Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Presented by Nai Wang Sung



POLICYPOLICY (评估的原则)(评估的原则)The Seven Fundamental Principles (评估基本原则) are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students; (公平公正) support all students, including those with special education needs, those

who are learning the language of instruction (English or French), and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit; (特殊儿童,第二语言的,原居民)

are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students; (周密的教学计划。把教学大纲和教学目的与学生的兴趣,需求和实际经验结合)

are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course; (在开学前,(或中间任何时候)向家长阐明清楚

are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning; 评估的过程是持续性,多样性,有效管理中的,并给与学生充分时间和机会学习和展现。

provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement; 对学生的学习成果,不断地给与具体的,明确和及时的意见。

develop students‘ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning. (培养发展学生自己定计划,评估,定目标和改进的能力和技巧

Key points: 评估的注意点 “There is no need to grade students on what they know

when they work in the door.” __Stephanie Harvey/Anne Goufvis 成绩的评定不以已经掌握了的知识内容为基准。

Based on the evidence gleaned from ongoing and authentic assessments 根据发展和真实的考核记录评定成绩(学习过程)

Grading a stack of worksheets doesn’t provide us with information about authentic learning. 不能根据一叠书面的作业的评定,而对学生做出学习能力的真正公平的评估。

Looking at students’ open-ended responses that reflect their thinking and learning. ( anecdotal records, summary responses, illustrations, journal entries, sticky notes, discussions, open-ended questions…) 学生对无约束问题的回答,可反应出他们的思想和理解能力。

Use the rubric to assess 根据教学大纲,学生的基础及老师的教学目的,制定审核标准。按照这个标准去审核学生。

Terminology (评估的专业术语 )

1. Assessment 测试2. Evaluation 综合评估3. Achievement 成绩4. Authentic assessment真实评估 Reliable assessment 可靠

性测试 Fair assessment 公平性测试 Assessment for learning 学

习前的测试 Assessment as learning 学

习中测试 Assessment of learning 学

习后的测试 Achievement Levels 4 个等

级的成绩划分 The categories of 知识和技

能的分类 knowledge and skills

1. Learning skills and work habits (学习技能和工作习惯)

2. Peer assessment (同学向互测试)

3. Self-assessment (自我测试)4. Rubric (评定标准)5. Backward design (逆向定教

学计划)6. Curriculum expectations

(教学大纲要求)7. Theme-based (定概念)8. Bloom‘s Taxonomy (思想认

识范畴)9. Essential/Unit questions

(单元和核心问题)10. Enduring Understanding

(终生去理解和思考的哲理)11. Culminating task (综合性的


Purpose of classroom assessment ( 测试的目的) .“The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.” 促进学生的学习

Assessment for learning: (学前测试)“…is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and

their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there.” (为了定计划,了解学生程度,为将来审核老师和学生的教学进步与否,做一个参考证据))

Assessment as learning (学中测试)“… focuses on the explicit fostering of students’ capacity over time to be their

own best assessors, but teachers need to start by presenting and modelling external, structured opportunities for students to assess themselves.” 通过老师的演示,审核学生自我运用和对知识的认知能力

Assessment of learning (Evaluation) (学末测试 /考核)…is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols

about how well students are learning. 最终老师的评语和评分。 包括学习技能,独立能力,学习习惯,态度,与人相处的能力,以及知识的掌握。

Bloom‘s Taxonomy (评估思想认知的范畴)Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge,

Comprehension( understanding), Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Synthesis( creation)

Features:( not rigid) simple to complex ; concrete to abstract. a cumulative hierarchy

Remember - Retrieving relevant knowledge from : long-term memory/Recognizing/Recalling

Understand - Determining the meaning of instructional:Interpreting/Exemplifying/Classifying/Summarizing/Inferring/Comparing/Explaining

Apply - Carrying out or using a procedure in a given situation:/Executing/Implementing

Analyze - Breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose: Differentiating/Organizing/Attributing

Evaluate - Making judgments based on criteria and standards:Checking/Critiquing

Create - Putting elements together to form a novel:coherent whole or make an original product./Generating/ Planning/Producing



熟记: 1 )事实; 2 )概念:内在特殊和规律、原理、分类、标准、 3 )过程:专业方面的技巧,技能,学习方法,解决问题的专业知识等。 4 )自我学习的技能、方法的认知。






How to improve your child’s reading?Questions based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy

theoryused before/during/after(e.g., Yoko writes her name)

Questions on Yoko…Before reading. 1. How do you know when you respect/are empathetic to someone?

