Prison Break Season 3

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Transcript of Prison Break Season 3


Prison Break Season 3 中英文对话台词本


Epesode List 3x01 Orientación 3x02 Fire/Water 3x03 Call Waiting 3x04 Good Fences 3x05 Interference 3x06 Photo Finish 3x07 Vamonos 3x08 Bang & Burn 3x09 Dirt Nap 3x10 Under & Out 3x11 Hell or High Water 3x12 The Art of the Deal

09/01/2008 Vancouver, Canada


3x01 Orientación You got do something,my brother is innocent. he's an american citizen. [求您一定做点什么 我弟弟是无辜的 他是美国

公民] Look,there's nothing I can do about that. [十分抱歉 我对此无能为力] Of course there is-- back at the crime scene,that'll prove. [当然有 回到犯罪现场 那儿能证明...] look,I'm a night clerk,okay? [我只是值夜班的] If you want someone who can really do something, [你要真想找到个能管事的] you're gonna have to wait for the consul; [你就要等领事来了] he gets in in the morning. [他早上才会到] I'm sorry. [我很抱歉] That ain't gonna cut it. [到那时候就晚了] Your brother,where do they have him incarcerated? [他们把你弟弟囚禁在哪了?] Sona. [SONA] What? [什么!?] The worst of the worst are there, [那里囚禁着没有其他监狱敢囚禁的] men no other prison will take. [ 穷凶极恶的囚犯] They rioted so badly a year ago,the guards pulled out, [一年前的那场暴动太凶残了 以至于 后狱警只能撤离那里] just left them to themselves. [把罪犯留在那自生自灭] A thousand thieves,rapists,murderers. [那里的囚犯都是穷凶极恶的 小偷 强奸犯 杀人犯] The government just stays back,keeps the perimeter. [政府方面现在也无能为力 只能在远处设立警戒线] to them,sona's a one-way street. [SONA 是个有去无回的地方] What goes in. [无论什么人一旦进去了] never comes out. [那除非他死了] unless it's dead. [否则 就绝对出不来] Prison Break Season 03 Episode 01 [-=越狱=- 第三季 第 1 集] PANAMA CITY U.S. CONSULATE GENERAL [巴拿马 巴拿马市 美国总领馆] Somebody didn't do their due diligence on this guy, [在处理这家伙的问题上我们没有尽力] and we need him moved to a facility that's a little more. [我们希望能把他转移到一个更...] moderate. All right? [正常的 行吗?] Thank you. [谢谢] All right,the good news is as of yesterday you're a free man. [好了 好消息是从昨天起 你自由了] You got nothing to worry about. [你现在没有后顾之忧了] - Just my brother. - Right. [- 我只关心我弟弟 - 那个...] Well,that's a heck of a story,you two. [你们哥俩的故事可真是厉害] That made the news even down here. [都传到这里了] - And I understand you have a son as well? - Yeah. [- 据我所知你还有个儿子是吗? - 嗯] Lj-- lincoln jr.? [Lj-- Lincoln jr.?] He must be ecstatic about your exoneration. [对于你无罪释放的消息他一定乐疯了] Still trying to reach him. [我还在联系他] Well,hey,tell us where he is. We'll send. [不如你告诉我们他在哪 我们马上就...] let me handle that. Let's just focus on michael. [这我会处理的 我们还是专注于 Michael 这件事吧] Okay,well,good news is is that much of what you're saying is checking out at the crime scene. [好消息是 你说的跟犯罪

现场基本吻合] The victim did have a service revolver with U.S. Government numbers on it. [死者确实有一把刻有美国政府编号的手枪] And if a weapon was found, [既然找到了武器] then that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive. [就构成了正当防卫的可能] Great. [太好了] They,uh,find anything else? [他们...他们找到别的了没?]


Like what? [比如?] A bag. [比如一个包] What was in it? [里面有什么?] A little money. [一点小钱而已] No,sorry. [抱歉 还没有] Of course they didn'T. [当然他们没找到...] Yeah,well,whatever the case,regarding your brother,I have managed to make a little headway. [鉴于那是你弟弟 我想我

可以为他疏通一下] I arranged for a transfer for your brother to another facility,effective tomorrow. [我已经安排把你弟弟转移到另一个监狱 明天就走] It's a lot safer,it's a lot cleaner. [那里要安全干净得多] Great. [太谢谢了] And if this is stacking up like I think it is, [如果这个案子真像我想得那样] I'd be pretty confident the charges will be dropped. [我很有信心指控会被撤销] He'd be free? [你是说他会无罪释放?] Well,he'd still face charges in the U.S. [这个 当然 他还得面临在美国的指控] But out of there? [但可以离开这里?] Yes. [是的] Is there. is there a mess hall here? [这里有食堂吗?] Mess hall? [食堂?] And some water. [或者哪里有水] I'm dying of thirst. Please. Please. [我快渴死了 求求你告诉我] There's some water. [这儿有水] Bite me. [去死吧你!] What'd you say? [你说什么?] I didn't say nothing. [我什么都没说] Drink it. [喝了它] You hear me? [听到了吗?] Drink! [喝!] hey,get used to it,man. [伙计 快点适应这里的生活吧] I haven't eaten for days. [我都几天没吃过东西了] Come on. [快点走吧] how are you doing? [你好啊] What do you want,alex? [你又想怎样 ALEX?] You're so clever-- like planting the drugs on the boat. [你真是太聪明了 船上的栽赃] That's a big irony. [不过现在这可真是太讽刺了] Lawman in jail. [执法人员进了监狱] You are exactly where you belong. [你本就应该被关进监狱的] No,that's where you're wrong. [不不不 你错了 我不该坐牢的] And that's where you're gonna help me. [因此你一定要帮我] I will have a court date one of these days,and you will be there on the stand. [过两天我的案子就要上庭了 你也要出庭作

证] And you will tell the truth that you planted this and you set this up, [你要告诉大家这一切都是你策划的 都是你干的 是你陷害我的] and I'm gonna go home. [然后我就可以回家了] That's funny,I could have sworn you set this up. [真好笑 我也可以作证说是你策划了这一切] I set this up? [我策划了这些?] I'm in here. [坐牢的人可是我啊] What does the company want with me? [到底"公司"还想从我身上得到什么?] Why panama? [为什么要在巴拿马?] What,you think I know what they wanted? [什么? 你认为我知道他们在想什么?] They had me. [我是被逼的]


I did what they asked me to do-- arrest you in panama and hand you over. [我完全做了他们要我做的事-- 在巴拿马把你

抓了然后交给他们] That's it. That's,that'S. [他们就是这样要求我的 不过 这...] that's old news,huh? [这已经是过去式了 对吧?] This is the first day of the rest of our lives. [我们可能要在这度过余生了] How about we work together [不如就冰释前嫌 怎么样?] you know? [不如我们合作?] Help each other out. [互相帮助] Except every time I look at you, [只是每当我看到你] all I can see is the man who killed my father. [我所看到的是杀父仇人] You're on your own. [你还是靠你自己吧] my husband! bring him out! [送我丈夫出来!] I know he was killed last night! [我知道他昨晚被杀!] someone called! [有人通知我!] bring my husband out now! [送我丈夫出来!] sign here to say that once inside,you're on your own by the law, [在这里签字 一旦进去 你只能靠自己] that you're not protected by the military in case of an assault. [面对任何袭击 将不受军方保护] And any attempt to assist an inmate trying to escape will be met with a lethal response. [任何协助越狱的企图 将招致致

命后果] Wouldn't dream of it. [做梦都没想过] so. [我说] feel like I'm on the wrong side. [觉得自己应该站在栅栏的另一侧] You're on the right side. [你应该站在那一侧] You're not. [你不该] Gonna break me out? [想砸开狱墙?] Too tiring. [精疲力尽了] All thatunning. [一直在跑] Yeah,well,maybe you should have lost the cowboy boots. [或许你不该穿牛仔靴] You scared? [害怕吗?] I'm getting you out of here,man. [我会把你弄出去的] Linc. [Linc.] Listen,the consulate's arranged to transfer you to a safer facility until the trial. [领事馆打算在庭审之前 将你转移到安全

一点的监狱] which is about a month. [一个月后庭审] They say you got a good shot of walking out of here a free man. [他们说你无罪开释的机会很大] When's the transfer? [什么时候转狱?] Tomorrow. [明天] Just. just hold on,man,one more day. [挺住 挺过这一天] You know,I keep waiting for you to mention a certain someone. [你知道我一直在等你提起她] I don't know where she is,man. [我不知道她在哪 伙计] Well,you got to find her. [你一定要找到她] I will. [我会] She's important to me,linc. [她对我很重要 Linc] If anything happens to sara. [如果 Sara 有个三长两短] it's going to be fine,man. [会没事的 兄弟] I promise. [我保证] I'll see you tomorrow. [明天见] All right? [好吗?] american,right? [你是美国人对吗?] I love america. [我喜欢美国] Nba. [NBA] Tracy mcgrady shooting the ball in the hoop from downtown. [麦迪的底线远投]


Whatever you're selling,I'm not buying. [不管你说什么 我都不会买帐] Selling? [得了] I just want to talk basketball. [我只是想说说篮球] Who's your team? [谁是你的队友] Let's go,blanco. [咱们走 小白脸] Orientation. [监狱导游] I'm not interested. [我没兴趣] It's not for you to decide. [不是你说了算的] guards say i have to be out in 15 minutes [警卫说我 15 分钟内必须出去] bring them in. [带进来] Well,I hope they haven't been treating you too poorly. [希望他们没对你们太狠] I should hear of it if you have. [如果有的话我会听说] I think as you can tell,sona is unlike any other place in the world. Huh? [我想你也能看出 sona 和世界上的任何地方都

不同] Since the riots of last year,they left us here to rot. [自从去年的暴动 他们把我们留在这里烂掉] They figured we would just destroy ourselves,but instead,we've thrived. [以为我们会自我毁灭 恰恰相反 我们壮大了] With the canal,panama is now a breeding ground for international crime. [拥有运河的巴拿马 是跨国犯罪的滋生地] 27 different nationalities we have here. [我们这有 27 个不同国籍的犯人] But not one gang. [但一个帮派都没有] Not one racially-motivated incident. Huh? [没有一起种族动机的冲突] It's jusT. me. [全都是有我] Egalitarianism I believe is the word. Huh? [平均主义 是这个词吧?] Did I get that right? [说的对吗?] Right as rain. [千真万确] That's what practice does for you. [实践出真知] Now,is there anything you want to tell me? [有什么想和我说的?] Any history that you bring to this place that I should know about? [你们以前的过节 有什么我该知道的吗?] I don't think you're quite telling me the truth,mr.Scofield. [我想你没和我说实话 Scofield 先生] We get the news,man. [我们能看到新闻] You were quite the superstar on cnn. [你可是 CNN 上的超级明星] Man breaks brother out. [带着哥哥越狱] and flees to panama. [逃到巴拿马] but you're not a superstar here! [但你在这儿可不是超级明星] You realize that,don't you? [你明白吗?] I'm not going to make waves. [我不会惹事] It wouldn't be within your power. [你也没这个能力] I heard about the two of you. [我听说过你俩] You two in the hall today. [你们在厅里的话] Now,if you would like to sort your problems out, [如果你们想解决问题] it's very simple here. [其实很简单] A man has a beef with another, [跟狱友之间有过节的] he makes his problem known. Huh? [说出他的怨恨] And then we deal with it directly as men. over there. [以男人的方式当面解决 就在那里] Won't be necessary. [没有必要] You always shake like that? Huh? [你总是抖成那样?] Or just when you're scared of someone? [还是怕一个人的时候?] what about you? [你呢?] don't hurt me, man [别打我 兄弟] I don't want any trouble [我不会惹麻烦] never! [永远!] never! [永远!] never use my floor as a bathroom! [永远别把我的地板当厕所!]


I think he gets the message. [我想他懂你的意思了] we could go. [敢不敢出去] you and me. [你和我] right here. [就在这里] you're a brave man,huh? [你还挺有种的?] Brave man. [勇敢的人] You're lucky I've been meditating. [算你走运 我 近有练打坐] Before,I couldn't take my finger off the trigger,but now. [以前我控制不住就要杀人] now I have mind control. [现在可以控制了] Complete control. [完全控制] Mind. [意念] body.and soul. [身体 和灵魂] Get out! [出去!] Get out! [出去!] He's a waste of our time. [浪费了我俩的时间] Who would have thought. [谁能想到呢?] a famous person in sona. [你是 Sona 有名的人] Weak people rally around fame. [懦弱的人在硬汉周围聚集] They worship it.They're blinded by it. [他们崇拜他 以致双眼蒙蔽] And as you can tell, [你也知道] there are many people of weak character behind these walls. [这里关着很多软角色] Yes,they will follow a man like this, [他们会跟随一个这样的人] and they will put him on a pedestal. [会拥立他做首领] He has that charisma,right,mami? [他有那种气质 是吗 Mami?] He's no you. [他不是你] Ah,you don't have to pander me,mami. [你不用顺着我说 Mami] Soy un hombre maduro.Huh? [你当我是小孩吗?] He's good looking,right? [他很帅 对吗?] He's good looking [他很帅] He's the best looking man in the prison,right? [他是监狱里 帅的 对吗?] Not compared to you. [跟你没法比] I told you,mami. [警告过你 mami] Who know [谁知道] Maybe [也许] Pick up,whore.You're gone [拿起你的东西走人] sara tancredi-- she's an american.She's missing. [Sara Tancredi 美国人 她失踪了] We don't have a report of anything like that. [我们没收到这类报告] But if you do,you call me; the number's on the back. [如果有消息 通知我 后面有我电话] Okay,se 駉 r. [好的 先生] Anything,you call me,all right? [记得通知我] Will do. [好的] Thank you. [谢谢] Where'd you get shoes? [你的鞋子哪里来的] It's time to start earning your rent around here. [你们是时候赚自己的租金] There's no rent here.It's prison. [这里不收租 这是监狱] Keep talking.It's going up.Here. [不管怎样 你们没选择] Work time's started right now. [开始干活] Where? [哪里] Hell no. [不] Absolutely not. [绝不] one more word from you, [再废话] and I will drown you in here,you understand? [我就把你塞进去 懂吗?]


Now,work. [干活] Burn it down in the sewers when you're done. [干完把这东西烧掉] New man arrived [有新人] An American [美国佬] Anything else? [还有什么] He's got this hand... [他的手...] Scofield,una visita. [Scofield 有访客] Scofield,visita. [Scofield 有访客] Ah,mr.Scofield.Elliot pike. [Scofield 先生 我是 Elliot Pike] What do you want? [你想怎样] Well,to be frank,to represent you. [老实说 我想代理你] You're a lawyer? [你是律师?] Of sorts. [差不多] The court already appointed me a lawyer. [法庭已经指派律师给我] Then perhaps I can be of assistance in a different way. [我能帮你 不同的方法] Somehow I doubt that. [我很怀疑] I got a lot of big guns behind me,mr.Scofield, [我有后台硬着呢 Scofield 先生] people you might like to have in your corner should you ever decide,say. [那些你不想与之为敌的人 你有否想过] to break out of here. [从这里越狱] Who are you? [你是什么人?] We can assist you in every possible way once you get past that wall. [只要你逃了出来 我们会尽力满足你的要求] There's a reason a guy like you,with your skill set,was put in here,you know. [你这样有才华的人身处此地 不是毫无原

因的] This conversation's over. [谈话结束] You ought to hear what I have to say,scofield. [你应该认真考虑] We're trying to do this the easy way. [我们只是想解决问题] what the hell are you doing taking my stash? [你敢偷我的东西] Cough it up,you little bitch. [吐出来 你这小婊子] I didn't do it. [不是我干的] Where is it?Where is it? [在哪里? 在哪里?] It wasn't me. [不是我] You know the rules about extra-curricular fights! [你们要明白私下打架是不允许的!] It doesn't happen here. [在这里不会发生] He took something that belongs to me. [他偷了我的东西] He's out of his mind. [他胡说] Well,it seems pretty easy to get to the bottom of this-- check him. [要搞清楚很容易 搜] Check his area. [还有床铺] That's bull. [那不是我的] You're both scumbags. [你们都是龌龊小人] You and me,man.We're not done here. [我们还没完呢] You haven't seen her? [你没看见她?] No one like this has checked in? [没这样的客人?] You're absolutely sure? [你肯定?] thanks. [谢谢] Mr.Burrows. [Burrows 先生] Captain itzuris at the constable's office. [我是治安官办公室的 Itzuris 警长] We found an american woman matching the description of your friend,ms.Tancredi. [我们找到一个美国女人 跟你的朋

友相仿 Tancredi 小姐] Where? [哪里] At the morgue. [殓房] Uh,por favor,se 駉 r. [Uh,por favor,senior. (西班牙语)] what's he saying? [他说什么?]


That we can't eat. [我们不能吃] What are we supposed to eat? [我们可以吃什么?] Please.I haven't eaten in the week since I've been here.Please [求你 自我来到这里 我整个星期没吃东西] They expect us to forage,like dogs. [他们指望我们像狗一样觅食] I'll die. [我会死的] I will literally die. [我真的会死的] hang in there,man. [坚持住] Playing by yourself.Same old pretty. [还是独来独往啊 小美人] Just not good at making friends,are you? [交不到朋友 对吗] We got nothing to say to each other. [我们没什么好说的] On another note,on a big picture note, [再说 看看大局] them big government types that shook me down so hard, [政府等不及把我塞在这] why is it they wanted you here? [但你为何在这里] Was it sona they was interested in? [Sona 监狱有什么特别的] That's what I'm thinking. [我也想知道] Want me to get you down here,up in this very county. [要我把你弄到这个国家来] What do you think it is,huh? [你怎么想?] Yothink it's sona? [是跟 Sona 监狱有关吗] Who'd be interested in a dump like this? [谁会对这种垃圾场感兴趣] Runner! [有人越狱!] Runner! [有人越狱!] Stop [站住] Stop! [有人越狱!] Stop [站住!] Stop! [站住!] No!No! [不! 不!] PANAMA CITY PANAMA DISTRICT MORGUE [巴拿马 巴拿马市殓房] Thanks for getting back to me. [谢谢你联系我] No problem. [不用谢] The body was fished out of the pond first thing this morning. [今天一大早 尸体就从池塘里捞起来了] Where? [哪里的池塘?] Calle sesenta-seis. [77 街] Just west of avenida colon. [就在科朗大道西边] Sir? [先生?] That's the last place I saw her. [我 后一次见到她 就是在那里] It's not her. [不是她] It's not her. [不是她] Someone's thrown the glove down on you. [看来有人向你宣战了] The gauntlet,right? [是"金臂铠" 对吧?] Yeah,except we both know I didn't take those drugs. [但那毒品不是我拿的 你我都心知肚明] I'm not the judge. [我可无权下结论] I don't deal in the claims people make. [我不管你怎么说] I just make sure the rules are followed. [我只确保这里所有人遵守规矩] And the rules say all grievances are dealt with two men in a ring,a fight. [而这里的规矩就是 私人恩怨要通过决斗的方

式解决] I'll be leaving tomorrow,so that won't be necessary. [我明天就要走了 所以没这个必要了] It may not be necessary to you,but it is to me. [对你来说也许没必要 但对我来说可不是] I have a duty to maintain order here-- [维持这里的秩序 是我的职责] an ironclad legal system that assures that no one goes independent with their grievances, [这里铁一般的法制体系确保 人与人之间恩怨得到公平解决] as is so often the case in other prisons. [其他监狱则没有这样的体系] Here,there is a system,and that system means order. [这里戒律严明 这就意味着你要听从命令]


So whether you agree with it or not does not matter to mE. [所以 你同不同意与我无关] There's a larger agenda than yours. [别只顾着打你自己的小算盘] What happens if I refuse? [如果我拒绝 又能怎样?] We'll come for you. [我们回来找你的] And I can guarantee you that is an outcome that you will not like. [我保证 结局你是不会满意的] Tell me something. [跟我说说] do you always set up your fights? [所有的决斗都是你安排的?] I had nothing to do with it. [我跟决斗无关] And yet the only one in this whole prison who has a problem with me is you. [整座监狱里唯一 找我麻烦的人就是你] I'd be glad to see you go down. [我很乐意眼看着你垮掉] superstar. [大明星] go on,keep going. [快点儿 别偷懒] You burn it around the corner.Buddy. [到那边角上 把它烧了] Think you can do me a favor? [你能帮我个忙吗?] Bite me. [滚开吧] I can feed you. [我能给你吃的] A few weeks ago,i was in your shoes. [几星期前 我的处境和你一样] Didn't get any food for days. [好几天都没吃东西了] They'd have let me die,just like they're gonna let you die. [他们想让我死 就像他们想让你死一样] Get back to the "feed me" part. [你有什么吃的?] Chicken. [鸡肉] Man,where'd you get chicken? [天啊 你哪儿弄来的?] That's not chicken. [那不是鸡肉] - Want some more? - Yeah. [- 还想要吗? - 想] Then you're gonna have to run an errand for me. [那你得帮我做件事] What kind of errand? [什么事?] Yeah. [喂?] Dad?It's me. [老爸? 是我] Lj. [LJ] Where are you? [你在哪儿?] I'm in panama. [我在巴拿马] What?How. [什么? 怎么...?] how'd you get this number? [你怎么知道我号码的?] Well,I ran into sara. [我...我碰到 Sara 了] She got your number from the consulate. [她从领事馆查到了你的号码] - Dad,I'm cutting out. - lj [- 老爸 手机快没电了 - LJ] - I can't hear you,man. - Dad,do this. [- 我听不清 - 老爸 听着] Meet us at the restaurant in the garfield price building at the top. [在加菲折扣店顶楼的餐馆见面] Garfield what? [加菲什么?] 8:30. [八点半] time to fight,blanco. [白人小子 该你上了] best to make your peace with god. [向上帝祷告吧] Uno,dos,tres,all right? [数一 二 三 就开始 明白吗?] come on [得了吧] ten to one [10 赔 1] no one wants the american [没人想让美国佬活着] What? Even at 10-1? [什么? 10 赔 1] There's a reason he chose world. [他来这里肯定是有原因的] Six consecutive life terms,okay? [六次终身监禁的刑期 懂吧?] clean it up [给我舔了] I'm just kidding,man. [跟你开玩笑呢 伙计] Tranquilo! [别紧张]


Surely,it's beneath a man of your status to be walking around like that all sticky-like. [像你这样地位的人犯不着 这么小

心翼翼地走路] Leave him. [别动他] What do you propose? [你有什么提议?] Ablution. [帮你洗脚] a humble sign of friendship from a stranger who's come into your house. [来自一个陌生人的卑微之仪 象征着我对您的

友好] Sorry about that. [对不起] Just half a man down here. [我只是半个男人] What's your name,norte 駉? [你叫什么 小子?] You can just call me "friend." [您可以叫我 "朋友"] Go for the kneecap. [朝着膝盖] you hit it straight on,it'll buckle, [径直打下去 腿就折了] and you'll take the guy out of commission. [然后你就能把那家伙解决了] Fighting dirty? [玩阴的?] That's your secret? [这就是你的秘诀吗?] I didn't think there was any such thing as clean in a place like this. [我觉得在这种地方 没有什么光明磊落可言] You know,I'm surprised,alex. [知道吗? 我很惊讶 Alex] It almost sounds like you care. [你听上去似乎很在意] You're my get-out-of-jail-free card. [你是我 "走出监狱 恢复自由" 的筹码] Just survive. [活下来就是了] Kneecap,really hard. [朝着膝盖 狠狠地打] good luck,man. [祝你好运 兄弟] god bless,man. [愿上帝保佑你 伙计] we got a disagreement between two dogs-- [某两个人起了冲突] a drug addict and a thief. [一个是瘾君子 一个是小毛贼] And I condone neither. [谁都不可原谅] And I wash my hands of both of them. [我一碗水端平] But they have an issue,and we have rules. [他们有他们的过节 我们有我们的规矩] And without rules,we're nothing but savages. [没有规矩 不成方圆] Therefore,with proper respect for the rules, [因此 出于对规矩应有的尊重] this fight is engaged with only one rule-- [这场决斗只有一个规则] no weapons. [严禁武器] Only man versus man, without augmentation or handicap. [只能赤手空拳地肉搏 没有辅助工具 没有特殊照顾] I'm done talking. [我说完了] I'm not going to fight! [我不打了] I don't think you understand the rules,friend. [朋友 我想你不懂规矩吧] Only one man comes out alive. [只有一人活着出去] no weapons. [严禁武器] rules are rules.Remember? [规矩就是规矩 还记得吗?] If we don't have them. [没有规矩] we're savages. [不成方圆] Oh,excuse me. [不好意思] You have no jacket. [你没穿外套] Come on,man.I'm just meeting someone.Give me a break. [拜托 我要赶着去见人 省省吧] Well,this is a nice place. [这是个体面的场所] It requires jackets. [要求衣冠整洁] Well,I don't have a jacket. [那我没有外套] It requires jackets. [衣冠整洁] Fine. [好吧] Excuse me. You speak english? [你会英语吗?] How about american? [认识美元吧?]


Can I grab a water,please? [能给我来杯水不?] Please tell me you didn't come all the way to panama for the water. [别告诉我你来巴拿马 就为了喝口水啊] Family. [为家事而来] That's a nice jacket,sergio. [夹克衫挺帅嘛 Sergio] It's a long story. [说来话长] Thank you. [谢了] You're waiting for someone,huh? [你在等谁吧?] I should have known. [我本该知道的] Good-looking ones are always taken. [帅哥总是有人捷足先登] What happened to your face? [你的脸怎么搞的?] - A cat. - Cat. [- 被猫抓了 - 猫] It's a big cat. [那可是只大猫啊] You push anything too far into a corner, [你逼的太紧] and the claws will come out. [于是它便伸出爪子来] Your timing's all wrong,lady. [你的时机没把握好 女士] Oh,come on.Hang out. [来吧 出去晃晃] I'd like to. [我很想啊] but it ain't the right time. [不过现在不是时候] Yes,it is,lincoln. [是时候啊 Lincoln] We have a lot to discuss. [我们有不少事要谈谈] Specifically,your brother. [特别是关于你兄弟的] I highly suggest you talk to him. [我强烈建议你跟他谈谈] the dead men inside! bring them out! [尸体在里面! 把他们拖出来!] i want to bury him! [我要把他埋了!] they will be buried here [他们要被埋在这里] unless family members step forward [除非他们的家人] to make theie own arrangerments [过来另做安排] VERSAILLES 1989 V.MADRID [VERSAILLES 1989 V.MADRID] How are we coming with the transfer? [转狱的事进行得如何?] There are some people that want you to break someone out of there. [有人想要你把这儿的人弄出去] Yeah,I know. [是啊 我知道] Some guy already approached me. I said,"no,thank you." [有人已经找过我 不过被我回绝了] You got to stay. [你该留在这] What are you talking about? [你说什么?] His name's james whistler. [他叫 James Whistler] No,no,no,no,linc,I can't do that again. [不不 Lincoln 我再也不干那事了] Michael. [Michael] Talk. [快说啊] Dad. [爸] Dad,I'm so sorry. [爸 对不起] They got me and sara. [他们抓住了我和 Sara] Please,do what they want.Dad,please. [求你了 爸 按他们的要求去做吧] You got a week to find this whistler guy. [你有一个星期去找 那个叫 Whistler 的家伙] Get him out of there. [把他弄出去] Otherwise,they,uh. [否则 他们] sara and lj. [Sara 和 LJ] they both die. [都会没命]


3x02 Fire/Water Previously on prison break: [《越狱》前情回顾] Sona's a one-way street. [Sona 是有去无回的] What goes in never comes out. [进去的没有一个可以出来] Since the riots of last year,they left here us to rot. [自从去年暴动 官方就把我们抛弃了] They figured we would just destroy ourselves,but instead we've thrived. [他们以为我们只会互相残杀 但是我们却发展

起来了] How about we work together,you know,help each other out? [我们一起合作怎么样 相互帮助] You're on your own. [你得靠你自己了] Get me out of this! [把我弄出去] U yowant to know where she is,find a way to get me out of this! [你想知道她在哪 想办法把我弄出去] Maricruz... [Maricruz...] maricruz. [Maricruz] We can assist you should you evede,deci say,to break out of here. [我们可以帮你 不论你的决定是什么 比如说 越狱] This conversation's over. [谈话结束了] We're trying to do this the easy way. [我们是不想为难你] Think you can do me a favor? [你可以帮我个忙吗?] We have a lot to d,cusslincoln. [我们有很多要谈的 Lincoln] Specifically,your brother. [特别是你弟弟] How are we coming with the transfer? [转狱怎么样了?] You got to stay. [你得呆在这] What are you talking about? [你说什么?] Dad,I'm so sorry. [爸爸 我真的很抱歉] They got me and sara. [他们抓了我和 Sara] You got a week to find thst whiguler Y. [你有一个星期找这个叫 Whisler 的家伙] Otherwise,they,uh,both die. [不然 他们都会死的] Where you from up there,bro? [你从哪来的 兄弟?] Chicago. [芝加哥] Michael Jordan. [Michael Jordan] You meet him? [你见过吗?] It's a big city. [那城市大着呢] Oh,yeah,big city. [是啊 大城市] Thanks for saving me a spot. [谢谢你帮我留了个位置] Hey! [嘿] Ejected! [滚!] You ever have sex with blond cheerleader? [你和金发的拉拉队员做过爱吗?] Yeah,sure. [当然] You're the man,bro. [你真是好样的 兄弟] How long's the water been out? [断水多久了] Since riots last year. [从去年暴动起] Government blame us. [政府怪我们] They say,"screw you,you break it.” No water. [他们说 "去你妈的 你们搞坏的" 没水] Gracias. [谢谢] Real quick. [长话短说] There's an inmate here named james whistler. [这有个叫 James Whistler 的囚犯] I'm looking for him. [我在找他] Welcome to club. [你也在找] - Everybody looking for him. - why that? [- 每个人都在找他 - 为什么?] ******In bar fight. [一场酒吧打架 他杀了个市长的人]


Mayor not happy. [市长不爽了] So where is he now? [那他现在在哪里?] Disappear. [消失了] Some say he might even escape. [有人还说他可能逃出去了] Hey. Hey [嘿 嘿!] "I don't have no money. ["我没钱"] I don't have no money," that's all I hear from you,you know that? ["我没钱" 你每次只会说这句 是吗?] But then I see you with this,huh? [可我现在看到你有得吃 嗯?] Life must be good,eh? [小日子挺滋润 嗯?] Look,I'm-I'm hungry,okay? [我 我真的很饿] You worry about me being hungry. [你该担心我才饿了] Hey,hey,hey,hey,come on. [嘿... 行了] Come on! [行了!] But you eat all the time. [可你一直有得吃] Okay,I can see you up there. [好 我可以跟你在上面见] Hey,tranquilo! [嘿 别闹!] there's gonna be more water. [会有水的] When?! [几时?!] I said there will be more water. [我说了会有水的] Later,bro. [回见 哥们儿] Go. [走] go [走] spare a little? [分一点?] I need some information. [我要问点事情] Absolutely. [当然] You slipped this note in my pocket yesterday. [你昨天把这个塞进我口袋] Why? [为什么?] My memory's a little foggy on account of this thirst. [我太渴了 记忆都模糊了] Yeah,it's starting to come back to me now. [啊 好了一点] A little more agua there. [再来点儿] The note. [字条] This guy gave me some rat meat in exchange for putting that in your pocket and the pocket of the guy you were set to fight. [有人给我老鼠肉 条件是把字条 放进你和跟你打的那个人口袋里] Why? [为什么?] He's nuts,that's why. [他疯了 因为] Anybody who can live down in those sewers doesn't have all his faculties. [能住那些下水道的人 智商都有问题] Where in the sewers? [下水道在哪里?] Whistler! [Whistler!] Whistler. [Whistler] My name is michael scofield. [我叫 Michael Scofield] I was sent to get you out of here. [我是来救你] I'm going to assume they told you I was coming. [我假设他们已经告诉你我要来了] Or that someone was coming. [或者有人要来了] Whistler. [Whistler] Last chance. [ 后一次] I'm not coming down here again. [我不会再下来了] you're here to get me out of sona. [你是来把我弄出 Sona 的?] Are you surprised? [惊讶吗?] It's just that it's gonna be a bit difficult getting me out of this hole. [只是 要把我弄出这个洞 比较困难] Seeing as if I go above ground and another inmate spots me,I'm a dead man. [要知道 让其他囚犯发现我到了地面 我就

死定了] Prison Break Season 03 Episode 02


there's a,there's a slight misunderstanding that I have with the mayor... [我和市长有点小误会...] you know what? [知道不] It's none of my business. [这不关我的事] I'll come back and get you when the time is right. [到时候回来找你] I may not make it that long. [我可熬不了那么久] That's your problem,my friend. [那是你的事 朋友] I've got problems of my own. [我有我自己的事] So you work for these people? [你为这帮人干活吧?] The ones that want me out of sona. [那帮要弄我出 Sona 的人吧] Look,just stay put. [好好呆在这] As long as no one knows you're here,y I'll be back. [只要没人知道你在这 当心点 我会回来的] Why do they want me out of here so badly-- [为什么他们那么急着要弄我出去] can you at least tell me that? [你总该告诉我吧?] Is this the part where you pretend you're innocent? [这你就要装得无辜一点了] Just a pawn in all this? [只是在这做人质?] If they told you anything about me before you came here,you'd know that to be true. [如果我告诉你在你来之前的一切事

情 你便能清楚熟是熟非] I just want to know what they want with me. [我只是想知道他们要我干嘛] Stay put. [好好呆在这] In an effort to save some time, [为了节省时间] I'm gonna have to insist that we just skip right past all the threats I know you're prepared to layout. [你那些威胁我的话就

免了] Should anything happen to sara to lj, [要是 Sara 和 Lj 有个三长两短] you will scour the earth and hunt me down and rip my heart from my chest and bup,bup,bup. [你要找遍天涯海角 让我似

无葬身之地等等的] I absolutely know how you feel,as would I,okay? [我完全理解你的感受] So that's done. [废话免谈] On to business. [言归正传] Did you brother get the message? [你兄弟收到消息没?] Good. [不错] You and I will meet here every day. [我们每天在此会面] I'll want a full report of the prior day's progress. [你向我汇报前一天工作的进展] When I call your cell phone,answer. [你要接我的电话] Don't ask me stupid questions. [别问我无聊的问题] Don't waste my time. [别浪费我的时间] Get a plan together. [好好计划] Execute it. [然后执行] Lj and sara will be traded for whistler. [用 Lj 和 Sara 交换 Whistler] Are we clear? [清楚了没?] I want a picture of my son and sara to prove they're alive. [我要我儿子和 Sara 的照片 确认他们还活着] Fine. [没问题] I can do that,next. [可以解决 还有什么问题] Why us? [为什么找我们?] I'll answer that question so we can put it to bed and you can focus on your work. [我回答完这个问题 你就不要问别的了 集中精神办事情] There's a political spotlight on whistler due to the nature of his crime. [Whistler 罪行 这使他在政界引人注目] Raids,bribes,what have you,are not an option. [抢劫 贿赂 你所能想到的] We have to go in through the back door,so to speak. [我们得走后门 就说这些了] This can't be done in a week. [一周之内无法弄他出来] You have a week. [你有一周时间啊] That's it. [就这了]


Are we clear? [清楚?] What's your name? [你叫什么?] Susan B. Anthony. [Susan B. Anthony] I'm assuming you weren't born by immaculate conception. [我看你也不是那种天真的人] You're right,lincoln. [对 Lincoln] Family trees being what they are,moms,dads,brothers,sisters. [骨肉亲人们 爸爸妈妈 兄弟姐妹] Anything happens to my son or sara,I'm not coming after you,susan. [我儿子或 Sara 有个三长两短 我不会来找你的 Susan] Get to work. [好好办事] it's a deal [成交] His man knocks over the water! [他的人把水给打翻了!] Now,didn't you see how lechero jud alkeaway?! [你看见 Lechero 就这么走了?] He doesn't care about us! [他才不管我们!] He doesn't give a damn! [他一点不在乎!] Living like a king up there! [象个国王高高在上!] come out,what are you,afraid?! [出来啊 你是什么东西 怕了?] Come on! [过来啊!] Lechero,come out! [Lechero 出来啊!] Por favor. [求你了] - Por favor. - Vete. Vete,perro. [- 求你了 给点食物我 - 滚蛋 走狗] Why you so interested about that guy down there? [你干嘛对那个家伙那么感兴趣] No reason. [没有原因] Then why you whispering,college boy? [那又为什么在那窃窃私语呢 天才?] Why don't you lower yo voice already? [你说话就不能小点声?] What's in it for me? [我有什么好处?] I'm sorry. Do you have any other friends in here besides me? [很抱歉 除我之外 你在这还有其他朋友?] I'm it. [只有我] - Friends don't let friends go hungry and thirsty - all right. All right. [- 朋友是不会让朋友挨饿受渴的 - 好的 好的] - And damn near half-naked. - I said "all right;" I'll take care of it! [- 该死的连件衣服都没有 - 我说了"好的" 我会解决

的!] When? [什么时候?] When I can. [我有能力的时候] What's the big deal? [有什么大不了的呢?] Why's he hiding? [他为什么要躲着?] Who's he hiding from? [他躲着谁?] Mayor get message to lechero saying if whistler guy gets killed here in sona, [市长传消息给 Lechero 说若 Whistler 在Sona 被杀] whoever kills him gets to go to court,gets to see a judge. [凶手得上法庭 见法官] Judge friendly with mayor. [和市长有交情的法官] Kill him,and-and then you get to get out of here and be free? [杀掉他 然后便可以出去 获得自由?] That's what lechero say. [Lechero 这么说的] This'll stay between me and you. [这是我们两个的秘密啊] If your friend wanted you to know,why didn't he tell you? [如果你朋友想让你知道 那他为什么不告诉你呢?] 'Cause... [因为...] 'cause you and I are friends now. [因为现在我和你是朋友] Unless you want to be enemies. [除非你要与我为敌] Friends. [做朋友] Good.Me,too. [很好 我也是] Sucre? [Sucre?] Sucre,get me out of here,please. [Sucre 带我出去 求你了] Where's maricruz? [Maricruz 在哪?] Yeah.Yeah,maricruz-- [是啊 Maricruz]


she's good,she's okay,but-but I'm not telling you anything until you get me out of here. [她没事 不过你带我出去我才能

告诉你] Tell me where she is right now! [告诉我她现在在哪!] You shoot me,you'll end up inside this hellhole. [你敢开枪 你也会被关进来] I'm done. [随便] I don't care anymore. [我什么都不在乎了] I can only guess she's dead by now,so you're dying with her. [我只能想像她现在已经死了 所以你要给她陪葬] I never had her! [我没抓到过她!] At that house in mexico,I chased your aunt and maricruz off. [我把你阿姨和 Maricruz 从墨西哥的家赶出来] I told them I'd lock 'em up for accessory if they didn't hightail it. [说要是她们不拼命逃 我就把她们当共犯抓起来] I swear to god. [我发誓] And the crucifix? [那十字架呢?] I ripped it off maricruz before she ran. [Maricruz 跑走前我抢过来的] There was no phone in that dump,so I knew you wouldn't be able to call from the road to... [那里没电话 我知道你没法在

路上来电] to make sure I wasn't lying. [看我是不是说谎] I-I conned you. [我骗你的] maricshe's [所以... 所以 Maricruz...] picking grapes.I have no idea. [在摘葡萄还是干什么 我都不知道] Now,just lower the barrel. [不要拿枪指着我了] Put the gun down. [放下枪] Now,I came clean with you and helped you out,right,buddy? [现在事实澄清了 我算帮了你 是不是 兄弟?] So you got to return the favor. [你也该还我个人情] Call my mom in joliet-- [打给我在若利埃的妈妈] edna bellick. [Edna Bellick] She's listed. [电话簿上有她的电话] Sucre? [Sucre?] I never laid a hand on maricruz. [我没碰过 Maricruz] I would never do that! [我也永远不会!] Sucre,help me,please! [Sucre 救我 求你!] Sucre,help me! [Sucre 救我!] Help me! [救我!] oh,man. [天] Hey. [嘿] You find whistler? [你找到 Whistler?] Yeah. [嗯] What's his story? [他什么来历?] I don't know,and maybe it's better that way,huh? [不知道 这样可能还比较好吧?] I just got to get him out of here,right? [只要把他弄出来就行对吧?] Come on,man,come on. [别这样 振作] We got to keep moving,we got to keep moving. [我们要抓紧] What's the next play? [下一步怎么样?] Whistler got a note out on a dbod dy yesterday. [Whistler 昨天通过一具尸体传出纸条] I don't know what it means or who it's for. [我不知道什么意思 要给谁] But we need all the leverage we can get,and,uh... [但我们能有多少筹码的都得用...] I need some money. [我需要钱] No one's ever broken out of this place before,let alone with a week to plan it, [没人逃出过这里 更别说只有一周来计划] tell these people, [所以... 你跟他们说] whoever it is that took sara and my nephew... [不管抓了 Sara 和我侄儿的是谁...] you tell them I get it,and I'm going to do everything I can. [跟他们说 我知道了 我会尽力] I'm going to break this guy out of here,or I'm going to die trying. [我要帮他越狱 不成功便成仁] And if it's the latter,then that should count for something,right? [要是成仁了 怎么都要有点回报吧?]


That's got to count for something. [一定要有回报] You tell them that. [告诉他们] I will. [我会] Tell them. [告诉他们] I'd trade places with you in a second. [如果可以 我会毫不犹豫的和你换过来] I know. [我知道] Whistler? [Whistler?] You're not safe here. [你在这不安全] I can take you someplace that is. [我带你去安全的地方] If you're here to help me,then just leave me alone . [你要是来帮我的 就不要管我] please [不要管我] Sucre? [Sucre?] Linc! [Linc!] What are you doing here? [你怎么在这里?] What are you doing here? [你怎么在这里?] Michael's locked up. [Michael 进了监狱] For what? [为什么?] I don't know.I'm sorting it through. [不知道 我也在弄清楚] I could use your help. [需要你帮忙] We're in A...we're in a bad spot. [我们... 我们形势很不利] Uh,I feel for you,man,but I'm done with baI'm going to go see maricruz. [我理解你 但我不趟这浑水 我要去找 Maricruz] I just talked to my cousin petey,and he told me she's back over in chicago. [我刚问了表亲 Petey 他说她回了芝加哥] Hey,you're still wanted in chicago,remember? [你在芝加哥还被通缉呢 忘了?] I'll figure something out. [我会想到办法的] All right.If you change your mind,I'm staying at the plaza del sol. [好吧 要是改变主意 我在 Plaza del Sol 等你] I won'T. [不会的] I'm-I'm out of here,bro.I'm going to go see my girl. [我走了 我要去找我老婆] Listen to me. [听我说] The innocent people in your life-- [你身边无辜的人] you got to keep them innocent-- [你不要连累他们] if that means walking away from them,that's what you got to do. [如果这意味着要离开他们 那你就该放手] Good luck,linc. [好运了 Linc] Banco de versailles,por favor. [Versailles 银行 谢谢] Have we had our laughs with him yet? [他有让我们开心过吗?] he's useless,man. [他是个废物] You want to get rid of him? [想除掉他?] Then you cut the mango. [那你去削芒果] You caused me a big,big problem out there today! [你今天给我惹了大祸! 大祸!] You understand that? [懂吗?] Now there's no more water. [现在没水了] They'll live. [他们死不了] oh,yeah?They'll live? [是吗? 死不了?] Yeah?Well,you tell them that,then. [你去跟他们说吧] Teodoro! [Teodoro!] There's water here. [这里有水] Give each man a little,hey? [每人给一点 明白?] At once. [马上] Hey,lechero! [嘿 Lechero!] Don't worry about us! [别担心我们!] We're fine! [我们没事!] He may have ruled the streets out there,but in here,he's just like us. [他在外头也许风光无限 但在这儿 跟我们没两样] Just like us! [没两样!]


Come out!What,are yo? [出来! 你怕了?] come and look at me! [出来面对我!] Come on! [来啊!] The erican in his underwear--you seen him? [那个穿内裤的白人 你见过吗?] t-bag. [T-bag] Boy,you're going to be drinking yurr own ine before you get any of this. [孩子 你敢碰这个 就喝自己的尿去] I just need to speak to se 駉 r lechero,please? [我只想跟 Lechero 先生说句话 帮帮忙吧?] Why don't you do yourself a favor-- [为何不帮帮你自己] scamper. [快逃跑吧] But I got something. [但我有些东西] Oh,yeah. [是啊] You got yourself the untouchable status. [你给自己弄了个碰不得的身份] Get myself killed just talking to your mangy ass. [还能让我 因为跟你这生疮老屁股说话而掉脑袋] andale. [再见] But I got information. [但我有消息] Good information. [好消息] are you out of your mind,huh? [你疯了?] He's got info. [他说有消息] Pick A...pick a kneecap,huh? [选吧 你要哪边膝盖骨?] I got information! [我有消息!] I just want food and clothing. [我只想要吃的跟穿的] Patron,please. [Patron 别] Hold on.Hold on! [行了 行了!] This better be informative. [消息 好有用] Or it's your kneecap next. [不然下次轮到你的膝盖] This morning,before that whole,uh,water thing,I, [今早 水的事情之前] I heard you and the lads talking about that whistler character,how no one's found him. [我听你们在说那个叫 Whistler 的 没人找到了他] Well... [但...] I just want food and clothing... [我只想要吃的和穿的...] just tell him,idiot! [告诉他 死蠢!] Bellick: There's a guy hiding down in the sewers. [有个人躲在下水道] I-I figure he's hiding from you,right,because you run this place,right? [我猜是在躲你 因为你是这里老大 对吗?] And so I figured you'd want to know everything goes on here,so... [所以我又想 你应该想知道 这里发生的所有事情...] fine,shut up. [好了 闭嘴] It just might be whistler,si,patron? [有可能是 Whistler 是吧 Patron?] 縎 i? [是吧?] Is he australian? [他是澳大利亚人吗?] Yeah.Yeah! [是 是的!] Courtesy of the lechero's munificence. [Lechero 的慷慨恩惠] All right,now,y'all need to back up a tad now. [大家不要挤啊] Hey.How long you been in sona? [你在 Sona 监狱多久了?] Three years. [3 年] How old are you? [你几岁?] Seventeen. And as far as you know,no one's ever broken out of this place except,uh... [就你知道的 没人逃出过这里 除了...] except maybe this whistler guy? [可能除了这个 Whistler?] You americans ask a lot of questions. [你们美国人问题真多] Oh,no. [噢 不] What's wrong? [怎么了?] - Come on. - Please. [- 出来 - 不要!] - Come on! - I have a family. [- 出来! - 我还有家人]


S-so do I. [我也有] Come on. [出来] Stop! [停!] Stop,okay? [停下 好吗?] Just... [你就...] he's coming with me. [他要跟我走] just back up,michael. [退后 Michael] Just... [别...] you don't actually think that killing somebody is going to help you get out of here,do you? [你不是真的以为杀了他 你就

能出去吧?] That does seem pretty strange,doesn't it? [这的确是个奇怪的主意 是吧] But this is a really strange place, one I want to get out of. [但这里也是个奇怪的地方 我一定要出去] Then I'll help you. [我会帮你的] I'll testify for you,whatever it takes. [我保证会为你作证] Wow. [哇 你现在看上去真像个天使啊] Wow,look at that halo that just appeared above your head. -It's amazing. -I don't have a choice,alex... [-你真的太好了! -你知道我别无选择的 Alex...] what'd you tell me yesterday? [你记得昨天跟我说什么?] What did you tell me yesterday? [你记得昨天跟我说什么的?] "You're on your own,alex.” Back up. ["你只能靠你自己 Alex" 退后!] Back up! [退后!] You... [你...] you don't want this. [照我说的做!] Let me help you,alex. [让我帮你啊 Alex] Hey,your majesty! [喂! "陛下"!] You got to shut him up. [你可得想个办法让他闭嘴] I need this bolson to call me back. [我一定要这个白痴为这付出代价!] I need to talk to you. [我要和你谈谈] Don't ever walk in here without being called! [谁允许你不经通报就擅自进来的!] I'm sorry. [对不起] -But it's worth the breach in etiquette. -Is it now? [-但我要说的比这些"繁文缛节"重要的多 -非得要现在说吗?] I thought you could use my help. [我想我可以帮你解决这问题] There are ways I can be of assistance. [我有些好办法] *** [你现在不能放 Whistler 出去] Whistler don't mean nothing to me,man. [伙计 我要 Whistler 干吗] I have five consecutive life sentences-- [我被判了 5 个无期徒刑--] I ain't coming out of sona no time soon. [我可从来没想过从这里出去] And why should I deprive other men of chance at freedom? [那为什么我要剥夺别人获得自由的机会?] I need you to trust me. [你一定要相信我] Trust you? [相信你?] I don't know you good enough,brother. [我才认识你没多久哦 伙计] Teodoro. [Teodoro] Si,patron? [在 老大?] He can I trust this bobo? [你说我能相信这家伙吗?] he's a snake. [他绝对是条毒蛇] He stabbed me in the back every chance he got. [只要一有机会他绝对会向您放冷箭的] A snake who stab a man in the back. [噢 一个会放冷箭的家伙] I never hear of such a creature before. [我可不喜欢和这种人打交道] we got to stop this! [一定要想办法制止这家伙!] just give me two more minutes. [听我再说两句] Leave now! [马上给我滚出去 马上!] Leave! [滚!]


