Principles and Concepts of DNA Replication in Bacteria...

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Principles and Concepts of DNA Replicationin Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

Michael O’Donnell1, Lance Langston1, and Bruce Stillman2

1The Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, New York, New York 100652Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724


The accurate copying of genetic information in the double helix of DNA is essential forinheritance of traits that define the phenotype of cells and the organism. The core machin-eries that copy DNA are conserved in all three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, andeukaryotes. This article outlines the general nature of the DNA replication machinery, butalso points out important and key differences. The most complex organisms, eukaryotes,have to coordinate the initiation of DNA replication from many origins in each genome andimpose regulation that maintains genomic integrity, not only for the sake of each cell, but forthe organism as a whole. In addition, DNA replication in eukaryotes needs to be coordinatedwith inheritance of chromatin, developmental patterning of tissues, and cell division toensure that the genome replicates once per cell division cycle.

The genetic information within the cells ofour body is stored in the double helix of

DNA, a long cylinderlike structure with a radi-us that is only 10 A or one billionth of a meterbut can be of considerable length. A single DNAmolecule within a bacterium that grows in ourgut flora is approximately 5 million base pairs inlength and when stretched out, is about 1.6 mmin length, roughly the diameter of a pinhead.In contrast, the single DNA molecule in the larg-est human chromosome is 245,203,898 basepairs or about 8.33 cm long. The entire humangenome, consisting of its 24 different chromo-somes in a male is about 3 billion base pairs or1 m long. Each cell in our body, with rare excep-tions, contains two copies of the genome andthus 2 m of total DNA. Thus the scale and com-

plexity of duplicating genomes is remarkable.For example, �2200 human cells can sit onthe top of a 1.5 mm pinhead and when extractedand laid out in a line, the DNA from these cellswould be �4.5 km (2.8 miles) long. In our body,about 500–700 million new blood cells are bornevery minute in the bone marrow (Doulatovet al. 2012), containing a total of about 1 mil-lion km of DNA, or enough DNA to wraparound the equator of the earth 25 times. ThusDNA replication is a serious business in ourbody, occurring from the time that a fertilizedegg first begins duplicating DNA to yield themany trillions of cells that make up an adultbody and continuing in all tissues of the adultbody throughout our life. The amount of DNAduplicated in an entire human body represents

Editors: Stephen D. Bell, Marcel Mechali, and Melvin L. DePamphilis

Additional Perspectives on DNA Replication available at

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a010108

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on June 13, 2018 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from

an unimaginable amount of information trans-fer. Moreover, each round of duplication needsto be highly accurate, making one mistake in lessthan 100 million bases copied per cell division.How copying of the double helix occurs andhow it is so highly accurate is the topic of thiscollection. Inevitably the processes of accuratecopying of the genome can go awry, yieldingmutations that affect our lives, and thus the col-lection outlines the disorders that accelerate hu-man disease.

However, the problem of copying DNA ismuch more complicated than indicated above.The 2 m of DNA in each human cell is wrappedup with histone proteins within the cell’s nucle-us that is only about 5 mm wide, presenting acompaction in DNA length of about 2 million-fold. How can the copying process deal with thefact that the DNA is wrapped around proteinsand scrunched into a volume that creates a spa-tial organization problem of enormous mag-nitude? Not only is the DNA copied, but theproteins associated with the DNA need to beduplicated, along with all the chemical modifi-cations attached to DNA and histones that great-ly influence developmental patterning of geneexpression. The protein machineries that rep-licate DNA and duplicate proteins within thechromosomes are some of the most complexand intriguing machineries known. Further-more, the regulations of the processes are someof the most complex because they need to ensurethat each DNA molecule in each chromosomeis copied once, and only once each time beforea cell divides. Errors in the regulation of DNAreplication lead to accelerated mutation rates,often associated with increased rates of cancerand other diseases.

The process of accurately copying a genomecan be broken down into various subprocessesthat combine to provide efficient genome dupli-cation. Central to the entire process is the ma-chinery that actually copies the DNA with highfidelity, including proteins that start the entireprocess and the proteins that actually copy onehelix to produce two. Superimposed on thisfundamental process are mechanisms that de-tect and repair errors and damage to the DNA.Also associated with the DNA replication appa-

ratus are the proteins that ensure that the histoneproteins and their modifications in chromatinare inherited along with the DNA. Finally, othermachineries cooperate with the DNA replica-tion apparatus to ensure that the resulting twoDNA molecules, the sister chromatids, are teth-ered together until the cell completes duplicat-ing all of its DNA and segregates the sister chro-matids evenly to the two daughter cells. Onlyby combining all of these processes can geneticinheritance ensure that each cell has a faithfulcopy of its parent’s genome.


