Primary data

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Primary data

Primary Data: Audience Identification

Within our group wecreated a questionnaire. In order to find our preferred audience and most popular genre.

Both of these questions were used toget a general idea of our social group in who was answering the questions.

What gender are you?

What age are you?

In the magazine, would you prefer more images, more text or equal of both?

Do you prefer a magazine with more bright colours or dull colours?

We included questions that would give us a greater understanding of what the audience like to see included within a music magazine.

How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?

How often would you purchase a magazine?

These questions were made so that we would know how to attract our target audience and to ensure that the genre is popular with our target audience.

What would you most like to see in a music magazine?

What type of music do you like best?

We used two open questions to gain a wider knowledge of what our target audience preferred to see in a music magazine.

What would you say is your favourite music magazine?

The last question helped us to see what age and gender would go for which type of magazines.


By creating primary data and making a questionnaire which we gave out to an audience of people, we were able to gather extra information that we then converted into graphs to show us what we would need to include when making our own music magazine.

From collecting this data, we have realised that our magazine needs to cover a range of entertainment, celebrity gossip, real life stories and plenty of images in order to be successful within our target audience.

By including open questions, it has given us a better understanding of what the audience like to see included in a magazine in order for them to buy it. We will be taking on some of these points to help us in making our own magazine appealing to the target audience that we are aiming for.