Prize Bridges/1978 · romantiC, wtX>ded sIte near a heavily used Philadelphia picnIC area In domg...

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Transcript of Prize Bridges/1978 · romantiC, wtX>ded sIte near a heavily used Philadelphia picnIC area In domg...


Prize Bridges/1978 Sleel bridges selected In the natIOnal CompetitIOn conducted by the Amencan InSlllute of Steel ConstructIOn as the most beautiful bodges opened to traffic In 1976/1977


LONG SPAN Bridges hawlg one or more spans over 400 II. ,n length

MEDIUM SPAN, HIGH CLEARANCE Bridges with vertical clearances of 35 It or more. haVing the lOngest span (as measured by the bridge supports) not more than 400 It nor less than '25 ft In length

MEDIUM SPAN, LOW CLEARANCE Bridges haWlQ vertICal clearances of less than 35ft having the k>ngesl span (as measured by the bodge supports) not more than 400 fI nor less than 125 fl. In length

SHORT SPAN Bridges haVIng no single span 125 It or more In length

GRADE SEPARATION Bridges whose baSIC purr;x>se IS grade separation as contrasted to the above categorIeS

ELEVATED HIGHWAYS OR VIADUCTS Bridges haVing more than live spans, whICh cross over one or more estabhshed traffic lanes. and whICh may afford access for pedestraan travel and for parking

MOVABLE SPAN Budges haVIng a movable span

SPECIAL PURPOSE Includes pedestnan bridges, ppeltne bndges, airplane bridges, and other special purpose bridges ootldentlhable to one of the above categorIeS

RAILROAD Bridges (non·movable) whICh are prunarlly 'or the purpose of carrytng a railroad, but whICh may also be a combu'latlOO rallroad·hlQhway bridge

RECONSTRUCTED Budges whICh have undergone ma,or rebuilding and/or reconstructIOn USing steel framing to upgrade them to present day traffIC requirements


The enduring beauty of steel bridges is eloquent tribute to the vision and skill of the men who plan, design, and build them. The bridge designer of today is both artist and engineer. He understands the potential for strength and beauty which is inherent in steel structures, and he knows that aesthetic appearance can be achieved at no sacri· fice of efficiency or economy. The simple grace of a highway overpass, no less than the majestic sweep of a river crossing, reflects a creative integration of structure, function and form, skill· fully executed in beautiful bridges of steel.

To promote a more widespread appreciation of the aesthetics of steel bridges and to honor the architectural excellence of modern bridge design, the American Institute of Steel Construction sponsors a Prize Bridge Competition. A distin· guished Jury of Awards, composed of leading educators, architects, and engineers, selects the steel bridges which it judges to be the most beautiful of those opened to traffic in the United States during the previous two years.

To establish an equitable basis for competition, awards are made in each of several contest classi· fications. Size and function determine the class in which each entry is eligible to compete. The prize winning bridges are maf1(ed with a stainless steel plaque, and the designers, owners, general contrllCtors, steel febrlca tors, and steel erectors are awarded engraved certificates in recognition 0/ their contribution and achievement.

The American Institute of Steel Construction sponsors this competition and awards the prizes In the belief that it is helping to render a public service by stimulating a lasting interest in im· proved bridge design.



Jurors who selected the wmnmg bridges are, from left to rK}hl

SIDNEY l. POLEYNARD, F.ASCE Deputy AssIstant Secretary, OffICe of HlQhways. LOUISiana Department of TransportatIOn and Development, Balon Rouge, LOUISiana

ROBERT C. WEST. F.ASCE Chairman and President, Sverdrup Corpora lion, SI LOUis, Missouri


Engineer of Bridge and TrafflcS't1UCfures, IllinoiS Department of TransportallOO, Sprlngfteld, IIhf'lOls

WALTER E. BLESSEY, F.ASCE President. ASCE, Professor. Civil Engineering and Head of CiVil Engineering Department, Tulane UnIVerSIty. New Orleans, LOUISiana

WILLIAM ZUK, F.ASCE Professor of Architecture and DIrector, Architectural Technology. School of Architecture, Unrverslty of Virginia, CharlotteSVIlle. Vlrglma

State Roote 49. Near Sonora. california

Archie Stevenat Bridge PRIZE BRIDGE 19781 LONG SPAN

Designer Ga\\lornla Oepanment of Transpoftatoo, Of lice 01 Structures Oesl9n, Sacramento, Gallfornla