2. What part does respect play in your relationships with your friends and family? How would these relationships be affected if you found out someone was bullying you?

3. Can you imagine starting a friendship with someone he didn't respect you? What would that be like?

4. What are the benefits of being an empathetic person? How do you benefit from being empathetic to others?

5. What does showing somebody empathy mean?

6. What do you look for in someone so you know he is showing empathy to you?

7. What does respect have to do with the quality of someone's character?

8. How do you define a “bully”? Some people say that teasing is ok because it is just joking and for fun. What do you think?

9. What is the biggest bullying you've ever done? Would you do it again? Why or why not?

11.If your friends were here right now, would they say you were empathetic and respectful? What would your parents say? Are you more respecting and empathetic with your friends or with your parents? Do you think you treat your teacher and your parents differently? Why or why not?

12. How did you feel when someone disrespected you? When did that happen? How is your relationship with that person now?

13. The young people talk about the fear of being bullied as reasons to support the bully. Have you ever felt that way?

14. Do your parents respect/are empathetic to you? Why or why not? What role does empathy/respect play in your relationship with your parents? Have your parents talked to you about these characters? How important is it to you and your parents?

15. One of the last things Judy says in her blog is that the real problem with lying isn't the lie but the way it wrecks our relationships with other people. What does she mean by this? Do you agree with her?

16. Are teasing, putdowns, and insults fun or funny?

During reading1.( classroom). What happened in the classroom? What do you think of the way olive and Sylvia treated Yoko?

What do you think how Yoko’s teacher treated her?

3. ( playground)What are some of the disrespectful things Olive and Sylvia did while playing with graduation?

4. If Silvia justified her rude behavior to Yoko by saying that she was just kidding. Does that make it okay? Why, or why not?

5. Why did Olive want to exclude the Yoko from playing graduation game? How do you think it made him feel? Do you think Olive and Silvia was acting like a bully? In what way?

6. if you didn't like the way Silvia was behaving? What would you have said or done if you had been there?

7. Do you think O/S are aware of how Yoko feels about the way she treats her? Why?

9. From O/S’s song, it seems she is confused about what she did. List some things you think are unclear in their thinking. Can you think of a question S could ask herself that might help her understand what is going on?

10. How did Angelo do or say to make Yoko feel good about himself? Can you think of other ways or words to make Yoko feel good ?

11. Predicting how would Sylvia/O feel before graduation and how would Yoko do?   

12. What message was given when the teacher give a star to Yoko? What do you think that means?

13.( to parents) what message does the author give by saying. “ But it’s only the first week of school!”

14. "How do you want your friends to treat you? Do you want them to make fun of you, exclude you?" How could this question help O/S understand how her friends are feeling?


after reading1. What is so bad about teasing, excluding and putting someone down?

2. Name do’s and don’ts for respecting people/and showing empathetic

3. Did O/S learn anything about being more respectful? How can you tell?

4. Is there anything you dislike about the way people treat each other here at school? Do you know of any disrespectful behavior? Describe it. How do you feel about it?

5. What do you like most about the way people treat each other here at school? Does it have anything to do with respect?

6. What is a bully? Is bullying an act of disrespect? In what way? Are there bullies here at school? Can someone be a bully without meaning to be? How?

7. How can treating people with respect prevent fights?

8. When you are with a group of kids, what things might other kids do or say that make you feel good? What things make you feel bad?

9. How does treating people with respect affect your friendships?

STUDENT ACTIVITIES ( evaluation time)

1. What does it mean to treat other people with respect? Have your class brainstorm a list of do's and don'ts for treating people with respect. Ask for specific examples of each behavior they identify. Compare their list with the one at the top of this page. Hang the list up on the wall as a reminder.

