Professional interviewees and why we used them.

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Professional interviewees and why we used them.

Professional Interviewees and why we used them

Psychology teacher: Tom Krawec

The topic of our film is mental health, therefore we believed someone who is an expert on the topic would be perfect. Tom Krawec, from Solihull Sixth Form, is an incredibly experienced teacher in the field of psychology and has a big understanding on modern issues with mental health and how they affect people. We believed having someone who is an expert on the issue would give us an added insight into the extent of the issue we are exploring. This paid off incredibly as we learnt a huge amount of information and facts based around mental health. He taught us about the various effects that can cause teenagers to have mental health problems, this included stress of homework, socialising and friendships and problems at home. He also gave us a big understanding of the extent of how mental health effects people. He described how mental health actually indirectly effects 100% of people at some point in their life. This was all very helpful and gave us a huge amount of content which we could then use in our final film, along with the actual interview itself we have a range of facts and insights which we can provide the audience with to make it much more interesting and informative.

Academic Coach: Rebecca Parsons

At our college we have a team of academic coaches who's jobs involve helping within the active lives of the student body. One such role entails helping students who come to the who are suffering with mental health issues. We decided as they are actively involved with mental health in the age group we are targeting that it would be perfect for us to interview one of them, Rebecca Parsons. We wanted to understand what is being done in order to offer support for those young people who are affected by mental health problems. Specifically she was able to tell use how the college deals with it and the process that the students can go through to get help. One of the main issues we discuss is whether enough is being done to help people, therefore we were able to analyse the way the college deals with it to get an understanding although it is only a small establishment it gave us a good idea.