Owner Stale 01 Caillornla, Department 01 Transportation, Sacramento, Caillornia

General Contractor Hensel Phelps ConstructIOn Company, Burlingame, California

Fabricatorl Erector Kaiser Steel CorporatK>fl, Oakland, california

The Archie Stevenat Bridge IS a tWin composite-welded box girder bridge The present 42' wide structure IS deSigned lor an ultimate 66'wlde deck The Sile. a steep, rocky canyon, required htgh piers and SIX spans 1 at 200-2 at 250'-2 at 500'-1 at 550'. MaXimum depth at the haunches IS 26'

The bridge, named after "Mr Mother lode" of california'S gok:tcountry, replaces about three miles of winding Route 49. the Golden Chain Highway, which Will be Inundated by the New Melones Reservoir

Seven 01 "Ine bidders chOSe the winning steel box girder design over a Similar non­sleel alternate

Jurors' Comments ThiS suggests the handsome brKiges found In the SWISS Alps very graceful WIth the mass and the strength where the higher stresses are The use 01 big steel OOx 9l((1e,s adds to Its attractive appearance eSf)eClslly from the under· VIeW


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Designer Staff Budge DeslQn. Colorado DrVlSIOf1 01 Highways. Denver. Colorado

Architectural Consultants TalteStn Associated Architects 01 Frank Lloyd Wrtghl Foundallon. Tahestn West. Scottsdale. Arizona Oliver and Hellgren. Denver. COk>rado

Owner Colorado DIVISion of Htghways. Denver, Colorado

General Contractor CentrIC COrporation. Denver. COlOrado

Fabricator The Midwest Steel and Iron Works Co" Denver, Colorado

Erector Centric COrporation, Denver, Colorado

The Polk Creek Bridges form parI of an Interstate highway approach to a pass over lhe COntinental Divide The mountain terratn IS heavily forested. wlIh pine, fir and aspen on lhe lower slopes. and willows and grasses al higher elevaUons Rock out­cropptngs are red sandstone

The bridges cross a relatIVely small stream, and short structures with long. high approach flUs could have been used HQVoIever. the consulting architect and the DIVIsIOn of HlQhways agreed that longer spans 'NOU1d avoid construction damage that would be dlllicull to repair at this hlQh ailitude. and 'NOU1d help the structures 10 harmonize WIth the mountain enVlronmenl Other goals thai were achieved Include avoiding stream encroachment. and providing a generous open space beneath the bridges to encourage the growth of natural vegetation and accommodate hikers. skiers. and wildlife

The final bridge design was selected through an alternate bidding process The suc­cessful steel alternate ConSiStS of two welded box girders. With sloping webs Made of A588 weathering steel. the gently curving girder blends With the landscape In form and color. while assuring minimum maintenance

Spans are 155'-208~208~1 55'; vertical clearance IS 45'; roadway width IS 38'

Jurors' Comments From a dIstance, the I",e of the ral/"'gblends m very well With the I",es of the trapezOIdal box glfOOr and WIth (he curvature of the deck surface Weatheflng steel IS certamly the right chCHce for use In thiS envIronment and It harmofllzes beautdulfy With the great scenery 0' Colorado

6 Interstate 70,

Eagle County. Colorado

Interstate 70,


Designer Meheen Corporation. Lakewood. Colorado

Architectural Consultants Tallestn AsSOCiated Archltecls of Frank Lloyd Wright FoundatIOn Taliesl" West. Scottsdale. Arizona Oliver and Hellgren. Denver. Colorado

Owner Colorado D,vISion of Highways. Denver. Colorado

General Contractor Colorado Constructors DIVISion. Green Construction Company Denver. Colorado

Fabricator Burkhardt Steel Company. Denver, Colorado

Erector Colorado Constructors DIVIsion, Green ConstruClton Company. Oenver. ColOrado

UKe the POlk Creek Bridges. the Wilder Gulch Bridge displays the clean, deciSIVe lines of A588 weathenng steel box girders at a remote stream, as part 01 the 1·70 crossing of Colorado's Vall Pass Malor differences are seen In the absence 01 curves. deSign 01 the end abutments. and the overall landscape scene. wIth which this budge blends successlully Again. the steel deslQn achieved both a highly cost-Competitive bridge and an Ideal response to the natural enVIronment