Replication begins at particular positions inchromosomes called “origins” where designat-ed initiator proteins bind to DNA to start theprocess of replication. There are important dif-ferences among bacteria, archaea, and eukary-otes in this process, but there are also many strik-ing similarities that suggest the process datesback to the last universal cellular ancestor (Still-man 2005; Kaguni 2011). Bacteria often containonly one chromosome with one origin at whichtwo replication forks assemble and move inopposite directions (Fig. 1A). Although not allbacteria follow this paradigm, this is the case forthe Escherichia coli circular 4.4 Mb genome,forming a single replicon or unit of replicationfrom a single origin. At a rate of 1 Kb/s for eachfork, this genome is replicated within 30 min.In contrast, eukaryotes typically have multiplelinear chromosomes, each with many origins.Multiple origins are a necessity for eukaryotesas they have much larger genomes than bacteriaand eukaryotic replication forks move about20 times more slowly than bacterial replicationforks. As an example, the largest human chro-mosome (chromosome #1) is 250 Mb and if ithad only one origin, it would require more than50 days to replicate compared to the typical 24 hdivision time of a eukaryotic cell and approxi-mately 8 h for copying DNA in S phase. Initia-tion at each origin produces two divergent DNAreplication forks along the chromosome to cre-ate a replicon that is duplicated only once percell division. The duplication of many repliconseventually yields two daughter chromosomes

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called sister chromatids that are tethered togeth-er until they separate during mitosis (Fig. 1B).Although few archaea species have been charac-terized, they appear to be evolutionary hybridsbetween bacteria and eukaryotes, because somespecies have a single chromosome with a singleorigin, whereas other species have multiple or-igins per chromosome (Samson and Bell 2011).Moreover, the ploidy of the genome in archaeavaries considerably, with some species having a1C–2C distribution throughout their cell cycle,whereas others have up to 25 copies of theirgenome in proliferating cells. The rate of DNAreplication fork progression also appears to be

in between that in bacteria and eukaryotes, atabout 20 kB/min, �10 times faster than that ineukaryotes. Although some bacteria like E. colireplicate their genomes much faster, others suchas Caulobacter crescentus replicate at roughly thesame rate as some archaea, such as Pyrococcusabyssi (Dingwall and Shapiro 1989; Myllykallioet al. 2000).

Bacterial origins are well-defined sequencesto which the replication initiator proteins bind.In contrast, eukaryotic origins are not typicallydefined at the level of DNA sequence (with theimportant exception of the budding yeast Sac-charomyces cerevisiae). Significant recent prog-



B Eukaryotes


Late origin Origin



Figure 1. Replication initiation in bacteria and eukaryotes. (A) Most bacteria have a circular chromosome withone origin, although there are exceptions to this. Illustrated here is the E. coli chromosome that has one originfrom which two replication forks proceed in opposite directions. (B) Eukaryotes have long linear chromosomes.Bidirectional replication is initiated at multiple origins along each chromosome.

DNA Replication in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

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ress has indicated that eukaryotic origins are de-fined less by DNA sequence than by chromatinorganization, with many origins correspondingto regions of DNA with transcriptional activityor other features that allow access to origin-binding proteins (Masai et al. 2010). Many hu-man cell origins occur in sequences that areevolutionarily conserved among mammals, sug-gesting that they are far from arbitrary (Cadoretet al. 2008). In most eukaryotes, a small subsetof potential origins is used in a typical cell cyclein individual cells, but origin utilization can begreatly increased to facilitate astonishingly rapidcell division, as seen in the fertilized eggs ofmany animals (Rhind 2006). Whether an originis used or not is a stochastic process that de-pends on the chromatin context and in somecases the developmental state of cells in multi-cellular organisms. Furthermore the multipleorigins in eukaryotic chromosomes are orga-nized into clusters that are activated at specifictimes during S phase of the cell cycle, and thetemporal patterning varies again with develop-mental patterning of cells (Gilbert et al. 2010).Origins of replication are discussed in Leonardand Mechali (2013).

To begin the process of activating an originfor replication, bacterial, archaeal, and eukary-otic cells use origin-binding proteins composedof AAAþ family subunit(s) (Erzberger andBerger 2006). AAAþ proteins generally functionas multimeric machines. For example in bacte-ria, multiple copies of the DnaA origin-bindingprotein form a helical filament that binds theorigin (Kaguni 2011). The DnaA filament bindsATP to unwind an A/T-rich region of the origin,resulting in a single-strand DNA (ssDNA)“bubble” onto which the replicative helicaseloads (described in the next section).

