Production Diary

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Production Diary

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction Diary

PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)

Mon W/B 09/09/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Decide what advanced portfolio I want to produce. Narrow down ideas and get some idea of what type of music video to produce.

Mon W/B 16/09/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Begin researching the genre of music video to produce Research digipak’s and get idea of which ones to analyse

Mon W/B 23/09/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Began researching album digipak’s and trying to decide what template would be best to produce for ancillary 1 task.

Find 3 digipak’s to analyse and being analysis

Mon W/B 30/09/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed analysis of 1 Digipak.Researched more into what song we want to do for out final product and the type of music video to produce

Finish analysis of digipak’s and upload to blogs and narrow down selection of songs for final piece.

Mon W/B 07/10/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed another ancillary 1 research task and watched music video to get further idea of the type of video we want to produce.

Begin looking for ancillary 2 research analysis and finish ancillary 1 task.

Mon W/B 14/10/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Made final choice for song for our final piece.Began ancillary 1 draft

Finish ancillary 1 draft and have it uploaded to my BlogSpot.

Mon W/B 21/10/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Finished ancillary 1 research tasks Finish any ancillary tasks and begin making template for ancillary 1

Mon W/B 28/10/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Uploaded ancillary 1 research tasks to blog and finished making template for ancillary 1, which has also been uploaded to the blog (as both individual pages and an entire template)Scanned music posters from magazines into computer to begin ancillary 2 research

Finish off ancillary 2 research – had some issues with scanning documents in so may have to redo that.

Mon W/B 04/11/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Focused more on the completed of ancillary 2 template rather than research

Finish ancillary 2 templates and research and upload to blog.

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction Diary

Mon W/B 11/11/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Ancillary 2 Research and first draft uploaded to blog.Began research for music video analysis.

Start analysing music videos for final analysis research and possibly begin uploading to blog.

Mon W/B 18/11/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Continued finding suitable music videos which I could analyse and could apple relevant narrative theory to.

Decide on final three music videos to analyse and complete at least one by end of the week and have it uploaded to my blog.

Mon W/B 25/11/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I have reorganised media folder and renamed documents to make coursework easier to find.Made notes on first music video and began analysis of it.

Upload first music video analysis via slide share and complete notes for final two.

Mon W/B 02/12/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

First music video analysis uploaded to my blog via slide share and began making notes for the final two. Wrote half of the analysis for the video ‘Attracting Flies’ by Aluna George.

Complete second analysis and finish majority of the third in order for them to be ready to be uploaded to my blog the following week, so that we have adequate time to story scripting and storyboarding own music video.

Mon W/B 09/12/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed second music video analysis and uploaded to blog. Began analysis for third music video, with majority of it completed.

Complete third music video analysis over Christmas, ready to be uploaded to blog for when we return.Begin thinking about market research.

Mon W/B 16/12/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed final music video analysis and uploaded to blog.Learnt about Survey Monkey and began creating and planning questionnaire which would be e-mailed to several people for them to complete.

Complete market research questionnaire in the new year in order to collate results and produce report.

Mon W/B 23/12/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)


Mon W/B 30/12/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)


Mon W/B 06/01/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Finished creating questionnaire and e-mailed to 10 participants. Checked over blog to ensure everything had uploaded correctly and was labelled right.

Collect results from questionnaire, however if all participants have not replied I will have to wait until the following week in order to produce accurate report.

Mon W/B 13/01/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Reviewed all results from the questionnaire and began planning the report, as well as writing it.

Complete report and upload a copy to my blog as well as a blank copy of the questionnaire.

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction Diary

Began scripting our music video.Mon W/B 20/01/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed report based on market research results and uploaded to blog via Slide Share.Continued to complete script and began initial storyboarding.

Aim to have majority of the script complete and continue developing the storyboard.Begin thinking about when the best time to start filming music video will be and make arrangements to do so.

Mon W/B 27/01/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Script was completed by the end of this week with all necessary changes that needed to make to it. Storyboarding continued.

Complete storyboard so that it is ready to be scanned in and uploaded to blog.

Mon W/B 03/02/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Both script and storyboard completed. Storyboard has been scanned and ready to be uploaded to blog.

Begin filming music video.

Mon W/B 10/02/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Script and storyboard uploaded to blog via slide share. Camera booked out ready to film over the half term break.

Film over the half term break.

Mon W/B 17/02/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)


Mon W/B 24/02/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Majority of filming was complete once we came back to college, however due to people being busy we were unable to fully complete our filming.By the end of this week some footage was uploaded to computer and we began renaming the footage to make the editing process easier.

Finish uploading and renaming footage to begin the edit of our final product.

Mon W/B 03/03/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We spent this week learning the basics of using Abode Premiere so that when it came to editing our own footage it would be much easier. We also began editing the start of our video.

Continue editing the final product and try and finish the filming.

Mon W/B 10/03/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We went through all the footage we had and cross referenced this with our music video storyboards and scripts to ensure that we had the relevant material. We decided what changes that we needed to make to our overall narrative.Imported first portion of footage to Adobe Premiere to begin editing.This week we were able to film the rest of the footage we needed.

Continue editing process and ensure footage is organised into separate files to make editing our video more efficient/organised.

A2 Media StudiesAdvanced PortfolioProduction Diary

Mon W/B 17/03/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Completed editing the first half of the video. Carry on editing with the aim of being complete within the new couple of weeks in order to get a rough draft uploaded to YouTube to create a focus group for the evaluation stage. Also being adding special effects etc…

Mon W/B 24/03/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

By this week we were able to complete a large proportion of editing and we added the necessary transitions (dissolve and additive dissolve) and special effects. We decided to add the ‘luma effect’ onto the all of the present day shots in order to fit with the indie genre.

Complete rough draft and begin thinking about the evaluation questions.

Mon W/B 31/03/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Rough drafts of our final project were finished and exported so that we could create a focus group on Facebook.

Over the Easter break I need to complete the first draft of the evaluation questions so that they can be presented onto prezi etc.. When I get back to college.

Mon W/B 07/04/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)


Mon W/B 14/04/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)


Mon W/B 21/04/14(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Final draft was exported from Adobe Premiere and uploaded to YouTube and to blogger.Evaluation questions were completed and presented using prezi, PowerPoint, word and video and all were uploaded to my blog by the end of the week.In this week, I also completed the final drafts of my ancillary projects.PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible

Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)