Span lengths are 30'- t6O'-3O'. vertical clearance IS 18·, roadway width IS 38·

Jurors' Comments, The designer has usedcOIormg In hiS concrete to rna/en me color "I me nelghbormg landscape and has me hOfizon/a/llnes on the upper rallmg ma/cnmg those of the trapezOIdal f}lfder Well proportlOneQ an arlist could not have painted a better PICture

SunYTllt County. Cotorado 9


Pine Road Bridge over Pennypack Creek PRIZE BRIDGE 1978 1 SHORT SPAN

DesignertOwner CIty of Philadelphia, Department of Streets, PhiladelphIa, Pennsylvanra

General Contractor Tel·Stock, Inc., WashIngton Crossing, PennsylvanIa

Fabricator Williamsport Fabrtcators, Inc ., Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Erector Cornell & Company, Inc., Woodbury, New Jersey

A departure from the usual bare, undecorated 1001< of weathenng steel, local fIeld stone veneer and concrete trtm are added here In response to the Pine Road Bndge's romantiC, wtX>ded sIte near a heavily used Philadelphia picnIC area In domg so II seems to follow "post·modern" archItecture's new acceptance of ornament, and the symbolism 01 a SpeClltC place. AI the same time, there IS a clear delineation between the sIngle 80' steel span and what is obViously and IntentIOnally the veneer of the wlngwalls and parapets. The concrete abutments anchor the span visually as well as In fact

The brtdge provides a 44' roadway and 14' of vertIcal clearance.

Jurors' Comments ThIS IS a beautIful and mterestmg use of natural stone to key II1to the enVlfOf'l· men( The stone looks real and natural IllS not laked

PhIladelphIa, Pennsylvanra


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Jurors ' Comments rne treatment 01 the WIflg' walJs at the abutments is very neattyoone 'ne clean hOrllontal ~nes reallyemphaSile /fie structure and produce harmony Tne CleS'9ner has even aVOided pos's,n t~ hand ratfmg

Cold Springs Interchange Bridge PRIZE BRIDGE 1978 1 GRADE SEPARATION

Designer Richard M Morns. Principal Oestgner. Nevada State Highway Department. carson City. Nevada

Owner Nevada State Highway Department , Garson City. Nevada

General Contractor Rooertl Helmi ConstructIOn Company Sparks. Nevada

F abricatorl Erector Utah PacifiC Ste4: I Company. Provo. Utah

VISUal QUahty In a scent«: lOCahon and constructIOn safety abOve a busy hlQhway were two goals met by compoSile desrgned steel plate girders at the Cold Spnngs Interchange

Fine surlace finIShed concrete. comblfled With decOfahve exposed aggregate to reduce the visual mass 01 the p.ers. complJments the clean lines of the cambered supersltucture Whlte painted steel next to white concrete hetghtens the IIOwIng lOOk of the g.rders, whICh PIQ\lIde a pleasant contrast to the rugged Sierra Nevada Mounta.ns

Slflce It was necessary to malOta,n tralllC belOYol the structure dUring much of constructIOn.. steel provided a major plus by ellmlnahng the need for latsework By malnlalM'Ig normal roadway width belOW. a high accident potenllal was aVOIded while constructoo hme was reduced

Spans are 2 al 148-' verhcal clearance IS 16 T; roadway widths ate 36'



us 395. North 01 Reno. Nevada


Marlin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge PRIZE BRIDGE 1978 1 ELEVATED HIGHWAYS OR VIADUCTS

Desill_ P; 81 ''1'''0: "erhat!, Quade & Douglas. New Yon<. N~ York

Owner ely -I R" :hmond RIChmond V,rglnLCI

General Contractor CenlralConlracl,ngCompany,lnc Farmv(!e, Virginia

Fabricator Alias Mach.Of' and Iron Works. Inc . Gainesville, Vlrglnaa

Erector Corrl4 I and Co Inc WexxbJry New Jersey

The superstructure for this long curving viaduct ConSists 01 a reinforced concrete deck slab cast on a steel girder. stringer and lloorbeam system The main supporllng elemeniS are the 10' deep welded steel trapezOidal bOx girders. two for each roadway ThiS system was chOsen because 01115 clean lines. IOY-ier maintenance reqUirements .nherent torsIOna' strength lor the curved allQnmenl. and liS sUltabtllty lor the span te"9'hs selec.ed

