PROCEEDING : The Dream Of Millenial Generation to Grow ...

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PROCEEDING : The Dream Of Millenial Generation to Grow

Universitas Medan Area 29 September 2018



Elisabeth Lindawati Sigiro

University of Medan Area


The study aims (1) to determine the effect of social interaction on students’ moral judgment; (2) to determine the effect of gender role as woman on students’ moral judgment; (3) to determine the effect of social interaction and gender role as woman on students’ moral judgment. The population of this study was students of class XI SMAN 12 Medan amounted to 344 students. The study sample consisted of 135 students, especially woman who were selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Collected using the moral judgment scale used is Defining Issues Test (DIT), social interaction scale, gender role as woman scale. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results show that (1) there is no significant effect of social interaction on students’ moral judgment which is indicated by the coefficients rx1.y = 0.077 and p = 0.373 > 0.05, It means there is no effect of social interaction on students’ moral judgment; (2) there is no significant effect of gender role as woman on students’ moral judgment which is indicated by the coefficients rx2.y = 0.028 and p = 0.746 > 0.05; (3) there is no significant effect of social interaction and gender role as woman on students’ moral judgment which is indicated by the coefficients rx1.x2.y = 0.087 and p = 0.608 > 0.05. The percentage of contributions given by social interaction and gender role as woman is 0,8 %. The remaining 99,2 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keyword: Social Interaction, Gender Role, Moral Judgment *Corresponding author:





Moral is related to the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Thus,

moral is control in behaving. Someone can be said to be moral, if the behavior of the

person is in accordance with moral values that are upheld by society, so the important

task that must be mastered by adolescents is to learn what is expected by the

community and then want to shape their behavior in accordance with social

expectations without continuing to be guided, supervised, encouraged and threatened

with punishment as experienced by children.

Moral considerations relate to rules and values about what a person must do in

his interactions with others. Children at birth do not have morals, but in themselves

there is potential that is ready to be developed. Therefore, through his experience

interacting with others (with parents, siblings and peers), children learn to understand

which behaviors are good, which can be implemented and which behaviors are bad,

which should not be carried out.

Moral considerations are a crucial part of adolescent moral development

(Menanti, 2010). Adolescents are expected to achieve optimal moral considerations,

which will prevent them from making moral decisions that harm others and themselves,

and teens can be more consistent in their actions. The problem that is always faced in

the moral consideration of adolescents is the development that is not optimal (not

reaching the post conventional level) (Menanti, 2010).

In many ways, individuals faced with unstable environments, parental divorce,

and increased mobility of family homes cause a lack of stability in the lives of

individuals. Individuals in this group are more easily involved in delinquency, such as

smoking, disturbing friends, fighting, not doing assignments given by the teacher, not

wearing uniforms according to school rules. These moral problems can be overcome or

reduced, among others, by maturing children's moral considerations.

Besides that, as social beings every human being needs each other, socializing

with each other makes strong interactions. Humans who are easy to socialize are

humans who can or are able to communicate well with their surroundings. In the

process of interaction, a person (student) is required to undergo his activities by

carrying out moral acts.

Community environmental factors become a part that influences the decline of

adolescent morale. According to Yusuf (2009) children learn to recognize values and


behavior in accordance with the moral values of their environment. So based on the

above opinion that the community environment is a place for teenagers to socialize with

others and behave in accordance with the values and rules that exist in the community.

Can not be ignored the absorption of moral values that manifest in important behavior

is based on mature moral considerations. Mature moral considerations at the age of

high school students can be developed through social interactions that are only in a

variety of individual characteristics, including in the stage / level of moral


In the development of the moral judgment of adolescents, adolescents engage in

social interaction at first limited in the family environment, extending to the school

environment or reaching the community environment. In individuals who have

interdependent self-understanding, enrichment of moral considerations comes from

other significant people such as siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents,

grandmothers. With self-understanding that self relates to other people, brings

individual consequences, namely on conventional moral considerations (adolescents)

always involve other significant people in their lives, for example exchanging opinions

in making important decisions, discussing moral events happens in their environment.