Crumbs! [垃圾!] That's what you're giving us! [这就是你说的给我们一切吗!] Your crumbs! [你这垃圾!] Hey,lechero,how's your television? [Lechero 你那台大电视现在在播什么节目啊?] How's your whore? [你跟你的小妓女现在在干吗啊?] Come on,what are you scared of? [有种就出来啊 你怕什么?] Hey. [能帮我搞点酒吗?] I need some,uh,some moonshine. -Moonshine? -Or some alcohol. Booze. [-酒? -或者直接酒精也行 总之要烈点的] Booze,yeah. [烈...好啊] I need it now. [我马上就要] A liter or a gallon-- whatever you can get your hands on. [一升或一加仑-- 反正能搞多少就都搞来] -It's not good time for party,bro. -Bring it to me in my cell. [-伙计 现在可不是派队时间啊 -把货送到我牢房来] Vera Vera [Vera Vera] The woman's been waiting for you. [有个女的在那等你很久了] Thank you [谢谢啊] Vera Madrid [Vera Madrid] I hope you haven't been waiting long. [没有让你久等吧] Sofia Lugo [Sofia Lugo] I'm James Whistler's girlfriend [我是 James Whistler 的女朋友] You're a signatory on his account. [他的户头上有你的名字] wait here [在这等下] She's beatiful [她真可爱] Thank you [谢谢] My girlfriend's pregnant [我女朋友也怀孕了] congratulations [那就恭喜你了啊!] I'm going... [我马上就要...] Can I help you [有什么要帮忙的吗?] No thank you. I'm good. [没有没有 谢谢了] Cause it looked like you needed something. [不过你看上去好象有问题啊] No. [没有没有] I'm just waiting for the bus. [我只是等公车而已] vamonos. [Vamonos 我们走吧] co whi on,stler. [别这样 Whstler] whistler,stop!What are you... [Whistler 住手! 你要干什...] just come up top with me. [来 我背你走] You got a better chance coming up with me. [如果你跟我一起走] At least you can plead your case to lechero. [起码你还有机会上诉啊] -Just get... go to hell. [-快点让我... 去死吧你] Just... [快点...] his best batch,he say. [这已经是 好的了] It's fine. [好] I'm going to need some plastic bags. [我还要点塑料袋] You didn't get it for to party,did you? [你不是为了开派对 是吧...] Plastic bags,as many as you can get. [塑料袋! 能搞多少就搞多少来] I'll make it worth your while,I promise. [快点吧 我保证不会亏待你的] Gracias. [谢谢] Gracias. [不客气] Excuse me? You speak english? [不好意思 你会说英语吗?] Yeah. [会] We've met. [我们以前见过的] I mean I saw you yesterday at,uh,sona. [我是说我昨天在 SONA 见过你]


Yeah. [恩] You know,uh,you could lose the whole grieving widow thing. [你知道吗 其实你不用成天在监狱门口期盼他出来的] You're whistler's girl,right? [你是 whistler 的女朋友对吗?] I'm sorry,I have to be somewhere. [不好意思 我要先走了] I've got,uh,I got to do something,all right? [不好意思 我必须这么做] Do what? [做什么?] Give me that back or I'll call the police. [把包换给我 否则我就叫警察了!] You're not going to call the police. [你绝对不会叫警察的] Why does he want this? [为什么他要这个东西?] I don't know. He's just a fisherman. [我怎么知道 他只不过是个渔夫] A fisherman? [渔夫?] Well,tell your fisherman friend... [那好 告诉你那个渔夫朋友...] tell your fisherman friend scofield's brother has t [告诉你那个渔夫朋友他要的东西 在 Scofield 哥哥的手上] why won't you people just leave him alone?! [为什么你们这些家伙就是不肯放过他?!] You think we want to be forced into this? [你以为我想被牵扯进来?!] You think we want to be here,lady? [你以为我想跑到这个鬼地方来 小姐?!] Forced into what? [牵扯进什么?] What are you talking about? [你在说什么啊?] All right,hold this. [拿着这个] Hold it. [拿好] Watch the hallway for me. [帮我放下风] I'm friends with everybody here,bro. [我和这的人从来都没什么过节的啊 伙计] That's how I keep alive. [这也是为什么我能活到今天] You and I are friends,right? [我们俩是朋友对吧?] Yeah,but looks like you got enemies. [这话是不错 但是你的仇人可不少啊] What I did for you,getting you those things... [我今天帮你做的这些 帮你搞这么多东西来...] no one will ever know. [我保证没人会知道] Stand up,stand up. [站好! 站好] Stand up. [起来] come on. [来] Back up! [退后!] Back up. [退后] You can have him,but two of you will die in the process. [可以把他给你 但是你俩你死我活] You first? [你先吧?] You first. I'll wrap this right around your head. [你先来 我把这家伙抡你头上] Move. [走开] Move! [走开] Lechero! [Lechero!] Lechero! [Lechero!] Enough! [够了!] Let me go down there. [让我下去吧] Let me cut just one throat. [割开一个人的喉咙] Just one. [就一个] They'll quiet down,man. [他们就消停了] And then regroup later with a real reason to come after you. [然后他们再找个响当当的理由挑衅你] Shut your mouth. [闭嘴] He's right,sammy. [他说的对 Sammy] So,what we going to do,boss,huh? [那 我们该怎么办 头?] We just going to sit up here,hope they run out of rocks? [我们就在这 坐等他们把石头用完?] We have a problem. [我们有麻烦了] What is it? [怎么了?] Ran out of water. [没水了]


So,you mean you've got a problem. [那 你的意思是你们有麻烦了] Look,there was an accident here. [听我说 这是场意外] The tank tip over. [储水池翻了] My men need water,man. [我的伙计们得喝水] I'll see if I can get the water truck there day after tomorrow. [我看看能不能后天叫辆储水车] No,I need water now! [不 我现在就要水!] I guess it's too bad there's no guards in there anymore with you,huh? [没有狱警管着你真是太糟糕了吧?] You could take hostages,have a riot,make demands. [你可以劫持人质 发起暴动 提出请求] Day after tomorrow. [后天] You call me and you raise your voice at me like that again, [你再吼叫着给我打电话] you're not going to see water for two weeks. Hmm? [就 2 星期后再给你水] ntendido? [Ntendido?] they got whistler. [他们抓到了] Enough! [够了] Enough! [够了] now,I'll decide this! [现在 我来决定] You'll decide nothing. [你说的不算] you can't deliver,lechero.You're done here. [你办不成事了 Lechero 你现在完了] now what? [现在呢?] What do we do? [我们可以了吗?] you've been outbid. [你要价太高了] Wait.What are you talking about? [等等 你说什么?] What are you ta...?What are you talking...? [你说...你说什么?] that's,uh,very useful. [.那 很管用] Very useful. [非常管用] And whistler's clear? [那 whistler 的事明朗了吗?] Yeah. [是啊] Clear as the blue sky,brother. [像蓝天一样明朗 兄弟] Hello? [喂] Baby,it's me. [宝贝 是我] Oh,my god. [哦 天那] I've been so scared,I've been praying every day. [我都快吓死了 天天祈祷] I did,too,babe. [我也是 宝贝] I just thank god you're okay. [感谢上帝你没事] Petey called me after he had talked to you [Petey跟你谈了之后给我打电话了] and he said that you might be coming back here? [他说你可能回来?] That's what I told him.Yeah. [我是跟他这么说的 对] You have to be so careful. [你千万要小心] Baby,I've been thinking,and,uh [宝贝 我在想] the only thing that I... [现在我唯一] about right now is that you and the baby are okay. [放心不下的就是你和孩子] That's all that matters to me. [那是我的一切] I'm not coming back. [我不会回来] It's not because I don't love you,because [不是因为我不爱你 因为] you know I do...I love you more... [你知道 比爱你更多] I love you more than anything,but... [我爱你胜过一切 但] all I do is bring you down. [我所做的就是拖累你] I'm no good for you. [我对你一点好处都没有] That's not true,that's not true. [不是这样的 不是这样的] Oh,it is,it is,it is,and... [是的 是的 是的] sometie s thonly way to protect the people that you love is... [有时候 保护你所爱的人唯一方法] is by staying away from them. [就是远离他们]


One day,When I give my life *** [总有一天 我的生活会转入正轨] However long that takes--I'll find you. [不管需要多久 我都要找到你] I'll find you,and,uh,and I'll make you and our baby proud. [我都要找到你 让你和咱们的孩子扬眉吐气] Te lo prometo. [Te lo prometo.] Te lo prometo,mi amor. [Te lo prometo,mi amor.] I wish we could go back. [希望我们回到过去] I would give anything to go back. [不管付出怎样的代价] I wish that,too. [我也想] I wish that,too,baby. [我也想啊 宝贝] I love you so much,baby. [我非常爱你 宝贝] I love you,too,baby. [我也爱你 宝贝] Good-bye. [再见] Bye. [再见] You know,they told me [你知道的 他们告诉我] that your brother got all the brains [你弟弟很聪明] but I didn't realize you were this stupid. [没想到你却这么傻] What do you want,susan? [你想要怎样 Susan?] No sooner do I tell you to stick to the plan [我才让你照计划行事] than you go and hassle whistler's girlfriend. [你就跑去找 whistler 的女朋友了] You need to quit playing sherlock holmes and leave her alone. [别玩福尔摩斯游戏了 少招惹她] Why? [为什么] 'Cause I said so. [因为我说了] - How about that? - All right. [- 怎样? - 好吧] How about you beat it,so I can get to work? [不如你放下枪,让我去干活?] I will as soon as you give me what you took from her. [只要你把拿她的东西给我] I took nothing from her. [我什么也没拿] I got a gallon of bleach,a tarp and a hacksaw in the trunk of my car. [我车里有一加仑的漂白剂 一块油布 一把钢锯] One hour,tops-- [一小时 多] you're off the face of the earth. [你就会从地球上消失] It's just a bird guide. [只是本鸟类介绍] I am not going to ask you again. [我不会对你说第二遍] toss it. [扔过来] report. [明天 酒吧 报告进度] I will be waiting. [我等着] so it's water you want. [这就是你要的水] here's your water. [给你水] thank you. [谢谢] So,how are we getting out of here? [我们怎么出去?] I have no idea. [不知道]

3x03 Call Waiting Previous on Prison Break [前情回顾] I'm so sorry. [真对不起] They got me and Sara. [他们抓到我和莎拉了] LJ and Sara will be traded for Whistler. [LJ和莎拉将被做为人质和惠斯勒交换] Are we clear? [明白了吗] I want a picture of my son and Sara to prove they're alive. [我要一张我儿子和莎拉的照片证明他们还活着] I will have a court date one of these days, and you will be there. [这几天我将要出庭 你倒是后也会去] You're on your own. [你自己处理了] Sofia Lugo. [索菲亚 鲁果]


I'm James Whistler's girlfriend. [我是 James Whistler 的女友] Why does he want this? [为什么他想要这个] He's just a fisherman. [他是个钓鱼爱好者] Tell your fisherman friend Scofield's brother has this. [告诉你的渔翁的朋友 史勾飞的哥哥拿着这个了] Just take the bounty off Whistler. [放过惠斯勒吧] Whistler don't mean nothing to me, man. [惠斯勒随我来说什么也不值] There are ways I can be ofssistance. [我有办法可以解决] Whistler's clear? [惠斯勒现在清白了吧] Clear as the blue sky, brother. [和天空一样清白,兄弟] So, how are we getting out of here? [那么我们怎么出去] I have no idea. [我也不知道] What the hell are you doing? [你在这干什么] I just... [我...] I need some money, and I didn't... [我需要点钱 还有我...] I didn't know where else to go. [我也不知道可以去哪里] I've got about $50. [我又大概$50] Nono. [不] I'm talking about the millions, papi. [我在说那一百万] The backpack? [背包呢?] There's all sorts of cash in that thing. [所有的钱都在里面] Need a place to crash, I got your back, but the backpack's gone. [需要个地方躲下 我帮你 但是背包没了] Any money I dig out is for my brother. [所有找到的钱我都会帮我弟弟] Remember him? [记得他吗] Tall guy, kind of thin. [高高的个子 有点瘦] Busted your ass out of jail. [帮你越狱] I feel bbout Mike. [我觉得欠他的情] I do, Linc. [我真的 林肯] But not all of us got exonerated, you know. [不是所有人都可以被赦免的] Pretty clear on that. [非常清楚] I can't ever go home again. [我现在甚至都不能回家] You got problems, Sucre? [你有麻烦吗,苏尔] You ain't the only one,Linc. [林肯 你不只是唯一有麻烦的] That's right. [对] We're all guilty of something, man. [我们某种程度上都有罪] All of us. [我们所有人] Not them. [不光是他们] I want to help. [我需要帮助] But it seems like it's only getting deeper and deeper. [但是看起来只是越陷越深] Look, I just, I just want money to get back on my feet and that's it, Linc. [我只是想要些钱 然后从新开始] Linc? [林肯] Never mind. [算了] Doesn't take too long for a man to become animal, no? [从人变成野兽不需花很久] The smart ones go for his bunk first. [聪明人会先去占他的床位] What do the dumb ones do? [那个木呆的家伙在干嘛?] Hey, I was here first. [嘿,我先来的] Mampi bitch, you been here two days. [婊子 我来这两天了] I meant I was the first one to the shoe, [我的意思是我是第一个拿到他的鞋的] you sack-in-the-box-- now hand it over. [你个在麻袋里的家伙 拿过来] You're asking for a chicken foot, friend. [你是不死要一个鸡脚] You want this shoe? [想要鞋吗] You're gonna have to come and get it. [想要吗过来拿去] Leave him. Leave him. [让他过来]


I just wanted to express my thanks [我只是想表达我的谢意] for, uh... [因为...] for Whistler. [因为惠斯勒] I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about. [我不知道你在说什么] My mistake. [对不起我的错] Anyway, I thought maybe we could make some kind of arrangement. [另外 我想我们可以来个某种程度的协议] Maybe I could [也许我能] help out around Sona. [帮你越狱] Come here, boy. [过来哥们] Leave. [你们过去] You help me? [你想帮我] I'm the bucky massa here, boy. [我是着的老大] Me. Not you. [我,不是你] So if anyone want anything at Sona, it's me them will come to. [任何人想在 sona 要东西 只能来找我] So do not walk in here asking for some favor [所以不要到这来要求什么帮助] like we have some understanding. No, no, no, no, no. [好像我们有什么共识似的 不 不是的] We do not. [我们没有] The next time you roll in here like that, boy, [小子 下一次你再这样插手] the only thing you ask me for is mercy. [你只能希望我能仁慈点] Si? [明白了吗] Scofield, visitor. [Scofield 有访客] Go on, boy. [去吧 小子] Now, run along, your momma calling ya. [现在 去吧 你妈妈在找你呢] That bad, huh? [不妙 对吧] It's not good. [很不妙] You? [你呢] I followed that message you got from Whiler. [我追查你从 Whiler 那得到信息] It's all about some book. [全是关于一本书的] A bird guide. Names and numbers on it. [鸟类导读 上面有名字和号码] Any clues as about who he might be? [有关于他身份的线索吗] No. We weren't the only ones following his directions. [还没 我们不是唯一在追查他的人] His girl was there, says he's some kind of fisherman. [他女朋友也在那 称他是个渔夫] Yeah, sure he is. [对 好他是] Listen, man, I, uh, I want you to check something out. [听着 伙计 我...我想给你看些东西] Oh, my God! [我的天啊] The way she's holding the paper [她举着报纸的姿势] it's like she's, uh, [就好像她在...] it's like she's pointing at something. [好像她在指着什么] It's too small I can't read it. [太小了 我看不清] This is today's paper. [是今天的报纸] She's pointing at Santa Rita. [她指着 Santa Rita] It's a small town 20 miles from here. [是离这里 20 英里远的小镇] She's trying to tell us where she is. [她在试着告诉我们她在哪] I have to talk to her, Linc. [我得跟她说话 Linc] Even if they let you talk to her, man, [就算他们让你跟她通话 伙计] they'll be listening to every word you say. [他们也会监听你的每字每句] You can't do that. [你不能这么做] We're gonna need more than the name of that town. [我们需要比小镇名字更多的资料] I'm coming up empty-handed here, Linc. [我至今还是什么办法都没有 Linc] It's already been three days and... [已经 3 天了...] I got nothing to show for it. [而我一筹莫展] So, if I can't break Whistler out of here... [所以 如果我不能把 Whistler 从这救出去]


you're gonna have to break them out of there. [你必须得把他们从那救出来] So, what's the deal, mate? [那么 计划是什么 伙伴?] When's moving day? [什么时候行动] I'll tell you the plan when you tell me who you are. [你告诉我你是谁 我就告诉你计划] -I'm a fisherman. -Really? [- 我是个渔夫 - 是吗] So am I. [我也是] You're worried about trusting me? [你还在担心我是否值得信赖?] My life is in your hands. [我的命掌握在你的手里] How am I supposed to know that I can trust you? [我怎么知道我是不是该信任你] You don't. [你不要知道] Boo-yah! [Boo-yah!] Hey. Stuart Scott. [Stuart Scott] Number one, right? You watch the SportsCenter? [一号 对吧? 你看 SportCenter 吗?] Not recently. Look, I need to get my hands on a phone. [ 近没有 听着 我需要打个电话] I need to get my hands on some pechos. [我还想要摸女人呢] But that ain't gonna happen either, is it? [但是那是不可能实现的 对吧] Who you got to call so important anyway? [再说 谁那么重要 你必须得打给她] Sara. [Sara Sara.] Absolutely not. [绝对不可能] It ain't a request; it's a dictation of terms. [这不是个请求 而是命令] My brother ain't thinking about escape till he talks to Sara. [我弟弟不会想办法越狱 除非他跟 Sara 通话] Aw, that's sweet. [真甜蜜] I can assure you of two things, Lincoln. [我可以向你保证 2 件事 Lincoln] One, that Sara's fine [第一 Sara 没事] and two, you have a better chance of banging me on that bar [第二 你完全可以把我打翻在场] than you do of talking to her. [而不和她通话] I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass. [感谢你的提议 但是我拒绝] Yeah? Yeah. [- 确定? - 确定] Oh, what if that's a dictation of terms. [但如果这是个命令呢] It's not a matter of negotiaon. [这根本没有协商的余地] Government rip out all the phones [政府把这里的电话拆了精光] when they find out bad men in Sona still setting up deals. [当发现这帮罪人在 Sona 监狱依然恶性不改] Making bang-bangs just like before. [还像过去那样闹个不停] They just did it over the phone. [他们就把电话线切断了] Well, if they cut the lines, maybe we can fix 'em. [如果是切断线路的话 或许能修复] There's nothing to fix, bro. [大哥 没什么好修的] There used to be a whole row of them all along the wall, [这里以前沿着墙根都是成卷的电话线] but they're gone now. [但是现在都没有了] If you have no more questions [如果你没有问题了] I'm just gonna get going. [我就走了] Michael got the bounty off Whistler's head in two days. [Michael两天内就救下了 Whistler 的命] That's more than your people could do in two weeks. [那是你们的人两周都办不到的] Show some goodwill. [来点诚意吧] He'll get his goodwill when Whistler's out. [当他救出 Whistler 后 会得到的] One thing you should know about my brother, [这点你必须了解下我弟弟] he's very stubborn. [那就是他很顽固] You want him to fetch, you throw him a bone. [要想有收获 必须先付出] How does Michael think he's gonna get his hands on a phone inside Sona? [那么让 Michael 在狱内通个电话怎样?] What about cell phones? [那手机呢?] With all the traffic moving in and out of here. [这边人来人往的 可以带个混进来] Cell phone big no-no. [手机想都别想] Only one man has access to it, [只有一个人有权有手机]


and he would never let a zanahoria like you... [而他绝不会给你这样的家伙用] Let me guess. [让我猜猜是谁] What is it? [这是什么?] The weekly from your operations on the outside. [外头给你的本周行动指示] Grave digger dropped it off. [低调行事] That couldn't be. [这可办不到] This envelope way too thin. [这薄薄的信封就打发我了] Stuff just moving a little slow on the outside these days. [东西运输上 近有点慢] Oh, stuff moving slow. [是吗 东西运得慢] Somebody making it move slower. [是故意有人磨时间吧] Teodoro. [Teodoro] Set up something at the barber downstairs for me now. [去楼下的理发师那边给我准备下] Yes, sir. No problem at all. [遵命 老大 没有问题] You tell that bitch [告诉那贱货] she nick me with the razor again, I'm gonna use it 'pon her. [要是再用剃 割到我 就要她好看] You're still alive. [你还活着] And you're still lovely. [你依然可爱动人] Oh, please, I haven't showered in three days. [拜托 我都三天没洗澡了] Whatever you smell like, it's a significant upgrade. [不管你身上什么味 都是成熟味] When I didn't hear from you, I... [当我和你失去联系后 我...] I'm sorry. [我很抱歉 I'm sorry.] I warned you it might be a bit... I know, I know. It's just... [- 我提醒过你这会有些 - 我知道 只是] every time they dragged out a body... [每次他们拖出尸身来...] Look at me. [看着我] I promise you when I leave this place, it won't be like that. [我向你保证 离开这后生活绝不会这样的] Okay. [好吧 好的 Okay.] Now, were you able to find my book? [你找到我的书了吗?] Yeah. [是的 好的 Yeah.] But there was this guy. [但是有个家伙] He followed me. [他跟踪了我] What guy? [怎么样的人?] I don't know. [我也不认识 I don't know.] Did he hurt you? [他有没有伤到你?] No, [没有] but he took it. [但是他把书夺走了] I'm sorry. [I'm sorry.] I didn't know what to do. [我不知道该怎么办好] What did he look like? Um... [他长什么样?] shaved head,kind of big. [光头 块头很大] He said to tell you that Scofield's brother has it now. [他让我告诉你 书在 Scofield 的哥哥手上] Who's Scofield? Okay. [- Scofield 是谁? - 好吧] Who's Scofield? Hmm? [Scofield 是谁?] No one. [没什么特别的] He's just, um... he's someone I'm working with. [他就是...和我一起工作的家伙] He's gonna help me get out of here. [他会帮我离开这里] He's a lawyer? [他是律师吗?] Basically. [基本上是吧] That's why you want him to have the book. [这就是为何你让他拿到书] Look, Sofia, the less you know about this, the safer you'll be. [听着 Sofia 你知道的越少就越安全] The less I know, the less help I'll be. [我知道的越少就越帮不了你] Exactly. [说的没错] I just need you to lay low for a while. Okay, sweetheart? [我就想你回避一段时间行吗 宝贝?]


What the hell is going on, James? [James 这到底怎么回事?] What is so important about this book? [这书到底有什么玄机?] Nothing. [没有 Nothing.] It just has notes in it, [不过是有些笔记罢了] you know, phone numbers. [比如电话号码之类的] It's people who know people who are going to help me get out of here. [也就是朋友的朋友 想法把我弄出去] You're lying. [你在撒谎] Why would I lie to you? [我为何要对你撒谎?] You're the only person in the world that I can trust. [你是我唯一能信任的人] Come here. [过来点] Come here. [过来点] Now, I just need you to trust me. [现在我只要你信任我] And do what? [然后呢?] Nothing. [没有然后] Sign out, please [请在这签下字] You looking for something, blanquito? [臭小子 你在找东西?] Yeah, yeah, I am, I am. [是的 我在找] What you looking for then? [你在找什么东西?] Just a little, uh...little something to pass the time. [就想找些 能消磨时间的东西] You got paper? [你有钱吗?] Go down to the lost and found with the rest of them. [去失物招领处找找] They'll hook you up proper. [他们会让你满意的] All right. [行 好吧 All right.] I find you sniffing around where you don't belong, [我发现你在别人的地盘找东西] you'll find yourself in that ring again... against me. [再这样 你就会和我去决斗] I don't like your odds. [你根本没有胜机] I want you to check something out, all right? [我给你看看这个] Look at her left hand-- like she's pointing at something. [看她的左手 好像在指着什么东西] Well, you'd better tell my cousin he'd better make himself available. [你 好和我表弟说 让他准备好] Better him short money than me short patience. [他缺钱总比让我失去耐心要好] ?No comprende, boy? [听明白了?] I need a charge. [手机要去充电] Teodoro, [Teodoro] go on, get me laundry, no? [快去 给我准备好换洗衣服] Sure thing, boss-- oh, almost forgot. Uh, I talked to the barber. [没问题 差点忘了 我和理发师说过了] She's gonna squeeze you in today around 2:00. [她下午两点能为您服务] If that pleases you, patrón. [老大 如果这能让你开心起来的话] Patrón. [不错] I think it's time you made good on all the bad you've done, Theodore. [我觉得你该做出正确选择赎罪了] You and me, we're going to make a deal. [我们之间做个交易] Lechero has a cell phone. [Lechero 有个手机] I need it. [我需要那手机] No problem. [没有问题] Shall I turn water into wine while I'm at it? [需要我在内部帮你做手脚?] Maybe give the guy's mother a good rodgering? [还是把那家伙的老妈给睡了?] She'd be a little old for your tastes, no? [她可能太老了 不对你胃口] Careful, Pretty. [小心点] Don't bite the hand you trying to get fed out of. [别自己惹祸上身] I'm not looking for food, I'm looking for a favor. [我没有在找麻烦 我是在找寻帮助] Why the hell should I do you a favor, huh? [我干吗要帮你?] Cause unlike your new compadres, I know who you are, [因为我不像他们 非常了解你的为人] what you've done and who you've done it to. [知道你都干了什么 对谁干的]


Let me get this straight. [不如挑明直说了吧] You're saying you gonna tell on me? [你是说你想要告发我?] this here is a religious country, [我要说的是 这是个信教的国家] and I'm willing to bet the good folks down in Panama [我宁可赌一把 看看巴拿马良民] don't take too kindly to rapists [会如何善待强奸犯] and pedophiles. [兼恋童癖] You want to bet against me? [你愿意和我赌上一把吗?] Listen, mate. [兄弟 听着] Here's what I know so far. [这是我目前知道的情况] I know you've got a brother helping on the outside, [我知道你的兄弟在外面想办法把我们弄出去] I know he ran into my girlfriend, [我还知道他跑去见我女朋友了] and I know he took a book from her that belongs to me. [还从她那里拿走了一本我的书] I'd like it back. [把书还给我] What's so special about this book? [那本书有那么特别吗] Well, unless it has directions out of this prison, [除非能想办法出去] I don't think it should really matter to you. [不然的话 这本书对你来说还是没用] You don't know what matters to me. [你懂什么] You can get that book back when we get out of Sona. [我们出去了就把书还给你] Oh, yeah? [是吗?] And when the hell is that exactly? [那究竟啥时候我们能出去呢] Because so far I haven'seen bollocks in the way of breaking out of here. [到现在为止 我根本看不出来怎么可以出去呢] Okay. [Okay.] Let me tell you what I know so far. [我告诉你我目前掌握的情况] Some very bad people who have done [有帮干尽坏事的家伙] some very bad things want you alive [希望你活着] and out of this prison, which is why every bone [并且从这里出去 我的良知告诉我] in my body is telling me to do the opposite. [我不应该帮他们把你弄出去] Then why are you doing it? [那你为啥还要这么做] You're upset because someone took a book from you. [有人拿走了你的书你就不高兴了] This is what they took from me. [这是那帮家伙从我这里抢走的] So let's be clear. [所以 跟你直说了] This is what matters to me, not you [我在乎的是她 不是你] and not your book. [也不是你的什么书] Hello. [你好] Cousin, how is it? [表哥 还行吧] Hey, Augusto. [你好啊 Augusto] You tell me, man. [你说呢 兄弟] Oh, business is cyclical, don dada. [生意就是那样 老大] Ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, you know. [有时候好 有时候坏] Seems like there's more ebbing than flowing these days, huh? [看起来 近不怎么样啊?] You think? [你说呢] I'm gonna tell you what I think, man. [我跟你说说我的想法] I think a black heart is trying to steal my business. [我看是有个想抢走我的生意黑心鬼] Is taking advantage of my situation. [乘我不在的时候想干坏事了] If there are mistakes have been made, [我有没有说错啊?] all I need is some honesty, man. [对我坦诚点] No mistakes, patr 髇, I swear. [不是这样的 我发誓] Well, maybe the problem isn't on the outside. [那看起来问题不是出在你这儿了] Maybe the problem is... [这么说问题就是...] Augusto. [Augusto] Augusto? [Augusto?] Battery dead. [没电了]


The bloodfire! [他妈的] How me phone come unplugged? Huh? [电话的插头为啥会被拔掉的?] My battery dead. [电池没电了] None of you know nothing, huh? [你们啥都不知道] Mr. Mahone? [Mahone 先生] Raul Darinda. [我叫 Raul Darinda] I am the public defender appointed to your case. [我被指派担任你的义务辩护律师] That's, uh... [这 嗯...] uh, that's great, that's great. [很好 太好了] I-I've been putting together [我准备了一些] some notes that I... [笔记 我想...] Looks like I h some great news. [我有好消息要告诉你] We got you a trial date. [你的案子的开庭时间定下来了] That's really... th-thank God. [那可真...感谢上帝] Thank God-- when? [感谢上帝 什么时候] June 13. [6 月 13 号] Oh, no, no, wait, wait, wait, th-the... [不 不 等等 等等 是...] 13th, 13th, that was last week. [13 号 13 号? 那是上个礼拜啊] What, we missed it? [怎么回事 我们错过了?] June 13 of next year, Mr. Mahone. [不是的 是明年的 6 月 13 号 Mahone 先生] Next year. [明年] How the hell is that great news? [这算什么好消息] It usually takes two and a half years [对于外国公民来说] for a non-citizen to get before a judge. [开庭通常需要等 2 年半的] I've got a guy in, in here, his name is Michael Scofield [我这里有个叫的人] and, and he will testify that he set me up [他愿意作证 是他嫁祸给我的] and that he put the drugs on the boat. [是他把毒品藏在船上的] Which will all be taken into consideration... [这些情况会被考虑的...] A year from now! [一年之后!] I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, Mr. Mahone. [请不要那么激动 Mahone 先生] It's open and shut. [根本就是废话] It's a no-brainer for you. I got a guy who can cop to... The notion [你简直就是笨蛋 现在有人可以证明我...] of one inmate taking the fall for another [你讲的关于犯人试图代另一个犯人承担罪责的主意] isot exactly fresh [在这里很常见了] and usually means someone was pressured [而且通常只能说明那个人被迫] into the confession. [承认这些事情的] Well, here's the thing, Raul. [好吧 还有个事 Raul] I require a certain medication [我需要一些药] that they, well, they just don't provide here, [在这里 他们不能提供这些东西] and I am... [我是...] Let's just say thatt would be good [这样说吧 这会] for everybody [对大家都好] if, um, if I got this medication. [如果我可以得到一些药的话] Is that a threat? [你是在威胁我吗] No. [不是的 不 No.] No, it's a reality, it's, it's... [只是实际情况 这是 这叫] It's called Varatril and, and, and if you... [这种药叫 Varatril 如果你...] Look, if you are asking me to smuggle drugs [听者 如果你想让我偷偷帮你搞点毒品] into this prison, then... [进去 那么...] No, no, I'm not... I'm not asking you to smuggle it. [不 不 我没有 我不是让你偷偷给我] I'm just saying if you could get... [我只是说如果你可以弄到...] Good luck, Mr. Mahone. [再见吧 Mahone 先生]


So... Wait, you son of a bitch! [等等 你这个混蛋] Uh, boss, it's 00. [老大 差不多 2 点了] All right. [All right.] You want your cell phone, brother? [要带电话吗 老大] No, just be a half hour. [不用了 半个小时就回来了] Leave it for charge. [电话留着充电吧] **** [****] If that phone ain't back [如果你不把电话还给我] on the cradle, we're both dead, you hear me? [去放好的话 我们都要死 你听懂了吧] Cause my Alabama ass is not going down alone. [我不会一个人被这个黑锅的] Yeah? [哪位? Yeah?] Tell Sara to call me at this number. [让 Sara 照这个号码打过来] All right, but this Susan chick, [好的 不过那个 Susan] she hasn't even agreed to it yet, man. [她还没有同意了 兄弟] What? I only have 25 minutes [什么 我只有 25 分钟] with this phone, Linc. [可以用这个电话 Linc] I'm meeting her right no but listen, [我马上去见她 不过听着] Santa Rita ain't a one-horse town. [Santa Rita 这个地方可不小] I mean, God, I hope that Sara can give us [我说 希望 Sara 可以] some kind of clue as to where... [给我们点线索 他们到底被关在小镇的什么地方...] Just get her on the line. [让她打给我就行] Just get her on the line, okay? [想办法让她跟我通话 好吗] This is a one-shot deal. [我就这么一个机会] Yeah, I know, man. [我知道了 兄弟] 23 minutes. [只有 23 分钟了] I'm nearly there. [我快到了] Hey, looks like we got off on the wrong foot here. [看起来这鞋不合脚啊] I'm not a violent guy. [我可不喜欢暴力] It's just that I need that shoe. [我只想要这双鞋] I can't hardly walk, and this place-- [我都走不了路了 这地方...] it changes people. [可以把人变坏的] Oh, I never even got your name. [我都不知道你叫什么] Pistachio. [我叫 Pistachio] Pistachio? [Pistachio] Now, that's just... [这可是个] That's a beautiful name. [这可是个好听的名字] What you want then? [你想怎么样呢] Well, I was hoping we could make some kind of a deal. [我想我们是不是可以做个交易] Trade. [交易] The only thing you got to sell, [对于你唯一可以提供的东西] me no want to buy. [我不敢兴趣] I like me men a little more... [我喜欢的男人是要再...] How you say, uh... ? [英语怎么说来着...?] Not fat. Fat? This is all muscle. [不那么胖 胖? 这可都是肌肉] And I'd prove it to you if I didn't think [我可以证明给你看的] you'd take things south of the border. [如果你可以把东西给我的话] Now, hold on. [别激动] This is a negotiation. [我们只是谈谈] You don't have to... I no gonna cut you. [没必要 我可不是要捅你] I got clients. [我来客人了] Get. [滚] Welcome, patr 髇. [欢迎光临]


I'm so honored to have you. [非常高兴为你服务] Let's make this quick. [快点剔完头吧] Where the hell have you been? [你去哪儿了] Well, a girl's got to look her best. [女人总需要打扮的] This ain't a game, sister. [你不是在耍什么把戏吧] You'd better back the hell up. [你 好给我安分点] It's becoming pretty clear you need us, [现在很明显你需要我们] so stop pretending you're in charge, [所以不要像你掌控一切的样子] and give us what we want when we want it. [在我们需要的时候 给我们想要的东西] Starting with the damn phone call. [电话铃一响就开始] Hello? [你好 Hello?] It's me. [是我] How are you? [你怎么样了] I'm tired. [我很累] Where...? Where are you? [你在哪] It's a long story. [说来话长] As it turns out, I don't appear to be going anywhere. [出事后 我哪也不能出现] I know. I know. [我知道] I'm working on that. [我正在处理那个问题] Listen, Sara, I miss how we used to talk. [Sara 我常常想恋我们一起聊天] Do you remember... how we used to talk? [你还记得 我们怎么聊的吗] Yes. [恩] , good. [好的] Good, because I saw your picture today, [好的 因为今天我看到了你的照片] and I want you to know I understand... [我想你知道我了解...] I understand the difficult place you're in. [我知道你现在所处的困难环境] Michael, listen, I... [Michael 听着 我...] I don't want you to think like that. [我不想你这么想] Why is that? [为什么] You have to know [你要知道] it a lost cause. [已经来不及了] LJ and I-- we can see it now. [LJ 和我 我们都很清楚] It's a lost cause. [已经来不及了 注定要失败的] Do you understand? [你知道吗] No, no. No, I... I don't. I don't. [不 不... 我不理解] Help me understand. Help me understand. [帮我想清楚] All I can think of to help is, maybe you just need more time? [我想唯一能有帮助的就是 也许你需要更多的时间] It's like... It's like [就像... 就像] they're giving you until midnight, [他们半夜才能和我们接头] and I'm sitting here 00 a.m. [但是我坐在零点] They're saying I have to hang up. [他们说我必须挂电话了] Sara, I love you. [Sara 我爱你] I love you, too. [我也爱你] Sara? [Sara?] Sara?! [Sara?] Linc, they were never in Santa Rita. [林肯 他没从没来过 Santa Rita] What? She said it was a lost cause. [什么? 她说来不及了] She said she could see it was a lost cause. [她说她已经知道来不及了] So? [然后?] The patr saint of lost causes is Saint Rita. [patr saint 的失败原因就是 Saint Rita] She was never telling us where they were. [她从来没有告诉我们他们在哪] She was telling us what they could see from where they were. [她告诉我们从他们那可以看到什么]


He's on his way. We need to get that phone back, like, r 醦 ido. [他过来了 快把手机给我 哥们] One more thing, Linc. [ 后一件事 林肯] Come on, Pretty! Stall them! [- 快点美人 - 闭嘴] She said, it's like they were giving us until midnight, [她说 他们好像半夜才能和我们接头] but she was tting 00 a.m. [但是她说是零点] What the hell does that mean? [这到底他妈的是什么意思?] I don't know. Maybe they're near a clock or something. [我不知道 也许他们离钟之类的很近] That's all I got. [我知道的就这些] Listen, I got to go. [我要走了] It's up to you. [都交给你了] Leave him alone, huh? [别惹他] Lechero! [Lechero!] There's something you should know. [你需要知道点事情] What? [什么] I think that barber might have... [我想那个理发师他...] Uh... cut me? [划到我的头了吗?] Hmm. [恩] No. [No.] No. My mistake. [没有 这是我的错] I... [我...] You know, in facthat-that there [你知道吗实际上 这个...] might just be the best shave [也许是理的 好的了] I have ever seen. [我知道] Boy, you look like you need one today. [伙计 你看起来那天你也需要理一个] I might just do that. [也许我也要理一个] Can't be walking around, looking all, uh, bhuttu. [四处走走 看看] Who is this? [这是谁] Find out everything you can about this number. [查出和这个号码有关的所有情况] Yo! [嘿] Don't move. [别动] I want to know what [我想知道] the hell you're doing to James Whistler. [你对詹姆斯·惠斯勒做了什么] I'm doing nothing to James Whistler. [什么也没做] Listen, we're on the same team, all right? [我们现在在同一条船上对吧] Take it easy. Just... [别紧张...] Put the knife away. [把 拿开好吗] Put the knife away. [把 拿开好吗] Put... the knife away. [把! ! 拿! 开!] We're not on the same team. [我们不是一路人] You want your boy out of Sona, right? [你想那小子从 sona 监狱出来对吧] -Right? -Of course. [- 对吧? - 当然] Well, I'm one of the guys who's going to break him out. [那好 我就是要帮他越狱的家伙] No.No. I talked to him this morning. [不,我今天早上和他说了] He has a lawyer. [他有个律师] I don't know what he's told you, orho he is. [我不知道他对你说了什么 不管是谁] I know who he is. [我知道他是谁] Right. A fisherman that people want out so badly [好吧 他是个渔夫 不过那伙急切想把他弄出来的人] they're willing to kidnap my son to get him. [他们甚至绑架我儿子来交换他] Listen, [听着] you need to talk to him. [你需要和他谈谈] You need to talk to him. [你需要和他谈谈] Where to, my friend? [去哪里? 朋友]


I'm looking for a statue, a monument. [我在找一个雕像 纪念碑] Uh, Santa, Santa Rita. Says it's in here some... [Santa Santa Rita 这上面这么说...] The lady of the lost causes. [圣女之像] Yeah, that's it. [是的 就是那] The red light district. [那是红灯区] You looking to party? [你要去找乐子么?] You all right? [你好么?] What do you want? [你想要什么?] Let you know you don't have to watch your back. [我来告诉你你不需要提防我] Make sure I don't have to watch mine. [确定我也不需要警惕你] My head was a free tick out of here. [我的命曾经是可以让人从这里出去的门票] I don't begrudge anyone [我不嫉恨] who did what they had to do to try and get it. [那些曾经尝试要我命的人] Besides... [除此之外], uh, [...你] never know when you'll need a friend in this place. [时不时在这里也会需要一个朋友的] Where are you from? [你从哪里来?] Boardman, Ohio. [Boardman, Ohio] Kalbarri. [Kalbarri] Australia. Good fishing. [澳大利亚 捕鱼胜地] You've been? [你去过?] Passed through. [路过] Small world. [世界真小] What the hell are you doing in Pana? [你到巴拿马来干嘛呢?] I'm not really in the mood. [我不想谈这个] You're that cop, are you? [你是个警察 对么?] You know, I was looking at that Scofield. [你知道我曾经看着 Scofield] I was trying to figure why he looked so bloody familiar. [想不出来为什么他看起来那么脸熟] Then, just now, hearing your voice, [现在 听你的声音] I rememberatching the press when that first happened. [我记得以前看过相关报道] And now you're in here together. [现在,你们又聚到了一起] Small world. [世界真小] You trying to get him out of here? [你想把他弄出去吗?] Extradition or what? [引渡或者用其他什么方式?] I'm not really in that line of work anymore. [我现在不干那个工作了] What's he all about? [他是个什么人呢?] What's he all about? [他是个什么人呢?] I mean, is he dangerous? [我是说 他危险么?] What's it to you? [关你什么事?] Just curious... [只是好奇] as to what kind of chap I'm dealing with. [我要相处的家伙是什么类型的] I guess that depends on why you'd be dealing with him. [我想这取决于你为什么要跟他打交道了] Like I said... never know when you'll... [如我所说... 你不知道当你...] Need a friend. [我需要朋友] See, one thing about Scofield is that, [关于 Scofield 是这样的] for those that he cares about, [对于他关心人] he'll do just about anything. [他会为他们做任何事情] But he'll screw you three ways to Sunday if he doesn't. [如果他不喜欢你 他随随便便就可以整死你] I can guess which side you ended up on. [现在我知道你是属于哪一类了] Well... [很好] Thanks for the chat. [交流愉快] You know, I really just came by... [你知道么 我只是过来...]


No, you came by cause [不 因为你想] you wanted to find out more about Scofield, [从我这里了解更多一点 Scofield 的事] but that's cool. [这没问题] We're squared away. [我们之间没问题了] There. She is there. [就在哪] That the only thing about Saint Rita in this town? [这是镇子上唯一和 Saint Rita 有关系的地方] That I do not know, my friend. [这我就不知道了 朋友] Excuse me? [请问?] Is there a clock around here? A clock, uh... [这周围有有钟么? 钟,恩...] No. No comprendo. [不 我不知道] Excuse me? [打扰下] Have you seen these people? [你看见过这些人么?] Huh? No? No. [没有] Clock. [钟] Clock. [钟] She said, it's like they were giving us until midnight. [她说 好像是说一直到晚上] Give us till 12. [一直要到 12] But she was sitting 00 a.m. [她在 3 点钟方向] Three... [三...] Sara. [Sara] Dad! [爸爸] Dad! Dad! Dad! [爸爸 爸爸 爸爸] LJ! [LJ] LJ! Sara! [LJ Sara] When? [什么时候?] It was the right place. [我到地方了] I just couldn't get to it in time. [我只是没有及时达到那里] Did you see them? Do they look all right? [你看到他们了么? 他们好么?] As far as I could tell, yeah. [如我所说 很好] You can keep that. [那个你可以留着] Keep it as a souvenir [把这作为纪念] and give it to Sara when this is all done. [当一切结束后送给 Sara] Michael, we can do this. [Michael 我们可以做到] They wouldn't have gone to all this trouble [不然他们不会费那么多精力] to put you in here [把你弄到这里来] if it wasn't possible to get out. [如果根本不可能出去的话他们就不会这么干了] We can do this. [我们可以做到] We can do it. [我们可以做到] I think we need to talk. [我想我们需要谈谈] Your friend, the one in the picture, [你的朋友 照片中的那个人] you say she's the reason you're here? [你说是她是你在这里的原因?] Then we have something in common. [我们有些共同点] The woman your brother met on the outside, [你哥哥在外面遇到的那个女人] her name is Sofia. [她叫 Sofia] She's the reason I'm here. [她是我在这里的原因] Well, unless this Sofia is being held at gunpoint, [那好 除非这个索非亚也被枪指着] we got nothing in common. [我们没有共同点] But maybe you can start by telling me [但是你也许可以告诉我] why the Company's so interested in you. [为什么公司对你这么感兴趣] What company? [什么公司?] I don't have time for games. [我没时间和你玩] Okay, okay, look. [好 好 你看]


Look, I've been splitting time between here [我在这里和] and the Pacific Northwest running charters. [西北太平洋之间跑船] Fishing? [钓鱼吗] Fishing, [钓鱼] sightseeing-- whatever was paying the bloody rent. [观光 只要可以赚钱的都干] Now, abo year ago, I took a guy out. [一年前 我带了一个人出海] He was some sort of naturalist.He was, uh... [他是个自然科学家什么的] he was taking water samples, measurements. [他采集水样测量] What for? [为了什么?] I don't know. [我不知道] I didn't really care as long as the check cleared, [我对此毫不关心] but here's the thing. [但有件事情] A few months later, I get a call from somebody [几个月后 我接到了一个电话] wanting to know where I took the guy. [想知道我带那人去了什么地方] And I told them I couldn't remember. [我告诉他们我不记得了] But then these, um... [但是后来...] then these government types, [政府模样的人] they started showing up at my flat asking questions, [他们来找我 开始问我问题] and I didn't know what to do. [我不知道怎么做] So I got low, I came down to Panama, [所以我就躲了起来 就逃到了巴拿马] and I moved in with Sofia full time. [我一直和 Sofia 住在一起] Until... Until the fight at the bar. [直到...酒吧打架事件的发生] Yeah, and then I end up here, [是的 我 终到了这里] where those same people show up at visitation [在这里同一个来探视我] saying they're going to get me out. [说他们会把我弄出去] And when they do, I'm to take them to the same place [作为回报 我把他们带回原来的地方] that I took that guy. [就是我带那个家伙去的那个地方] That's why I need the book your brother copped. [这就是我为什么需要被你哥哥抢走的书的原因] It's my trip log. [这就是我航程日志] I write notes in the margins, you know, coordinates, landmarks. [我在空白处作了标记 你知道 对应的路标] I need to retrace my steps and find that location. [我需要循着原路返回] I don't have a choice. That's a really interesting story, [我没有选择 这是个很有趣的故事吧] but if that book's as valuable as you say it is, [但是如果那本书真的如你所说] maybe I should hold onto it for a little while, [我应该留着它] make sure they hold up their end of the deal. [直到我跟他们做完这个交易] You don't get this, do you? [你还不理解 是么?] I need time to be able to... [我需要时间去做...] The only thing I'm responsible for is getting you out of here. [我唯一要做的事情就是带你离开这里] Whatever's between you and them is between you and them. [你们之间的事和我无关] I'm sorry [我很遗憾] All right. [没关系] Do you have any idea how we're going to do this? [你想到该怎么做了吗] All I keep hearing is how no one gets out of this place. [我听说没人从这里出去过] I think I've heard that one before. [我想我也听过] The sugarcane's so sweet. [甘蔗好甜] The mangoes' so sweet, the women so... [芒果也很甜 女人也...] Well, if it isn't the entertainer. [如果这不是演艺人员] How about a joke for us, boy? [给我们说个笑话如何] Not now, fellas, I got to get... [伙计 现在不是时候 我得...] Why don't you do a little dance for us, huh? [何不给我们跳个舞呢?] How about a little jig, huh? [比如一段热舞?] Maybe you need an extra hand? [或许你缺了只手吧?]


You got me. [你说的真对] Yeah, that's right. [没错] I do get you, boy. [我知道你的伎俩] You might've fooled him, but you're not fooling me. [你骗得了他 但骗不了我] Excuse me, boss. [老大 打扰了] I asked you for privacy. [我让你别进来的] Just came in here to, to... [我只是来...] thank you for giving me a hand up in here, [谢谢你让我在这里帮忙的] but if it's all the same, I'd just like to be [尽管如此 我只是想] relieved of my duties. [减轻我的责任] Wh are you talking about? [你在说什么?] There's some, um... [有些...] loyalty issues going on, and I do not want to end up [关于忠诚的问题 我还不想在] torn between my fidelity to you and the reality [在我对你的忠诚和] of having to keep my nose clean. [被人指着鼻子的现实中做出取舍] I've been around long enough to know [我很早就知道] that when the dominoes start falling, [多米诺牌开始倒塌的时候] it's the new guy that gets blamed [往往会怪新来的] for bumping the table. [撞到桌子] You better stop spinning and start talking straight. [你 好别拐弯抹角 有话直说] No! [不] I ain't no rat. [我不是打小报告的人] I'm not asking you to be... [我不是让你...] a rat. [打小报告] I'm asking you to be a friend, huh? [我是让你做我朋友 好吗?] As I've been with you. [就像我之前那样] Okay. [好的] I was walking earlier, [早先我在散步] and I heard some voices talking [我听到一些声音] about, "To hell with Lechero. [让 Lechero 见鬼去吧] I want my cut." [我想要我那份] Now, I couldn't tell who it was, [我不知道是谁] but when I got around the corner, I recognized the faces-- [但当我走到角落的时候 我发现] the very same faces I've seen in this room. [那张脸我很熟悉 我在这里见过] Now, I got nothing to gain here, okay? [我在这里得不到什么好处] I'm a nobody [我不是什么人物] w-with no hope of being anyone. [也成不了什么大人物] But those that surround you have [但你身边的人] everything to gain if you fall. [你下台后会得到一切] I hope this makes us even. [我想我们两清了] But what I've given you... [但是我给你的...] can't be repaid with one favor. [不是帮一个忙就能回报的] So I deny your request, [所以我拒绝你的要求] and you're going to stay on [你还得继续] as my ears. [做我的耳目] You'll report back to me everything you hear [当我不在的时候] when I'm not around. [把你听到的都告诉我] How've you been, Michael? [Michael 过的怎样?] Better than some, apparently. [显然比某些人好] You know, it's interesting [你知道 这太有意思了] how you don't seem rattled at all [为什么你对你现在的住宿条件] by our current accommodations. [一点也不恼火?]


