Prince of Persia Sands of Time

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Prince of Persia Sands of Time

Ubisoft's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a brand new adventure in Jordan Mechner's

classic series. Now the prince has many new tools at his disposal. The prince can run along or

up walls, swing from ropes and bars, perform a variety of fantastic combat maneuvers, and

even reverse, slow, and speed up time with the use of an ancient dagger key to the game's

engrossing storyline.

This GameSpot game guide for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time includes:

General Strategies: Look here for general strategies on navigation and combat.

Walk-through: This section provides a complete walk-through for Prince of Persia:

The Sands of Time, including specific combat tips and sand cloud, magic fountain,

and sand vortex locations.

Puzzle Tips: This section offers tips and solutions for the game's major puzzles.

Secrets: Check here for information on unlocking the original Prince of Persia and its


Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Strategies

Chapter 2 Walk-Through

The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults (2%)

"You have unleashed the Sands of Time" (5%)

"Had I really seen her?" (7%)

A Secret Passage (10%)

The Palace's Defence System (12%)

A Booby-Trapped Courtyard (14%)

Death of a Sand King (17%)

"I'll try to find a way in." (19%)

Climbing the Tower (21%)

The Warehouse (24%)

The Sultan's Zoo (28%)

Atop a Bird Cage (28%)

Cliffs and Waterfalls (33%)

The Baths (33%)

"There's something glowing up there." (33%)

Above the Baths (33%)

A Long-Buried Secret (40%)

Daybreak (43%)

A Soldiers' Mess Hall (46%)

The Drawbridge (46%)

A Broken Bridge (50%)

"I'll meet you at the baths." (52%)

Waterfall (55%)

A Cavern of Ladders (57%)

An Underground Reservoir (60%)

Out of the Well (62%)

The Sultan's Harem (65%)

"What did you call me?" (65%)

The Hall of Learning (69%)

Observatory (71%)

Hall of Learning Courtyard (75%)

On the Ramparts (75%)

A Prisoner Seeking Escape (79%)

"At last we're here!" (81%)

The Hourglass (83%)

The Tomb (90%)

"Farah, come back!" (90%)

Climbing the Tower of Dawn (93%)

The Setting Sun (95%)

Honour and Glory (98%)

Chapter 3 Puzzle Tips

Chapter 4 Secrets

Chapter 1 - General Strategies

This section offers general strategies for navigating Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and

battling enemies.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a complex world--it’s not always readily apparent where to go next. When entering a new room, watch as the camera pans through the path toward the destination. This is a definite clue on where you need to move. Also, move around your current location and wait for camera changes. Often the camera will switch to another view to reveal a bar or pole that you need to jump to or climb.

There are two primary advanced attacks that you should use throughout the game: the vaulting attack and the wall rebound attack. The vault attack is best used against the weaker sand creatures; these are the unclothed or clothed in red sand creatures encountered early in the game. The wall rebound attack should be employed against the tougher sand creatures; these are the sand creatures clothed in blue.

The "Power of Revival" ability, or the ability to rewind time, proves useful during many aspects of the game. You could rewind time if you miss a key jump or fall from a precarious ledge. But you could also rewind time during combat sequences. For instance, if you misstep and incur a significant amount of damage, you could rewind time before the enemy strikes you and instead dodge or roll out of the way to avoid the damaging blow.

You can replenish your sand tanks during combat sequences by retrieving the sand from a defeated sand creature. Therefore, don’t hesitate to use some of your dagger powers during combat as you can always gain more sand (furthermore, you can always retrieve more sand from sand clouds, which replenish sand and also increase your storage). For instance, use the "Power of Restraint" or freeze ability against the tougher sand creatures that defend against the vault attacks. Then defeat the weaker sand creatures and retrieve the sand to replenish your tanks.

Birds and bats are two additional creatures you must battle throughout the game. The birds swoop and attack from above. The easiest way to defend against a bird is to hold the block button. Once the bird attacks release the block button and immediately attack. Chances are you will strike the bird with your sword and defeat the creature. You can also strike the bird during its attack run. Just as the bird begins to swoop and attack, swing your sword and you should strike the creature.

Bats swarm around your body and attack, which can cause you to lose footing on beams or ledges. The best way to deal with the bats is to remain stationary and wait for them to crowd around you. When the bats are around you, swing your sword. The bats will continue to swarm until you have eliminated nearly all of them (when just three remain, the bats leave).

Chapter 2 - Walk-through

This section provides a complete walk-through for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. The

walk-through includes specific combat tips, sand cloud, magic fountain, and sand vortex

locations, and a proven solution through the game.

Prince of Persia’s first section is essentially a training level. You’re instructed on what moves

to perform at nearly every turn. Take the opportunity to get used to the controls and master

the various techniques, such as wall running and bar swinging--you’ll be using them very

often during the course of the game.

Move forward toward the door. An explosion eliminates the group ahead. Turn to the right

and find the debris. Climb up to its top. You’re told to jump to the far ledge. Do so and turn

right and move until a wall blocks your path. Here’s your first chance to run up a wall,

another move you’ll perform often during the game. Run up the wall and you’ll grab hold of

the ledge. Pull yourself up and head to the right.

Jump over the gap and turn right at the door. Notice the two platforms. Leap over the gap. On

the next rampart, turn to the left and enter through the doorway. You’ll reach a blocked path

to the right. Draw your sword and break the obstruction. Combat the guard ahead. Block his

attack then counter with your own combination strikes. Ascend the ladder and defeat two

more guards. These enemies don’t block effectively so you shouldn’t have much trouble

scoring successful sword strikes.

Turn around and enter the passage. While the prince talks, walk to the room’s center to find

the water. The refreshing liquid replenishes the prince’s health. If you have suffered damage,

drink from the water to regain hit points. When done, follow the room to the left and bust the

obstruction and emerge outside.

Walk to the edge and drop down. When you reach the bottom, draw your sword and engage

the enemies. Move through the next hallway entrance and follow it back outside. An

explosion destroys the path ahead. Here’s your chance to perform your first wall-running

maneuver. Run along the right wall to circumvent the gap. Perform the maneuver across the

next gap then ascend the ladder on the right.

The next room contains some water if you need refreshment. Maneuver through the room and

encounter a gang of enemies on the other side. Crush them with your sword and counter

attacks. If you are injured, return to the previous room and drink water.

Move past the slain enemies and leap to the ledge. Shimmy to the left and pull up. Grab the

ledge above you and shimmy around the corner of the wall. When the face blocks your path,

drop down and grab hold of the ledge. Shimmy below the face. Drop down again to the ledge

below. Go left and when you reach the face, drop underneath and continue to shimmy left.

You’re over the hole in the wall. Drop down and hop inside.

Engage in battle with the enemies in this room. Use the vault attack as instructed. This attack

is extremely effective against these enemies and the first stage of sand enemies (those not

wearing blue) but you won’t be able to use it late in the game against the tougher, blue-

colored foes. Find the fountain on the other side of the room if you need refreshment.

Hop onto the column to the fountain’s left. Climb the column and leap to the column on the

lower right side of the screen. Now, leap to the column on the upper right side of the screen.

Ascend this column to its peak and leap left to the walkway. Move through the curtains to

save the game.

The Maharajah’s Treasure Vaults (2%)

The first section of the game provides a tutorial for the prince’s various moves. In this case,

run along the left wall to reach the far side.

You can drop down into the water and replenish your health. To cross the area, though, run

along the left wall. Go around the corner to the right. Run along the wall on the right side;

when you’re across from the far ledge, press the jump button to leap over. Upon reaching the

next gap, perform the run along wall maneuver on the right side.

Turn left and face the wall. Run up the wall. When you’re at the height of the run, hit the

jump button to leap to the opposite wall. Hit the jump button again when you hit this wall to

rebound to the top of the left wall. Enter the next passageway to spot the dagger of time.

Turn right and run along the wall to the next platform. Do the same move along the right wall

but jump to the ledge on the left. You can spot the dagger to the right but it’s blocked. Turn

left and hop up to the top of the ledge. Turn to the left again and face the center of the room.

Perform another wall run to the platform ahead. Wall run again to the next platform and spot

the passage to your right. If you should fall to the room’s center at any point here, use the

columns to get back to the starting point. There’s also water here if you need to replenish

your health.

As the objective states, avoid the spiky poles. Drop down the edge and fall to the floor below.

Maneuver safely through the poles. Drop down the next ledge and get some water if

necessary. Get back up and run along the left wall and you’ll reach a ledge on the far wall.

Cross this ledge to the right. When you can’t move any longer, leap to the ledge on the right.

Follow the ledge to the prince’s left until you can’t move any longer and leap to the ledge on

the left. Avoid more spiky poles.

You’ve reached another gap. Perform a wall run along the left wall and leap over to the ledge

on the right. Follow the ledge to the next pathway. When you reach the opening, drop off the

ledge and notice additional ledges below you. Drop down and navigate the ledges. Some will

break apart. Navigate to the left as far as you can go. You’ll emerge near a pole with

instructions to leap to the pole. Jump to the pole. Jump from column to column until you’re

near the room’s center (where the next pole is too far away). Slide down to the ground. Use

the nearby fountains if necessary.

Climb the statue on the right side of the chamber. When you’re underneath the statue’s hands,

run up the right wall then jump to reach the upper hand. Keep going up to the statue’s head.

