Prince of Peace - Razor Planet€¦ · Prince of Peace The Vine Newsletter December 2015 Christimas...

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Prince of Peace

The Vine Newsletter December 2015

Christimas Eve Worship @ 7:00 & 10:00 PM

Christmas Day Worship @ 10:00 AM

Advent Worship at Noon & 7 PM On December 2, 9, & 16

Tamil Service – December 12 @ 6:00 PM


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 8212 Philadelphia Road

Rosedale, MD 21237

Prince of Peace Staff Ministers: The Members of Prince of Peace 410-866-8766 Pastor: Rev. Matthew Fuhrman 443-710-7007 Diaconal Minister: Shari Trotter 770-789-0535 Parish Coordinator: Millie Smith 410-866-8766 Council President: Bob DeJong 410-391-3156 Creative Learning Center: Michele Nitzel, Director 410-866-1585 Deacon: Al Streckfus 410-391-1809 Organist: Alisa Kipnis 443-494-8436

Regular Worship Schedule

Traditional Worship 8:00 AM Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM

Traditional Worship 11:00 AM


A Message from Pastor Matt Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On the Advent wreath in our sanctuary hang four banners with the words Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love written on them. Symbolically linked to the four weeks of the Advent season, they embody four important virtues and characteristics of our life of faith, and are certainly appropriate words for a people remembering and celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. These are also words and qualities that, arguably, our world could use more of. For all the places of hurt and want and need, to find way to restore hope to the hopeless; to create a culture where peace is more valued than conflict and violence; to recognize and give joyful thanks for the blessings we have; and bring a spirit of love and consideration for the other into our world. This is the calling of the faithful. As Christians, the perfection of these things is born into an imperfect world with the birth of Jesus, who as the Saviour comes to teach and fulfill these things which alone can save. As followers of Christ, we endeavor to do and bring the same to others as we can and as we are able. So that all people may feel and know Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in their lives. As we go throughout these Advent and Christmas seasons, may we challenge ourselves to find ways to make these words come to life and become in the lives of others. May the growing light of Christ, be found in the light and brilliance of our actions and deeds in His name. Yours in Christ, The Rev. Matthew C. Fuhrman


A Message from Deacon Shari

Dear Prince of Peace family, I give thanks for each of you every day. You truly are my Maryland family and have been there for me in some of the hardest times in my life and some of the most joyful too. If you were at church this past Sunday than you already heard me announce this but if not I would like to share another struggle that I am going through, in hopes that I might draw on your support again. Three weeks ago I went to donate platelets for the American Red Cross. When anyone donates blood or platelets the Red Cross test a small sample of your blood to make sure that you are healthy and that your blood is safe to give to others. I received a call two days later from the Red Cross letting me know that my white blood cell count was higher than it should be. A normal white blood cell count is 10,000. My white blood cell count is 123,000. They sent me to my General doctor who sent me to a hematologist/oncologist. After running lots of blood test I have been diagnosed with Chronic Myloid Leukemia. CML is a very rare type of Leukemia caused by a mutated chromosome known as the Philadelphia chromosome. We ran some more tests just to make sure and found out that I in fact have the Philadelphia Chromosome and so I also have CML. There is a lot of good news in this diagnosis. It is chronic not acute which means that it is treatable. Because of medical advances there is a medicine called Spricel that has been very affective in putting CML into remission. I will take Spricel every morning for the rest of my life. Even when the CML goes into remission I will keep taking the medicine so that the Leukemia does not come back. There are no side affects from the medicine and the doctor says that I should live a normal life and that because of the medicine I can expect to


live a long and healthy life. The only negative to this medicine is that once I start taking it, I will not be able to conceive or carry a pregnancy, which means that my fiancé Shane and I will not be able to have children naturally because the medicine is strong and will cause birth defects. So what this means is that I am currently receiving fertility treatments so that Shane and I can freeze some of my eggs so that we might be able to use a surrogate in the future. Shane and I have only been engaged for 4 months so we are not ready to make a decision about our family yet but this fertility process will give us some options to have our own biological children in the future. I wanted to let my Prince of Peace family know all of this because you mean so much to me and your prayers and support are immeasurable. I also wanted to make sure you had the right information. Please know I’m happy to answer any questions you might have, knowledge along with faith is what prevents us from being worried or scared. I ask for prayers, for understanding for the days when I’m tired or a little frustrated, and of course for a little extra love as this is a lot to learn so quickly. I am doing well and feeling ok, just a little extra tired. My fertility treatments are going very well and I should be able to start on the medicine to treat the Leukemia in about 2 weeks. Shane and I want to thank you in advance for all the love and support that we know you will give to us, we are truly blessed to be a part of the Prince of Peace family. May you know how truly wonderful you are! God’s Peace,

Deacon Shari


A Message from Michele Nitzel, Daycare Director

In the world of a child care provider we are often reminded about the magic and wonder of the holiday season. December is the most exciting time to work with children and because of that we share with you… Top 10 Reasons why children make our Christmas special

10. Children do not know about making lists or the

frustration of hunting down the “perfect gift.”