Eukaryotes contain a six subunit origin-binding protein referred to as ORC (origin rec-ognition complex) (Stillman 2005). Five of theORC subunits are related to AAAþ proteins andtogether with another AAAþ protein calledCdc6 that is highly related in sequence to thelargest ORC subunit, Orc1, they form a ring-shaped hexamer that binds DNA (Sun et al.2012). However, unlike bacterial DnaA, ORCdoes not unwind DNA at regions to which it

binds. Archaeal cells also use AAAþ proteinsthat are related to the largest subunit of ORC,Orc1 and to Cdc6, but the number of these sub-units varies depending on the particular type ofarchaeal cell (Barry and Bell 2006). Both DnaAand ORC are used in other processes besidesreplication (see Bell and Kaguni 2013).


The objective of origin-binding proteins in bac-teria, archaea, and eukaryotes is the loading oftwo helicases onto DNA, which eventually giverise to two DNA replication forks that movein opposite directions from each origin. In allthree domains of life, the helicase is a six subunitcomplex that unwinds DNA by encircling onestrand of the parental duplex (Gai et al. 2010).Each helicase uses ATP hydrolysis to translo-cate along the single strand, acting as a movingwedge to force the parental duplex apart. Thecellular DNA helicases are similar to hexamericenzymes present in several eukaryotic cell virus-es such as the simian virus 40 T antigen andthe human papillomavirus E1 helicase. Beyondthese important similarities lie many differ-ences among the replicative helicases of bacte-ria, archaea, and eukaryotic cells and their vi-ruses. The bacterial helicase is a homohexamerthat is placed around ssDNA generated by theDnaA protein at the origin; it travels 50 –30 alongthe strand onto which it is bound. This direc-tionality places the bacterial helicase around thelagging-strand template at a replication fork.In contrast, the eukaryotic helicase is a hetero-hexamer known as the MCM2-7 complex.Each of the six MCM subunits is encoded bya separate gene but they are related in sequenceand are AAAþprotein ATPases, whereas the bac-terial helicase ATPase architecture is based on aRecA-like fold (Enemark and Joshua-Tor 2008).Eukaryotic MCM encircles the leading strandtemplate at a replication fork and tracks alongssDNA 30 –50, the opposite polarity of the bac-terial helicase. Another distinctive feature of theeukaryotic MCM2-7 helicase is that it is initiallyloaded onto the origin as a head-to-head doublehexamer with the double-strand DNA (dsDNA)passing through the hexamer channel and

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therefore must transition to ssDNA to functionas a helicase (Masai et al. 2010). This transition,although not well understood, is an importantfeature regulating replication initiation and in-volves addition of the Cdc45 and GINS proteinsto form an active helicase called the CMG(Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS) (Ilves et al. 2010).Without these accessory proteins, the MCM2-7 is inactive as a helicase. Interestingly, the ar-chaeal helicase is also a double hexamer, but inthis case made up from a single protein calledMCM that is related to the eukaryotic cell heli-case. It also travels on ssDNA in the 30 –50 direc-tion and hence on the leading strand templateand does not require accessory proteins for itshelicase activity (Barry and Bell 2006).

All cells require other factors in addition tothe origin-binding protein to load the helicaseonto DNA. Before loading, bacterial DnaB andeukaryotic MCM are bound by DnaC and Cdt1,respectively, which facilitate delivery of the heli-case complexes to the origin. DnaC is an AAAþ

protein that uses ATP to bind the DnaB helicasein an inactive form and it cooperates with DnaAto load DnaB onto the ssDNA bubble formed atthe origin by DnaA. ATP hydrolysis ejects DnaCafter the loading step, enabling the helicaseto become active in DNA unwinding (Kaguni2011). In eukaryotes, Cdt1 brings the MCM2-7helicase to the ORC-Cdc6 complex that isbound to the origin DNA (Masai et al. 2010).MCM loading triggers ATP hydrolysis by Cdc6,ejecting it from the DNA and promoting releaseof Cdt1. Archaea have the AAAþ Orc1/Cdc6origin-binding protein, but to date no archaealCdt1 homolog has been identified, so the MCMhexamer may bind directly to the initiator pro-tein (Barry and Bell 2006). The precise mecha-nism by which these proteins load the helicaseis unknown in any system. MCM2-7 loadingby ORC, Cdc6, and Cdt1 forms a prereplicativecomplex (the Pre-RC) in which MCM2-7 sur-rounds duplex DNA, but it remains inactivefor DNA unwinding until cells commit to enterS phase of the cell cycle (Masai et al. 2010).