When you reach the top, run up the side of the statue’s head and jump off the left and right

walls to rebound and ascend the shaft. Get to the top and you grab the dagger of time--and all

heck breaks loose.

Turn around and jump to the passageway. When the floor breaks, run along the left wall and

jump to the floor on the right. Do the same move again but this time using the right wall to

leap to the left path. Avoid the spiky poles. Use a niche in the path to avoid the second set.

Drop down the far ledge and avoid more poles. Ascend and continue forward until a cut

scene interrupts the action.

It’s time for a fight! These are the weaker of the human sand creatures you’ll face during the

game. You can vault attack them with ease. After knocking a creature down, use the dagger

to retrieve sand and kill the creature for good. When you have defeated all enemies, enter the

sand vortex to save your game.

"You have unleashed the Sands of Time" (5%)

Exit through the open passage near the debris (across from the closed door). Move up the left

staircase, chasing the unknown female. When the roof caves in, turn right and check out the

next room.

Check under the staircase for a sand cloud.

Run along the wall to the staircase below. Find the sand cloud underneath the stairs and grab

it with the dagger. Go underneath the highest staircase and leap up to the bar. Swing from bar

to bar. Swing from the last bar to the ledge along the wall. Pull yourself up onto the ledge.

Run along the left wall to the far ledge. On this second ledge, run along the wall then leap to

the bar on the right. Swing to the balcony.

Enter the passage and head to the left. Ascend the debris to a second sand cloud. Snag it with

your dagger. Drop down off of the debris and return down the hall. Another roof collapse

blocks your path to Farah. Turn to the left and spot some bars. Swing from bar to bar. Upon

reaching the third bar, shimmy to the left edge and swing to the smaller bar. After landing,

drink from the fountain for refreshment. Go right into the passageway.

Run along the right wall to the bar. Swing from bar to bar and finally to the balcony. Turn left

and wall along the right wall to the bar. Drop down to the bars below. Enemies await you on

the ground floor. Use your vault attacks to defeat them. Stab them with your dagger to

retrieve sand.

Go to the far corner of the room underneath the light. Run up the opposite wall; jump off of

the wall and onto the bar holding the light. Now you must reach the higher bar. Swing and

jump toward the wall. When you hit the wall, hit jump to rebound and grab the upper bar.

Turn around and swing to the upper ledge. Hop up into the hole and enter the sand vortex to

save your game.

"Had I really seen her?" (7%)

Keep your eye out for water fountains. You can use them to replenish your health.

Take a drink from the fountain and continue to the doorway ahead. Smash the boxes with

your sword. Retrieve the sand cloud from the passage. Turn around and walk to the dead-end.

Run up the wall and leap to the bar above. Jump to the ledge. Maneuver into the hole on the

right side of the screen. This hole leads to a magic fountain, which permanently increases

your life bar. Run to the magic fountain and you’ll automatically receive the bonus and return

to the previous location.

Drop down the rocks. Leap to the other side when necessary and get to the area’s bottom.

Leap over the gap and retrieve the sand cloud. Drop down into the hole and walk around the

corner to meet the woman you’ve been chasing, Farah.

When you regain control, combat the scarabs--pretty easy prey for your sword attacks. Head

left and then right into the next room.

Jump to the next ledge and go to the right out to the exterior balcony. The floor crumbles.

Run along the left wall to the far side. Turn into the left passage. Grab and climb the pole.

Leap to the broken pole to the right. While on this pole, leap toward another broken pole and

yet another broken pole. When you’re adjacent to the ledge, leap toward the wall niches.

Drop to the ledge. Turn left and run along the wall. When you reach the pole’s shadow, hit

jump to leap to the pole. Slide to the floor and defeat the scarabs.

Retrieve the sand cloud to the left. Run along the right wall and leap to the pole (time your

jump when you reach the shadow). Leap to the broken pole and then jump to the ledge.

Climb up the debris on the right. Run up the rocks to grab the top. When you reach the top,

you’ll spot a bar. Jump to the bar. Swing from bar to bar to the far ledge.

Turn around and hop toward the ledge featuring the sand cloud, which you should promptly

retrieve. Climb the pole to the cloud’s left. Leap to the next two broken poles. You can’t fit

on the next one so jump on the ledge to the right. Use the ledges along the wall to reach the

next platform. Kill the scarabs.

Go to the opposite side of this platform and jump to the bar. Swing from bar to bar to the next

platform. Slay some scarabs! Head left and hang off the edge of the railing. Leap to the pole

and slide down to the ground. Note the fountain to the right if you need health. Beat down the

sand creatures. Use your vault attacks to quickly pummel them. Gather the sand to create and

replenish tanks. Find the sand vortex on this floor and save your game.

A Secret Passage (10%)

Pull back the bookcase to locate the secret passage.

Go to the corners of the room and move the bookcases that were revealed earlier. One blocks

a secret passage. While moving the cases, be sure to snag the sand cloud. Move through the

passage and perform a run along the wall jump to the next ledge. Retrieve the sand cloud.

Step on the switch to open the door. Walk toward the bridge, which crumbles. Run along the

right wall and leap to the next bridge section. Find the crate on the left and pull it onto the

floor switch to keep the door open.

Pull the switch on the right wall. This is a timed switch, which extends a bridge toward the

room’s center section. Quickly jump to the center structure. Listen to the explanation of the


You must solve this puzzle to continue onward. Make note of how each crank affects the


There are two cranks: the right crank (that looks like a curly-q) moves the platform up and

down and the left crank (that looks like a circle) rotates the platform. Your goal is to grab the

tubes and insert them in the correct slot. You’ll step on the floor switches on the platform’s

edge to grab the tubes.

Here’s the solution to the puzzle:

1. Step on the lit floor switch to grab the first tube.

2. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise one notch.

3. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

4. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform counter-clockwise three notches.

5. Use the ascension crank to descend the platform one notch.

6. Step on the lit floor switch to grab the second tube.

7. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

8. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise two notches.

9. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform two notches.

10. Step on the lift floor switch to grab the third tube.

11. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise one notch.

12. Use the ascension crank to descend the platform one notch.

13. Step on the lift floor switch to grab the fourth tube.

14. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

15. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform counter-clockwise one notch.

16. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

Run across the bridge. Climb the ladder on the left. Jump up to the switch to activate the

defense system. Drop down and descend the ladder. Pummel the sand creatures using your

sword and vault attacks. When you’ve defeated them, enter the passageway and use the sand

vortex to save your game.

The Palace’s Defense System (12%)

Perhaps starting the defense system wasn’t such a great idea. Avoid these spiky poles!

Ascend the staircase. As you see, the palace defense system is active, which means more

traps for you to avoid! Avoid the spiky poles and walk carefully around the holes in the

ground. These are spike traps. If you walk over them too quickly, the spikes emerge and

cause damage. Walk over them slowly to avoid getting punctured. Walk to the next staircase

and yank the timer switch.

Since it’s a timer, you must work quickly. Ascend the stairs. Avoid the spiky poles. Leap to

the ledge and pull yourself up to avoid the saw. Jump over to the adjacent ledge and shimmy

underneath to avoid the saw. Leap to the next walkway. Jump to the ledge. Before reaching

the saws, jump over to the adjacent ledge. When you’re beyond the saws, jump back. Keep

moving until you can leap to the next walkway. Roll under the door to enter the next area.

Crush the sand creatures with sword and vault attacks. If you need health, look in an alcove

on the left side of the courtyard (across from the vortex). When finished, enter the vortex to

save your game.

A Booby-Trapped Courtyard (14%)

Some switches aren’t on the ground. Run up the wall to push the switch.

Find the glowing switch on the wall and turn left; there’s a sand cloud to recover in the

corner. Return to the switch and run up the wall to push it. Run up the raised pillar. Jump to

the bar. Swing on the bar to reach the ledge. Turn right and jump to the far ledge. Sneak past

the blade (you can also roll under it) then run along the left wall and jump to the ledge on the


Maneuver past the spiky poles and spinning blade. On the far side, jump up and grab the pole

to open the door. Swing into the doorway. Get onto the debris and run along the left wall

(above the spikes) and jump to the ladder. Ascend to the top. Run along the right wall to the

next platform. There’s a sand cloud around the corner. Jump over and retrieve it.

It’s time to take a detour to a magic fountain. Stand on the block in the right corner. Run up

the right wall and jump to reach the opposite ledge (above the spikes). Maneuver through the

hole and drop down into the next hallway. Follow the hall to a magic fountain.

Run forward along the right wall to the bar. Swing from bar to bar then finally onto the ledge.

Shimmy along the right wall and jump backward to the walkway. Run along the right wall

(time it so you miss the saw) and leap to the left platform. Jump up to the ledge. Shimmy

right so you’re lined up with the bar. Jump backward to the bar. Turn around and swing from

the bar to the ledge near the closed door.

Run along the left wall to the next platform. Time your run so you miss the saw. When you

reach the second gap, leap to the platform on the right side. Follow the path around the

corner; use the fountain if necessary. Go past the fountain to another gap. Run along the left

wall; avoid the saw carefully and reach the far platform containing a floor switch. Step on the

switch to open a door near the fountain.

Return quickly to the door by running along the wall (being careful to avoid the saw). Get

through the door before it closes. If you don’t, return and stand on the switch again.