Could it be because maybe you're not planning on being in them much longer? [是不是因为你觉得不会和他们在一起很

久?] It's like I told you before, Alex, [Alex 还是和我之前告诉你的一样] this is the end of the line... for both of us. [我们没有交集了] How about this? [那这样吧] You stop me when I'm wrong. [我说错了你就不让我说] The Company wanted you here in Panama alive, [那个公司要你活着留在巴拿马] but framed for murder, and thenfor so for some strange reason [因为被诬陷谋杀 而且是个怪理由] you seemed to really care about the fate of this Whistler guy, [你很在意这个叫 Whistler 的家伙的生死] and I got to tell you something, [我来告诉你一些事情吧] he's really curious about you, too. [他对你也很好奇] Let's see, what special talents do you have that the Company [我们仔细想想 你有什么特殊才能让公司] might make the decision that you're worth [让公司觉得你活着比死了] more to them alive than dead? [更有意义?] Huh, what do you say there, Mike? [Mike 你怎么回答?] Am I getting warm yet? [我说到重点了吧] I think you better pop another pill, [我想你该吃药了] cause that's crazy. [因为全是胡扯] Oh, so you don't mind if I kill him? [那么你不介意我杀了他吧] Whistler? [Whistler?] I think the question is, "What would the Company mind?" [我想问题在于 "公司到底在意什么?"] The question is, "What would they do to you?" [问题是 "他们会对你做什么"] To the ones you love? [是对你所爱的人] Be careful, Alex. [Alex 小心点] Busy day? [忙碌的一天?] Not as busy as I'd hoped. [没我希望的忙碌] Look, you had to try. [你想要试试] I probably would've done the same thing myself if I were you. [换作我 也会做跟你一样的事] But let's be perfectly clear. [但是让我们彻底说清楚] You're never going to try anything like that again. [你以后都不可以再做这样的事] I understand. [我明白] Yeah, but just to make sure that you do, [好 你 好真的明白了] I left you a little something in the garage. [我给你留了点东西在车库里] It's by the trash. [就在垃圾箱旁边]

3x04 Good Fences Previously on Prison Break [前情回顾] I just want to go. [我只是想离开] It's okay. [没问题] What special talents do you have [你到底有什么能耐] that the Company might make the decision [让中情局认定] that you are worth more to them alive than dead? [你活着价值更大?] Be careful, Alex [说话小心点阿历克斯] They will be buried here. [他们就埋在这] Were you able to find my book? Yeah. [- 你找到我的书了吗? - 找到了] But there was this guy. [但有个家伙出现] He took it. [把书抢走了] He said to tell you [他让我告诉你] that Scofield's brother has it now. [斯科菲尔德的哥哥拿着那本书] You have to break them out of there. [你必须把他们弄出监狱]


LJ! [LJ!] Sara! [莎拉!] You're never going to try anything like that again. [别再尝试这么做] But just to make sure, [只是为了确认] I left you a little something in the garage. [我在车库里给你留了点东西] What's so interesting out there, other than our freedom? [窗外有什么比自由更吸引人的东西么?] Finds are alive, so the fence is dead [出逃者还活着 证明围墙上没电] Yeah? Everyone in here knows isthat fence doesn't work, [是么?这里每个人都知道那围墙没用] and it doesn't mean a bloody thing, [但这也改变不了什么] because there are soldiers out there [因为外面有士兵把守] that'll shoot you dead before you get within 30 yards of it. [只要你在 30 码内他们就会把你射死] Well, I guess I got a lot of work to do, don't I? [我得好好计划一下了 不是么?] Listen, mate, I get what you're doing with my book. [听着 老兄 我知道你抢了我的书] They hold your girlfriend, you hold what they want. [他们抓走了你的女友 而你抢走了他们要的东西] Countering needs. Churchill 101. [互惠互利 Churchill 101 法案] Soon those bastards are going to ask me [马上那些杂种就要来问我] what progress I've made in figuring out what they want, [他们所要的我了解了多少] and I'm going to say nil, 'cause Lincoln Burrows has the book. [我就要说完全不了解 因为林肯·布鲁斯把书抢走了] You know what? [知道么?] Threatening the brother [威胁] of the guy who's supposed to get you out of here [要帮你越狱的人的哥哥] might not be the smartest move. [并不是个好主意] I'm not threatening-- we're on the same team. [我没有威胁你 我们在同一条船上] But if we play games with that book, [但如果我们因为那本书纠缠不清] people who want me out of hewill take ac [那些想让我出去的人会采取行动的] "I never worry about action, only inaction." ["我不在乎你们做什么 就怕你们什么也不做"] Churchill 101. [根据 Churchill 101 法案] Now, like I said, I got a lot of work to do. [如我所说 现在我有很多事要做] Linc, you all right? [林肯你还好吧?] I'm sorry, man. [对不起 老弟] Just all this stuff-- it's starting to get to me. [都是那东西 它快找到我了] You know? [知道么?] Listen, our situation could change very, very soon. [听着 我们的境遇会很快改变] The grave digger for the prison. [那个监狱掘墓人] I need you to reach out to him. [你得和他联系上] And tell him what? [告诉他什么?] It's all written down. [都写在上面了] But we got to get started now. [我们现在就得采取行动] What are you not telling me? [你有什么没告诉我的?] All these people [所有人] that have been hurt because of me. [都因为我而受伤害] I'm so sorry, Michael. [我很抱歉迈克] They did this, not you. [这是他们造成的 不是你] Okay? [好吗?] It's not your fault. [这不是你的错] Just get to the grave digger. [找到那个掘墓人] I feel like we're running out of time. [我感觉我们没多少时间了] Sara. [莎拉] I am just a soldier in this war, Lincoln, [这场战争中我只是个士兵林肯 oln] just like you. [和你一样] I did not want to do that. [我并不想那么做的] Can you even comprehend the intimacy [你能理解]


of the mechanics of what I had to do to that woman? [我对那个女人下手时的感受吗?] It's horrible! [那太恐怖了!] Now, if you and your brother are done playing games, [现在 如果你和你弟弟停止耍花招] LJ will be fine. [LJ 会没事的] If not, the last thing I want to do [我 不想做的事是把他一块块寄给你] But if you push me,eces of him to you. [但如果你逼我] and not even that far, I will. [即使没逼那么狠 我会这么做的] I'll do anything you want. [你叫我干什么我就干什么] Just don't hurt my son. [别伤害我的儿子就好] That's really up to you. [这真都取决于你] I know the past few days have been hard, [我知道这几天很难熬] for me, as well. [我也一样] If you want to talk about it, [如果你想聊聊] I know what this pain feels like. [我理解这痛苦的感觉] I just want to get your boy out of Sona [我只想把那个人搞出 Sona] and get my son back. [然后接回我儿子] Michael's got a plan. [迈克有计划了] I need details. [我需要细节] We need to bring someone [我们得把某个] who works at the prison onto the team. [在监狱工作的人拉拢过来] Who? [谁?] The grave digger. [掘墓人] Get it done. [去做吧] Lincoln, I'm going to need that book. [林肯 oln 我需要那本书] The Company did handwriting analysis on the one you gave me, [中情局把你给我的那本做了笔迹鉴定] and yours hasn't changed since high school. [你的书法从高中以来就没变过] Just soldiers, Linc. [我们只是士兵林肯] Different armies, but soldiers just the same. [尽管队伍不同 但本质是一样的] Nice. [打得好] I was the best in my school. [我在学校里是 棒的] Algirls? [女性学校?] Kiss my ass, [去你的] bro. [老兄] 20 bucks says you can't do that again. [20 美元赌你没法再投进] Bet. Wait. [- 好的 - 等下] Adjust for wind. [根据风向调整] Shut up. [闭嘴] Just a bit outside. [向外偏一点就好了] Hey, bro, you know I don't have that kind of verde lying around. [老兄 你知道我现在没有钱] It's going to take a while. [需要时间] Well, the thing is, I don't have a while. [问题在于 我没有时间了] So, unless... No, no more favors. [- 所以 除非... - 别 别再拉拢我了] All right. [好吧] Can I borrow that cross of yours? [我能借你的十字架一用么?] I'll take it in trade. My dad gave me this. [-我要拿它作交易 -这是我爸给我的] Besides, it's not even real gold. [还有 那甚至不是金的] That's why I need it. [这正是我需要它的原因] Look, I'll give it back, okay? [听着 我会还给你的 好吗?] It's just a loan. [只是借] Come on. [给我吧] This time, I want to know why. [这次 我想知道原因] It's light again. [又是灯]


Someone's getting fat off of everythg I built [有人正在破坏暴动后] while I rot in here. [我所建立的一切] Don't get upset, [别郁闷了] patron [拜托] I only have a few more hours. [我只有几个小时] Let's be nice. [让我们好好享受下] This motherless bitch. [该死的] Alex? [阿历克斯] You just get here? [你刚到这?] Yes. [是的] Listen, [听好了] I've been thinking about and, uh, you're in. [我一直在权衡 决定让你入伙] I'm in. [我算入伙了] Okay. [好吧] Just like that? Right. [- 就这么简单? - 是的] I really don't have a choice, do I? [我根本无从选择 不是吗?] What's the plan? [你怎么计划的?] I'm working on it. [我正在想办法] Meanwhile, I could use your help. [与此同时 你也可以帮上我的忙] What do you need? [你需要什么?] A black felt-tipped pen. [黑色毡尖笔] A pen? Yeah. [- 一支钢笔? - 没错] Why? Some documents [- 为什么? - 有些文件] that need altering. [需要做些改动] I'll explain it to you later, but right now, I need that pen. [稍后再给你解释 我现在就要那支笔] Okay? Yeah. [- 行吗? - 好的] And I'll tell you what else I need. [我还要对你说的是] I need you to get your act together. [我需要你行动也跟上] I need you to bring yourself [我需要你控制好自己] under control, because you're attracting attention, [因为你那样很夺人眼球] and that we don't need. [而那是我们不想看到的] I'm under control. [我能控制好自己] Of course you are. [你当然可以] This is what happens when a system is overloaded. [这就是系统过载的下场] See? Look. [看到吗?] Son of a... Power is out. [- 该死... - 断电了] Fix it. [搞定它] I'm a truck driver. [我只是个卡车司机] Hey, Alex. [嘿阿历克斯] Hey, glad I found ya. Just wanted to see how [很高兴找到你 就是来看看] you're holding up in here. Just dandy. [- 你在这过得怎样 - 非常好] Yeah, well, I've been having a tough time of it myself. [我也经历过段受煎熬的日子] And I was figuring shouldn't be that way [但我想我们的命不该这样] for us, seeing as how we're the only lawmen here [我们可是唯一的正直人士] in Taco Hell. [在这个阴曹地府里] Hey, whoa, hang on a second there, Alex. [嘿 等会儿阿历克斯] You and me-- we were a team [我们可是一队的] on the outside, remember? [还记得我们在外面的时候吗?] I was your dog, and I still got a lot of bark left in me. [我是你的部下 依然对你忠心不二] I'm busy, Brad. What do you want? [布拉德我很忙 你到底想怎样?] You and Scofield-- you're up to something, right? [你和斯科菲尔德在计划逃跑是吧?] You can tell me, one badge to another. [你可以告诉我 兄弟之间没有隔阂]


I can help. [我能帮上忙] Do you have a black felt-tipped pen? [你有黑色毡尖笔吗?] Not on me. [我没有] Then you can't help me. [那你帮不了我] I know. [我都知道了] You know what? [你知道什么了?] I know you're trying to escape from here [我知道你在计划越狱] with that man, Scofield. [和那个叫斯科菲尔德的家伙] Sweetheart... Please, don't lie to me. [- 宝贝 - 求你不要欺瞒我] Lincoln Burrows, he told me everything. [林肯·布鲁斯把一切都告诉了我] There are some very powerful people that want me out of here. [有些非常有权势的人希望我出来] And they want those brothers to get me out. Why? [- 他们让那哥俩救我出去 - 为何?] I'm not sure. [我也不确定] Has something to do with a charter I did in Seattle. [应该和我在西雅图看到的场景有关系] What I do know is their end game [我只知道他们的 终目的] is exa the same as ours, and that's me out of this hellhole. [和我们的一样 就是让我逃出这鬼地方] And once that happens, [一旦成功了] you and I will disappear... forever. [你和我就会消失 永远销声匿迹] But I don't want to involve you in this mess. [但是我不想让你趟这趟浑水] I want to help. [我想帮你啊] That's way too dangerous. [那太危险了] I'm not asking your permission, James. [詹姆斯我不是在请求你的批准] I'm telling you. [我是在告诉你] I can do this on my own, [我自己一人也能搞定] or you can tell me what you know [或者你可以把你知道的告诉我] and we can work it through together. [然后我们共同解决] I don't understand everything that's going on, [我对发生的事情也不明白] but these brothers, they're obviously trying [但是那对兄弟 他们显然试图] to find out what they can about me. [从我身上打探出信息来] Let's see what we can discover about them. [我们看看能从他们身上了解多少] Find out what their plan is, see what they're all about. [弄清楚他们的计划 了解真实目的] They're trying to get you out, and you don't trust them? [他们帮你越狱 你却不信他们?] I don't trust any of these guys. [我谁都不信任] And yoshouldn't, either. [你也不该相信] If you insist on getting into this, [如果你坚持要跟此事] promise me you'll be careful. [向我保证你会加倍小心] Because God knows I will die [因为如果你出什么三长两短] if anything happens to you. [我也不会苟活的] Hey. [嘿] Michael. [迈克] Here. [拿着] I said I need a black felt-tipped pen. [我说过我要的是黑色毡尖笔] That's black. [那是黑色的] It's not what I need. [这不是我需要的] Keep looking. [继续去找] He's playing you. [他在耍你] He's playing you. [他在耍你] Do not trust him. [不要相信他] Your amigo, the American. [你那美国佬兄弟] He's a builder, an engineer, no? [他是建筑工程师 是吗?] He's no amigo of mine, boss. [老大 他可不是我的朋友] And trust me, you do not want [相信我 你绝不希望]


to get under the covers with that... [和他扯上关系...] Is he or is he not an engineer? [回答我 是或不是工程师?] Well, yeah, but... [好吧 是的 但是...] Scofield. [斯科菲尔德] Yeah? [什么事?] What do you know about the electricity? [你懂电路吗?] Only that we don't have any right now. [停电时候就会懂吧] Let me tell you something. [和你说件事情] This phone keeps all the food coming to the gate. [这部手机能让食物运进来] It keeps my business running, it keeps Sona running. [这样才能保障 Sona 监狱的正常运转] Electricity die, phone die. [断电了 电话也就不能用了] Phone die, we die. We die or youdie? [- 电话没了我们也完蛋 - 我们完蛋 你也完蛋] Boy, you have enough [小子 你知识够丰富] education, but you're not being smart. [但是人不够聪明] Now, I come to you, that is an opportunity. [我来找你 是给你机会] Be wise and take advantage. [放聪明些 好好把握机会] Now, can you fix the electricity [现在回答我 能修复电路吗] just like you fixed the water? [就像你搞定水源那样] It's not that simple. [这可没有那么简单] The water pipes are inside the prison. [水管是在监狱里的] The electrical lines are probably running underground [电线却可能是在地底] along an exterior wall, [沿着墙外排布的] which means they're out there somewhere [意味着电线在外面的] in no-man's-land. [某个无人区] So, you can fix the power? [那你能恢复电力吗?] Last I checked, they shoot prisoners who go out there. [上次我看到他们射杀了出去的人] So I'm thinking the answer is "no." [所以我觉得答案是"不行"] You listen to me, [听我说] and you listen closely, water boy. [听清楚了 小子] Like it or not, soldiers or not, [不管情况是否相似 不管有没有士兵] you're going out into no-man's-land. [你要去无人区] It's a suicide mission. [这是自杀式任务] I'll make some calls. [我要打几个电话] And you're going to keep meafe? As best I can. [- 你要确保我安全 - 尽我所能吧] I don't think I can do this. [我觉得我做不到] No, no, no, no, no. You will help me with this. [不 不 不 你会帮我的] Look, I will do something for you. [我也会为你做点事情的] I'll get you a new pillow, [我会给你一个新枕头] goose-feather like mine, or a small TV. [鹅毛的 像我的那样 或者一台小电视] All right. [好吧] Get me that. [给我那间房间] Why? It's the first one to get sunlight in the morning. [- 为什么? - 这里可以享受早上第一缕阳光] You get me that cell, I'll get you electricity. [你给我那间囚室 我给你电力] Hey, Linc. [好啊林肯] Look, bro, um, I'm going to be out of your way real soon. [兄弟 我很快就要离开你了] I saw these flyers for migrant workers in Colombia. [我看到哥伦比亚招移民工人的小广告] It's coffee bean season, [现在是咖啡豆的收获季节] and they're letting Panamanians in, [他们让巴拿马人去干活] so I figure, with a good ID, I can pass. [所以我想 换张身份证我就可以过关了] Bus leaves today, okay? [大巴今天走 好吗?] All right, well, before you get out of here, man, I... [好吧 在你离开这儿之前 伙计 我...] I'm meeting someone, and I need a translator. [我要见个人 我需要一个翻译]


Linc, uh... I appreciate everything you've done... [林肯我很欣赏你做的每件事...] It'll just be a couple hours. [只需要几个小时] Just a couple hours, that's it. [几个小时就够了] When I was 15, my cousin told me about a job that only lasts [我 15 岁时 我堂兄给了我一份工作] a few hours and, uh, I got three months in juvie. [只有几小时 我却在少年教养院待了三个月] I can't do this without you. [没有你我做不到] I'm in Panama, I don't speak the language... [我在巴拿马 我不会说西班牙语...] And I can't miss that bus. [可是我也不能错过大巴] I'm going ake money and send it home. [我要挣钱 寄回家] Underground or not, I'm going to be a dad, Linc, [偷偷摸摸也好 我要做爸爸了林肯] and you out of all people should understand that. [你和其他人不一样 应该理解] I spoke to James. [我和詹姆斯聊过] He confirmed what you told me [他确认了你和我说的] about the escape. [越狱的事情] You and I, we both have people in there [你和我 都有关心的人] we care about. [在那里] Please... let me help you. [求求你...让我帮你吧] Your Spanish as good as your English? [你的西班牙语和英语一样好吗?] Yes, Colonel. [是的 长官] I just have one favor to ask. [我要你帮个忙] It's just outside of the gate. [只是要在门外] You, you can bring your men. [你可以带你的人来] The phone dying. [电话没电了] Make him one. [给他一个] This is it? [就那么点?] Not everyone has it yet. [不是每个人都有] We let credit go a week, and there is still time. [我们延迟了一星期 所以还有些时间] The money's in your veins, addicto. [钱在你那里] No, patron. I don't use anymore. I swear to you. [没有 老大 我没用过 我发誓] I swear to you. No. [我发誓 没有] I swear to you. I swear to you. [我发誓 我发誓] Chin up, pal o' mine, Chin up. [振作 伙计 振作] S? Colonel. [知道了 长官] Yes, thank you, Colonel. [好的 谢谢长官] We'll be right there. [我们马上就到] Come with me. [跟我来] Excuse me. Do you, um... [对不起 你有...] Do you have a-a, a pen? [你有钢笔吗?] n. Pen. Not, um... [钢笔 不是...] Not... not the brush [不是那刷子] but the pen. Pen. Pen. [是钢笔 写字的钢笔] No, pintura. [没有 只有绘画笔] Yeah, yeah, pintura. Yeah. [是的 绘画笔] He's leaving you. [他要离开你] He's leaving you, he'll be gone, [他要离开你 他走了] and you'll be stuck in this maze... forever. [你要困在这个迷宫里了] Thank you for arranging this for us, Colonel. [谢谢你帮我们安排这些 长官] I'm getting something out of this as well, [我也要拿走一些东西] I assure you. [我保证] You know you can fix this electric problem? [你确定你可以解决电力问题?] I won't know for sure until we can start digging, [在开始挖之前我不能确定] but yes, I think so. [但是 我想可以的]


My men will [我的人] shoot you in t back of the head [会爆你的头] if you so much as look at the fence, eh? [如果你看着围墙的话 明白?] And you, patron, if anything goes wrong. [还有你 老大 如果有事情发生] it will not only be his life that is lost. [不仅仅是他小命不保] You have my word on that. [你也得承担责任] No worries, Colonel. [长官 不用担心] I'll keep this boy in line. [我会让这小子规规矩矩的] I'll dig. [我也来挖] I don't need your help. [我不要你帮忙] Hey, come on, now, don't be proud. [来吧 不要骄傲] I heard you talking just yesterday. [我昨天恰好听到了你的谈话] Talking to Mahone. [和马宏的谈话] You know, about how us Americans should stick together. [你知道 关于美国人如何联合起来] help me down the road, right, Mikey? [也会帮我离开这里的 对吧迈克 y?] What is it, a '66 or a '67? [这是什么 66 年还是 67 年的?] erdon? Your car. [- 什么? - 你的车] El quiere saber el ano. [他在问你的气缸的年代] ste aqui? [看这里] Pues, es un '66. [对 是 66 年的] Y es mi preciosa. [还是我做的贡献] 66. [66 年的] Uh-huh. What is it, 325 horses? [恩 这是什么 325 马力?] aballos de fuerza? [多少马力的] 375. [375 马力] 375. [375 马力] Perdon a me, srita. Mm-hmm. [抱歉] What's he saying? recognizes me, but [- 他在说什么? - 他认出我了 但是] he doesn't realize it was at the prison. [他没意识到那是在监狱] Ask him does he want to make enough cash [问问他 下周想用他的车子] to get this car cherry by next week? [来赚点钱吗?] He knows we're not talking about cars. [他知道我们不是在讨论车子] That's right. [没错] Come on, Scofield, I know you're getting out of here. [来斯科菲尔德我知道你要离开这里] I heard it all about you and the limey. [我听到了关于你和英国人的事情] I'm just fixing the electricity, Boss. [老大 我只是在修复电力] Yeah, right, and I'm just single 'cause I'm choosy. [是的 我没有伙伴 因为我很挑剔] Don't make me tell anyone what I know. [我要逼我到处说我知道的] What is it you think you know? [你知道了什么?] Somebody called "the Company" wanted you in here [中情局的人想让你进来这儿] to work with that Whistler guy. [和那个叫惠斯勒的家伙合作] Am I warm? What's the Company? [- 这算热身吧? - 中情局是什么?] What do they want with Whistler? [他们要惠斯勒干吗?] I don't know, but you do. [我不知道 但是你知道] Doesn't sound like you know much after all. [看来你知道的并不多] I don't need to know [我不需要知道] how to change a diaper [臭气熏天的时候] to know when it stinks to high hell. [要怎么换尿布] You're doing something here, Scofield. [你在这里干些什么事斯科菲尔德] You're right. I am. [没错 是的] I'm fixing the electricity. [我在恢复供电] Now, you wanted to help dig? [你要来帮忙挖吗?]


Dig. [那就挖吧] Hey, this is it. [就是这儿了] I assume we're doing more than just than playing electrician. [我想我们不只是在做电工活吧] Don't worry. [别担心] We're exactly where we need to be. [我知道我在干什么] Heat's getting to me, Scofield. [我觉得太热了斯科菲尔德] It's quitting time. [该休息了] You mind telling me why he's even out here with us? [你介意告诉我 他怎么会在这里吗] He knows something's up. [他猜到点什么] How the hell does he know that? [该死的 他怎么会知道的] Let's just say I have a bit of a rep. [只能说 我还是有点声望的] From Fox River? [因为 Fox River 的事情?] I know who you are, mate. [我知道你是谁 伙计] Figured it out just lately. [ 近才知道的] Finally made sense why they pick you [终于明白为什么他们会把你送进来] of all people to send here. [而不是其他人] No worries. [别担心] It's in my interest to keep your little secret. [保管你的小秘密 对我有好处] But Bellick? [但是 Bellick?] Can't be trusted. [不能相信他] I can handle Bellick. [我可以搞定 Bellick] He's not in on this. [他不在计划内] Okay, good. [好 好吧] But Mahone is. [但是马宏在] Mahone? [马宏?] He's looking abouts stable as a three-legged chair, [他像个病猫似的] and he's escaping with us? [他要跟我们一起越狱?] No, he just thinks he is. [不 只是他自己那么以为] He needs his meds. [他需要镇静剂] Without them, he'll self destruct. [否则他会疯掉] It's just a matter of time. [只是时间问题] And if he doesn't? [要是他没疯呢] I'll string him along, tell him what he wants to hear, [我会骗他 告诉他他想知道的] and then I'll cut him loose. [然后摆脱他] How do I know you're not going to do the same thing to me? [我怎么知道你不会对我做同样的事?] You don't. [你不用知道] You need a hook-up, my friend? [需要帮助吗 我的朋友] No. [不用了] Take your time. [别着急] I don't hard sell. [我可不强买强卖] My pduct speaks for itself. [我的货品不会让你后悔的] Outside, I took something. [在外面 我使用一些药品] It's a prescription drug called Varatril, [一些需要医师处方才可买到的药 Varatril] and I was wondering if you... [我在想 你是不是可以...] This ain't no farmacia. [这里可没药房] But what I got right here... [但是我这有...] it's bter than anything your doctor [比所有美国医生给你的东西] gave you back in the States. [还要好] That's tar. [那是焦油] Just take a taste, algo pequenito. [来尝尝 就一点] You know, keep it in check. [你知道的 要有约束] I don't have any money right now. [我现在没钱]


Then I don't have any drugs. [那我也没药] But there are a few ways for a man [但是对个男人来说 在 Sona] to make a few dollars in Sona... [还是有些办法可以赚点小钱] servicing the needs of others-- [满足其他人的需要...] not something I'm into... [我个人是不感兴趣...] You think I'm a punk? [你觉得我是个废物?] I'm just helping you [我只是在帮你] get well, friend, just helping you get well. [好起来 朋友 只是帮你好起来] Ser Lechero? [勒齐先生] Se 駉 r Lechero. [勒齐先生] What do you want? [你想要什么] Look, I know you're a busy man, but I wanted to tell ya, [我知道你是大忙人 但我想告诉你] I don't know exactly what he's doing, [我不知道迈克·斯科菲尔德到底在干什么] but Michael Scofield's taking you for a ride. No, cerdo, [-但他只是那你做垫脚石 -不会的 猪] I don't think so. [我不那么认为] Listen, I heard him talking about escape yesterday-- [听着 昨天我听他说关于越狱的事] about breaking outta here. It's he's talking about escape, [-关于逃离这里 -他说要越狱] why are you here telling me and you're not going with him, eh? [为什么你跑来告诉我 而不是跟他一起] I would if he'd let me, but he's already cut me out. [如果他肯我当然愿意 但是他已拒绝我了] He says he's square, but I know [他说他没事 但是我知道] the son of a bitch is up to something. [那个狗娘养的在计划点什么] So I figured, [所以我想] if I ain't running, I might asl tell you [如果我不能逃跑 我也许该告诉你] and make my time in here a little bit easier. [然后我在这的日子会好过点] Every man fantasizes about escaping from Sona. [每个人都幻想逃出 Sona 监狱] Yeah, but they aren't all in no-man's-land with shovels. [对 但是不是每个人都可以在无人区用铁铲铲地] I'm gave him the shovels. Get him out. [铁铲是我给他的 轰他出去] I gave him shovels too, and guys to work with, just like you. [我和你一样 也给过他铁铲 还有其他跟他合作的人] I worked in the prison he broke out of. [我在他越狱的监狱工作] He said he was doing me a favor-- [他说他是在帮我忙] fixing damage from a fire he started. [修理火灾引起的损害 他点的火] And you know what I got? [而你知道我得到什么了吗] Hog-tied and left in a pipe under my own prison. [四肢并捆 被丢在我自己监狱的管子里] There's nothing he can do. [他做不了什么的] The soldiers are watching him. [有士兵看着呢] That's what I thought, [我也曾那么想] until he tunneled out ofy guard's room. [直到他挖地道到我的保卫室] He's buried something in a junction box out there [我在外面的接线盒里埋了些东西] and covered it with dirt-- I saw him. [然后用土盖住 我都看见了] Go see for yourself. [你可以亲自去看] If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'. [我要是骗你就不得好死] Trouble keeps finding you here in Sona, doesn't it? [你在 Sona 总是不顺心 是吧?] Let's take a walk, eh? [我们来散散步吧] There are rumors about that you are trying to trick me. [有传言说你在耍我] I'm just doing what I'm told. [你让我做什么我就做什么] Oh? Let's hope for your sake that's true. [为了你的小命着想 好那是真话] Hmm?! [嗯?] But justmake sure, [为了确认一下] let's go on out to no-man's-land [我们去无人区吧] and see what you buried there. [看看你埋了什么] Just want to make sure [只是想要确认下] my men are doing a good job for the colonel. [我的人有为上校认真工作]


Get in there. [过去] Get in there. [过去] Open it. [打开它] Move the dirt. [把土扒开] Now! [现在就做!] It's duct tape. [这是传输管胶带] To fix the frayed wires. [修补磨损的电线] That's why the power was so inconsistent. [这就是为什么电力这么不稳定的原因] I didn't want the tape to come loose, [我不想这些胶带松掉] so I packed it down with dirt. [所以用土盖住] Beautiful. [棒极了] Where are you going? [你要去哪] I got to turn the main power switch back on. [我得去把主开关打开] I had to turn it off, so we could work on the wires safely. [我把它关掉了 因而我们能安全工作] I'll come with you. [我要跟你一起] It's just a switch. [只是去拉一下开关] I can handle it myself. [我可以自己来] You can... but you won't. [你是可以... 但是你不能这么做] Hey, water boy, it's back here. [送水的小子 在这里呢] I don't need the chain, just the cross. [我不需要项链 只这个十字架] It's the perfect size and it's not real gold, [它的大小适合 而且不是真金] so it won't conduct current. [所以我不会触电] Keep the circuit open-- [电路一直循环] no power even when the main switch [即使总开关打开了] is turned on. [也没有电] Take the cross out... [把十字架拿出来...] Sona lights up again. [Sona 的灯又亮了] Lechero find out you messed with his electric... [如果勒齐知道你们在电上搞鬼...] you're dead. [你就死定了] That's why he can't ever find out. [他永远不会发现的] Now, don't make me come get you. [现在 别想让我接应你] Nobody back there can help you. [这里没有人能帮你] Uh, it's... [这...] It's some kind of mistake. [出了点问题] It should be working. [这应该行得通的] The only mistake I made was trusting you. [我唯一的错误在于相信你] Sammy. [Sammy] Transformer delay. [变压器有延迟] It's an old prison. [这是座古老的监狱] Now, if you don't mind... [现在 如果你不介意] I'd like to move into my new cell. [我想搬进我的新牢房] Thank you for your words before, blanco. [谢谢你的提醒 哥们] Working for Lechero, [为勒齐工作] not an easy field to plow, comprende? [是件苦差事 了解?] Oh, yeah, yeah, I comprend. [是呀 是呀 我知道] You and me, we're [你和我 我们是] amigos, Nieves. [铁哥们尼弗斯] When Lechero is in a better mood, [当勒齐心情好的时候] I'm going to put in a goodord, help you, [我会去帮你美言几句] how you say,"move up the ladder." [你怎么说的来着 过河拆桥] I appreciate [我很感动] it, compadre, but I [但是]


was always taught [我的经验是] that God helps those that help themselves. [上帝会帮助那些想自救的人] Vaya con Dios. [上帝与你同在] $15,000... [15000 美元] Why? Because that's what he wanted. [-为什么? -因为那就是他想要的] Relax. I'll get you the money. [放松 我会给你钱的] And I will meet you there. Okay. [-我们一会见 -好的] How are you holding up? [你怎么还不挂?] I just want to get this done. [我正要挂呢] Good. [很好] Stay here. [呆在这] I'm coming with you. Stay here. [-我跟着你 -呆在这] You expect me to stay here and wait? I don't care what you do. [-你要我再呆在这里死等么? -我不在乎你做什么] You don't care? Who the hell are you to say you don't care? [你不在乎? 你他妈说你不在乎?] You're not the only one affected by this. [你不是唯一一个受此事牵连的人] Yeah, I know; that's the problem. [是的 我知道 这正是问题所在] But you will still just run off and do whatever you want? [但是你还要继续我行我素?] What kind of a man are you that just... [你这人怎么这样...] They killed Sara and put her head in a box! [他们杀了莎拉把她的头放在了盒子里] And they've got my son! [他们绑架了我儿子] Oh, Linc, I'm.... I'm sorry. [林肯对不起] You still here? [你一直在这?] Lechero wants to talk to you. [勒齐想和你谈谈] I was just about to get a little trim. [我只是去修了修头发] Lechero said I was looking all bhuttu! [勒齐说我可以找任何人的] It'll wait. [等等] Did you know about this? [你知道怎么了么?] Did you know anything about this?! [你真不知道怎么了么?] Me? No! No! Nieves... [我? 不 不尼弗斯...] Nieves-- we was friends, man. [尼弗斯我们是朋友] That's right! [是呀] If you knew he was using and didn't tell me... [如果你明知道他怎么死的却不告诉我] his death is on your head. [他的死就算到你头上] Patron, Patron, Patron... [拜托 拜托 拜托] I don't know nothing about drugs. [毒品的事我一无所知] I don't. I don't. [真不知道] I mean, hell, I... [我的意思是 上帝呀 我...] I tried me some reefer when I was 12, [我 12 岁就开始吸大麻] I almost coughed up a lung. [我只剩半条命了] good [很好] That's good. [那好] Teodoro. [蒂博格] There appears to be an opening on my crew. [在我的队伍中这是个先例] McGrady, here's your cross back. [McGrady 你的十字架还给你] And, uh... thank you. [谢谢] You're a real smart guy. [你真有才] What the hell are you doing in prison? [你他妈到监狱干吗来了?] Here. [这] It's perfect. [很好] How did you get it? [你怎么拿到它的?] It's what you wanted, right? [这是你想要得 对么?] Yeah. [是的]


Good work. [干得漂亮] So what's the next step? [那么接下来干什么?] Uh... we wait. [静观其变] And... I'll keep you posted. [保持联络] You know what you need to do. [你知道你在干嘛么?] What do you think? [你怎么想?] When i fix electricity for reason, [当我们去修复电力之时] but it can't have been to make that fence sizzle [不可能从围墙出去] like the third bloody rail. [那样是白白送死] Unless you want to make the colonel happy. [除非你想让上尉幸灾乐祸] Actually, it's in bothof our best [事实上 这对我们都好] to make that fence as deadly as possible. [如果让围墙尽可能成为不可逾越的死亡线] Now all we have [现在我们要做的] to do is wait for my brother to come through [就是等着我哥哥] with the grave digger. [带着掘墓人过来] This is good [真很不错] for a start [是个好开端] But i want more [但我希望更多] He wants more. [他要更多] You said $15,000. [你只说 15000 美元] You said $15,000! [你说过 15000 美元的] Fifteen to listen [15000 不过是说说的] You said $15,000! You said $15,000! [你说过 15000 美元的] We got it, Linc! I got it! [我来处理林肯我来处理] i want big cash [我要更多] understand? [明白吗] calm down [冷静] if it's money you want [如果这是你需要的钱] No, no, no! [不要 不要 不要] What the hell are you doing?! [你他妈的在干什么?] We need him! He will sell us [我们需要他!] out to the cops after he takes [他拿到了我们的钱后] as much as he can from us. [就会把我们出卖给警察的] He's packing up to go. [他在打包了] Kill him. [杀了他] He's going to betray you. Kill him. [他会背叛你的 杀了他] Good news, Agent Mahone! [好消息马宏特务] Due to the untimely [由于胡安·尼弗斯] demise of Ser Juan Nieves, [死得不是时候] I have now been promoted manager in charge of retail distribution [我现在已被提升为分发物质的管理员] and customer liaison. [并且负责和客户联络] Get away from me. [离我远点] All in due time. [交易时间] Now, I'm not your momma, [我不是你妈妈] and I ain't one to wipe other's noses, [我也不会帮别人擦鼻涕] but let's just say you've looked better. [但我想说的是你看起来不怎么好] I want nothing from you. [我不稀罕你的东西] But sure seems you need something. [但我相信你需要点什么] On the arm. [归你了] No strings attached. [不需报酬] Get your head straight, Alex. [让你的头脑清醒点阿历克斯] Come on in, man. [进来 兄弟]


Come watch the match. Come. [过来看比赛 过来] Oh, yeah. You guys call this football down here, right? [你们叫这个足球 是吗?] Very good, very good. [非常好 非常好] It's World Cup-- football without the silly hats [世界杯 不用戴着你们美国佬] you wear in America, [那样的傻头盔] where they all jump on t each other [横冲直撞] like a bunch of batty boys. [像一群疯子] Have a seat. [坐下来] Come. [过来] Teodoro. [蒂博格] Caf? [咖啡?] The only thing I hate more than a rat [只有一件事情比老鼠更令我讨厌] is a rat with bad information. [就是提供假情报的老鼠] Yeah, look, I'm sorry about all that, [是的 我认同你的观点] but my information was good. [但我的情报绝对不会错] It's just that Scofield is a tricky bastard. [只是斯科菲尔德实在是个狡猾的混蛋] He'll try something again. You'll see. [他会再干其他事的 你等着看吧] Wait! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! [等一下 等一下 等一下] Come on, you guys. What are you doing to me? [拜托 兄弟 你们要对我做什么] Come on! I gave you good information! [拜托 我给了你们正确的情报] Scofield's planning to escape! I'm telling you! [我告诉你!斯科菲尔德在计划越狱!] He's a smart bastard! [他是个聪明的混蛋] Come on, you guys. Come on. What are you doing? [拜托 兄弟 你们要干什么] No. No. [不要 不要] No! No. [不要 不要] Look, I gave you good information. [我给了你正确的情报] u said something this morning about, [你今天早上说过] "If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'." [如果我说谎 我就死] Just be thankful I don't hold you to that. [你要感激我没对你这样做] Come on, Bagwell. [拜托蒂博格] Help me here, man! Come on. [帮下我 兄弟 拜托] Bagwell! [蒂博格!] You left this in your old cell. [你落下了这个在你的旧房间] Thanks, Alex. [谢谢阿历克斯] You're welcome. [不用客气] It's funny that you could forget something [我觉得这么重要的东西你都能忘记] as important as this is. [真的很搞笑] Well, I'm glad you found it for me. [我很感激你为我找到了这个] Yeah. [是的] Oh. Oh, look. [噢 看啊] You are breathing only by my grace, Michael. [你是因为我的慈悲才活到现在迈克] Now, you remember the next time that [你给我记住 下一次] you're going to send me on a goose chase. [如果你还消遣我去做无用功] Okay? I didn't. [我没有] No, no. You did. [不 你有] And you think you can manipulate me, [你认为你能控制我] just like you did to Sucre... and Tweener [就像你对苏克雷和图纳做的一样] and Haywire. [还有海威尔] I'm not your errand boy. [我不是你的跑腿] I'm going to go with you when you escape, [你逃出去的时候我要跟着你] and if you think, in any way... [如果你 无论怎么样] that you'll leave me, [想摆脱我]


I will put this piece of metal right in that [我会把这块金属插进这] very small space [小小地方] right between your eyes. I will. [就在你的双眼之间 我会的] how's LJ? How's Sara? [LJ 和莎拉怎么样?] They told me they're fine. [他们告诉他们很好] List, uh, the grave digger [那个掘墓的人] is gone. [不在了] What do you mean, he's gone? ["不在了"是什么意思?] Linc, we can't do this without him. [linc 我们没他不能成事] We know, we know, that's why we went to his supervisor-- [我知道 所以我们才找了他的监护人] the guy who approves any hires for that job. [这家伙能提供任何人这份工作] Turns out he could use some cash. [只需要用点钱] Oye, man. Mail call. [兄弟 有包裹] This is we're getting out? [我们这样逃出去吗?] Yes. [是的] With a little help from an old friend. [通过老朋友的一点帮助] What is that? [那是什么?] Kesslivol. [Kesslivol] It's a chemical that kills the odors [能消除尸体发出的臭味] caused by decomposing bodies. [的药品] And when heated to a certain degree... [一旦达到一定的温度] eats through steel. [就能侵蚀掉金属]

3x05 Interference previously on prison break [前情提要] LJ and sara will be traded for Whistler [LJ 和莎拉来换惠斯勒] are we clear? [明白了吗?] this can't be done in a week. [一个星期搞不定] You have a week. That's it. [你们就只有一周时间] No one's ever broken out of this place before, [之前从未有人从这越过狱] let alone with a week to plan, so you tell these people [更别说只有一周时间做计划] I'm gonna break this guy out of here [你去告诉那帮人 我会尽力助他越狱] or I'm going to die trying. [甚至不惜付出生命的代价] You're going to stay on as my ears. [我需要你留下做我耳目] You'll report back to me everything you hear [向我汇报所有你听说的消息] when I'm not around. [当我不在场的时候] I know you've got a brother helping on the outside, [我知道你有个哥哥在外面接应你] I know he ran into my girlfriend, [他跑去找了我女友] and I know he took a book from her that belongs to me. [还知道他从她那儿抢走了我的书] This is what they took from me. [这是他们抢走的我的宝贝] So let's be clear, [所以直说了吧] this is what matters to me. [这才是我关心的事情] Not you. [而不是你] And not your book. [更不是你的书] How's LJ? How's Sara? [LJ 怎样?莎拉怎样?] They told me they're fine. [他们告诉我都很好] What are you not telling me? [你还有什么瞒着我?] You're not the only one affected... [并非只有你一个牵涉其中...] They killed Sara and put her head in a box! [他们杀了莎拉头割下弃在盒中!] And they got my son! [他们还抓走了我的儿子]


you are running out of the time [你没有时间了] what's that? [什么东西] A rat. [一只老鼠] J.P. Getty had a formula for success. [J.P 盖迪(美首位亿万富翁)有一个成功的妙方] "Rise early, work hard, [早起 努力工作] strike oil." [挖掘油田] Just trying to get a drink of water, Alex. [阿历克斯我只是来喝杯水] As a devoted student of your work a skills, [我作为崇拜你技艺的虔诚学生] I-I really look forward [我真的非常期待] to progress on your plan, Michael. [和你一起共同实施计划迈克] I'm looking forward to you getting off my back. [我期待你能别老缠着我] Buenos, welcome to Sona. [臭小子 欢迎你来索纳监狱] Is that your wallet? [那是你的皮夹子吗?] Dame tu billetera. [该死的皮夹子] No hablo Espal, uh? [抱歉 我不懂西班牙语] You know what I said. [你明白我说的意思] No. [不明白] That's the wrong answer. [回答错误] I am so ready to get out of here anytime you are. [你一搞定 我就离开这] Scofield,visita. [斯科菲尔德有访客] scofield, you have a visitor. [斯科菲尔德有访客] You look like you had a long night. [你开上去度过了漫长一夜] Yeah. [没错] I spent most of it feeding chocolate to a rat. [我花了很久喂老鼠吃巧克力] I don't have a whole lot to work with these days. [这几天都没有整块时间可以开工的] She's got the book, man, the bird guide. [她拿走了那本书 鸟类导读] She worked it out. [她发现了] So we have no leverage. [那我们手上没有筹码了] -No. -Tell me [- 没了 - 告诉我] When you were handing over the book, [当你递上那本书的时候] did you ask for a recent photo of LJ and Sara? [你有问过要 LJ 和莎拉的 新照片] Yeah. [是的] And where is it? [那照片呢?] She showed me the pictures, but she wouldn't let me keep them. [她给我看了照片 但是不肯给我] Man, I'm not in a position to bargain with these people. [老弟 我可没有资格和他们谈条件] I mean, they're pissed. [我是说他们已经被激怒了] You break out tomorrow. [明天就得越狱出来] Let's just focus on that. [让我们只关注越狱一事吧] Let's keep on track. [回到正题上来] All right. [好吧] While I'm working from the inside, [当我在狱内开工的时候] I need you to take care of what happens [我需要你去准备下] once we're outside. [逃出来后的事宜] We're going to need a getaway vehicle, [需要辆车逃之夭夭] something inconspicuous. [不惹眼的那种] Whatever you find, it has to be parked [不管你找到什么车 明天下午 3 点] a half mile from here by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow. [必须停在离这 1 英里半的地方] You mean a.m. [你是说凌晨 3 点?] No, I mean p.m. [不 确实是下午] We don't have a choice, Linc. [林肯我们没得选] I ran some tests last night. [昨晚上我做了些测试] Military jeeps patrol the perimeter at night. [军方吉普车夜晚在周边巡逻]


There's no way of telling where they're going to be in the dark. [晚上根本无法分辨他们在什么方位] They were out there all night. [整晚上他们都在外面巡逻] We need the dark, we can't just... Just... [我们需要夜幕遮掩 不能就...] Please. [拜托别争了] Because we're doing this tomorrow. [因为明天就要动手了] In the middle of the day. [中午时分行动] Who're you looking at? [你在看谁?] That guy. [那家伙] I know him. [我认识他] McGrady, my friend, I'm going to need a watch. [小麦迪朋友 我需要块手表] Maybe two. [或许要 2 块] I'm not even going to ask why. [我不会问其中原因了] I'm also going to need some binoculars. [我还需要些双筒望远镜] Old Guillermo has a pair. [老威廉倒是有个] There's no way he'll sell them to you, man. [他根本不可能卖给你] But they shouldn't be hard to get. [但是望远镜也不算难搞定] Where can I find this guy? [我上哪里能找到他?] We leave tomorrow. [我们明天行动] This... [这是...] This is how we're getting out of Sona. [这是我们逃离索纳监狱的方案] Getting out of the cell block [逃出监狱障碍栏] shouldn't be a problem. [应该不是什么问题] The grate and bars are weak, [围壁栅栏很容易突破] but we're going to need some kind of rope, [但是我们需要些绳索] some kind of ladder, to let us down on the other side. [还有梯子 这样可以从另外边下去] That's why I figured out the safest [那就是我标出 安全的线路] line from here to the hole in the fence. [从这里到栅栏的那个洞的原因] We do it in the day, [我们白天动手] we'll only be visible to the two guard towers. [只有塔楼上的 2 个警卫能看到我们] The perimeter guards are less predictable, [周边警卫的情况很难说] but they're only on at night. [但是他们只有在晚上才出没] Scurrying across the fld in the middle of the day? [大白天的穿越监狱逃跑?] It's the only way to avoid the jeep patrol. [这是唯一避开巡逻吉普车的方法] Now, in the yard tomorrow, there's a soccer game at 2:00. [明天下午 2 点 监狱大院里会有场球赛] That should prove some distraction inside. [应该会吸引狱内很多注意力] And yesterday when we were digging, [昨天我们在挖洞的时候] I saw the glare from the sun hit this guy [我看到太阳光照射到这个家伙] in the late afternoon. [在晌午时分] Looked like he turned away, [看上去他就会转身] like maybe his vision was blocked. [好似视线受阻似的] It's not much of a break. [这样就能越狱了] No, but it is [不 但就是这样] one way to do what we need to do. [必须这么去做] As far as thisther guard, [还有个警卫] his weakness has yet to be termined. [必须找出他的弱点] If we're going to get around these guys, [如果我们要和这帮警卫周旋] we've got to get to know them. [就必须得了解他们] It's not going to be easy. [这可没这么简单] There's only one real road that goes to the prison. [只有一条正真意义上的路通往监狱] We don't want a real road-- that's not an option. [我们不需要大路 不用考虑了] What? [怎么了?] Your brother's cutting it close. [留给你兄弟的时间所剩无几]


You said a week. [你说过一周时间] Tomorrow's Wednesday, you didn't leave much room for error. [明天就周三了 可没空闲犯错了] There's not going to be an "error." [根本不会犯什么错] Listen, I've got a lot of stuff to do and I just... [听着 我有一堆事要处理 还要...] Which is why I won't waste yourime. [那就是为何我不会浪费你的时间] When Whistler's free, I need to get to him [当惠斯勒出来后 我需要] as soon as possible. [立刻得到他] I'm still trying to work out what's going [我还在为他们逃出栅栏后] to happen once they get past the fence. [可能发生的事情忙活着] Once I know all the details, I'll let you... [一旦我知道所有细节 我会让你...] Lincoln, calm down. [林肯冷静] It sounds to me like you [你让我觉得] and your brother are in over your heads. [你们两兄弟似乎有点焦头烂额] There's a bad joke about Sara somewhere in there. [莎拉的事 很抱歉] Listen... [听着] I'll let you know all the details [我会把详情都告诉你的] on I know them, and then I'll call you. [我会打电话给你] I want this to work out just as badly as you do. [我和你们一样 希望这事能解决] MoreI'm sure. [你比我们还急 我知道] LJ? [LJ 呢?] LJ's fine. You have 34 hours. [LJ 很好 你还有 34 个小时] What did she say? [她说什么了?] Nothing we don't already know. [都是些废话] Let's get out of here; we got a lot of stuff to do. [走吧 有好多事要做呢] Seir Rivera? [瑞弗拉先生么?] Who? [谁?] You're Jorge Rivera, right? [你是约格·瑞弗拉对吗?] Gravedigger at Sona? [索纳监狱的挖墓人?] so? [什么事?] Would you like a ride? [要搭便车吗?] No no, someone's coming to get me in a little bit. [不 不 有人马上来接我] I had an arrangement with your predecessor. [我和你前任有个计划] I need you to get this inside the prison. [我想让你把这个带进监狱] I don't go inside the prison. [我不进监狱的] Neither did he. [他也不进去的] How about this? [那这样呢?] You find a way to get this delivery [想办法把这个] inside the prison [送进监狱] just this one time. [只要一次] Why would I? [干吗要这么做?] Becuase I would give you [因为我会给你] five thousand dollars. [5000 美金] Five thousand dollars? [5000 美金?] For just one time? [就一次?] Couldn't you do that? [难道你不想干?] I think you could do it. [我想你能办到的] In this? [这样吗?] You're crazy! [你疯了!] Only you can do it. [只有你可以做到] I wouldn't let 'em see you do that. [我不会让他们知道的] Who? [谁?] Anyone. It's a drinking fountain. [任何人 这是用来喝的]


They put their lips right on there. [他们直接用嘴喝的] You'd think it spits straight Jack Daniels. [你会感觉就像美酒那样] You understand what happened, don't you? [知道怎么回事么?] You're a-- what's-it- called?-- a pariah. [你就是 这里所谓的 贱民] I made the same mistake when I walked in here [我当初来时也犯了同样的错误] tried to hang on to my wallet. [想要拿回我的钱包] Next thing I knew, I spent the next two days kneecap deep [接下来那两天 我可够惨的] in human feces. [众目睽睽之下] In Sona, it's every man for himself. [在索纳 人人为己] Here, cheese. [来吧 蛋糕] I'm not hungry. [我不饿] Yeah, you will be. [会饿的] I saw the other Americans. [我看到了别的美国人] So none of you have called the embassy, huh? [你们没人打过电话给大使馆 是吧?] Us gringos ain't all butt buddies. [我们这些外国佬并不都是蠢蛋] You want it? Cause I'll keep it. [要么? 不然我就收下了] Let's get this done. [尽快搞定吧] We're gonna have to tch both guards simultaneously. [我们得同时盯着两个守卫] Your cell should provide [你的房间得腾出来] a good view of the guard I saw yesterday. [昨天我找到了个不错的角度] Keep track of everything he does and when he does it. [盯着他做的每件事 并且记下时间] Look for that glare, see if it shows up again. [盯着他的眼睛 看他是否再次往那看] What will you be doing? [你做什么?] Watching the other tower from here. [观察另一个监视塔] While our back's turned, we're gonna need a lookout. [当我们做事时 得有个人放哨] Well, find Mahone. [好吧 找马宏] I thought we were stringing him along? [我们不是在耍他么?] Looks like we're out of string. [让他觉得这是真的] Teodoro. [蒂博格] Si, patron? [老大] What they say about all work d no play, huh? [光干活 没好处 他们有话说么?] Boy need his rest. [要放松下] Your clientele keeps a tight schedule. [你的手下日程安排得很紧] Got to make sure I see to their needs. [我去看看他们有什么需要的] I gave you a more important task. [我给过你更重要的任务的] But I haven't heard a thing. [我没听到有什么重要事] en listen harder. [那就多加留意点] Mi amor. [我的宝贝] Ah, mi vida. [亲爱的] Into my office. [去我办公室] Sit down, watch the game. [坐下 看比赛] Excuse me. [打搅 挪一下] Anything yet? [情况如何?] Nope, not yet. [还没情况] So what's your story, man? [你做什么的?] I mean, the next chapter, [我是说 接下来] when we get out of here. [出去后] Suppose you were married to the job, [工作狂] drank too much, rabid insomniac, typical lawman. [酒鬼 狂躁的失眠者 或是执法人员] Yeah, just like you reek of live bait, [是啊 就像你那样惹的满身臭气] have a girl in every port, [到处是女友] tell fish stories [讲讲捕鱼的故事]


or so I've heard. [或者是我听到的那些] Prior to this experience, [在此之前] I had the utmost respect for the law. [我可是非常尊重法律的] This guy hasn't so much has scratched his jock in an hour. [这家伙都一个小时没停过了] It's not gonna be easy to get around that guy. [要接近他可不容易啊] I don't know. [我不知道] We might just have a break. [我们休息下吧] I'm gonna go check on Scofield. [我去看下斯科菲尔德] Sorry. [对不起] Did you see thglare? [看到了么?] 13-- he turned to his right [在大约 13 分时 他转向右边] and ignored everything to the west for six minutes, [有 6 分钟时间没注意到西面] as far as I could tell. [目前就知道这些] This guy thinks he's auditioning for Buckingham Palace. [这家伙以为一切尽在掌握] He's also a sports fan. [他还是个体育迷] He's got a TV. [他有台电视] Twice in the last four hours the signal went fuzzy. [过去四小时有两次信号不好] He had to turn to adjust the antennae. [然后他就得调整天线] That's nothing we can count on. [我们可不能指望这啊] True. [是的] But there is a device we can build [但我们可以造个设备] out of some pretty common materials. [就用那些普通材料] It's almost like a radio, except it... [和收音机一样 只不过...] transmits signals. [能发送信号] Pardon me. [不好意思] You're the new guy. [你新来的] Yeah. And who are you? [是啊 你是谁?] Not the new guy. [不是新来的] So what's your deal? [你要干吗?] Public intoxication, tourist in trouble-- what is it? [到处逛逛 找找麻烦 怎么着?] I don't like people asking too many questions. [我不喜欢爱问太多问题的人] when I've done nothing wrong. [我又没做错什么] Oh, you're an innocent man. [那你是无辜的了] As a matter of fact, yes. [事实上 是的] Is this your first time in prison? [这是你第一次入狱吧?] Uh-huh. Why? Because it's obvious-- [- 是啊 怎么了? - 因为很明显] Rule No.1 [规矩一] you mind your own business. [你管好你自己的事] You know, you might want to do the same. [你知道 换是你 你也会这样的] You know exactly what I'm talking about. [你很清楚我在说什么] You got me? [明白没?] Yeah. [是] Yeah. [是] I got you. [我明白] Go take a walk. [去走走] When'd you meet your boyfriend, Whistler? [你什么时候认识你男友惠斯勒的?] My last year of school. [学校里 后一学期] I worked in this place in San Isabel. [我在桑伊萨贝尔那里工作] He used to come around [他经常一个人过来] by himself and sit down in a bar. [在吧台边坐下] Hitting on the waitress. That's romantic. [偶遇女服务员 很浪漫] He is! [他很浪漫!]


Every time he goes away, [每次他出去] he brings me back a present [都给我带礼物回来] like this [这个就是] Those are from Sedona. [这是从瑟多纳带回来的] His mother lives there in a retirement home. [他妈退休了住在那里] What's going on?! [怎么了?] Out of the car, Juan Bobo! [从车里出来!] This is a private road. [这是私人道路] I can explain. Callete! [- 我可以解释 - 闭嘴!] What'd we do? [要干吗?] Shut your uth, American. [闭嘴 美国佬] u?paso [发生什么了] This is state property! No vehicles allowed! [这是国家所有! 车子不得通行!] All roads within two miles of Sona are closed. [索纳监狱周边两公里的路都封锁了] We, we didn't see any signs. [我们没有看到任何指示牌] Where were you going? [你们要去哪?] San Isabel. [桑伊萨贝尔] San Isabel? Yeah. [-桑伊萨贝尔? - 是的] This your car? [这是你的车吗?] It's my car. [是我的] The papers in the glove box. [文件在工具箱里] This is why my friends don't visit Panama. [所以我朋友不愿意来巴拿马] You cops bother everyone. [你们警察到处惹事] This road is not for tourists. [这条路不对游客开放] If I ever catch you out here again, [如果我再在这里看到你的话] I'll remeber you. [我记住你了] It ain't gonna happen again. [不会再看到我了] Okay, go on. [好吧 快走] Anda. [走吧] You okay? [你没事吧?] Yeah. This is not gonna work. [没事 这办法行不通] Where's the coast from here? I don't know, maybe three miles. [- 海滩离这里多远? - 我不知道 大概三公里吧] All right, time for plan B. Come on. [好吧 实行 B 计划 走吧] Found some more of these. [再多找点过来] We can make rope out of this hammock. [我们可以用吊床来做绳子] Come on. You don't want to go in there. [走吧 你不是想要去那里吧] If you want to get out of this place I do. [如果你要出去的话 我会进去的] Stay here. [待这别动] he Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! [喂 喂 喂!] Move it! [快走!] Come on! [快点] What is it, chained down? [这个是什么 连锁反应?] It's hanging by a thread. [真是千钧一发啊] It'll have to wait. [得等等了] 30. [已经 4:30 了] We've got less than 24 hours. We'll make it. [- 只剩下 24 小时不到了 - 我们能搞定] Tell me why.What? [- 告诉我为什么? - 什么?] What's so urgent we can't get [什么事情这么紧急] you out of here the day after tomorrow? [我非得在后天之前把你弄出去?] I don't know. I don't have all the answers. [我不知道 我什么都不知道] You don't me, I don't know you, [你不了解我 我也不了解你] but it's your job to get me out of here. [但是把我弄出去是你的任务]


We'll come back later. [晚点再过来吧] I'll take this as well. [我要个这个] Down here for the summer? Yep. [- 过来避暑的? - 是的] That's what I thought, back in 1985. [- 我是这么想的 - 1985 年的时候] Two wives, 20 years later. [我有两个妻子 20 年前的事情了] Want everything in here? [还有其他需要吗?] Yeah, thanks. [没了 谢谢] International waters far out? [公海有多远?] That's 12 nautical miles. [12 海里] 12 nautical miles, huh? [12 海里 对吗?] Is that gonna do it here? [就要这些了?] Uh, yeah. [是的] $99.25. [99.25 美元] Here. [给你] All right. [好了] Thank you. [谢谢你] What did you get? [你拿了什么?] Supplies. Can you pop the trunk, please? [食物供给 别到处去说] Who am I gonna tell, honestly? [说实话 我能告诉谁?] You could be a Russian spy for all I know. [你可能是个俄罗斯间谍] Live out of this thing? [把这些丢了吧?] I have to be [我得做好准备] prepared in case of an emergency. [以防不测] Well, we got an emergency. [好吧 我们有件紧急的事] I'm not going anywhere [除非你告诉我要去哪] until you tell me where we're going. [不然我哪也不去] Solana Beach. Why? [-索拉纳海滩 - 去那干吗?] They killed Sara. [他们杀了莎拉] I'm trying to make damn sure they don't kill my son. [我得确保他们没杀我儿子] You don't think for a second [如果你不考虑一下] your boy's not on that list, stay here. [你男朋友还在监狱的话 就待在这里吧] I couldn't care less. [我太在乎他了] What is it? [怎么了?] It's... Augusto. [是奥古斯特] He won't [他不会] pay the payment for you anymore. [再给你钱了] I went to him for payment like every Monday, and... [我每周一照例问他要钱 但是...] he said it's not his responsibility [他说这不是他的职责] and that I should ask you. [我得问你要] No, no, no, no. [不 不 不] You tell Augusto [你告诉奥古斯特] I don't pay for sex. [我不为性爱买单] I know, I did. [我知道 我这么说了] But... what I do? [但是...我能做什么?] I don't see anyone else... [我找不到其他人了...] Yeah? [是吗?] Well, neither do I. [我也是] You in charge of the food now? [你负责食物的?] No boss. I'm the new gravedigger. [不 长官 我是新来的挖墓人] You need to sign in [你上车前] before you get on the truck. [要先登记] I was just about to. [我正准备去]


Have you read the rulebook? [你读过手册了吗?] Yes, sir. [是的 长官] Read it again. [再好好读读] On the other side, when we get out of here, [换句话说 我们出去之后] what's gonna happen? [会发生什么?] We're gonna meet someone from this mpany... [我们得会一会组织的人] Apparently. [当然] And then they're gonna kill me. [他们会杀了我] You know that. [你知道的] If they wanted to kill you, [如果他们要杀你的话] you'd already be dead. [你早就死了] I don't see why they keep me alive. [我不知道他们干吗让我活着] It's like you said-- you've got something they want. [就像你说的 你有他们要的东西] Once I give it to them, I'll be no use to them. [我告诉他们的话 我就没利用价值了] Right? [对吗?] I don't have all the answers. [我什么都不知道] All I know is it's my job to get you out of here. [我只知道我要把你弄出去] Let's go. [走吧] It's twofer Tuesday, my one-time special just for you. [还有两天就星期三了 我只给你一次机会] But there's a price. [开个价吧] Lechero's getting pret sensitive about the cash flow. [勒齐对资金流动很敏感] Well, I'm a little short right now. [我现在有点退缩了] No worries, Alex. [别担心阿历克斯] I am notgonna leave you hanging, all right? [我不会让你难做的 好吗?] We can just start you a tab. [我们会监视你的] Think he saw us? [他看到我们了吗?] Guess we'll find out. [猜猜我们能找到什么] My third year in school, [我三年级的时候] we studied electrical engineering with a focus on EMPs. [我学的是电子工程 研究的就是 EMP] That's electromagnetic pulses. [电磁脉冲的英文说法] If you hook up a pow source to a transmitter, [如果你把能量源放到发射器上] it generates a pulse. [就能发射电磁脉冲] That pulse crashes anything electronic. [脉冲会干扰所有的电子设备] What's that, like an intro [那是什么 就像简介] an intro into anti-terrorist tactics? [反恐战略的简介?] Basically. These days, [差不多吧 这些天] they have to teach students how to defend [他们教学生] their structures. [如何保护他们的结构] Fortunately for us, that guard tower is... [幸运的是 那个监视塔] It was engineered a long time ago. [已经造好很久了] I'm guessing you always won the elementary science fair. [我猜你是基础科学的常胜将军] Plug this in. [把这个插上去] Did it crash the telly? [电视信号受干扰了吗?] We're too far away. [我们隔得太远了] But it is doing exactly what we need it to. [但是起作用了 正如我们需要的那样] Okay. [没事] Get out! Why? [- 快出来! - 为什么?] They're coming in. [他们冲进来了] Ahora mismo. [马上离开这] Stay here. Do not let them see her. [呆在这 别让人发现她] Do not! [千万别被发现!] Colonel. [上校]


We received no word of this! [我们没有收到通知啊] A rifle scope waseen from the tower. [塔楼上发现了狙击枪瞄准镜] Capitan Hurtado saw it with his own eyes. [胡塔多队长亲眼所见的] That's impossible. [根本不可能] There is a gun in your prison, [狱中有把枪] and it was pointing at one of my men. [而且瞄准着我的人] We are going to find it. [我们会找出来的] This looks good. [这看上去很不错] For what? [怎么说?] Have a seat. [坐下] What am I supposed [我在这边应该] to doing here? [干些什么呢?] Look like you're having fun. [表现的你很享受就行] When was the last time you saw your son? [你 后一次见到你儿子是什么时候?] You know, Lincoln, [林肯你该知道的] I don't automatically trust people either, [我不会轻信别人] but at least I can tell when they have good intentions. [但至少我能分辨他们是否出于善意] Good for you. [能这样不错] You know, I'm not gonna try to prove myself anymore. [我不会再来证明自己的立场] You do your job, and I'll do mine. [我们互不相干 各忙各的] You need something? [你需要什么?] What? You need something? [- 你说什么? - 你需要什么?] No. [不需要] Good. [很好] Don't you worry. It's all gonna be okay. [别担心 会没事的] No, it's not. I promise you, I will not let [- 会有麻烦的 - 我向你保证] anyone find you in here. [我不会让任何人发现你在这里] Oh... Lechero hate me. [勒齐一定恨死我了] Lechero does not hate you. [勒齐不会恨你] You hold a very special place in his heart. [你在他心目中地位特殊] So many girls can take my place. [有这么多的女孩可以取代我] No, he's smart. He knows you're better than them. [不 他很明白 知道你比他们都好] You're a real woman. [你是个真女子] A woman of her own will, her own desire. [有自己意志 自己追求的女子] You know what I am. [你知道我是怎样的人] In this world, sister, we are all prostitutes. [妹子 这个世界上我们都是出卖自身的人] You are a queen. [你是女皇] Whose cell is that? [这是谁的狱室?] In the corner? [在角上的那个?] Is that your cell? [是你的狱室吗?] You [你!] Is that your cell? [是你的狱室吗?] It's mine! [是我的] It's mine. [是我的] s mine. [是我的] I found this. [我找到了这个] It's not a weapon. [这不是什么武器] I know what it is. [我知道这是什么] Why were you watching me? [你为什么看我们?] i want to ask you [我只再问你] one more time. [一遍] Why were you watching me? [你为什么要监视我]


I wasn't watching you -- I saw you. [我没有监视你 我看见你了] Answer the question! [给我回答] I don't know what you think you saw but i wasn't watching you. [我不知道你认为你看到了什么 不过我真的没有监视

你] Lie! [撒谎] I wasn't watching you. [我真的没有监视你] It's mine. [那是我的] Why were you watching him? [你为什么监视他?] I... I wasn't. I was, uh... [我没有 我只是...] I was watching birds. [我在观察鸟] Yes. [是的] Yes. [就是这样] See? [看这个] Why did you not speak up before? [你之前为什么不说?] I, uh... [我...] I was scared. [我很害怕] I was scared. [我真的很害怕] Coward. [懦夫] Hurtado! Ya. Dejelo. [胡塔多好吧 我们走] Come on. [还差一点] Come on! [就那么一点] please, please, please. [别这样 别这样] come on. [不会吧] He's coming back up here. [他要回上来了] Now, don't worry. [你可别紧张] It's all going to be okay. [不会有什么事的] You have a little mascara right there. [你脸上的妆有点掉了] You need to look pretty for Lechero. [在他面前你得非常漂亮才是] Thank you. [谢谢] Wait right here. [在这里等着吧] A patrol passed through, but they didn't stay. [巡逻队来过 不过他们没有久留] Knock some things over then walked away. [乱搜了一通 然后走了] I hid your woman in a safe place, [我当时让她躲在一个安全的地方] but I'd be lying [不过说老实话] if I didn't say it was a close call. [当时可真够险的] Is she alone? [她现在一个人待着?] Yeah. [是的] Hey. [你好啊] Don't be afraid. [不要害怕] No, no, my dear. [没事的 亲爱的] They're gone. [他们走了] I should go, too. [我想我也该走了] No, no, no. What's the rush? [别 别 急什么] Come on. No, I should [来吧 不要了 我要...] get home. [回家了] Patr, [老大] I gave her the money. [钱是我给她的] I was going to replace it myself [我先把我的钱拿给她了] at the end of the day, when I get my cut. [本来打算今晚发工资的时候再我自己报销的] I just didn't get a chance to tell you. [我只是一直没机会跟你汇报这事] She had no money to get home. [她当时不是没钱叫车回家嘛] Is this true? [是吗?]


Yes. [是的] With all due respect. [我这么说没有一点不敬的意思] Surely you don't want your mistress travelin' broke. [你一定不会愿意让你的情人一分钱也不带就上路的] She'd end up in a taxi [不然的话 她就算打到车] with no way to pay the cab fare. [也没钱付打的费啊] Ah, you did this? [啊 你这么做] For me? [是为了帮我的忙啊] Si, patr. [当然了 老大] Teodoro. [蒂博格] The one that does all [你为我可真的] the useful things for me, huh? [做了好多贡献呢] And now you do the thinking for me. [你是真心实意的替我着想了] No, no, it's not like that, patr-- [也不能都这么说 老大] Get the bucket. [去拿水桶] Wash my feet. [来给我洗脚] So what do we do now? [我们现在该怎么办] I don't know. [我不知道] Well, I'm afraid that's not good enough. [这个回答可不怎么样] Please just give me a moment to think. [得了 给我点时间考虑一下] Wasting time is not an option for me, Michael. [我可不能在这里耗下去了 迈克] I need to be out of here by tomorrow. [我明天必须得出去] I know, just in time for be out your next fishing trip,omorrow. [我有数 赶紧出去好赶上钓鱼之旅] or is it a bird-watching trip? I forget. [还是 你的赏鸟之旅啊 我可记不清楚了] That's my trip log, I've told you. [那是我的航海日志 我告诉过你] I need to retrace my steps. [我必须按图索骥] I'm doing everything they tell me, the same thing you are. [我只能按照他们吩咐的去做 你不也是嘛] just, just leave me alone, please. [你让我一个人待会行不 求你了] You know, before I was arrested, [告诉你 我被抓起来之前] a man came to my flat and took my addresses. [一个人闯进我的公寓 拿走了我的通讯录] They know the name of everyone I care about [他们知道我所在意的每个人的名字] and how to find them. [以及如何找到他们] Well, they already found everyone I care out. Okay? [事实上他们已经找了我所在意的每个人] If you can't get me out of here, tell me now. [如果你不能把我弄出去 现在就告诉我] because time is running out. [我没有时间了] Huh?! [明白吗?] Look, it's hot today. [真是个大热天] Yeah. [是的] Prefer the heat than the cold any day. [和冷天相比还是每天热点好] You know my brother and I wanted to come [你知道我和我兄弟准备离开这] down here to Panama [流亡巴拿马] and start a dive shop like the one we were at today. [开家冲浪店就像我们今天去过的那家] My boy, he was gonna leave school and help us [我儿子 他应该离开学校来帮我们] start the family business. [打理家族生意] When this is all over, why don't you do it? [当一切了结 这有什么不可以呢?] Too much bad stuff's happened. [发生了很多糟糕的事] Still, you can make it work. [你向来都可以搞定的] It's only gonna work if... if Whistler cooperates. [一切都可以搞定 如果惠斯勒合作的话] he plays games, people get hurt. [他玩花样 就会害了别人] You understa that, right? [你懂我的意思吗?] He doesn't want anyone to get hurt. [他并不希望任何人受伤] I hope you're right. [我希望你是对的] I want to show you something. [我想给你看点东西]


Our getaway vehicle. [我们的逃亡工具] Now, [现在] the next time you see him, [你下次见到他的时候] I want you to tell him what you saw. [我想让你告诉他你所看到的] Tell him we're all in this together. [告诉他我们同舟共济] We're part of a team. [我们是团队一员] You understand? [你明白吗?] Okay. Yeah. [好的] All right, get up. [好了 走吧] We're coming back. [我们会回来的] No, this way. [不 走这边] What? [什么?] This way, come on. [是这条路 来吧] Okay [好的] If all goes well, [如果一切顺利] we'll see them tomorrow. [明天我们就可以见到他们了] Job well done. Thank you. [干得好 谢谢] I thought you said I was gonna get five thousand dollars. [我以为你说我可以得到 5 千美金] That's what I'm talking about. [我就是在说这个] Nono, no, no, no. [不 不 不] You said one time. [你说一次性付的] Was it difficult? [这有什么困难的?] That's not the point. [不是这个意思] One time is one time. [一次归一次] This can work out for both of us. [这对你我来说都好] If we're gonna do this today, [如果我们今天行动] we got to replace everything we lost. [我们要寻回失去的一切] Like what? [比如?] For starters, a new exit point. [首先是一个新的出口] It's got to be on the south side of the building. [应该开在建筑物的南边] Look at this guy, again. [再来看看这家伙] I know you, huh? [我认识你 对吗?] Afraid not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [- 恐怕不认识 - 好吧 好吧] You're McFadden, right? [你是麦克法登] Nice, 1997? [1997 年 在纳爱斯对吗?] Sorry. [抱歉] You've confused me with someone else. [你认错人了] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I swear. [肯定是你 我发誓] You were with the ambassador. [你和大使在一起] You've mistaken me for someone else. [你把我当成别人了] Chap's insane. [这家伙疯了] Come on, guys, got something to show you. [来吧 伙计们 给你们看点东西] I'm sure I didn't observe the guards' behavior [我确定在你们做事的时候] in as much detail as you guys, [没有看到警察有所动作] but I did notice something yesterday. [但我昨天注意到一些迹象] Right around this time. [也是这个时间] That's the day shift. [现在是换班时间] They start by 6:00 [他们这批人 6 点就在了] Just keep looking, keep looking. [继续监视] There. [这儿] Where'd you get your cup, Alex? [你在哪拿到的杯子 阿历克斯?] I got it in the courtyard, but apparently it's from him. [在院子里 显然是他丢下的]


He has one in the morning and one after lunch. [早上有个人 午餐后还有一个] Man's got to have his fix. [会有人来接班的] If we get that cup... [如果我们拿到杯子的话...] We get to the man. [我们也能搞定那个家伙] We got to move. [我们要行动了]

3x06 Photo Finish Previously on Prison Break [越狱 前情提要] Did you ask for a recent photo [你问他们要了 LJ 和 Sara 的近照吗?] of LJ and Sara? Yeah. [是的] Where is i She showed me the pictures, [照片呢?] but she wouldn't let me keep them. [她给我看了照片 但不肯给我] All right. [好吧] I want to know who this guy is. [我想知道这个家伙是谁] Said his name was Sullins. [听说他叫 Sullins] Alex, thanks for coming in. [Alex 谢谢你能过来] Hello, Lang. [嗨 Lang] What's going on? There's all kinds [发生什么事了?] of suits over here going through your office. [这里有好多穿着不同制服的人 在你办公室里进进出出] I know you, huh? [- 我应该认识你吧 呃? - 恐怕不认识] Afraid not. [等等 等等] Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're McFadden. [你是 Mcfadden] You've confused me with someone else. [你认错人了] You were with the ambassador. [你就是那个和大使在一起的家伙] You don't know me, I don't know you, [你不了解我 我也不了解你] but it's your job to get me out of here. [但是你必须把我弄出去] You break out tomorrow. By 3:00 p.m. [- 你明天就越狱 - 下午 3 点] You mean a.m. No, I mean p.m. [- 你是说凌晨 3 点吧 - 不 我说的是下午 3 点] We're doing this tomorrow... in the middle of the day. [我们就在明天..大白天行动] Give me the ring. [把戒指给我] Wise decision. [明智之举] Want the rin brother? [想要这个戒指吗 兄弟?] That's more your style, man. [它更配你的风格 伙计] It's all right, it's all right. [嘿嘿嘿 没关系 没关系] You all go on back. Go ahead. [你们都先回去,去吧] No, go ahead. [没关系 去吧] A word. [一句抱歉也没有?] You should try and be more careful in the future. [你以后应该更小心点] Yes, sir. [是的 老大] What's your name? [你叫什么?] Tyge. [Tyge] Michael. [Michael] The Australian. [那个澳洲佬] You said you knew him from Nice. [你说你在尼斯见过他] Is that true? [是真的吗?] You calling me a liar now? [你是说我在撒谎?] He says you're full of it. [他说你满嘴的谎话] He said he was never an ambassador. [他说他从来没当过大使] No, not anambassador, [不 不是大使 是"大使酒店"]


TheAmbassador. I was concierge at the Ambassador Hotel. [我原来是大使酒店的门卫] I could've sworn he worked there for a few months. [我发誓他在那工作过几个月] Who the hell knows, huh? [谁知道呢 呃?] I was high half the time. [反正我在那大半时间都在嗑药] Kind of why I got fired. [这也是我后来被解雇的原因] Kind of why I'm in here. [也是我 后沦落到这里的原因] What was he up to in Nice? [他在尼斯发生了什么事?] What? [什么?] You writing a book? [你打算写书么?] We're leaving at 3:13-- that gives us three hours [我们 3 点 13 分行动 -- 也就是说还剩 3 小时 41 分钟] 41 minutes. And we still don't have a way into no-man's-land. [我们似乎还没找到冲过禁区的办法] ll take care of that. [我会想办法的] I just need to check it out first. And the fence? [我只是想事先确定一下] Your grave digger friends only sprayed the thing once, [那个栅栏呢?你的掘墓人朋友好像只喷了一次栅栏 ] And I'd just as soon not get electrocuted today. [我可不想被电死] Would I feel better if Sucre had sprayed the fence again? Yes. [我希望 Sucre 把栅栏再喷一次吗? 是的] Is that an option? No. [有这种可能性吗? 没有] Unless he had another reason to be there. [除非他还能找到别的理由再去那边一次] What are you going to do? [你有什么办法?] Kill someone to get more spray on the fence? [再杀死一个人 让他好有机会再去喷喷栅栏?] I'd think about killing you if it helped us get out of here today. [我会考虑杀死你 如果可以 我们今天越狱有帮助的话] You know what'll help us get out of here? [你知道什么可以帮我们逃出这里吗?] A ladder. [一把梯子] Michael... [Michael...] where are we gonna go once we get through that fence? [我们逃出了那个栅栏以后怎么办?] Just get me a ladder. [去弄把梯子来] This hammock's shorter than the last one. [这个吊床的绳子比上次那根短] Well, we might need something to extend it. [喔 我们可能需要找点东西把它拉长] All right, I'll take care of it. [好的 我来搞定] I've never been to Nice. [我从来也没去过尼斯] I hear it's beautiful. [我听说那儿很美] I wouldn't know. [我不知道] I don't care if this guy knows you or not. [我根本不关心这个家伙是不是认识你] But what I do care about is [但是我关心的是 很明显 他时时刻刻在监视你] his apparent fixation with watching you at all times. Scofield.Visita. [Scofield.] 有人探视 We'll be out of here soon enough. [我们马上就要出去了] He won't be a problem. [他不是什么问题] Scofield, you have a visitor. [Scofield 有人探视] Hey, buddy, check it out. [嘿 伙计 瞧瞧这个] Do they roll bones in your country? [你们国家流行玩色子吗?] Come to my cell, I'll teach you. [当我的牢房来 我教你玩] You want me to come back to your cell and "roll bones"? [你要我跟你回你的牢房一起玩色子? 真是好甜蜜喔] Real subtle. [哈 哈 哈] Hardy har-har. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's hilarious. [耶耶耶 那一定很好玩喔] Tell me, [告诉我 你对 Sona 里所有没穿上衣的朋友都那么友好吗?] are you this friendly with all the shirtless guys in Sona? I gave you food yesterday. [我昨天给了你吃的] I gave you a place to sleep. [我还给了你睡觉的地方] I wonder why. [我很想知道原因]


What the hell is your problem? [你到底有什么毛病?] Look, I just don't want to have sex with you, okay? [听着 我只是不想跟你上床 明白?] Is that so hard to believe? [这真的很难以理解吗?] Get a plate. [去拿个盘子] To make it across no-man's-land, [要想穿过禁区] we're going to have to disable two of the tower guards. [我们必须放倒两个塔楼上的守卫] I've already taken care of one of them. [我已经搞定一个] With the other one, we're going to need your help. [但另一个 我需要你的帮助] Every day between 1:00 and 2:00, [每天下午 1 点到 2 点之间 是他的午休时间] he takes his lunch break. [他都会喝杯咖啡] He gets a cup ofoffee. [你得找出他的咖啡哪来的 想办法在里面放点东西] You need to find out where and put something in that cup. Make sure he's unconscious during the escape. [确保他在我们逃跑的那段时间是昏迷的] You're dropping this on me with three hours to go? [你在行动前 3 个小时才让我做这个?] I don't know what to tell you. 3:13? [我不知道该怎么跟你说] 3:13 is when it starts. [3:13?] 3:13 开始行动 We'll be on the beach by 3:25. [3:25 我们应该可以到达海边] In broad daylight. [就在光天化日之下?] The Company still thinks we're doing this at 9:00 [公司的人还以为我们会在晚上 9 点行动 对吗?] tonight, right? [听着 我不能再对这些人撒谎了 Michael] Listen, I can't lie to these people anymore, Michael. We need time to survey the transfer site, [我们需要时间来观察那个交换人质的地点] to figure out if we can get LJ and Sara out of there [看看如果他们耍诈的话 我们有什么办法可以救出 LJ 和 Sara] in case they try something. You got the gun? Yeah, I got the gun. [枪你搞定了吗?] 是的 我搞定了 How's LJ? How's Sara? [LJ 怎么样? Sara 呢?] They're fine. [他们很好] What about the pictures? [照片呢?] I can't get pictures. [我拿不到照片] I need them, Linc. [我需要看到照片 Linc] I can't get the pictures. [我没办法拿到照片] How do we know they're still alive? [那我们怎么确定他们还活着?] They're the only reason I'm doing this. [他们是我越狱的唯一动力] Susan says they're fine. [Susan 说他们没事 相信她吧] Just trust her. You're the one who's always telling me [是你一直告诉我不要相信任何人] we can't trust anybody. [可现在你却...] Now you're... you're vouching for this person? [为这个人作担保?] There isn't enough time. [我们没有时间了] Listen, if I don't see pictures of LJ and Sara by 2:30 [听着 如果今天下午 2:30 之前 我还看不到 LJ 和 Sara 的照片] this afternoon, I'm not going anywhere. [我就哪也不去了] 越狱 第三季 第 6 集 Can't seem to find American cheese down here. [这里找不到美式芝士] I hope you like Asadero. [希望你会喜欢 asadero 芝士] Yeah. It's perfect. [没问题 这样很好] A couple of years ago, I was serving in Mosul. [多年以前 我曾在摩苏尔[伊拉克北部城市]服役] And I was taken prisoner. [我被俘虏了] A few nights later, [过了几个晚上 我听到了美国军队直升机的声音] I could hear the sound of U.S. Army helicopters. Two clicks and closing. [听上去有 2 架 离我越来越近]


My hands were still tied behind my back, [我的双手还被绑在背后 然后我..我逃跑了] and I... I ran. It didn't occur to me [我没想到这是个拯救行动] that if this was a rescue mission, my captors could hear the choppers. [抓我的人一样能听到直升机的声音] It didn't occur to me [我也没想到这实际上是交换人质行动] that this was actually a hostage exchange, and that [所以我的逃跑被看作是敌意行为] jumping would be viewed as a hostile act. I got recaptured immediately. [我很快又被抓住了] Six Rangers died [6 个突击队员死于那次火拼] in the firefight. And for the next three weeks... [接下来的 3 个星期...] Let's just say [我只想说男人真是猪狗不如] men are pigs. Let's be clear. [让我们说得清楚些] This is an exchange. [这是一个交易] If you don't try to be a hero, [只要你不要逞强 你和你的父亲都会没事的] you and your father will be okay. Okay? Okay. [明白?] Good. [明白] 很好 Eat. [吃吧] Norman? Norman?! [Norman?] As you can imagine, [他叫 Norman?] he prefers Lechero. [可以想象得到 他更喜欢 Lechero 这个绰号] Norman? [Norman?] He kill you before or after he does your taxes. [他喜欢在搞之前还是之后杀人?] Kill you when he pleases. [他会在他高兴的时候杀人] I'm feeling thirsty. [我觉得很渴] Why don't you go fix us something to drink, boy? [你是不是该去帮我们找点喝的 伙计?] Maybe you ain't got the memorandum, [看来你健忘了 我已经升职了] but I've been promoted. Boy. [小赤佬] What did you say to me? [你跟我说什么? 呃?] What's the problem? [怎么了?] Stumpy herand his mouth. [这个混蛋在这耍混 嘴巴也不干净] That's the problem. [这的确是个问题] I'm calling him out right now! [我现在就要把他踢出去!] I'll talk to him. Leave. [我来和他谈] 走开 This isn't over. [这还没完] Leave! [滚开!] We was just, uh... [我们只是 呃...] No, no, no. [不不不] The favor you owe me... [你欠我的是...] What have you found out? [你发现什么了吗?] A thing like this takes time. [这种事情需要时间] I can't just walk up to them and say, "Hey, whoever's been [我不可能直接走到他们前面 然后问] betraying Lechero, raise your hand." You know? ["嘿 谁背叛了 Lechero 请举手" 对吗?] I asked you to be my ears in this prison, [我让你在这个监狱里作我的耳目 结果你什么也不知道?] and you hear nothing?! [我只知道每次当我坐下 想好好整理一下思路的时候]


All I know is every time I try and sit down and begin sussing things out, Sammy always changes the subject. [Sammy 总是跳出来捣乱] Not that I'm saying he's the guy, but... [我不是怪他坏事 但是...] I don't want to hear your theories. [我不要再听你的这些鬼话] I want results. [我要的是结果] Is everything okay? [一切顺利吗?] Is James all right? Yeah, he's fine. [James 没事吧?] 是的 他很好 Where is this from? [这个咖啡哪买的?] Uribe's, the roadside [Uribe's 几公里以外的一家路边咖啡馆] Bodega a few kilometers away. If I needed you to ID a specific guard-- [如果我要你弄昏一个警卫--] a tower guard-- could you do it? [塔楼上的警卫 -- 你可以吗?] I just don't want to get busted. [我可不想把事给搞砸了] Could you do it or not? [你做还是不做?] Yes. [做] Lincoln? Yeah. [- Lincoln? - 耶] What is it? I need something. [- 有什么事? - 我要点东西] Teodoro's harmless, man. [Teodoro 是个没用的家伙 伙计] He's a... he's clown. He's a dead clown. [他是个小角色] 他是个要死的小角色 Hey, man, I wasn't going to say anything, [伙计 我不打算抱怨些什么] but, uh, last night, [但是 猜猜昨晚我在找牌的时候找到了什么?] I was looking for my playing cards and guess what? I found these. [找到了这个] You're holding out on me. [你背着我藏着] Take 'em. [拿一个吧] They taste nasty. [味道很差] Man, you cannot get a better cigar than this. [伙计 再也找不到比这更好的雪茄了] Where'd you get these? Augusto? [你从哪搞到这些的?] Augusto? I can't make him stop sending them in to me, [是他非要送我这些的] but I don't work for him, you understand? [但是我不为他工作 知道吗?] You re you don't mind? [你真的不介意吗?] I was in the neighborhood. [我就在邻国] You came all this way to visit? [你跑这么远就是来探访的?] I came to get you out of here. [我是来把你弄出去的] I can have you in Schaum Correctional Facility [我能在 48 小时内把你转到 Schaum 惩戒所] in 48 hours. In St. Louis. [在圣路易斯] Sullins wanted a medium security, [Sullins想把你关进一个中等戒备的监狱 但是我说服了他] but, uh, talked him down. What sort of deal is he getting me? [他给我达成了什么协议?] 25 years? [25 年?] Life? [无期?] The director's giving us a lot of latitude [在我们获取 Lincoln Burrows 揭露 政府阴谋的证词的事情上...] in exchange for testimony against the government [长官给了我们很多限制] in the Lincoln Burrows conspiracy. So... [那么...] how does eight years sound? [8 年怎么样?] Soon as Sullins finishes up, [只要 Sullins 那边搞定了 我们就准备...] we can have a van ready... I don't think so. [我不想这样]


What? [什么?] I appreciate the effort, [我感谢你为我做的 但是我不能坐 8 年牢] your effort, but, um, I can't do eight years. You're doing ten now. [你现在是被判 10 年] The government is calling in some favors. [政府已经很照顾你了] Once you're in the U.S., if you don't cooperate, [你还可以重返美国] they're going to charge you with everything. [如果你不合作 他们会控告你做过的所有事情] That's multiple homicide counts. [那可是多项杀人罪] Without this deal, [没有这项协议 你会在监狱里度过余生] you are gonna be in prison for the rest of your life. I appreciate the effort, [真的很谢谢你] your effort. But I can't. [但是我不能那样] Alex. [Alex!] While we're getting out of here, and... [一旦我们逃出去了...] if I don't make it, [如果我出事了 你能把这个给我女朋友吗?] will you make sure this gets to my girlfriend? All right. [好的] You know, uh... I could do the same for you. [你知道的...] Tie an anchor bend there. [我也可以为你做同样的事情] 继续打你的结 I was just offering. [我只是提一下] You know what, if I'm the one who doesn't make it, [如果我出事了] and you really want to do me a favor, [你还真要帮我个忙] just hold up your end of the bargain. [就是要信守承诺] I'll do everything I can. [我会的] I hope that's true. [希望是真的] How's that knot coming? [结打的怎么样了?] There. [看吧] Did I pass your test? [我通过测试了吗?] I told you I'm a fisherman. [告诉过你我是个渔民] Where are we? [进度如何了?] I found a cell that'll get us into no-man's-land. [我找到了一个能进入禁区的房间] It's a longer run to the fence than my old one, [这次跑到栅栏的距离比之前的要远] but it's gonna have to do. [但是必须得这样] Which one? Who liveshere? [哪个房间? 谁住在里面?] Papo, Cheo and Sammy. [Papo Cheo 还有 Sammy] Look, I know what you're thinking, [我知道你们在想什么] but it's the only other cell on the second floor [但那是 2 楼 后一个跑直线到栅栏的房间] with a direct line to the fence, where we won't be seen the other tower guards. And how do we [那样我们不会被另一边塔上的警卫发现] guarantee that they won't be there? [我们怎么确定他们不会在那?] By 2:00, everyone should be out in the courtyard [到 2 点的时候 每个人都去看午餐时间的球赛了] for the lunchtime soccer game. You sure it hasn't started already? [你确定还没开始吧?] Someone went outside the ring to settle a dispute. [有人不守解决争端的规矩] Now, anyone who affronts our justice system [有人不守我们的规矩就得被惩罚] in this way must be punished. Now, I know the coward won't come forward. [我知道这个懦夫是不敢承认的] But if anyone has information about this shameful act, [但是如果有人知道真相 就必须得告诉我] I demand to know. Let's go, Menudo. Why? [- 跟我走 Menudo - 为什么?] Lechero wants you. Move your ass. [Lechero 想跟你谈谈]


快点 Now, every day I see you out in the yard, [我每天都看见你在院子里] you play your American sports [做你的美国运动 穿美国衣服] and wear your American clothes. [我没听见过你说一句西班牙语] I don't think I've heard you speak one word of Spanish since you've been here. I like to practice my English. [我想锻炼下英语水平] And why shouldn't you? [那为什么不呢?] America is a great nation. [美国是个伟大的国家] "One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." [一个完整的制度 对一切都是公平自由] Is that right? [对吗?] Yes. [对] Justice for all. [对一切都是公平] Justice for you and justice for me. [对你对我都是公平的] And justice for... [对那个...] whoever killed that blanquito in the yard. [杀死那白哥们的人也是公平的] Now, I know why you didn't say anything out there. [我明白为什么你不敢在外面说] But you play your silly American games all day long, [但是你整天做你的美国运动的地方] right in front of the stairs where the body was found. [就在发现尸体的地方前面] Now, if you don't tell me what you saw, [如果你不告诉我你看到的事情 后果很严重] there will be consequences. Well, I-I saw one person go into the stairwell. [我看到一个人跑进去了] A-And then maybe a minute later, I heard an argument. [过了一分钟 我听到了争吵] Who did you see? [你看到了谁?] So after we tie the cord off... [我们系好绳子后...] we dig out the bar, we pop open the grate, [我们就挖掉栏杆 打开窗户] and we're, and we're down, right, Michael? [然后我们下去 对吗 Michael?] Does anyone want to say anything [有人想谈谈下刚才的事情吗?] about what we just saw out there? What is there to say? [说什么?] Well, for starters, an hour ago, [那我来说吧 一个小时前] you say maybe we should kill someone [你说我们应该杀个人 结果就有人被杀了] and then someone gets killed. [我没那样说] I didn't say that, and this is exactly [如果这是我们现在应该关心的事情] what we should be focusing on right now. [那我们就花费几个小时来关心 一下这个鬼地方的又一具尸体吧] Let's spend a couple of hours worrying about another dead body in this hellhole. What do you want? [你想干什么?] What are you doing? [你要干什么?] Lechero wants to see you. [Lechero 想见你] I don't have any information. [我不知道什么消息] He doesn't want information. [他不是要消息] He wants a confession. [他要你坦白交代] I didn't do anything. [我什么都没做] Listen to him; he's innocent. [听他说的 他是清白的] You want to confess? [你想坦白吗?] You can easily switch places. [我很乐意换你去] Maybe now we should start worrying [现在我们应该关心 谁是真正的凶手了] about who the real killer is, huh? Yeah, but in this place, [但是在这地方 所有人都可能有嫌疑] there could be a hundred people on that list. [那是很专业的手法 一 刺入脖子下面 Alex] Except I'm thinking a single stab wound to the base of the neck looks pretty professional, Alex.


I was in visitation, Kojak. [我当时有人探访] And what makes you so sure that Whistler didn't do it? [你怎么确定不是 Whistler 干的?] He's the one that had the run-in with the guy. [他可和那家伙有矛盾] No, he's got too much to lose. Well, [不 他已经失去了很多了] Whistler's gone, and if not now, [那么,Whistler 被带走了 如果不是现在 待会也会 就剩下你和我了] he probably will be soon, so it's you and me. There's no you and me. [不能只有你和我] We're not leaving here without him. [没他我们不走] In two hours, I'm going out that window and through that fence. [2 小时后我会爬出窗外跑过栅栏] Oh, yeah? Yeah, that's right. [是吗?] And where are you going to go to, Alex? [那好] Anywhere but here. [那你准备往哪逃 Alex?] There's only one road out, [除了这里任何地方都可以] 外面只有一条路 丛林里会有警车不停的巡逻 and the jungle is under constant patrol by police 24-7, so, again, where are you going to go to, Alex? [那你往哪里逃 Alex?] 3:13, I'm gone. [到了 3 点 13 我就走] I told you I know nothing about this. [我告诉过你我什么都不知道] I shouldn't... [我不应该...] I shouldn't be here. [我不应该被抓来] I can promise you I, I did not kill that man. [我可以保证 我没有杀了那个人] Someone saw you go down the staircase. [有人看见你进到楼梯间里面去了] Stai.. is there any other proof? [楼梯...] 有证据吗? My men will find something. [我的人会找到的] Well, do you see a weapon on me? [你看到我有武器吗?] I didn't expect to see a weapon on you. [我不指望能在你身上搜出武器] Well, w-why don't they look for that? [那他们为什么不去找武器?] You find that, you'll find the real killer. [你找到武器了 你就找到真正的凶手了] Or maybe they find where you planted it. [或许他们能发现你把武器藏在哪里了] So, what, I'm framing someone? [那我是陷害了什么人吗?] Well, did it ever occur to you [你就不认为会是有人陷害了我么?] that someone might be framing me? Who would bother? [谁会管那个啊?] You know the reason I'm here. [你知道我在这里的原因] You know I have powerful enemies. [你知道我的敌人很厉害] You think my judgment is swayed by the mayor's friends? [你认为我是被市长的朋友收买了?] Sit your ass down. [坐下] When I was 13, [我 13 岁的时候 我母亲为一个有钱人做仆人 直到有一天...] my mother worked for a wealthy man as a maid until one day... ...she was alone in the house... [她一个人在房子里...] with him and he... [他...] Everybody knew what he did, [所有人都知道的事情] but because he was rich [但是因为他有钱 我们是移民] and we were immigrants, the police wouldn't even take a report. [警方没有立案] So, a week later, [一个星期后 为了能进入他家] to gain access through his gates, I dressed as a milkman-- a Lechero -- [我打扮成一个送奶工人 这也是我绰号的由来] and I madeure that fair punishment was rendered. [我给了他应得的惩罚] Now you want to tell me how I favor the rich. [现在你却说我被收买了] I understand the rules here, and I respect them. [我知道这里的规矩 我遵守着] But why the rush to judgment? [但是为什么要急着做出判断?]


Is there a rule saying you must convict a suspect [有规矩说你必须在 10 分钟内证明嫌疑犯有罪吗?] within ten minutes? No. [没有] We have all the time in the world. [我们有得是时间] Thank you. [谢谢] Now, obviously, I'm not going anywhere. [很显然 我也那都去不了] If you need to talk again, I'm gonna be in my cell. [如果你想再跟我谈 我会在我房间等着] No. [不] You'll be right here in this chair. [你得呆在这] What the hell do you want? [你要干什么?] I don't like you. [我不喜欢你] I certainly don't respect you. [我当然也不尊重你] Stop. You're hurting my feelings. [够了 你在伤害我的感情] I've seen at you're capable of, [我知道你能力] but I got to say [但是我从来想到你有胆杀人] I never pegged you as a murderer. You think I killed Tyge? [你认为是我杀了 Tyge?] I saw the two of you in the courtyard this morning. [我今天早上看见你们俩在院子里] I was trying to be Nice to him. [我是想对他好点的] He started with me. [他一进来就和我在一起的] Well, if you didn't kill him, who did? [如果你没有杀他 那是谁做的?] Not me. [不是我] Come on, Brad. [承认吧 Brad] Who wanted him dead besides you? [除了你还有谁要他死?] You really think I killed that frog? [你真的认为是我杀了那家伙?] How many times have I had you at gunpoint? [你被我用枪指着有多少次了?] You think I didn't want to pull that trigger? [你以为我不想扣下扳机吗?] Hell... [见鬼...] I can't even kill myself. [我连自杀都不敢] Hey, you seen anyone see Whistler go down the stairway? [嘿 你知道谁看到 Whistler 走下楼道吗?] We only been out here a minute. [我们出来才一会] Well, hurry up, then. [那就快点] The sooner Whistler dies, [Whistler 一死] the sooner I can give you the chicken foot, [我就给你下战书] or if you prefer, you can give me the chicken foot-- [或者你给我下也可以] you know, try and go out like a man. [像男人一样到外面决斗] Either way, you're getting in the ring with me today. [无论如何 我们今天都得上决斗场] Zylafol. It's used to anesthetize dogs. [zylafol这是狗麻醉药 ] Two drops, and the guard should be out within an hour. [两滴就可以让警卫一个小时内昏迷] I was expecting Whistler's girlfriend to join you. [我以为 Whistler 女朋友和你一起] Where is she? Around the corner in the car? [她在哪? 在附近的车上?] She came to me. [她来找我的] I don't mind that she's helping you. [我不介意她帮助你] I mind that you kept it from me. [我介意的是你不告诉我] What difference does it make? [有区别吗?] I mean, we're done by tomorrow, right? [我们明天就能完事了 对不?] No more surprises, Lincoln. [不要出意外了 Lincoln] What? Say it. [什么事? 说吧] Can you get any more pictures of Sara? [你能不能再弄点 Sara 的照片?] Alive? No. [活照? 不能] You didn't tell him. [你没有告诉他] You didn't tell Michael that Sara's dead. [你没有告诉 Michael Sara 死了]


Can we get pictures or not? [能弄到不?] I'm sure we can cobble something together, [我可以胡乱搞一张] but smart move not telling your brother. [真聪明 不告诉你弟弟真相] He seems a little sensitive to me. [我觉得他有点敏感] This is the exchange point-- LJ and I will be waiting. [这是交换地点 我和 LJ 会在那等的] You, Michael and Whistler will meet us there. [你 Michael Whistler 在那等] Everything goes as planned, you'll have your son back by 9:00. [一切都按计划 9:00 你儿子就可以回到你身边了] Lincoln? [Lincoln?] 9:00. [9:00] Which one is it? [是哪个?] I don't know, I think it's the taller one. [我不知道 是高的那个吧] The other one is always drinking orange juice. You sure? [另一个经常喝橙汁] I think so, I'm not completely sure, [- 确定? - 恩] but they all look the same. Hey! [我不完全确定 但他们都一样] We've been trying to reach you. [我们在找你] There's another dead body in Sona. [Sona 又有尸体了] I was just... [我就...] Come on. [快点] You want a coffee? [来杯咖啡吗?] Get me a juice. [给我杯橙汁] Orange juice. [橙汁] One orange juice and one coffee, please. [一杯橙汁和一杯咖啡] Watch where you're going! [看路!] Here, look, uh... [这...呃] this is a buddy's, please. [这算我的 不好意思] Please, I insist. Captain Hurtado! Here's a new coffee. [Hurtado 警官 给你杯新的] No really. [- 不是吧 - Toma Toma.] Toma, Toma . Toma. [Toma] Gracias. [Gracias] Man, I... [伙计 还是谢谢你] Thank you anyway. Excuse me, Se?or. [打扰了] I need to go to Sona. [我要去 Sona] I... [但我车没油了] my car's run out of gas and-- Sorry. I'm-I'm heading in the wrong, wrong direction. [不好意思 我不去那] I really need to go to Sona. [我真的要 Sona] I'll give you a ride. [我可以载你去] Come along. [一起走吧] Thank you. [谢谢] Watch the lid. [别倒了] My condolences. [节哀] You finally make a friend, and now he's about to die. [你终于交了个朋友 但是他就要死了] Damn shame. [真他妈的可惜] You can stop it, you know. [你可以制止的] If you hadn't noticed, [你知道我可以收到很多风声的] my position enables me to hear things. I'm listening. [我想知道] The only proof Lechero's got is [Lechero 唯一知道的是 你的人走到楼梯下去] that your man went down that staircase, t? What if you had more compelling [你要有其他更有力的证据?]


evidence? Well, I don't. [我没有] But if you did... [但是如果你...] You're suggesting I make something up? [你建议我造点?] If it makes your conscience feel better, [如果那让你良心好过点] then blame it on somebody who deserves it. [就应该把罪推给那些活该的人] Someone who's killed before [有人杀了人却没有受到惩罚] and gone unpunished. [是的 就像你] Yeah, like you maybe. Sammy. [Sammy] You want me to tell Lechero [你想我告诉 lechero 他的得力助手应该死?] that his right hand man should die? You don't tell Lechero squat. [你什么都不用和 lechero 说] Lechero knows [Lechero 知道这是 Sammy 的戒指] this is Sammy's ring. If you drop it [如果你把他放在楼梯上的血堆里] in the blood by the staircase, then yell up to Lechero what you've found... [然后对 lechero 大喊 说你发现什么] the whole entire [整个监狱都知道 Sammy 的犯罪的证据] prison will hear clear-cut evidence of Sammy's guilt. Lechero will have no choice but to comply. [Lechero只有服从了] This is Sona. [这就是 Sona] Don't worry your pretty little head about it. [不要担心你的其他人会发现] All you have to do is drop the ring in the blood [你所做的只是把这戒指放血堆上 说是这是 Sammy 的] and say it was Sammy. [其他的留给我] I'll take care of the rest. You want to save your friend's life? [你想救你朋友的命?] Someone else has to die. [就得有人要死] Explain your disagreement with this Tyge man. [说说你和这 tyge 有什么冲突] From what I just heard, [听说他知道不少你的事?] he knew something about you? He thought he knew something about me. [他说他知道我的事情] Opportunity and a motive. [机会和动机 那不是很好的结合] That's not a good combination. [你肯定知道很多人 对你管理 Sona 的方式不满] You must know there's discontent from many prisoners over how you run Sona. Now would not be a good time to insult me. [现在不是侮辱我的时候] you execute me, you get your swift justice [不 不 不 我是说 你处死我] and you may placate the masses. [你妄下结论 虽然那可能安抚了大多数人] But when they find out who really did it... [当他们找出谁是真正的凶手时] they will know you killed an innocent man. [他们会知道 你杀了清白的人] You're still not answering my question. [你还没回答我的问题] What was your disagreement with Tyge? [你跟 Tyge 有什么分歧?] He was a nosy guy. [他爱管闲事 干涉到我了] He got into my business. I'm sure he did the same with someone else, [他肯定对别人也这样 所以才被杀的] and that's what got him killed. [你承认你们之间有分歧么?] Would you just admit that you had an argument? This is prison. [这里是监狱] If someone makes false accusations, I can't back down. [如果是别人挑起的 我也不能收回] You must respect that. [你必须尊重这点] Look, I've answered every one of your questions. [听着 你的每个问题我都回答了] I've acquitted myself the best that I can. [我尽力为自己辩解了]


Now what can I do to make you trust me? [我还能做什么 才能让你相信我?] I don't trust anybody today. [我今天谁也不相信] You must get this a lot, but... [你肯定听过很多次了 但是...] You're very pretty. [你很漂亮] I mean very, very pretty. [非常非常漂亮] What's the trouble? [怎么了?] You probably don't know this, but... [也许你不知道 但是...] There is a special visitation [有一个特别探视 专门给特殊的人] for special people... I could arrange for you to go inside Sona [我可以安排你进 Sona] and have some private time with your love. [跟你的爱人享受点私密时光] And everything you would need [为了保证你能进去] to assure your entry [你必须在这里表示一下 在车里] could be performed right here in this car. Yeah. [- 嗯 - 我们拿到照片了] We have the picture. How does it look? [什么样子?] It looks like Sara. [很像 Sara] I'll be at Sona in half an hour. [我半小时后到 Sona] Meet me in the parking lot. [在停车场等我] Is everything okay? [一切都顺利么?] Hold on, hold on, hold on. [等等 等等 等等] Don't you love your man? [你喜欢那个人么?] I don't know if you know this, but [我不知道你是否清楚] Norman has a terrible temper. [Norman 脾气很坏] Norman? Norman St. John? [- Norman? Norman st.John? - 是啊!] You're one of Lechero's girls? [- 你是 Lechero 的女儿? - 是啊!] I'm waiting. [我在等着呢] There was a complication with the guard. [警卫那边情况有点麻烦] Complications drugging the guard? [给警卫下药有麻烦?] Yeah, but it's been taken care of. [是啊 不过我正在努力] Well, that's encouraging, [值得表扬 不过为什么你今晚要逃亡] but why are you drugging the guard now when you're escaping tonight? [而现在给警卫下药呢?] Well, it takes that long for the drugs to work... [药物发作是需要时间的...] They take an hour, like I told you. [只需要一个小时 我跟你说过了] Alex... [Alex...] 你越来越懒散了 Alex 你在说什么? 你在开玩笑? 我很早以前就不在床垫下面藏东西了 你在我床垫下面找到的? 如果是的话 肯定是别人陷害的 你本来能有更好的做法的 真的? 你找到指纹了么? 找到纤维了么? 你要怎么做 拿给 Sona 犯罪实验室? for walking into the wrong stairwell. [他们发现 Whistler 进入了错误的楼梯间] I'm thinking this is enough [这足够让你们叛变了] to get you guys to switch places. [你知道我什么意思么?] You know what I mean? [你什么意思? 那能证明什么?] What does that mean, huh? What does that prove? [能证明一切!] It proves everything! [我要让 Lechero 也这么想] I'm gonna make sure Lechero thinks so, too.


Michael. [Michael] Michael, I did not kill that man. [Michael 我没有杀那个人] I did not kill the man. [不是我杀的] What's, what's going on? [怎么...怎么了?] Is everything okay? [还好么?] What the hell you doing? [你到底在干什么? 啊?] What's that for? [那些是干什么的?] Your father tried to be a hero. [你爸爸总是逞强] No, no. [不 不] Hey, please, please. [嘿 求求你 求求你] Please. [求求你 不要 停下来吧!] Please, no, stop! Stop! Once I cut the spinal cord and the sever nerve endings, [只要我切断你的脊椎 割断你的神经末梢] you won't feel a thing. [你就不会有痛觉了] No, no. [不 不...] No, no! Susan, I'm sorry. [Susan 对不起] We didn't mean to do that. [我们本不想那么做的] Dad, they're gonna kill me. [爸爸 他们想杀了我] What? LJ? [什么? Lj?] Yeah, they got a knife to my throat. [是啊 他们的 子正对我的喉咙呢] LJ! [Lj!] Susan, don't you hurt-- Dad... [- Susan 你不要伤害... - 爸爸...] The truth. [- 告诉我真相 - 真相] Truth. Michael's getting out at 3:13. [Michael 要在 3:13 出来] We're meeting at the exchange point at 3:45. [我们 3:45 在交换点见面] Susan, please, we did this [Susan 求求你 我们这么做 是为了确保地点安全] because we wanted to make sure the site was safe. That's it, that's the only reason why we did it. [这是唯一的原因] Sounds to me like you're planning another end round. [好像你们还有别的计划 别的营救] Another rescue. [不 不 没有] No, no. We're not, we're not planning, [我们没有 我们没有别的计划] re not planning another end round. No. Please, just... [不 求求你...放了我儿子吧] let my son go. [别伤害他] Leave my son. 哇哦 生活不错嘛? Living the good life, huh? Is that what this is? [就是这些?] Having too good a time here [活着好日子 想着怎么出去?] to contemplate leaving? I needed some time to think. [我需要时间来思考] Well, I needed some time [我需要时间来跟巴拿马放方 后确定] to finalize our agreement with the Panamanians, but instead I get dragged down here. [但我却要花时间来这里] Yeah, I'm sure it was really hard [是啊 确实很难说服您来这] to convince you to come down here. I'm gonna be honest. [我实话实说] I was looking forward to seeing you [我很期待你落魄至此] dowI, uh, wouldn't wish this but now thaon anyone. [而现在我在这 我不希望这发生在任何人身上] Can we just save all this till after... [我们能不能过会再说这...]


