Preventing and controlling malaria in ecuador

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Preventing and controlling malaria in ecuador

With the financial support of

Health promoters make frequent visits, acting as a link

between malaria-affected communities and the formal health system. The project has

tailored interventions to specific vulnerable groups including indigenous people, pregnant

women and migrant workers

Community health promoters work with the Ministry of Public Health to map and track cases

of malaria as well as mosquito breeding grounds. Each community makes their own

malaria map. The project has helped to strengthen the way that the government deals with

malaria. Now the malaria prevention and treatment programme is fully integrated with

primary health care units in malaria zones

Due to her health, age and poor condition of the roads, Maria cannot make the journey to

the nearest clinic. Here at home, the health promoter takes blood samples to be analysed

and starts treatment if needed

A technician tests blood samples that have arrived from nine health centres in Loreto, a

malarial zone in the Amazon region

Health promoters travel by foot, by canoe or by motorcycle in order to reach the

communities where they work

In Ecuador’s coastal region, community mobilisation is seen as essential for fighting

malaria. Hilda, a volunteer health promoter and community leader, organises malaria

prevention activities as part of minga, an Andean tradition of collective community service.

Here they eliminate mosquito breeding grounds by cutting back shrubbery and getting rid

of stagnant water

Hilda ensures there is information for the community close at hand. In fact, the malaria

information booth for the community is in her house. Note the community malaria map on

the wall above her head

Andy, a local schoolteacher and volunteer health promoter, goes house to house in Palma

Roja to invite people to a talk about malaria. In the Amazon region, community health

promoters work in close collaboration with indigenous people’s organisations

To identify the breeding grounds of the anopheles mosquito that carries malaria, volunteer

health promoter Sobeida tries to get a sample of the larvae. In Venecia de Chimbo, a small

town in Ecuador’s coastal region where Sobeida lives, there is a high incidence of malaria

Protected from malaria, individuals, families and whole

communities enjoy a healthier life and future. Reduced levels of illness mean a

decreased burden on health systems

Produced by Kimirina with support of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Executive Director of Kimirina: Amira Herdoiza

Photographs ©Jorge Vinueza for Kimirina

Text: Patricio Ruiz, César Bonifaz, Yvets Morales

Collaboration: MSP, SNEM, DYA.

The views described herein are the views of this institution, and do not represent the views or opinions of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, nor is there any approval or authorization of this material, express or implied, by

the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria