Product Management mailer

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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See how our Product Management Services can help provide extra resources.

Transcript of Product Management mailer

not EnouGH HouRS In youR WoRKInG day?



See how our Product Management Services can help provide extra resources for your product development process.

over-stretched?under-resourced?feeling the pressure?market link can help…

our team has many years’ experience in the product development process – from researching the specification for a new product right through to creating launch materials. We can act as an extension to your team to help with one or more of the following activities:

l Quantify the market size for your new product idea.

l Keep an eye on your competition.

l Gather opinions from your existing and potential customers on your existing products and ideas for new products.

l develop a theme and materials for your product launch.

1MaRKEt SIZE Study

Telecommunication – 21%

Wind energy – 5%

Others – 2%Construction – 21%

Oil and gas – 41%

Utilities – 10%2CoMPEtItoR CoMPaRISon


4LaunCH PREPaRatIon

market size studyWe will determine the market size for your new product idea.

Using published reports or by conducting surveys, we will estimate the potential market for a new product.

Segmenting the market for your product by different industry section and regions will help you determine which area to focus on to gain the largest return.

These charts are illustrative graphics only and do not represent any real market data

Competitor 1 – 45%

Competitor 2 – 23%

Competitor 3 – 11%

You – 14%

Others – 7%

Telecommunication – 21%

Wind energy – 5%

Others – 2%Construction – 21%

Oil and gas – 41%

Utilities – 10%

Australia – 18%

USA – 30%

Asia – 22%

Europe – 30%

UK – 15%

France – 3%

Germany – 7%

Spain – 2%Eastern Europe – 3%

market segmentation by industry sector

Looking at what industry sectors are potential markets for your new product and quantifying the size of each sector, will help you to tailor your product launch campaign to suit each sector.

market size by geographical region

The market is further broken down by regions to assist which areas have the largest potential and therefore should receive the most sales and marketing resources for your new product launch.

market share

By sourcing and analysing industry reports, we will determine who the main manufacturers are in a specific product area.

competitorcomparisonWe’ll benchmark you against your closest rivals…

Here is a generic example of a report showing a comparison of the features and benefits of different manufacturers’ products, using data from published technical literature.

We can also arrange for an independent test house to measure the technical performance of similar products. The results of which would then be compiled into a clear, easy to read report with versions for both internal and external use.

This highlights where your existing products score higher than the competition and identify areas for improvement. Alternatively if you are considering developing a brand new product looking at the existing competition is a vital first step in the product development process.

An additional ongoing service we offer is a press clippings service, to make sure you are fully aware of your competitors’ marketing activities. This can be in general or related to a specific product.

You Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4

product a Product B Product C Product d Product E

Typical installer price (£) 10,000 9,000 7,500 9,500 10,500

Minimum output (kW) 20 30 35 18 25

Maximum output (kW) 120 125 100 118 115

Height (mm) 1,800 1,900 1,500 1,700 2,100

Width (mm) 2,600 2,700 2,000 2,500 1,900

Depth (mm) 625 600 525 690 700

Efficiency (%) 95 90 89 92 94


Installation time (minutes) 240 350 320 300 280

Number of control options 6 2 3 3 4

This comparison table is an illustrative example only and does not represent any real products or manufacturers.


We gather opinions from your customers

By organising focus groups we will gather ideas for new products, get feedback on prototypes and identify new ways in which existing products can be improved.

An innovative system of live electronic voting will be used to gather results.

Focus groups can also be used to test reaction to advertising concepts and obtain feedback on sales literature.

Stage 2 – attendees each select

their response.

Stage 1 – Series of questions with multiple choice answers.

Stage 3 – use of electronic voting breaks the ice and ensures everyone gets a say.

Stage 4 – Results can be displayed

instantly and then discussed.


Stage 6 – Market Link produce a report on

the results of the focus group.

Stage 5 – Facilitator from Market Link takes notes on discussion.

launch preparationWe ensure that your product or service is ready for take-off…

From coming up with a marketing concept, producing adverts, point of sale displays, sales literature to email and SMS campaigns we offer a full service including project managing the launch.

ads in the trade pressWe recently helped Worcester, Bosch Group with a very successful product launch campaign for an innovative new internet enabled heating control.

The ads generated more enquiries than any previous product Worcester has launched and initial orders for the product exceeded expectations!

Wave DPS press ad

Wave consecutive page press ad

Wave strip press ad

Wave leaflet dispenserWave sales demonstration case

Point of sale material

LaunCH PREPaRatIon

Wave counter totem

Wave leaflet

Sales literature

Wave technical sales brochure

Market Link Integrated Marketing 30 St. George’s Square, Worcester WR1 1HX

Have a new product to launch or want to know more about our other Integrated Marketing and Product Management Services?

Call Katie Stuart or Rachael Everton on 01905 726575 Email: or

contact us

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