Pull the timer switch in the next hallway. Run along the left wall (avoiding the saw) to cross

the gap. Roll under the spinning blade. When you reach the wall switch, run up the wall to

step on it then jump to land on the new platform. Leap to the ledge above this platform.

Shimmy right then jump to the opposite ledge. Climb up to the top ledge. Go to the left and

jump to the walkway on the opposite side.

You’ve reached the final stretch. Run along the right wall (avoiding the saws) to reach the

door in the distance. Roll under the closing door to exit the area. If the door has closed, you

must backtrack to the timer switch and try again.

Farah is under siege! She’s encountered some tougher enemies too. The sand creatures

wearing blue aren’t so easily beaten; your vault maneuver won’t work on them. Instead, use

the wall rebound attack. Jump at a wall then hit the attack button to launch the rebound attack

at an enemy. Use this maneuver against the sand creatures wearing blue to knock them down

and leave them vulnerable to your dagger. Note that the sand king (the one wearing the

turban) can be vaulted, so use the vault attack to defeat him. Save your game when prompted.

Death of a Sand King (17%)

Use the fountain to the right if necessary. Follow the fleet-footed Farah around the corner.

Run along the right wall to reach the platforms or just jump to them. Leap over to the

enemies and start fighting!

This is a pretty easy group--just vault attack the entire bunch. You can use the pool to regain

health if necessary. Farah hangs back and uses her bow to assist. When you’ve defeated the

entire gang, enter the sand vortex to save your game.

"I’ll try to find a way in." (19%)

You want to reach the orange crank down below. Run along the wall to traverse the green


Go up the stairs on the left. Retrieve the sand cloud from the right corner. Continue up the

stairs until the path crumbles ahead of you. Run along the right wall and you’ll automatically

drop down to the green roof. Run along the wall again to the next roof and then again to the

bar. Swing from bar to bar and finally land on another green roof.

Turn around and run along the left wall to the platform below. Run along the left wall again

to land near the crank. Turn the crank until a door opens below your current position. Drop

down and greet more enemies.

Use sword and vault attacks to demolish these foes and retrieve their sand to replenish your

tanks. During the battle, you’ll likely spot a sand cloud on the far edge of this platform; grab

it after the battle to replenish your sand tanks. Enter through the door and walk into the sand

vortex to save your game.

Climbing the Tower (21%)

Ascend the blocks on the far side of the room. Grab the ledge and shimmy to the right. When

you can’t go any further on this ledge, jump from the ledge to the bar behind you. Swing

from bar to bar. When you reach the last bar, spot another bar above you. Jump from the bar

to the wall and rebound to the upper bar. Swing across more bars until you reach the upper

ledge. Before going up the ladder, run along the wall past the saw and follow the hallway to

the magic fountain.

Return to the ladder and ascend. Go beyond the door and run along the wall past the saws.

When you run along the second wall, you’ll hit the switch that opens the door. Continue in

the counter-clockwise direction and go through the door.

Run along the wall to traverse the spike pit. Go down the stairs on the right and use the floor

switch to rendezvous with Farah. Return up the stairs and approach the door on the right.

Farah will squeeze through the crack and open the door. Enter and observe the next room.

Move forward and run along the left wall. When you reach the switch, jump so you grab the

bar switch. Farah grabs her own switch. Drop down and avoid the trap. Run to prince’s left

and enter the passage. Pull the timer switch on the right wall.

Avoid the spiky poles and the floor spikes. Weave back and forth to avoid both successfully.

Roll under the far door before it closes. Run along the wall to avoid the spike pit. Ignore the

stairs and continue through the doorway and around the corner. Descend the ramp and jump

over to Farah.

Turn left and walk to the ramp’s edge. Run along the wall and avoid the trap. Run along the

next wall to reach the next ramp. Jump up and pull the bar switch to move more ramps. Farah

does her job nicely and pulls the next bar.

Continue down. Run along the right wall and pull the next switch. Turn around and run down

the next ramp and pull the switch. Run down the next ramp and pull the switch. Follow this

ramp down to rendezvous with Farah.

Battle the enemies at the bottom using your vault and sword attacks. There’s a fountain on

either side of the door if you need to replenish your health.

After completing the battle, ascend the crates to the door’s right (in the corner) and find a

sand cloud.

There are two lit floor switches in the room. Both need to remain down to complete the

puzzle. So search for movable crates! You’ll find one on the far left corner of the room

(facing toward Farah). Pull it on top of one of the floor switches. Find the second movable

crate in the far right corner of the room (facing toward Farah). Pull it on top of the second

floor switch. Use the raised pillar to reach Farah and the sand vortex. Save your game.

The Warehouse (24%)

After saving your game, run up the wall to push the switch.

Climb the podium behind the sand vortex. Run up the wall to hit the switch. Quickly drop

down to the floor and move through the opened door (it closes quickly so hurry). Run along

the right wall to bypass the spike pit. Continue down the hall and do the same move before

emerging outside.

Descend the ramp and go around to the right and find a sand cloud. Retrieve the sand cloud

with your dagger. Walk toward the large cage until enemies emerge. Battle the enemies with

vault and sword attacks. Farah sticks close-by and uses her bow. Watch her damage level

carefully and don’t let her perish. Once combat has been completed, a sand vortex appears

near the statue of a lion. Enter it and save your game.

The Sultan’s Zoo (28%)

Climb up the ledge to the vortex’s left. Ascend the palm tree. Leap from the palm tree to the

higher ledge on the left. Drop down. Face left and leap to the branch on the right side of the

next palm tree. Swing forward and jump down to the top of the gate. Drop down and hit the

button to rendezvous with Farah.

You now face off against some aggressive birds. You can defeat them by swinging your

sword as they swoop down and attack or by blocking their attack and hitting them with a

sword attack immediately after.

After defeating the birds, enter the storage room on the right and pull out the crate. Farah

spots a crack and enters. Exit the storage room and find Farah in another cage. She pulls

down a lever which opens a gate to the prince’s left. Walk through there and listen to the

prince describe the large cage.

Move slightly right and hop up and grab the bar. Face the cage, swing, and rebound off of the

cage and grab the upper bar. Swing from bar to bar and finally land on the walkway. Turn

right and run along the left cage wall to reach the next walkway section. Leap up and grab the

bar. Swing from bar to bar and finally reach the upper walkway.

Move to the right and find the ladder. Ascend the ladder and, upon reaching the top, run left

along the wall to another pathway and finally to a bar. Shimmy left along the bar until you’re

in front of the next platform. Swing to this platform.

Jump through the hole in the cage and land next to the tree. Run up the left wall and jump

backward to grab the tree branch. Swing to the top of the cage. Go to the center and rotate the

crank until it stops. Look around and spot the sand vortex on a small outcropping. Leap to the

vortex and save your game.

Atop a Bird Cage (28%)

Swing from bar to bar to the far entrance.

Drop down to the left to the vortex’s right. You’ll now see a bar below you. Drop down to it

and then swing bar to bar and finally to an entrance. Ignore the entrance to the right and run

forward. Run up the wall and leap to the bar switch, which raises a ladder allowing Farah to

greet you.

Return to the entrance and go inside. Head down into the cavern and battle the scarabs on the

left. Enter this room on the left and leap up to the rear platform. Run along the right wall and

jump when you hit the marking to reach the bar switch. Drop down and enter the open door.

Get up onto the ledge and retrieve the sand cloud. Move the crate to expose a Farah-friendly

crack. Exit the area and continue down into the cavern. Break the barrels in front of the timer

switch. Pull the switch.

Maneuver past the spinning blade around its left side (the right side contains some floor

spikes). Get beyond the next spinning blade on the right side and the final spinning blade on

its left side. Cross the spike pit with a jump or by running along the wall. Run past the saws

on the left by running along the wall. Walk slowly over the spikes and roll under the door to

rendezvous with Farah.

Cross the wooden bridge. Leap over the gap and walk into the sand vortex. Save your game.

Cliffs and Waterfalls (33%)

Return across the bridge to Farah. Turn left and run along the right wall. Climb the tall palm

tree then leap to the adjacent palm. Climb it to the very top then jump back to the ledge

behind you. Some birds spot you and attack. Time your swing or block their attack and


Continue right and run along the wall. You’ll automatically grab a ledge. Shimmy to the right

until a palm tree lies behind you. Leap backward. Slide down and retrieve the sand cloud.

Return up the palm tree and leap to the adjacent palm. Leap to the next palm behind you (it’s

on a small outcropping). Leap to the ledge containing the waterfall. Battle more birds! You

can use the nearby water to mend any wounds.

Drop off the right side and shimmy to the right until you’re near the bridge. Drop down then

leap over the gaps in the wooden bridge. Turn the crank inside the small gazebo. Turn left

and run along the right wall. When you reach the moss, hit jump to leap to the palm tree.

Slide down and leap to the adjacent palm. Slide down and leap to the ledge on the right side.

Walk forward and run along the left wall to drop down safely. Turn left and spot Farah. Enter

the hallway and combat some scarabs on the left. Continue down the hall and fight more

scarabs (there’s a fountain nearby to replenish your health). Follow the hall until you reach a

hole in the right wall. Sneak through and battle the sand creatures. Use your sword and vault

attacks. Keep an eye on Farah’s health. She’s near the battle and can be attacked.

After the battle, go up the stairs and go to the left. There’s water here to replenish your

health. Enter the sand vortex to save your game.