I don't know if we can or not. [不知道我们能否做到 做决定了没 Alex?] Made up your mind yet, Alex? Eight years, minimum security. [8 年 低安全保障] I got 'em down to four. [我可以减为 4 年] And I leave for the US tonight? [我今晚回美国吗?] Once the special [一旦原告洗清你的罪名 你就可以回去了] prosecutor clears you, you'll be on your way. What about a special prosecutor? [来个特别的原告如何?] You stand in front of a guy, [你站在一个人面前 你把情况告诉给他] you, you tell your story and he determines if you're gonna be a useful and credible witness. [然后他断定你有用呢还是为可信的证人] It's a formality. [这是管理] "It's a formality"? ["是一个惯例么"?] This is just a formality? [只是一个惯例么?] You know, if it were up to me, [要是由我决定] you could rot in here for the rest of your life. [你要让你的下半生毁在这] But the Justice Department [可律政司很乐意] is extremely motivated to get to the bottom [处理这类案件] of this President Reynolds business. Alex, this is a hundred percent abovboard. [Alex 只能这么样做了] You've made a lot of mistakes in your career. [你在任职期间犯了不少错] You know it and I know it, [你知我也知 故意的或是其他的] intentional or otherwise. I've got eight files in my office attesting to that. [我办公室里有 8 封文件指证你的错误] And if you don't take this offer, [如果你不这么做] then I assure you it would be [我敢保证你将犯下你这辈子 大的错] the biggest mistake of your life. I know who killed that man. [我知道是谁杀了他] I'm sure you do. [那确实 Lechero!] Lechero! What do we have here? [那是什么东西?] I found this [我在 Alexander Mahone 的房里发现了这个] in Alexander Mahone's cell. Convenient! [找对了时机啊!] To blame this on a man who can't even be questioned. [把这归咎到一个无法质问的人身上] Enough of this already. Cheo! [够了 Cheo!] Get the prison up. [把他干掉] this time [是时候了] You kno Whistler didn't do this. [你知道这不是 Whistler 干的] He just said he found the shank in Mahone's cell? [他只是说他在 Mahone 的房里发现这把小 ] Doesn't that prove I'm innocent? [难道那不能证明我是清白的吗?] You're a joke! [胡来!] You talk about equality. [你要讲平等] You talk justice, but at the end of the day [你讲正义 可 后你却是个独裁者] you're a dictator, and just like any dictator [就想任何一个害怕失去权利的独裁者一样] you're terrified of losing your power. It'd be very unwise to go any further. [继续做下去很不明智] You don't care who the real killer is [你并不关谁是真正凶手 你只想干掉别人] just as long as you get to string somebody up. That's all that matters to you, isn't it? [这对你才重要 不是么?] I've determined who's guilty, and the punishment is death. [我已判定谁有罪 要将其处死] You're making a mistake. This is murder! [你错了]


You know it and I know it! [这是谋杀!] At least have the guts to admit it! [你知我知!] 你总要有胆量承认啊! You're right! [你是对的!] It's murder. [是谋杀] Don't! [别!] I found this in the yar [我在院子里发现这个] Augusto used to give them to me as tribute. [Augusto 曾把这些送给我作为礼物] And now you reek of them. [而现在你却拿着抽] Go. [滚] Everything okay? [有问题吗?] It's sad... [太可悲了...] one wrong move and a stranger [一个错误的举动] is throwing dirt on top of you. [一个陌生人搞的你满面灰尘] He will be okay. [他没事的] I question your love for your son. [我问你 你有多爱你儿子] He was two seconds away from being decapitated [因为你 他离杀头只差毫厘] because of you. [我告诉过你] I told you the truth. Maybe. [或许吧] But if you have anything else planned, [不过如果你现在还有什么心事要想 死了那条心吧] now it's scrapped. [因为 如果你稍有举动] Because, what happens if you try something? I know. [- 我知道 - 很好] Oh, good. This is the same newspaper she was holding in the last picture. [她和上次拿着同一张报纸] That's what my guy could get. [我的手下只能做到这样了] You didn't give me a lot of time. [你没给我多少时间] You think Michael's not going to Nice this? [你觉得 Michael 不会发现这些吗?] Yeah. "Hey, Michael, here's the pictures." [是的] "嘿 Michael 照片在这" He's going to want to see this close up. [他不会这么看照片被档着的] I'm done doing favors for you. [我不会再帮你忙了] Get out. [滚出去 一小时后见] I'll see you in an hour. No football today? [今天没足球比赛?] No, no football today. [今天没] You're my brother, Sammy? [你是我兄弟 Sammy] Of course. [当然] It's done? [Michael: 搞定了没?] The guard will be asleep in a half hour. [警卫 1 个半小时后睡觉] So we're good. [没事了吧] Not quite. [那倒不是] They, uh, they know we're breaking out this afternoon. [他们知道我们今天下午逃走] You told her? [你告诉她了?] Man, she worked it out... [伙计 她自己弄清楚了... 你干嘛不骗她呢?] Why didn't you lie? She workedout. [她弄清楚了] So what are we gonna do to get the upper hand here, Linc? [我们该做些什么才能取得主导 Linc?] Nothing. You think they're just going to turn over [- 什么都不能做 - 你觉得他们会交换 Lj 和 Sara?] LJ and Sara? This is too dangerous. [太危险了] If we try anything, they're just going to... [如果我们稍有举动 他们就会...] What, hurt them? [怎么 伤害他们?]


No, not if they want us to deliver on Whistler, they won't. [不会的 他们要我们拿 Whistler 做交换] We're playing this one straight. [我们玩实的 不是游戏 没得惊喜] No games. No surprises. All right? [知道不?] Show me the pictures. [把照片给我看看] Show me the pictures, Linc. [把照片给我看看 Linc] Come on... [拿来啊...照片] The pictures. [没照片给你看 兄弟] I can't show you the pictures, man. Why not, Linc? [为什么 Linc?] She's dead, Michael. [Sara 死了 Michael] I lied to you. [我骗了你] I'm sorry. [对不起] If you don't break out today, they're going to kill my son. [如果今天你不逃出去 他们就要杀我儿子] They're going to kill LJ. [他们会杀掉 Lj] Michael, we've got to do this. [Michael 我们必须得这么做!] Michael, we've got to do this! [Michael 我们必须得这么做!] Michael! [Michael!] Sara's dead. [Sara 死了 被他们杀了] They killed her. Oh, man, I'm so sorry. [哥们 很抱歉] I loved her and... now she's go. [我爱她...] 现在她却死了 And it's all because of you. [全是因为你] What? [什么?] Hey, take it easy. [嘿 冷静点] Wh... What? [什么?] This is your fault. [全是你的错] Huh?! [他告诉了我他的苦衷] He's told me his grievance. This fight is going to happen. [要开战了] Just think about what you're doing. [想想你在干嘛] I have. [我已经想过]

3x07 Vamonos Explain something to me, blanco, [小子 你给个决斗的理由] One minute you plead for your friend's life, [前一分钟 你刚为他捡回性命] and the next minute you nt to take it. [后一分钟 你又要结果了他] This man... [这家伙] this man is no friend of mine! [这家伙根本不是我的朋友!] What happened to your girlfriend has nothing... [你女友发生的事情和我无关...] Her name was Sara! [她名字叫 莎拉 !] And she was a good person. [她是个好人] And she'd still be alive [要不是因为你] if it wasn't for you. [她活得好好的] So it's revenge, eh, b? [这么说是为了复仇咯?] An eye for an eye? [一报还一报] Once you make such a declaration there's no going back. [一旦做出决斗的决定 就不能收回来] There's nothing to go back to. [没什么好顾虑的了] Good. [很好]


Then we have a fight. [那么就开始决斗吧] Now, both of you, [你们俩个马上去] go and assign your belongings, [整理所属物品] and pray to whatever god is yours. [然后祈祷上苍站在你这边] Come back here in 15 minutes. [15 分钟后回来] Fight, fight, fight, fight... [斗 斗 斗] fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight fight... [斗 斗 斗] You need anymore help? [你还需要别的帮助吗?] You've done more than enough. [你帮的忙够多的了] Here, take that, man. [老兄 接着这个] It's not a lot, but it's enough to get you started. [虽说钱不多 但足够你重新开始了] Oh, no, no, I can't take this. [不 不行 我不能接受这钱] I did this because I wanted to help you guys. [我这么做是因为我想帮你们] Hey, buy a car, get a bus ticket, [去买辆车 买张大巴车票什么的] do whatever, just get out of here. [随你怎样办 就是离开这就行] Thanks. [多谢了] I'm going to get so gas, okay? [我去加些油 行吗?] I'll meet you in the front. [我们在前头会合] All right. [好的] Good luck. [好运] You too. [同祝] Is she coming with you to do the exchange? [她和你一起去交换人质?] Yeah. [是的] You think that's a good idea? [你觉得这样合适吗?] I mean, what if something goes wrong [我是说如果有什么麻烦的话] and she gets hurt? I need some incentive [- 她还会受伤呢 - 我需要个保障] just in case Whistler doesn't want to go quietly. [以防 惠斯勒 耍什么鬼把戏] You think any of this is going to go down quiet? [你觉得这一切都能平稳度过?] They're just going to give you LJ [就这样把 LJ 还给你了?] just like that? Doesn't matter what I think. [我怎么想的根本无关紧要] I know what these people are capable of. [我很清楚这帮子人会怎么干] I'm not going to gamble with my son's life. [我不会拿我儿子的命去赌博的] Maybe you don't have to. [或许你根本不需要什么赌博] Alex. [阿历克斯] Alex. [阿历克斯] Yeah. [什么事] We'll be arriving at the courthouse in about 15 minutes. [15 分钟后就到审判厅了] Then the hearing will begin shortly. [然后紧接着就开始听证会] All and all this whole thing will be done within the hour. [所有这一切马上就能了结了] Good. [很好] That sounds good. [听上去很不错] So with this deal... [那么这场交易中...] what specifically are they expecting from me? [他们到底想从我这获得什么呢?] They need to knoeverything. [他们需要知道所有这一切] About the President, about the company. [关于总统的 关于组织的事情] They want to confirm that you have [他们需要确认你手上有] viable incriminating information [确凿的能证明他们犯罪的信息] and that you can be a cooperative witness. [而且你还需要配合去做证] If I cooperate fully... [如果我完全配合的话] I won't just be incriminating them. [我不会只起诉他们有罪] You're worried about all those skeletons in your closet, [你担心你会受到牵连] but you have full immunity. [你有完全赦免权]


Everything will be fine. [所有这一切都会没事的] All you have to do is tell the truth. [你只需要说出事实真相就行] Stay calm. [保持冷静] Better knuckle up. [ 好活动下筋骨热身] Look, I don't know what you're thinking, [听着 我不知道你是怎么想的] but killing me is not [但是杀了我] going to solve your problem. Relax. [- 于事无补 - 别紧张] I'm not going to kill you. [我不会杀你的] Then what the hell was all that about?! [那刚才那幕又是为了什么?] You want to make it out of here without being seen, [你如果想不被发现 从这里越狱出去] you need a diversion. Now we have one. [你就需要转移视线 现在这个就是] You're off your head. Do you know that? They're waiting... [你昏头了 你不知道他们还在那边等着] We don't have time for this. It's almost 3:00, [我们没时间争这个 快 3 点了] and that means the tower guard should be drugged by now. [意味着塔楼哨兵现在应该被迷药放倒了] At 3:13, the sun's going to hit the other guard tower. [3:13 分时 阳光会照射在另一哨塔上] We'll have the cover we need. It's now or never. [有了所需的掩护 机不可失 时不再来] Listen, Michael, I, uh... [听着 迈克 我...] I meant what I said about Sara. [刚才关于 莎拉 的话 不是那个意思] If I were you I wouldn'tention that name again. [换作我 就绝口不提那名字了] We're getting out of here now, and then I'm trading you for my nephew. [我们现在就出去 然后用你交换我侄子] And then I'm going to find out [然后我会去查清楚] who's responsible for taking her life... [真凶是谁的] and I'm taking theirs. [然后血债血还] Listen, Scofield... Not now. [- 听着 斯科菲尔德 ... - 现在不是时候] I just... please. [我只是...求你了] I heard you out there in the yard. [你在外面说的我听到了] Is that true [关于 莎拉 的事情] about Sara? [是不是真的?] Yes. [是的] That's not... I mean it's... [那不是...我是说...] What'd she...? [她怎么...?] I'm sorry, Michael. [对不起 迈克] I mean it. [我是这个意思] She was a good person. [她是好人] I'm sorry. [对不起] Is something wrong? [怎么了?] If anyone asks, [如果有人问起] just tell them your fuel pump's leaking, all right? [告诉他们油箱漏油 好吗?] No, no, no, I'm going to the beach with you. [不 不 我要和你一起去海边] No. I need you to keep a lookout. [不 我需要你把把风] When they get here I'll call you, all right? [他们来了我会告诉你的 好吗?] If everything works out today, [如果今天一切顺利] you and me-- we're both going to get what we want. [你和我...都能得到想要的] Stay here. [留在这里] Sorry about that. [很抱歉] That's okay. [没事] I know you're just doing your job. [我知道你是在工作] I bet you're as ready [我保证你和我一样] for this t over with as I am. [都已经受够了] Hey, you know, once we get out of Panama, [知道吗 我们从巴拿马出来之后] me and my dad and my uncle [我和我爸爸 还有叔叔] we're going to open up a scuba shop somewhere. [我们要开个潜水商店]


Build a house on the beach... Lovely. [- 在海边造个房子... - 听起来不错] go swimming every day. [每天去游泳] I never lived by the ocean... You can stop. [- 我从没住在海边... - 你可以住嘴了] I always wanted to, you know? [我一直想去 知道吗?] I get it. [我知道了] You're a human being [你是有梦想的人] wi dreams, plans for the future, all that. [为将来打算 就那样] Whether you see it isn't up to me anymore. [你怎么看 已经不在我的掌握] It's in your uncle's hands now. [在于你的叔叔] So let's just hope that he does his job. [所以让我们祈祷他能做到吧] What are you waiting for? [你还在等什么?] Where's Mahone? [马宏 在哪里?] He's gone. [他走了] What, just like that? [什么? 就那么走了?] Why? I mean, how? [为什么? 我是说 怎么会?] How about we worry a little bit more about us, huh? [我们还是多关心一下自己吧 怎么样?] You know, he got out of here kind of suddenly. [知道吗 他是突然出去的] How do we know he's not ratting us out right now? [我们怎么知道他不会出卖我们?] Sullins. [苏林斯 .] When did this happen? [什么时候?] Are you sure? Yeah. [- 你确定吗? - 好的] I'll handle it. [我来处理] Something wrong? [有什么问题吗?] A couple of the Panamanians might have gotten cold feet. [几个巴拿马人有点退缩了] Exactly how cold? [有多胆小?] They just need some convincing. [他们只是需要确认] It's nothing to worry about. [没什么好担心的] It's all gonna work out. [一切都会顺利的] Meantime, we're gonna take you to a hotel room. [同时 我们会把你带到酒店房间去] Up until an hour ago, [直到一小时前] this was a done deal. [一切都很顺利] So... what's happening? [还会发生什么呢?] Relax. This is still your best bet. [放松 这仍旧是你 好的机会] Unless someone's offering you [除非有人开的加码是] a "get out of Sona free" card. ["无罪从 索纳 监狱释放"] Now, remember, we'll only have four minutes of cover, [记好了 我们只有 4 分钟掩蔽时间] so once you hit the ground you run straight to the fence. [你一着地 就笔直跑向围栏] Don't look up, don't look back, [不要开上面 也别回头] don't say a word. [不要说一个字] What if they see us? [要是他们看见我们呢?] If someone yells stop, [如果有人喊你停] you stop. [你就停] That's it? [就这些?] That's it. [就这些] It's time. [时间到了] Where's Sammy? [萨米 去哪了?] I dont know, Patron [老大 我不知道] So, who goes first? [那么谁先下?] Right now my life isn't worth a damn without yours. [你要是不活着出去 我的生命也没有意义] If this doesn't go as planned, the first guy [如果不是按照计划行事] through that window's gonna get shot. [先下的人就会被射杀] That guy can't be you. [那个人不能是你]


I'll go. [我先下吧] I got it. [我明白了] Come on, come on, come on. [快 快] This is it. [机会来了] Five... [五] four... [四] three... [三] two... one. [二...一] The glare. [阳光] Where's the glare? I don't know. [- 阳光去哪里? - 我不知道] Come on [拜托] This is it. [成了] Someone's coming. [有人来了] Good luck. [好运] You, too. [你也是] We're losing the light. [我们快失去阳光了] Go back. Go back! [会去 快回去] Go back! [快回去!] Come on! Come on! [动作快] That was our only chance. [这是我们唯一的机会] Damn it! [见鬼] Find out where they are. [把他们找出来] Do you hear 'em out there? They're waiting for us. [听到他们在外面喧哗吗 在等着我们] It's only a matter of time. I know. Come on. [- 只是时间的问题 - 我知道] The damn thing's not coming off! [这该死的东西解不开] Hey, gringos! [外国佬!] Come out and play. [出来决斗了] Come on! Come on! [快 快啊!] Nowhere to hide, malditos! [该死的 躲得了初一躲不过十五的] Gringos! [外国佬!] Come out and play! [出来决斗了!] We've got to go. They can't find us here. [我们必须离开 这儿他们找不到] But what about this? [但这个怎么处理?] Stash it! [遮一下!] Come on! [但这个怎么处理?] Come on! [快啊!] . Go. [走] Where are you off to, Backra? [臭小子 你要去哪里?] Where you boys been? [你们俩去哪里了?] The bathroom? [洗手间?] This has all been [这一切都是] a terrible mistake. [一场巨大的误会] Has it been? [是吗?] We've, uh, we've worked it out. [我们的问题都解决了] There's no need to take this any further. [没有必要再进行决斗了] You clearly don't understand [显然你不太明白] I can't have your foolishness spread in this place. [我不能让你们的愚昧在这里肆虐] I gave you every chance to pull out. [我给过你这么多机会放弃决斗] Please. [求你了] We know the rules! [我们都知道规矩的!] Two men go in, [两个人决斗] one man comes out! [一个人胜出!]


Now, [现在] this quarrel must be settled. [决斗必须开始] Let's go. [去吧] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! [斗 斗 斗] What are you gentlemen waiting for? [你们两个绅士在等什么呢?] You two don't make this more interesting, I will. [你们不动手的话 我来帮忙] Sorry, mate-- if only one of us is getting out... [对不起 如果只能有一个人活着...] How's it look? [什么情况?] They got LJ in the back of the van. [LJ 在货车后面] He seem all right to you? Yeah, I think so. [- 他看起来还好吧? - 是的 我这么认为] All right, how many people they got? [好吧 他们有几个人?] She's got a driver and a bodyguard-- that's it. [有个司机 有个保镖 就那么多] All right. You know I appreciate you hanging around, man [很好 你观察一下四周] Hey, we started this together, bro. [兄弟 我们一起行动] Let's finish it that way. [就那样搞定他] Come on, Michael. [快来吧 迈克] Where are you? [你在哪啊...] What you doing here? [你在这干吗?] You're supposed to be keeping watch. [你应该在那里把风的] Just checking, making sure everything is all right. [只是确认下 看看是否一切正常] They're running a bit late, that's all. [他们行动有点延迟 没什么] So, what's the plan? [下一步呢?] You gonna swim out, wait for the police to pass, and... [游出去 等警察过去了 然后...] meet with a boat somewhere? [在某个地方上船?] Something like that. [差别不那样子] And then what? [那再然后呢?] You know what, you need to get back [知道吗 你得回] to the car... Don't move. [- 车那儿去... - 不许动] I'm impressed. [让人吃惊啊] You've actually got the guts to look me in the eye [拿着枪指着我] as you stab me in the back. [还有勇气跟我对视] What are you going to do, shoot me? [你会怎么做 打死我?] Don't. I can't let you hand over [别动 我不能看着你把 詹姆斯] James to those people. [送到那些人手上] You need to think about what you're doing. [你得考虑考虑你在干嘛] I have! [我想过了!] Every since you told me what they did to Sara. [在你告诉我他们对 莎拉 做了什么之后] When they get here, James and I, we're leaving. [他们到了之后 詹姆斯 和我就离开] Where to? [去哪?] I don't know. Somewhere they won't find us. [我不知道 一个他们找不到的地方] So, this whole time, you played me. [那么 这一段时间以来 你都在耍我] Like you've been playing me. [就像你在耍我一样] Bringing me here to be your lookout? [到我来这里 帮你把风?] But it's okay. [不过没什么] We were both here doing what we had to [我们来这里都是] for the people we love. [为了我们深爱的人做该做的事] You do this, you may as well be shooting my son yourself. [你这么做的话 你也等于亲手杀了我儿子] I'm sorry. [对不起] They should be out by now. Any sign? [他们这个时候该出来了 有消息没?] All quiet. [一切都很安静] How much longer do youant to give them? [你准备给他们多少时间?] I know you wanted to live [我知道你下半辈子]


by an ocean your whole life. [向住在海边] Sad to think [真可惜] the closest you'll get is being buried under one. [你只能葬身在海边了] You're not gonna kill me. [你不会杀了我的] Oh? You need me. [- 是吗? - 你需要我] You already killed Sara. [你已经杀了 莎拉] Anything happens to me, [我有什么事的话] you're out of bargaining chips. [你手上就没有筹码了] If Michael doesn't get Whistler out today, [如果 迈克 今天不把 惠斯勒 救出来] I won't need to bargain anymore. [我不需要什么筹码了] You'll all be dead. [你们都要死] Hurtdo? [胡塔多 ?] Hurtdo?Where you at? [胡塔多 ? 你在哪?] Hey,Roldan. [呼叫 罗丹] Better send someone to check [ 好找人看看] on Hurtado in Tower One. [1 号岗的 胡塔多] He is not answering his radio [呼叫他没反应] and I don't have a visual. [我这里也看不到他] Confirmed. [收到] We'll send a couple men over. [我们会派人过去的] Kick him in the junk, Scofield! [狠狠的踢他 斯科菲尔德 !] What are you looking for, boy! There are no draws here! [你们在等什么? 这里没有平局的说法!] If this isn't finished by one of you, [如果没有一个人来了结的话] I'm coming down to finish both of you. [我会下来了结你们两个] Hurtdo? [胡塔多 ?] What are you doing over there? [你在干嘛?] What, are you sleeping on the job? [什么 你当班的时候睡觉?] No, I don't know what happened. [不 我不知道发生什么了] End it. [结束吧] God! God forgive me. [上帝啊! 请原谅我] They should have been here by now. [他们这个时候该到了] Maybe they get out. They should be on their way. [或许他们已经出来了 正在赶来] They didn't make it. So what do we do now? [- 他们失手了 - 那我们现在该干嘛?] I don't care what you do, [我不管你] but I'm taking the car. [我要开着车子走] What? [什么?] What the hell's going on? [发生什么事了?] Put your hands up on your head! [把手放到头上!] You come down here. [你下来 到这里来] Now! [马上!] We are going to find out who is behind this. [我们要找出是谁干的] What? [什么事?] Were you going to let me know what the hell's going on? [你是不是该告诉我们发生什么了?] Lincoln? [林肯 ?] I'm here. [我在听] Good. Where are they? [很好 他们在哪?] They're in the car with me. [他们在我车上] I heard the alarm. [我听到警报声了] They were long gone before that thing went off. [警报前他们就跑得很远了] Well, if they had such a head start, [好吧 如果他们开了个好头] why are you so far behind? [你干嘛要躲那么远?] Listen, do you want me to talk to your drive? [听着 你想让我开车的时候和你说话?]


I want you to put Whistler on the phone. [让 惠斯勒 听电话] What? [什么?] Put him on. [让他听电话] He's in the trunk. [他在后备箱里] But, if you feel that strongly about it, [不过 如果你强烈要求的话] I can pull over and you two can have a Nice little talk. [我可以把他拖出来 你们俩可以稍微聊聊] If we're real lucky, maybe some cops will swing by. [如果运气好的话 或许会有警察会过来] I'm sure they'd like a word, too. [我肯定他们也想和他谈谈的] You know what? Just get LJ ready. [知道吗? 准备好放 LJ] Whoever tried to escape assaulted one of my men. [有人要逃出去 并且袭击了我的人] And, as you know, any attempt on the life [众所周知 任何对巴拿马士兵] of a Panamanian soldier [构成生命威胁的袭击] warrants the death penalty. [都是死刑] This attempt was made from cell #212. [是 212 号囚室的人干的] And if memory serves, [如果没记错的话] that cell belongs to members of your crew, no? [那个囚室是你的人 对吧?] You. [你] You are one of the Milkman's boys. [你是那个送奶人的人吧] Is it your cell? [那是你的囚室吧?] I'm going to take that as a yes. [我认为这是个肯定的答案] I thought we were compadres, you and I. [我一直认为我们是亲密伙伴 你和我] I let you run your business, have your whores. [我让你做你的生意 招你的妓] When you asked me for your own per Sona l supply of water [没有水的时候] when the lumbing went down, did I not provide it? [还有停电的时候 我都满足你了吧?] When you asked me to get rid [你让我切断电话] of the phones, make them contraband, [使之违禁] so you could control the trade in here, [以此来控制这里的交易] did I not comply? [我没满足你么?] I do all this for you. [我做这一切都是为了你] And in exchange, you were to do one thing [而作为交易条件 我只要你为我] for me. [做一件事] Keep these men in line! [管好这些人!] Maybe we just backed the wrong horse. [也许我们看错人了] Perhaps there is another in here better suited for the job. [也许别人更适合这份工作] Good luck, Bredda. [祝你好运 布拉达] You know none of us tried [你知道我们中没人想] to break out of that cell. [从那间牢房越狱] I do. [我知道] Then you must know there's only one guy here [但要知道只有一个人] foolish enough to try. [会愚蠢到想去试试] Nice to see you back in form. [很高兴看到你恢复如初] Thanks. [谢谢] Any news from Sullins? [苏林斯 那有什么新消息吗?] He's working on it. [他正在处理此事] It doesn't matter what people say. [别人说什么都没关系] What do they say? [他们怎么说?] You know people, how they talk. About? [- 你知道他们怎么说吗 - 怎么说?] The men, the ones they say you killed. [他们说是你杀了那些人] Is it true? [这是真的吗?] Because, if it is, you can talk to about it. [如果是真的 你可以和我说说] Is that a fact? [真是这样?] Yes. You can trust me. [是的 你可以相信我]


So let me get this straight. [让我来搞定] Sullins sends you to be good cop? [苏林斯 让你变成了好警察?] That's not what this is. [不是这样的] There never was a deal, was there? [其实从来就没有什么交易 对吗?] Sullins just wants me to confess [苏林斯 只是想让我认罪] so hcan bring me up on more charges back in the States. [那他就有更多的指控理由遣送我回美国] The deal is legit. [交易很合理] The hearing was supposed to be [那警报声本应该是] an hour after we left the prison, [我们离开监狱一小时后的声音] and I'm still waiting. [而我还在等] So why don't you just come clean, Felicia, huh? [为什么你不把一切告诉我 费丽舍 ?] For old times' sake? How about it? [看在以前的交情份上 怎样?] How about you do me the same courtesy, Alex? [你怎么还是用老眼光看我 阿历克斯 ?] I'm not blind. My brother was a user. [我不傻 我弟弟只是你们利用的工具] I can smell the stuff a mile away. [我早就知道了] Don't you accuse me of being the one who's hiding something. [你不是想说我隐瞒什么吧?] Hey, I just got confirmation from the radio. [我刚从广播中证实了] The guards took a head count and they secured the perimeter. [狱警开始点名 监狱周围也被监控起来] No one made it out of there today. [今天任何人都出不来了] Sucre, what's going on? [苏克雷 怎么样?] Looks like they're packing up. [看起来他们正准备离开] Whatever you do [不论你做什么] don't let them take LJ, all right? [不要让他们带走 LJ 好吗?] Linc? Linc? [林肯 ? 林肯 ?] Sucre? [苏克雷 ?] Get the hell out of here now. [现在就离开] Look out! [小心!] Dad! [爸!] Let her go [放她走] Drop it or I swear to God I'll put a bullet in her head! [把枪放下 否则我开枪杀死她!] Now you let him go! You let him go now! Dad! [现在放他走! 你放他走! 爸!] LJ, I'm going to get you out of this, I promise. [LJ 我保证我会把你救出来] You sure you want to make promises to your son you can't keep? [你想对你儿子许下一个实现不了的诺言吗?] Watch your mouth. [闭嘴] I'll let you in on a little secret. [我告诉你一个小秘密] When you choose [自从你选择] this line of work, you know it's all going to come down [做这个 你就该知道会] to a moment like this. [发生现在这一幕] So kill me. [杀了我吧] Let him go. [放他走] Let him go! Kill him. [放了他! 杀了他] Kill him. [杀了他] Dad! [爸!] It doesn't matter what you do to me. [你对我做什么都可以] The operation failed. [计划失败了] So put your gun down, Linc. [放下的你枪 林肯] Kill him. [杀了他] Dad! [爸!] No! [不要!] No [不要!] Give me one more shot. [再给我一点时间] To do what? [做什么?]


Let me find out what happened in Sona. [让我查出究竟 索纳 发生了什么事情] Let me talk to Michael. [让我和 迈克 谈谈] We can still get Whistler. [我们可以救出 惠斯勒 的] We can make this happen. [我们能办到的] We can make this happen. We... [我们能办到的 我们...] We can do this. [我们可以这么做] Put him in the van. [把他带上车] Sucre! [苏克雷 !] You all right? [你怎么样?] What happened? [发生了什么?] Body bags. [裹尸袋] Look, what happened out there... [都发生了些什么呀...] Happened out there. It's over. [该发生的 都结束了] All right then. [那好] Right, just so you know, [如你所知] I wouldn't have gone through with it. [我没能逃出去] Lucky for us, we'll never have to find out. [如果幸运的话 我们不会被发现] So what do we do now? [那现在我们怎么做?] You know where are you, boy? [你知道你在哪里么 小子] Well, I'm no doctor, You but I'm just guessingboy. [我不是医生 但我可以猜到你要干嘛] your mother had a little bit too much to drink one night [你妈一定是有天晚上喝多了才...] Keep talking [继续说呀] and you're going to be next. [下一个就轮到你了] How you want it, brother? [你选个死法吧 老兄?] Fast or slow? [快的还是慢的] ke to handle this one myself. [我会亲自动手] Do you have children, Mr. Scofield? [你有孩子么 斯科菲尔德 先生?] Maybe someday. [会有的] That's very optimistic for a man in your position. [会有个非常乐观的家伙步你后尘] Myself, I have five. [我有五个孩子] Three boys, two girls. [三个小子 两个丫头] Now I used to tell them a story-- [我常常给他们讲的一个故事] I believe in your country [我想在你们国家里] they call it, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." [他们管它叫"狼来了"] You know it? [你知道那个故事么?] Well, then you know the moral of that story [你知道这个故事的寓意] is even when liars tell the truth, [即使撒谎者说的是实话] they can never be believed. [他们也是不可信的] But your life's on the line, boy. [你命悬一线 小子] Are you trying to break out of this prison, Mr. Scofield? [你想越狱么 斯科菲尔德 先生?] No. [不] Are you trying to break out of this prison? [你真准备越狱么?] We both know that's not possible. [我们都知道这是不可能的] Answer me! What do you want me to say? [- 回答我 - 你想让我说什么?] I want you to tell me the truth. I want to hear it. [我想让你告诉我事实 我要听实话] You want a reason to kill me. No, boy... [- 你想找个理由干掉我 - 不是 小子] I have good reason to kill you. [我已经有一个很好的理由干掉你了] Because of you, it's no longer possible [因为你 我已经不可能] for me to effectively govern this prison. [有力的管理这个监狱] Justified or not, [不管是否承认] the men no longer ha faith in me. [人们已经不服我了] That leaves only one thing for me to do [我只能做一件事]


to guarantee my survival. [来保命] You are breaking out of this prison, Mr. Scofield. [你要越狱 斯科菲尔德 先生] And you're taking me with you. [你要带上我] Well, I've got some good news [我得到一些好消息] and I've got some better news. [还有些更好的消息] Let's start with the good. [让我们从好消息开始] Panamanians are back on board. [巴拿马人方面已经做出让步] And the better news? [更好的消息呢?] You're going to get to have [你可以在] a really Nice sleep on that bed. [这张床上好好睡上一觉了] I thought that I... [我还以为...] After the hearing I was going to be on a plane back to the U.S. [我会听到可以乘飞机回美国的消息] You said... [你说过...] I did, and you will be, [我是说过 你会回去的] but it's just too late to do the hearing now. [但是现在还为时尚早] We'll get to it first thing tomorrow. [那是我们明早要做的第一件事情] Tomorrow morning? Sounds about right. [- 明早? - 听起来不错] Please... is there something, is there anything [不管怎么样] that we can do to help speed things up? [这会让事情进展顺利] When a genie grants you a wish [当精灵满足了你的愿望] you don't really tell him to make it snappy. [你不会真认为他如此爽快吧] This hearing [我的要求] needs to happen today. [今天就要实现] The hearing needs... needs to happen right now! [我的要求... 现在就要满足] Listen to you. [听你的] You know, you are unbelievable. [你知道 你真的难以置信] I have dropped everything [我进了全力] to come down her [才同意她] and drag your sorry ass [把你拉出火坑] out of that hellhole... You don't understand. [你不懂么] I've made you a deal. I can't... I can't wait. [- 我已经满足你了 - 我等不及了] I can't wait. [我等不及了] You know, I am so glad [你知道 我很高兴] I have made this trip [促成此行] to help your esteemed colleague. [来帮助你敬仰的同事] I am just tickled. [我真可笑] Cuff him. [把他铐起来] Is that necessary? [有必要么?] Cuff him. [把他铐起来] I'm sorry. [对不起] I can't wait. [我不能再等了] Hey, have you seen Whistler? [看见 惠斯勒 了吗?] No. [没看见] I spent my whole career [我尽心尽力工作] trying to keep bad people behind bars. [想方设法把坏人关起来] Like somehow by doing my job [似乎通过我的工作] I was making the world a better place. [我能让世界变得更美好] And then... [接着呢...] then you hear about what happened to someone like Sara. [就发生了像 莎拉 这样的事] Damn if it doesn't seem like there's more bad people [现在看起来好像外面的坏人] out there than in here. [比这里还要多] I warned the brothers what would happen if they failed. [我警告过兄弟俩 如果他们失败了会怎样]


If I give them more time now, I may as well hand them [如果我给他们更多的时间] a condom and a cigarette to go with it. [我就 好给他们带上香烟和避孕套] You know, I came all the way down here. [我大老远的来这儿] The least you could do is offer me an opinion. [你 起码应该给我点儿意见] I thought we agreed it was best for you to not come here. [我以为我们说好了你不会来这儿] And I thought you needed to be out in seven days. [我以为你会在 7 天之内出来] I need to know how this delay is going to affect things. [我想知道这次失败会如何影响大局] Well, it won't be comfortable, but it will be possible. [那不会好过 但是还有希望] Oh, well, thank you, James, [谢谢你 詹姆斯] but that doesn't exactly ravage me with confidence. [但是那不会毁了我的信心] And what would? [那什么会?] Your ass on a plane. [中文字幕] Four more days. [再给我 4 天] If I'm out of here by then, I can still do it. [如果我出去了 我还可以做到] Trust me. It'll be fine. [相信我 不会有事儿的] I'll let the brothers know. [我会告诉他们的] Gretchen. [格瑞成] About Sofia... [索菲亚 呢...] She's fine. [她很好] Burrows is taking real good care of her. [布鲁斯 对她很好]

3x08 Bang & Burn previously on prison break [《越狱》前情回顾] We're losing the light! [反射光快没了] Go back! [快回去] **** [[西班牙语]] You. [你] Is it your cell? [是你的房间?] you are breaking out of this prison,mr.Scofield. [你在越狱 Scofield 先生] And you're taking me with you. [你要带我一起逃出去] So with this deal what specifically are they expecting from me? [那么这个交易 他们到底要我说什么?] They need to know everything. [他们要知道一切] They want to confirm that you have viable,incriminating information [他们要确认你有足够多的 且能定罪的信息] and that you can be a cooperative witness. [然后你就可以做污点证人] Show me the pictures. [给我看照片] I can't show you the pictures,man. [我没照片给你看] She's dead,michael. [她死了 Michael] I thought we agreed it was best for you to not come here. [我以为我们都知道你不该来这里] I need to know how this delay is going to affect things. [我要知道 这些延误对事情有什么影响] Four more days. [4 天内] If I'm out of here by then,I can still do it. [如果能出去 我还是可以做到] I'll let the brothers know. [我会告诉那兄弟俩] Michael. [Michael] You like this? [你觉得怎么样?] Yeah. [是的] It's a special occasion. [这是为特别的场合准备的] My dad's coming today, [我爸今天要来] so I'm just gonna wait here till he shows up. [所以我得在这等他出现] - You look sharp. - Thanks. [- 很帅 - 谢谢] Scofield.,you have a visitor [Scofield 有人探访]


lj.Is he... [LJ 他...] Alive. [还活着] Giving us four more days. [再给我们四天时间] Okay,good. [很好] Listen,back at the exchange point,I saw three body bags. [听着 在交换地点 我看见了三只裹尸袋] You,me and lj,we weren't getting out of there alive. [你 我 LJ 当时我们仨不可能活着离开那里] That's the last time I get caught flatfooted. [这是 后一次招惹狱警了] Then do what you got to do,linc. [做你需要做的事吧 Linc] As long as I take care of my end,right? [我也会做我这边的准备 好吗?] Michael,I know you're angry with me about sara,but... [Michael 我知道你还在 为 Sara 的事生我的气 但是...] you lied. [你说慌了] I had to lie. [我不得不这样做] Your son is my nephew,and there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. [你儿子也是侄子 为了他我没有什么不能做的] But apparently... [但显然...] apparently you only think I only care about myself. [显然你认为我只在乎我自己] I know you don't care about yourself,but you cared about sara. [我明白你不在乎你自己 而是在乎 Sara] You loved her. [你爱她] And I'm sorry. [我很抱歉] But lj's my son. [但 LJ 是我儿子] I-I couldn't let anything happen to him. [我 我不能让他再发生意外了] You know that. [你也知道] You used me,linc. [你利用了我 Linc] So I guess you and the company have something in common. [在有些方面你跟公司一样] I don't know where he is. [我不知道他在哪儿] I have tried every number I have. [我已经试过手头上所有的号码] well,listen,****say [好 听着] Never mind. [别担心] I found him. [我找到他了] Carter blue label. [Carter 蓝标] You always had such high-end taste for a girl from wheeling. [你的品位总是那么高 高得不择手段] Since I paid for I. [从我付钱开始] you know how much I hate to travel,gretchen... [你知道我有多讨厌旅行 gretchen...] but considering the mess down here,I made an exception. [可考虑到这里的烂摊子 我破了例] It was a mess before I got here. [我来之前 这里就一片混乱] And it's time to clean it up. [该是清理的时候了] We're ending this today. [我们打算在今天做个了结] bang and burn. [用武力解决] General,that was analyzed. [将军 我们全面分析过] What you're asking for is too dangerous, [你所说的方法太危险了] not to mention next to impossible with the given time frame. [更别说 还要在几乎不可能的时限内完成] I remember a substantial wire transfer to an offshore account [我记得有一大笔从离岸账户里汇来的资金] that took the word "impossible" out of the equation-- [把“不可能”这个词从公式中抹掉了] or tell me,did I hire the wrong person? [还是说我找错了人?] I am doing my job when I tell you to seriously reconsider. [在我告诉你要重新考虑的时候 我也在做份内的事] And now,I have to do my job. [那么现在我要做我份内的事了] I don't pay you to be my advisor. [我不是雇你来做我的顾问的] You're my operative. [你是我的行动人员] You have your instructions,now get it done. [你有你的指令 现在去执行吧] Because if you don't, [因为如果你不照做] I'll make what happened to you in mosul feel like a massage. [我会让你在摩苏尔的遭遇 就像是只做了个按摩而已] This was a big mistake,gretchen. [这是个极大的错误 Gretchen] You can't make a habit of coming to sona. [你快把 Sona 当做你家了]


I won'T. [我不会的] Because we're going with the bang and burn. [因为我们要采用武力营救了] that's suicide. [这是在自杀] We have more time. [我们还有时间] My boss wants things to move a bit faster. [老板要我们再快点] Well,tell him you can't pull it off. [跟他说你做不到的] I might get killed if we do this. [这么做我会被干掉的] And I might get killed if we don'T. [不做的话我就会被干掉] Between you and me,who do you think I care about more? [你和我 你说我更在乎谁呢?] Look at me,james. [看着我 James] See if you can tell how serious I am. [你知道我不是在开玩笑] If you don't play ball,I will leave you in sona to rot. [如果你不行动 我就让你烂在 Sona 里] I promise. [我保证] Be ready by 5:00. [在 5 点做好准备] That's when it happens. [那时开始行动] Everybody goes. [每个人都会到位] What about scofield? [Scofield 怎么办?] Kill him. [做掉他] Prison Break Season 03 Episode 08 Bang & Burn You know the consequences if I'm seen talking to you? [你知道如果有人看见我和你说话 后果会有多严重吗?] The military's reinforcing the bars on all the windows. [军方的人正在加固所有窗户上的铁栏杆] Can you talk to the colonel,get him to postpone that for a few days? [你能不能跟上校谈谈 让他推后几天再作这个?] No. [不能] After your performance yesterday,I have no further sway with the colonel. [在你昨天做了那些蠢事以后 我和上校再也

没啥交情可谈了] Well,then I'm afraid you've brokered your way into an escape plan that no longer exists. [喔 那恐怕你想要跟我一起 越狱

的计划也要跟着泡汤了] I have an idea. [我有一个办法] Lechero... [Lechero...] Wait to hear from me. [等我的消息] What? [怎么了?] Some of the men don't feel the need to pay their debts anymore. [这里有些人觉得没必要再还债给我们了] It's been one week,man,and we lost three men. [过去的一周里 兄弟 我们已经死了 3 个人了] Now,if we gonna keep sona,we're gonna need numbers. [现在 如果我们还想在 Sona 里保住位子 就必须有足够的人手] I don't trust nobody here right now,especially now. [我现在已经无法信任这里的任何人了 特别是现在] I work with the men I have. [我只和我手下的人一起作] Really,brother? [真的吗 兄弟?] You,me and the gimp over there,we gonna run this place? [你 我 还有那边那个一只手的家伙 就靠我们 3 个人来搞定

这个鬼地方?] I want to bring on cristobal. [我想让 Cristobal 加入] He's solid,man. [他很结实 兄弟] One of them darrien ghetto boys. [是和那帮 Darrien Ghetto 一伙的] Bring him up. [带他上来] But I promise you nothing. [但是我什么也保证不了] Find me anything that can sustain heavy rpgs and small arms. [给我找些能顶得住火箭弹和轻武器的东西] A cougar,a stryker. [美洲狮装甲车 打击者步战车之类的] Not gonna happen. [这些可搞不到] I do have a call in to a sergeant york,but... [我和 York 军士是有点交情 但是...] yeah,that's not going to cut it. [很好 那就用上吧] Call suezamel,put him on standby,tell him we might need him. [打电话给 Suezamel 让他做好准备 我们可能会需要他] Is there a problem? [有什么问题吗?]


