Prevent gout- what foods lower uric acid

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Prevent gout- what foods lower uric acid


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Why You Can Cure Gout at Home

If you are a gout patient and

suffering from frequent gout

attacks, I strongly suggest you to

focus your time and efforts on

what foods lower uric acid instead

of what foods to avoid.

This is because reducing or abstaining

from gout causing foods can only stop

the increase of uric acid level but

cannot help to get rid of the existing

uric acid that has already turned into

urate crystals in your painful joints.

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Go For Alkaline Foods

Since the list of what foods lower

uric acid is very long and it is

impossible for me to list them all

out here, the most effective way is

to search for "alkaline foods"

Generally, alkaline foods are mostly

green fresh vegetables or fruits,

the reason they are classified as

alkaline foods is because they are

rich in alkaline minerals.

They can effectively 'pull' the hidden

uric acid out from the synovial fluid

in the gout affected joints back into

the bloodstream for removal

through the kidneys in the form of


As the concentration of uric acid

in the joint fluid reduces, those

deposited urate crystal will

start to dissolve in the liquid.

Once all the urate crystal in the

joints is cleared, you will be free

from gout forever. It is that simple.

Water Is Faster Than Foods

As its name implies, this type of water

water is rich in alkaline mineral that is

in the active ionized form and ready for

instant absorption into the bloodstream

to do the work of cleaning out the

excess uric acid in your body.

Unlike alkaline foods, ionized alkaline

water bypasses the process of breaking

down bigger molecules, that is why it is

the most effective way of lowering uric

acid in the body.

According to basic simple science of

neutralization, alkaline is the only

enemy of acid. All the best in

kissing gout goodbye, for good.

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