The Baths (33%)

Farah can slip through cracks. Pull away this vase to expose a crack.

Proceed up the staircase to the floor switch at the very top. Move the vase statue on top of the

switch (Farah goes through a crack). Go to the right and spot the huge swinging trap. Drop

down, avoiding the trap as necessary, until you reach the floor. You’ll spot a bar. To reach it,

run up the opposite wall and jump. Swing to the other bar going over the spike pit. Drop


To ascend you must rebound off each wall. Run up a side wall and jump and hit jump to

rebound and ascend. You’ll reach the ledge. Jump to the opposite wall and continue to

rebound to the very top. Avoid the swinging spike and roll through the door.

Enter the next room. After getting a good view of your surroundings, a battle ensues. Defeat

the sand creatures with sword and vault attacks. Use the nearby water for health as needed.

When finished, walk up the stairs and enter the sand vortex to save your game.

"There’s something glowing up there." (33%)

You can use this statue to depress the button on the wall.

Walk past the vortex and grab the statue on the left. Move it against the yellow switch on the

wall. There’s a second switch to its right. Run up the wall to activate this switch. Run past the

vortex and down the stairs. Roll under the door and snag the sand cloud ahead of you.

Turn the crank until it clicks; this drains the exterior area. Return to the previous room and go

to the upper right corner. Run up the wall to reach the ledge. Turn around and jump to the

bar. Shimmy to the right so you can jump to the next bar. Although the bar is in the incorrect

position, you’ll still reach it.

Shimmy to the right until you move near the right wall. Swing to the next bar and finally to

the bar switch at the very end. This partially opens a wood panel.

Drop down and go to the lower right corner of the room (facing the center). Run up the wall

to the small ledge. Jump to the bar. Swing bar to bar (shimmy as necessary). When you reach

the second bar, you won’t be able to make the swing. So instead, shimmy to the right and

swing to the pole. Jump to the next pole then to the bar on the left. Continue from bar to bar

and use the bar switch at the end to open the wood panel.

Drop down. Return to the upper right corner and push the movable block into the hole opened

by the bar switches. The block falls through. Exit the area by returning past the swinging

spikes and the spike pit (the part you moved through earlier).

You’re back in the previous area. Go down some stairs and you’ll find the block (drink from

the water if needed). Move the block to the right until you spot the opening on the left. Push

it through and drop down. You should be right next to a vortex. Pull the block to the left so

it’s positioned under a ladder. Climb the ladder and retrieve a sand cloud.

Jump up into the hole. Drop down to the ledge and shimmy to the platform on the right. Walk

to the left so you’re lined up with a pole in the room’s center. Leap to the pole. Now leap to

the left side of the screen to land on more ledges. Pull up and head to the prince’s right. You

must hang from the upper ledge to avoid the gate. Continue all the way right until you can

leap to a bar.

Swing from the bar to another wooden platform. Run along the left wall to the far walkway.

Do it again to clear the next gap. Exit onto a balcony. Run up the wall to jump to the bar.

Swing from bar to bar. Land at the end and go left and around. Break the barrels to clear the

obstruction. Stand on the timed floor switch and move quickly.

Roll past the swinging blades and reach the end. Some sand creatures guard this room. Use

sword and vault attacks to demolish them. Walk into the sand vortex to save your game.

Above the Baths (33%)

Go up the stairs and head to the left. Pull the bookcase on the left to the edge on the right.

Hop on it and jump to the bar. Shimmy to the right and line up with the pole. Swing to the

pole. Go from pole to pole around the center until you’re in the upper right corner and can

reach another bar. Leap to the bar and finally swing to the ground below. Retrieve the sand

cloud on the left.

Turn around and walk to the far corner and the edge. Run along the left wall and drop down.

You just found a new sword! Walk up to the sword to grab it. Return along the wall and

approach the crumbling doorway. Hit it with your sword a few times to bust down the door.

Follow the staircase down. On your way down, look for a crumbling piece of wall on the

right side. Break it down with the sword and follow the new hallway to a magic fountain.

When you emerge back, continue to the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom, bust the wooden

door with your new sword. Greet Farah!

Cross the room’s center and go to the right of the main door. You’ll spot a crumbling wall.

Bust it down with the sword. Follow the stairs down.

Go to the right and pull the block. Farah spots a crack! Pull the block back to the recess.

You’re going to use it to reach that bar. Climb on the block and jump to the bar. Swing to the

next bar and finally down to the top of a pillar. Leap over to the next pillar on the left. Drop

down on its far side and shimmy to the right until you’re over more ledges. Drop down to the

bottom ledge.

Shimmy to the far right. Now you must jump backward and rebound jump until you reach the

upper ledge. Traverse this ledge to the left. Leap over and grab the sand cloud. Drop down

the far side of this pillar; there’s a ledge here. Shimmy to the right so you can jump backward

toward the ledge containing the torches.

Bust the crumbling wall and point the crank to the exposed door to unlock Prince of Persia 2

on the Xbox.

Proceed to the right. Use the ledges to reach the ledge underneath Farah. Pull up and walk to

the crank. On the Xbox version, you can bust down the wall on the other side of the crank to

unlock Prince of Persia 2. You can turn the crank to this opening to play Prince of Persia 2

while maintaining your position in your current game. It also gives you a chance to save.

A Long-Buried Secret (40%)

Turn the crank toward the left door. Go through and slaughter the scarabs. Go to the corner

and pull out the block so Farah can go through a crack. She activates a switch that creates

some platforms for you to run onto. Run along the wall to traverse these platforms. Climb the

ladder at the end. Proceed into the next room.

A new sword means tougher enemies. The sand creatures wearing blue are much stronger

than the previous sand creatures. You won’t be able to vault over them--they can block the

maneuver. The best way to knock them down is to use the wall rebound attack. Jump against

a wall and press the attack button to launch a rebound attack straight at the enemy. Defeat

these enemies and use the sand vortex to save your game.

Daybreak (43%)

Walk to the stone wall on the far right corner. Break it with your sword. Go into the hall and

drink from the fountain if necessary. Walk to the door ahead and turn left. Break the barrels

and use the switch. Run into the mess hall.

Time for battle! Use your vault attacks on the red sand creatures and your wall rebound

attacks on the blue sand creatures. Watch Farah carefully; she’s easily damaged! A sand

vortex appears once you have cleared the mess hall. Enter the vortex and save your game.

A Soldiers’ Mess Hall (46%)

While standing on the ledge, jump backward to the bar.

Proceed down the staircase and go around the left corner to locate a drinking fountain.

Replenish your health if necessary. Climb onto the debris. Run along the left wall and reach

the bar. Swing from bar to bar and finally to the ledge that’s part of the pillar. Shimmy

around the ledge to the right. Jump backwards to the next bar and swing to the next pillar.

Climb the ledges to the top so you can retrieve the sand cloud. Go get it then swing back to

the left and jump to the ledge. Run along the wall to traverse the gap. Use the floor switch to

open the door. Exit outside.

After exiting, proceed to the left around the far corner. Leap to the bar and swing from bar to

bar and then rebound to the upper bar positioned at the end. Turn around and swing to the

section of roof.

Leap up to the left (where the spiky poles are). Avoid the spiky poles by hiding between the

columns. You can also just leap from column to column to avoid the poles. Go around the

corner and run along the right wall to avoid the floor spikes. At the end, run up the wall and

leap to the bar switch to open the nearby door.

Move down the staircase. Hop up to the bar switch to reveal a ladder; Farah climbs up.

Return up the staircase and walk to the door to the left of the entrance. There’s a gap that

Farrah can fit through.

She opens the door. Retrieve the sand cloud from the corner. Run up the wall and jump to the

bar switch to lower the bridge.

Return back outside and go to the left. The camera shifts revealing a platform below. Drop

down to the platform. Move left then right onto the lowered bridge. It’s time for another

battle! Move to one of the walls so you can wall rebound attack the blue sand creatures. If

you need health, find the fountain adjacent to the emerging sand vortex. Upon completing the

battle, enter the sand vortex to save your game.

The Drawbridge (46%)

Move across the drawbridge and find the crank in this room.

Cross the bridge and go to the left. Turn the crank. Enter the door on the right and take a

gander at the new area. Walk up the staircase to the far left. There’s a bar switch at the top

but it doesn’t do anything. Return down the stairs and leap to the lower bar. Turn around and

swing to the next highest bar and finally to the higher bars. Go bar to bar until you reach

another bar switch. Pull it to move a center bridge. Drop down and pull the switch again as

Farah requested.

Climb up the debris on the right side of the screen. Hop up to the ledge and again to get over

the saw. Walk to the left so you’re in front of the bridge. Jump backward to the bridge.

Leap from the bridge to the hole in the wall. Drop outside and go left. Break the barrels and

run along the left wall to the bar. Swing to the next walkway. Go through the entrance on the


Run up the wall to reach the bar switch. This moves the central bridge once again. Cross it to

the middle and Farah will move the bridge for you. Jump from the bridge to the ledges. Get to

the upper ledge and leap to the ladder. Climb the ladder to reach the closed door. Go to the

left and swing to the wall switch. This allows Farah to climb a ladder and meet up with you.

Return to the closed door and Farah climbs through a hole and opens the door from the other

side. Walk out and toward the vortex in the distance. Birds block your path. Defeat them with

timing or blocking and countering. Walk to the sand vortex (the bridge crumbles behind you)

and save your game.

A Broken Bridge (50%)

Walk around the vortex to the left and find a sand cloud. You can also search the right side to

find a fountain. Drop down to the left of the platform and down to the ledges below. Shimmy

to the right so you’re in front of the pole. Jump backward to the pole. Leap to the broken pole

to the left. Leap to the ledge and shimmy to the right. You’re now in a shaft. Rebound off

each wall to descend the shaft.

The floor crumbles beneath your feet so run quickly to the left. Run up the wall at the end and

jump to the bar overhead. Swing from the bar to the top of that wall. Drop down the far side

of this platform. You’ll drop down to a short walkway.

Leap onto the broken column and shimmy to the left. Jump backward to the pole then drop

down near the sand cloud. Retrieve the sand cloud.

Climb the other pole and jump to the other broken column. Shimmy to the left and drop to the

ledge below. Continue to the left to reach the beam. You’re told how to traverse the beams:

just move your directional control over the beam and watch as the prince attempts to balance

left and right. If he starts to fall to the left, move the directional control to the right and vice


Cross the beam to the far side. Traverse the ledge to the right. Use the fountain here if

needed. Go into the room on the left.

Run along the right wall to reach the beam. Swing from bar to bar to reach the vortex in the

corner. Save your game by entering the sand vortex.

"I’ll meet you at the baths." (52%)

Drop down one level. Walk over the short beam and jump to the next beam. Stay to the right

and walk to the edge of the beam. Leap to the top of the metal door in front of you. Walk

around to the right onto the short metal piece and rotate the camera so you can see the area’s

center. Leap to the short beam near you. Fight the bird!

Traversing the beams in this section is a challenging task--especially with those attack birds

flying around!

Walk to the end of the beam to the right. Jump to the next section (containing the metal gate

in its middle). Walk over the top of the gate and to the edge of the metal beam at the far end.

Leap to the section of beam that stretches from the enclosed area in the corner. Walk on that

beam into the enclosed area. Pull the bar switch to raise a ladder.

Descend the ladder to the ground. Go to the right side of the screen and retrieve the sand

cloud in the corner. Move to the opposite corner and find an open alcove. Pull the bar switch,

which releases some scarabs. Defeat them then enter the alcove from which they appeared.

Inside is a timer switch. It controls the main gate. You’ll notice the main gate is now

lowering. You’re not trying to get under the gate; you’re trying to use the gate to run across

to the far upper platform. Since this is timed, you must work quickly. Essentially you must

backtrack across those beams!

Return to the ladder and ascend. Walk across the bream to the corner. Instead of going to the

right, remain in place and leap to the beam on the left. Follow this beam to the left as it

bends. Jump over the gap. Don’t walk forward; instead, jump to the adjacent beam (the small

section). Walk to the left and face the top of the metal gate. Jump to the top of the metal gate.

Go left and leap the gap. Run toward the wall and across the lowering main gate.

Retrieve the sand cloud on the other side. Move around the corner to the wall switch. This

raises a ladder on the other side of the main gate. Exit to the right and hang off the edge.

Jump backwards to the beam. Return back to the floor and go to the alcove that contains the

timer switch. Use the timer switch again to raise the gate.

Run under the gate and use the ladder on the right. Hit the switch to open the door at the

bottom of the ladder. Return back down the ladder and enter the doorway on the right.

Enter the tunnel and break the rock wall. Cross the beam to the far side. Bust the barrels on

the right and hang off the edge. Drop down to the ledge. Go right until it breaks. Drop down

to the lower ledge. Move to the right until it breaks then drop down again and go left. Now

you can reach the bottom of the falls. Drink from the water if you need health. Start killing

scarabs! Snag the sand cloud in the middle of the water.

Climb up the ledge across from the falls. Cross the beam over the magnificent falls. Drop off

the far edge of this area. Move across the ledges to the right until it breaks. Drop down then

go left. Drop down again near some more falls.

Move through the waterfall and jump to the outcropping containing the beam. Cross the

beam. As you near its center, bats attack. They’re easy to defeat; just stand in place and swing

your sword when the bats collect around you. Continue until the bats finally fly away (once

you have killed most of them).

Finish crossing the beam. Run along the wall to the left until you reach the lower area. Drop

down on its far left side. When you reach the ledge below, more bats attack. Eliminate them

before continuing onward. Move across the ledge to the left and jump through the fall to the

next ledge. Jump over to the beam.

Cross the beam to the far ledge (you can see a sand vortex nearby). Reach the next platform

and then run along the wall toward the sand vortex. Enter the vortex to save your game.

Waterfall (55%)

Drop down toward the next beam. Cross this beam to the other side. Break apart the rock wall

with a few sword attacks. Follow the tunnel until you reach a wooden platform. Run along

the wall to reach the next wooden platform. Work quickly because the platforms crumble

underneath your weight!

Reach the far side (which contains some water if you need it). Move to the rock wall and bust

it apart with your sword. Walk toward the next set of wooden platforms. Traverse them all by

running along the wall--quickly because they’re breaking apart! The last one sends you to a

ledge where more bats attack.

Cross this ledge to the right. Jump up when it crumbles near you. At the top of these ledges,

jump to the stalactite behind you then leap to another wooden platform. Start crossing the

platforms by running along the cavern wall. When the platforms end, jump from the wall to

the stalactite.

Leap across the stalactites to the far ledge. Shimmy to the right and leap to another stalactite.

Hop from stalactite to stalactite until you reach a platform with another sand vortex. Use it to

save your game.

A Cavern of Ladders (57%)

Jump across these stalactites to reach the sand cloud in the distance.

Jump up to the ledge on the other side of the sand vortex. Shimmy to the right then jump

backward to the stalactite. Jump from stalactite to stalactite until you reach the platform

containing the sand cloud. Retrieve it!

Start crossing the wooden walkways (defeat those pesky bats!). Run along the wall to the

ladder and slide down. Continue to cross walkways, descend ladders, and defeat bats as you

move down this section. The bottom is filled with water, which will prove useful if you need

to replenish your health.

Move through the tunnel and bust apart the rock wall at its end. Follow the tunnel into a new


Enter the room and go to the left. Jump up into the first alcove on the left (it’s left of the sand

vortex you can see). When you reach the top, you’re told how to jump to the rope. Jump to

the rope then swing on the rope to leap to the sand vortex. Save your game.

An Underground Reservoir (60%)

You’ll receive a tutorial on rope swinging while in the underground.

While still in the alcove with the sand vortex, leap onto the ledge on the right. Shimmy along

the ledge toward the right side of the screen. Continue until you’re over a short beam. Drop

down onto the beam. Leap over to the short beam on the right side of the screen.

Traverse the beam toward the left. At the next intersection, turn to the right and continue

along the beam. Bats attack here so remain stationary and slash at the bats with your sword

attacks. Continue to the right and reach the column. It’s broken so you can pull yourself up to

its top. Cross this upper beam to the middle. You’ll spot a rope in the distance (and you’re

notified of its presence). Jump to the rope.

Swing toward the grate; there’s a ledge underneath. Shimmy to the left all the way around the

column to the opposite beam. Stand up in the middle of the beam and jump to the rope.

Swing on the rope and leap toward another rope back toward the upper corner of the

chamber. Upon reaching that rope, swing and leap to the entrance on the right.

Grab the ledge above the snapping trap. Traverse the ledge to the left. Drop down and snag

the sand cloud in the corner. Return up the ledge to the upper room. Pull the bar switch to

unleash some bats. Eliminate them with your sword attacks.

Drop into the open hole. Avoid the blades by timing your fall down into the hole (you’ll hang

onto ledges). Exit the shaft. Push the block off of the alcove. Kill the bats then drink from the

water if needed to replenish your health.

Push or pull the crate underneath the alcove to the left; there’s a sand cloud in the alcove.

Jump up and retrieve it.

While inside the alcove, leap up to the ledge on the right. Traverse the ledge into the next

alcove and leap over to the next ledge on the right. Continue across the first beam moving

from left to right. When you’re lined up with the rope, jump to it. Swing to the next rope (it’s

between the broken beams) and finally to the rope in the corner. Now, turn toward the left

and swing to the next rope in front of the exit. Finally, swing into a temporary exit.

Snag the sand cloud to the left (traverse the pit by running along the wall). Move to the

snapping trap and run up the wall to grab the bar. Shimmy to the perpendicular bar and swing

from bar to bar to the alcove at the top. Break the wall with your sword. Follow this tunnel to

a magic fountain.

Return overlooking the previous chamber. Jump to the rope and climb up out of this

underground reservoir. You’re attacked at the top. Use your sword, vault, and wall rebound

attacks to defeat the sand creatures. Retrieve the sand cloud across from the vortex. Save your

game in the vortex once finished.

Out of the Well (62%)

Enter the structure. There’s a pool of water near the entrance, so heal up if necessary. Walk

through the hall to the far ledge. Leap to the rope. Swing from the rope to the white button.

Leap to hit the white button and immediately jump to rebound back to the rope. Perform the

same move to the yellow button. As you swing back, leap onto the platform and move

through the open door (you must be quick because it’s timed).

Walk down the stairs and retrieve the sand cloud on the left. Pull the timer switch. Hit the

white button and jump beyond the swinging spike obstruction onto the platform released

when you struck the white button. Run along the right wall and avoid the saw. When you’re

over the floor spikes, hit jump to avoid them.

