Programming Microcontrollers - · Programming Microcontrollers ... of 1's and 0's -...

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Transcript of Programming Microcontrollers - · Programming Microcontrollers ... of 1's and 0's -...

Prepared By-

Mohammed Abdul Kader

Lecturer, EEE, IIUC

Programming Microcontrollers


• Programming Language (Machine language, Assembly language and High level


• Basics of C (data type, operator, conditional operator, loop, array and functions)

• It is not enough just to connect the microcontroller to other components and turn the power supply

on to make it work.

• The microcontroller needs to be programmed to be capable of performing anything useful.

Programming Languages

Three basic level of programming


1) Machine Languages.

2) Assembly Languages.

3) High level Languages.

Machine Language: Represent the very early, primitive computer languages that consisted entirely

of 1's and 0's - the actual language that the computer understands (machine language).

Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 2

Assembly Language:

Represent a step up from the first

generation languages. Allow for the use of

symbolic names instead of just numbers.

Code written in an assembly language is

converted into machine language .

High Level Language:

These languages were designed to

make programming far easier, less

error-prone and to remove the

programmer from having to know

the details of the internal structure

of a particular computer. These

high-level languages were much

closer to human language.

Programming Languages (Cont.)

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Program loading to microcontroller

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The Basics of C Programming Language

Format of writing


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DATA Types in C Language



char Character 8 0 to 255

int Integer 16 -32768 to 32767

float Floating point 32 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38

double Double precision floating

point 64 2.3E-308 to 1.7E+308


char signed char 8 -128 to 128


unsigned int 16 0 to 65535

short int 8 0 to 255

signed short int 8 -128 to 127

long int 32 0 to 4294967295

signed long int 32 -2147483648 to 2147483647

DATA Types with modifier

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 6


absolute data if return typedef

asm default inline rx typeid

at delete int sfr typename

auto do io short union

bit double long signed unsigned

bool else mutable sizeof using

break enum namespace static virtual

case explicit operator struct void

catch extern org switch volatile

char false pascal template while

class float private this

code for protected throw

const friend public true

continue goto register try


Any number changing its value during program operation is called a variable.

Declaring Variable

Variable name can include any of the alphabetical characters A-Z (a-z), the digits 0-9 and the

underscore character '_'. The compiler is case sensitive and differentiates between capital and small

letters. Function and variable names usually contain lower case characters, while constant names

contain uppercase characters.

Variable names must not

start with a digit.

Some of the names cannot be

used as variable names as

already being used by the

compiler itself. Such names

are called the key words. The

mikroC compiler recognizes

in total of 33 such words:

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 7

Variable Declarations

Every variable must be declared prior to being used for the first time in the program. Since variables are

stored in RAM memory, it is necessary to reserve space for them (one, two or more bytes).

Variable types are usually assigned at the beginning of the program.


unsigned int gate1; // Declare name and type of variable gate1

signed int start, sum; // Declare type and name of other two variables

gate1 = 20; // Assign variable gate1 an initial value

unsigned int gate1=20; // Declare type, name and value of variable

unsigned int gate1=gate2=gate3=20;

signed int start=sm=0;

Changing individual bits

There are a few ways to change only one bit of a variable. The simplest one is to specify the register

name, bit's position or a name and desired state:

PORTD.F3 = 0 ; // Clear the RD3 bit ...

PORTC.RELAY = 1 ; // Set the PORTC output bit (previously named RELAY) // RELAY must be defined as


The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 8


A constant is a number or a character having fixed value that cannot be changed during program

execution. Unlike variables, constants are stored in the flash program memory of the microcontroller for

the purpose of saving valuable space of RAM. The compiler recognizes them by their name and

prefix const.

