasn’t as good with the one I originally used.

• I also looked back to my audience research and this said that black white and red would be a good colour scheme. By putting a colourful picture on the page I felt I was straying from this so I tried a picture that was black and white.

• I had to enlarge the text boxes to make them fit to a good size.

• I also stretched the image to make it spread over both pages because it looked too insignificant at a smaller size when I kept it on one side of the spread.

• I then decided to put in a title of the article because I had seen this in most other magazines. It gives the reader an idea about what will be included in the article.

• I put ‘Nimbus’ and ‘2000’ in red font because it’s the name of the band and their album attracting the attention of fans.

• To keep with the brand of the magazine, I put the masthead in the corner of the page.

• I then decided to make the Exclusive interview stand out by putting a black background on it.

• I tilted it to fit with my slanted lines theme and gave it a cracked effect because I had seen this sort of thing in NME magazine.

• I did the same cracked effect with the Fact file title and outlined the red section in black to match my contents page.

• I inserted the text from my previous InDesign document and then created an album cover from one of the photo shoot photos. Again black white and red to fit the colour scheme as this was in my original layout.

• I then, in blue because I hadn’t used much blue on this page wrote an advertisement for buying the album on iTunes as this often happens in music magazines.

• I added the price in white to fit the colour scheme because a real magazine would give prices of albums.

I made this text bigger and blue because I didn’t feel it stood out enough and this is one of the things I wanted my audience’s eye drawn to. I thought blue would make it pop more and is part of my colour scheme anyway. I felt I hadn’t used much blue on this page as well so I needed to add more.

The text was copied as a picture from an InDesign document to begin with but this made it less clear and easy to read so I decided to re-do it as text from the actual Photoshop document making it bolder and easier for my reader to see what it says.
