Private or public school

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Private or public school

Private or Public School?

• How did the government get so involved in education to begin with?

• It wasn't always this way. The United States was founded, formed, and grew to international prominence and prestige without compulsory schooling and with virtually no government involvement... 

• Why shouldn't the government be involved in education?

• The Short answer: Government schooling stands in direct opposition to the liberty this country was founded on. It fosters unquestioning obedience, acceptance of authority, herd mentality, and dependency...  

• Doesn't the government have a direct interest in an educated populace?

• Yes, the government does have a direct interest in an educated populace — one that is educated just enough and in ways that will perpetuate the goals and existence of the government... 

• Can't we just reform public schools? I know a lot of good teachers. 

• Let's start with the teachers, then we'll address reform. There are lots of great teachers out there, all too many of them trapped in a system that prevents them from fulfilling their potential and their dreams. They're bogged down... 

• How would people pay for private schooling? What about vouchers? 

• Here are some of the ways people would pay: Most people are more able to pay for education than they think. Parents would set priorities and plan for schooling just as they do for a home or a car... 

• What about the poor? What about irresponsible parents?

• Before we venture into this very important question, consider this: government schools already fail the poor in some of the most spectacular ways — illiteracy, dangerous schools, the worst teachers, low expectations, and... 

• What about special needs students? As with the question about the poor, we must consider that a large portion of special education students are being badly served in public schools... Many special education students don't belong in the classes they've been assigned to... 

• What about tolerance and diversity? • The ultimate irony may be that today's

educators cry tolerance and diversity when public schools were originally instituted to wipe these things out, to make one homogenous, think-alike (even if they couldn't make them look alike) herd of citizens. School founders objected to... 

• Who will keep the private schools accountable?

• Parents. When parents pay for the schooling, they have a direct stake in the results. If they aren't getting their money's worth, they can take their kids out and choose from the many other options available — another school, home schooling, a mix, tutors... 


Private School?

School Choice?

Cyber School?

Charter Schools?

Home school?