9. Children can help adults realize that presents

don’t just come from the pocketbook, presents

come from the heart.

8. Children give us a reason to watch Christmas

movies over and over again. Not just the classics

but the Disney movies as well.

7. Children believe in the magic of Santa.

6. Children ensure that Christmas is filled with

laughter and smiles.

5. Children help make family traditions and

memories that last a lifetime.

4. Children keep alive the wonder and magic of the

Christmas season.


3. Children’s excitement is overwhelming and


2. Children fill Christmas morning with hope and

promise. Seeing things through the eyes of a

child is what makes this time of year magical.

1. Making sure children understand the importance

of this day by sharing stories of Christmas and

Jesus’ birth can be just as magical as sharing

stories of Santa.

The staff and children of POPCLC wish you

and yours a very Blessed Christmas season.

Merry Christmas!


A Message from Bob DeJong

Council President It is hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close and 2016 is right around the corner. If you remember in my January vine article I talked about the 137 miles that separated the first place that the New Year begins and the last place on Earth where the New Year starts. I challenged us to be the place where new and exciting things happen first. You can decide if we succeeded. At the congregational meeting in November there was talk and some fear of where we stand financially. Remember over 70% of our operating budget comes from our weekly offering. It pays the bills. It pays the salaries of our pastor and staff. It supports our ministries. It spreads God’s love. Therefore the question remains, do you want to see Prince of Peace grow? Do you want to support our staff? Do you want to continue our current ministries? Do you want to keep the church in repairs and looking good? The answer to our financial concerns is simple, just look in the mirror. You are the solution to keep this church from becoming another statistic. You are the solution to keep this church growing and spreading the good news. Not Pastor Matt. Not council. Not the synod or even the ELCA. The solution is and will continue to be - YOU. For possible solutions read my past vine articles. An opportunity happened for Linda and I that I never thought would happen. It wasn’t even on our “bucket list”. We went on a Holy Land Pilgrimage. God presented us with an opportunity and we went. I wish every Christian could experience this. To be in a part of the world where you are surrounded by His life. To see pilgrims from all over the world, praying, reading the scriptures, and singing His praises in places like The Jordan River, The Garden of Gethsemane, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem plus some other places. We were not tourists as we were all there to celebrate


the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our Lord. In one church pilgrims from Korea were singing “Amazing Grace” in their native language. Multiple times we ran into a group of Christians from Nigeria who sang hymns like “I Love To Tell the Story” and “Lord I Lift Your Name On High”. Some of us sang softly with them. We ran into Americans from all over our great country. We chuckled at God’s humor as we visited the Church in Cana and an actual wedding was going on! We even had communion with wine bought from Cana. But it was feeling His presence and the Holy Spirit as we crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat, stood and reaffirmed our baptism in the Jordan River, just being in the place where Jesus taught the Disciples the Lord’s Prayer and saying it as a group as other groups did the same. We all had our emotional times when the Spirit was upon us. Despite the presence of the Israeli army and their weapons, the unexpected stops at checkpoints, and the land mines just beyond that barbed wire fence, the peace that we all felt overshadowed those things. For me I even found peace with the $20,000 deficit. For it is that kind of peace we desire, the peace of being in the presence of our Creator and Savior. For 7 days it was all about Him. Not work, not life’s problems, not even Prince of Peace. Just listening to Him and hearing His voice tell me that it will be OK. Trust me. Have faith in me. I am here for you. Christmas will be different this year, as well as Easter as these names of places now mean something to me. Our guide was a Christian Palestinian and he was able to give new insight into the customs and political happenings during the time of Jesus’ life. For example, shepherds were not only shepherds but were also responsible for picking out the Passover lamb and keeping it blemish free for one year so that it was perfect when sacrificed. They did this by wrapping the lamb in, you guessed it, swaddling cloth. What does 2016 have in store for us? What challenges will we be facing as a church, as a community, as a country, and


even as a world? We just need to remember that there is One who can calm the storms, console and help us, all we have to do is ask and listen. Together we can face the challenges that are in store for us in 2016 with God by our side. Make 2016 the year you step out of your comfort zone in your faith. Go to the Tamil service. Help out in Sunday School and VBS. Read the lessons one Sunday. Attend a Lenten and Advent service. Join a focus group, (sounds better than committee,) like evangelism, social ministry, stewardship, property, or family ministry. There is a focus group just waiting to welcome you. Sing in the choir. Help put together and hand out food bags. There are so many opportunities to feel His presence and use the talents that He gave you, to get to know the people you worship with on a more personal level, beyond worshipping together. You might even make new friends! As the Alka Seltzer commercial went: “Try it. You’ll like it!” (Ok I ‘m dating myself!) And you know what, you just might! Here’s to 2016 and spreading God’s love in our lives and the lives of others.