Maneuver through the stairwell and avoid the spinning blades. A battle ensues at the end with

sand creatures warping in all around you. Defeat them with sword, vault, and wall rebound

attacks. Drink from the water near the emerging sand vortex if you’re injured. After the battle

has been completed, save your game at the sand vortex.

The Sultan’s Harem (65%)

When you can’t discover where to go next, try breaking a cracked wall.

Go through the curtains across from the vortex. Crush the crumbling stone wall to the left.

You’ll hear sand creatures warping about as you call out for Farah. Break open another stone

wall and enter through the curtain on the left. Run up the wall and grab onto the bar switch.

Drop down and return back through the open walls and go right back to the sand vortex. Go

through the curtain to the far left of the vortex. Follow the hall then turn to the left and face

the gap. Run along the left wall and when you near its end, jump to the ledge on the right.

Snag the sand cloud in the corner. Go toward the left and crush a breakable wall on the right.

Break another wall to the left to find Farah--and those sand creatures!

Dominate the group of enemies using your sword, vault, and wall rebound attacks. Farah is

near the battle so watch her health carefully. Save your game after the battle by using the

sand vortex.

"What did you call me?" (65%)

Go past the vortex and grab the statue in the corner. After talking to Farah, she crawls

through the small opening near the floor. Wait for the door to open and walk outside. Go left

and turn the crank. Enter the open door and greet Farah. Follow the hallway to the mirror.

Turn the mirror so the beam shines into the next room (you can see enemies wandering

around inside).

Now you must battle those enemies. Stick close to the walls so you can use your wall

rebound attacks. Crush the opposition, use the nearby fountain to replenish your health, and

save your game in the sand vortex.

The Hall of Learning (69%)

Return to the beam of light you shined into the room and follow it to another mirror. Pull this

mirror to the burn mark on the floor. This also exposes a crack for Farah to squirm through.

Turn right and enter a small room with another mirror. Pull this mirror to the burn mark on

the floor until the beam of light bounces off (note the bright light from the mirror itself).

The key to adjusting the mirrors correctly is to follow each beam of light to find its destination. Also,

note the burn marks on the floor; these are important positions for the mirror stands.

Follow this new beam of light to its destination and find another mirror just to its left. Pull

this mirror into the beam of light to the burn mark in the floor. The beam now shines on a

breakable wall. Break this wall and pull the mirror to the burn mark. Make sure the beam

reaches this mirror. If not, make some adjustments on the mirrors you just moved. You want

the last mirror to shine the beam onto the symbol at the room’s center. A cut scene reveals a

correct solution.

Run up this structure then up the pillar at its peak. Shimmy around to the left side and jump

backward to the ledge. Walk across the beam toward the wall and leap to the ledge on the


Run left along the wall to the next pillar. Get onto the smaller ledge and jump to the bar.

Swing from bar to bar until you reach the next landing (there’s a ladder on your right). Walk

forward to see what Farah is up to.

Run up the wall to activate the switch. Jump backward and rebound to the top of the

platform. Quickly run along the left wall to reach the pillar in the distance. Run along the left

wall and leap to the ladder. Climb the ladder. Grab the sand cloud to the right.

Avoid the snapping trap and grab the bar overhead by running up the wall. Walk across this

beam to the left. Defeat a group of bats. Leap to the next beam. Drop down to the beam

below and finally to the ground. Run along the right wall and avoid the saws. Bust the

breakable wall at the far end. Follow this hallway to a magic fountain and receive an

extension of life.

Return back across by running along the left wall and taking care to avoid the moving saws.

Walk on the beam to the right until it breaks. Leap across the gap. Walk to the mirror and

turn it clockwise one notch. Walk across the beam on the right (the other beam breaks). Turn

left at the beam intersection. Jump to the walkway to your right (where the original beam

pointed). Run up the wall and rebound to the bar.

Shimmy to the right side of this bar and leap to the beam. Pull up and jump to the next beam.

Defeat a group of bats then traverse the beam around to the left. Drop down to the platform

containing a couple of mirrors. Walk to the far left and spot the beam. Pull the nearest mirror

into the beam by placing it on the burn mark on the floor. Walk to the other mirror and place

it on the burn mark on the floor. It should force the beam across the library and hit another

object in the distance. Adjust the mirror until the beam strikes this object (a cut scene reveals


Walk to the edge and run along the left wall to the ledge ahead of you. Drop down the pillar

until you’re on the same level as another nearby pillar. Leap to the top of this pillar. Run

along the left wall until you drop down near the mirror. It’s a crank. Turn this crank

clockwise on notch (so it’s facing toward the screen).

There are some platforms to run across. Turn around and hang on to the railing. Leap to the

platforms and cross them to the far side where the beam of light points.

Run past Farah and drop off the far edge. Grab the sand cloud down on the right side. Return

up to the area containing Farah. Return to the nearest stone platform and turn right. Leap to

the rope and swing across the ropes to the ledges on the far wall.

Traverse these ledges up and to the right so you can leap to the ladder. Climb the ladder.

Break the wall to your right. Break another wall inside this one and then yet another

breakable section. Pull the bar switch inside, which extends some platforms. Exit and go right

across these platforms.

There are two mirrors in this area and a third inside the room you opened by breaking the

wall. Pull this mirror out so you can reflect light off of it and into the last room you opened

by breaking the wall. Move the middle mirror away from the beam and pull the far mirror

into the beam of light so it reflects toward the mirror closest the breakable rooms. You may

need to make some adjustments but your goal is to shine the beam of light toward and into

the breakable rooms.

Enter the last room opened by breaking the wall and turn left. Climb up the ledge. Drop down

on the other side to the ledges below. Continue down to the final platform. Fall off so you

land on the broken pillar and then the ground (you can’t survive a full fall). Enter the now

opened room and snag your new sword.

Pull the timer switch behind the sword podium. Run quickly through the ground floor of the

library, around the center structure, and roll under the exit door.

Descend the staircase and find enemies waiting for you in a new room. Battle the enemies

with your new sword using vault and wall rebound attacks. Save your game in the sand

vortex; this can be found on the circular catwalk surrounding the room’s central area.

Observatory (71%)

Walk up the central staircase. At the top, Farah does her magic and the platform rises. Leap to

the ledge and snag the sand cloud to the left. Go to the right and leap to the bar. Swing from

bar to bar. On the upper bar, turn around and swing to the bar attached to the light. Turn

around again and swing to the upper light and finally to the ledge ahead.

Turning the crank aligns the planets in a position that can help you escape.

Turn the crank counter-clockwise one notch. Face the room’s center and leap up to the bar.

Swing from bar to bar and finally to the pole in the center. Leap from the pole to the bar

(going in the same direction as before) and finally down to another crank. Turn the crank

clockwise one notch. Swing from bar to bar to the pole but this time turn to the right and leap

to the bar over there. Grab the bar switch at the end.

Leap into the switch on the wall and start running to the left. Run along the right wall onto

each platform. You must move quickly because the platforms retract after a short period of

time. When you reach the crank, turn left and jump to the bar. Swing from bar to bar to the

center pole. The camera adjusts and now you should swing toward the top of the screen. Go

from bar to bar to the bar switch.

Slide down the poles inside the shaft below this bar switch. At the bottom, exit and

rendezvous with Farah. Enter the opening on the left. Farah finds another crack while the

prince finds more traps. There’s a fountain behind some spiky poles if you need health.

Avoid the sliding blades on the hall’s other side then run across the right wall; be sure to

avoid the swinging spike trap. Turn left down the next hall to spot more traps. Walk carefully

over the floor spikes then run up the left wall to activate the switch (and quickly jump off to

avoid the sliding blades). Move through the open door.

Pull the timer switch. Get past the sliding blades as quickly as possible. Weave from side to

side to avoid where the sliding blades are positioned. Roll under the far door to escape the


It’s time to battle sand creatures around the next corner. You can drink the water from the

two pools if you need to replenish your health. Use your wall rebound attacks to defeat the

tougher sand creatures. Enter the sand vortex to save your game.

Hall of Learning Courtyard (75%)

Find the ladder in the far corner and climb. Leap backward to the ledge. Turn right and jump

to the next thin structure near the birds. Defeat the birds with timing or block and counter

attacks. Traverse the beam and proceed left toward the gap. Hop over the gap and continue

across the beam until you’re at the end of the beam and lined up at the rope. Jump to the rope.

Swing to the beam on the upper left. Walk to the right then leap to the bar. Swing from the

bar to the walkway. Run along the right wall and reach the beam. Jump to the beam toward

the birds, then swing to the walkway where the birds are resting. Defeat the birds!

Move straight across this walkway and run along the left wall to the beam. Leap to the rope.

Swing and jump to the next rope on the right side of the screen. Swing and leap to the top of

the small roof. Drop down to the very bottom and enter the room with the crank. Turn the

crank to open the exit (Farah finds it quickly!).

Run outside and move toward the spike pit. Drop off the right edge and shimmy past the pit.

Enter the next doorway and go left. Run along the wall and then jump to avoid the spinning

blade. Roll under the next blade and finally leap over the right railing to avoid the last blade.

Defeat some scarabs. Retrieve the sand cloud in the corner by the stairs.

