Professional Development for Media and Technology Digital Copyright Presented by: Barry S. Britt...

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Transcript of Professional Development for Media and Technology Digital Copyright Presented by: Barry S. Britt...

Professional Development for Media and Technology

Digital Copyright

Presented by: Barry S. Britt

This presentation will be published online at

The Network

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“If you have illegal Peer to Peer sharing devices on your home or school computer - such as Kazaa or Limewire - get rid of it, it’s not worth it!”

- Barry S. Britt

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COPYRIGHT CASEDuring the 2005–2006 school year, a large and affluent school district with large media programs for the students running their own cable station, was insistent that they were operating within the guidelines of “Fair Use,” using only portions of songs, not for profit.

COPYRIGHT CASE (CONT.)The district personnel did not understand the proper meaning of “Fair Use,” and were forced to explain their actions to authorities. Although sure that their “Fair Use” explanation would hold up, the district was cited in 38 various law suits totaling over $30 million. Upon further research, the authorities also discovered peer-to-peer sharing of illegal music files among students, and filed separate lawsuits against the parents of guilty students. One girl had shared over 5,000 illegal downloads, and her current fine is at $3 million.

WHAT IS LEGAL USE?Purchased from a legal distributor


• Home use

• Personal use

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June 17, 200814Professional Development for Media and Technology

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“Educational Use” refers to the

Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia

The Conference on Fair Use met in 1997 in order to establish some guidelines for educational use.

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“If you are having to talk about Fair Use, then you’re already in trouble.”

- Michael Brown,

NY Copyright Attorney

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Section 1.1

“…only the courts can authoritatively determine whether a particular use is fair use,…”


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Section 1.1

“…uses that exceed these guidelines may or may not be fair use.”

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Crediting the source must adequately identify the source of the work, giving a full bibliographic description where available (including author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication). The copyright ownership information includes the copyright notice (©, year of first publication and name of the copyright holder).

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Section 6.2 – Attribution & Acknowledgement

Section 6.7 - Licenses and Contracts

Educators and students should determine whether specific copyrighted works, or other data or information are subject to a license or contract. Fair use and these guidelines shall not preempt or supersede licenses and contractual obligations.

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Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia

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EDUCATIONAL USE2009 distinction between “fair use” and infringement

may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.

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Fair Use Guidelines for Educational MultimediaSection 3.2.3

• No web publishingNo

• Must be on a secured, password protected network

• No copies

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Important Points

• Relevant to course content

• Used for face to face instruction on a closed network

• No duplication for distribution

• Credit/ cite the copyright holder

• One-time use

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L. E. O.

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What we have What we want

Old School


New Age

2010 +

“Every person who writes a document published on the internet, who creates a graphic or icon, who scans his own photograph or records his own voice into a digital file, who sends an electronic mail message, who creates a document for a newsgroup, or who designs a web page owns the copyright to his creative work.”

- Carol Simpson, “Copyright for Schools”

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Your Turn…What would you do?

I’m doing a report on the war in Iraq. Can I incorporate some photos I found on the internet?

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I printed out some pages from the internet that pertain to my lesson. Is this okay?

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If I find a newspaper article online or in print which supports my research, can I use it?

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Do I need permission to put a link to another website on my page?

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I found a video on YouTube which supports my project for education – can I use it?

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I know that some teachers are showing movies as “rewards” for students; should I be concerned?

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Several teachers want to view a video at the same time. Can we do this through a video distribution program?

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Can I show just a clip from a movie?

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We’re studying classical music in our Music Appreciation class. Can we use a Mozart song in a PowerPoint presentation?

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We just completed our video yearbook. Can we post it on YouTube? Can we post it on our website?

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We did a podcast for teaching physical education to special education students at remote locations using pieces of copyrighted music. Is this okay to do?

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Can we post our podcast on our website?

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Is it okay to use pieces of copyrighted music in our podcast?

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What Should We Do?

1. Use only course related content – don’t “stretch” it. If in doubt, don’t use a copyrighted piece without written permission.

2. Think.

3. Ask for permission.

4. Define education for your purposes… if you plan to claim “Fair Use.”

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5. Always document usage in your lesson plan.

6. Write a regional, district, school wide, or even classroom copyright policy statement to which all users must agree.

7. Use legitimate (legal) royalty free music, images, photos, and properly licensed video.

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Professional Development for Media and Technology

Digital CopyrightPresented by: Barry S. Britt

This presentation will be published online at