The Difference Between the Cell Phone and the Holy Spirit

I just finished reading a book entitled the “THE CALL” written by Adam Hamilton. In the last chapter of the book the author describes the difference between the cell phone and the Holy Spirit. I thought that members of Prince of Peace might be interested in reading what he had to say. He tells the reader that he had just purchased a new cell phone because the other one had run out of power. Without power his cell phone was nothing more than an expensive paper weight. He thought for a moment and then decided this was a good metaphor for the Christian life without the Spirit. I thought about this myself and remembered the first time the “Holy Spirit “entered my life was when I was baptized and confirmed and then I thought to myself how many things we “plug in” during our lifetime. For example we plug in the toaster, a light socket, a shaver, vacuum cleaners, computers and the list continues on. Then I asked myself when the last time I “plugged” into the Holy Spirit. If we are not “plugging into the “Holy Spirit” our spiritual lives may be running on empty. Every time I visit the people on the visitation list I ask the Holy Spirit to lead, fill and empower me to effectively serve God and His Church. I also pray that the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen and empower members of our Church so they can lead those who are lost to find God and make a place in their hearts for Him. So then my Brothers and Sisters in Christ the next time your cell phone lets you down and runs out of power just remember there is one power you can always count on and that’s the “Holy Spirit” GOD’S PEACE Deacon Al Streckfus O.S.S.D.


“Council Highlights”

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Congregation Council Meeting

October 27, 2015 Attendance: Pastor Matt Fuhrman, Deacon Shari Trotter, Tom Arentz, Mike Kramer, Michele Jecelin, Rick Stuckey, Ken Valencik, , Carol Fountain, Bob DeJong, Cindy Woika, George Norris, Christine Higgs, , Cathy Schweigman Excused: Mike Kinnear, Andrew Evans Meeting called to order by President Bob DeJong at 7:02 Opening prayer led by Carol Fountain, November Michele Goal for Council: Involve congregation more. Develop lay leaders, help increase committee members, including youth Minutes Music & Worship: Attached. Brought to council for approval: Motion by Rick to approve singer from Christmas to Easter. 2nd Cindy Scholarship: Flea Market report attached. Discussed $150 fee to take left over stuff away. For spring flea market, find volunteers to take left overs to charity of their choice instead of paying to haul away.

Old Business

Electronic giving: Contacting company for exact numbers for

cost per transaction. Goal to be up and running by

January 1


Organ Fund: Money received to date $56,810.00 or 59.7%.

Total needed $95,198.00

Cleaning service. Notice give to Jani-King to discontinue

service. Contract being looked at with Vanguard. They

have a month to month option

New property members needed. Several interested

New Business

Rachel Smith use of Ellenberger for baby shower on

11/15. Motion, Cathy, 2nd Ken

New Council members

Term ends December 31, must go off: Ken

Valencik, Tom Arentz, Christine Higgs

Term ends December 31, eligible for re-election:

Andrew Evans, Michele Jecelin (yes for re-

election), Cathy Schweigman (no for re-election),

Rick Stuckey (yes for re-election)

Term ends 2017 and can be re-elected: Mike

Kinnear, Carol Fountain

Note to add a discussion for passing the plate at the

9:30 service in November

Budget. After much discussion, motion made to

present a budget of a -$3,296

Motion made by Pastor Matt to change Synod

Benevolance from 12.4% to 10.5% due to negative

budget, 2nd by Rick

Due to a calculation error, it was noticed after

Council approved the above budget the actual

deficit is -$4,907. Ken then proposed 2 options.

(See e-mail dated November 7, 2015) 2nd mad by

Tom Arentz for option #2 cutting the Synod

benevolence from 10.5% to 10% bringing the


deficit down to -$3,535. Motion passed for option

#2 via e-mail.

E-mail motion made by Pastor Matt for the Advent

coin card proceeds be split 50-50 between the

operating budget and ELCA world hunger. This

split has been done in the past. Carol asked how

much of a response we received on the coin cards.

Pastor responded that Lent collected $1,483.50

and 2014 Advent collected $2,927.75. Motion

passed via e-mail

Lord’s Prayer and adjournment 10:15 Respectfully submitted, Michele Jecelin Secretary


Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11) Do not be afraid! Some folks on Facebook have been claiming that the Bible says “Do not be afraid” 365 times, one for every day of the year. There’s even a website, “” It isn’t quite true, because depending on how you count, which sayings you include and which translations you use, there are somewhere between 119 and 178 “fear nots” in Scripture, as far as I can tell. But who’s counting? The point is that because of God’s grace and mercy, we need not be afraid. “Do not be afraid” is what the angels say to the shepherds (Luke 2:10), and it is what the “young man, dressed in a white robe,” says to the women at the empty tomb (Mark 16:6). These “Do not be afraid” sayings are like bookmarks that stand at the beginning and at the end of the Jesus story. Thank God for it! In a year when we witnessed the riots of Baltimore and the blood bath of Paris, we need the “fearnots”


more than ever. The manger of Bethlehem stands as a reminder that amidst the brokenness of our world, God has chosen to throw God’s lot in with us. It gives us the courage to carry the Good News of the newborn Savior into a hostile world, and it transforms our lives because in the face of despair and fear, we are called to be people of hope. My prayer for you this Christmas is that the angels’ command to “fear not” will give you strength and courage, too. Have a most blessed Christmas Season! Peace & Blessings,