In aO(HIOf'\. the girders allOwed erectIOn With a minimum of falSewOrk assuring no d'SfLP1101'110 l/1e h.ghway and rallllne5 belOw

TOlal length, abutment to abutment. IS 2,14Z The v.aduCt s 11 SPans vary trom 282' 10140' Mal(lmum vertICal clearance IS 88' and roadwaywtdth 1$ 111 Z

Nf0f3 ' Comments TrlJn:atea pi8rs navesfrlar.on,s ",rw;n aOd te~rJreano /f'reresf Ttte Orl(Jt}e is NftC.;!Jrty handsome from unc1emeam ana ennances a get'leraf'y dl$OlrJerly serr"'O

RIChmond V,rQlnla

Loomis Street Drawbridge PRIZE BRIDGE 1978 1 MOVABLE SPAN

Designer CIty 01 Chicago. Department 01 Public Works. Bureau 01 Englneenng. Chicago. 111111015

Consultant City 01 ChICago. Department 01 PubhC Works. Bureau 01 Englneenng Chicago. 111111015

Owner Clly of ChICago. ChICago. IIIH)()4S

General Contractor Paschen Contractors. Inc Chicago. IlhOOS

Fabricator/Erector AmerICan Bridge DlVIsoo. United Slales Steel. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania

The Loomis SlreeltfunnlOfllype drawtmdge was bu.,t to replace an Inadequate, 7o-year Old rOlling ~It bridge

Pnmary u!Qu.remenlslor the new budge were a roactway with two 12' lanes In each d,recttOn. an IOCreased urdefclearance 10 allOw the passage 01 barge !ralllt:. thereby reducing the number of requtled lilts. and a stra.ghl north approach roadway 10 replace a dangerous S·curve

The new bridge IS 74 wide. Wltn 50' roadway Wldlh between curbs Underclearance was Increased to 21' by raiSing the bridge elevatIOn and utiliZing approach Viaduct structures The alignment was corrected by the use 01 a longer rNer span

Span length IS 213' c to c ollrunnoos The bndge trusses prOject above the road­way. prOVldu1g a sturdy and unot>lrusJVe barner at the stdewalks and at the same lime allOwing more clearance lor bOats paSSing belOw ErectIOn 01 each leal was Simplified by the shop labflcahon and shipment 01 each truss as two units. and of the counter· wetght box as a Single pteCe

JurOiS ' Comments the t>tor«t",,, fender System IS outstandingly succeJSluf a JUdICIOuS use 01 steel as a WUClurS11y sound and lH}stflerlCslly pJessmg material

Chocaqo. IIlroos


Salina Street Bridges PRIZE BRIDGE 19781 SPECIAL PURPOSE

Designer SchlelCher·Soper Architects. AlA. Syracuse. New York

Owner City of Syracuse, Syracuse, New York

General Contractor Northeast ConSlructlOl'l Managers CorporatIOn, Syracuse, New York

Fabricator Smith and Caffrey Steel Corp liverpool, New York

Erector Onondaga Steel Erectors. Inc .. OtiSCO. New York

This enclosed overpass forms part of a pedestrian skyway system des.gned to make dovintown Syracuse more CompetitIVe with suburban malls

A space frame that derives no support from adjacent buddlflgs. the structure con­Sists of two ContinuouS. double cantilever V,erendeel girders, clad with ~/. · steel plate on the extenor and exposed on the Intenor. The Vl8rendeel girders are supported by concrete· filled steel box beams ngldty attached to the 16' hlQh concrete piers. 64' on center

The vertical members of the girders form rigid frames In the lateral directIOn In con· Junction with the roof beams Lateral loads of the superstructure are transferred to the substructure of the bndge through the deck. acting as a diaphragm

FabrlCatlOfl was compncated by the skewed, sloped crossing combined With the structure's parabohcally arched section

Jurors ' Comments The Salina Srreet Overpass IS almost the ultimate In SJmpl/Clty. usmg a Vl8rendeel conf!f}urartOfl The skin and fenesflatlon are handled well the /Omts are lJeautlfu"yexecuted