Loading the helicase and activating it to un-wind DNA are central replication control pointsin all cell types, but the way bacteria and eukary-otes regulate this process is fundamentally dif-

ferent. E. coli DnaA binding at the origin is reg-ulated by SeqA, which sequesters the origin andprevents access to DnaA (Dame et al. 2011).Sequestration is dependent on the methylationstate of the origin DNA (SeqA can only bindnewly replicated, hemimethylated DNA). Un-der optimal growth conditions, E. coli reinitiatesDNA synthesis at the origin before complet-ing the previous round of replication, yieldingmultiple chromosomes in one cell; the chromo-somes eventually segregate into individual cells.Eukaryotes cannot afford the luxury of rerepli-cation because of their requirement for multi-ple origins on each chromosome. Reinitiationat some origins and not others would leadto copy number differences within regions of achromosome and problems with chromosomesegregation during mitosis. Hence, under mostcircumstances, eukaryotic origin initiation istightly regulated so that origins initiate once,and only once, per cell division. Eukaryotesachieve this exquisite level of control by sepa-rating initiation events into different phases ofthe cell cycle and imposing multiple regulatoryprocesses on the mechanism of initiation ofDNA replication (Diffley 2011), whereas bacte-ria lack a well-defined cell cycle (see Fig. 2)(Morgan 2007). Progression from one eukary-otic cell phase to the next is driven by manyregulated events including the synthesis of newproteins, the destruction of others, and proteinmodification such as phosphorylation by ki-nases, a modification that is largely absentamong bacterial replication proteins. An addi-tional level of control, also distinct from bacte-ria, is that eukaryotic replication occurs in thenucleus and this compartmentalization allowsfor tight regulation by excluding key proteinsfrom the nucleus when their activity is not re-quired or when it might be detrimental.

Formation of the pre-RC occurs during mi-totic exit in rapidly proliferating eukaryotic cellsor during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, but theMCM2-7 helicase remains inactive after it isloaded onto the dsDNA. The establishment ofactive replication forks is regulated by kinasesthat drive the cell into S phase by directing thechromatin association of many factors, mostimportantly Cdc45 and GINS, which are now

DNA Replication in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

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known to activate the MCM2-7 helicase activity(Ilves et al. 2010). During S phase, the Cdc6 andCdt1 proteins are eliminated by either selectiveprotein degradation or nuclear exclusion, there-by preventing further MCM2-7 loading and re-

initiation in S phase. These events underlie thephenomenon known as “licensing” of origins(Masai et al. 2010). Origins are licensed byMCM2-7 loading during mitotic exit or duringG1, and then activated in S phase. By separating





G1 S G2


U SeqA











Pol α

Pol α

Pol ε

Pol ε

Pol α, Pol δRFC, PCNAMrc1/Claspin,Ctf4/AND-1

Pol ε

Mcm10 Pre-IC








2 3

















Pol δ

Pol δ



DNA synthesis11


311 2



















Pre-IC DNA synthesis Post-RC

Ctf4RFC Ctf4






P orc



Figure 2. Origin activation and replisome assembly in bacteria and eukaryotes. (A) Origin activation in eukary-otes is regulated by DDK (Dbf4-Cdc7 kinase) and CDK (cyclin-dependent protein kinase) kinases that have lowactivity in G1 phase, and high activity in S phase. (B) Steps in origin activation and replisome assembly inbacteria and eukaryotes. The relatively more complex process of DNA replication in eukaryotes is reflected in thelarger number of proteins required to initiate and elongate DNA synthesis from each origin. See text for details.

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the helicase loading and DNA synthesis stepsinto two different phases of the cell cycle, eu-karyotes prevent origins from initiating morethan once (Diffley 2011). After replication, cellsenter G2 phase and then M (mitosis) phase, inwhich the duplicated chromosomes are segre-gated into new daughter cells (see Fig. 2). Cell-cycle phases and their regulation are explainedin McIntosh and Blow (2012), Siddiqui et al.(2013), Skarstad and Katayama (2013), andZielke et al. (2013).


In all cell types studied so far, DNA polymerasescannot initiate new chains of nucleic acids andthus the synthesis of a primer by a DNA-depen-dent RNA polymerase is needed to begin cellu-lar DNA replication (Frick and Richardson2001). Priming occurs only on ssDNA, whichrequires prior helicase loading and unwindingactivity. In E. coli, the primase is a single-sub-unit enzyme, DnaG, which transiently bindsDnaB helicase to synthesize an RNA primerof �12 nucleotides (nt). Binding of DnaG pri-mase to DnaB also stimulates release of the reg-ulatory protein DnaC from DnaB, indicatingthat initial priming and unwinding are tightlycoordinated (Kaguni 2011). Priming in eukary-otes is performed by the four-subunit DNA po-lymerase a-primase complex (Pol a/primase)that synthesizes an RNA of �12 nt and extendsthis primer RNA with �25 nt of DNA to forman RNA/DNA hybrid primer. Priming in eu-karyotes occurs only after G1 phase transits tothe S phase (see Fig. 2). How the Pol a/primaseis recruited is not known, but in the case of SV40DNA replication it binds directly to the helicase.In eukaryotic cells, recruitment of Pol a/pri-mase may be mediated by the MCM10 proteinthat is required for initiation of DNA repli-cation, but MCM10 then dissociates so thatit cannot keep Pol a/primase on the laggingstrand (Waga and Stillman 1998; van Deursenet al. 2012). The G1/S transition in eukaryotes,and eventual priming of DNA, involves acti-vation of the S-phase CDK (cyclin-dependentprotein kinase) and DDK (Dbf4-Cdc7 kinase)kinases (Diffley 2010). In all cells, elongation of

the first primer becomes the leading strand.Subsequent priming events occur on the lag-ging strand to form Okazaki fragments. Okazakifragments are 1–2 kb in bacteria, and only 100–200 bp in eukaryotes (Balakrishnan and Bam-bara 2013).

