Preview book revealed!- secret wisdom of successful communities and cultures

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Transcript of Preview book revealed!- secret wisdom of successful communities and cultures

Title Page


Secret Wisdom of Successful Communities and Cultures

Anshuman Sharma

Copyright Copyright © 2012 Anshuman Sharma

All Rights Reserved

ISBN : 978-1-300-19152-0

Dedication Dedication

To my beautiful daughters Gunn and Kli

To my gorgeous wife Nilam


Title Page





Secret 1 - Hard-work works

Secret 2 - Move out of your comfort zone

Secret 3 - Envision the path before starting

Secret 4 - Know a person in his critical time

Secret 5 - Bring out your best

Secret 6 - Rule of 80:20

Secret 7 - Believe in your dreams

Secret 8 - Understand the dynamics of every system

Secret 9 - You control your life

Secret 10 - Know what you want in life

Secret 11 - Put yourself in the positive loop

Secret 12 - Will-power makes your way

Secret 13 - Opportunities in problems

Secret 14 - Money deserves its respect

Secret 15 - Commitment

Secret 16 - Power deserves its respect

Secret 17 - Give power to your words

Secret 18 - Control your day

Secret 19 - Bring simplicity in thoughts

Secret 20 - Nothing is impossible

Secret 21 - Bring simplicity in communications

Secret 22 - Have faith on something

Secret 23 - To gain mastery, practice

Secret 24 - Start early, as habits build over time

Secret 25 - Think deeply

Secret 26 - Put soul in your things

Secret 27 - Be extremely practical

Secret 28 - Journey is more interesting than the destination

Secret 29 - Have right logic for every decision

Secret 30 - Reject fear

Secret 31 - Proceed for action

Secret 32 - Avoid conflicts

Secret 33 - Everything in Life is a miracle

Secret 34 - Avoid time and energy wasters

Secret 35 - Problems can never stop a winner

Secret 36 - Do what you like

Secret 37 - Destiny needs to be managed

Secret 38 - Recognize and connect with right people

Secret 39 - Be a force or be the part of force

Secret 40 - Never accept anything free

Secret 41 - Feel the beauty with heart

Secret 42 - Do what is right

Secret 43 - Build the power of community

Secret 44 - Do what you are good at

Secret 45 - Have an adventurous life

Secret 46 - Never let geographical boundaries restrict your success

Secret 47 - Realize the universe inside you

Secret 48 - Be internally driven

Secret 49 - Know thyself

Secret 50 - Be straightforward and clear

Secret 51 - Scrutinize with your heart

Secret 52 - Your dreams have sense

Secret 53 - Use latest available tools and technology to get ahead

Secret 54 - Never speak false to self

Secret 55 - Know the right timing

Secret 56 - Why get disappointed in future?

Secret 57 - Take the road less travelled

Secret 58 - Contribute in life

Secret 59 - Fill yourself with hope

Secret 60 - Keep eye on results

Secret 61 - Live in present

Secret 62 - Never give up

Secret 63 - Keep hurry to minimum

Secret 64 - Let nothing obstruct you

Secret 65 - Have big ambitions in life

Secret 66 - Smile at pain

Secret 67 - Complete it now

Secret 68 - Hard times never last

Secret 69 - Let money and people work for you

Secret 70 - Attitude defines you

Secret 71 - Laugh a lot

Secret 72 - Law of reciprocity

Secret 73 - Complete the task

Secret 74 - Appreciate your free gifts

Secret 75 - Be presentable

Secret 76 - Understand the power of love

Secret 77 - Avoid ‘too much’ analysis

Secret 78 - Be away from bad habits

Secret 79 - Have passion in life

Secret 80 - Live after death

Secret 81 - Be credible and trustworthy

Secret 82 - Be what you can be

Secret 83 - Find need, discover solutions

Secret 84 - Self-clarity

Secret 85 - Consider yourself blessed

Secret 86 - Strength in visualization

Secret 87 - Enjoy every day of Life

Secret 88 - Actions are louder

Secret 89 - Avoid irrelevant stuff

Secret 90 - Learn from experience

Secret 91 - Dream big with open eyes

Secret 92 - Explore

Secret 93 - You will have your day

Secret 94 - Only you can make yourself Inferior

Secret 95 - Work in team

Secret 96 - First change self

Secret 97 - Be your best self

Secret 98 - Know the power of self-belief

Secret 99 - The time is right

Secret 100 - Whatever you do, do it at your best

Secret 101 - Aim High

About Author


We know that the only constant is change which is responsible for enriching the life

of people and propelling humanity forward. Trends define the demands of people for

new products and services which keep changing with time. Companies put huge

resources and funds in research and development to create new products and capture

the market share in their industries. New technologies keep evolving which augment

performance of people by improving connectivity, providing new tools and knowledge

sharing. Companies keep working on new business models for their companies to adjust

to the changing times.