Syracuse. New York 19


L&N Railroad Bridge over Briley Parkway PRIZE BRIDGE 1978 1 RAILROAD

Designer Clarke and Rapuano. Inc New York . New York

Owner State 01 Tennessee. Department of TransportatIOn Nashvillf> Tp.nnessee

General Contractor Oman ConstructIOn Co. Nashvll ~ , Tennessee

Fabricator AmerICan Bridge DIV1SIOfI. Umted States Sleel. Pltlsburgh, Pennsytvama

Erector Metler Crane and ErectIOn Service. Knoxville. Tennessee

Nashvlile. Tennessee

ThIS railroad structure, the Illst to be recognized In a new p"ze category. uses sleel 10 achieve unusual grace and Slmphclty In a prOfTunent locallOl1 on one 01 Nashv~te's most heavliy Ita .... ened expressways

A muIlH;;J,rder cross sec1l0n, coupled with tapered end spans. Complements caretully deSigned pters and railings 10 creale a hght appearance The use 01 a brown sIlica chromale lop coat. wllh textured coaled belQe concrete. helPS the structure blend Wllh liS surrOUndings

Etghl SImple span weldftd gIrders support a 37' wide , noncompoSIte concrete dPck Spans are 34~2 81102'4 45

Jurors ' Comments IncreasM.'tenllOl1 Should De fOCused on the aestnela 01 raIlroad bt1Clfle$ rhlS bridge ShOwS an obvIOuS concern rne deStQner is 10 oe compltmenled on filS allempt to keep vertical ;mes throughout the structure


East P,keland TOWll5hlp. Pennsylvama


Designer PPnnOOT. 01 ilrlCl &0. 51 Davids. Pennsylvania

Owner PennOOT Hamsburg. Pennsylvania

General Contractor Bear Creek ConstructIOn Co , Landisville. Pennsylvania

Fabricator Cumb Hland Bndge Company. camp HID. Pennsylvanta

Erector 8t~ar Creek ConSltuCl1On Co , Landisville, Pennsylvania

This WCIOCien covered bridge. with a clear span 01 100'. was built with a Burr bOwString truss In 1866

In recent troes the bridge was In lalf concNoo and posted lor a wetghllltTlll of four Ions. but repealed overloads by heavy constructIOn equrpmenl nearly COIiapsed the structure

With rehabthtallOO seen as the beSt way to save lime and money. as well as to preserve a hlStOrtca~y stgnlhcanl structure. a system of lour wide· flange slungers In A588 hlQh strength weathenng steel was chosen. both to save welQhl and to prCMde a no-malntenance finish that would lOOk good nexllo the old wood members

The new superstructure was deslQned to provJde bracIng for the wood trusses while tranSn1Itllflg mInImal live load forces

Replacement of rotted WOOd memt>ers. rOOfIng. SidIng. and moldIngs Completed the rehabllttall()n

JufO/S' Commenrs Tfle Sleel rs concealed but II certainty selveS B v.lal 'ur'ICllOfl Tn,s IS an InStance wf)f}re Sleel makes a C(lfl/flb(JllOII m DreservlflO B Mtle of Amencan n,stOty


L '~'3000

Fayellevll1e. West Virginia Span Lengths 5 at 126'· 17(X)'-4 at /43

New River Gorge Bridge AWARD OF MERIT 1978 1 LONG SPAN

Designer Michael Baker. Jr. Inc. Beaver, Pennsylvania

Owner West Virginia Department of Highways. Charleston, West Virginia

General Contractor American Bridge DIVISion. United States Steel. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania

Fabricator/Erector American Bridge DIViSIOn. U01Ied States Steel. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvama


Francis Scott Key Bridge AWARD OF MERIT 19781 LONG SPAN

Designers Greiner Engineering Sciences, Inc .. BalluTIOre, Maryland Singslad Kehan. November & Hurka. Balllmore. Maryland BaI1HTIOre TransportatIOn Associates. linthICum HelQhlS. Maryland

Engineering Consultant GreIner Englneermg Soences,lnc Baltimore, Maryland

Owner Maryland Transporlallon Aulhonty. Toll Facilities Administration. Dundalk. Maryland

General Contractor PlIIsburgh-Oes MOInes Steel Company, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvama

Fabricator Pll!sburgh-Des MOines Sleel Company. PllIsburgh. Pennsylvania

Erector John F Beasley ConS!rucuon company. Dauas. Texas

Balilmore. Maryland Span LengthS 25 at '5O'-9at 300"- 72()- r2fXJ-12(j

New Milford, Connecticut Span Lengfhs 50'- 240"- 50'