Several types of constants are: Integer constants, Floating point constants, Character constants (ASCII

characters), String Constants, ENUMERATED CONSTANTS


Integer constants can be decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary. The compiler recognizes their format on

the basis of the prefix added. If the number has no prefix, it is considered decimal by default. The type of

a constant is automatically recognized by its size. In the following example, the constant MINIMUM will

be automatically considered a signed integer and stored within two bytes of Flash memory (16 bits):

const MINIMUM = -100; // Declare constant MINIMUM


Decimal const MAX = 100

Hexadecimal 0x or 0X const MAX = 0xFF

Octal 0 const MAX = 016

Binary 0b or 0B const MAX = 0b11011101

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


Floating point constants consist of an integer part, a dot, a fractional part and an optional e or E

followed by a signed integer exponent.

const T_MAX = 32.60; // Declare temperature T_MAX

const T_MAX = 3.260E1; // Declare the same constant T_MAX


A character constant is a character enclosed within single quotation marks. In the following example, a

constant named I_CLASS is declared as A character, while a constant named II_CLASS is declared

as B character.

const I_CLASS = 'A'; // Declare constant I_CLASS

const II_CLASS = 'B'; // Declare constant II_CLASS


A constant consisting of a sequence of characters is called a string. String constants are enclosed within

double quotation marks.

const Message_1 = "Press the START button"; // Message 1 for LCD const Message_2 = "Press the

RIGHT button"; // Message 2 for LCD const Message_3 = "Press the LEFT button"; // Message 3 for


Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 10

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


Enumerated constants are a special type of integer constants which make a program more

comprehensive and easier to follow by assigning elements the ordinal numbers. In the following

example, the first element in curly brackets is automatically assigned the value 0, the second one is

assigned the value 1, the third one the value 2 etc.

enum MOTORS {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT}; // Declare constant MOTORS

On every occurrence of the words 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'UP' and 'DOWN' in the program, the compiler will

replace them by the appropriate numbers (0-3). Concretely, if the port B pins 0, 1, 2 and 3 are

connected to motors which make something goes up, down, left and right, the command for running

motor ‘RIGHT’ connected to bit 3 of port B looks as follows:

PORTB.RIGHT = 1; // set the PORTB bit 3 connected to the motor 'RIGHT'

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


An operator is a symbol denoting particular arithmetic, logic or some other operation.



+ Addition

- Subtraction

* Multiplication

/ Division

% Reminder


Expression Equivalent

+= a += 8 a = a + 8

-= a -= 8 a = a - 8

*= a *= 8 a = a * 8

/= a /= 8 a = a / 8

%= a %= 8 a = a % 8


Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 12

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)



++ ++a

Variable "a" is incremented by 1 a++

-- --b Variable "b" is decremented by 1



> is greater than b > a if b is greater than a

>= is greater than or equal to a >= 5 If a is greater than or equal

to 5

< is less than a < b if a Is less than b

<= is less than or equal to a <= b if a Is less than or equal

to b

== is equal to a == 6 if a Is equal to 6

!= is not equal to a != b if a Is not equal to b

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)



~ Bitwise complement a = ~b b = 5 a = -5

<< Shift left a = b << 2 b = 11110011 a = 11001100

>> Shift right a = b >> 2 b = 11110011 a = 00011110

& Bitwise AND c = a & b a = 11100011

b = 11001100 c = 11000000

| Bitwise OR c = a | b a = 11100011

b = 11001100 c = 11101111

^ Bitwise EXOR c = a ^ b a = 11100011

b = 11001100 c = 00101111


&& Logical AND

|| Logical OR

! Logical NOT


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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


A condition is a common ingredient of the program. When met, it is necessary to perform one out of

several operations. In other words 'If the condition is met (...), do (...). Otherwise, if the condition is not met, do

(...)'. Conditional operands if-else and switch are used in conditional operations.


The conditional operator can appear in two forms - as if and if-else operator.

if(expression) operation;

if(expression) operation1 else operation2;

If either operation1 or operation2 is compound, a group of operations these consist of must be enclosed

within curly brackets. For example:


{ ... //

... // operation1


else operation2

The if-else operator can be written using the conditional operator '?:' as in example below:

(expression1)? expression2 : expression3

Example: maximum = (a > b)? a : b // Variable maximum is assigned the value of

// larger variable (a or b)

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


Conditional Operators (Cont.)