One important issue that arose towards the end of the 20th century was gender issues.

This issue about gender has become a topic that enters every social analysis. According

to Oakley (1972, in Fakih, 1935) gender is the division of men and women constructed

socially and culturally. For example, women are considered gentle, emotional, motherly,

and so on.

Carol Gilligan's said that relations with others are an important aspect of

women's development. Gilligan (1982, 1990, 1991, 1992) also criticized Kohlberg's

theory of moral development. He believes that Kohlberg's theory does not reflect

relations and concern for others in terms of gender characteristics. According to

Gilligan, Kohlberg did not pay much attention to the importance of the perspective of

caring in moral development, because according to Gilligan that Kohlberg was a man,

and his research was conducted more involving men than women.

From several studies on moral considerations as a comparison in writing this

thesis, the authors obtained information that in the results of a study conducted by

Sarbaini, 2016 examined the Moral Considerations of Gender Learners in PKN Learning

in Banjarmasin KORPRI High School showed that gender differences in Kohlberg's


measurements showed the results are double, showing patterns that are very different

from gender, but also controversial, but it is emphasized that women develop

differently from men, also in terms of moral thinking. Then from female gender, all

(100%) and judgment score of 15.8, then it can be said at level II, namely the

conventional level, with stage 4, which is oriented towards legal, social, and religious

order (orientation to law and order) .

Moral Considerations

In terms of moral considerations, Kohlberg (in Sjarkawi, 2006) states that moral

considerations are a determining factor that gives rise to moral behavior. Therefore, to

find actual moral behavior can only be traced through its considerations. That is, moral

measurement is correct not only observing moral behavior that appears, but must see

moral considerations that underlie the decision of moral behavior. The level of moral

judgment a person has will be able to measure the person's height or low morale.

Kohlberg (1969, in Sjarkawi, 2006) believes that a dilemma can be used to advance the

level of children's moral judgment, but only step by step. He theorized that the way

children move from one stage to the next is to interact with other people whose

reasoning is one or the highest two stages above their stage. Teachers can help students

step in moral reasoning by incorporating fairness and moral issues into their learning,

especially in response to events that occur in the classroom or in a wider society (see

Nucci, 1987).

According to Kohlberg (in Lickona, 1976), the concept of morality is more of a

philosophical (ethical) than a concept of behavior. The most essential thing about the

structure of morality is the principle of justice (justice) and the essence of justice is the

distribution between rights and obligations governed by the concepts of equality for

each individual (equality) and reciprocity. Justice in question is not a rule or a set of

concrete rules, but a moral principle. Justice is a model of choosing universal ones,

namely the rules for choosing what everyone and the situation want. In moral rules

there are exceptions, whereas in moral principles there are no exceptions. The moral

principle contains the responsibility to respect the rights or demands of others on the

basis of a just and equal settlement. Kohlberg stressed that "A moral principle is not

only a rule of action but a reason for action. "A reason for action," this is called respect

for persons ... "(Lickona, 1976 in Menanti, 2010) Reasons / considerations / reasoning


used by someone in deciding what is right and what is wrong is the emphasis of the

theory of cognitive moral development put forward by Kohlberg. (Menanti, 2010).

From Kohlberg's explanation above, it can be argued that moral considerations

are one of the determining factors that give birth to moral behavior, but do not

guarantee it. The dilemma can be used to advance the level of moral judgment of

children, but only step by step. The level of moral judgment a person has will be able to

measure the person's height or low morale. The level of moral consideration is the pre-

conventional level, the conventional level and the post-conventional level. The reason /

consideration / reasoning used by someone in deciding what is right and what is wrong

is the emphasis of the cognitive moral development theory found by Kohlberg.

Social Interactions

Social interaction can be interpreted as dynamic social relations. Social relations

in question can be in the form of relationships between individuals one with another

individual, between groups one with another group, as well as between groups with

individuals. In the interaction there are also symbols, where symbols are interpreted as

something whose value or meaning is given to them by those who use it (Hermanto,


The definition of social interaction in the Large Dictionary of Indonesian

Language (1993) is a dynamic social relationship between individuals, between

individuals and groups, and between groups and groups. The point is that this

interaction does not only occur with children and children, but also a dynamic

relationship between children and groups and relationships between groups.