Bishop Wolfgang D. Herz-Lane Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA


Thank You

To Prince of Peace Friends: I want to thank everyone who has sent cards and phone calls while I was in the hospital. Your caring concerns and prayers helped me get through my stay in the hospital. I also appreciate the visits from Pastor Matt and Pat. I appreciate all of your prayers even while I am home getting stronger, looking forward to being with all of you soon. Sincerely yours, Cindy Hinkleman

Thanks to all those who made last month's Bull Roast such a huge success! In addition to all the wonderful volunteers at Prince of Peace, we want to thank the American Legion (Seling Ave.), Yia Yia's Bakery, and Superior Catering for working with our group. They either donated or provided low cost options for our event, which helped to maximize the benefit it will have for our congregation's ministry. Blessings to all!


Daytimers- Upcoming Events

December 1st-11:30am-Christmas lunch will be catered - Cost$15.00. Reservation Deadline is November 10 to Dolores Evans – Entertainment: TBA January 5, 2016 – New Years Party February 2 – 11:30 am – Bring your lunch – “Good Ole Days!!” – Youth Pictures – Bring a teenage picture of yourself with your name on the back. Let us try to identify who is in each picture. March 1 – Saint Patrick’s Day – Corned Beef or Ham & Cabbage Lunch - $10 per person – eat in only. Sign up and pay Dolores Evans by February 16, 2016. April 5 – Meeting 11:30 am - Bring your lunch – Program: Speaker May 17, 2016 – Samson – at Sight & Sound, Lancaster, PA - 11:00 AM Show Cost: $110 per person Price includes bus transportation, buffet lunch at Hershey Farm Restaurant, all taxes & gratuity Full deposit or 50% of cost per person required at time of reservation. Full payment must be paid by April 10, 2016. Departs from Prince of Peace at 8:00 A.M. For Reservations or to submit money contact Dolores Evans at 410-256-5652 or Email For additional info contact Frank Addicks 410-308-4717


Prince of Peace Social Ministry This Fall has been a time of wonderful response by the congregation to many calls for help and support – • bringing in food for the Food Pantry, contributing money

to purchase food, volunteering to hand out bags • donating items needed by the Family Crisis Center, amounting to about $1500 worth • supporting the Good Gifts Fair, which benefits ELCA World Hunger, Disaster Response, and other churchwide ministries, with gifts totaling $1850, plus more from the Sunday School. • continuing to bring in pet food, toys, and blankets for the SPCA and for needy pet owners Your Social Ministry Committee is immensely grateful to be working with such a generous congregation, and we know that you will be blessed in this giving. Here are some upcoming opportunities in December: • Congregational Christmas Card - In the spirit of the Christmas season, we again offer the opportunity to make a donation to Eastern Interfaith Outreach (food pantry in Essex) instead of sending Christmas cards to congregation members. The large, beautiful card, hand decorated by Marcelene, a friend of the congregation, will be available in the narthex for you to write and sign your greeting; then donate the amount you saved in postage, or whatever amount you wish. Mark your envelope “Congregational Christmas card”. • Toys for needy children – This is another way we will bring happiness this Christmas season. Just bring in a new, unwrapped toy for any age child and place it in the bin marked for these. We will be collecting through December 13, for delivery to the agencies who will wrap and distribute them. Leave them in the marked bin.


• Warm clothing for homeless men, women and children – Donations will be accepted through the winter of gently used winter jackets, coats, and other clothing, as well as general needs such as backpacks, men’s belts, thermal underwear, sleeping bags, and hygiene items. These will be distributed through Prologue Homeless Outreach Program and Churches for Streets of Hope. Please mark your bags of donations “homeless outreach” and contact Susan Bode, In-Kind Donations Coordinator (404-550-0100), or Barbara Nock (410-686-4774), to transfer them in the parking lot. Lastly, we would like you to know that a nearby business, Anytime Fitness in the Weis shopping center, is helping one of our congregation’s families this Christmas. They are asking their members each to take one of the items from the Angel Tree at the gym and bring it in so that all together they will have a very nice collection of gifts for this family. We are so appreciative that Anytime Fitness reached out to our congregation this year in the spirit of giving.



Our busiest month of every year is over and many thanks are given to all who participated in any way to the success of our projects. 1. We had a most successful Seafarers’ Shoeboxes this year. WELCA received approximately 300 items donated to fill the shoeboxes. The response was overwhelming and we had no problems filling the boxes. Deacon Shari’s older students from the 6th – 12th grades, wrapped the shoeboxes as their contribution. This helped us so much. We wish to thank Frank Addicks and the Daytimers for the monetary donation they made to this project. We filled the 12 boxes and delivered them to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church on Taylor Avenue in the Parkville area. Any donations that were left over were sent to the Streets of Hope shelter. Thank you to everyone who donated to this old and favored project.