Unlike the if-else statement which makes selection between two options in the program,

the switch operator enables you to choose between several operations. The syntax of

the switch statement is:

switch (selector) // Selector is of char or int type


case constant1:

operation1 // Group of operators are executed if

... // selector and constant1 are equal


case constant2:

operation2 // Group of operators are executed if

... // selector and constant2 are equal




expected_operation // Group of operators are executed if no

... // constant is equal to selector


} Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 16

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


It is often necessary to repeat a certain operation for a couple of times in the program. A set of

commands being repeated is called the program loop. How many times it will be executed, i.e. how

long the program will stay in the loop, depends on the conditions to leave the loop.

While LOOP

The while loop looks as follows:





The commands are executed repeatedly (the program remains in the loop) until the expression

becomes false. If the expression is false on entry to the loop, then the loop will not be executed and the

program will proceed from the end of the while loop.

A special type of program loop is the endless loop. It is formed if the condition remains unchanged

within the loop. The execution is simple in this case as the result in brackets is always true (1=1), which

means that the program remans in the same loop:


... // Expressions enclosed within curly brackets will be

... // endlessly executed (endless loop).

} Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 17

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)



The for loop looks as follows:

for(initial_expression; condition_expression; change_expression) {




Example: for(k=1; k<5; k++) // Increase variable k 5 times (from 1 to 5) and

operation // repeat expression operation every time


Do-while LOOP

The do-while loop looks as follows:



while (check_condition);

In this case, the operation is executed at least once regardless of whether the condition is true or false as

the expression check_condition is executed at the end of the loop. If the result is not 0 (true), the

procedure is repeated.

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


A group of variables of the same type is called an array. Elements of an array are called components,

while their type is called the main type. An array is declared by specifying its name, type and the number

of elements it will comprise:

component_type array_name [number_of_components];


unsigned char calendar [12] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};


Apart from one-dimensional arrays which could be thought of as a list, there are also multidimensional

arrays in C language. A two dimensional array is declared by specifying data type of the array, the array

name and the size of each dimension.

component_type array_name [number_of_rows] [number_of_columns];


int Table [3][4]; // Table is defined to have 3 rows and 4 columns

This array can be represented in the form of a table.

table[0][0] table[0][1] table[0][2] table[0][3]

table[1][0] table[1][1] table[1][2] table[1][3]

table[2][0] table[2][1] table[2][2] table[2][3]

Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 19

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)


Every program written in C language consists of larger or smaller number of functions. The main idea is

to divide a program into several parts using these functions in order to solve the actual problem easier.

Besides, functions enable us to use the skills and knowledge of other programmers. For example, if it is

necessary to send a string to an LCD display, it is much easier to use already written part of the program

than to start over.

Every function must be properly declared so as to be properly interpreted during the process of

compilation. Declaration contains the following elements:

• Function name

• Function body

• List of parameters

• Declaration of parameters

• Type of function result

This is how a function looks like:

type_of_result function_name (type argument1, type argument2,...)






Lecture Materials on "Programming Microcontrollers", By- Mohammed Abdul Kader, Lecturer, EEE, IIUC 20

The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Void Type Function

If the function, after being executed, returns no result to the main program or to the function it is

called by, the program proceeds with execution after encountering a closing curly bracket. Such

functions are used when it is necessary to change the state of the microcontroller output pins, during

data transfer via serial communication, when writing data on an LCD display etc. The compiler

recognizes those functions by the type of their result specified to be void.

void function_name (type argument1, type argument2,...)





void interrupt() {

cnt++ ; // Interrupt causes cnt to be incremented by 1

PIR1.TMR1IF = 0; // Reset bit TMR1IF


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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Functions (Cont.)

Functions that returns a value

If it is necessary that called function returns results after being executed, the return command, which

can be followed by any expression, is used:

type_of_result function_name (type argument1, type argument2,...)




return expression;



const double PI = 3.14159; // Declare constant PI

float volume (float r, float h) // Declare type float for

{ // formal parameters r and h

float v; // Declare type of result v

v = PI*r*r*h; // Declare function volume

return v;


Each 'non-standard' (if function is not included in C library) function should be declared

at the beginning of the program.

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The Basics of C Programming Language (Cont.)

Functions (Cont.)