Social interaction is a dynamic social relationship that involves relationships

between individuals, between human groups and between people and community

groups. Interaction occurs when two people or groups meet each other and meetings

between individuals and groups where communication occurs between the two parties

(Yulianti, 2003). Social interaction is intended as a reciprocal influence between

individuals and groups in their efforts to solve expected problems and in their efforts to

achieve their goals (Ahmadi, 2004).

Soekanto (1990) defines social interaction as a dynamic social relationship that

involves relationships between individual groups of people. Social interaction is a


relationship between individuals one with other individuals that influence each other,

so there is a reciprocal relationship. The relationship can take place between individuals

and individuals, individuals with groups or groups with groups (Walgito, 1990).

From some of the meanings of social interaction put forward by the experts

above, it can be concluded that social interaction is the process of people making

contact and communicating and influencing each other in thought or action. Based on

this understanding, social interaction is nothing but a social process. Social interaction

is a relationship between individuals and individuals or individuals with groups that

influence each other so that mutual relations occur and eventually form a social

structure. Social interaction is also in the form of cooperation, competition, opposition,


Gender Role

According to Basow (1992), gender roles are psychological and cultural terms,

interpreted as a person's subjective feelings about maleness or femininity. While

Brigham (1986) emphasizes the concept of stereotypes in discussing the role of gender,

and states that gender roles are characteristic of status, which can be used to support

discrimination just as it is used to support equal discrimination such as race, belief, and

age.If equating between genders can lead to the belief that differences in traits and

behavior between men and women lead directly to biological differences. Meanwhile, if

you distinguish the concept of gender and gender, it will help to analyze the complex

linkages between gender and gender roles in general. This makes it very important to

distinguish between gender and gender roles.

According to Maccoby (1979) differences in behavior for women and men

actually arise not because congenital factors that are born from birth but are formed

more due to socio-cultural communities where there are differences in treatment

received by women and men from the beginning of the development period (childhood

child). Differences in biological factors between women and men will not cause

differences in behavior and personality, if girls and boys from the beginning of the

developmental period receive the same treatment.

The concept of classifying gender roles involves activities in categorizing people

in terms of personality traits. The stereotype is that women are better than men to help.

However, this depends on the situation (Blakemore, Berenbaum, & Liben,


2009).Women are more likely than men to contribute their time in helping children

with personal problems and engage in care behaviors. However, in situations where

men feel competence or involve danger, men are more likely to help (Eagly & Crowley,

1986). For example, men may be compared to women to stop and help people strike on

the roadside because of flat tires.

Girls are emotional, boys don't. That's the stereotype that controls emotions.

However, like helping behavior, emotional differences in men and women depend on

the particular emotions involved and the context in which they are displayed (Shields,

1991). Emotional differences between women and men often appear in contexts that

highlight social roles and relationships. For example, women are more likely to express

fear and sadness.Carol Gilligan (in Papalia, 2008) argues that the Kohlberg system gives

a higher place to the value of "masculine" justice rather than the value of "feminine"

feelings of affection, responsibility, and attention. Gilligan argues that the core of

women's moral dilemma is conflict between their own needs and those of others. When

most people expect assertiveness and independent judgment from men, they expect

self-sacrifice and attention to others from women.

From the description of the concept above it can be concluded that the concept of

classifying gender roles involves activities in categorizing people in terms of personality

traits. In the case of the Kohlberg system it gives a higher place to the value of

"masculine" justice than the value of "feminine" feeling of affection, responsibility, and

attention. Women view morality in terms of egoism versus responsibility, defined as the

obligation to pay attention and avoid hurting others.