The reactions leading to priming in eukary-otes are still rather mysterious, and several pro-teins are involved that have no clear homologsin bacteria including Sld2, Sld3, Sld7, Cdc45,the four-subunit GINS complex, and Dpb11/TopBP1 (Masai et al. 2010). An S-phase-specificCDK phosphorylates Sld2 and Sld3 that allowsthem to bind to Dbp11, whereas the DDK phos-phorylation of the MCM4 subunit is necessaryfor initiation of DNA replication (Diffley 2010;Labib 2010; Sheu and Stillman 2010). Addition-al details on the complex transactions that acti-vate a licensed origin in eukaryotes are in Tana-ka and Araki (2013). Current studies indicatethat DNA polymerase 1 (Pol 1), a replicativeDNA polymerase, associates with the origin be-fore Pol a/primase in a complex with GINS,Dpb11, and CDK-phosphorylated Sld2 (Araki2010). Thus the initial priming event may beperformed by some protein other than Pol a/primase. Alternatively, Pol 1 may act as a struc-tural component that helps recruit Pol a/pri-mase. At an undefined point in the process, theMCM2-7 complex transitions from encirclingdsDNA to encircling ssDNA. Only when thistransition is complete can DNA be unwoundby the CMG and provide an ssDNA templatefor primase activity to initiate replication.


Replication is performed by a multiprotein rep-lication machine that synthesizes both daughterduplexes simultaneously. Replication machineshave the same core components in all cells: DNApolymerases, circular sliding clamps, a pen-tameric clamp loader, helicase, primase, andSSB (single-strand binding protein) (Waga andStillman 1998; Garg and Burgers 2005; Johnsonand O’Donnell 2005; Barry and Bell 2006). Theway in which these proteins are arranged andconnect to one another differs among cell types.The replication machine is often referred to as a

DNA Replication in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

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“replisome.” The bacterial replisome, illustratedin Figure 3A, is organized by the clamp loader,which contains three identical t subunits thatbind three C-family DNA polymerase III (PolIII) polymerases (see Fig. 3). The t subunitalso binds the homohexameric helicase (i.e.,E. coli DnaB). As primase forms RNA primers,the clamp loader repeatedly loads new circularbclamps onto the primer/template for use by thelagging-strand Pol III(s). This primase/poly-merase switch is facilitated by SSB, which bindsssDNA and enables the clamp loader to dislodgeprimase from the primed site. SSB protects thessDNA from nucleases and facilitates elongationby Pol III-b on ssDNA. The bacterial replisomeis highly processive, meaning that in E. coli it cansynthesize �86 kb on the leading strand with-out dissociating from the template (Georgescuet al. 2010). However, high processivity is a dis-advantage on the lagging strand, which is syn-thesized as numerous short �1000 nt Okazaki

fragments and requires the polymerase to disso-ciate from the template DNA and reassociate ata new primed site for each Okazaki fragment.To overcome this “processivity barrier,” specificmechanisms have evolved that pry the poly-merase from the clamp to release an Okazakifragment, on which the polymerase reassociateswith a new clamp at the next RNA primed site.The three Pol IIIs in the bacterial replisome aidthe production of multiple Okazaki fragments.These mechanisms will be further discussed inHedglin et al. (2013).

Although eukaryotic and archaeal repli-somes have similar components, the connec-tions among the components are quite differentfrom bacterial replisomes (Fig. 3B). The hex-americ MCM2-7 encircles the leading strand,not the lagging strand and needs the Cdc45and GINS proteins for it to function in unwind-ing DNA. Also, the eukaryotic replisome con-tains two different B-family polymerases that














Pol α-primase

Pol δ



Pol ε

γ/τ Complexclamp loader

DnaB helicase

E. coli replisome Eukaryotic replisome

DnaG primase

β Clamp

Figure 3. Organization of bacterial and eukaryotic replisome machines. (A) Replisome architecture in E. coli.The helicase (DnaB) encircles the lagging strand. Three molecules of Pol III are attached to one clamp loader. Theclamp loader binds the helicase and repeatedly assembles b clamps onto primed sites as they are formed byprimase. (B) Proposed architecture of a eukaryotic replisome. The MCM2-7 helicase encircles the leadingstrand; unwinding is aided by association of GINS and Cdc45 with MCM2-7 to form the CMG complex.The RFC clamp loader repeatedly loads PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) clamps onto lagging-strandprimers formed by Pol a-primase. Unlike E. coli, the clamp loader may not form stabile attachments to thereplisome. The leading-strand polymerase (Pol 1) is stabilized on DNA by Mrc1. Pol d replicates the laggingstrand. Contacts between Pol d and other components of the replisome are not yet defined. Mcm10 and Ctf4contact Pol a-primase.