Follow the next hall and greet Farah. Continue up the staircase on the right; you’ll find more

scarabs. Avoid the pit by running along the wall. Continue up the stairs until you’re back


Jump the gap in the rampart. Battle sand creatures! Get close to walls so you can utilize your

wall rebound attack to slaughter the tougher creatures. Save your game in the vortex.

On the Ramparts (75%)

There are two sand clouds at the bottom of the ramparts. Drop down and go retrieve them!

Continue across the rampart and you’ll spot a sand cloud down below on the right. Drop

down and retrieve it. Continue walking along this lower area and around the corner to the far

right. There’s a pool of water here that’s perfect if you need refreshment. Continue all the

way to the very far corner to find another sand cloud.

Go beyond the vortex to the closed door. Hang off the left railing and jump to the bar. Swing

to the high beam. Pull up and shimmy left to the other beam. Leap to the next rampart below.

Walk toward the sand cloud and the rampart crumbles beneath your feet.

You’re at the top of some sort of prison. Find the ladder to the right and descend. Start

running along the wall so you hit the switches and release the platforms. These retract after a

short period of time so you need to keep moving. Continue to run along the wall to hit the

switches, release the platforms, and continue onward. You’ll eventually reach lifts that will

send you down to the next lower level. Repeat the process as you descend to the ground floor.

Soon you’ll have to run along the wall and then jump to reach the platforms and even leap to

a bar to reach a ladder that sends you to the next platform. Traverse the walls, bars, and

platforms to the ground.

Enemies clutter the ground floor. They aren’t too tough; you can utilize your vault attacks to

defeat them. When you have defeated all enemies, enter the sand cloud to save your game.

A Prisoner Seeking Escape (79%)

Find the sand cloud inside the cell. And just to its left is a drinking fountain.

Move from the vortex and follow the pathway around to the left. Spot the sand cloud in the

cell to the right. Retrieve the sand cloud to replenish your tanks. There's also a fountain if you

need to replenish your health. Look in the cell to its left. Bust apart the barrels and other

obstructions to discover a floor switch. You need some weight to keep this switch down.

Return toward the vortex and find the crate against the wall. Pull or push this crate toward the

floor switch. Move the crate onto the floor switch, which keeps the door open.

Exit through the door and follow the hall to the left. Beware of the blade trap. The door ahead

is closed and its corresponding switch lies on the left wall.

Before traversing the room, look for a breakable wall on the left side of the hallway. Bust it

down and follow the hall to a magic fountain to extend your health. Return inside the hall.

Avoid the blades and run up the left wall to activate the switch. Quickly move through the

door and avoid the blades. If you're struck, return to the fountain and replenish your health.

The next room contains two timer switches on the left and right side of the room. These timer

switches activate the central shaft; the switch moves the shaft walls closer, which enables you

to jump and rebound up the shaft. Before pulling the switches, grab the sand cloud on the left.

Pull each switch (order doesn't matter) and jump up the shaft. You can do so by running up

one of the walls and hit jump to rebound to the other side. Continue to hit jump until you

reach the shaft peak.

Once you're at the top, run up the wall and jump backward to the beam. Doing so alerts a

group of pesky bats. Stand in place and wait for them to collect around you then swing your

sword. Walk forward across the beam. When it ends, leap to the next beam toward the shaft

ahead. Notice the two white buttons; one each on the left and right wall. Jump from the beam

to each switch. As soon as you hit the switch, jump back to the beam. With the shaft walls

closer, jump up the sides of the shaft to reach the top. Leap from the top platform to the bar.

Swing from the bar into the left or right wall and jump to the higher bar. Now, leap finally to

the beam.

Walk to the end of the beam facing the bar. Jump to the bar. Swing toward the alcove

containing the sand cloud. Retrieve the sand cloud on the right side. This shaft contains a

number of switches, which release platforms. You must run up the wall, hit the switch, and

jump off to the platform that appears on the other side. Repeat this move up to the top of the

shaft and grab the beam.

Jump from the beam to the ladder. Ascend the ladder to its peak. Leap from the ladder to the

bar and then leap to the adjacent ladder. Ascend the ladder to its peak and out of the shaft.

Enemies await you at the top. Use your sword, vault, and wall rebound attacks. Climb the

stairs to find a fountain to replenish your health. Find the sand vortex on the staircase and

save your game after you have defeated all enemies.

"At last we’re here!" (81%)

Don’t forget to go to the very top of the staircase and retrieve the sand cloud.

Run to the very top of the stairs and retrieve the sand cloud. Stand on the floor switch near

the fountain. It's timed and raises a platform in the courtyard at the bottom of the stairs. Just

descend the stairs on the right side to find the pillar. Run up the pillar then along the wall to

the wooden platform. Run up the wall to activate the next switch, which raises a pillar on the

other side. Run up this pillar then along the wall to the next wooden platform. Push the crate

off the platform.

Pull or push the crate to the base of the staircase (underneath the orange button). Climb the

crate and run up the wall to hit the switch. Drop off, turn around and run through the open

gate. Retrieve the sand cloud here. Cross the rampart and battle the birds using timing or

block and counter strikes. Thankfully Farah is nearby and will assist with her bow and arrow.

Run into the next hallway and snag the sand cloud in the alcove on the right. Continue down

the opposite hall until you spot the broken wall ahead of you. Follow this hallway to a magic

fountain and another extension of health. Return back into the hallway.

Run into the next room and approach the elevator. Get on the elevator and start your ascent.

Though things seem safe, it's actually a trap. As you ascend, enemies begin to warp in. This is

a challenging fight for several reasons. First, the area is tight. There's not a whole lot of move

to around so it's easier to be trapped in a corner than other battles in the game. Second, Farah

is nearby and a prime target for the nefarious sand creatures. As soon as Farah begins to

sustain damage, run to her aid and attack the offending sand creatures. Use your vault attacks

against the weaker sand creatures and the wall rebound attacks against the tougher foes.

There are fountains on either side of the lift but be careful--leaving Farah alone for even a

short period of time could prove fatal.

Run to the back of the elevator and up the wall and jump to the bar switch. Follow Farah to

the smaller lift and ascend. After reaching its peak, follow the hallway to the sand vortex and

save your game.

The Hourglass (83%)

Swing to the top of the hourglass to initiate the cut scene.

Follow the halls in this area to the very top. Climb onto the ledge on the right side. Cross this

ledge and run along the right wall to the pillar. Do so twice until you're just right of the large

window. Run along the window and then jump to the bar. Swing from the bar to the top of

the hourglass. The prince automatically inserts the dagger into the top of the hourglass.

You wake up inside a tomb. Follow the path down the long spiral staircase. This next puzzle

requires you to be observant of audio cues. There are several curtains along this circular

catwalk. Walk to each curtain until you hear the dripping water. Just stand in front of the

current until you hear the audible cue. When you hear the dripping water at the particular

curtain, run through the curtain and you will appear again on the same catwalk. Repeat the

process several times and you will move up to the next floor. Simply continue to find the

correct curtain by standing in front of each one and moving through the curtain that contains

the dripping water audio cue.

After the cut scene, you wake up on the top of a casket--without weapons! This means you

also lack the dagger of time so you won't be able to turn back time if you sustain damage or

fall off a platform--so be careful! Run through the hall and avoid the sand creatures; you lack

a sword and have no means to fight them. Continue into the next room where you're shown

your next goal. It's time to grab the last, and most powerful, sword in the game.

Your task in this room is to make the beam of light shine into the symbol on the far side of

the center structure. Enter the room and take the mirror on the left side and move it to the

right side and into the beam of light (approximately on the burn mark on the floor). This will

ricochet the beam of light toward the back side of the chamber. Make sure the beam strikes

the pillar in the back.

Bounce the beam of light to the rear side of the platform.

Move to the back of the chamber and switch out the two mirrors here. Move the one on the

left to the right side and one on the right side to the left. Place each mirror in the beam's path

so the beam moves toward the symbol on the central structure. Use the burn marks on the

floor as a guide.

When you shine the beam on the symbol, the force field protecting the sword vanishes. Climb

onto the structure and grab the sword. Return back through the hallway and battle the

enemies; you'll find the sword much stronger than previous weapons! Rip through the tough

enemies very quickly with simple sword strikes. After destroying the enemies, return to the

tomb and save your game at the sand vortex.

The Tomb (90%)

Return through the hallway and into the room with the mirrors. Break the weakened door on

the left and exit onto the balcony. Turn left and run along the wall to the bar. Remember, you

still don't have your dagger so watch your step because you can't reverse time! Swing from

bar to bar toward the structure. To reach the higher bar, swing against the wall and jump back

to the bar. You want to reach the top of the structure where more enemies await you. Crush

the enemies with your new weapon when you reach the top. Save your game in the sand

vortex when the battle is over.

"Farah, come back!" (90%)

Fall off the right side of the structure. Shimmy around the ledges toward the left. When you

reach the center, drop off onto the beam. Cross the beam to the structure's underside interior.

Leap up to the bar. Swing on the bar forward and jump; pull yourseulf up into the room. Bust

open the breakable door and follow the hall to a magic fountain.