2. Go through each item on the list (#1, above), and have the children describe how O/S did just the opposite. Then ask them what O/S could have done to be more respectful.

3. Make a class contract in which the kids lay out a set of rules for having a respectful classroom. What will be the penalties for violating the rules?

4. Brainstorm ways to make your school environment more respectful. Create a list of recommendations, and place them in your school newspaper or on a poster.

5. Have the kids role play or use puppets to act out the following situation: Four good friends are planning to spend a day at an amusement park. Two of them want to invite another kid who's new in school. The other two don't want to include this person because he/she is different in some way (different race, a "dweeb," from a foreign country, etc.). After the role play have a class discussion. Then, have four others do another role play changing what it is that's different about the new kid. Repeat this process changing the difference each time.

Assessing students’ Comprehension skills (考核学生理解能力的方式) (Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy 以 Bloom’s Taxonomy 为理论基础 )

• Use anecdotal record ( observation, conference, group work, homework, one-on-one situation…) 随时记录(课堂活动观察,单独会议,作业,单独或集体活动时)

• Use questions (oral/written ; open-ended questions, Enduring Understanding) 问问题 ( 课堂讨论,书面回答)

Unit /essential questions ( open-ended) (单元学习或核心问题,答案是开放性的,理性的,逻辑思维性,以事实和新的学习材料为基础的,来阐明个人的观点)

• Use writing samples ( 写作范文)• Use culminating task ( 综合性项目 )• Use formal unit tests ( knowledge /pathway)( 单元考试,

思维过程和理念 )• CASI/DRA/CAT4/EQAO ( 标准统一的综和性考试 )

Interview with the teacher in regard to your child’s reading comprehension skills?What are my child’s weaknesses and strengths in

reading?Does he have any decoding problems?What kind of reading are you focusing on this term?What are the expectations for this term’s

reading/writing?What are the strategies or comprehension skills that you

will focus on for next term?How will I do to improve his/her reading comprehension

skills?What is the big idea, enduring understanding, essential

questions or unit questions for this time of reading focus?

Sample assessment (考核方式范例)Assessment for Learning

Assessment as Learning

Assessment of Learning

KWL Chart Retelling Rubric

Self or peer reflection

Venn DiagramComparison and Contrast

Story Element s 12




3Mike: ( 1-4)1. Follows directions

2. cooperationand participation

3. read the scriptwith confidence

4.With expression

5. made gestureswith good eye contact

6. used props



Anecdotal Record for readers' theater

Unit/essential questions questions

understand how to make connections

understand how to use quotation marks and synonyms

Understand the moral

Culminating task

Culminating task

Understand character traits

2. Planning: Backward Design

What is backward design?

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are headed so that you better understand where you are so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

Stephen R. Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (p. 98)

The Backward Design ProcessIdentify desired results

Determine acceptable evidence

Plan learning experiences and instruction

Stage 2


Stage 3

curriculum expectations, essentials, enduring questions, unit questions, important knowledge, big ideas, important concepts/process

A variety of formal and informal assessments/evaluation

Activities, resources, strategies, methods

Key Words

2.1 the process

Enduring Understanding: Character traits help us deal with social problems to meet our community’s needs and wants.Concepts:Interdependence,Sustainability,Interraction,justice,courage, integrity FORWARD


OVERALL EXPECTATIONS:1.use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to present their fables to the class and school2. Writing process3. Identify a fable elements, make connections, infer and understand points of view. 4.Computer typing skills5.Visual arts; painting skills/crafts

CULMINATING TASK:1.Creating and publishing a digital book2. Presenting the book using animation on computer

LEVEL 3 OR LEVEL 4 WORK WILL…1.Demonstrate considerable knowledge and understanding of the topic2.Use considerable critical thinking skills3.Express and organize ideas and information with considerable effectiveness.4.Applies knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness.