We're doing this at 5:00? [我们下午 5:00 就动手?] Well,we could wait until tonight [呃 我们或许可以等到今天晚上] when our guys are moving too fast for our night vision to work properly. [等到因为我们的人行动过快 而使得夜视功能

无法正常工作的时候] You could even tag along if you want. [如果你愿意的话 甚至可以跟在后面] Get it done. [赶快去准备!] escape atrevido disuelto no victimas entre los prisioneros [越狱未遂 没有一人成功逃出] hello. [喂] Yes,I'm trying to locate the family of mr. James whistler. [你好 我想找 James Whistler 的家人] I-I am his-- I'm his wife. [我-我是他的--我是他的妻子] Who's calling? [请问您哪位?] My name is tommy day. [我叫 Tommy Day] I own the apartment building mr. Whistler rents from. [我是 Whistler 先生租的房子的房东] There's been a busted pipe in his unit that's caused some damage to the apartment next door. [他的公寓有根管子坏了 影响到了隔壁的邻居] I'm sorry. [抱歉] I think you have confused james with someone else. [我想你肯定搞错了 你要找的不是这个 James] He's not renting another apartment. [他没有租别的房子] Oh,I assure you mr.Whistler is my tenant. [喔 我确定 Whistler 先生就是我的房客] I couldn't find anyone to contact after his conviction, [在他坐牢以后我找不到任何联系人] but when the mail came,I checked his phone bill. [但是当邮局送信来的时候 我查看了他的电话账单] There were numerous calls to this number. [有很多电话都是打给你这个号码的] If you could please come to the apartment, [麻烦你过来一趟] the address is 40 abel bravo in obarrio,unit 4. [地址是 Obarrio Abel Bravo 街 40 号 4 单元] tell your men the intel says the panamanians have no access to sam. [告诉你的人 资料显示巴拿马人找不到 Sam] Yeah. [喂] There's been a development. [有新情况] mahone special ops company? deugs? family+ [Mahone:特种部队 公司? 毒品? 家庭+] Hey. [嘿] The company's giving us four more days. [公司又多给了我们 4 天] Okay. [很好] Problem is I,uh,I don't know how we're getting out of here. [问题是我 呃 我不知道我们再如何从这里逃出去] Lechero might have some ideas,but I'm still waiting to hear from him. [Lechero 好像有些办法 但我还在等他的消息] I'm sorry,is this a bad time for you? [抱歉 现在告诉你这个似乎不大合适?] It's been an intense 24 hours. [刚过去的 24 小时让我很紧张] I have things on my mind. [我脑子里在想很多事情] Yeah,like your last trip to visitation maybe. [是啊 例如在想刚才去见的访客 也许] What,you're a spy now? [哈 你现在变成间谍了?] Forgive me if I'm wrong,but she didn't really strike me as the girlfriend type. [如果我说错了请原谅 但她看上去一点也

不像是你的女朋友] She was company. [她是公司派来的人] After your failed escape,she came to remind me that I have a stake in this,too, [在昨天越狱失败后 她过来是为了提醒我 我也有把柄落在他们手上的] which you seem to have forgotten. [你们倒可能已经忘了这一点] So forgive me if I don't jump for joy when you say you're working on a plan [所以请原谅 当我听说你们又在准备新计划

的时候 没办法表现出欢呼雀跃的样子] that may very well fail again. [况且这个新计划很可能再次以失败告终] I've got to get out of here, [我必须离开这里] and it's getting to the point where I don't care how. [我已经不在乎用什么办法了] Got what we talked about? [搞到我们谈过的东西了吗?] You never met me. [你从来没见过我] oh,my god. [喔 上帝啊]


What the hell is going on? [你到底怎么了?] Shales... [Shales...] what about oscar shales? [Oscar Shales 怎么了?] He... [他...] raped,killed,tortured. [强奸 杀人 虐待] I couldn't turn,turn him over to some scumbag lawyer who was just gonna get him off [我不能把他交给那些 想要帮他脱

罪的混蛋的律师] or...or... [或者...或者...] no,no,I just... [不不 我只是...] so I killed him. [所以我杀了他] And I felt... [然后我感觉...] good. [很好] I felt,I felt really good. [我感觉 我感觉真的很好] but then,you know,came the visions of shales begging for his life, [但是接下来 你知道 我的眼前就总是出现 Shales 求我饶命的样子] and I couldn't get rid of them, [我没办法摆脱这些] so I,I got these drugs that kept me on an even keel. [所以我 我吃了一些药片来保持清醒] And then when I got to sona,I couldn't get my pills,so I had to... [可是我被关进 Sona 以后 我没办法再拿到这些药片了 所以我不得不...] improvise. [就地取材] Did you want me to get drugs for you? [你是要我帮你弄些毒品吗?] I assume that whoever set this up must think that I might have some value. [不管是谁策划了这一切 我想他一定认为我

有些利用价值] It's why you came back for me. [这也是你过来救我的原因] I came here to help a man that I respect and care about. [我来救你 是因为我敬重你 关心你] And I appreciate that. [非常感谢你这样说] But I can't testify like this. [但是我没办法这个样子去作证] Please... [求你了...] please. [求你] One inch of reinforced steel on every window. [每个窗户上都加了 1 英寸厚的强化钢栏杆] Nothing would get through those. [没人可能从这里逃出去] I'll figure someing out. [我会想出办法来的] I know you will. [我知道你会的] Listen,man,I'm sorry about before. [听着 伙计 我为刚才的态度向你道歉] Like I said,things have been intense. [就像我说的 这太紧张了] So much depends on this working out. [一切都看我们是否能逃出去了] My nephew's life depends on this working. [我侄子能否活命也全靠这个了] I know it does. [我知道] I never asked-- how old is he? [我从来没问过 -- 他多大了?] Sixteen. [16 岁] Oh,hell. [喔 见鬼] Knock knocka. [有人敲门啦] What do you want? [你想干什么?] Me? I just came by to slip something into your mail slot. [我? 我只是来给你送封信] It's from el patron himself,but it was made for your eyes only. [这可是老大亲自写的信 但只能你一个人看] Grabby. [动作够快的] That don't look like no invitation to the sona-hawkins dance. [Sona-Hawkins 舞会似乎没发请柬啊] What do you got cooking up with lechero,huh? [你和 Lechero 有什么见不得人的勾当 呃?] It's none of your business,theodore. [这不关你的事情 Theodore] You want to keep secrets? [你们还想保密?] You want to treat me like a pesky insect? Fine. [你们想把我当作一只讨厌的虫子? 可以]


Just remember,information,like crumbs,always trickles down to the vermin on the floor. [但要记住 秘密就像面包屑一样 总会掉到地上给虫子吃掉的] 4:00? [4 点钟?] It's a sketch of lechero's quarters. [这是 Lechero 住处的地图] To be honest,when a tenant pays a year's rent in advance and then gets locked up, [老实说 如果房客事先付了一年的房

租 然后又成天空着] I normally rent the place out and double my money, [我通常会把房子再出租出去 好收双倍的房租] but,uh,james was a good man. [但是 呃 James 是个好人] I was hoping things would turn out well for him. [我希望他一切都会好起来] Look,uh,miss... [听着 呃 小姐...] a lot of guys have a little something on the side. [很多男人都有一些小秘密] This apartment,I mean,whoever he brought here, [这个公寓 我是说 不管他带过谁来这里] doesn't mean he didn't love ya. [都不代表他不爱你了] You said you have james' insunce paper? [你说过 James 的保险单在你那?] Right on. Right on. [是的 是的] I'll,uh,I'll go get them. [我去 呃 我去拿过来] oh,god. [喔 上帝啊] There's another door in here. [这个还有一扇门] "4413." ["4413"] 4413,huh? [4413 呃?] what about scofield? [那 Scofield 怎么办?] Kill him. [做掉他] You know,if lechero didn't send this,t-bag might be setting me up for someone. [你知道 如果不是 Lechero 写的信 那这

就可能是 T-bag 的阴谋] I say we get out of here. [我觉得我们还是离开这里] I'm truly sorry you got caught up in my troubles,michael. [我很抱歉你卷进了我的麻烦 Michael] scofiled [Scofiled] I take it there's another code. [我想这还要一个密码] I'm the only one that knows it. [我是唯一知道它的人] For a man who likes keeping a secret, [对于你这样喜欢保守秘密的人来说] choosing t-bag as a go-between might not be the smartest move. [选 T-bag 作送信人绝对不是个聪明的选择] Yeah,by the time he figures it out,we'll be long gone. [是的 不过等他发现的时候 我们早走远了] Sammy's on his way back. [Sammy 马上就要回来了] Let's go. [我们快走] What the hell's this? [这他妈的是什么地方?] Underground tunnel. [地下通道] The old administration used it to travel between cellblocks a and B. [以前的监管局把这个作为 A 区和 B 区的通道] After the riots,they moved us all to B. [那次暴动之后 他们就把我们都转移到了 B 区] And then the soldiers came in,blew this tunnel up. [然后士兵进来把这里给炸了] Oks like someone already tried to get through the debris. [喔 看来有人已经试图穿过这些废墟了] I never planned to spend my whole life in sona. [我从来没想过要在 Sona 过完下半辈子] Just didn't expect it to end so soon. [但也没想过会那么快出去] You're the engineer,though,right? [不过你是个工程师 对吗?] You can dig our way out of this? [你可以想办法挖通这条路吗?] Yeah,me and a couple of payloaders. [是的 我可以 如果还有一些起重机的话] Now,you listen. [现在 你听着] You're gonna dig out of this ace. [你要想办法挖通这条路] We're not digging out,but we might be diggin up. [我们不会挖通的 但我们可以向上突破] Hello,sofia. [嗨 Sofia] Hello. [嗨] Who are you? [你是谁?] Friend of james. [James 的朋友]


Old friend. [老朋友] Well,he isn't here. [喔 他不在这儿] I know where he is. [我知道他在哪里] I can see why james loves you. [我现在明白 James 为什么爱你了] You are beautiful. [你很美] If you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, [但是如果你再多管闲事] I'm gonna make him miss you very,very much. [我会让他非常非常想念你] Do you understand what I'm saying to you? [你明白我的意思吗?] Good. [很好] You don't need to worry about this. [你不用担心这个] Now listen very carefully to me,sofia,and you won't get hurt. [现在认真听我说 Sofia 那样你就不会受到任何伤害] I want you to go home and do your hair and paint your nails [我要你现在就回家 作作头发 涂涂指甲油] and get all ready for when james comes home. [准备好一切 等着 James 回家] You two will live happily ever after. [然后你们俩就可以幸福的生活在一起] What do you want from him? [你想从他那得到什么?] see? You're not listening already. [瞧瞧? 你已经开始不听话了] T get inthe way,or I promise you things will get very bad for you. [不要碍我的事 否则我保证事情会变得很糟糕] You are truly beautiful. [你真的长得很漂亮] I hope you can stay that way. [我希望你可以一直那么漂亮] Get the hell out of here. [滚出去] All right,if we can get through the ceiling, [好了 如果我们可以挖穿通道的顶] the foundation and the earth on top of that, [挖穿地基和上面的泥土] we can make it out into the middle of no-man's-land [我们就可以到达禁区的中间] and maybe hit the fence before we get shot. [在被射中以前也许可以跑到栅栏那边] Yeah. [是啊] Well,we wouldn't want that. [是啊 我们可都不想被打中] Yes,but you can dig out,though,right? [就是说 还是可以挖出去的 对吗?] Based on gravity and the kind of sand that sona's built on, [就地心引力和 Sona 地基的土质来看] we're gonna need some kind of support brace for the tunnel. [咱们得找些支撑物来支撑着隧道] Or... [否则...] or what? [否则什么?] The whole thing collapses and we're buried alive. [整个隧道就会坍塌 咱们会被活埋...] Go on and relax,huh? [伙计们 请自便吧] I'll get some rum. [我去取点儿朗姆酒来] How long will this take? [这得花多久时间?] Maybe two days. [大概两天] I got to get upstairs,estimate exactly where in no-man's land that tunnel's gonna let out. [我到楼上去 准确预测一下 隧道

出去以后通向哪里] where you going? [真奇怪啊] I'm meditating. [你来这里干什么?] Just getting rum for cristobal and his boys. [我给 Cristobal 和他的 哥们儿拿点朗姆酒] Rum? His boys? [朗姆酒? 他的哥们儿?] No,I said I'd meet with cristobal,not every half-breed in sona. [不行 我只说同意见 Cristobal 一个 不是 Sona 里其他任何

一个杂种] Well,they up there right now. [可他们都已经来了] So,let's go. [得了 走吧] Let me just get some rum,now. [我只想拿点朗姆酒而已] No,man. [拜托 伙计] Them drink beer like everyone else. [给他们喝啤酒不就行了嘛] Look,man,offer them something good. [拜托老大 拿点儿好的招待他们吧] Don't make me look the fool. [别让我丢人] the rum is for me,sammy. [只有我能喝朗姆酒 Sammy]


No? [怎么了?] You have a problem with that? [你有意见?] No,sir. [没有 老大] Let's go. [很好 走吧] Let's get back to work. [咱们继续] Hey,only lechero has the code. [嘿 只有 Lechero 知道密码] We don't need a code. [咱们不用密码] Now,get inside before sammy comes back. [趁 Sammy 回来之前 赶快进去吧] Alex? [Alex?] Where's agent lang? [特工 Lang 怎么没来?] - Agent... - I don't know. [她... 我不知道] But what the hell's wrong with you? [你到底怎么了?] What's going on? [你怎么了?] I have a right to be nervous. [心里紧张 这个权利我总有吧?] My life is on the line,you know? [现在是我命牵一线的时刻了] What are you talking about? [你在说什么啊?] You have given live press conferences your entire life. [你这一辈子都在开记者招待会] I've see you many times. [我看过很多次] You're an old pro. [你可是个老手了] Now,splash some water on your face. [往自己脸上洒点水清醒一下吧] The panel wants us there right now,immediately. [陪审团现在就要我们过去 马上过去] What? [什么?] Get dressed. [赶快穿衣服吧] Or would you rather have me drag your ass back to sona? [或者 你希望我再把你丢回 Sona 去?] Water on the face. [脸上洒点水 清醒一下吧] Get your suit on. [快把衣服穿好] We're going. [咱们马上就走] Yeah,it's sullins. [是我 Sullins] Uh,we're almost ready to move here. [我们马上就出发] Where the hell is lang? [Lang 到底在哪儿?] No. [不] Where are we at? [进展怎么样了?] Everything's in place. [一切准备就绪] Good. [很好] We've done our part. [咱们这边已经搞定了] Now it's time for whistler to step up and do his. [现在该看 Whistler 的了] Come 5:00,he better be ready. [五点开始行动 希望他也一切就绪了] Three feet of concrete and rebar, [三尺厚的钢筋混凝土] plus ten feet of dirt and sand,before we see sky. [再加上十尺厚的沙土 上面就是万里晴空了] are you all right? [你没事吧?] To be completely honest... [老实说...] no,not really. [不太...不太好] I have this thing for,uh,confined spaces. [在狭小空间里 我就容易这样] Are you telling me you're claustrophobic? [你是说...你有幽闭恐惧症?] Ever since I was A...boy. [打从小时候就...有这毛病] Um,you know,I need to be upstairs. [我得...上楼去] That's not really an option right now. [你现在不能这样] Well,staying here is not really an option for me,either. [我也不能继续待在这里啊] I suggest you get yourself together. [我看你 好冷静一下] I just need some air. [我只是需要点新鲜空气而已] What the hell's the matter with you? [你到底怎么了?] I need to get out of here; I need air. [我得出去 我需要新鲜空气]


Hey,you walk through that door with sammy on the other side, [Sammy 就在外头 你却要大摇大摆地出去] you'll never need air again. [这样只有死路一条] You don't understand-- I need to get out of here now. [你不明白 我必须现在就出去] Why don't you tell me what's really going on here,whistler? [Whistler 为什么不和我说实话呢?] Why do you keep looking at your watch? [你为什么总是低头看表?] What are you really up to? [你到底打着什么算盘?] Scofield,the men are gone-- let's move. [Scofield 他们走了 你们快走] I need your cell phone. [我得用一下你的手机] No,sammy's on his way-- get out of here. [不行 Sammy 马上就回来了 你赶快离开这里] I have to call my brother. [我必须得给我哥打个电话] No,cell phone stays with me. [不行 现在不能给你用] Now,get out of here! [你赶快离开这里] Well,just so that we're clear,americano, [老美 咱们得事先说明] she's got no electricity and no running water. [她那里既没有电 也没有水] Septic's out,too,but there's an outhouse in the woods. [也没有厕所 不过树林里倒是有一个] It's perfect. [很不错] A hundred bucks a month. [- 一个月 一百美元怎么样? - 两百] A hundred bucks a month. [一百] Deal. [成交] But I don't want growing no drugs on the land. [但我可不希望 你们和毒品打交道] No marijuana. [不准种大麻] You got that? [听见没?] Welcome home,my friend. [欢迎回家 伙计] Thanks. [谢了] Listen,man,if you want to get out of here, [听着伙计 我和 Michael 都很明白] I'd get it and michael would,too. [你也很想赶快了结此事] Yove done more than enough. [你帮我们的实在太多了] If I had a kid in the same situation as your son, [如果我的孩子像你儿子一个境遇] would you and your brother walk out on me? [你们兄弟俩会帮我吗?] Yeah. [当然了] here,this is good. [这个地方不错] Put it down there. [放那儿吧] Okay,hold on. [好的 等一下] You ready? [准备好了吗?] Yeah. [好了] I hope this works,papi. [希望这样管用] All right,let's go. [好了 咱们走吧] Mcgrady. [McGrady] I need your help. [我需要你帮个忙] Not now,bro-- my father finally got here; [现在不行 伙计 我爸好不容易来看我了] I'm gonna go see him. [我得去见他] Actually,uh,I need his help,too. [实际上 我也需要他的帮助] What you want from my old man? [你想让他帮什么?] I just need someone to deliver a message on the outside, [我需要一个我信任的人...] someone I can trust. [帮我往外送个信儿] Hell,no. [这可不行] My papa's straight as razor blade. [我老爸行得正 坐得端] He don't get into kind of trouble like you do. [他可不像你一样爱惹麻烦] It's not trouble-- it's just a phone call. [这不麻烦 只打个电话就行] No. [不行] I love my father. [我爱我爸爸] And I love my brother-- [我也爱我哥哥]


and if he doesn't get this message, [如果他得不到这个信儿] something horrible's gonna happen to him. [他就有大麻烦了] Something really bad is going on. [事情的情况真的很严重] Please. [求你了] Hello,son. [嘿 儿子] Papa. [老爸] You look very handsome. [你可真帅啊] Like your school picture. [像毕业照里一样帅] Gracias. [谢谢] I cleaned a guy's cell for this shirt. [我帮一个家伙打扫牢房 换来这件衬衫的] You should be in school now... [现在你本该在学校读书的...] it's okay,papa. [别提这个了 爸爸] With your friends. [和你的朋友们在一起] Papa,please,don't get upset. [爸爸 求你了 别伤心了] I-I have friends in here. [在这里 我也有朋友的] The american? [那个美国人?] Yes. [对] He's nice. [他人很好] He keeps his word-- it's very rare in sona. [他总是信守承诺 在 Sona 里很少见这样的人] And,uh... [而且...] he needs my help. [他需要我帮个忙] Thank god you're here. [你能来 真是谢天谢地] Thought you might have come a little earlier, [我以为你会早些来...] just to make sure I was okay. [看看我是不是一切还好] I read the newspaper; [我看了报纸了] I knew you were safe. [我知道你一切都好] I am for now-- [目前为止 我安然无恙] but you might not be. [但是你也许会有麻烦] Now,listen to me carefully. [现在 认真听我说] Promise me you won't go anywhere near lincoln burrows today. [答应我 今天千万别靠近 Lincoln] Lincoln? [Lincoln?] It's just too dangerous to be around him, [如果你靠近他 和他在一起] to be with him,to be near him. [是非常危险的] Just go home and stay there, [回家去 别出来] and I will call you tonight. [我今天晚上给你打电话] That's all I can say. [我只能说这么多了] Do you understand? [听明白了吗?] Call me? [给我打电话?] From where? [怎么打?] Do you understand me? [你听明白我的话了吗?] Yeah. [听明白了] Promise me. [向我保证] Say it out loud. [大声说出来] I promise. [我保证] Why are you so scared? [你在害怕什么?] Because I can't have you get hurt. [因为我不能让你受到伤害] Because I love you... [因为我爱你...] more than anything in the world. [胜过一切] Do you? [真的?] Yeah. [真的] james,I got a call today from a man who said he's your landlord. [James 今天我接到一个电话 那人说他是你的房东] Talking about another apartment. [他在说你的另一套房子什么的]


Should I call him back? [要我给他回电话吗?] Must have been a wrong number. [估计是打错了] He asked for you by name. [他说得出你的名字] The man is clearly confused. [他一定是搞混了] I don't know anything about another apartment. [我根本不知道什么房子] Sofia,all I know is that you've got to stay away from lincoln. [Sofia 我只想让你离 Lincoln 远点儿] Please. [求你了] Okay,james. [好的 James] I'll wait for your call. [我等你电话] Here. [你看] I have this. [我带来了这个] I don't want to see it. [我不想看] I'll...put it with the others. [我会...把它和其它的放在一起] I'm not coming home. [我没法再回家去了] Accept that. [接受现实吧] You should go. [你该回去了] Make that call for my friend. [记得帮我的朋友打电话] Happy birthday,son. [生日快乐 儿子] Maybe we should pick up some locks and secure the house. [或许咱们该给房子 上几把锁 这样更安全] It can't have anything new on it. [不能有任何新的东西] the place needs to look abandoned. [那地方应该像被遗弃的样子] Yeah? [喂?] I have a message for you. [我有一条消息] Don't come home for dinner. [不要回家吃饭] Who is this? [你是谁啊?] I'm supposed to tell you,don't come home for dinner. [我就是要告诉你这些 不要回家吃饭] What? [什么?] When me and mikey were kids, [当我跟 Mikey 还是孩子时] we had a code when social services were trying to get me into juvie. [社会服务机构要抓我去少管所 我们编了一个代码] He's telling me to watch my back. [他是告诉我要小心防范] What the hell are you doing here? [你在这干什么?] Why haven't you returned my calls or my car? [为什么你不回电话 也没还我车?] You have him? [发现他了么?] Yeah,he just arrived back at his hotel. [是的 他刚刚回到旅馆] But whistler's girl tracked him down. [但 Whistler 的女友也找到他了] And she's talking to lincoln and the mexican. [她在跟 Lincoln 和墨西哥人说话] After what she saw today,she could be complicating things. [由于今天她看到的东西 她可能会变得很麻烦] You have a directive? [有什么指示么?] I warned her. [我警告过她] Take them all out. [干掉他们] At will whistler say? [Whistler 会作何反应?] I said take them all out. [我说干掉他们] Bout your boyfriend's apartment on the side,I just don't care. [此外 我不关心你男朋友的公寓 我不关心] No,I went there. [不 我去了那] And a woman showed up; she threatened me. [有一个女人 她恐吓我] She knows james. [她知道 James] Susan. [Susan] You know her? [你认识她?] She's the one who has lj. [她就是绑架 LJ 的人] Well,she took something I found,a passport. [她拿走了我找到的东西 一个护照] It had james' cture and birthday but his name said gary miller. [上面有 James 的照片和生日 但名字用的是 Gary Miller] Lincoln,I don't know what's going on. [Lincoln 我不知道发生了什么]


I'll tell you what's going on-- your boyfriend's a liar. [我告诉你 你的男朋友是个骗子] I told you that from the start. [我一开始就告诉你了] James told me to stay away from you today, [James 告诉我今天不要见你] that it was dangerous. [说这很危险] Let's go. [我们上] pronto. [有话快说] i need to speak to michael scofield. [我要跟 Michael Scofield 说话] I'm his brother. [我是他哥哥] How you get this number? [你怎么知道这个号码的?] He called me a few days back. [他前几天用那个电话给我打过] I-I didn't answer. [我没有接] But,listen,I-I need to speak to him now. [不过听着 我现在要跟他说话] let's go. [我们走] You'll never guess who that was-- [你肯定猜不到谁打来的] michael scofield's brother. [Michael Scofield 的哥哥] Who calls me... [谁来电话...] and who I call,is my business. [我给谁打电话 都是我的事] Where are your friends? [你的朋友们在哪?] I don't know. [我不知道] Where are your friends? [你的朋友们在哪?] I don't know,please don't shoot. [我不知道 求你别开枪] Please. [求求你了] Drop it. [把枪放下] different day,same problem,huh,lincoln? [Lincoln 斗转星移 问题依旧 对吧?] You know how it turned out when lj was in this position, and today is no different... [你知道 LJ 在这种情况下的结果 这次也不例外...] so be a good boy and put down the gun. [乖乖听话 我枪放下] Come on,linc. [快点 Linc] I know you've learned your lesson. [我知道你汲取教训了] You're right,I have. [你说的没错 我学到了] For the record,this is an international hearing, [这是正式的国际听证会] requested by the united states government, [是美国政府要求的] for the purpose of hearing testimony from one mr.Alexander mahone. [来听取 Alexander Mahone 的证词] ou gotta be kidding me. [你在跟我开玩笑吧] ,mr.Mahone, [Mahone 先生] when were you first contacted by anyone from the group referred to as the company? [你第一次跟叫做"公司"的组织 接触是在什么时候?] They told me... [他们告诉我...] that if I didn't kill every one of the fox river eight, [如果我不能杀掉全部 从 Fox River 逃出来的人] that they would come after me. [他们就会来收拾我] They had all worked with-with scofield on-on-on the escape, [他们都协助了 Scofield 的越狱] so the company wasn't sure what they knew. [所以公司也不清楚 他们知道些什么] Mr.Mahone,I'm going to ask you to please keep your answer related to the question. [Mahone 先生 请回答与我的问题相

关的内容] It's-it's all connected.It's just... [他们...他们都是有联系的] it's-it's a web. [就像是一张网] And-and it's a web that I got caught in. [我就被罩在了这张网里] And-and lincoln burrows got caught in,and michael scofield got caught in. [Lincoln Burrows 和 Michael Scofield 他们也

一样] I,if I may,I think what mr.Mahone... [我觉得 Mahone 先生...] -we're all just like flies... -was trying to say... [- 我们就像是苍蝇... - 他是想说...] thank you,mr.Sullins,but we're here to hear from mr.Mahone. [谢谢你 Sullins 先生 但我们想听 Mahone 先生的证词]


Now,we're going to try this again. [我再问一遍] When were you first contacted by the company? [你什么时候开始接触公司的?] I cannot say. [我不能说] You know... [你知道...] they could be in contact with you or-or-or... [他们可能会找到你 或者...] you could be in contact with them,you'd never know. [或者你也会跟他们联系上 这谁都不知道] It's-it'S... [这...] they could be in contact with us right now. [他们现在就能跟咱们联系上] I know... [我知道...] it sounds crazy,right? [听起来有点疯狂 对么?] It's craz... [有点疯狂...] and...and it would be,except for the simple fact that... [而且...肯定会的 除非..] it's true. [但那是真的] The government that I had dedicated my life to manipulate and extorted me. [我奉献终身的政府利用了我 敲诈了我] Blackmailed me. [勒索我] So that I would kill for them. [所以我为了他们去杀人] And I did the things that they made me do so I could protect my family. [去按他们的要求做 来保护我的家人] And so... [所以...] I would like to go home. [我想回家] So can I do that,please? [可以么?] Hey. [嘿] Where have you been? [你去哪了?] I came looking for scrap metal for the support brace for the tunnel. [我去找些废铁 来支撑隧道] Really? [真的?] Looks like a pretty tight squeeze up there. [好像上面空间狭小啊] You sure there's enough fresh air, [你确定上面有足够的空气] or does the claustrophobia come and go? [或者你的幽闭恐惧症又犯了?] What's it like going through life always distrustful? [一辈子都被人怀疑什么感觉的?] You tell me,james. [你来告诉我 James] ate to break up the brouhaha,gentlemen, [不好意思打扰你们 伙计] but lechero would like to see you. [但 Lechero 想见你] ays it has something to do with your big brother. [可能是跟你哥哥有关] ive us a moment,will you,teodoro? [让我们单独呆会行么 Teodoro?] If your brother should ever call my cell phone again, [如果你哥哥再给我打电话] you tell him you're the one that's gonna pay. [我就把这账算在你头上] yeah? [喂?] You got the message. [你收到消息了] Yeah,you were right. [是啊 你说的没错] They just tried to take us out. [他们想干掉我们] I know. [我知道] Whistler got a visit from the company. [公司的人去找 Whistler 了] He's been acting strange ever since. [然后他就有点不对劲] I'm telling you,linc,something's up. [我跟你说 Linc 肯定有事] Doing more than acting strange,man. [已经不仅仅是有事了 伙计] He just told sofia not to be near me 'cause it's dangerous. [他告诉 Sofia 不要接近我 因为会很危险] The company's coming after us. [公司就来找麻烦了] They don't need us anymore. [他们不在需要我们了] Here we go. [要开始了] They're breaking him out on their own. [他们打算自己把他弄出去] We're 100 yards from the target. [我们的距离还有 100 码] Keep your eyes open. [大家都提高警惕] Let's get in and out fast. [速战速决]


Come on! [快点!] Damn! [该死!] come on! [快点!] Come on!Keep it coming! [快点! 快过来!] Come on! [快点!] I've got a helicopter and two inmates. [我看到了直升机 还有两个囚犯] I can't make out their faces,but they're on the roof! [我看不清楚是谁 他们在屋顶上!] come on! [快点!] Can't get a clean shot! [我没有射击角度!] I'll get lower,take 'em out! [我降低一点 把他们放倒!] Man down. [有人被射中] Let go! [放开!] We lost whistler. [我们没能救出 Whistler] We lost whistler. [没能救出 Whistler] Abort. [放弃任务] Mission failure. [任务失败] Return to base one immediately. [立刻返回一号基地] alex... [Alex...] I'm so sorry. [我很抱歉] I'm going to have to take you back to sona. [我要把你带回 Sona] you,get up. [你 站起来] Vamos! [快!] Mr.Scofield, [Scofield 先生] there have been two escape attempts in the past two days. [过去两天 有两次企图越狱的行动] Somehow I don't think it's a coincidence ed shortly before they happened. [两次发生之前你都在场 我觉得这不仅是巧合] I had nothing to do with that. [我跟这些没关系] You've caused too many problems here in sona, [你给 Sona 带了不少麻烦了] so maybe you shouldn't be here in sona. [也许你不该在呆在 Sona 了] Llevenlo! [抓住他!] Say good-bye to sona,mr.Scofield. [跟 Sona 说再见吧 Scofield] Vamos. [快点]

3x09 Boxed In Previously on prison break. [<越狱>前情提要] Sona's a one-way street. [Sona 是一个有去无回的地方] What goes in... never comes out. [只要进去了 就别想再出来] They got me and sara. [他们抓了我和 Sara] Lj and sara will be traded for whistler. [用 LJ 和 Sara 交换 Whistler] Are we clear? [明白了吗?] I'll tell you the plan when you tell me who you are. [你先告诉我你是谁 我再告诉你我的计划] I'm a fisherman. [我只是个渔夫] Really? [真的?] My life is in your hands. [我的命在你手里] How's lj? How's sara? [LJ 好吗? Sara 好吗?] She's dead,michael. [Michael 她死了] I lied to you. [我向你撒谎了] sofia lugo [Sofie Lugo] i'm james whistler's girlfriend [我是 James Whistler 的女朋友] You are breaking out of this prison,Mr. Scofield, [Scofield 先生 你是要越狱] and you're taking me with you. [你必须带我和你一起走]


Four more days. [再给四天时间] If I'm out of here by then,I can still do it. [如果四天以后我出去了 那么我就能做到] There have been two escape attempts in the past two days. [过去两天 发生了两起越狱未遂事件] Say good-bye to sona,Mr. Scofield. [和 Sona 道别吧 Scofield 先生] right there,leave us [就这样吧 你出去] My predecessor,colonel escamilla,wasn't an effective leader. [我的前任 Escamilla 上校 做事的效率可不高] He's been replaced. [他已经被调离了] I am general zavala. [我是 Zavala 将军] Sit. [坐下吧] A drink of water? [想喝水吗?] With all due respect,general,I had nothing to do with what happened here today. [将军 恕我直言 但我与今天的事毫无关

系] I always conduct a thorough investigation, [我调查案件向来很彻底] and there are too many unanswered questions here. [可这个案子却有太多疑点] It is my job to find those answers. [所以调查清楚这些疑点 是我的职责所在] If you help me do my job,I'll help you. [如果你帮我完成工作 那么我也会帮你的] The helicopters. [直升飞机] You alone couldn't be responsible for that. [你单独一人是不可能搞到的] - You certainly weren't flying a helicopter,were you? - No. [- 直升机肯定不是你驾驶的 对吧? - 对] - Who was? - I don't know. [- 那是谁? - 我不知道] - But you know who sent them. - No. [- 但你知道是谁派来的 - 不知道] Again,be advised-- telling the truth is in your best interest. [我再告诫你一遍 只有说实话 对你才 有利] I am. [我说的是实话] Let's go for a walk. [我们出去走走吧] I understand your fears, [我很理解你的恐惧] but the republic of panama cannot allow this sort of activity. [但是巴拿马的民众是 不会允许这种行为发生的] If you wish to talk,now is the time. [如果愿意招供 现在就是机会] I would... if there was anything left to say. [如果还有事需要招供的话 我自然会说的] Then you give me no choice. [那么我无从选择了] this way [过来] This isn't good. [这可不好] They're putting him in the hot box. [他们要把他关进"烤箱"中] Things are gonna get much harder for you. [你的处境会越来越糟的] There's no way to win. [你赢不了的] You must cooperate. [你必须和我们合作] Confess to this escape and face your punishment by law, [要么招供 并面对法律的制裁] or face a far greater punishment in the panama sun. [要么就面对巴拿马烈日 更严厉的惩罚吧] It's up to you. [选择在你手中] He's done. [他完蛋了] He's finished. [他彻底完蛋了] Prison Break Season 03 Episode 09 I hope my brother's all right. [希望我弟弟一切都好] Does it hurt? [胳膊还疼吗?] It's fine. [还好] I'm gonna get to the prison. [我得去趟监狱] I was watching the news in the waiting room. [我在等候室看到了新闻] They identified a few bodies,but... it wasn't them. [警方又确认了几具尸体的身份 但是...没有他们] I'll find out when I get there. [去那里以后我会查清楚的] You want to come? [你也一起来吗?] I don't,i don't know. [我...我不知道] After everything that's happened,I don't know what to think anymore. [发生了这么多事 我脑子都乱了]


What more is there to think about? [现在没什么好想的] James has an answer for everything,and nothing ever makes sense. [James应该知道一切的 可是我根本不明白] You need to stop asking questions and just look at the facts. [别再追问这么多了 面对现实吧] I wanted to believe everything he was saying, [我本想相信他说的每一句话] and I still want him to get out. [而且我还希望他能出来] I want him out as well. [我也希望他能出来] Trust me,I've been working on this every single day. [相信我 我每天都在为这事努力] Lincoln,I really appreciate everything you have done. [Lincoln 很感谢你所做的一切] You saved my life. [你救了我的命] You didn't have to help me like that. [你其实根本没必要帮我的] Yeah. I did. [有必要] Get in the car. [上车] come on [快点儿] Everywhere I go,there you are. [无论我在哪儿 都能碰上你] Go home,sofia. [回家去吧 Sofia] Part of me wanted to drive right past this gate,alex. [我真想把车开离这里 Alex] You don't deserve to be here. [你不该待在这个地方] Actually,if you take all things into consideration... I do. [实际上 如果你考虑所有事 这是我活该] Thank you. [谢谢你] Wait. [等一下] Don'T. [不...] My father worked in a mine for 30 years, [我爸爸在矿井里工作了 30 年] he took this into work with him every day. [每天工作他都带着这个] Kept him safe till the day he retired. [可以保佑他平安 直到退休] Then he gave it to me. [后来他把这个给了我] I can't take this. [我不能要] Give it back when you get out. [等你出来以后 再还给我] Take care of yourself,alex. [照顾好自己 Alex] Yeah. [好的] what? You ain't got the guts to do it yourself? [怎么? 你没胆自己动手吗?] Hey. [嘿] This is for you,so shut up before I change my mind. [这是为了你 在我改变主意前 闭上你的嘴] After yesterday,you may be doubting my ability to make good on our agreement. [昨天的事之后 你可能会 怀疑我遵守

约定的能力] I need to keep you motivated. [所以我需要鼓励你一下] You have one minute. [你有一分钟] Dad! [老爸] Lj. Lj,thank god you're alive. [LJ...谢天谢地 你还活着] No,forget about it. There's nothing you can do. [不 别瞎想了 这里是逃不出去的] - There's always something. - No,dad. [- 肯定有办法的 - 不 老爸] These guys are thorough. [这些家伙计划周密] They follow you everywhere. [无论在哪里 他们都盯着我们] Trust me. [相信我吧] That bitch is crazy. [那个婊子是个疯子] She cut sara's head off. [她把 Sara 的头砍了下来] I was there. [我当时在场] I closed my eyes,but I heard it. [我闭上了眼睛 但我能听到声音] You listen to me. [你听我说] I'm not gonna let anything happen to you,all right? [我不会让你有事的 知道吗?] The next time you see me,don't take your eyes off me. [下次见到我时 看着我] I'll tell you what to do. All right? [我会告诉你该怎么做的 明白吗?] Minute's up. [时间到了]


Me and your uncle,we know what we're doing. [你叔叔和我很清楚 我们在做什么] We're gonna get you out of this. [我们一定会救你的] - I love you. - I love you,dad. [- 我爱你 - 我爱你 老爸] Looks like things didn't go so well. [看上去事情进展的不太顺利啊] You should be gone. [你本该已经出去了] So should you. [你也是] What happened? [发生什么事了?] It's still happening. [一切还在进行中] I feel bad for michael,but we have a way without him. [对于 Michael 我很抱歉 但就算没有他 我们也有办法] You should get some rest. [你去休息吧] What's the way? [你有什么办法?] I'll rest. I'll rest. I'll rest when I'm out. [我会休息的 会的 我出去以后自会好好休息的] I won't go without you. [没有你 我是不会走的] You have my word. [我向你保证] Now get some rest. [现在你去休息吧] You see scofield out in that redneck sauna? [看到 Scofield 在外面蒸桑拿了吧?] Let's see if he has the tattoo to get out of that one. [看看他到底有没有纹身 可以帮咱们从这逃出去] You were in on it,right? [你也想逃出去 对吧?] I see you guys lurking around lechero. [我看到你们一帮人 在 Lechero 身边鬼鬼祟祟的] Scofield's gotta have a plan to escape. [Scofield 一定有越狱的计划] If so,I know none of it. [就算他有 我也一无所知] Yeah,I bet you don'T. [是啊 我打赌你一定不知道] Too many cocktails out on the lido deck. [酒会上喝了太多鸡尾酒吧] Here comes trouble. [有麻烦来了] Se 駉 r criada,clean it up. [伙计 给我打扫干净] Yeah,I'll get right on that. [好啊 我马上动手] You heard what I said. [你没听见我的话吗?] I told you to do something. [我在命令你呢] Now do it. [现在就做] Cleaning up chunks ain't in my job description anymore. [扫砸碎现在已不关我鸟事了] Oh,things changed. [世道不同了] You see,you answer to us now. [看 你现在听命于我了] Hey,caveman,you don't scare me. [原始人 你吓不着我] Go bug someone else. [别来烦我] Jorge! [Jorge!] what are you doing here? [你在这儿干嘛?] I have a special delivery. [我有货要送] I need to get it in real quick. [要马上送进去] How much? [多少钱?] I gave you ten grand. [我给了你一万了] Ten grand was the last one. How much for this one? [上次是一万 这次呢?] no grand. [一分没有] Then no thanks. [那算了吧] i think you might... [我觉得你应该...] ...want to reconsider [...考虑下] Take this water to the prisoner. [把水拿给犯人] Why should I? He doesn't deserve it. [为什么? 他没资格喝] I'll do it. [我来吧] Hi,brother. [嘿 兄弟] Remember me? [还记得我吗?] This isn't gonna work. [这没用] Come on,papi,drink this. [来吧 伙计 喝了]


Don't let anything happen to lj,okay? [照顾好 LJ 好吗?] It's okay. [没事] He's doing much better than you. [他的情况比你好多了] Come on. Drink this. You need it. [快点 喝了 你需要水] I'm sorry about sara. [Sara 的事对不起] I'm gonna try to sneak more into the prison next time,okay? [下次我再多往狱里送点 行么?] I want you to quit. [我要你退出] I can'T. [我做不到] We all have to quit sometime. [我们都得放弃] No,michael. [不 Michael] You're here in a chicken coop-- you need all the help you can get. [你在这么个鸡笼里-- 能得到的帮助你都需要] Don't need your help. Just go,and don't look back. [不需要你的 走吧 别回头] Not after everything you've done for me. [你为了我做了那么多 不行] ****go [走吧 走吧] So you tried to catch a flight out of here yesterday? [你昨天试图赶飞机逃出去?] I had to do what I had to do. [该做的就得做] Yeah,but you went back on our deal. [嗯 我们说好了 你却反悔了] I was saving my own ass. [我在保命] I'm sure you're familiar with the strategy. [你肯定很了解这策略] Now,you watch it. [你听好了] I'm still boss here. [我还是这里的老大] Who cares about who's boss? [谁管谁是老大?] Do you want to get out of here,or do you want to keep talking about it? [你想逃出去 还是想继续说废话?] It's okay. [没事] We just need to brace it. [只需要支撑下] No. We need the engineer. [不 我们需要工程师] Move it. [快走] Let's get out of here before sammy gets back. [在 Sammy 回来之前赶回去] 98 degrees in the shade,125 in the box. [阴凉处 36 度 盒子里 51 度] Let's go inside. [我们进去吧] We'll have a chat in the air conditioning. [在空调房间里谈谈] Tomorrow is going to be hotter,the next day,even hotter. [明天会更热 后天 更热] The day after that,you'll be dead. [大后天 你就死了] You don't understand. [你不明白] If I thought you could help me... [如果我觉得你能帮我...] I can. [我能] You're unaware of the influence I have in this province. [你不知道我在这个省里有多大势力] You'd rather I be your ally than your enemy,wouldn't you? [你愿与我为友 而不是为敌 是吧?] You n't know these people. [你不了解那些人] We can't stop them-- not you,not me. [我们阻止不了他们...你不行 我也不行] There was a man-- a drug kingpin-- the most powerful man in panama. [以前有个人 毒品大亨... 巴拿马 有势力的人] A ruthless killer with an army of thugs and thieves behind him. [一个冷血杀手 手下一群暴徒 小偷] He killed judges and policemen,anyone who stood in his way. [他杀害法官 警察 任何挡他道的人] They said he couldn't be stopped either, [人们说没法阻止他] but now lechero is in prison,and I'm in power. [但如今 Lechero 蹲了监 我却掌了权] I decide whose life is at stake,and right now,it is yours. [我决定是谁命悬一线 现在 是你的] From the moment I got here... [自从我来到这里...] I've been planning my escape. [我就在计划越狱] He's talking. [他交待了] How do you know? [你怎么知道?] You can't get out of the box any other way. [要不然没法出那个盒子] the people who sent the helicopters, [安排直升飞机的人]


they're the same people who framed my brother back in the U.S., [就是在美国陷害我哥哥的人] The same people who wanted me here in sona. [想让我进 Sona 的人] In order for you to break out another inmate? [好让你帮另一个犯人越狱?] Yes. [对] Who are these people? [这些是什么人?] I don't know,but they have my brother's son. [我不知道 但我侄子在他们手上] They like to keep collateral. [拿他当人质] I could be putting his life in danger as we speak. [我跟你说的话 可能置他于生命危险之中] If what you told me is true... [如果你说的是实话...] would be saving him. [...你就是在救他的命] I would call my troops and order a search for the boy immediately. [我会让军队立即搜索这个男孩的下落] But this story... it's fiction. [但这个故事... 简直就是天方夜谭] It's true. [是真的] It's what you wanted. It's the only thing I have left to give. [这是你想知道的 我也不知道别的了] Please. [拜托了] His name is lj. [他叫 LJ] He's only 16 years old. [才 16 岁] What's that smell? [什么味?] Armandos. [Armando 雪茄] These things cost money. [这些很值钱啊] Somebody gave them to me-- i don't even smoke those things. [别人给我的-- 我不抽] Who? [谁?] This guy i ran some stuff into the prison for,man. [我帮他往狱里送东西] You ran some stuff into the prison? Like what? Drugs? [往狱里送东西? 比如? 毒品?] I don't know. Who cares? He paid me. [我不知道 那又怎样? 他给钱] You should have quit that job,I... [你不该继续做下去的 我...] I know,okay?I need some cash for my kid. [我知道 但我要给孩子存点钱] Maricruz doesn't have insurance,all right? [Maricruz 又没有保险] Listen. I... I just saw michael. [听着 我... 我见到 Michael 了] He's in solitary confinement. [他被关禁闭了] What? [什么?] They put him in a box out in the middle of the yard,all by himself. [他们把他单独关进一个盒子里 在院子的中央] He can't do anything. [他束手无策] It's going to be okay. [没事的] It's not going to be okay. [有事] I don't know what to do,man. [我不知道该怎么办] Everything's just fallen apart. [一切都散了] What you lookin' at? [你在看什么?] The view. [风景] I can't help but notice you and lechero made friends. [我注意到你跟 Lechero 交上了朋友] He's been hanging out with a lot of white boys lately. [他 近结交了不少白人朋友啊] Got a problem with that? [觉得不爽吗?] No. But sammy does. [不 但 Sammy 很不爽] See,i've been looking close,like I always do. [我一直在仔细观察] And I know you all would be a lot better off if sammy were no longer around. [我知道如果 Sammy 不在了的话 你们会

方便得多] Wouldn't have to worry about his snout poking in your business. [不用担心他的走狗到处打听] And you're suggesting...? [你是说...?] You and I both know it needs to happen. [我们俩都知道必须要这么做] There aren't many men in sona who would take out sammy. [在 Sona 没什么人愿意动手除掉 Sammy] I have one particular man in mind. [我脑子里有一个人选] A man who owes me. [他欠我的]


But if I pull through,I'm in the club,guaranteed. [如果我成功了 我也要加入 100%保证] You're gonna see to it. [你要保证] *** [行] I assume you have the power to make this deal. [我假定你有权利来达成这协议] I do. Agreed. [我有 同意] Right. [好] Well. Thank you,sir. [好 谢谢你 先生] Look,I've been thinking about what you told me and, [我在想你跟我说的话] uh... but I can't quit my job. [我不能不干了] Do whatever you want to do. [你随便] Well,I would if you could kick me a few bucks,you know. [如果你给我点钱的话 行] Are we gonna do this again? I told you. [你又来了? 跟你说过多少次了] I don't have any cash. [我没有钱] What do you expect me to do? [你想让我怎么办?] Do whatever you want. [随便] You could use my help,right? [你用得上我 对吧?] You're gonna start charging me now for your friendship? [你的友谊现在开始收费了?] I got a kion the way! [我就要当爹了!] And I got a kid I may never see again. [我这个爹可能再也见不到儿子了呢!] Yeah,get me gretchen. [给我接 Gretchen] Much to my surprise,there seems to be some degree of truth to your tale. [出乎我的意料 你的故事里似乎有些真实成分] Everything I told you is true. [我说的都是实话] That's for me to determine. [那由我来决定] What more can I say? [我还能说什么?] This inmate. [这个囚犯] The one who you've been sent to free. [你要救出的那个人] He should be able to verify what you've told me. [他能证明你告诉我的事情] He should but... I don't know if he will. [他能 但不知道他愿不愿意] Tell me his name. [告诉我他的名字] These people won't hesitate to kill my nephew. [这些人会马上杀了我侄子] I need to know you're gonna do everything you can to find him. [我要知道你会尽力找到他] I will,but I need a name. [我会 但告诉我名字] I need your word. [我要你保证] You have it. [我保证] I'll find the boy. [我会找到孩子的] Now,the name. [现在 告诉我名字] Hi. [嘿] What's wrong? [怎么了?] Why don't you tell me? [你为什么瞒着我?] I went to that apartment,your apartment. [我去了那间公寓 你的公寓] And this woman showed up like she knew you. [这个女人也来了 而且她认识你] And then I found a passport. [我还找到一本护照] Who's gary miller? [谁是 Gray Miller?] That apartment,that passport,it's all for us. [那间公寓 那本护照 都是为咱们准备的] It's how we're gonna get away. [那是我们逃走的计划] When I get out of this place,I'll be working on a way for us to be together. [等我出去了 我会想尽一切办法和你在一起] Remember how we always talked about france? [还记得我们以前说去法国吗?] Oh,james. [James] Yeah. [对] Our plan to be together. [我们在一起的计划] James,how... how can I believe you? [James 我怎么相信你?] How can I believe anything anymore? [我怎么再相信你说的一切?]


Whistler. [Whistler] And just know,just know that I love you. [只要知道我爱你就好] You're facing some serious charges. [你现在面临很严重的控诉] Michael scofield told me there are some people out there who are very determined to get you out of here. [Michael Scofield 跟我说 外面的人在尽力营救你] What's he talking about? [他什么意思?] You know nothing about this? [你什么都不知道?] No. [不知道] Scofield's a smart man but,uh,he's got a rabid imagination. [Scofield 是个聪明人 但总爱胡思乱想] So you're calling him a liar? [你觉得他是个骗子?] More or less. [差不多] I've been able to verify the story. [我可以证明这个故事] I already know everything,Mr. Whistler,in detail. [我已经知道了所有细节 Whistler 先生] I just need a name. [我就想要名字] Who's in charge on the outside? [外面谁是头?] We can end this right now if you can provide it. [如果你能提供消息 我们现在就可以结束] What are you talking about? [你在说什么?] What's going on here? [怎么回事?] Gracias. [谢谢] Now,start over. [现在 从头开始] There you are. [你在这呢] And here I am,without my bag of goodies. [我来了 没带好吃的] I was afraid you were gone for good. [我担心你没吃的撑不住] Party would not be the same without you. [没了你 聚会就不热闹了] I'm glad you're back,cause I need a favor. [很高兴你能回来 帮我个忙] It involves you,a chicken foot and a man who's got it comin'. [需要你 一个鸡爪 还有一个要进来的人] What man? [谁?] Sammy. [Sammy] Now,you get well,and you get him out there in that ring, [你先跟他混熟 把他带到那个圈子里] and you do that one,that... neck thing. [然后割掉他脖子] In exchange,I'm gonna cover all your medical expenses. [作为交换条件 我负责你所有的医药开销] I'll tell you what. You take your time. [你自己慢慢琢磨] I'm gonna go get my bag right now,put you out of this misery. [我现在就去拿我的包 让你脱离苦海] You're the best cock in the fight,alex. [你是决斗中 好的公鸡 Alex] Please don't let me down. [别让我失望] Maybe now you'll feel more comfortable telling me the truth. [也许你现在告诉我真相就会感觉好些] Are you working with scofield? [你和 Scofield 是一伙的吗?] - Are you working with scofield?! - Yes! Yes,I'm working with scofield. [- 你和 Scofield 是一伙的吗? - 是 是 我和

Scofield 是一伙的] But there's no one else involved. [但是没有其他人了] As they say in america,we're gonna get this story straight. [我们去调查你们说的在美国发生的事] I told him the truth. [我告诉他真相了] I suggest you do the same. [我希望你也这么做] I have. [我已经做了] He's confirmed nothing! [他什么也没证实] Ask him about that woman he's been meeting with. [问问他见面的女人是谁] Huh? [啊?] That's not what you think. [跟你想的不一样] Doesn't matter what I think; it matters what you know, and you know her name. [我怎么想没关系 关键是你知道的 你知

道她的名字] And the fact that he won't admit it tells me that he's no innocent bystander in this. [他不承认就证明 他可不是什么无辜



You know I am. [你知道我是谁] Prove it. [证明啊] 'Cause that's the only way we're getting out of here. [因为这是我们离开这的唯一方法] Michael, this is suicide-- they'll kill sofia. [Michael 这等于自杀 他们会杀了 Sofia] And they'll kill your brother's son. [也会杀了你哥哥的儿子] This is the man who can help us, and he can't do anything without a name, so tell him! [他能帮助我们 但不知道名字他

也没办法 告诉他] James... we don't have a choice. [James 我们没得选] It's over. [结束了] Gretchen morgan. [Gretchen Morgan] I don't know where she lives, I don't know how you find her. [我不知道她的地址 也不知道怎么能找到她] That's all I know, her name. [我就知道这些 她的名字] Gretchen morgan. [Gretchen Morgan] Two more of those, please. [再来两瓶] I'm gonna get going. [我要走了] No, he'll stay. [不 他不走] Relax... fernando, is it? [别紧张 Fernando] I just want to talk a minute. [我就想跟你说一分钟话] Alone. [单独说] This right here is as alone as we're gonna get. [在这就是单独了] I heard about your argument with lincoln. [我听到你跟 Lincoln 的争吵] you people are everywhere, huh? [你的眼线到处都是] Now, you know him better than i do, but from personal experience, [你比我更了解他 但单从个人经验看] burrows can be hard to handle. [Burrows 很难对付] That man does not like to be told what to do. [他不听别人指使] He sure likes bossing everyone else around. [他总是喜欢控制别人] You have to start looking out for yourself, fernando. [你得开始为自己谋算了 Fernando] Level the playing field. [跟他公平竞争] All you have to do is go back, apologize, tell him that you'll stay on a few more days for free. [你要做的就是回去 向他道

歉 告诉他你还要单独待几天] And tomorrow or the day after, I'll call you, and you'll meet me for a drink. [明后天 我会给你打电话 你出来跟我喝一

杯] In exchange, I'll pay. [作为交换 我来埋单] 50 grand. [五万] I know what you're thinking, but I'm not asking you to do anything that doesn't help everyone in the long run. [我知道你

在考虑 但从长远角度看 我没让你做任何损人利己的事] I don't see how this is helping. [我看不出这怎么能帮助别人] Lincoln causes as many problems as he solves. [Lincoln既能惹麻烦 又能解决问题] He needs to get out of his own way, and I think you can assist him. [他需要改变一下自己的方式 我觉得你能帮助他] I stay one step ahead, and you get 50 grand. [我前进一步 你得到五万] I don't know. [我不知道] I think you do. [我想你知道] Where do I find this gretchen morgan? [我到哪找这个 Gretchen Morgan?] She's somewhere here in panama city. [她在巴拿马城市的某个地方] Aw, that's not much help in a city of a million people. [这个城市有一百万人口 根本没用] It could take days, weeks. [要花上几天 甚至几周的时间] I've told you. [我跟你说了] I only know her name. [我就知道她的名字] - I have no idea. - I do. [- 我不知道 - 我知道] But I'll need to use your phone. [但我需要你的电话] - linc. - Michael! [- Linc - Michael] What phone are you on? [你用什么打的电话?]


Just listen to me. [听我说] I need to know where and when your next meeting with susan b is. [我要知道下一次你和 Susan 见面的时间和地点] Garfield-price building downtown in an hour. Why? [市区 Garfield-Price 大楼 一小时以后 干什么?] Garfield-price, one hour. [Garfield-Price 一小时] - Can you give her a message for me? - Yeah. [- 能帮我给她带个信吗? - 好] Tell her everything is going as planned. [跟她说一切进展顺利] What the hell's going on, michael? [到底怎么回事 Michael?] Just give her the message, linc. [告诉她就行 Linc] I'll see you soon. [再见] You should have listened. [你早该听话] Are you going to throw down a chicken foot over a puddle of puke? [就因为一片污物 你就扔给我鸡爪?] You should have mopped. [你该给我擦干净] Stumpy, wait your turn, man. [肥爪子 还没轮到你呢] Excuse me. [抱歉] I wanted to see patr 髇 lechero, por favor. [我想见 Patro Lechero 帮个忙] What you want to see him about? [你见他干什么?] I got one ofhese from him, and I didn't do nothing. [他给了我这个 我什么都没做] He don't listen. [他没听话] The fight goes on as planned-- after we eat lunch. [决斗继续 午饭之后] Sammy. [Sammy] - You issue a fight? - Yeah. [- 你宣布了决斗? - 对] What about it? [怎么了?] It's not your right. [你没有这权利] It's not your place. [这不是你的地盘] Well, maybe it should be. [喔 也许就该是我的] general: She's arrived? [将军: 她到了?] I'm on my way. [我这就过去] You'd better be right. [ 好你的决定是对的] What happened? [怎么了?] It worked. [成功了] - It did? - Yeah. [- 是吗? - 是啊] She came up to me just like you said and offered me a bunch of cash to talk behind your back. [正如你预计的 她来找我 给我一大笔钱 要我出卖你] So we stick with the plan, right? [那我们计划照旧 对吗?] - Yeah. - Cool. [- 是的 - 很好] I'm going to see her right now. [我现在就去见她] it's okay. [没事了] I came back for you. [我来帮你了] Come on, now, everything's gonna be okay. [拿去吧 一切都会好起来的] You can't deprive yourself like this. [你不能这么虐待自己] G-get out of here. [滚-滚出去] You don't mean that. [你才不想呢] Yeah... yeah, I do. I do. [是的...是的 我要你出去] Talk straight. [说实话吧] You're not talking straight. [你根本没在说实话] Withdrawals are the worst way to die. [戒毒是 惨的一种死法] You're going to shake, and you'll sweat until you evaporate into nothing. [你会开始颤抖 然后出汗直至虚脱而死] It's a long bumpy road to hell. [这是通往地狱 一段漫长而颠簸的道路] Is that what you want, alex? Or do you wanna live? [这就是你想要的 Alex? 还是你想活命?] See you on the other side. [地狱见] when you're up all night... [当你彻夜不眠...] with diarrhea running down both your legs and vomit is in your hair... [屎尿横流 吐得浑身都是的时候...]


