Programme 2011 v9 - · 12.15pm First performance by the Southern Golden Retriever...

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Transcript of Programme 2011 v9 - · 12.15pm First performance by the Southern Golden Retriever...

Pre se nts

Satu r d a y 16 Ju ly 2011G lyn Hou s e G r ou n d s, Ewe ll

10. 30 – 4p mAd ults £2 on th e Ga te - Un d e r 16s Fre e


Time Main Arena Small arena Church events Churchyard/Village tours

10.30 Blue StarzThe church willbe open from10.30 onwards

10.4511.00 Fair opened by

the Mayor11.15 Morris Men11.30 Church tour11.45 Fancy dress Fancy dress


Belfry tour

Organ recital byOrgan ScholarMaks Adach

Old ChurchTower andChurchyard

12.15Southern GoldenRetriever DisplayTeam

12.3012.45 Punch and Judy1.00 Church tour Ewell Village

1.15Wallace FieldsJunior Schoolcheerleaders


1.30 Belfry tour1.45

2.00 Ewell GroveChoir

Old ChurchTower andChurchyard

2.15 Church tour

2.30Southern GoldenRetriever DisplayTeam

2.453.00 Ewell Village3.15 Church tour3.30 Club energize3.45 Raffle Draw4.00 CLOSE

This is our anticipated schedule. We may have to make last minute changes ifcircumstances dictate this.



Welcome toEwell Village Fair!This is my second Ewell Village Fair since I arrivedhere as Vicar, and I'm already a convinced fan!The Fair is a real opportunity for the whole com-munity to come together and have lots of fun. Ithink it brings together all the best traditions ofvillage events, which is why it proves to be verypopular every year.

I hope you will enjoy this year's Village Fair, and I'm sure you'll join me inthanking the many people who have worked hard to make it possible.I hope to see you around during the Fair, please do come up to me and sayhello.And you are always welcome at St Mary's at our services and the events wehold throughout the year. We put on concerts, children's activities, and muchmore.Keep an eye on our website ( and noticeboards to findout what's going on.Have a great day!Russell Dewhurst

Competitions – open to all

Childrens Fancy dress. Be whoever or whatever you want to be. Pleasebe on the playground by the Bouncy Castle at 11.40 for the Paradethrough the Fair grounds

Best fruit cake and best Victoria sponge. Please bring any entries (ona paper plate with your name and phone number on the bottom) to thecake stall by 11.30.

We could not run the Fair without the support of a large number of people.Thank you to all of them. We would like to make special mention of EwellCastle School for allowing us the use of Glyn House grounds, St JohnAmbulance (situated at the front of Glyn House) and the Scouts, Guides andBrownies for their help and assistance.


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ASSOCIATION Come & enjoy our

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THE CHURCHThe current St Mary’s was completed in 1848 toreplace the old St Mary’s, the tower of which standsin the churchyard. It is a busy parish church, withthree services each Sunday as well as baptisms,weddings and funerals. The choir provides trainingfrom the age of 6 and the church hosts toddlergroups, organ recitals, coffee mornings, CaféNescot, social trips and lots more.

The Church will be open throughout the Fair

We will have the following special events:

Church Tours – 11.30, 1.00, 2.15, 3.15These are led by the well known local historian Charles Abdy. The tour willgive you a brief insight into the both the history of St Mary’s Church and how itis used today,

Organ Recital – 12.00 to 12.20by our Organ Scholar Maks Adach

Belfry visits – 12.00, 1.30If you have ever wondered what the belfry is like or you are interested in takingup the art of bellringing come up to the belfry to find out more.

THE CHURCHYARD AND VILLAGEThis year Jeremy Harte is guiding tours of the Churchyard and Village

Churchyard and Old Church Tower Tours - 12.00, 2.00This tour will take a look at some of the more interesting gravestones in thechurchyard and cover the history of the old church tower

Ewell Village Tour - 1.00, 3.00An hour to discover some of the history of Ewell Village and visit some of thefascinating buildings within it.

All tours will be limited to ticket holders. Tickets for tours are availablefree of charge on a first come first served basis at the church stall in thecentre of the arena. The stall also has lots more information aboutchurch activities and organizations


Plan of Fair


PROGRAMME OF EVENTS10.00am Ewell St Mary's Morris Men start the Fair with Morris Dancing in

Ewell High Street10.20am The Morris men and the Mayoral Party process through the

Village. They will stop at the Watch House for the 'Refreshing theWastrel' Contest

10.30am Gates OpenBlue Starz Cheerleaders perform in the Arena

Beer Tent opens11.00am The Mayor of Epsom and Ewell, Councillor Sheila Carlson opens

the Fair Coffee and Tea are available in the Tea area11.15am Morris Dancing Display in the Arena, followed by 'Grinning

through the Horse's Collar' Competition. Everyone is verywelcome to take part

11.30am BBQ opens Deadline for entries for the Best Fruit Cake and Best Victoria

sponge to be at the Cake stallProgramme of tours/recitals in Church begins. See p7 for

details11.45am Fancy Dress Parade sets off from the playground at the back of

Glyn House. All children are welcome to join in. Please assembleby 11.40.

