Preterite tense

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Preterite tense

June 14, 2015

El PretéritoPretérito perfecto simple

(the preterite)

June 14, 2015

Can you guess the names of these subjects (asignaturas)?

June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

You have just received your class schedule for next year. What subjects do you have?


Tengo ________________

June 14, 2015

Up to now you have learned to talk about things happening ahora (now), hoy (today), and even mañana (tomorrow). Now you will learn to talk about things that happened anoche (last night), ayer (yesterday), la semana pasada (last week), el mes pasado (last month), or el año pasado (last year). Of course, you need to use

verbs in the past tense. One such past tense in Spanish is the PRETERIT. The PRETERIT is used to express actions or events

that started and were completed in the past and happened only once.

It is a past action

In English, the regular past verb ends in -ed

I talked (regular verb)

I bought (irregular)

I paid (irregular)

June 14, 2015


el (lunes) pasado

esta manana


el ano pasado


June 14, 2015

Introducción a los verbos -AR

yo - E

tú - ASTE

élella - Ousted

nosotrosnosotras - AMOS

vosotrosvosotras - ASTEIS

ellosellas - ARONustedes

Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns

June 14, 2015

Introducción a los verbos -ER & IR

yo - I

tú - ISTE

élella - IOusted

nosotrosnosotras - IMOS

vosotrosvosotras - ISTEIS

ellosellas - IERONustedes

Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns

June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

Just like present tense verbs, some verbs are irregular in the preterite tense.

Ser (to be) & Ir (to go)

June 14, 2015

Estar ( to be)

June 14, 2015

Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences.

¿Miró Ud. la televisión anoche?

¿Estudió Ud. la lección de español anoche? .

June 14, 2015

Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences.

¿Habló Ud. ayer por teléfono con sus amigos?

¿Trabajó Ud. el verano pasado?.

June 14, 2015

You have to write a composition in Spanish about what happened in school yesterday. Express the following in Spanish.

1. The teacher opened the door at eight fifteen.


2. We learned new words in Spanish.


3. The students wrote on the blackboard.


4. Manuel closed all the windows.


5. I ate a hamburger in the cafeteria.


June 14, 2015

6. My friends drank a soda.

_____________________________________________________7. You (formal) studied for an exam.


8. Pepe saw a Mexican film._____________________________________________________

9. María used the teacher’s dictionary._____________________________________________________

10. We left the school at three o’clock._____________________________________________________

June 14, 2015