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function separately for the leading and laggingstrands, Pol 1 and Pol d, respectively, in additionto Pol a/primase, which starts each Okazakifragment. The lagging strand is coated by repli-cation protein A (RPA), a heterotrimer SSB thatis structurally and functionally analogous to thebacterial SSB tetramer. As in bacteria, a pri-mase/polymerase switch is mediated by RPA.Both Pol1 and Pold function with a ring-shapedproliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clampof similar structure to E. coli b. PCNA is assem-bled on DNA by the pentameric replication fac-tor C (RFC) clamp loader, composed of sub-units with sequence homology and similarstructure to the bacterial clamp loader (Gargand Burgers 2005). Unlike bacteria, RFC doesnot appear to contact the polymerases or thehelicase, and the connections among replisomecomponents remain unclear. There are numer-ous candidates among the many proteins knownto be required forefficient eukaryotic replicationthat have no homolog in bacteria. For example,the GINS heterotetramer and the Cdc45 pro-tein that form a complex with the MCM2-7helicase to yield the CMG complex may bindPol a/primase. GINS and Cdc45 are requiredfor efficient DNA unwinding activity and maybind other factors in addition to the MCM2-7complex to organize the replisome. In buddingyeast, a replication progression complex hasbeen identified containing potential links be-tween the CMG and Pol a/primase via Ctf4/AND-1, and between CMG and Pol 1 via Mrc1/Claspin (Masai et al. 2010). Detailed evidencefor these and other possible connections, thefunctions of analogous proteins in other eu-karyotes, and their importance for fork progres-sion can be found in Bell and Botchan (2013).

The oligomeric structures of sliding clampsenable multiple proteins to bind one clamp si-multaneously, referred to as the “toolbelt” hy-pothesis (Pages and Fuchs 2002). An extremecase is an archaeal PCNA heterotrimer in whicheach different subunit binds a different partnerprotein (i.e., polymerase, ligase, and Fen1) thatis involved in the synthesis and maturation ofOkazaki fragments (Barry and Bell 2006). Thesefeatures of sliding clamps are discussed in Hed-glin et al. (2013), but one aspect will be men-

tioned here as it has important implicationsfor replisome structure and function. In particu-lar, all cells contain a variety of low-fidelity DNApolymerases that can bypass lesions in the DNA,referred to as “TLS” Pols (translesion synthesispolymerases). Different Pols can bind the clampsimultaneously and trade places with one anoth-er, making the replisome a much more dynam-ic machine than originally thought (Langstonet al. 2009). E. coli contains three “translesion”DNA polymerases (TLS Pols), which are in-duced on DNA damage. Studies have shownthat at high concentrations such as those in-duced on DNA damage, the TLS Pols bind theb clamp and trade places with Pol III at a mov-ing fork, yet retain the helicase to form a “TLSreplisome.” TLS replisomes move much moreslowly than Pol III and dictate the speed of thehelicase. An obvious advantage of forming TLSreplisomes on DNA damage is to slow the rep-lication fork, giving time for DNA repair beforea replication fork encounters a lesion. In theevent a lesion is encountered, it can be bypassedby the TLS polymerase.


In bacteria and eukaryotes there are mecha-nisms to activate a stalled DNA replication forkthat may be caused by the replisome runninginto DNA damage, a double-strand break, ora protein block. There are many repair mecha-nisms, such as error-free and error-prone DNAsynthesis at the DNA replication fork, or post-replicative repair by nucleotide excision repairor base excision repair (Lazzaro et al. 2009;Hubscher and Maga 2011; Lehmann 2011).The multiple DNA polymerases involved inDNA repair are discussed in Goodman andWoodgate (2013) and Yeeles et al. (2013). Alter-natively, branch migration followed by DNAsynthesis or intersister chromatid recombina-tion can be used to allow replicative bypass ofDNA lesions. If these repair events occur whileDNA replication is still occurring, stalled DNAreplication forks must either be reactivated orbypassed, events that are discussed in McIntoshand Blow (2012) and Yeeles et al. (2013). Unlike

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bacteria, eukaryotes have multiple origins andthus failure to replicate a complete replicon canbe compensated by activation of adjacent ori-gins of DNA replication, another way of bypass-ing a stalled DNA replication fork (Blow et al.2011).