Designer COOT Bridge DeSign Unll, Wethersfield . Connecticut

Owner Town of New Milford, New Milford, Connecllcut

General Contractor The BrunalllConstruc\1OO Co . Southington. Connechcu\

Fabricator West End Iron WOrks. Inc .. Gamtmdge. Massachusells

Erector The Brunalh ConstructIOn Co., Southington, Connectlcul


lexington. Vlrglnaa Span Lengrhs 1827·2 at 24(].182 7


Designer Knoerle. Bender Slone and Associates. Inc • A DIVlSIOI'l of Environdyne Engineers. Baltimore. Maryland

Owner Virginia Department 01 HlQhways and TrarlSlXK1allOl1. RlChmonct VlrglnlS

General Contractor Crowder Conslruchon Company. Charlone. North carOlina

Fabricator carOlina Steel CorporatIOn, Greensboro, North carOlina

Erector Southern COntractors ServICe. Incorporated .. Coiurrba. South Carohna


Mandan, North Dakota Span Lengths 50'- 150'- 50'


Designer Bridge D'V'Slon, North Dakota State Highway Department , Bismarck, North Dakota

Owner State of North Dakota, Bismarck, North Dakota

General Contractor James J 19oe and Sons ConstructIOn Company, BIsmarck, North Dakota

Fabricator Egger Sleel Company, SIoux Falls. South Oakola

Erector James J 19oe and Sons ConstructIOn Company. Bismarck, North Dakota

Vall Pass, Colorado Span Lengths 2 at 120'

1-70 Bridge overSmilh Gulch AWARD OF MERIT 19781 SHORT SPAN

Designer Meheen CorporatlOO. Lakewood, Colorado

Architectural Consultant Taltesln AssocIated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundatoo. Tahestn West . Scottsdale, ArIZona

Owner Colorado Department of Highways, Denver, Colorado

General Contractor Green ConstruCllon Company_ Denver, Colorado

Fabricator Burkhardt Steel Company, Denver, Colorado

Erector Green ConstructIOn Company, Denver, Colorado


Baton Rouge, LOUISiana Span Lengths Vafled~ 14(1 mall/mum

Airline Highway Interchange AWARD OF MERIT 1978 1 GRADE SEPARATION

Designer Modjeski and Masters, New Orleans. LouIsiana

Owner State of LouIsiana. Deoartment of TransportatIOn & Development. Balon Rouge lOUISiana

General Contractor Soh Bros Construction Co Inc. New Orleans. LOUIsiana

Fabricator MISSISSippi Valley Structural Steel Co 51 loutS, MISSOUri

Erector Sun ErectIOn Co Inc Harahan. Looisiana

Nashua. New Hampshire Span Length 172'

Mine Falls Park Pedestrian Bridge AWARD OF MERIT 19781 SPECIAL PURPOSE

Designer SmIth & Hamilton. Inc _. Nashua, New Hampshire

Consultant Andrews & Clark, New York. New York

Owner Park-Recreation CorTvnISSIOn. Cty of Nashua. Nashua. New Hampshire

General Contractor Shoals Corporation. ElfOl. Maille

Fabricator Bancrol1 & Martin, Inc , South Portland. Mame

Erector Shoals CorporatIOn, ElIOt . Maine


Fridley, Minnesota Span Length 10'


Designer DeBourgh Manulaclunng Company. MInneapolis. Minnesota

Consultant Dunham Associates. Minneapolis. Minnesota

Owner Anoka County Park Systems. Arloka, Minnesota

General Contractor Anoka County Park Systems. Anoka, Minnesota

Fabricator DeBourgh Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Erector Anoka County Park Systems, Anoka. Minnesota


CSAH 18 at the Hennepin County-Scot! County hne Span Lengths 3 at 25'-2 8/137-3 at 30'

Bloomington Ferry Replacement B .. idge AWARD OF MERIT 19781 RECONSTRUCTED

Designer Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendolf. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Owner Hennepin County, Hopkins, MIMeSOta. Scott County. Shakopee, Minnesota

General Contractor Johnson Bros CorporatIOn, Blaine, Minnesota

Fabricator Saint Paul Structural Steel Co 5t Paul, Minnesota

Erector Johnson Bros Corporation, lltchfleld, Minnesota


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