Individuals also change with time. The environment affects their behavior and their

views about the world. People have evolved with time and have adopted new ways to

present and express themselves. The fashion keeps changing fast, carrying a large

number of people with it.

Society has itself changed a lot and has affected the people in one way or the other.

The family system has graduated to a new level and many previously unacceptable

practices have gained acceptance in the society. Various micro and macro factors keep

influencing the way people live in the society affecting their decisions and actions.

Experiences are one of the biggest drivers of change; laws are modified based upon

their desired impact in the society. Constitutions are amended based upon the demands

and expectations of the citizens of the country. But there is something which never

changes and remains universal to humanity.

These are the set of rules for humans which remain true and deliver results in every

era and at every place. They are simple to understand and have straight interpretation.

Successful people in every generation have quoted them again and again as the main

reason for their success. These rules bring the best out of them making them perform

feats which looked impossible for others. As every human has the same potential but

only few of them are able to perform extraordinary, these rules are the foundation for

that difference.

Many communities strictly follow some basic rules which make them successful and

prosperous. They make these principles a part of their culture by associating them with

religion or to the uniqueness of their community. They have learned these rules through

generations of trial and error, over a long period of time. With time these becomes

beliefs, which guides and defines the actions of the members of community. Some of

these principles run in the cultures of successful families, in which elders imbibe the core

of their beliefs in their young ones. The fundamentals of these rules remain same while

the interpretation and way of conceiving them may change from generation to


This book discusses these principles, in brief, and delivers the required message in

limited number of words. It specifies each rule in few sentences followed by thoughts to

implement them in your life. You need not follow the suggestions and find a way for

implementation which suits you. The only objective is to make the reader understand

the value of these rules and to motivate her to take required steps for implementing

them in life. The value addition by these principles in the lives of the readers would

convince them to include this learning into their lives to achieve their dreams and to get

success in their endeavors.

To write this book we identified the success principles of various cultures and

communities which they transfer to their next generation. Generally each community

has only specific values which are considered as the foundation for their strength and

exclusivity. We have tried to understand these fundamental principles of these cultures

and present them in this work. To keep everything simple we have specified the concept

and left it to the reader to comprehend and implement it in their own way in life.

There is no prescribed way to read the book, as each chapter is mutually exclusive

and describes one principle in brief. The idea specified in each chapter should be

considered as the starting point of understanding and experiencing the concept.

Secret 1 - Hard-work works

One of the main factor which differentiate between and an unsuccessful person and

achiever is hard work. A hardworking person is a winner in every way. Hard work is

linked to physical capacity, will power, commitment and optimism. A person toiling

needs to have commitment to keep working hard, which would be backed by her will

power. This person also requires optimism and sincerity to keep working hard to get

results. People sometimes get confused with hard work and smart work, saying that

working hard is old school of thought while today’s market requires ‘smart work’. In fact,

these types of people are ‘definitely not smart’ who try to defend their laziness and

habit of procrastination in the shadow of smart work. It is required to clarify that almost

all hardworking people are ‘Working Hard, Smartly’, which means that they are really

smart people who are working hard.

How would you define yourself, hard worker, smart worker or hardworking person

working smartly? Can your work be done in a better or smarter way? You always need to

be aware about the aspects in which you are highly productive, sharp and dynamic.

Secret 2 - Move out of your comfort zone

As human beings we are all tuned to avoid pain of any type and in any way. We

tend to create a comfort zone for us in which we feel easy, protected and relaxed. The

negative of this zone is that it makes us risk averse and complacent while making us

weak and incompetent. We need to break out of our comfort zone and put ourselves

into conditions in which we are required to perform and take uncomfortable decisions,

as it would bring the best out of us.

If you dream and have big ambitions in life then you will need to move out of your

comfort zone and take required decisions and actions. Each winner takes tough but

required initiations to achieve their goals. These are sincere people who understand

their responsibilities and enjoy every moment of it.

About Author

Anshuman is an entrepreneur and investor and has been instrumental in nurturing

many successful companies. He has created of several profitable companies in various

domains. He is also involved in supporting development of several other organizations.

In business, his interests lie in cutting edge technologies and innovative services.

His guidance has helped many businessman, investors and entrepreneurs to

succeed in their objectives. He has also supported several entrepreneurship cells and

incubation centers.

He is an engineer and a management graduate. He can be reached at