This research was conducted at Medan State High School 12. Besides that, the

variables used in this study are the first independent variable X1 social interaction, the

second independent variable X2 female gender role, the dependent variable Y moral

consideration.The sampling technique used in this study is the proportionate stratified

random sampling technique. The reason for using this technique is because the

population in this study is only the eleventh grade students of Medan State Senior High

School which are divided into 10 classes. In order for all classes to be represented, the

sample is taken from each class in the same proportion. The sampling procedure is to

select each student whose number is even absent so that a sample of 135 people


specifically for female students from 204 population of class XI Medan 12 SMA Negeri

female students is obtained.

The measuring instrument used in this study is a DIT test tool to measure moral

considerations, the scale of social interaction and the scale of women's gender roles. The

scale of moral judgment consists of stories that end with questions. The scale of moral

considerations used is the Definising Issue Test (DIT) arranged by rest (1979). This DIT

has been standardized, tested in a variety of different cultures, which was then

validated by Menanti (2008). From DIT, moral, conventional and post-conventional

levels are considered, along with the stages of each level. DIT has a short version

containing 3 moral cases and a long version consisting of 6 moral cases.

The scale of social interaction used is based on indicators of the forms of social

interaction from Sarwono and Meinarno (2009), namely cooperation, competition,

conflict, and accommodation. While the scale of women's gender roles revealed by

Gilligan which is a classification of gender roles in terms of moral decisions, namely

attention (caring), helping others, avoiding hurting others.The data analysis method

used in this study is a multiple linear regression analysis method because in this study

consists of more than one independent variable. Affecting variables are called

independent variables and the variables that are affected are called dependent

variables. This study consisted of two independent variables, namely social interaction

(X1), women's gender role (X2), while the dependent variable (moral) was moral

consideration (Y) (Sujarweni, 2014). In addition, it is also to determine the extent of the

role or contribution of variables of social interaction, women's gender roles and moral

considerations before the correlation test is conducted.


Moral considerations require role taking roles (the ability to take social

perceptions or other people's perspectives. Transfer is the ability to see and interpret

the thoughts and feelings of others, see their role or place in the environment or in

society. Rather the role includes acceptance that other people have their own

perspectives and understand complex relationships between the same and different

perspectives, in role experts, individuals understand abilities, attributes, desires, hopes,

feelings, emotions - emotions, and impulses, reactions, and thoughts of others. (Menanti,



Furthermore, the author can explain that individuals who increase moral

considerations, through the mechanism as follows:


IS : Social interaction

AP : Transfer of roles

DM : Moral Dilemma

PTPM : Increased Phase of Moral Consideration

The low level of social interaction in Medan SMA 12 high school students cannot

see the differences and similarities between their views and the views of others, so that

role transfer does not occur or occur but is very poor or just enough. Furthermore, poor

role transfer does not cause cognitive moral conflict (does not cause moral dilemma).

Furthermore, when Medan SMA 12 students are in a state of moral conflict that is not

finished (confused to decide the right / wrong moral reason / consideration), the

student is confused about deciding which moral reasoning according to him makes no

increase in the stage of moral consideration. If students are not confused, then they are

able to get the right / wrong moral reasons / considerations, but use the same stages of

moral considerations as the ones they have or the lower stages, so moral considerations

do not increase. This occurs in the results of hypothesis testing of this study which

shows that social interaction does not significantly influence moral judgment. This

means that there is no stimulation of moral considerations experienced by students that

encourage increased moral considerations. Not happening (N + 1).

In terms of women's gender roles, women focus more on their social relations

network, placing greater emphasis on social responsibility and care, not on the principle

of justice. Also the tendency of women in caring, conformational, tolerant, making them

follow their gender roles, does not lead to a continuing experience to experience that

continues to cognitive moral conflict, so that their moral considerations do not increase

(hampered until stages 3 or 4). This occurs in the results of hypothesis testing of this

study which shows that women's gender roles do not significantly influence moral

judgment. This means that there is stimulation of moral considerations, but does not

continue to increase moral considerations because of the influence of cultural gender


Stage 3 means that this shows that moral considerations in Medan 12 Public

High School students hold on to the designation as nice boy / girl, (called good people).