SHARED READINGS: fablesFoci: grammar/ elements of fableParts of speechSynonyms/antonymsSuffix/prefixesPunctuation; quotation marksCharacteristics of fableSimiles/metaphor

INDEPENDENT READING: fictional storiesFoci: multiple choicesComprehension questions3R ( retell, reflect, relate)


1.Reading( guided, shared, independent, read aloud)2.Discussion3.Presentation4.Watching videos 5.Role-play/drama6. Grammar study7.Mapping8.Questionary ( before/during/after)9. Venn diagram/comparison10. oral/written retelling( 11. reader’s theater12.Anchor charts for BME/KWL/think-aloud/vocabulary13.making plasticine animals14.Prediction15 visualization( Illustration)

WRITER’S WORKSHOP:Foci:fable 1.Written retelling2. Graphic organizers Venn diagram, KWL chart, noun chart, parts of speech chart5.synonym/antonym6 . Procedural writing7.Letter writing8. Analyze fable elements9.Creating fables using writing Process10.cinquain poem writing11.Reading responses12.Planning13. Writing dialogues for defending

DETAILS TO CONSIDER:TIMELINE:3 monthsACCOMMODATIONS: 1.Peer support/home language2.Extending time3.Visual support4.Simplified vocabulary5.Simple instructions

READ ALOUD:nonfiction/fictionFoci: character traits (E.Q/U.Q)1.Explain How character traits help us deal with social issues in our community?2. Tell about your own experiences related to the moral you learned.3. What character traits does the character have?4.what are examples and non-examples of the characters?5.What are characteristics of a leader or a hero?

GUIDED READING: fablesFoci: character traitsgraphic organizersVenn diagram/comparisonMoral studyAnchor chartunit questionsMaking connectionInference _evidence and character trait


Culminating Task: Creating and presenting a digital book

Quotation marks ,Past tense verb forms, interrogatives, statements, basic sentence structure, descriptive words, writing process, problem, solution, setting, characters,

1. The format of a fable ( KWL)2. The moral study ( comparison/venn

diagramme)3. Letter to the character4. Recommendation letter for an award5. Writing dialogues for defending6. Answer open ended questions7. Analyze, dramatize and interpret

feelings8. Make connections9. Illustrations10. Create a fable to teach a lesson

1. Big Idea: sustainability, interdependence, interconnection character traits respect/responsibility/honesty/fairness/integrity/teamwork/cooperation/empathy/perseverance/kindness&caring 2. Understanding: Character traits will help us deal with social issues in our community

1.Explain How character traits help us deal with social issues in our community?2. Tell about your own experiences related to the moral you learned.3. What character traits does the character have?4.what are examples and non-examples of the characters?5.What are characteristics of a leader or a hero?

Activity III

1. Select one culminating task2. Follow the given graphic

organizer to brainstorm the big ideas/ essential questions/unit questions/assessment and activities

3. Share your work in the class

Culminating Tasks: 1. Writing a letter to the principal to raise public awareness about school bully issues.2. Create a role play script with a moral of kindness and caring3. Make a poster to invite all students to join the celebration of Earth Friendly Day4. Captions for a group of historical pictures in dual languages

Pedagogies used:Teacher modelingTeacher-student

Interaction Peer learning and


movementSmall group settingVisual support


Stress freeRisk takingMeeting multiple levels’

needsBeneficial for

Kinesthetic/visual learners

RelaxationRequire more facilitiesClassroom management


Pedagogies for teaching ELLs:

Quotes and Questions Quote: “Our education system supports and reflects the democratic values of

fairness, equity, and respect for all. The schools we create today will shape the society that we and our children share tomorrow.” TDSB Growing Success

Understanding is “ the capacity to apply facts, concepts and skills in new situations in appropriate ways.” Howard Gardner

“I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.” --Chinese proverb

Questions to be thought of : What is understanding and how does it differ from

knowing? What enduring knowledge is worth understanding? What do we want students to understand and be

able to do? How will we know that students truly understand

and can apply knowledge in a meaningful way? How can we design our units to emphasize

understanding and “uncoverage” rather than “coverage”?

Resources Understanding by Design. Workbook_Wiggins, Grant and Jay McTighe


( for different languages)

Designing & teaching Learning Goals& Objectives_ Robert J.Manrzano

Checking for Understanding_ Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey