PROF.ª DANIELLE CACERES DA SILVA MODAL VERBS. O que são modal verbs? São verbos diferentes dos...

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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Transcript of PROF.ª DANIELLE CACERES DA SILVA MODAL VERBS. O que são modal verbs? São verbos diferentes dos...

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  • O que so modal verbs? So verbos diferentes dos outros pois possuem caractersticas prprias. So um tipo especial de verbos auxiliares que alteram ou completam o sentido do verbo principal. De um modo geral, estes verbos expressam ideias como capacidade, possibilidade, obrigao, permisso, proibio, deduo, suposio, pedido, vontade, desejo ou, ainda, indicam o tom da conversa (formal / informal). Os verbos modais (modal verbs) podem ser chamados tambm de modal auxiliaries ou apenas modals.
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  • No precisam de auxiliares (did, do, does, etc.). No sofrem alteraes nas terceiras pessoas do singular no presente, ou seja, eles nunca recebem s, es, ies. Sempre aps os modais o verbo deve vir no infinitivo sem o to. no tm passado nem futuro (com exceo do can que tem passado e condicional).
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  • Can Could Should Must May Might Ought to Used to Have to Shall Will Would Quais so osmodal verbs?
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  • Pode ser usado para expressar HABILIDADE, PERMISSO. - I can play piano. - We can wait for you. - Liz and Mary can run for a long time. - Tom can use the computer for 2 hours. - They cant eat all desert. - Sarah cant stop to do it. - Can I use your cell phone - Can we show these picture for you? CAN - CANT Affirmative Negative ( can + not = cant) Interrogative
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  • usado para expressar um CONSELHO, uma SUGESTO. You should obey the rules. You should go to the doctor. We should come back to home. We shouldnt bring the cell phone to the class. Linda shouldnt go to the party. You shouldnt drink soda. Should you tell her about me? Should we go out? SHOULD - SHOULDNT Affirmative Negative Interrogative
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  • So usados para expresso OBRIGAO. (estudaremos no sentido de algo preocupante, com consequncias. Geralmente casos de estudo e sade (unit 4)) = You must go to school. = You have to go to school. = She must study more. = She has to study more. = I must go. = I have to go. = They must leave early. = They have to leave early. = You must take some time off and get some rest. = You have to take some time off and get some rest. = You must take some medicine for that cough. = You have to take some medicine for that cough. MUST = HAVE TO Para HE / SHE/ IT
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  • Indica uma PROIBIO. Passengers must not use their cell phones on board airplane. You mustnt smoke here. She mustnt go. Tom mustnt stay on the internet all day. You mustnt smoke. They mustnt destroy others property. You mustnt interrupt the teacher You mustnt discuss with your sister. Liz mustnt stay up late. MUST NOT or MUSTNT
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  • Indica AUSNCIA DE OBRIGAO, ou seja a no obrigao. You dont have to go out. She doesnt have to study today. Fred dont have to go to the party. Megg and Brian dont have to come back. They dont have to stand up all time. I dont have to do this. I dont have to sell my car. We dont have to tell her about this. You dont have to stay here. DONT HAVE TO Para HE / SHE/ IT
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