In stage 4 it is a moral reason to maintain existing regulations. This is caused by cultural

factors that lead to being in stage 4 such as upholding the rules where you are.While

students on moral considerations at postconventional level stage 5 means students

decide on moral issues based on considerations that give usefulness to many people and

use universal validity values even though they reject existing regulations because they

seek truth and justice. Moral decisions that use fairness considerations as interpreted

by students are an indication that students are able to achieve post-conventional moral


In addition, students in stage A are referred to as anti-establishment are moral

considerations that are difficult to categorize precisely at a certain stage. Students in

stage M called Meaningless are moral considerations that are not strong enough to be

categorized at a certain stage.From the results of the study it is known that the

percentage of each stage of moral consideration of students (women) as follows:

students who have stage 4 as many as 98 students (72.59%), stage 3 as many as 25

people (18.52%), stage 5A as many as 6 students (4.44%), stage M as many as 3

students (2.22%), stage 6 as many as 2 students (1.48%), stage A as many as 1 student

(0.74%) while stage 5B and stage 2 each has 0%. From this explanation, on average the

students of Medan 12 High School at the conventional level, stage 4, show that the

students of Medan 12 High School, especially women, are oriented to authority,

established regulations or definite rules by trying to maintain social order. Good

behavior is merely carrying out obligations and respecting the authorities, and

maintaining existing social order, for the sake of order itself.

This is supported by previous research conducted by Sarbaini (2016) entitled

Moral Considerations According to Student Gender in PKn Learning stated that most of

the students (75%) were in level II, namely the conventional level in stage 4, which was

oriented to order law, social and religion (orientation to law and order). While a small

percentage (15%) in stage 3, cognitive moral development is oriented to conformity to

the stereotyped image of the majority (its orientation is in the group "good boy" or "nice

girls"). But female students showed more numbers and higher "judgment scores" than

male students. The same opinion was also seen from Gilligan's that moral dilemmas are

contextual and are solved through inductive thinking, but in Kohlberg's scheme, moral

principles are universal and applied to moral dilemmas through formal and abstract



If we talking about factors that influence the development of moral

considerations means talking about factors that influence the occurrence of role

transfer experiences and experiences of cognitive moral conflict in individuals. The

environment that fosters the experience of role transfer and experiences of cognitive

moral conflict that increases moral considerations is an environment that provides high

interaction opportunities and in these interactions contains stimulation of the stages of

moral judgment which is higher in one stage than the stage of moral consideration held

by individuals. (Menanti, 2010). Further explained that environmental situations that

contain stimulation of high moral considerations are found when individuals are in

situations of social interaction with people who are higher in age, education, work,

richer life experiences, and in different cultural environments. Parent-child interaction

is the most intense interaction situation to stimulate children's moral considerations.

(Menanti, 2010)

The results of this study indicate that 0.6% of the influence of social interactions

on students' moral considerations. The assumption is that the situation of respondents

when interacting socially with people who are not higher in age, education, and life

experience is still small. The possibility of student and parent interaction is not intense

to stimulate the students' moral judgment. Gilligan (in Menanti, 2010) argues that there

are two approaches to conflicting morality, namely on one side of ethics concerning

concern and responsibility and on the other hand ethics regarding rights and justice.

The first approach is more characteristic of women, moral considerations are focused

on the details of concrete situations and directed at the desire to minimize public losses.

The second approach is more characteristic of men, moral considerations are

expressions of an autonomous self, free (not dependent on others), and individualized.

Male moral considerations rely on principles that formulate rights and obligations

without feeling the need to pay attention to the circumstances and losses implied in


Research conducted at Medan State High School 12 shows the influence of

women's gender on moral considerations as much as 0.1%. The basic moral orientation

of women is to pay attention (care) to others in a personal way, not only concerned with

general humanity. Sensitivity, women will need others to bring attention to voices that

are different from their own voices and include other points of view in their decisions,

the possibility of female students starting to leave this gender role.


Then from the results of the study using multiple regression analysis method, it

is known that there is no significant influence between social interaction and women's

gender role on moral considerations seen from the determinant coefficient (R2) = 0.008

with p = 0.608> 0.050, meaning that there is no influence of social interaction and the

gender role of women in moral considerations, the lower the social interaction and the

gender role of women, the lower the moral consideration of Medan SMA 12 High School

students. The contribution of social interaction and the gender role of women to moral

considerations simultaneously are seen from the determinant coefficient (R2) 0.008 or


In a previous study conducted by Ruth Oakes, Ph.D and Katherine Quina, PhD

with the title "The Impact of Gender and Role Perspective on Moral Judgment in 1983

mentioned that there was no significant effect on gender on moral judgment at age 9

year. The effect of taking perspective on moral judgment is measured by having subjects

make judgments from their own perspectives and from the perspective of their mothers

and fathers. Test analysis used Drawing Goodenough-Harris, Piaget's Moral Maturity

Scale, and Parent Identification Scale (23-item scale designed for research and included

questions about children's and best friends' favorite toys, mother and father's favorite

items, and behavior and characteristics of selected parents). This study was designed to

investigate associations between gender and role perspectives, and moral judgments.

In terms of calculating the mean hypothetical and empirical mean in general

based on the moral considerations of Medan State Senior High School 12 students have

a hypothetical mean of 7.5, the empirical mean is 6.54 and the standard deviation is

3.442, this indicates that the moral considerations of Medan 12 SMA students are

slightly higher (almost the same) from other teenagers of their age.

The social interaction possessed by Medan State High School students has a

hypothetical mean of 80, the empirical mean is 82.00 and the standard deviation is

4,465, this shows that the social interaction possessed by Medan State Senior High

School students is slightly higher. This means that social interaction in Medan 12 High

School students shows that they can interact socially with those around them. This is in

line with the explanation of Hurlock (2013) that learning to be a moral person is having

the opportunity to interact with members of social groups. Social interaction plays an

important role in moral development.


Then the female gender role possessed by Medan State High School students has

a hypothetical 65 mean, an empirical mean of 67.49 and a standard deviation of 6.54,

this indicates that the female gender role of female students is lower than other

teenagers of their age.


Based on the results obtained in this study, the following can be concluded:

There is no significant influence on women's social interactions and gender roles on

moral considerations. This is indicated by the coefficient R_xy = 0.087; p = 0.608 means

that p> 0.050 means that the lower the social interaction and the lower the gender role

of women, the lower the moral consideration of the students of Medan 12 High School.

There is no significant effect of social interaction with moral considerations on students

of Medan 12 High School with a contribution of 0.6%.There is no influence of women's

gender roles on moral considerations in Medan 12 High School students with a

contribution of 0.1%. The total effective contribution of the two independent variables

(social interaction and women's gender role) to moral considerations is 0.7%. From

these results it is known that there are still 99.3% contributions from other factors to

moral considerations.

Other results were obtained from this study, that it is known that Medan State

High School 12 students have high social interaction, have high gender roles, and

dominant moral considerations are at the conventional level, stage (stage 4). This can be

seen by looking at stage 4 as many as 98 students (72.59%), stage 3 as many as 25

people (18.52%), stage 5A as many as 6 students (4.44%), stage M as many as 3

students (2, 22%), stage 6 as many as 2 students (1.48%), stage A as many as 1 student

(0.74%) while stage 5B and stage 2 each have 0%.


1. Suggestions to Research Subjects

Students carry out richer social interactions, and absorb cultural values that are

more universally applicable, such as justice, because this is needed to increase

moral considerations to a higher stage (not stopping at stages 3 or 4).

2. Advice to the School


Schools need to pay attention to the needs of students for mature moral

considerations (post-conventional level), one of which stimulates and respects

the reasons for students' behavioral thinking. Teachers are encouraged to

provide stimuli to increase the moral considerations of Medan State Senior High

School 12 students through daily life and social interaction at school.

1. Advice to Researchers Next

a. For further researchers who want to carry out research with the same theme,

they should choose a study sample in different ages and genders from the

sample of this study.

b. For the next researcher, they should choose independent variables based on

other external factors such as cultural factors that influence the achievement

of moral considerations.


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