Problems with evil and suffering naomi,abigail,marwa

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Problems with evil and suffering naomi,abigail,marwa

Problems With Evil And suffering

By Naomi,Abigail,Marwa

Religion has a great deal to say about 'good' and 'evil'. The problem of evil and suffering is one of the commonest reasons people give for not believing in God.


moral (or human) evil - suffering caused by humans acting in a way that is considered morally wrong e.g., bullying, murder, rape, theft or terrorism

The Problem of evil

The monotheistic God of Christianity, and Islam assumes the divine qualities of omnipotence, omniscience and Omni benevolence. However, the existence of evil and suffering in the world provides a challenge to the loving God of classical theism.Human evil and natural evil can often work together, with human evil making natural evil worse – or better! For example, the suffering caused by an earthquake or floods can be made worse by people looting, but it can be made more bearable by people showing compassion and making personal sacrifices to help those who are suffering. It is important to remember that: 'evil' is a cause of; 'suffering' is a result of evil.

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