2. Thank you to all the cookie bakers of PoP for their

generous donations of cookies. We filled 25 cookie boxes for

our Church- family shut-ins at our November 17th meeting

of WELCA. The cookie boxes were filled and delivered to our

shut-ins by many of our wonderful volunteers. Thanks to

everyone who helped us remember our shut-ins at this time

of year.

3. On November 18, 2016, we celebrated American Education Week at CLC, Creative Learning Center with a cake, flowers and gift cards for the teachers. Coordinator for this project is Carol Fountain and every one was very appreciative for the thoughtfulness. 4. Fruits for Vets is another favorite project we have every year. Collection envelopes were in the bulletins for two


weeks and money collected was presented to the American Legion Post 180 to buy fruit, coffee supplies, hot chocolate and tea for our vets currently residing at the VA facility on Loch Raven Blvd. The money you provide funds these purchases as needed, instead of all at once, allowing our vets to enjoy fresher food items over a longer period of time. Doris Shoul is our intermediate with the Legion Auxiliary. Again, Frank and the Daytimers came through with a generous donation. Thanks for the donations and your generous support.


Our Christmas Party is scheduled Monday, December 7, 2015 beginning at 6:30 PM. Chef Chris has given us a wonderful menu of:

Sweet Teriyaki Salmon Smokehouse Pork Loin Roasted Rosemary Potatoes Herbed Green Beans Salad, Dessert and Beverages

The price is $14.00 per person and reservations can been made through December 1, 2015. The final count will be given to Chef Chris on the first, so get your reservations in today by calling me at 443-691-6845. Also, I want to announce that entertainment is the singing duo Maria Rose and Danny Elswig, who have entertained many here in Baltimore and around the country. We’re looking forward to seeing and hearing them entertain on the 7th. Day of Renewal is scheduled for February 27, 2016 at Pearlstone in Reisterstown MD. This event will be handled differently this year, compared to the events in the past. All participants will be treated to a very nice luncheon at Pearlstone. Carpooling from PoP to Reisterstown will be


arranged. Further information will be forth coming in the January Vine, so please consider attending the event. Hearts and Hands will meet January 12, 2016 from 10 AM – 1 PM. The next Steering Committee meeting is December 4, 2015 at 12:30 PM in Ellenberger Hall. This is an open meeting and all members are invited to attend. Now that our busiest month is over, we’d like to have more ladies join us to help us lead into 2016. WELCA’s next monthly meeting is January 19, 2016, at 10 AM in the Narthex and 7 PM in Ellenberger Hall. WELCA ministries at Prince of Peace are making a difference in everyone’s life and you can help. Please join us. Yours in Faith, Sharon Ormrod


BLOOD DRIVE - American Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, February 03, 2016 from 3:30 to 8:00 pm at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Please note: If you are a regular donor, DECEMBER 4th is last day you can donate and still be eligible for our February 3rd, 2016 blood drive. Please share with friends and neighbors, to support those in need by giving the Gift of Life. Benefits of Donating

· Love your neighbor by ensuring blood is on the shelf when it's needed · Blood is something most of us can spare but yet there is not always enough to go around · We may help save more than one life with just one blood donation · Free cookies

Plus Mini-Physical Checks

· Pulse · Blood pressure · Body temperature · Hemoglobin

Additional Information



CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS – The Altar Guild is taking orders for Christmas Poinsettias to be placed on the Altar for the Christmas Eve Services. Order forms are available on the table in the narthex and in the bulletin. Deadline is December 7. STREETS OF HOPE MEN'S SHELTER - Sign-up sheet for meals is now on the table in the narthex. The Prince of Peace congregation is responsible for serving dinner to the 16 men at the shelter on the 9th of every month, now through April. Consider helping to provide the meal, milk, dessert, fruit, or taking it to the shelter and serving. We are looking for about 4 - 6 people every month to help do this. Also, we need people to take the food from the Childcare Center on the 11th of the month. Please sign up or see Barbara Nock if you can help in any of these ways (410-686-4774). WELCA CHRISTMAS PARTY - Starting Sunday, November 15, 2015, after 9 AM service and after the Congregation meeting, reservations will be taken for WELCA's Christmas party to be held on Monday, December 7, 2015 in Ellenberger Hall. The cost is $14.00 per person. Chef Chris has promised a fine menu this year and you will be able to see the menu at the reservation table. Entertainment after dinner is Maria Rose and Danny Elswig, a local and talented singing duo. Please look for us in Ellenberger Hall and don't miss out on the fun.


CHRISTMAS PLAY “NUNCRACKERS” – Prince of Peace’s resident theater group, Artistic Synergy, will be performing a Christmas musical entitled Nuncrackers this December. Dates for the show are Dec. 4-6, and 11-13. Friday and Saturday shows are at 8 PM, Sunday matinees are at 3 PM. You can visit their website at for more information. Hope to see you there! NITE TIMERS - Please join us for our next Nite Timers dinner on Tuesday, December 8 at the Silver Spring Mining Company. We plan on meeting between 6:30 – 6:45. Silver Spring Mining Company, 8634 Belair Road, Perry Hall, MD 21236. Phone: 410-256-6809. All are welcome! Please RSVP no later than Sunday, December 6, so that we can give the restaurant a firm head-count. Please see Dave & Wendy Diffenbaugh for more information, or talk to Pastor Matt. CHRISTMAS CANTATA – Prince of Peace’s Choir will be sharing a Christmas Cantata entitled “What Child is This” on Sunday, December 20th during the 11 AM service. Please come and hear this beautiful musical piece as we prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of the Christ Child. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES - as in the past, Prince of Peace Lutheran will be offering Christmas Eve Worship services at 7 & 10 PM on December 24th. The 7 PM "Family Service" will be led by Wing & a Prayer, and the 10 PM service will have music from the organ and will feature the choir. Both services will have Holy Communion and the lighting of the candles. Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors to this very holy and important service. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE – Prince of Peace will also be offering a worship service on Friday morning. One service at 10 AM will be held in the sanctuary on December 25th.


ROADTRIP (High School Youth Event) – the DE-MD Synod High School Event will be held on January 22-24 at Ocean City, MD. Please mark your calendars and see Deacon Shari for more information. ANIMAL ANGELS – due to the success of the new Animal Angels outreach ministry, Prince of Peace will continue to collect pet food, pet toys, pet snacks for dogs, cats and things like towels to support the SPCA and its ministry through Meals on Wheels. Collection buckets may be found in the back of the church. For more information please contact Evelyn Armiger at 410-687-8275. ASSISTANCE FOOD PANTRY - “Time to sign up for 2016, for giving out food bags on Wednesday mornings. The new year’s sign up sheet is in the Narthex now. Any questions, contact Carolyn Wagner or church office.”

Gifts Received Between November 1 and November 22

FOR DESIGNATION John Vesper Organ Fund By Kay Vesper


John Wilmering Organ Fund By Barbara Nock John Hughes WELCA By Gloria Hughes Ellie Zwick Organ Fund By Jerry Zwick Mary Smith Organ Fund By Linda Felts Jeannette Lautenschlager Organ Fund By Bill Lautenschlager Ruth Foltz Altar Paraments By Linda Cook Gil Miller Organ Fund By Linda & Bob DeJong John Wilmering None By Boy Scout Troop #897 Connie Organ Fund By Patricia Morrow Doris Seabrease None By Lois Moss Michael Glos Education in Church By Judy Glos Charalotte Hayes Roof By Jan Sidelinker


Bruce Armiger Organ Fund By Evelyn Armiger Rachael L. Woodruff Mar Lu Ridge By Beverly Woodruff Betty Cox Church Bell By Robert Cox Ruth Foltz Paraments and/or Food Pantry By Lauren Simpson Honorariums Between November 1 and November 22 Bettie & Buddy Forster Organ Fund By Thelma Hamel Wing & Prayer Band Organ Fund By Susanne & Bud Frank Elijah Rickel Organ Fund By Weber Family

Prayerful Community Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly invites his people to pray to him in all kinds of circumstances for all kinds of reasons. We ask God to guide us in our prayers for the church and for those in need. Join in and pray for those groups and friends listed below so that together we may ask for God’s help and guidance for those in need of His care.


WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS : Spiritual Growth of Prince of Peace, Persecuted Christians Work of the Tri-Home Hospice, Relief of World Hunger Residents of All Nursing Homes All Natural Disaster Victims WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS: STELLA MARIS: Erika Glass GENESIS NURSING HOME: Bonnie Pugh MANOR CARE: Joppa Road: Jane Brown LORIEN, BEL AIR: Wauneda & John Horney OVERLEA REHAB: Nancy Banas OAKWOOD CARE CENTER (IVY HALL): Anne Hood and Virginia Hood FRANKLIN SQUARE: Nancy Almes, Judy Seaby & Bob Wagner Tareq Abdulghani, Bernice Addicks, Cely Addicks, Alexandra, Nancy Almes, Jessica Altman, Family & friends of Joseph Amato Jr., Edna Amspacker, Eleanor Andronchick, Bev Arlenes, Joseph Armetta, Julie Bagrowski, Mary Jane Bailey, Mary & Mike Battaglia, Arthur Battee, William Beard, Ed Bennett, William Bennett, Ken Berlett Sr., Bob and Sylvia Bias, Bias Family, Bob Bocer, June Bocek, Thomas Bocelk, Norma Boer, Catherine Boyd, Jim Bradly, Carol Brandenberg, Family of Eunice R. Brennan, Brooks Brown, Cathy & Charlie Browning, Beverly Bruno, Sharon Brydge, Dolores Burkhardt, Teresa Campbell, Ken Canterbery, Cantwell family, Eden Cappelari, Marcella Carney, David Carr, Joshua Carr, Dolores Carter, Jimmy Carter, Chris, Christine, Kevin Clingan, Kim Cole, Chris Collabello, Kevin Connelly, Louise Connelly, Connelly family, Joan Conway, Larry Cook, Richard Cooper, Kim Cornelius, Kathy Crumley, Denise & Kevin, Tafiana Davis, Stella Diebel, Ethel Dill, Tony & Sharon DiNisio, Michelle Dunmore,