...don't come crawling back. [...不要爬着过来求我] It's been a long day. [今天真是很漫长] Let's just get this over with. [让我们尽快了结吧] I got a message from my brother. [我弟弟给了我一个口信] Everything is going ahead as planned. [说是一切都正按计划进行] Really? [真的吗?] I would think you'd be facing a major setback. [我以为你们碰到了大麻烦] You know michael. [你了解 Michael] Always has things worked out. [他总会想方设法搞定的] No, I don'T. [不 我不这样认为] Seems to me he keeps screwing things up. [在我看来 他总是把事情搞砸] He's getting things done a whole lot faster than you. [他搞定事情的速度比你们快多了] Whistler's out by tomorrow, all right? [Whistler 明天就可以出来了 不是吗?] Zavala: Gretchen morgan? [Zavala: 你是 Gretchen Morgan?] Yes. [是的] General zavala, panamanian national police. [我是 Zavala 将军 巴拿马国家警察局的] Come with us, please. [请跟我们来] - Why?What's this all about? - Llevenla. [- 为什么? 这究竟是怎么回事? - Llevenla] No, I don't understand. I don't understand.Wait! [不 我不明白 我不明白 等等!] I had nothing to do with this. [这个不关我的事] I had nothing to do with this!Nothing! [这个不关我的事! 真的!] you're denying that you are involved with escape attempts at sona prison. [你否认参与了 Sona 监狱的企图越狱案?] I have never been here before in my life. [我以前从没来过这里] And you've never met any of the men incarcerated here? [你也从来没见过这里的犯人?] No! [没有!] James whistler? [那 James Whistler 呢?] No. [没有] You know what I've been told? [你知道我听说了什么吗?] From prisoners? [犯人告诉你的?] I can only imagine. [我只能靠想象了] I've been told that you are the mastermind behind a prison escape [我听说你正是这起越狱计划 的背后主谋] and that you've kidnapped a boy as collateral. [而且你还绑架了一个男孩 作为人质] Really? [真的吗?] Am I an alien? [我是个间谍?] Did I shoot jfk? [我刺杀了肯尼迪?] Sir, I have no idea who this james wilson... [长官 我真的不知道 James Wilson...] - whistler. - ...Is! [- Whistler - ...是谁!] I'm just here to relax before I have to go back to another year of teaching social studies to freshman idiots. [我只是想在给

大一的白痴新生 上社会学课之前 来这放松一下] You're a tourist here? [你是游客?] No, not a tourist, S. [不 不是游客 长官] I like to think of myself as a "student of life." [我喜欢把自己看成是"生活的学生"] "A student of life"? ["生活的学生"?] Abre la manguera! [Abre La Manguera!] What did he say? [他说什么?] "Turn on the hose." ["打开水龙头"] I'm going to give you one chance. [我给你一次机会] Did you order the escape from sona penitentiary? [是不是你主使了 Sona 监狱的越狱行动?] Yes or no? [是 或 不是?] zavala: Yes or no? [Zavala: 是 或 不是?] You seem concerned for her. [你看上去很担心她] She holds our entire future in her hands. [我们的未来都捏在她手上]


Yeah, I'm concerned. [是的 我很担心] Yes or no? [是 或 不是?] no! [不是!] You've proven one thing. [你证明了一件事] This is not your first time. [这不是你的第一次] come with me. [跟我来] Do you know either of these men? [你认识这 2 个人吗?] I've never seen them before. [我从没见过他们] That's a lie. [你说谎] I've never seen them before in my life. [我以前从没见过他们] Where and when have you seen her? [你们在哪 什么时候见的她?] She came to see him in visitation, isn't that right? [她来探视过他 对吗?] Is this the woman you work for? [你就是为她工作的?] Did she order the prison escape? [是她主使的越狱行动吗?] Yes or no? [是 或 不是?] yes. [是的] All right, all righT. [好吧 好吧] You're the one in charge? [你是主谋?] No. [不是] I don't know anything about a prison escape. [我对越狱行动一无所知] I'm just the baby-sitter. [我只是看孩子的] I watch the kid. [我负责看守那孩子] Where is he? [他在哪?] Near paloma. [在 Paloma 附近] Highway 2. [2 号公路] I can take you. [我可以带路] Take them back to my office. [把他们带回我办公室] Put the girl back in the car. [押她上车] We're going on a drive. [开车去找人] Was it you? [是你么?] Did you kill sara? [是你杀了 Sara?] I have no idea who you're talking about. [我不知道你在说什么] I'm coming for you. [我为你而来] Congratulations. [恭喜] You're a regular buster douglas, aren't you? [你战无不胜啊 对么?] Hey, what is this? [嘿 这是什么?] How'd you get that up there, huh? [你怎么得来的啊?] Right there. Right there.He's in there. [在这 他就在这] In here? [这里?] I'm so sorry. [对不起] I am so sorry. [实在对不起] : I hope he's all right. [我希望他还好] Pick me up. [来接我] I'm at the shack. [我在棚屋这] Bring towels. [带条毛巾来] Hi, lincoln. [你好 Lincoln] Good to see you. [很高兴见到你] Yeah, thanks for the cigars. [嗯 谢谢你的雪茄] You didn't open the package? [你没有打开盒子?] I didn't get around to it today. [我今天没时间] You need to make a choice. [你要做出选择] Lechero's days are numbered. [Lechero 已时日无多]


You agree? [你同意么?] Then you know what you need to do. [你也清楚自己的任务了] You've done a good job so far. [至今为止 你一直做得不错] Now is the time to make a move. [现在需要更进一步了] Prove yourself. [证明你自己] Go back in and open the package. [回去打开盒子] What are they doing in here? [他们在这干什么?] They were here for questioning [等待审讯] Come on. Let's go. [来吧 我们走] What happened to the general? [将军怎么了?] The general was found dead this morning off highway 2. [今早在 2 号公路旁见到了将军的死尸] You're goingback inside. [你们要回监狱去] I'm sorry to hear that. [我很遗憾] He seemed like a nice man. [他人不错] What you doing back here? [你回来干什么?] If you still want to getout of here, I need your phone. [我仍然想出去 需要借你电话一用] Go inside. [进去用] what? [什么?] How's lj? [LJ 怎么样了?] He's fine.You know what? [他挺好 你知道么] Susan's not. [Susan 可不好] He's fine? Are you sure? [他很好? 你确定么?] Yeah. [是啊] I just got off the phone with him. [我刚挂了他的电话] Why didn't you tell me what was going on? [你为什么不告诉我情况如何了?] He could have died because of what you did. [他可能因你的所作所为而死] We've still got whistler. [Whistler 还在这里] As long as we do, we're okay. [只要他在 我们就没问题] I got to go. [我要挂了] Hey, did you see blanco? [嘿 你看见 Blanco 了么?] 'S walking around like the landlord. [他大摇大摆的 像是地主一样] I thought you said lechero was going to take care of it? [你不是说 Lechero 会管这件事么?] He will. [他会的] How long has he been saying that? [你都说了多久了?] Look if you and lechero want to go around like an old married couple, [好像你跟 Lechero 像对老夫老妻] fighting this way or that... maybe you like it in the kitchen. [因为这事或那事吵架... 也许你喜欢下厨房] Hey, you be careful. [嘿 你小心点] Then do something! [你做点什么!] Or the next thing you know, you're gonna be taking orders from scofield. [否则以后你就要听命于 Scofield 了] Some people stop at nothing, huh? [有些人真是肆无忌惮啊] Uh... yeah. Whatever. [是啊 管他呢] At least we're back inside. [至少我们回来了] Which of course is exactly what you wanted. [这当然是你想要的结果] Isn't it? [对么?] What are you talking about? [你在说什么?] You let the fox into the henhouse. [你把狐狸放进了鸡笼] The only reason you gave up gretchen's name was [你交代出 Gretchen 的唯一原因] so she could come in and pull you out of the fire. [就是她可以被关进来 救你出去] You wanted me to give up her name. [是你让我供出她的] You know it doesn't end with her. [你知道 终一环不是她] Yeah, I do. [是啊 我知道] The question is how do you? [问题在于你]


How does a simple fisherman seem to know so much about the company? [你怎么会对公司了如指掌?] When she comes back, and she will... ... [当她回来 当然她会的...] what am I gonna say? [我要说什么呢?] You gonna do this or not? [你要做么?] You can tell her the answer is yeS. [你告诉她 我的回答是肯定的] But once we're out, I consider you collateral... [但一旦逃出去 我们就毫无关系了] nothing more. [再也没有了]

3x10 Dirt Nap Previously on prison break… [越狱 前情回顾] How does a simple fisherman know so much about the company? [一个普通的渔夫怎么对 这公司这么了解?] You gonna do this or not? [你到底干还是不干?] Yes,but once we're out,I consider you collateral. [干 不过一旦我们出去了 你就是我们的担保了] Lincoln causes as many problems as he solves. [Lincoln惹的祸比他解决的问题还多] He needs to get way,and I think you can assist him. [他必须靠自己逃脱 我觉得你可以帮他] I stay one step ahead,and you get 50 grand. [我只要领先一步 你就能拿到 5 万] What happened? [怎么了?] She came up to me just like you said [和你说的一样 她来找我了] and offered me a bunch of cash to talk behind your back. [给了我一笔钱 叫我在背后说你坏话] - So we stick to the plan,right? - Yeah. [- 那么你还是按计划执行 对吗? - 当然] Cool. [很好] I found a passport. [我发现了一本护照] Who's gary miller? [Gary Miller 是谁?] I've been working on a way for us to be together. [我在想办法让我们两个在一起] James,how-how can I believe you? [James 你叫我怎么相信你?] How can I believe anything anymore? [你让我如何再去相信你?] we got a way out of this? [我们找到办法从这儿出去了吗?] We need some kind of support brace for the tunnel. [我们必须给地道找个支撑物] Or what? [不然呢?] Or the whole thing collapses,and we're buried alive. [不然地道会塌陷 我们会被活埋的] No more excuses. [不用找借口了] Papa's dead because of this yankee. [Papa的死都是因为这个美国佬] I'll kill him myself ***** [我要亲手杀了他] if I hav he survived the box. [除非他从笼子里生还了] So what? [那又怎么样?] The guards went after scofield. [狱警盯上了 Scofield] Scofield won. [但赢的人是 Scofield] He's a folk hero now. [现在他是这儿的英雄了] Look,I want scofield dead as much as you, [听着 我和你一样都 非常想把 Scofield 干掉] but not at the cost of an uprising. [但绝不会以起义为代价] Mail call. [你的信] Who's that? [那人是谁?] That's my son. [是我儿子] Bagwell gave the okay. [Bagwell 说一切安全] The coast is clear. [暂时没人] We gotta go. [我们得走了] I didn't think I'd see you again. [我没想到还能再见到你] Once someone goes into the box,it'S... [只要有人走进那笼子里 就会...] it was a misunderstanding. [那是一场误会] They wanted to talk to you about the helicopters,right? [他们想和你谈谈直升机的事 对吗?]


What h were **** [什么直升机?] you really trying to escape? [你们真的打算逃出去?] I don't know what you're talking about,and neither do you. [我不知道你在说什么 我想你自己也不知道吧] Just so you know,bagwell's coming with us. [跟你说个事 Bagwell 跟我们一起走] You were gone. [你当时不在] He**** we needed. I didn't have a choice. [他有我们需要的东西 我没别的办法] Fine. [好的] So what's the new plan? [那么新的计划是什么?] - Did you tell him? - Yeah. [- 你告诉他了吗? - 是的] I am coming with you. [我要跟着你走] Okay by me. [我无所谓] Everyone heau hear that,lawman? [大家都听到了吗? 你听到了吗? 警官] But you're staying up here. [但是你得待在这里] Maybe I didn't enunciate myself. [我想我刚才说的还不够清楚] The work downstairs requires two hands. [楼下的工作需要两只手] Hey. [嘿] We need somebody to stay outside in case sammy returns. [我们需要有人待在外面 以防 Sammy 回来] I thought we couldn't dig through this stuff. [我还以为我们没法凿穿这玩意儿] The bracing's gonna be tricky. [找跟柱子撑住是关键] Unless the tunnel gets the proper support,it's all going to come down on our heads. [除非地道有适当的物体进行支撑 不然会全部坍塌下来] We should have the materials for the braces, [我们该找些做支撑的材料] but we'll need a a saw to cut them to size. [但是我们得找把锯子 把它们锯成合适的大小] And a hammer. [还要把锤子] Can you help us out? [你能帮我们解决这问题吗?] Yeah. I can do that. [好的 交给我吧] Two days. [只有 2 天] And if not? [如果不行呢?] two days [只有 2 天] Guillermo should have everything we need. [Guillermo 应该备好了我们需要的一切] You know where he is,right? [你知道他在哪儿 对吗?] I think it's,uh... [我觉得 呃...] it's down this corridor on the left. [在这条走廊的左边] Halfway down. [走到走廊中间部分] Cell 40. [40 号牢房] Down the corridor on the left. Cell 40. [沿走廊走 靠左手边 40 号牢房] Okeydoke. [没问题] Are you lost already,teodoro? [你是不是已经迷路了? Teodoro] No. [不是] But you are. [不过迷路的是你] Prison Break Season 03 Episode 10 This is my room now. [这个房间现在归我了] You're done in here. [这儿已经没你的事了] If you had gone after scofield today,all would have been forgiven. [如果今天你抓了 Scofield 那还可以原谅] This is suicide. [你这是在自杀] Shut up,old man! [闭嘴 老东西!] I'll take my chances. [我会碰碰运气] yeah.You think you can run sona? [是啊 你觉得你管得了 Sona?] You couldn't even run shipments from one dock to the other, [你连两码头间运货都办不了] but I still keep you by my side. [但我仍然把你留在我身边] I'll let you walk out of here out of respect for what you were. [看在你过去的份上 我会让你离开的]


Come on! [快起来!] Get the hell out of here! [滚出去!] All of you ready to do this? [你们都准备好了?] Until lechero gets back,we should start looking for pieces about four feet in length. [Lechero 回来前 我们得开始找材料

了 像这样 4 英尺长的] I'm running things now! [现在开始我是头儿了!] Anyone got a p*****. [如果谁有意见] come get it! [就自己来领鸡爪!] Good. [非常好] First order of business, [第一件事儿] a case of rum to the man who brings me michael scofield! [谁带 Michael Scofield 来见我 这箱朗姆酒就归他!] don't worry [别担心] we'll be there with all the cash [我们会带着钱去那儿的] okay? Gracias. [行了吗? 谢谢] Osberto. [Osberto] That's who you want to talk to. [他是你们要找的人] This guy on the up-and-up? [这个人信得过吗?] The guy I was running things into sona for arranged this, [我给 Sona 安排的事 是这个人帮忙弄的] so it's as up as it's gonna get for this kind of deal. [所以应该信得过] So,yes. [嗯 好吧] Osberto doesn't speak english,though,so how do you want to work it? [Osberto 不会说英语 你怎么办?] I need to meet with susan. [我去见 Susan] I'll take sofia. She can translate for me. [我带 Sofia 一起去 她能给我当翻译] Don't worry about it. [这点不用担心] So when I meet with susan,what do you want me to tell her? [那么我见到 Susan 的时候 你想让我告诉她什么?] Tell her whatever you think she wants to hear. [她想听什么 你就说什么] Just buy us enough time to do our thing,all right? [只要留给我们足够的时间 让我们干活就行 明白了吗?] Home stretch,papi. [ 后关头了] Listen,man. I want to thank you for everything. [听着 伙计 我要感谢你 为了所有的事] Oh,linc,please. [Linc 别这么客气] When we get home,I got your back— [等我们到家了 我会照应你的] whatever you need,whatever you want. [你要什么 我都给你] That won't be necessary. [没这个必要] When I'm back home,I'm a saint. [等我回了家 我简直就是圣人了] I'm not even jaywalking. [连交通规则都不会违反] Osberto. Don't forget. [Osberto 别忘了] Osberto. [Osberto] Scofield steps outside that tunnel,he's a dead man. [Scofield 一旦走出那个地道 他就死定了] Far as I can tell,we have two options. [就我所知 我们有两个选择] We can invite sammy on the escape... [我们能找 Sammy 一起逃跑...] he can go to hell. [他可以去死] Which brings us to option number two. [这样我们就只能选第 2 个方案了] You wouldn't last a second in there with sammy. [你和 Sammy 在一起 保证一秒都活不到] Would you? [那你呢?] Then I guess we'll just have to outsource. [那么我想我们只能让外人来做了] I felt sorry for the guy, [我为那家伙感到惋惜] but you don't chicken-footan ex-delta force and expect to make it out alive. [但你找一个前三角洲特种兵单挑 那是你自

己活该] You're delta force? [你是三角洲特种兵?] Like chuck norris? [就像 Chuck Norris?] Norris? He wouldn't have made it through boot camp. [Norris? 他连新兵营都捱不过] Ex ***** [打扰一下]


I see you're making friends. [看来你在结交新朋友嘛] Hey,once you get the hang of it,this place ain't so rough. [一旦你适应了这里 就不会感到很难受了] Yeah. [是啊] Too bad. [太遗憾了] Too bad what? [什么太遗憾了?] You were right. We got a little plan going on. [你是对的 我们正在密谋一个计划] But,you know,if you're putting down roots... [但是 如果你想要定居...] no,no. [没 没] You were saying... [你刚才说...] We're supposed to be out of here in 48 hours. [我们将在 48 小时内离开这里] Not through scofield. [不能靠 Scofield] You heard the town crier. [你听到 Sammy 叫嚣了吧] College boy's life is barely worth a case of booze. [那学生仔的贱命连一箱酒都不值] Hence our current conversation. [正因如此咱们才要谈谈] I know how you got your cherry yesterday, [我知道你昨天是怎么赢的] daubing your wraps in acetone,smothering the guy until he passed out from the fumes. [往你的护腕里抹丙酮 把他熏晕] You do the same thing to sammy,and you're in. [如果你能对 Sammy 这么干 你就加入] Chicken-foot sammy? [鸡爪 Sammy?] Chicken-foot sammy. [鸡爪 Sammy] It's all riding on you,champ. [全靠你了 冠军] Thank you. [谢谢] This shouldn't take long. [很快就好] What are you getting? [你要弄什么东西?] Supplies. [有用的东西] For? [干啥用?] I don't want to get caught flat-footed again. [我不想再毫无准备] You know what that means? [明白什么意思吗?] No. [不] Well,these people obviously have a plan. [那帮人肯定有计划] We're gonna need one,too. [咱们也得有个计划] Does that plan include screwing over james? [计划也包括干掉 James?] Is it james or gary miller? [是 James 还是 Gary Miller?] Whatever his name is,there's a part of me that doesn't want to believe he works for them... [不管他叫什么名字 我不愿相

信他是为那些人效力的...] 'cause he's the man I loved,the man who went to prison for me, [因为他是我所爱的人 为我进监狱的人] the man who was going to take me to my first trip to paris. [要带我去巴黎初次旅行的人] I haven't turned my back to that man. [我不能背叛他] Do I have your word that he's gonna be all right? [你能保证他没事吗?] Yeah. [能] Now get in. [进来吧] Do I have your word?! [你能保证吗?] Yeah,you got my word. [能 我说话算话] Now get in. [上车吧] ed, we'll be in contact soon. sales are through the roof! [Ed 我们即将取得联系 价格涨的没边了!] hope you're working on your putting...gary [希望你那有所进展...Gary] You nd out? [我刚刚发现] That "sucre" means "sugar." [Sucre 是糖的意思] Yeah. [对] So every time I say your name,I'm calling you "sugar." [所以每次呼唤你的名字 我都叫你甜心] Basically. [叫吧] I like that. [我喜欢那样] Look,I don't have a lot of information. [听着 我的情报不多]


Which,I guess,that's good news for you,right? [我猜 这对你来说是好消息吧?] You care to elaborate? [你要详述吗?] Lincoln isn't cooking anything up. [Lincoln 没什么鬼点子] He's still planning on exchanging whistler for lj. [他仍打算用 Whistler 换 LJ] He hasn't been talking about running any games. [他没提过什么策略] And did he become an eagle scout last night,too? [他昨晚也成了老鹰童子军了?] Lady,he got the message. [小姐 他知道事情的严重性了] He knows he doesn't have a choice,he has to play it straight. [他知道他别无选择 他只能乖乖听从你们] Look,I could have come up here and made something up just to get paid,but... [听着 我完全可以胡编乱造来糊弄你 但...] I'm not trying to get on your bad side either. [但是我也不想加入你那一方] You know what? [知道吗?] I believe you. [我相信你] So,I'll call you if anything comes up. [那 我有事就给你打电话] Whoa,whoa! What am I,a toothless crack whore? [哇噢 哇噢 难道我是个卑鄙无耻的婊子?] Sit down. [坐下] I keep my promises. [我信守诺言] Le I work for,they don't like to deal in greenbacks; it's just too bulky. [我的上司 他们不喜欢美钞 体积大 不好带] Cashier's check payable to cash. [银行支票可换现金] Same thing. [一样的] Half now and half when you're done. [先付一半 事成付清] keep your ears open,sugar. [耳朵机灵点 甜心] alex,come on! [Alex 使劲] Hold it steady! [举稳当点] I am! I am! [我不是在举嘛] I'm gonna need a little help here! [帮个小忙!] I got it. I said I got it. [可以了 我说可以了] That little piece of metal's gonna hold all this weight? [那一小块金属能承受全部的重量?] All right,let go,let go. [好 放开了 放开] So,how many more are we gonna need before we get to the top? [到顶之前还有多远?] 20 maybe. [可能是 20] That gets us to no-man's land. [那就能到禁区了] Then what? [然后咋办?] Helicopter'd be nice. [来架直升机不错] Hey,I was supposed to kill you. [我本应该杀了你] Oh,so you're not a fisherman? [哦 那你就不是渔夫喽?] They threatened to come after my family if I didn't kill you and jump on that helicopter, [他们威胁我 如果我不杀了你 进直升机 就杀害我的家人] but I didn'T. [但我没那么做] I'm so grateful. [那我该感谢你啊] So what happened to your family? [那你家出什么事了吗?] I don't know. [不知道] Maybe I'll find out if we ever get out of here. [等咱们出来了也许就知道了] Well,it's a crazy world,isn't it? [这世界真疯狂啊 是不是?] We all agree on that. [这点 我们算达成一致了] And we have a lot of work to do. [我们有很多活要干] Where the hell is lechero? [Lechero 死哪去了?] Is everything set? [一切就绪了吗?] Huh? [啊?] Is everything set? [一切就绪了吗?] Yeah,no problemo. [是 没问题] Excuse me,sir. [打扰了 先生] Do we come to you if we need the chicken foot? [如果我们需要鸡爪 是不是来找你?]


tiger pants. [老虎裤衩] Who you got a beef with? [你跟谁有过节啊?] I don't know his name. [我不知道他叫啥名字] Some caribbean guy. [一个加勒比人] Stole my wallet a while back. [前一阵子偷了我的钱包] Better think long and hard before you say another word,eh? [你说下个词之前 好考虑考虑] He's got this fruity little mustache and this ugly-ass vest. [他胡子上有酒味 穿着难看的背心] please,I'm beggin' ya. [好了 我求你了] in the ring. [格斗场见] 15 minutes. [15 分钟后] I never thought I'd say this,but I envy you,brad. [从没想到我会说这些 但我羡慕你 Brad] I've wanted to shank that little calypso kid ever since I first met him. [头一次见那个小瘪三的时候就想揍他] I'm not a violent guy by nature, [我生来不是个暴力的人] but if a man makes me walk around in my grunts for two days... [但如果有人烦我超过两天...] yeah,that's greatatjust don't take too long to finish him off, ok [很好 速战速决] the sooner he's dead,the sooner we can get on the escape. [他死的越早 咱们越狱越早] No games. I'm in. [不准耍花样 我加入了] You're in. [你加入了] No,no,no. [没了 没了 没了] What's wrong? [怎么了?] We got to call off the fight. [必须叫停单挑] No,that's an impossibility. [不 那不可能] No,no,no,you don't understand! [不 不 不 你不懂] There's got to be more acetone around here. [这里应该还有丙酮啊] No,that's it! [没了 就这些!] I can't go against sammy straight up! [我不能赤手空拳打 Sammy 啊!] I'm a dead man! [那我死定了!] If you don't kill him,we are all dead. [如果你不打死他 咱们都会死] this isn't the best neighborhood. [看起来不妙啊] I've been in a lot worse. [我经历过的比这糟多了] Just stick close. [走近点] Osberto? [Osberto?] Si. [是] You want to do this? [你要这样吗?] 縏 iene el dinero? [钱...] Yeah,yeah,I got it. [是 我有] 緿 onde esta? [在哪里?] "Where is the money?" ["钱在哪?"] ***** [我要看货] I want to see the product. "Money first." ["先给钱"] Show me the stuff. [给我看货] El dinero! [钱!] Lincoln,please,let's get out of here. [Lincoln 求你了 咱们走吧] Tell him to stop wasting my time. [叫他别浪费我时间] No. [不] Tell him. [告诉他] oh,my god! [哦 天哪] Big? [大号?] It's grande? [重型?] Si. [是] Ask him how do i trigger it by remote. [问他怎样遥控引爆]


boom. [砰] "Dial one-one,send." ["拨 1-1 发送"] One-one,send? [1-1 发送?] yeah [嗯] Adios. [拜拜] Adios. [拜拜] Buena suerte. [祝你好运] Why didn't you tell me you were gonna buy a bomb? [你怎么不告诉我你要买炸弹?] You never would have come otherwi [告诉你 你就不会来了] we need that saw. [我们需要锯子] You know,uh,I am a fisherman. [你看 我是个渔夫] I am. [真的] I'm just maybe a little bit more connected than I've let on. [只不过牵涉的比我告诉你们的还深一点] I think this is gonna work. [我觉得这个可以] Yeah. [嗯] You know,I run charters,just like I said... [我租船 真的...] I have for years. [很多年了] Then one day,that brunette,gretchen well, [但突然间 那个黑发美女 Gretchen Well] she asked me if I wanted to be exclusive to her corporation,right? [她问我想不想包给她公司干] And,uh,well,with the money she was offering, [以她给的钱看] I had a pretty good idea she wasn't just trawling for salmon. [我知道不是捕三文鱼那么简单] So you two have history. [你们俩还有交情啊] Yeah. And she's been an absolute nightmare in my life ever since that first job. [自从那第一份工作起 她就是我生命中彻

头彻尾的噩梦] Alex,I need a wedge. [Alex 我要门楔] Wedge. [门楔] Look,I took 'em where they wanted me to take 'em. [他们要送的东西我已经送到了] I have to figure out these coordinates and I have to take them back there. [我得搞明白这些坐标 带回去] Quit embarrassing yourself. [别再自寻其辱了] What? [什么?] We're not two chicks at a bar you're trying to pick up. [我们不是酒吧里的妞 任你钓] - Unless you need to hear this? - No. [- 除非你想听? - 不] All right,good. [好的 行] You work for the company. [你为他们工作] And when you break out of here, [你逃出去之后] you're gonna do whatever the company asks you to do,period. [你还得听命于他们 没别的了] Well,they're using me just like they're using you. [他们在利用我 就像在利用你们一样] Good,I'm glad you shared that with me. [很好 很高兴你告诉我了] So why don't we go back to work? [我们还是开工吧] How's that sound? [行么?] Let those idiots chickenfoot themselves all they want,huh? [让那些白痴自己窝里斗去吧] But if one of them tries to use it on us... [但是如果有人想找我们麻烦...] you don't have to fight that guy. [你不用非跟他动手] It's my farewell tour. [这是我的告别演出] the rest of those pieces are no good. [剩下的那些都不行] We're going to need those tools,michael. [我们需要那些工具 Michael] I guess we'll just have to wait. [我猜我们只能干等了] That book of yours-- it's just a bunch of coordinates in there,right? [那本书-- 就是一堆坐标 对吧?] Among other things. [也有别的东西] So you wouldn't mind. [那你不会介意...] It's just a bunch of,uh,numbers and dates. [就是一堆数字 日期] "Gate." ["大门"]


Gate netting company. [大门网业公司] That's where I rent my trammels. [我在那儿租渔网] "Stampede." ["惊逃"] That's my buddy's cape islander. [我朋友的渔船] And this is important to us how? [这跟我们有什么关系?] It's important because I'm being accused of being someone I'm not. [因为你们看错人了] And I don't want scofield ditching me once it's time to leave... [我不想行动的时候 Scofield 又把我甩了...] he's not ditching anybody. [他谁也不会甩了] If he could have gotten rid of anybody,he would have gotten rid of me. [就算甩人 他也会先甩掉我] And if he tries to leave the city he knows that [如果他想逃离本市] we're gonna turn him in before he gets out of the city. [他知道在他出市之前 我们就会把他供出去] I'm going upstairs to find lechero and his equipment. [我上楼去找 Lechero 和器材] I'm with alex. [我跟 Alex 一起去] Do you mind? [给我行吗?] Sounds like someone's up there. [好像上面有人] If lechero gets stranded up there,we're not getting out of here. [如果 Lechero 被困住了 我们也逃不出去] So when you think it's safe,or it feels like it's safe,we got to go,we got to go up. [你认为什么时候安全了 觉得安全了 我们必须得去 上去] we've been talking about chickenfooting sammy for months. [我们谈论挑战 Sammy 说了几个月了] No one had the courage. [没人有那个胆] do you have any paint thinner? [有油漆稀释剂吗?] Paint thinner? [油漆稀释剂?] Shoe polish,lighter fluid,glue? [鞋油 打火机油 胶水?] There you are,champ. [你在这儿啊 老大] It's time. [到点了] Stomp his face,brad! [跺他的脸 Brad!] You know,this has all been one big misunderstanding. [这是个天大的误会] I wasn't talking about sammy. [我不是指 Sammy] It was... that's him. [是... 是他] That's the guy I was talking about. [我指的是他] Yeah,I don't see no "fruity moustache," and where's his "ugly-ass vest," brad? [Brad 我可没看见"古怪的小胡子" "丑得

要死的背心"] Don't worry,you stand a real chance of winning this one. [别担心 说不定你能赢] you cannot just hide out all day. [你不能整天东躲西藏的] What else can I do,huh? [我还能怎么样 啊?] I've ruled these men for a year with blood. [我血腥统治了他们一年] You don't think those men want to take the head of the man who wore the crown? [你觉得他们不想取前任老大的人头?] Be that as it may,bellick is about to lose his head to sammy. [可能吧 但 Sammy 就要砍下 Bellick 的头了] You may not want to hear this,but once that happens, [这话也许不中听 但要是那样的话] we are both very much hell you are. [我们都很清楚自己的下场] He's going to come crawling out of his hole and right into sammy's arms, [Scofield 会爬出洞来 直接撞上 Sammy] and then he and our escape are gone forever. [我们就再也逃不出去了] wait. [等等] We get the tools and we come straight back. [拿了工具 立马回去] Come on [快点] You guys want to watch the fight? [你们想看吗?] You know,chill out. [等下] I'll get you a beer. [我给你拿瓶酒] You like that? [高兴了吧?] Stop it. [住手] Scofield! [是 Scofield!] Scofield's in there. [Scofield 在里面]


It's locked. [锁住了] Open the door. [开门] I don't have the combination. [我没密码] I said... open it now. [我说了... 开门] We can'T. We can'T. [我开不了] Open it now. [开门] I don't have the combination. [我没密码] Hey,I've got your man out here. [你的人在我手里] If you don't open the door,he's the one who's going to pay the price. [不开门的话 他就倒霉了] I need him alive! [我还用得着他!] You saw those guys. [你见到他们了] What do you think they've got planned? [你觉得他们会怎么处理我们?] All of you is trying my patience. [你们在考验我的耐心] What do you suggest,alex? [你的建议呢 Alex?] Let's be ready for them. [我们得准备好] Time's up. [时间到了] You want another one? [还想再来吗?] Then you better be persuasive. [那你 好说服他们] Michael. [Michael] Don't open the door! He's got a gu... [别开门! 他有...] Are you going to tell me what it's for? [你会告诉我这是干吗用的吗?] No. [不] Because you think I might tell james? [因为怕我告诉 James?] Because you don't need to know. [因为你没必要知道] It's going to be all right. [不会有事的] - How'd it go? - Good. [- 顺利吗? - 不错] I to her what she wanted to hear,just like you told me. [照你说的 我说了些她想听的话] That it? [就这么简单?] Yeah. [对] Cool. [行] Listen,I want you to call her up,tell her you've got some information. [你给她打电话 说有情况] Make sure she picks you up,and get in the car,all right? [确保她来接你 上她车 好吗?] Okay. [好] Is everything okay? [都还好吗?] Yeah. Why? [嗯 为什么这么问?] She looks upset. [她有点不安] I'll call you later. [我晚点再给你电话] Got something down here we can use,michael. [弄了点工具 Michael] If they come through that door... [如果他们进来...] you hit 'em right here. [直接往这里戳] Go ahead,take it. Go ahead. [拿着] It'll puncture the heart. [会穿透心脏] you were hiding scofield in your room? [你把 Scofield 藏在你屋里?] Look at you-- the power make you mad already. [看看-- 权力已经让你疯了] Come along,norman.****** [来吧 Norman 上] What is so urgent? [什么急事?] Lincoln bought a gun. [Lincoln 买了把枪] I... I asked him what he planned on doing with it,but he wouldn't answer. [我... 我问他想干嘛 他不说] So I just... I just thought you might want to know. [所以我... 我觉得你可能想知道] If anything changes,I'll get back to you,okay? [如果还有情况 我会再找你的 行么?] You know,the other day when you and lincoln had your little spat in the lobby and you— [那天你和 Lincoln 在大厅里的



all distraught and jilted-- went across the street to the bar, [你心烦意乱 觉得自己被抛弃了-- 去了街对面的酒吧] a cynic might think that was staged. [一个愤世嫉俗的人会觉得这是事先安排好的] I'm a cynic,sugar. [我就是这样的人 甜心] You're high,sugar. [你是不是磕药了 甜心] If it's any comfort,you guys almost pulled it off. [你们差一点就骗了我] The puerto rican and the gorilla-- you really had me scrambling there for a minute. [一个波多黎各人和一个傻大个 你们

真的让我信以为真了一会儿] Hey,if you don't want my help,fine,I'm out,okay? [如果你不需要我帮助 那好 我不玩儿了 行不行?] It's a little thing called a tracing number-- on the check I gave you. [在我给你的支票上有个小东西 叫做查询号] Apparently your extensive expertise in banking failed you that day. [很明显 你的金融知识掌握的还是不够啊] You promptly wired all 25 k to [你匆匆忙忙把所有 25000 块汇给了] maricruz delgado in chicago at 123 [在芝加哥的 Maricruz Delgado] please don't hurt me lane. [勿害我大道 123 号] - I swear to god,if something happens to her... - if what?! [-我发誓 如果她出了什么事... -如果什么?] What,jackass?! [什么 混蛋?] You're going to go back there and you're going to get me some real information, [你 好回去给我搞点有用的信息] or maricruz and her head are going to part ways. [不然 Maricruz 就要身首异处了] Get out of my car. [滚出我的车] Now. [马上] Hey,blanco. [嗨 小白脸] I got your good buddy lechero here. [我抓到了你的好伙伴 Lechero] Why don't you give it the secret knock so he know's you,huh? [你干嘛不去敲敲门 好让他知道你来了?] The combination. [密码] What makes you think I have the combination? [你怎么会以为我有密码?] Just do what he says. [照他说的做] How many times you gonna pull that little thing out? [你还要显摆这东西多少次阿?] As many times as I feel necessary. [当我觉得必要的时候] What,you think it make you look strong? [你觉得它能让你更强大吗?] All it does is magnify your weakness. [它只能放大你的怯懦] funny,I'm feeling pretty secure right about now. [真有趣 我现在倒觉得更安全了] Now,the combination,old man. [快说 密码 老不死的] We're not asking again. [我们不会再问一遍] Sammy! [Sammy] I'm opening the door. [我要开门了] Michael,do not open the... [Michael 不要...] drop 'em! [放下武器] Drop them,I said! [我说 放下武器] Now move! [走] You're escaping with him? [你要和他一起越狱?] I was gonna tell you all about this,bredda. [我打算告诉你这一切的 Bredda] It just never came up,eh? [只是从来没有说出来 是吗?] Take it. It's yours. [拿去吧 这是你的了] The tunnel,the escape plan,everything. [这个隧道 越狱的计划 所有的东西] We can go together. [我们可以一起走] I'm taking everything you got. [我要拿走你的所有东西] But you ain't going nowhere. [但是你哪儿也去不了] How you finishing up this hole? [你们是怎么挖出这个洞的] Promise me you'll take whistler with you. [答应我 你会带 Whistler 走] You making demands on me? Huh? [你在和我讨价还价?] I understand... [我了解...] why you're going to kill me,but he's done nothing wrong. [为什么你要杀我 但是他什么都没做] I'll tell you everything you need to know,just take him with you. [带他一起走 我会告诉你一切需要知道的事]


You need him. [你会需要他的] He's the only one who figured this one out. [是他一个人策划了这一切] Don't you worry,I'll take care of your friend. [别担心 我会照顾好你朋友的] All right. [好吧] First,you need to keep building braces to support the tunnel as you go. [首先 你们要继续搭一些 能支撑住隧道的支架] How you do that? [你怎么做的?] Whistler can show you how. [Whistler 会做给你看的] Look like you just make some wood squares from these boxes here. [看上去你只是用了这些箱子上的木框] Like I said,whistler can show you. [就象我说的 Whistler 会做给你看的] How much further to the surface? [到地表还有多远?] Not far. [不远了] Can't be more than ten feet. [看上去不到十英尺了] Impressive,blanco. [不错啊 小白脸] too bad you won't be around to enjoy it. [很可惜你不能享受这个了] how long is this going to set us back? [我们会被耽误多久?] What's gonna set us back is if the tower guards are looking at a giant sinkhole out in no man's land. [如果有警卫在无人区

看到这个塌陷的大洞 我们就真的有麻烦了] Michael? [Michael?] - We're good. - Yeah. [-一切都好 -对] We're good. [一切都好] Back in business. [一切恢复原状了] I'm in. [我要加入] For what,getting your ass kicked? [为什么 就因为你被狠狠的揍了吗?] I'm in or I shout it from the rooftops. [不让我加入 我就到屋顶上把一切都抖出来] You're in,champ. [算你一个 勇士] Okay,you need to stay here. [好的 你待在这儿] I got to get something,all right? [我去买点东西 好吗?] Don't move. [不要乱走] can you get home from here? [从这里你能回家吗?] Yeah,I'm two blocks away. [可以 就两个街区远] If he doesn't take you,I will. [如果他不带你去巴黎 我会的] Here. Use this. [给你 擦擦这个] - Thanks. - Right there. [-谢谢 -擦那里] You know,for all the times you wanted me to prove I was a fisherman, [你知道吗 你总是让我证明我是个渔夫] I should have been asking if you were a real engineer. [我也应该问问你是不是真的工程师] That could've been one of us buried down there. [我们中的一个也许也会被埋在下面] I'll do better next time. [下次我会做的好一点的] I'm gonna go back down and try to salvage some of those braces. [我下去把那些支架修复一下] Yeah,I'll go with you. [好 我和你一起去] Never gets any easier. [下次不会这么容易了] Scofield,visita. [Scofield 有访客] Scofield,visita. [Scofield 有访客] All the side jobs I do at sona for three years. [三年来我在索纳干所用工作的报酬] I save all of my money. [我都存了起来] It's $173. [这里有 173 块] If you're really leaving,it's yours. [如果你真的要越狱 这些就都是你的] Take me with you. Please? [只要你带我一起走 好吗?] I don't want to be here anymore. [我不想再待在这里了] You don't want any part of this. [你不会想参与这个的] you got a plan or are we back to square one? [你有新计划了 还是我们得从头再来] I have a plan. [我有计划] Good,'cause I got something cooking on the outside. [很好 我在外面也有动作]


I ain't walking into a buzzsaw again. [我不会再让事情失控了] How you dealing with the animals in here? [你和里面那些家伙相处的怎么样了?] Actually,it's starting to feel like home. [事实上 感觉越来越像一个家了] Whistler still pretending he's a fisherman and all this? [Whistler 还想让你们相信他是渔夫吗?] Why? [什么意思?] Sofia found a passport in one of the apartments he kept. [Sofia 在他另一个公寓找到了一本护照] Name's gary miller. [上面的名字是 Gary Miller] I'm shocked. [真意外啊] Guy's a fraud,michael. [他是一个骗子 Michael] As far as I know,there ain't fish in scottsdale. [就我所知 Scottsdale 那里连鱼都没有] Well,if he's not a fisherman... [那么 如果他不是渔夫] what is he? [他又是什么呢?]

3x11 Hell or High Water previously on prison break: [<越狱> 前情提要] The bracing is going to be tricky. [要采取手段加固] Unless the tunnel gets the proper support,it's all going to come down on our heads. [如果没有适当的支撑 它就会全塌下

来] Listen,I want you to call her up,tell her you've got some information. [你给她打电话 告诉她你有情报] Make sure she picks you up,and get in the car,all right? [确保她会来接你 进到她车里 明白?] Lincoln bought a gun. [Linc 买了把枪] Just thought you'd want to know. [务必让你知道] If you're really leaving,take me with you. Please? [如果你要出去 求你带上我吧?] I don't want to be here anymore. [我再也不想呆在这里了] You don't want any part of this. [你就别掺这趟浑水了] There's a part of me that doesn't want to believe he works for them [我也不愿相信他们是一伙的] 'cause he's the man I loved,the man who was going to take me to mparis. [因为他是我爱的人 要带我去巴黎的人] If he doesn't take you,I will. [要是他不带 我带你去] Impressive,blanco. [真厉害 小白脸] Too bad you won't be around to enjoy it. [可惜没你的份了] How long is this going to set us back? [这样一来要拖多久?] All right. We got 24 hours to dig out that tunnel. [咱们有 24 小时挖通通道] You mean the one it took you guys three days to dig the first time? [那个通道你们头一次挖了三天啊] Let's just say,by some miracle,we are able to part the dirt sea,moses. [就是说 如果发生奇迹 就能及时土开道通 我们的

先知大人] Then what? [然后呢?] How you plan on getting around the guards' tower? [到了哨塔下怎么办?] Michael,mr. Whistler here says that,you know,you got stopped last time by a cloud. [Michael Whistler 意思是上次 你还

不是因为一朵云而前功尽弃] I'm still working on that. [我在想办法] I'd like to know if this girl's gonna put out before I spend any more time buying her drinks! [花钱给姑娘买酒也得知道能

上床才行 更何况现在了 我可不会白忙活] I agree,michael. [我同意 Michael] You know as well as I do what's riding on this. [你我都很清楚这里的利害关系] I'd say I know better. [我比你更清楚] I don't care who knows what so long as somebody knows how the hell we getting out of here by tomorrow. [我不管你们

谁知道咋办 只要明天能出去就行] You coming? [你来吗?] Not today. [今天不来] James and I have a lot of things to clear up, [James 和我之间很多事纠缠不清]


but I'm done trying to do it through a fence. [但隔着铁丝网解决不了问题] You ever wish you could go back in time? [你想过回到过去的生活吗?] Just to remember how it was like when things made sense? [那些一切正常的日子] Every day for the last three years. [天天想 想了都三年了] Is that whistler's girlfriend? [那是 Whistler 的女朋友吗?] Why is she staying in the car? [她怎么在车里不出来?] Guess she thinks she'll see him tomorrow. [可能她想明天见他吧] You've been spending a lot of time together,huh? [你们在一起很久了吧 哈?] And? [那就如何?] You sure that's wise? [你觉得这么做明智吗?] Where are we? [咱们进展如何?] Behind schedule. [比原定计划落后] But we should be on the same side of the fence by tomorrow afternoon. [但咱们明天下午应该都在铁丝网外了] What do you mean,"should"? ["应该"是什么意思?] The tunnel gets us into no-man's-land. [隧道通道禁区] To get to the fence,we're going to need a new diversion of the tower guards. [为到达铁丝网 我们得用新招对付哨兵] What time? [什么时候下手?] Daytime's still our best option. [ 好还是白天] They double the guards at night. [晚上哨兵是白天的两倍] - And the jeep patrols? - Yeah. [- 还有巡逻车? - 对] And,uh...there's something else. [还有就是...] What? [什么?] T-bag's coming.And mahone.Bellick. [T-bag 也来 还有 Mahone Bellick] Oh,yeah,there's a drug lord,too. [对 还有老大] You know what?It's not about them.It's about whistler. [知道吗 他们无所谓的 重要的是 Whistler] - We got to do whatever... - you don't need to know who whistler is. [- 不管怎样我们都... - 没必要知道 Whistler 是谁] What about what he's worth? [那他值多少?] My son's life. [那是我儿子的命啊] I just wish there was another way to do this. [我希望能另有出路] To save lj without handing whistler over. [不交 Whistler 就能救出 LJ] Look,man,that's it. There isn'T. [听着 得了吧你 没戏的] I know. [我知道] Listen,you worry about the tunnel,I worry about the guards. [听着 你管隧道 我管哨兵] - See you tomorrow. - Tomorrow. [- 明天见 - 明见] Hey,now,don't skimp on the braces up there. [别省着用木板] In fact,if you want to add a little extra,just... [如果你想弄结实点...] you know,we can work on this railroad all...the livelong day, [我们可以忙活一整天] but it don't matter if scofield doesn't know what happens once we get off the train. [但等我们出去了 他不知道怎么办也

不用管他] Once we get out of here,it's every man for himself. [一旦我们出去了 就是个顾个的了] Scofield's not responsible for any of us. [Scofield 不会再对我们负责] Is that so? [是这样吗?] You obviously don't know him very well,shakespeare. [显然你不了解他 莎士比亚] When we broke out of fox river,he tried to screw every one of us. [我们逃出狐狸河监狱时 他给大家找事] Half the men ended up either dead,captured or worse. [结果一半人不是死了就是被抓了 或者更糟] The guys who are easiest to catch [ 容易抓的人就是] are the one's who spend more time pissing and moaning at each other than running. [浪费时间制造麻烦而不快跑的人] My only advice to you,ecclesiastes 6:13. [我给你的忠告 圣经传道书第 6 章第 13 节] "Separate thyself from thy enemies,and take heed of thy friends." ["远离敌人 关心朋友"] How we doing,alex? [干的咋样了 Alex?] Well,if those braces hold,we could be to the surface sometime tomorrow. [只要牢稳了 明天就能到地面] Let's rotate. [咱们轮班吧]


Keep everybody fresh. [大家都能歇歇] Welcome to the coal mine,canary. [欢迎来到煤矿 姑娘] Cho! [哦] Don't drop your body-water upon me like that! [别把你的体液滴到我身上!] Hey,it ain't coming from me,I swear. [不是我流的 我发誓] Engineer,come. Look at this. [工程师 过来 看这里] - We hit a pipe or something? - Oh,no. [- 碰到水管了还是怎么回事? - 哦 不] That's right above our tunnel. [是隧道出口] That's not going to hold till tomorrow. [撑不到明天了] So what do we do? [那我们怎么办?] We leave tonight. [今晚就得走] Prison Break Season03 Episode 11 [<越狱> 第三季 第 11 集] tonight? [今晚?] I thought you said a nighttime escape was impossible. [记得你说晚上越狱是不可能的啊] S up,the tunnel will collapse again,and that'll be the end of it. [要是隧道再塌了 就玩完了] It'll be the end for you. [是你玩完了] You're the one on a deadline. [是你急着要走] What if it gives out while we're inside? [要是咱们进去时塌了咋办?] - We end up like buried treasure. - You want out,get out! [- 咱们就被活埋 - 你想退出 就滚吧] Look,you're not pulling this off tonight without all of us working around the clock. [要是我们不加班干活 晚上就没戏] And none of us are ever making it out of here without his plan, [要是没有他的计划 咱们都别想出去] so if you tell me that you can figure out a way how to do this at night, [所以如果你能想出晚上越狱的办法] then I-- we-- can figure out a way how to get that tunnel dug in time. [那我 我们就努力及时挖通隧道] Let's start digging. [开始挖吧] I think you dropped something. [你东西掉了吧] I've read in old newspapers that make it to sona [我看到 Sona 正如旧报纸上写的] how americans hold others to standards they ignore. [美国人怎样冷落别人] How they think no one should have power but them. [怎样自以为是] I tell everyone it's a lie,but I see it's true. [我告诉大家这是假的 但我现在知道了 这是真的] *******Aving. [我知道你要越狱] And I think that after everything I've done to help, [我觉得我对你已经仁至义尽了] I think it sucks you're not taking me with you! [没想到你竟然不带我出去] I know it doesn't seem like it now,but I'm doing you a favor. [事情并非你所想的 我这是为了你好] I'm giving you a gift. [这样是对你好] Oh,wow,life in prison. Thank you. [哦 哇噢 铁窗生涯 谢谢你啊] I've always wanted one of those. [我真是期待啊] It's better than a life on the run. [总比逃亡要好] I don't belong here. [我不属于这里] - All I did was give a guy... - you're not going! [- 我只是给一个人... - 你不能走] I'm sorry. [抱歉] It's for the best. [这样对你 好] How do you know what's best for me? [你怎么知道什么对我 好?] Y cuanto me va costar? [要花多少?] Okay,muchas gracias. [好 很感谢] It's good to go. [是时候出发了] You know where and when to be,right? [搞清楚时间地点啦?] If you're not there,we're screwed. [如果你没到 我们就完了] You all right? [你还好吧?] I'm fine. [我很好] - I'm just going to grab my stuff. - Yeah. [- 我去收拾下东西 - 嗯]


Probably best if you and james disappear. [你和 James 如果销声匿迹是 好不过了] I know. I know. [我知道 我知道] You know where to meet us,right? [知道去哪见我们吗?] Playa blanca. [Playa Blanca] You'll be on the... [你在...] - 3-12. - 3-12. [- 3-12 - 3-12] We'll see you tomorrow then. [明天到时见] Good luck. [祝好运] You,too. [你也是] hey,it's that susan chick. She wants to meet again. [是那个 Susan 她想再见面] Good. [好] Let her know everything's on track. [告诉她一切就绪了] We want to make her feel as comfortable as possible. [我们会尽力让她满意] Why shouldn't she be? [她怎么会不满意呢?] She's going to get her guy tomorrow,right? [她明天就可以得到人了 对吧?] Well,if michael's conscience doesn't get in the way. [如果 Michael 没有良心发现的话] What do you mean? [你什么意思?] He's having doubts. [他还拿不准] About if he can pull it off? [拿不准能不能越狱?] About if he should. [拿不准该不该越狱] But he's going to go through with it,right? [但他 终会出来的 对不?] What are you looking for? [你在看什么呢?] Where the power lines connect to sona's exterior lights. [找连着 Sona 外围照明灯的电线] If cutting the power out there was an option,why didn't we do that in the first place? [如果切断电线就能解决 那当初怎

么不下手?] One,the power out there isn't controlled from in here. [首先 这里不能控制电源] And,two,there's that. [其次 问题在那] Every prison has a backup generator. [每个监狱都有备用发电机] Even if we cut the lights,they'll just come back on again immediately. [就算我们切断电线 还是会立刻恢复供电] Well,that's a big,bloody problem. [那麻烦可就大了] Tell lechero I need his phone. [告诉 Lechero 我要用电话] Change of plans,linc. [计划改变了 Linc] We're doing this tonight. [我们今晚出发] Tonight? [今晚?] What happened,michael? [怎么回事 Michael?] Rain,dirt,tunnel,problem. [下雨 泥土 隧道 难题] How long can it hold? [能撑多久?] That depends. [那取决于] Depends on what? [取决于什么?] When the rain stops. [雨什么时候停] You said breaking out at night was impossible. [你说过晚上越狱不可能的] Yeah,well... [是 但...] you want to tell me how you're going to pull this off? [告诉我你打算怎么出来?] For starters,I need to get ahold of sucre. [首先 需要 Sucre] Sucre,do you know what I do for a living? [Sucre 知道我是干什么吃的吗?] I have a pretty good idea. [我想我非常清楚] I read people. [我能看透别人的心思] And you,my friend,are a coloring book. [而你简直就象一本涂色书] I think you left this imy car. [你把这个落在我车里了吧] Look. That...that was just...I mean... [听着 那只是 我意思是...] no. No,no,no,no. [不 不不不不] My fault. [是我的错]


I guess I just didn't make myself clr when I laid out the terms of our arrangement. [我猜是我跟你交代事情的时候 还没

说得很明白] So I'm going to try again as simply as I know how. [所以 我现在再简单明了的告诉你一遍] Anything happens-- anything at all i wasn't expecting-- [如果发生任何事 任何出乎我预料的事] and there will be one less pregnant girl in chicago. [那么芝加哥就会损失一名怀孕少女] Look,michael and lincoln don't tell me everything. [听着 Michael 和 Lincoln 并不是什么都告诉我] Fernando,this is your last chance. [Fernando 这是你 后一次机会] I want a yes or a no. [我只想听"是"或"不是"] Are the brothers gonna break whistler out of sona? [他们兄弟俩是不是要救 Whistler 出监狱?] Yes. [是] Are they planning on handing him over to me? [他们是不是打算把 Whistler 交给我?] Yes. [是] Where do you want me to shoot maricruz first,in the bun or in the oven? [你想让我先射谁? 胎儿? 还是母亲?] Okay! [知道啦] There's one thing I heard. [我听说了一件事] It's michael. [关于 Michael] He's,he's having some concerns about whistler. [他很担心 Whistler] What kind of concerns? [怎么担心?] About handing him over. [关于移交他的事] You got to understand,he broke out some pretty bad guys last time. [你明不明白 他上次带一大帮人越狱] I think he's never forgiven himself for that. [我想他会因此很自责] He's planning on leaving him behind? [他打算甩了他?] Maybe. I don't know. [也许吧 不知道] Hello,lincoln. [你好 Lincoln] It's going down tonight. [今晚行动] Tonight? [今晚?] Should I be worried? [发生什么了?] I called you first thing. [有事我会让你第一个知道] I'm being straight up with you. [跟你保持联络] That's refreshing. [好消息啊] So I'll see you tonight. [晚上见] You show me yours and I'll show you mine. [先看你的 再看我的] It's going down tonight. [今晚行动] Do you know about that? [你知道吗?] I didn't know,I swear. [不知道 真的] Get out of here. [滚吧] How'd it go? [进展如何?] She found the bomb,linc. [她发现了炸弹 Linc] The one we put in her car. [我们放在她车上的那个] How did she find the bomb,sucre? [她怎么发现的 Sucre?] I don't know,bro. I'm sorry. [不知道 很抱歉] It's not your fault. [不是你的错] Look,I'll make it up to you,I swear. [我保证 我会将功赎罪] You can start now. Michael's in a bit of trouble in sona. [可以开始了 Michael 在 Sona 碰到点麻烦] What kind of trouble? [什么麻烦?] The rain stopped. [雨停了] - Does that mean... - No. [- 是说... - 不是] The damage is done. [已经破坏了] We can't risk waiting. [我们不能冒险继续等待] anything interesting? [有什么好玩的吗?] Like some coordinates the company might want to get their hands on? [比如说 合伙公司想插手进来?] If they didn't want me out of here and your nephew was safe, [如果他们不想让我出去 如果你的侄子很安全]


would you still be doing this? [你还会这么做吗?] Breaking out? [越狱?] No. [不会] Why would you choose to stay if there was a chance at freedom? [如果有自由的机会 你为什么还会坐以待毙?] Well,I guess that's the difference between us. [这就是我们的不同之处] I'm wiing to pay for my sins. [我想赎罪] And I'm not? [我不是吗?] That's a good question. [问得好] water's coming down pretty fast up in here,patron. [这的水越流越多 Patron] Yeah. We have to dig faster. [对 我们动作得快点] You know,I've been thinking. [我一直在想] It doesn't have to be every man for himself. [其实每个人不用总想着自己] You and I can help each other. [我们可以互助] If i need a hand,I'll find someone with a spare. [如果我需要帮忙的话 我也得找个健全人] while it's true I may be lacking something in the west, [如果在某方面不行的话] I more than make up for it in the north. [我会从别的方面补充上来] Think about it. [想想吧] Scofield's got us down here doing manual labor; slave labor. [Scofield 让我们下来干活 像奴隶一样] I ain't no slave. [我不是奴隶] I'm doing this for me. [我为了自己] Why do you think scofield's up there and we're down here? [那你说为什么他在上面 我们在下面呢?] He's planning something. [他在打自己的小算盘呢] Who among us isn't? [谁不是啊?] what the hell is that? [怎么回事?] OK,let's unload here [卸这吧] Make the animals walk through the filth [让动物从泥巴里过] Come here [过来] Let's go [快] Good.Good!Keep going! [很好 继续] - we're good. - Yeah. [- 我们安全 - 对] We're all right. Okay. [没事了 好] yeah. [好] Hello,lincoln. [你好 Lincoln] Long time no see. [很久没见了] Not long enough. [不算久] I was thinking that we could have a little chat in person. [我们可以单独谈谈] Make sure we're all on the same page about what's gonna happen tonight. [确定一下我们的消息是否同步] All right. [好] 30 minutes,this location. I'm sending a text. Can't we just... [30分钟后 这个地方] Jorge! [Jorge] Jorge! [Jorge] Sorry.What's up? [抱歉 怎么了?] It's payday [该发你薪水了] You're first [你是第一个] You need to pick up your check [你要带上你的支票] **gracias. [知道了 谢了] See you later. [一会见] hello. [你好] Hey,papi,it's me. [兄弟 是我] Lincoln said you needed some help. [Lincoln 说你需要帮助] How much do you know about electricity? [你了解电吗?] Hey,you're back. [你回来了]


I'm not real comfortable being alone down here with those... [一个人在这底下真不舒服 还有那些...] what's that? [那是什么?] Syrup; honey. [糖浆 蜂蜜] Make a little pile of dirt. Gather some dirt. [弄点泥土 搅在一起] Scofield said we got to make something to cover the hole once we get out. [Scofield 说我们出去的时候 得找东西把洞补

上] So when the lights go back on it's gonna look like nobody ever left. [灯光打回来的时候 看不出有人逃走] Go ahead. Spread it around. [继续 撒 了] I was thinking... [我觉得] we should be a team,you know? [我们应该合作] Not just during the escape,but after. [不仅在逃走的时候 之后也是] Like,like butch and sundance. [就像 Butch 和 Sundance] Butch and sundance died. [Butch 和 Sundance 后死了] Well,I mean in the other parts. [我是说在其他方面] Here's an idea. [这样吧] We go along with scofield's plan,and then when everyone stops to take a breath, [我们继续 Scofield 的计划 当他们放松

警惕时] we grab 'em,burroughs,scofield,bagwell. [我们逮捕他们 Burroughs Scofield Bagwell] We take 'em back home to face charges. [把他们带回去接受审讯] Hell,we'd be heroes. [我们就成英雄了] Might even get a book deal. [没准还能被约稿出书呢] We could write it together,alex. How'd that be? [我们一起写 Alex 怎么样?] - A book deal? - Yeah. [- 约稿出书? - 对] Gonna make you happy,brad? [这就让你开心了 Brad?] You got a better idea? [你有更好主意?] Yeah,I do. [有啊] Something to do with a wife and kid? [跟妻子和孩子有关的] Yeah,something like that. [差不多那些吧] You got room for one more? [你还给谁留着空呢?] Come on,alex. [拜托 Alex] What's a guy like me gonna do? [还有谁像我一样卖力?] Let's just let scofield get us out of here,and then we'll worry about everything else,all right? [先让 Scofield 把咱们带出去 剩下的事之后再说吧] All right. [好吧] Come on. A little more dirt. [快 再弄点泥巴] Listen very carefully and do exactly as I tell you. [听好了 按我说的做] You sure you don't want linc to do this? [你确定不用 Linc 来做?] He knows more about this than I do. [他比我知道的多] It's not about what you know. [跟你知不知道没关系] It's about where you work. [是要趁你工作之便来做] And as a sona employee,my friend,you have the unique ability of not getting shot for being here. [作为 Sona 的雇员 只有

你才能躲过枪子 走进来] You see the admin building? [你看见监视的屋子了?] I see it. [看到] Go to it and make a left. [过去 向左转] To it and left. Got it. [过去 左转 明白] On the other side is a berm. [旁边是个监视塔] There should be a metal cage. [应该有个金属笼子] That's the backup generator. [那个是备用发电机] Okay,I see it. [看到] Don't let the tower guard see you get too close. [别让塔上的警卫看你离得太近] Just act casual. [表现的随意点]


When I say now,you run and duck behind it. [我一说开始 你就跑到它后面] Almost. [差不多了] Hold on. [等等] Now! [开始] Okay. Okay. [很好 很好] There should be some writing near the bottom. [底下写着字呢] I need the name of the manufacturer,make and model number,anything. [我要知道生产商 牌子 模型号等所有信息] Yeah,yeah,yeah,I got it,I got it. [好 看到了 看到了] It's,uh,it's,uh,prana industrial. [是 Prana Industrial] Model number 3210. [- 号码是 3210 - 3210 有客服电话吗?] 1-800-555-1212. [1-800-555-0196] All right. Thanks. [好 谢谢] That's all I need. [这些就够了] You really think you can pull this off tonight? [你觉得今晚能成功?] You want to know the truth? [你想知道?] No,I just want all of it go down smooth. [我就希望一切顺利] For everyone to get what they want. [大家各得其所] Yeah,I do. [我知道] Listen,even if you get this worked out with the lights, [即使灯的问题能解决] what are you gonna do about the jeep patrols? [你打算拿巡逻车队怎么办?] We're just gonna have to take our chances. [我们会冒个险] Maybe you don'T. [也许不用] You all right? [你没事吧?] Yeah,I'm fine. [我很好] Where's lj? [LJ 呢?] Somewhere safe. [安全的地方] Take a load off. [放心吧] Can I offer you a drink? [喝点东西吧] What's going on,susan? [怎么回事 Susan?] I just wanted to get everyone together so we can discuss tonight's agenda. [我就想是把大家叫来 一起讨论下今晚的行动] Maybe nail down a few guidelines. [或许可以定下些规则] It's the same as before,nothing has changed. [计划还是老样子 什么都没变] Actually,I was thinking we should probably include all the players. [我在想 也许我们应该让所有人都参加进来] Don't you? [你说呢?] What are you doing in here? [你在这干吗?] Just keeping watch. [放哨] Make sure nobody tries to get down to the tunnel. [确保没人进入隧道] Who are you calling? [你打给谁?] Yeah,hi. Is this,uh,customer service? [嗨 是客户服务吗?] Yeah,I'm,uh... [对 我是...呃...] I'm a sub working,building down here in panama,and,um,we got a client on-site. [我是分公司的 我们在巴拿马这有个客

户] They're asking questions about the 3210 generator we're installing. [他们有些关于 3210 型发电机的问题] Yeah. Exactly. [对 没错] anyway,they want to know,if the main power shuts down, [总之 他们想知道 如果主电网停电的话] how long are they gonna be in the dark,um,before the generator kicks in? [备用发电机从启动到开始供电要多久?] Yeah. Thanks.I'll hold. [是的 谢谢 我等着] You're a very good liar. [你可真会撒谎] That's the timing? [就这点时间吗?] No,that's,uh... that's it. [不 就...就这样吧] Appreciate it. [多谢] Well? We gonna make it? [怎样? 时间够吗?]


We should have just enough dark to make it out. [时间刚好够我们出去] With everyone? [所有的人?] You with whistler? [你和 Whistler 在一起吗?] Yes. [是的] Susan has got a message. [我在 Susan 这 她有话要说] Why? [为什么?] Put him on. [把电话给他] It's for you. [找你的] Yes? [喂?] All right,I got him. What now? [他接了 现在怎么说?] Tell him I want him to listen very carefully to the following instructions. [让他仔细听清以下指令] - She wants you to listen real care... - I can hear. [- 她要你仔细听... - 我听的到] Instructions about what? [关于什么的指令?] James? [James?] Was that sofia? [是 Sofia 吗?] Is she there? [她在那吗?] Yeah. [是的] What's going on? [怎么回事?] He wants to know what this is about. [他想知道这是怎么回事] All right. I'll tell him. [好的 我来告诉他] no! [不!] Was... was that just... [刚... 刚才那是...] is that sofia? [是 Sofia?] Is that sofia? [是 sofia 在叫吗?] Have you figured out the coordinates yet,james? [还没找到坐标吗 James?] Please. [不要] Almost. [快了] Wrong answer. [答案错误] - No! - No! [- 不! - 不!] I'll get them for you when we get out of here,I swear. [我一出来就给你坐标 我发誓] All your promises,your guarantees-- they mean nothing. [你的誓言 保证... 它们毫无意义] I'm pretty sick of waiting around for you boys to screw me over. [我已经被你们耍够了] I want those coordinates by the end of the day. [今晚我一定要拿到坐标] we gotta figure this out. [咱们得马上想办法] Gotta do something. [得想办法] Gotta do something. [想办法] We both know that you can't just hand over that information. [你不能交出坐标 这点你我都心知肚明] Why? [为什么?] Why can't I? [为什么不能?] Once they get what they want,they'll have no reason to keep you or your girlfriend or my nephew alive. [一旦他们得到想

要的东西 就没必要留你女朋友和我侄子活口] So what do I do? [那我该怎么办?] I,I just,I just let them torture sofia? [就让他们那样折磨 Sofia?] We'll work something out. [我们会想出办法的] We'll think it through. [一定会解决的] I already have. [我已经想出办法了] Whistler... [Whistler...] whistler. [Whistler] What is so special about him anyway,huh? [他到底有什么特别之处呢?] You think he has anything to do with why them people wanted scofield down here in the first place? [你觉得他会不会和

把 Scofield 关进监狱的那帮人有什么瓜葛?] It's really none of my business. [这和我毫不相干]


What exactly is your business,alex? [那什么事和你相关呢 Alex?] Something on your mind? [你到底想说什么?] I'm just saying... [我是想说...] if we needed a bargaining chip,do you think... [如果需要交换筹码的话...] a sharp stick in that dull limey would help us out? [你觉得那个英国渔夫手上的东西 会对我们有帮助吗?] There is no "us." [根本不存在"我们"] You and me are a lot more alike than you think,alex. [你我的关系可没你想的那么单纯 Alex] We both know how it feels to lose a great love. [我们都知道失去所爱的人是什么感觉] How it feels to kill a man. [取人性命又是什么感觉] And we both ended up in here because of michael scofield. [而你我之所以有今天 都是因为 Michael Scofield] Wouldn't it be poetic justice if we could just... [如果我们可以联手摆他一道...] return the favor? [这岂不是在伸张正义吗?] Justice,huh? [正义?] If there was an ounce of it left in this world... [如果这个世界上 还有一丝正义存在] you'd be lying face down in the same unmarked grave as the rest of your inbred family. [那么你早就和你其他变态的家

族成员一样 被埋在无名的坟墓里了] The only difference between me and you,alex,is a badge,and the last time I checked, [Alex 你我唯一的区别就是警徽 上次我见到你时...] you didn't even have that,so you can just keep on hoping for your happy endings, [你甚至都没佩戴警徽 所以你还是安心

祈祷能保命吧] alex,you just keep on plowing ahead with them blinders on, [所以你还是言听计从 继续挖洞吧 Alex] you know,but the thing about them blinders is... [但是你知道吗? 你这样言听计从的唯一下场就是...] it makes it really hard to watch youback. [你 后甚至都会无心自保] It's gonna be better soon,I promise. [事情会好起来的 我保证] He's right,you know. [James 是对的] If james loves you the way he says he does,he'll give us what we want, [如果他真像他说的那样爱你 那么他一定会交出

东西的] and then you and your white knight can ride off into the sunset. [之后你和你的白马王子 就可以去安心追求幸福了] Unless you're already with him. [除非你 后真能和他在一起] You scared,susan? [你怕了 Susan?] Do I look scared,lincoln? [我看起来像害怕吗 Lincoln?] To pull something like this... [能做出这样的事...] you desperate? [你这是要铤而走险啊] You need to stop fighting with me. [你别再反抗了] If you really understood what was going on,you would know that we're not the bad guys. [你要是真的了解事情真相 就会知道坏人不是我们] Could've fooled me. [你休想骗我] Haven't you ever done the wrthings for the right reason? [你曾出于好意而做过错事吗?] What are the right reasons,susan? [你指什么好意啊 Susan?] What is it about whistler that's so important. [Whistler到底为什么这么重要?] I could tell you. [告诉你倒是可以] But then I'd have to kill you. [但之后我就得杀了你] You're gonna do that anyway. [不管怎样 你都会杀掉我的] Whistler gives us what we want,maybe I won't have to. [如果 Whistler 交出我们想要的 那么你就不用死了] Linc called. [Linc 打电话来了] They're on their way. [他们已经出发了] I figured them out. [我会搞定的] The coordinates. [那个坐标] I'm gonna hand them over. [我要交出那个坐标] I thought you should know so you can take whatever precautions you can. [我觉得应该告诉你 这样你就可以提早想办

法] What if,uh... [如果...]


what if you give them the wrong coordinates. [如果你告诉他们错误的坐标 那会怎么样?] It might buy us some more time. [这样的话 可以为我们争取些时间] Maybe linc can get sofia to safety. [也许 Linc 可以保证 Sofia 的安全] Like he did with sara? [他当初不是也说要保证 Sara 安全吗?] I'm sorry. I... [对不起 我...] I didn't mean to. I,uh... [我不是故意的 我...] I just don't know what else to do. [我只是不知道该怎么办] I'm damned if I do. I'm damned if I don'T. [交出去不对 不交也不对] There's no way to win. [好像永远不可能赢了] It's not about winning anymore. [这跟输赢没有关系了] It's about surviving-- which is not the same as giving up. [这意味着活下来 前提就是你不能放弃] But you can go gracefully. [但是你可以潇洒地走掉] There's honor. [带着荣耀] Protecting the ones you love. [因为你能保护你所爱的人] Honor's a luxury men like us can't afford. [我们这样的人 是不配拥有荣耀的] Can you promise me we'll make it out of here tonight? [你可以向我保证今晚能成功吗?] No games. [别再耍花样] Can you honestly promise me? [你能诚实地向我保证吗?] I can promise you I'll do everything in my power. [我向你保证 我一定竭尽所能] I wish that were good enough. [这就够了] If you do this... [如果你决定这么做了...] if you give them what they want... [如果你决定交出他们所要的东西...] everything that's been lost will have been for nothing. [失去的一切就没有意义了] Monjares. [Monjares] What's up? [怎么了?] Take it easy. [没事儿 好好干] Yes,I'd like to speak to Officer Monjares,plesae [是的 我找 Monjares 长官] Hey for you! [Arturo 有你的电话] Can I talk to you for a minute? [我能和你谈谈吗?] I'm kind of in a hurry [我现在不太有空] I got some place to be [要...赶去一个地方] What's that? [要去哪儿?] Friends of mine are moving tonight [我有些朋友今晚要搬家] And they need my help [他们要找帮手] Tell them you're gonna be late [告诉他们你得迟些去了] Let's go [咱们走] Walk [快走] linc,he's gonna... [Linc 他要...] he's gonna give it to them. [他要交出东西了] Relax. [别担心] I'll see you in a minute. [一分钟后见] What are you talking about? [你什么意思?] All clear. [Scofield 你有访客] I suppose introductions are unnecessary at this point. [我猜这个时候大家 都清楚该怎么做吧] What are we doing here,gretchen? [你来干什么 Gretchen?] We're here to say good-bye. [我们是来道别的] I promise you,sweetheart,they're not going to hurt you anymore. [我向你保证亲爱的 他们不会再伤害你了] Do you have the coordinates,james? [坐标在你手里吗 James?] Yes. [在] I'm sorry. [对不起] - I tried to run away... - this is not your fault. [- 我本想逃跑的... - 这不是你的错] It's mine. [是我的错]


When I took this job,I knew they weren't good people. [当我接手这个工作时 我就知道他们不是什么好人] I just didn't know how bad they were. [只是不知道他们竟然这么邪恶] And everything that's happened... [现在发生的一切...] it's all because of me. [都是因我而起] And for that I'm truly sorry. [为此 我向你道歉] The coordinates. [坐标] Just pass them through. [把它给我] What the hell are you doing? [你他妈的干什么啊?] I'm buying some goodwill. [我这是在做善事] You're buying her funeral. [你这是在为她准备纸钱] You know I have what you need. [你知道我手里有你想要的] And I'll give you the rest. [除非你确保 Sofia LJ...] But only after I know that sofia,that lj, [还有这里所有人...] and that these men here... [都一切安全] they're all safe. [我才把剩下的部分给你] Do you understand me? [你听明白了吗?] James... [James...] everything's gonna be all right. [一切都会好的] I'm impressed. [真不错啊] It seems our fisherman grew himself a set of oysters. [看来我们的渔夫 这次是要钓大鱼了] Can you really trust these men with her life? [你觉得就凭这些人 真能确保她的安全吗?] Yeah. [是的] Yeah,I believe I can. [我相信] All right,james. [好啊 James] But there's been some confusion about the timing of things-- last-minute changes,et cetera. [但是时间上似乎有点混乱 比如 后做了一些改动] I'm gonna make this clear for everyone involved. [我要你们在场的每个人都听清楚] If time runs out and I don't have the second half of those coordinates, [如果到限定时间 我没拿到另一半坐标] lj and the senorita stop breathing. [LJ 和这位小姐就死定了] Say good-bye,sweetheart. [说再见吧 亲爱的] Lincoln! Linc... [Lincoln! Linc...] don't be stupid,lincoln. [别干傻事 Lincoln] I've helped you. [我已经帮了你了] Now you help me. [现在该你帮我了] Please. [求你了] Just get us out of here. [带我们逃出去] - Bout the timingon the backup generator? - Yeah. [- 你搞清楚后备发电机的时间了吗? - 是的] All we got to do now is cut the power to the exterior lights. [我们现在要做的就是 切断外部照明的电源] How are you gonna do that? [你准备怎么做?] I'm not-- it can't be accessed from the inside. [我不行--这个无法从里面操作] How much time have I got? [我还有多少时间?] Let's say,uh,5:15 tomorrow morning. [我们约好 呃 明天早上 5:15] That should give us enough time to dig out the tunnel before the sun comes up. [我们应该有足够时间 在明早 出太阳之

前 挖穿隧道了] All right. What about whistler? [好的 那 Whistler 怎么办?] What about him? [什么他怎么办?] Well,he manned up-- he could've handed over the information,but he didn'T. [呃 他变厉害了--他原本可以 交出那些坐

标的 但他没有] Still concerned about handing him over? [还在考虑是不是要把他交出去?] I've got my concerns about pretty much everybody,linc. [我要考虑的事情已经太多了 Linc] - You know what I mean? - Yeah. [- 你知道我的意思吗? - 是的] Mostly,I'm just tired. [主要是 我真的累了]


Tired of choices... [厌倦了不断的选择...] consequences. [以及选择后的后果] I just want this to be over... tonight. [我只想尽快结束这一切... 今晚就结束] Let's do it. [让我们来结束这一切吧] When you're on the run, [当你开始逃亡生涯] you're always looking over your shoulder,listening for the sirens, [你每天都要提心吊胆 随时警惕响起的警笛声] wondering if that pretty girl across the street is staring at you because she wants you,or... [总是不确定 街对面的美女 盯着你看 是因为她喜欢你...] because you're wanted. [还是因为你正被通缉] You change your name,the way you look... [你必须隐姓埋名 改头换面...] and leave everything you ever knew behind. [远离所有你以前所熟悉的东西] And the ones you love,they're the ones who have to pay. [远离你所爱的人 而他们却要代你付出代价] That's what's waiting for you on the outside. [这就是外面世界等着你的] That's why I couldn't bring you on. [所以我不能带你一起越狱] Because nothing good can come of this. [因为那样做根本没什么好结果] Can anything good come from staying in? [待在这里就有好结果了?] It has to be your decision. I... [必须由你自己来决定 我...] I cannot be responsible for you. [我没法对你负责] You won't have to be. [你不用对我负责] Does your father still have that phone number I gave you? [你父亲还留着 我给你的那个电话号码吗?] I think so. [我想是的] Well,tell him to call my brother if he wants to find out where to pick you up tomorrow. [让他打电话给我哥哥 如果 他想

知道明天到哪去接你的话] Does that mean... [你的意思是说...] it means if a million things fall into place... [我是说如果一切顺利的话...] I'm gonna see my father tomorrow. [我明天就能见到我的父亲了] Don't let anyone see you with that phone. [不要让任何人看见你打电话] I think we did it,michael. [我想我们搞定了 Michael] I believe we're ready. [我相信我们都准备好了] She's a little wet,but she's ready. ["她"(隧道开口)有点湿 但准备好了] Makes me think of the first thing I'll do when we're gonna get out. [让我联想起我们逃出去以后 我 想干的第一件事(fuck)] Just,does anybody know what's spanish for "don't shoot"? [有人知道西班牙语的 "别开枪"怎么说吗?] No dispare. [别担心] No dis what? [别什么?] Just relax. Nobody's gonna get shot. [放松点 没人会被枪击的] Just don't panic. [不要慌张] As soon as linc cuts the power,we go. [Linc一切断电源 我们就走] What about the jeep patrol? [吉普车巡警怎么办?] Taken care of. [搞定了] What about the backup generator? [后备发电机呢?] Backup generator? [后备发电机?] Nobody said anything about... [没人说过有什么...] there's a lag from when the power cuts out to when the generator kicks back in. [从断电到后备发电机开始工作 之间有

段空隙] Well,how long a lag are we talking about here? [这个空隙有多长时间?] 30 seconds. [30 秒钟] You expect us to run in 30 seconds? [你觉得我们能在 30 秒钟之内逃走?] As soon as the lights go out,I'm gone. [一断电 我就走人] With or without you. [随便你们走不走] Please,my friends [拜托 朋友] They're expecting me and-- [他们还等着我...]


I have some bad news,Jorge [我有些坏消息 Jorge] We won't be able to pay you today [我们今天没法给付你钱了] That's fine,I-I can wait until- [没问题 我-我可以等到...] When we ran your identification through processing... [我们在核查你的身份时...] We found a slight problem [发现一个小问题] What..kind of a problem [什么...什么问题?] You have a warrant out for your arrest [你是取保候审的] noW. [是时候了] Let's go. [我们走] Off the bus! Now! [下车! 现在!] As soon as the lights go out,we got to be ready to move. [一断电 我们就走] You want to tell us what the hell the taquito's doing down here? [可以告诉我们 这个墨西哥人在这干嘛吗?] He's coming with us. [他要跟我们一起走] I don't think so. [我不这样认为] That's not up to you. [这由不得你] ****** [喔 那我在想...] Oh,you got to be kidding me. [喔 你不是在开玩笑吧?] See,we made up our own decision here. [看到了? 我们都自己做主] Well,with the time frame being so short and all, [考虑到时间那么紧] we'd feel a whole lot better about things if we go first. [我们觉得如果能让我们 先走的话 会好很多] What are you gonna do,kill me? [你们要做什么 杀了我?] T-bag: No,no. [T-bag: 不 不] - See,if we ain't first,he's not *** - All right!All right!Just... [- 如果不让我们先走 他就哪也去不了 明白? - 好的! 只是...] Look,I think I can explain all this [听着 我可以解释这一切] If I could just get some paperwork from my car [如果我能到车里去拿些文件] You're not going anywhere [你哪也不能去] Understand? [明白?] all right. [好吧] All right,go. Just go. [好吧 走吧 快走] Just go. [快走] every man for himself,right? [每个人都是自私的 对不?] You want to move up in line,too? [你也想排到前面来吗?] No,I think I'm gonna stay back here. [不 我想我就排在这吧] I just don't want to turn my back on anybody. [我可不想背弃任何人]

3x12 The Art of the Deal Previously on prison break: [前情摘要] We leave tonight [今晚行动] got no electricity and no running water. [没电没水] A hundred bucks a month. [一周一百块] Deal. [成交] Ready? [准备好了?] I hope this works,popi. [但愿成功] That book of yours-- [你那本书] it's just a bunch of coordinates in there,right? [只有一堆坐标是吧?] Among other things. [还有别的东西] Does your father still have that phone number I gave you? [你爸爸还有我给你的电话号码吗?] I think so. [有] Well,tell him to call my brother. [让他给我哥哥打电话] Papa,make that call for my friend. [爸爸替我朋友打个电话]


The american? [那个美国人?] If time runs out,and I don't have the second half of those coordinates, [如果我没时间搞到另一半坐标] lj and the senorita stop breathing. [Lj 和那女士就没命了] You have a warrant out for your arrest [我有你的逮捕令] You're not going anywhere [你哪也不能去] just wish there was another way to do this. [要是有别的方法就好了] To save lj without handing whistler over. [能救 Lj 又不用交出 Whistler] Look,man,that's it-- there isn'T. [那不可能] What is that? [那是什么?] Kesslivol Michael: Kesslivol. [加热到一定温度可以穿透钢材] When heated to a certain degree,it eats through steel. As soon as linc cuts the power we go. [Linc切断电线我们就走] What about the backup generator? [他们用备用发电机怎么办?] There's a lag from when the power cuts out to when the generator kicks back in. [停电和备用发电机启动有一段间隙] How long a lag we talking about? [有多长?] 30 seconds. [三十秒] We only have 30 seconds. Go. [只有 30 秒 走] Everything's dark [一片漆黑] move it,move it. [快点] Come on. [赶快] Let's go. [我们走] Okay,let's go. [对 我们走] Not yet. [等等] We have to go now. We're running out of time. [我们必须走 没时间了] Trust me. [相信我] Stop,or we'll shoot [站住 我要开枪了] Stop! [站住!] Stop! [站住!] whistler: Come on,mate. [快点 伙计] What's the holdup,michael? [为什么停下来 Michael?] Just a little bit longer. [再等一下] STOP! [站住!] STOP! [站住!] What happened? [怎么了?] They got caught. [他们被抓到了] - what's going on? - Shut up. [- 发生什么了? - 住嘴] What,what... [什么...] Don't try anything. [别耍花招] Man: Bring 'em over here! Bring 'em over here! [把他们带过来] You-- on your knees,get down! [跪下] Don't move,or you're like your friend over here. [别动 否则和你朋友一个结果] What's going on,michael? [怎么了 Michael?] We have an escape in progress. [发生越狱] We have an escape [有人越狱] this sure as hell better work out. [这个 好管用] For everyone's sake. [为了大家好] Status? [什么情况?] No other prisoners have been found [没发现其他犯人] you two,on your feet. [你们两个 站好] Bring them inside [把他们带进来] Where the hell's scofield? [Scofield 到底在哪?] Shut it. [闭嘴]


If scofield doesn't get caught,he could still fix this mess. [如果他没被捕 还能收拾这烂摊子] Have someong drag in. [叫人把他拖进来] the bleeding pig. [这受伤的蠢猪] Hurry it up. [快点] Whistler: What do we do now? [现在干什么?] - The lights are on,they know about the escape... - what's your plan,michael? [- 灯亮了 他们发现越狱了 - Michael 你的

计划是什么?] This is the plan. [这就是我的计划] Prison Break Season03 Episode12 [越狱 第 3 季 第 12 集] Michael,how the hell is getting caught your plan? [Michael 被抓住也是你计划的一部分吗?] You told them they had 30 seconds to get across when you knew the generator was going to kick in sooner. [你知道发电

机马上就启动了 还告他们有 30 秒] I must have miscalculated. [我算错时间了] We've got about ten minutes till the sun rises. [日出前还有 10 分钟] And there are soldiers out there,okay. [外面都是士兵] They'll take count. [他们会清点人数的] - We got to get back to the yard. - We're not going anywhere. [- 我们得回去 - 我们哪也不去] It's almost time. [是时候了] what do you think you're doing? [你知道自己在做什么吗?] Nothing. It's just probably my wife. [没什么 可能是我妻子] You know,we live a couple miles away and she must have heard the sirens,so... [我家离这不远 她可能听到警笛声了] you can make your calls when I'm done with you. [咱俩还没完呢 你不能打电话] What else you got? [身上还有什么?] Sucre? Sucre? [我不在这 有话快说] I'm not here. Say what you got to say. Sucre,where the hell are you? [Sucre 你到底在哪?] We're counting on you to be here! [我们指望你来呢!] If you're not there,we're dead,man. [如果你不在 我们就完了] Now call me ck,please. [请叫我 Ck] put these with his personal effects. [和他个人物品放在一起] What's going on out there? [外面发生什么了?] Some prisoners tried to escape. [有人想越狱?] Did they get out? [成功了吗?] They got caught. [他们被抓了] One of them got shot pretty bad. [一个中枪 伤得挺厉害] Sucre? Sucre? sucre? Sucre? No,it is alphonso gallego. [不 我是 Alphonso Gallego] You where you need to be? [你到了吗?] Yes. [到了] I left the suburban on the side of the road. [我把那辆 Surburban 停在路边了] The keys are in the wheel well. [钥匙在轮胎上] Are they still there? Check 'em out. [还在吗? 去看看] They're here. [在] Good,good. [好 好] You will be here too,on the 312? [你也会来吧 在 312 号船上见上?] Yeah,yeah,the 312. [嗯 嗯 312 号船上] See you there. [再见] these all the men? [就这些人?] Si,senor. [是的 长官] Tell me,how did you get out there? [说 你们怎么逃出来的?] How did you get out there? [你们怎么逃出来的?] Don't want to tell me? [不想说啊?]


how did you get out there? [怎么逃出来的?] a tunnel. [地道] Where? [哪儿?] Under lechero's room. [在 Lechero 屋底下] Show me. [带我去] How much longer? [还要多久?] It's just a matter of seconds now. [几秒钟] Michael? Michael? The door. [门] I don't know the combination. [我不知道密码] Then improvise. [随机应变] This is insane. [疯了] Let's go. [走] Vamanos. [快走] hurry! [快!] Nothing [没有] You're sure? [确定?] Absolutely [确定] son of a bitch sold us out! [那个混蛋把我们给卖了!] Are you certain? [真的没有?] Absolutely [没有] It's empty [是空的] It wasn't me! It was scofield! [不是我! 是 Scofield!] He did this! [是他干的!] Justheck the yard-- him,whistler,mahone and that basketball kid-- [清点人数吧-- 他 Whistler Mahone 还有那个篮球小

子--] none of 'em will be there! [他们肯定都不在!] Did you finish the count? [人数点清了吗?] Just finishing now,Sir [马上就完了 长官] Sir...we are four short! [长官...少四个!] This is captain solo. [我是 Sojo 船长] Other inmates are missing. [有其他囚犯失踪] I want a post-and-protect around the entire perimeter of the prison. [监狱四周全部封锁警戒] General,we see no one. [将军 一个人也没见到] Are you sure there's prisoners out here? [你确定囚犯在这儿吗?] You won't find the prisoners here in no-man's-land because they're already gone. [在无人区是找不到了 因为他们已经跑

了] Faster!We're losing them. [快! 已经快追不上了] This way. [这边] He just started shouting. [他一上车就喊] to get off the bus [下车] Off the bus now! [赶快下车!] Get off the bus! [赶快下车!] How would you describe the suspect? [嫌犯长什么样?] Well,he was tall. [很高] more than six feet. [1 米 8 多] What nationality? [国籍?] American [美国] He spoke English [他说英语] Come on. Move it!Go! [快 快点!] If you saw him would you recognize him? [如果再见到他你能认出他吗?] Yes,of course [肯定能]


what's wrong? [怎么了?] My ankle! I've torn it apart! [脚脖子! 崴着了!] Come on. [来] It's not that far. Help me up! [不远了 帮我下!] Mr. Whistler,we'll drag you by your hair because we got to go! [Whistler 拽着你头发也得走!] I'll slow you down. Just go! [我会拖慢你们的 你们快走吧!] Just leave me! [别管我了!] We both know that's not an option. [这不可能 我们俩都清楚] It's only a quarter of a mile to the beach. [离沙滩就四分之一英里远了] If we stick to the bush,we can make it. [沿着灌木丛跑 我们能行的] Alex,a little help? [Alex 帮下忙] Go. Come on! [走 快!] We only have a few minutes. [只有几分钟] We got soldiers right behind us. [士兵马上就要追上来了] Cops as well. [还有警察] We got what we need? [什么都齐了吧?] Yeah,we got what we need. [嗯 都齐了] What do we need? [需要什么?] Always picking up the strays,huh? [老是收留些迷路的小动物 啊?] This way. [这边] listen,michael,if you think the company's just going to let you swap me for your nephew,you're mistaken. [听着 Michael 如果你觉得公司 会拿我换你外甥 你就错了] Shut up. [别说了] Once they get hold of me,they're gonna kill all of you, [一旦他们得到我 他们会把你们都杀了] and I don't want sofia caught in the crossfire. [我不希望 Sofia 在交火中出事] Listen,just let me go. [听我说 让我走吧] I'll contact them,I promise. [我会跟他们联系的 我保证] I'll say I'll turn myself in once I know lj's safe. [我会说一旦 LJ 安全了 我就去找他们] Hey,you got no say in what happens to my son! [嘿 我儿子的事轮不到你做主!] You got it? [听明白了?] We don't need a suntan. [我们不需要被晒伤] We need to get lost. [我们需要赶快消失] The military patrols all the roads around the prison. [军方在监狱附近所有道路上巡逻] You didn't consider a boat? [你就没想到准备一条船?] They show up here and we're ten yards off the shore,we're target practice. [在他们赶来之前 我们顶多能开出十码远 那时候我们就成活靶子了] We need to be invisible. [我们需要销声匿迹] Five guys,four tanks. [5 个人 4 个氧气罐] Sucks for you,mahone. [没你的份 Mahone] Lincoln and I will share. [Lincoln 和我用一个] Toss your boots in the box. [把你们的鞋子丢到箱子里] yeah? [喂?] Tell me you have him. [告诉我你把他弄出来了] Yeah,I got him. [是的 他在这儿] Where's my son? [我的儿子在哪儿?] With me. [在我这里] Put him on the phone now. [让他听电话 马上] Say something. [出个声] I'll be there soon. [我会很快到那里的] Just don't hurt anyone. [不要伤害任何人] You happy? [你满意了?] You have 20 minutes to meet me in panama city where we agreed. [20分钟之后到巴拿马城 我们约定的地点见面]


We'll be there. [我们马上到] Hey,I need to put my book in there. [嗨 我必须把我的书放进去] The book? [书呢?] My book! [我的书!] It must have fell out of my pocket. [一定是从口袋里掉出来了] I thought you already figured out the coordinates. [我以为你已经得到那个坐标了] Well,I didn't memorize them! [我又没把它背下来!] I wrote them in the book! [我记在书上了!] I'm pretty sure they're still looking for us,guys. [他们铁定还在搜寻我们 伙计们] It's gone. Now get the damn water. [没有就没有了 快下水吧] Would you please? [帮个忙好吗?] It's a picture of my son. [这是我儿子的照片] Can you,uh... [你能 厄...] put it in the bag? [把它放到袋子里吗?] Screw you,mahone. [去你的 Mahone] Let's go. [我们走吧] Mcgrady. [麦迪] Mcgrady? [麦迪?] I don't swim so good. [我不大会游泳] What? [什么?] Too bad,kid,you're getting wet. [太糟了 孩子 你必须下水] Get in. [来吧] Look it's all right. [没事的] We'll share tanks. [我们用一个氧气罐] Just hold onto me and we'll switch off back and forth,ten seconds apiece. [抓着我 我们 10 秒钟一换] Come on. Let's go. [来吧 我们走] Over here! [在这儿!] Towards the beach! [朝海滩去了!] I could've sworn [我发誓] they were headed in this direction [他们就是朝这个方向跑的] Give me the binoculars [把望远镜给我] Do you see any boat? [你看见有船了吗?] Not a one... [一个都没有...] ...where the hell are they? [...他们到底去哪儿了?] where is scofield? [Scofield 去哪儿了?] I don't know! [我不知道!] He didn't tell me nothing! [他什么都没告诉我!] Where is he running? [他往哪儿跑了?] I told you,I don't know nothing! [我告诉你了 我什么都不知道!] Well,there's only one way to make certain of that. [看来只有一个方法可以证明了] I want men covering five kilometers [在方圆 5 千米内部属人手] both east and west and check-points [东边和西边 以及所有沿海岸公路上的] on all coastal roads-- [检查点] every vehicle is to be searched! [搜查每一辆过往车辆!] Contact the General... [帮我接将军...] I need more men sent to me at once [我现在需要更多的人手] This is general mestas. [这里是 Mestas 将军] The men will be sent. [马上就派人给你] And,sojo,I expect every prisoner to be returned to sona today. [而且 Sojo 我希望今天每一个逃犯 都被抓回索纳监狱] Dispatch fourth platoon. [派四排的人去] Hey,hey,look,man,this is getting crazy here. [嗨嗨嗨 伙计 这太疯狂了] Look,I'll plead guilty for ignoring the warrant. [关于通缉在逃 我认罪]


I'll show up for the court hearings. [我会出庭预审] Let me get out of here. [放我走吧] You know,with this alarms and the guns,they're making me a little nervous. [这些警报和武器 让我特别紧张] Until things settle in,you go nowhere. [除非事情解决了 否则你哪儿也别想去] So just sit tight. [乖乖给我坐好了] Fourth platoon goes to cabrillo beach ahora. [四排马上到卡布里奥海滩去] there! [那儿!] where is he? [他在哪儿?] Where is he? [他在哪儿?] Where is he? [他在哪儿?] Where's who? [谁不见了?] Sucre with the boat. [Sucre 和他的船] Just hold on. You all right? [坚持住 你没事吧?] - You all right? - Yeah. [- 没事吧? - 嗯] ******* [加油 挺住] I'm all right,I'm all right. [我没事 我没事] Lincoln: We're not gonna make it out here too much longer,michael. [Michael 我们在这里撑不了多久] Sucre is coming. Be patient. [Sucre 就要来了 大家耐心点] excuse me? [打扰一下?] Boat 312,why is it still here? [312 号船 为什么还在这儿?] Wasn't someone supposed to take that out today? [今天不是应该有个人要驾它出海吗?] Someone reserved it,but they never picked it up. [有人预订了 但是没有来取] Sojo: Yes,general. [是的 将军] Mestas: I want an update. [我需要 新进展] Still no sign of them. [还是没有踪迹] Nothing on the coast. [海岸上什么也没有] I think they may have gone back into the jungle. [我觉得他们可能跑回丛林了] The jungle? [丛林?] You asked me to send men to the beach! [是你让我把人派去海岸的!] Capitan... [上尉...] just a moment,general. [等一下 将军] General,I think we have to call the coast guard. [将军 我想我们需要出动海岸巡逻队了] come on! [挺住] You all right? [还好吧] My legs are starting to cramp. [腿要抽筋了] You gotta hold on,buddy. [挺住啊 兄弟] We're not gonna last out here too long,michael. [我们不能在这停留太久 Michael] Where's your friend,michael? [你那朋友呢 Michael?] Sucre's not just gonna abandon us out here,all right? [Sucre 不会把我们扔在这的 对吗?] He'll show,he'll show. [他会来的 他会来的] Man : The coast guard is launching four vessels... [海岸警卫队派出 4 艘舰艇] they've been in the water this whole time. [他们一直在海里] They're probably at the bottom of the ocean by now. [估计这时候已经沉底了] Well,look it here! [看看这个] Looks like we have more than a drunk and disorderly warrant for jorge rivera. [Jorge Rivera 的罪名 可不止一个酒后妨害

治安] Failure to pay child support. [不支付孩子赡养费] What kind of man doesn't [什么人能] take care of his family? [连家都不顾呢?] Not a good one [肯定不是个好人] Please let me go... [请让我走吧] they are waiting on me [他们还等着我呢]


you're not going anywhere. [你哪也不能去] Once we're done processing you,then you can go. [等我们处理完你了 你才能离开] Until then,sit tight. [那之前 老实坐着] I should have heard something by now. [该收到消息了] I've lost all damn track of them. [现在我失去了他们踪影] Burrows will eventually reach out if he wants his son back. [如果 Burrows 还想要儿子 肯定会来] Yeah,well,that might no longer be an option. [这可能也不太可能了] look! Look! [看 看] Sucre Sucre! Sucre Sucre! He's supposed to be flashing a light. [他应该闪一下灯] He's not responding,linc. [他没反应 Linc] The coast guard. [海岸警卫队] They found us. [他们找到我们了] Papa! [爸爸] Michael michael... Michael? michael? If I don't get another chance,I want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done. [万一我出事了 我想让你知道

我感谢你做的一切] You're welcome. [客气] come on,son. [快来 孩子] how'd you find us? [你怎么找到我们?] You never showed,and you said you'd be coming from the southwest,so I took a chance. [你没出现 你说你从西南方向过

来 所以我碰了碰运气] What do you think happened to sucre? [你觉得 Sucre 出什么事了?] I don't know,but we gotta move. [不知道 但我们得走了] He's done [他不行了] What about him? [他呢?] He's even worse off [他也快不行了] guess that just leaves one. [那就只剩下这个了] Stand up [起来] Move [走] Move those feet! [快点] Get up. [起来] Let's go. [快走] I saw the boxes in the back,so I tooyour car-- figured you'd need to change. [我看到后备箱的盒子 就开了你的车 估计

你们得换衣服] How's the ankle? [脚腕怎么样?] Whistler: I need to get off my feet. [脚用不上力] All right,guys,get changed and make sure you don't leave any wet clothes behind. [大伙 换衣服吧 别留下任何湿衣服] Listen,uh... [听着] thanks for everything. [感谢你做的一切] Thank you for my boy. [谢谢你把我儿子救出来] I hope you get your son back,too. [希望你也找回你儿子] Yeah,me,too. [我也想] Come. We need to get back to the truck. [来吧 我们回卡车上] Michael? Michael? Thank you. [谢谢] Go be with your family,luis. [和家人好好过 Luis] yeah? [喂?] Where the hell are you? [你到底在哪呢?] We ran into some trouble. [碰到点麻烦]


We're-we're downtown panama. [我们正赶往巴拿马市区] No,lincoln,you're not. [你根本不在 Lincoln 不在] We got company. [有人跟踪] How'd they find us? [他们怎么找到我们的?] you have them? [找到了?] We're right on top of them. [就在他们前面] Hold on! [坐稳了] They must've gotten to grady's dad and bugged this car. [他们肯定找到 Grandy 爸爸的车 放了窃听器] Or one of us. [或者在我们身上] Then why didn't they find us when we were in the water? [我们在水里的时候 他们怎么没找到?] It's because the water was blocking the signal. [水里没信号] What you do with that stopwatch that gretchen gave you? [Gretchen 给你的秒表呢?] - Oh,my god. - Give it to me [- 天 - 给我] I didn't know. I didn't know. [我不知道 我不知道] Okay,hold on,guys. [坐稳了] all right, it's time to use this rig to our advantage. [该我们控制主动权了] Go! Here we go! [这边走 这边走] Uh... this is, like,a dead end right here. [这条路像是死胡同] Stay in the car, then. [那就在车里待着吧] This way! [这边] why don't you just tell us what you know? [干嘛不把你知道的告诉我们?] Then you won't wind up being beaten half to death like your friend. [那样你就不会像你的朋友一样被打得半死] I know less than you do. [我知道的还没你多] Which is hard, considering how dumb you are. [可见你是多笨] I want everything you can find on the men who escaped and I want it immediately. [你去找越狱人员的所有资料 马上就

要] What the hell is he still doing here? [他在这捣什么乱?] he has an outstanding warrant. [他身上的罪名可不小] Unless it's for murder [除非是谋杀] get him out of here! [要不让他滚蛋] go see the clerk about your stuff. [去登记员那拿你的东西] they're barricaded. [他们躲在里面] what are you doing? Get back! [你干什么呢? 回来] All that gunfire and they only hit your car three times? [那么多枪就只有 3 枪打到你的车了?] son of a bi... [混蛋] whistler: List,linc,you've done a great job getting us out of the frying pan, [Linc 你把我们从水深火热里救出来 你干的

很好] but it'll be for nothing if we end up back in the fire. [但如果我们又跳回火坑 就都白搭了] There's no fire,just an exchange,then I'm done with you. [没有火坑 就是个交换 然后我跟你就没关系了] You think it's that simple? [你觉得有那么简单么?] Yeah,they want you,they get you. [对 他们想要你 我就给他们] It's that simple. [就这么简单] This is not about me. [这不光牵扯到我] It's about sofia and your son. [这牵扯到 Sofia 和你儿子] Michael-- tell him-- tell him these people won't just let us walk away. [Michael 告诉他 告诉他那帮人不会轻易放咱们走

的] We already had this discussion back at the beach,james, [在沙滩上时已经讨论过了 James] and you were outvote [而且你已经输了] you're making a terrible mistake. [你在犯一个大错误] People might die because of this. [会有人因此而死的] Take off your pants. [脱掉裤子] 你说什么? Excuse me,se 駉 r?


I said take off your pants. [我说脱掉裤子] If I knew you boys partied in sona like this,I never would have tried to escape. [早知道你们这帮小子在 Sona 喜欢玩这

个 我就不想逃跑了] One cell phone. [一部手机] One wallet. [一个钱包] And some change. [一些零钱] There were some papers. [还有一些文件] A boat-rental agreement. I need them. [是个租船协议 我要用的] I'll check the drawer. [我看看抽屉里有没] Take them down. [把它扒掉] Come on,now,hombre. [算了吧 老兄] There's no need to refry my beans. [没必要刑讯逼供吧] Always with the wise talk. [总是油嘴滑舌的] Never saying anything we want to hear. [但没一句是我们想听的] Now,all I want to hear are your screams. [现在 我只想听你的尖叫了] No,no. No,no,no,no,no.Listen. [别别 别别别别别 听我说] I told you,I don't know nothing. [我告诉你了 我啥也不知道] No,actually,I don't know nothing. [不 真的 我啥也不知道] I swear. I swear I don'T. [我发誓 我发誓我不知道] But he does! [但他知道!] He knows everything! [他什么都知道!] He knows everything! [他什么都知道!] Not so fast,amigo. [别急着走 伙计] A little help. [帮我一下] What is this place? [这是哪?] Where we're gonna make the exchange-- on our terms. [按我们的条件进行交易的地点] There's a service road out back,just in case we want to get lost. [后边有路 以防万一留个后路] Yeah,assuming you're still alive. [对 假如你还能活着就成] You still talking? [再说一遍?] - Linc? - linc? - Yeah. [- 呃] Gotta commend you on that boom box trick. [你耍我的那个小把戏不错阿] Very sophisticated. [真是老油条] You steal that one from home alone? [你还是浪子不回头啊?] You fell for it,bitch. [你不是喜欢那样吗 贱货] All right,listen. [好 听着] If you wanna see your son... [如果想见你儿子...] You're not calling the shots anymore. [已经轮不到你做主了] As long as I have lj... [反正我有 LJ...] as long as I got whistler,you're gonna do exactly what I say. [反正我有 Whistler 我的话你照办就是了] You got it? [明白否?] Now,listen up. [听着] We're at an abandoned warehouse five miles down the road from the barrios interchange. [我们在离空城计的地方 5 公里

的旧仓库] Be there in 20 minutes with my son. [20 分钟内把我儿子带来] And once I get there? [那等我到了呢?] So now we wait. [那现在我们坐等喽] Yeah. [对] Think this'll work? [这样过用吗?] Yeah,it'll work. [会管用的] - You,me and lj. - Yeah. [- 你 我和 LJ - 对] I just hope it works out for mcgrady,too. [但愿对麦迪也管用] Oh,no. [哦 不]


They must have closed all the roads out of panama. [他们一定是把所有出巴拿马的路都封了] Papa,what do we do? [爸爸 我们怎么办?] You gotta turn around,papa. [你得拐回去啊 爸爸] I can't go back to sona. I can'T. [我可不回索纳啊 我不回] I don't care what he says. [我才不管他说什么] He's a convict! [他是个罪犯] He's a piece of garbage. [他是一垃圾] I don't know anything about this michael scofield guy. [我根本不认识 那个叫 Michael Scofield 的] Guard: General. [长官] Here is everything we have on the escaped prisoners. [这是全部的越狱犯人的资料] You don't know michael scofield,is that right,jorge? [你不认识 Michael Scofield 对不?] Yes. [对] You sure you don't want to change your story,fernando? [不打算变卦了 Fernando?] What's this! [这是什么!] WHAT'S THIS! [这是什么!] This should help make you a decent brace. [这有助于支撑关节] Thank you. [谢谢] Should be able to see them coming from up here. [他们过来时应该能看到] You know,linc... [要知道 Linc] you did great. [你很厉害] Thanks. [谢谢] I just want lj back,you know? [我只是想带回 LJ] It's just a matter of time. [只是时间的问题了] Yeah. [对] Considering I don't have a pony in this race... [看来这里没我的事了] ******after what you did to us? [你以前那样对待我们 你还想大摇大摆的走开?] What you did to my dad? [你怎样对待我爸的?] No. [不] I was gonna kill you at the beach,but I didn't want to do anything that was gonna get us caught. [我本来想在海滩上就杀

了你 但不想冒风险被被抓回去] You shot my dad in the back. [你从背后把我爸打死的] I'm gonna give you the courtesy you never gave him. [给你个我爸没有的待遇吧] Turn around. [转身] Turn around. [转身] I was told to choose between your family and mine. That was my option. [我被逼在你家和我家中选择 你死我活] I chose mine. [我选择我家] Go to hell. [去死吧] Linc,you don't have to do this. [Linc 你没必要这样] Mahone! mahone! My truck! [我的车!] Stop! [停下!] What are we gonna do now? [我们怎么办?]