If significant DNA damage occurs either be-fore or during DNA replication in eukaryotes,so-called checkpoint mechanisms signal to thecell-cycle regulatory machinery, principally theCDK and DDK protein kinases, that subsequentevents in the cell cycle should wait until DNAdamage is repaired. The biochemistry of thesevaried signaling events is still being worked out,but one common signal is the stable presenceof RPA-coated ssDNA. Normally ssDNA shouldnot exist in a cell, but its presence signals thata stalled replication fork exists, that resection ofdamaged DNA has occurred, or that recombi-nation is taking place. In any event, the cell doesnot want to progress until the damage has beenrepaired. In both bacteria and eukaryotes, re-starting a stalled DNA replication fork is a keyprocess that involves DNA helicases and prim-ing events that are unique to stalled fork recov-ery. For example, in eukaryotes cancer-pronedisorders called Bloom’s syndrome and Warn-er’s syndrome have defects in specialized DNAhelicases that are involved in dealing with DNAdamage at stalled replication forks. Anothercancer-prone syndrome called Fanconi anemiahas revealed defects in a family of proteins thathandle cross-links in DNA. These pathways, aswell as the recovery of stalled forks are discussedin Abbas et al. (2013), Jackson et al. (2013), andYeeles et al. (2013).


In bacteria, the DNA replication machinery isassembled at the single origin of DNA replica-tion in a characteristic location. In Caulobacter,the replisome is located at one end of the rod-shaped bacterium but in E. coli, it is located inthe middle of the cell (Toro and Shapiro 2010).After initiation of DNA replication, the newreplicated origins spool out of the replisome,which stays in place, and the origins move to

predetermined locations. In E. coli, the originsmove to the quarters of the cell but in Caulo-bacter, the origins move to the other end of thecell. Thus the origins of DNA replication areassociated with DNA elements that can movethe DNA and prepare the cell for separating thetwo daughter chromosomes during cell divi-sion, thereby remotely resembling centromeresin eukaryotic cells. Interestingly, pre-RC pro-teins in eukaryotes play a role at centromeresand centrosomes, perhaps reflecting an evolu-tionary link between chromosome replicationand segregation (Saffery et al. 2000; Prasanthet al. 2004; Hemerly et al. 2009; Hossain andStillman 2012; Varma et al. 2012).

As the two DNA bacterial forks move inopposite directions away from the origin, theyeventually meet at a termination site that locatesto the center of the cell before cell division. Inrapidly growing bacteria, it is possible to reini-tiate DNA replication from the origin before celldivision actually takes place and this is madepossible because of the spatial separation ofthe origin and termination regions of the ge-nome and their placement relative to the planeof cell division. Such reinitiation is lethal in eu-karyotic cells because it causes aneuploidy andgenome instability.

In contrast to bacteria, eukaryotes have todeal with multiple chromosomes and numerousorigins. The fastest way to replicate the multiplechromosomes in eukaryotes is for all originsto fire at the same time, but this is rare andoccurs in the early and rapid cell divisions ofXenopus embryos and during the replication ofthe syncytial nuclei in the Drosophila embryo.In somatic cells origins of DNA replication fireat specific times during S phase, with some fir-ing early and others late in a specific temporalpattern that is characteristic for each cell type(Fig. 1B) (Toro and Shapiro 2010). Within achromosome, clusters of origins of DNA repli-cation that are located adjacent to each otherinitiate DNA replication at the same time, cre-ating megabase-pair-sized domains of chromo-somes that are copied synchronously. Remark-ably, whole genome analysis of these domainsof chromosomes that are replicated at the sametime has revealed that they correspond to

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regions of the genome that are spatially associ-ated with each other in the nucleus (Ryba et al.2010). Thus, the genome within the nucleusis organized into domains that are physicallyassociated with each other and these domainsreplicate at characteristic times during S phase.Such an arrangement explains why replicationproteins such as the DNA polymerase clampPCNA form temporally regulated patterns inthe nucleus during S phase that correspond tosites of DNA synthesis of large regions of thegenome (Kill et al. 1991; O’Keefe et al. 1992;Leonhardt et al. 2000).

Pre-RCs are assembled at all origins of DNAreplication before the start of S phase and thetemporal patterning of actual DNA synthesisfrom each origin is governed by the chromatincontext, including the nature of histone modi-fications, and by rate-limiting proteins that es-tablish the preinitiation complex (Douglas andDiffley 2012). The activation of pre-RCs is reg-ulated byat least two independent protein kinasesignaling systems, the CDK and the DDK (Labib2010; Tanaka and Araki 2013). Once the pre-RCis used or once passive DNA replication passesthrough a pre-RC, the pre-RC is destroyed andcannot be re-formed during the time in the cellcycle that CDKs are active. Thus pre-RCs can-not be established until the cells pass throughthe metaphase to anaphase transition when thecyclin moieties of CDKs are destroyed. Sucha mechanism limits DNA replication from allorigins to once per cell division cycle (Diffley2011). So, unlike bacterial chromosome repli-cation, it is clear that the complex genomes ofeukaryotes have demanded more complex reg-ulatory systems to maintain genome integrity.These issues are discussed in Siddiqui et al.(2013) and Zielke et al. (2013).