Return inside the previous room. Run up the wall and jump to reach the bar switch. Swing to

the higher bar and pull yourself up to the structure's top. You can save your game again if you


Climb the ledges on the wall behind the sand vortex. Shimmy to the left on the ledges and

ascend to the upper ledges. Climb to the top and use the fountain if you wish. Go to the right

side of this path. Reach the pole and climb it to its top. Jump from the pole the beam hovering

over the other side of the path. Move along the beam to its middle. Leap to the bar. Shimmy

to the left side of the bar and line up with the far beam. Swing on the bar and leap to the far

beam. Some bats attack while you stand on the beam; remain still and swing your sword as

the bats collect around you.

Drop down from the beam to the walkway below. When the camera changes to an overhead

view, jump along the sides of the shaft to reach the ledge on the top. Run up the wall and leap

backward to the next ledge. Reach the top of the rampart and spot Farah. Before you can

follow her, though, you must battle additional enemies. Crush them with your new sword.

Use the fountain to the door's left if needed. Save your game in the sand vortex upon


Climbing the Tower of Dawn (93%)

Rebound off of the wall to reach the upper ledge.

Run along the right wall and jump to the bar. Turn to face the same wall. Swing on the bar

and leap toward the wall and rebound to the upper beam. Walk toward the other wall and leap

up to the ledge. Shimmy along the ledge to the next beam. Leap to an adjacent beam toward

the left. Walk to the left and jump backward to the pole. Climb the pole and leap to the

adjacent pole. The camera view changes. Jump from the pole to the wall underneath the hole

then up through the hole. Go to the left and follow the ledge underneath the tower. Defeat the


Continue around to the left until you reach a shaft. Jump up the shaft by rebounding off each

wall until you reach the upper ledge. Follow this ledge along to the right. Walk out onto the

beam and crush the bats. Jump to the adjacent beam. Pull yourself up and walk over the metal

bar. Go right so you're over the bar below. Drop down onto the bar and shimmy to the right.

When you're under the metal bar above, swing and leap toward the wall and rebound off to

the metal bar. Proceed to the right and battle more pesky bats.

Continue along the ledge to the right. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the adjacent beam.

Pull yourself up and continue to the right until you're at the bottom of the shaft. Jump from

wall to wall to rebound up the shaft to the upper ledge. Shimmy along this ledge to the right

so you move around the base of the tower. Pull up and leap to the ledges above. Move to the

left and leap to the next ledge on the left on the adjacent tower. Shimmy across these ledges

and move toward the left. Some of the ledges will crumble. Just continue around the tower to

the left until you're behind a bar. Leap to the bar.

Swing from bar to bar until you can leap to the top of a damaged tower. Walk around the top

of the tower to the other side. Drop down on the exterior side and shimmy along the top.

You're inside another shaft--but this one is wider so you will be moving down. Leap

backward to the wall and rebound down the shaft to the bottom entrance. Enter the tower and

stand ojn the button. Run outside and along the left wall to cross the gap.

Climb the ladder. When you reach the top, jump to the adjacent ladder. Battle the bats by

remaining stationary and swinging your sword as the bats gather around you. Continue up

this tower by leaping to each new ladder. When you reach the top, face off against a gang of

sand creatures. Your sword still dominates. The creatures can block, though, so don't hesitate

to use your wall rebound attacks when necessary. After the battle move forward and use the

fountain if you wish. Turn around and climb up the debris and drop down on the other side to

find the sand vortex. Save your game.

The Setting Sun (95%)

Leap from the pole to the bar overlooking the sand vortex below.

Run up the wall behind the vortex. Climb the pole to the top and jump to the bar. Swing from

bar to bar. When you reach the last bar, shimmy around to the left until you're positioned in

front of the crack in the wall. Face the crack and swing; leap toward the crack to grab hold.

Inside the crack, jump up and grab hold of the upper ledge. Shimmy to the far left side of this

ledge and jump backward to the beam.

Pull up onto the beam and proceed to the right. Run along the wall to the next pillar. Run to

the next pillar then walk out onto the beam. When you reach the small beam jutting out, walk

onto it then leap to the next section of beam. Move to the left to the damaged tower.

Walk around to the left in this tower. You can jump to the interior and rebound up to the top

of the tower. Upon reaching the top, follow the path then run along the wall to the next pillar.

Move out toward the tower top (killing the bats along the way) and hop up on the rocks to the

right. Cross the beam to the far tower. Kill some more bats and walk out onto the path. Run

along the right wall to the next pillar. On this pillar, run along the wall and when you reach

the corner, jump to the pole. Ascend the pole and leap to the next pole in view. Climb this

pole and leap to the bar. Swing from the bar to the top walkway.

Go right toward the ladder. Run along the wall and jump to the ladder. Climb the ladder to

the top and jump to the pole. Leap from the pole through the entrance. Find Farah inside

engaged in battle!

You retrieve the dagger of time but it lacks sand. Demolish the enemies with your potent

sword. You can also knock them down and grab some sand for your dagger if you wish to use

its special attacks or if you need to reverse time. There's also a fountain here to replenish your

health if necessary. Save your game in the sand vortex when the battle has been won.

Honor and Glory (98%)

You’ve rewound time to face the Vizier. Defeat his alter-egos before taking a strike at the

real Vizier.

You've reached the game's final battle. You must defeat the Vizier. He stands near the

balcony and can't be harmed, at least in the early stages of this battle. Instead, he creates an

alternate version of himself to do battle. Block his attack and counter with your sword. He

lights up when you have scored a damaging blow. Continue to block and counter attack until

the altered version perishes. The Vizier creates additional alternate versions. Defeat them as

well. When the original Vizier begins to cough, attack him. You may have to fight one more

alternate version; defeat this final one and attack the Vizier aggressively as he begins to

cough. Slash him repeatedly on the balcony to defeat the Vizier and complete your task.

Chapter 3 - Puzzle Tips

This section provides tips for some of the trickier puzzles in Prince of Persia: The Sands of


A Secret Passage - Starting the Defense System

On the level "A Secret Passage" you’re elected to assist in starting the palace defenses. You

begin on a circular platform and must use the platform to grab a series of glowing rods.

Note that the first thing you should try is to use the two cranks on the platform. One crank

moves the platform up and down and the second crank rotates the platform clockwise and

counter-clockwise. The crank with the circle above it rotates the platform and the crank with

the spiral above it moves the platform up and down. When a switch at the edge of the

platform glows, you can stand on it to grab a glowing rod.

If you’re still having trouble, below is the complete solution for the puzzle from its initial


1. Step on the lit floor switch to grab the first tube.

2. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise one notch.

3. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

4. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform counter-clockwise three notches.

5. Use the ascension crank to descend the platform one notch.

6. Step on the lit floor switch to grab the second tube.

7. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

8. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise two notches.

9. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform two notches.

10. Step on the lift floor switch to grab the third tube.

11. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform clockwise one notch.

12. Use the ascension crank to descend the platform one notch.

13. Step on the lift floor switch to grab the fourth tube.

14. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

15. Use the rotation crank to rotate the platform counter-clockwise one notch.

16. Use the ascension crank to ascend the platform one notch.

The Hall of Learning - The Mirrors

The key to solving the Hall of Learning puzzle is to follow the beams of light to their

destination. When you reach the destination, look around for a mirror stand and pull that

stand into the beam of light. Notice the burn marks on the floor. These typically indicate the

mirror’s correct position. Look to where the new beam points to and follow it. If the beam

strikes something, try and adjust the mirror stand until a cut scene interrupts the action.

Otherwise, follow the beam to the new destination and look for another mirror.

The complete solution for this section can be found in "The Hall of Learning" section of the


The Hourglass - The Curtains

On the level "The Hourglass" you reach a series of curtains while chasing Farah. You must

deduce what curtain to move through in order to progress through the puzzle. Even if you

remain on the same floor, you may have entered the correct curtain. It’s only after you have

entered several curtains that you emerge on a higher floor.

Listen for the audio cue--splashing water--to determine the correct curtain.

Audio cues are the key element here. Walk around the circular path and listen to the sounds

in front of each curtain. You will hear a distinct "water" sound when standing in front of

certain curtains: that’s the one you want to move through!

The Hourglass - Final Sword Mirror Puzzle

You have been stripped of your sword and dagger. This mirror puzzle room contains a new

sword but you must solve the puzzle to reach it. You must manoeuvre the mirrors in such a

fashion that the beam of light shines on the symbol on the back of the sword’s platform. This

will deactivate the field around the platform and enable you to grab the weapon.

Enter the room and spot the two mirrors in front of you. Pull the one on the left to the right

side and near the burn mark on the floor so the beam of light bounces from the left toward the

back of the center platform. You want to adjust it so it hits the pillar in the back.

Now go to the rear of the platform and spot two more mirrors. Switch their placement so you

bounce the beam of light from the left pillar back toward the right side. The mirror placed

here will bounce the light into the symbol on the back of the platform. Use the burn marks on

the floor as reference.

Chapter 4 - Secrets

You can unlock two hidden games, Prince of Persia 1 and Prince of Persia 2, inside Prince of

Persia: The Sands of Time.

Unlock Prince of Persia 1: Simply complete Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time to unlock

the original Prince of Persia game.

You can unlock Prince of Persia 2 on the Xbox version of The Sands of Time.

Unlock Prince of Persia 2: On the Xbox version, reach the end of the "Above the Baths" level

and find the crank that can be moved to point at a door. You can bust down the wall on the

other side of the crank to unlock Prince of Persia 2. You can turn the crank to this opening to

play Prince of Persia 2 while maintaining your position in your current game. It also gives

you a chance to save.