Maureen Edwards, Michelle Edwards and family, Lisa & Chelsea Ellard, Bill Elliott, Jim Elliott, Marianne Esposito, Christy Evans, Bob Ewell, Diana Falcone, Farabaugh family, George Fell, Buddy Forster, Olan Fountain, Doris Garber, Garrett and Pauline, Ben Gentry Jr., Gillespie Family, Judy Glos, Habicht family, Marty Harthousen, Thelma Hess, Paul Hinkleman, Pat Hodgson, Larry Hogan, Grant Holland, Bill Holmes, Crystal Holmes, Pat Hoppert, Dot Hruz, Emily Hruz, Sandy Huebschman, Christine Hughes, Gloria Hughes, Scott Hurd, Roy Hurley, Ruth & Bob Jackson, Geri Jananovak, Jeff Jecelin, Diane Jezek, Jo, Jody, Bonnie Johnson, Madison Johnson, Rae Jones, Beverly Kearney, Jean Keen, Kellner family, Larry Kincer, Dolores Knighton, Alla and Anatoliy Kozlovs, Charles Kozlowski and family, Jenny Kozlowski, Karissa Kozlowski, Nancy Kozlowski, Family of Patrick Kraft, Mildred Kramer, Carleen and Carrie Kress, Bernadet Kubik, Anna Lauf, Cameron Lauf, Terri Lauf, Bill Lautenschlager, Matthew Lautenschlager, Margie Layne, Joan Leiss, Ron Lentz, Brittney and Kevin Lewis; Lewis Family, Larry Kincer, Ron Lloyd, Lois, Gary Lotman, Jerry Louden, Barb Lutz, Sandy, Chris & Melissa Lynch, Irene Madison, Lew & Keith Madison, Marilyn, Carol Markle, Amy Mayers, Dana McKittrick, Mezzanoti family, Ann Milbourne, Stuart Miller, Nick Monolistis, Vincent Mulleny, Bev Nance, Sukhjit Nijjer, Cathie Norvell, Shirley O’Connor, Nick Otte, Billy Parks, Michelle Parks, Peggy and Julie Pater, Patti, Pelletier family, Micki Phillips, Scott Pickett, Jeff Pietruszla, Michelle Pilachowski, Will Porter, Ben Pritchett, Irene Puchalsky family, John Pueltz, Bonnie Pugh,Michael Quental, Juanita Rader, Mr. Ramsey, Sue Ratajcak, James Rathmann, Carolyn Redman, Mary Reese, Nora Reindhart, Betty Retman, Joe Retman, Ricky, Dorothy Rider, Len Ritterbush, Elaine Robinette, Carolyn Rogers, Elmo Rose, Bonnie Ross, Larry Ross, Carol Rothwell, Roxanne, Carol Roycroft, Michele S., Leapolda Salvi, Katie Santoro; Marian and Gene Mark Scarinzi; Charlotte Schaum, Marie Schehlein, Maggie Schepleng, John Scherer, Luann,


Chris, Alaina, and Josiah Scheufele, Alexandra Ivonov Schindler, Reamy Schools, Nancy Schreiber; Edna Schuler, Kati and Andy Schweigman, Jackie and David Schweigman, Shafik, Shannon, Polly Shoker, Wil Sidelinker, Bill Siock, Janet Sixx, Lindsay Sixx, Terri Skurow, Stacey Smallwood, Jason Smith, Michael Smith, Nicole Smith, Rob Smith, Robert Smith, Ron and Sally Smith, Susan Smith, Treva Smith, Carole Snair, Sis Snyder, The Sonntag Family, Chris Sparks, Herman Sperl, Ron Squires Jr, Christiana St. Lawgrence, Dawn Steinberg, Paul Stevenson, Joe Stivers, Betty Stoecker, Melvin Stoecker and wife, Dorothea Stubbs, Pat and Joel Strayer, Richard Struck, Nicole Swartz, Michael Sweeney, Bob Swink, Alexander Tvanov-Schindler, Carter Thomas, Doris Thomas, Wayne Thompson, Jerry Towns, Eleanor Trotter, Barbara Uttech, Carl Van Newkirk, Karen Vesper, Robin Vick, Vogtman, Demetriecce Walker, Ashleigh Wallace, Grant Wallis, James Ward, James Ward Jr., Pat Warnick, Carole Warthen, Tracey Warthen, Claire Weir, Rick Williamson, Sabrina Willis, Desirae Williams, Dora Williams, Sabrina Willis, Glen Wilson, Dan Woodruff

December Birthdays December 1 Garrett Cole, Cory Soistman December 6 Denise Frank December 7 Leonard Lynch


December 8 Charles Hilseberg III, Henry Nathan December 9 Arthur Battee, Sarah Chrzanowski, Doris Kridenoff, Gus Weber December 10 Kaitlyn Harrison, Denise Scheufele December 11 Linda Bayliss, Lillian Moorehead December 12 Sheila Pritchett, Kimberly Tirschman December 14 Jenna Widerman December 15 Kaylee Robertson December 16 Donald McLhinney, Christina Williams December 17 Carol O’Toole, John Pritchett, Diane Samuels December 19 Eliza Bisbee, Holly Fennell, Rodney Lynch, Matthew Shipman December 20 Martie Bisbee, Ann Stuckey, Robert Wagner December 22 Lori Tornkvist December 23 Emily Schildt, Doris Thomas, Beverly Woodruff December 24 Cynthia Alt, Frank Kozlowski, Doris Shoul December 25 Caitlin Phebus December 29 Andrew Evans, Phyllis Gray, December 31 Megan Freeman

December Anniversaries Cathy & Bernie Schweigman 12/01 37 years Laurie & Brian Widerman 12/10 27 years Kimberly & Stewart Majerowicz 12/18 1 year


Christine & Charlie Higgs 12/28 6 years Linda & Rick Williamson 12/28 33 years A joyous wedding anniversary! May the love you share continue to grow with each passing year. “Beloved, let us love one another because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 Congratulations to all who celebrate! If you find an “active” member’s name missing, it simply means that our church records are incomplete. We will be happy to add that information as you provide it to the church office. For assistance, please call 410-866-8766. Let us know of any omission so that we may update the church record and not miss you the next time.

There are still a few open dates for dedications of flowers, bulletins and candles in December. Please look at the bulletin board near the water fountain in the narthex for a schedule and price lists. Don’t forget to fill out the Dedication sheet and put in the Parish Coordinator mailbox. Thank you.




Candle Dedications: December 6 To celebrate 27th Wedding Anniversary of Laurie & Brian Widerman, given with love to each other December 13 December 20 In remembrance of deceased members of our families, given by Irene & Lew Madison December 27 To thank God for his many blessings to us throughout the past year by Ginger & Joe Woika. Flower Dedications: December 6 In memory of Herbert Grotheer, on the Anniversary of his death given by daughter, Christine Higgs December 13 December 20 December 27 In celebration of Shelly Taylor’s Birthday on December 26th, given with love from her family. Bulletin Dedications: December 6 In memory of Eleanor Becker on her Birthday December 8.


December 13 In celebration of Jenna Widerman’s 20th Birthday on December 14th, given with love by her parents. December 20 December 27


8:00 Don Regester, Mike Kinnear, Mike Kramer, and Lew Madison 11:00 Wayne Doerflein, Joan Conway and Doris Shoul

Altar Guild Schedule

December 2015 8a.m 11a.m December 6 Ruth Recchia Joan Conway Norma Streckus Carol Fountain


December 13 Thelma Hamel Wendy Gray Linda Bayliss Phyllis Gray December 20 Diana Passapae Kay Vesper Ruth Recchia Sharon Ormrod December 27 Cindy Alt Lori Wilhide Beth Kirtland Andi Fuhrman


8a.m 11a.m

December 6 Savannah Taylor Eliza Bisbee December 13 Cole Boyd Lillian Pritchard December 20 Ian Brady Emilee Wood December 24 (Christmas Eve) 7 p.m 10.p.m Ellie Fuhrman Nathan Jecelin Emma Hester Sarah Erpenstein Kara Ewing Karissa Kozlowski

8a.m 11a.m December 27 Aleck Dodd Sydney Zartman


Committee / Team Chairs at Prince of Peace As many of you know, much of the ministry at Prince of Peace is organized through a series of committees or teams. Responsible for unique areas of service, they are often the places where a great deal of work and planning take place to accomplish all that we do in the name of Christ. Below are the names of individuals serving either as chairs or points of contact for those who wish to become more involved in a particular ministry of the church. Blessings to all and all that they do for God's kingdom. Artistic Synergy (Theater Group) - Bob DeJong Boy Scouts - Lester Jackson, Keith Boyer Christian Education - Susan Hester Cub Scouts - Colby Areford, Linda DeJong Day Care Board - Darlynn Jones Daytimers – Frank Addicks Evangelism - Carol Fountain Endowment - Lew Madison Finance - Darlynn Jones Girl Scouts - Matt Fuhrman, Shari Trotter, Cassy Wood Memorial - Clair Price Property - Bernie Schweigman, Jr. Scholarship – Susan Bode Social Ministry - Barbara Nock Stephen Ministry - Bob DeJong Stewardship - Chuck Hilseberg WELCA – Sharon Ormrod, Carol Fountain, Phyllis Gray, Pat Morrow, Kay Vesper, Beverly Woodruff Worship - Rick Stuckey Youth & Family - Wayne Doerflein


January Vine articles are due December 18th !!!