Although the broad outline and many impor-tant details of DNA replication have been iden-tified, many important aspects of this centralprocess remain to be discovered. In large part,we still do not know how origins function. Howdo origin-binding proteins organize the DNA?Exactly how do helicase loaders function? How

and when does the MCM helicase transitionfrom encircling dsDNA to encircling ssDNA?The functions of several proteins required fororigin activation and priming in eukaryotesare still shrouded in mystery. Priming and repli-some assembly require numerous proteins thatlack homologs in bacteria. What are the func-tions of Sld2, Sld3, Dbp11, Mcm10, GINS, andCdc45 and how is their function influencedby phosphorylation? We lack an understandingof how the multiple origins in eukaryotes arecoordinated and how the domain structure isestablished and maintained through multiplecell divisions. For example, just what are nuclearfoci and how are replication foci organized with-in them? Are origins within one replicon clus-tered into one focus? Once replication forks areestablished, we know little about how they areregulated. If one replication fork in a focus wereto stop, would it halt the other forks within thatfocus? How do replisomes move through nucle-osomes, especially in highly condensed DNAand how are the parental nucleosomes inheritedto the sisterchromatids? How do replisomes dealwith cohesin rings and how are these loaded? Wehave barely scratched the surface on questionssurrounding the interface of replication with re-pair and recombination. For example, how canreplication forks form during break-inducedreplication in S and G2 phase when the MCMsare thought to be loaded only in G1? How docheckpoint mechanisms act on moving repli-cation forks? The newly revealed coordinationof DNA metabolism with chromatin establish-ment, gene silencing, and epigenetic control isonly beginning to be explored. Most of what weknowabout DNA replication has been learned inorganisms with stable karyotypes and ploidy.However some organisms, particularly microbi-al eukaryotes, have extreme variations in ploidyand variable numbers of chromosomes. Whatmechanisms exist to facilitate this yet maintainorder in this apparent chaos? Finally, and per-haps most important, some types of human dis-ease, including certain cancers, have their basisin replication. Clearly many important ques-tions remain, despite the enormous progress ofrecent years. We hold hope that understandingthe mechanistic details of these processes may

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lead to cures, or at least treatment of humandisease in the future.


The authors’ research is supported by the How-ard Hughes Medical Institute (M.O.) and theNational Institutes of Health (GM38839 toM.O.; CA13016 and GM45436 to B.S.).

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2013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a010108Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Michael O'Donnell, Lance Langston and Bruce Stillman EukaryaPrinciples and Concepts of DNA Replication in Bacteria, Archaea, and

Subject Collection DNA Replication

Barr Viral DNA−Replication of EpsteinWolfgang Hammerschmidt and Bill Sugden


DePamphilisNorman Zielke, Bruce A. Edgar and Melvin L.

Replication Proteins and Human Disease

Nicholas ColemanAndrew P. Jackson, Ronald A. Laskey and

Replication-Fork Dynamics

Antoine M. van Oijen, et al.Karl E. Duderstadt, Rodrigo Reyes-Lamothe,

Break-Induced DNA Replication

HaberRanjith P. Anand, Susan T. Lovett and James E.

ReplicationReplication Forks at Chromosomal Origins of Helicase Activation and Establishment of

Seiji Tanaka and Hiroyuki ArakiRegulating DNA Replication in Eukarya

Khalid Siddiqui, Kin Fan On and John F.X. DiffleyPoxvirus DNA Replication

Bernard MossArchaeology of Eukaryotic DNA Replication

Kira S. Makarova and Eugene V. Koonin HelicaseThe Minichromosome Maintenance Replicative

Stephen D. Bell and Michael R. BotchanTranslesion DNA Polymerases

Myron F. Goodman and Roger WoodgateDNA Replication Origins

Alan C. Leonard and Marcel Méchali

Cancer?Human Papillomavirus Infections: Warts or

Louise T. Chow and Thomas R. BrokerBacteria, Archaea, and EukaryaPrinciples and Concepts of DNA Replication in

StillmanMichael O'Donnell, Lance Langston and Bruce

Chromatin and DNA ReplicationDavid M. MacAlpine and Geneviève Almouzni

DNA Replication TimingNicholas Rhind and David M. Gilbert For additional articles in this collection, see

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