12.00noon Lunches served until 1.30 in the church hall First tour of the Churchyard begins. See p7 for details12.15pm First performance by the Southern Golden Retriever Society

Display Team12.45pm Punch and Judy show in the small arena1.00pm First Tour of Village begins. See p7 for details1.15pm Wallace Fields Junior School Cheerleaders perform in the

main arenaFitznells Windband plays in small arena for the afternoon

2.00pm Ewell Grove choir sings in main arena2.30pm Second performance by the Southern Golden Retriever Society

Display Team3.30pm Club Energize perform in the main arena3.45pm Grand Draw and Competition Results4.00pm Fair closes



Children are welcome at all our services. We aim to caterespecially for them and their families through:

Toddle Up! A short monthly service (at 11-11.30am) aimed at thevery young, full of action, play and song.

‘Children’s Hour.’ Each Sunday during term-time the children learnabout the Christian Faith in a happy and creative way. They join thecongregation in church for the last part of the 0930 Sung Eucharist,at which they come to the altar for a blessing. For approximately ages3-9.

Wayfarers. For ages approximately 9 and over. This starts andfinishes in the Eucharist, but in between they receive teaching whichcan lead them on to their First Communion and eventually toConfirmation.

Family Services held on designated Sundays throughout the yearat the 9.30am Eucharist and 11am Mattins

A Crèche is available during the Sung Eucharist on the first Sundayin the month and as and when parents feel the need for it.

St Mary’s Toddler Groups are held on Monday, Thursday andFriday. These are occasions of fun with parent or carer.

The Parish Choir has a wide musical repertoire, and children fromabout the age of seven can join this mixed-age group. As well asexperiencing the regular round of the Church’s services throughoutthe year they are able to benefit from a free musical training andeducation.

The Junior Singing Group caters for 6 to 11-year olds and alsooffers a free musical education along with aural help forinstrumentalists.

Further details are available from the church or from the Parish Office (tel. 020 8393 2643)


N e e d s p a c efor your event or activity?

To hire the

please contact fordetails of cost and availability

CAFE NESCOT at St Mary's Church Hall

On Tuesdays in term time,students from NESCOT

are serving simplelunches in our church hall(London Rd, opposite the

church) between12 and 2pm.

Soup, sandwiches,salad, and cakes, withtea, coffee, and soft

drinks. Everyonewelcome,

do drop in.

A St John Ambulance Teamwill be in attendance during the Fair. Please contact the Master of

Ceremonies at the Main Arena if you need assistance

St Mary’sToddlerGroups

Sessions are held on:Monday afternoon,

Thursday and Fridaymornings during termtime in the church hall.For more information:

Tel. 020 8393 4804


BELL RINGINGDo you have some spare time you would like to fill up with a newexperience?Why not give bell-ringing a try? Bell-ringing has nothing to dowith strength or brute force. It is an art which requires acombination of listening, seeing and physical co-ordination. Youwill, I can promise, get an enormous amount of satisfaction whenyou have first managed to pull and properly control a bell. Thenext step, when you discover the mysteries of "change ringing",requires a certain amount of mental dexterity but that comes a

little later. Ringing is essentially a team business and as such, you will findit a very sociable activity.So, if you want to make new friends and do something useful in the serviceof St Mary's, why not come up to the belfry one Tuesday evening at 7.30pmor contact our Tower Captain, Jeff Cousins on 020 8394 0572.

St Mary’s, Ewell would be delighted to welcome you to the rest of the2011 series of recitals and concerts to be held in church.

Sept 10 Patronal Festival Organ Recital“The Old World meets the New”Jonathan Holmes (Director of Music, Ewell ParishChurch)

Oct 8 Autumn Schools Festival of Music “Songs from Mary Poppins”

St Mary's Choir & Junior Singers with local schools Nov 12 Organ recital

Simon Gregory (Emanuel School, Clapham)

All recitals are on Saturdays and start at 7.30pm. with the exceptionof that on 8 October which starts at 7.00 p.m.

Further details can be obtained from the church


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The PCC of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Ewell, Registered Charity no 1128409